
Defines functions guess_value parse_formula array_names acast dcast cast writeLog StructureSurface StructureVolume services

Documented in services StructureSurface StructureVolume writeLog

#' service class
#' @description  It handles messages from script to a chosen output (screen, file, etc.)
#' @useDynLib moddicom
#' @export
#' @import stringr XML
services<-function() {
  # ------------------------------------------------
  # getPointPlaneDistance
  # ------------------------------------------------
  getPointPlaneDistance<-function(Punto,Piano) {
  # ------------------------------------------------
  # get3DPosFromNxNy
  # ------------------------------------------------
  get3DPosFromNxNy<-function(Nx,Ny,oM) {
#   SV.getNxNyFrom3D<-function(Px,Py,Pz,oM) {
#     Ny<-(oM[2,1]*(Px-oM[1,4])+oM[1,1]*(oM[2,4]-pY)) / (oM[1,2]*oM[2,1]-oM[2,2]*oM[1,1] )
#     Nx<-(oM[2,2]*(Px-oM[1,4])+oM[1,2]*(oM[2,4]-Py)) / (oM[1,1]*oM[2,2]-oM[2,1]*oM[1,2] )
#     return( list("Nx"=Nx, "Ny"=Ny)  )
#   }
  # ------------------------------------------------
  # getPlaneEquationBetween3Points
  # ------------------------------------------------
  getPlaneEquationBetween3Points<-function(Pa,Pb,Pc) {
  rotateMatrix<-function( m , rotations = 1) {
    if(rotations == 1 ) m<-t(m[nrow(m):1,])
    if(rotations == 2 ) m<-m[nrow(m):1,ncol(m):1]
    if(rotations == 3 ) m<-t(m)[ncol(m):1,]
    return( m )
#   SV.rotateMatrix3D<-function( matrice , rotations = 1, inverti=FALSE) {
#     for(corsa in seq(1,dim(matrice)[3])) {
#       m<-matrice[,,corsa]
#       if(rotations == 1 ) m<-t(m[nrow(m):1,])
#       if(rotations == 2 ) m<-m[nrow(m):1,ncol(m):1]
#       if(rotations == 3 ) m<-t(m)[ncol(m):1,]
#       if(inverti==FALSE) nuovaPosizione<-corsa
#       else nuovaPosizione<-dim(m)[3]-corsa;
#       matrice[,,nuovaPosizione]<-m
#     }
#     return( matrice )
#   }
#   SV.LoadAccordingOSType<-function(library.name) {
#     if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Windows")
#       return(paste(library.name, ".dll", sep=""))
#     if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Linux")
#       return(paste(library.name, ".so", sep=""))
#   }
  rawSurface<-function(voxelMatrix, pSX, pSY, pSZ) {

    NA.Val <- min(arr[which(!is.na(arr))]) - 100

    res<-.C("rawSurface",as.double(arr),as.integer(nX), as.integer(nY), as.integer(nZ), as.double(pSX), as.double(pSY), as.double(pSZ), as.double(superficie), as.double(NA.Val) );
#   SV.list2XML<-function(  lista, livello=0 , type='1' , outputFileName='') {
#     if(!is.list( lista  ))   return (lista);
#     objS<-services();
#     stringa<-''
#     for( i in names(lista) ) {
#       if(!is.list(lista[[i]])) {lastLF<-'';} else {lastLF<-'\n';}
#       if(type=='1') {
#         roiName<-i
#         roiName<-str_replace_all(string = roiName,pattern = " ",replacement = "_")
#         roiName<-str_replace_all(string = roiName,pattern = ",",replacement = "_")
#         stringa<- paste( c(stringa,"\n",rep(" ",livello),"<",roiName,">",objS$SV.list2XML(lista[[i]], livello+1 ),lastLF,rep(" ",livello),"</",roiName,">"    ),collapse = '' )
#       }
#     }
#     if(outputFileName!='' && livello==0) {
#       fileConn<-file(outputFileName)
#       writeLines(   paste(c("<xml>",stringa,"</xml>"),collapse='')   , fileConn)
#       close(fileConn)
#       return;
#     }
#     else return (stringa)
#   }
# #   SV.trilinearInterpolator<-function(campo,pixelSpacing,newNxNyNzDim) {
# #
# #     Nx<-dim(campo)[1];	Ny<-dim(campo)[2];	Nz<-dim(campo)[3]
# #     xDim<-pixelSpacing[1];	yDim<-pixelSpacing[2];	zDim<-pixelSpacing[3]
# #     newNx<-newNxNyNzDim[1];	newNy<-newNxNyNzDim[2];	newNz<-newNxNyNzDim[3]
# #
# #     result<-array(rep(0,newNx*newNx*newNx))
# #
# #     res<-.C("trilinearInterpolator", as.integer(Nx),as.integer(Ny),as.integer(Nz), as.double(xDim),as.double(yDim),as.double(zDim),as.integer(newNx),as.integer(newNy),as.integer(newNz),as.double(campo),as.double(result) );
# #
# #     return( array( res[[11]] , dim=c(newNx,newNy,newNz) ) )
# #   }
  new.trilinearInterpolator<-function(voxelCube = voxelCube,pixelSpacing.new = pixelSpacing.new,pixelSpacing.old = pixelSpacing.old ) {

    Nx.old<-dim(voxelCube)[1];	Ny.old<-dim(voxelCube)[2];	Nz.old<-dim(voxelCube)[3]
    xDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[1];	yDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[2];	zDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[3]
    xDim.new<-pixelSpacing.new[1];	yDim.new<-pixelSpacing.new[2];	zDim.new<-pixelSpacing.new[3]


    Nx.new<-ceiling(Nx.old * fattoreDiScalaX)
    Ny.new<-ceiling(Ny.old * fattoreDiScalaY)
    Nz.new<-ceiling(Nz.old * fattoreDiScalaZ)

    result<-array(rep( 0 , Nx.new * Ny.new * Nz.new ))

            as.double(voxelCube),as.double(result) );
    result<-array( res[[14]] , dim=c(Nx.new,Ny.new,Nz.new) )
    # browser()
    return( result )
#   new.SV.trilinearInterpolator.onGivenPoints<-function(voxelCube ,pixelSpacing.old , newPointCoords.x,newPointCoords.y,newPointCoords.z  ) {
#     Nx.old<-dim(voxelCube)[1];	Ny.old<-dim(voxelCube)[2];	Nz.old<-dim(voxelCube)[3]
#     xDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[1];	yDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[2];	zDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[3]
# #     Nx.new<-ceiling(Nx.old * fattoreDiScalaX)
# #     Ny.new<-ceiling(Ny.old * fattoreDiScalaY)
# #     Nz.new<-ceiling(Nz.old * fattoreDiScalaZ)
#     punti.asseX<-length(newPointCoords.x);
#     punti.asseY<-length(newPointCoords.y);
#     punti.asseZ<-length(newPointCoords.z);
#     result<-array(rep( 0 , punti.asseX * punti.asseY * punti.asseZ ))
#     res<-.C("newnewtrilinearInterpolator_onGivenPoints",
#             as.integer(Nx.old),as.integer(Ny.old),as.integer(Nz.old),
#             as.double(pixelSpacing.old[1]),as.double(pixelSpacing.old[2]),as.double(pixelSpacing.old[3]),
#             as.double(newPointCoords.x),as.double(newPointCoords.y),as.double(newPointCoords.z),as.integer(punti.asseX),as.integer(punti.asseY),as.integer(punti.asseZ),
#             as.double(voxelCube),as.double(result) );
#     # result<- res[[14]]
#     result<-array( res[[14]] , dim=c(punti.asseX,punti.asseY,punti.asseZ) )
#     return( result )
#   }
#   old_new.SV.trilinearInterpolator.onGivenPoints<-function(voxelCube ,pixelSpacing.old , newPointCoords.x,newPointCoords.y,newPointCoords.z  ) {
#     Nx.old<-dim(voxelCube)[1];	Ny.old<-dim(voxelCube)[2];	Nz.old<-dim(voxelCube)[3]
#     xDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[1];	yDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[2];	zDim.old<-pixelSpacing.old[3]
#     #     Nx.new<-ceiling(Nx.old * fattoreDiScalaX)
#     #     Ny.new<-ceiling(Ny.old * fattoreDiScalaY)
#     #     Nz.new<-ceiling(Nz.old * fattoreDiScalaZ)
#     quantiNuoviPunti<-length(newPointCoords.x);
#     result<-array(rep( 0 , quantiNuoviPunti ))
#     res<-.C("newnewtrilinearInterpolator_onGivenPoints",
#             as.integer(Nx.old),as.integer(Ny.old),as.integer(Nz.old),
#             as.double(pixelSpacing.old[1]),as.double(pixelSpacing.old[2]),as.double(pixelSpacing.old[3]),
#             as.double(newPointCoords.x),as.double(newPointCoords.y),as.double(newPointCoords.z),as.integer(quantiNuoviPunti),
#             as.double(voxelCube),as.double(result) );
#     result<- res[[12]]
#     return( result )
#   }
  # ========================================================================================
  # cropCube: crop a voxel cube in order to limit its dimension to the needs
  # ========================================================================================
  cropCube<-function( bigCube ) {
# browser()
    matPos<-which(bigCube!=0,arr.ind = T)
    min.x<-min(matPos[,1]);     max.x<-max(matPos[,1])
    min.y<-min(matPos[,2]);     max.y<-max(matPos[,2])
    min.z<-min(matPos[,3]);     max.z<-max(matPos[,3])
    newCube<-bigCube[ min.x:max.x, min.y:max.y , min.z:max.z]
    location<-list( "min.x"=min.x, "max.x"=max.x, "min.y"=min.y, "max.y"=max.y, "min.z"=min.z, "max.z"=max.z  )
    return( list ( "voxelCube"=newCube, "location"=location) )
#   adjCommandLinePar<-function(stringa) {
#     if ( Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
#       nuovaStringa<-str_replace_all(string = stringa,pattern = "'",replacement = "")
#     }
#     else nuovaStringa<-stringa;
#     return(nuovaStringa);
#   }
  # ========================================================================================
  # expandCube: expand a cropped voxel cube
  # ========================================================================================
  expandCube<-function( littleCube,  x.start, y.start, z.start, fe, se, te, def.val.for.expanded.space = NA) {

    if(length(dim(littleCube))==3) {
      #bigCube<-array(0,dim=c(fe,se,te) )
      bigCube<-array(def.val.for.expanded.space,dim=c(fe,se,te) )
      for(z in seq(1,dim(littleCube)[3] ) ) {
        for(y in seq(1,dim(littleCube)[2] ) ) {
          for(x in seq(1,dim(littleCube)[1] ) ) {
            bigCube[ x+x.start-1 , y+y.start-1, z+z.start-1  ]<-littleCube[x,y,z]
    if(length(dim(littleCube))==2) {
      bigCube<-array(0,dim=c(fe,se,te) )
      for(y in seq(1,dim(littleCube)[2] ) ) {
        for(x in seq(1,dim(littleCube)[1] ) ) {
          bigCube[ x+x.start-1 , y+y.start-1, 1+z.start-1  ]<-littleCube[x,y]
    if(length(dim(littleCube))==1) stop("FY!");
    return( bigCube )
  triangle2mesh <- function(x) {
    v <- list()
    n <- nrow(x$v1)
    nit <- 1:n
    v$vb <- t(cbind(rbind(x$v1,x$v2,x$v3),1))
    v$it <- rbind(nit,nit+n,nit+2*n)
    class(v) <- "mesh3d"
  # getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile: ottenere struttura xml da oggetto DICOM
  #   data
  # INPUT:
  #   - fileName: il path name
  #   - folderCleanUp: pulizia cartella, impostato come default FALSE
  #       occured
  #   - xml file
  getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile<-function(fileName, folderCleanUp = TRUE) {
    # aggiungi estensione xml
    fileNameXML<-str_replace_all(string = fileNameXML , pattern = " .xml",replacement = ".xml")
    # salva solo path senza nome oggetto DICOM
    pathToStore<-substr(fileName,1,tail(which(strsplit(fileName, '')[[1]]=='/'),1)-1)
    # se file con estensione xml gia' esiste nella cartella non fare nulla altrimenti lo aggiunge
    if(!file.exists( fileNameXML ) | folderCleanUp==TRUE) {
      stringa2<-paste(" +M  ",fileName,fileNameXML,collapse='')
    # Load the XML file: restituisce il file xml nella variabile doc
    doc = xmlInternalTreeParse(fileNameXML)
#   elaboraCarlottaggio<-function( ds.n ,nx=2,ny=2,nz=0) {
#     UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione<-max(c(obj.n$ROIStats("Urina")$total$max,obj.p$ROIStats("Urina")$total$max))
#     total<-length(names(ds.n));
#     #medieNorm<-list();
#     #devianzeNorm<-list();
#     #centroide<-list();
#     medie<-list();
#     devianze<-list();
#     for(i in names(ds.n) )  {
#       print( i )
#       piscioPaziente4Tuning<-mean(ds.n[[i]]$voxelCubes[["Urina"]][which(ds.n[[i]]$voxelCubes[["Urina"]]!=0)])
#       a<-Biopsy(   (ds.n[[ i ]]$voxelCubes$GTV)*(UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione/piscioPaziente4Tuning)    ,nx,ny,nz)
#       if(a$fottiti!="si")
#         medie[[i]]<-a$medie
#       devianze[[i]]<-a$devianze
#       #     medie[[i]]<-density(a$medie)
#       #     devianze[[i]]<-density(a$devianze)
#       #medieNorm[[i]]<-approx(medie$x,medie$y,n=UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione, xout=seq( from=0 , to=max(UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione) ))
#       #devianzeNorm[[i]]<-approx(devianze$x,devianze$y,n=UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione, xout=seq( from=0 , to=max(UpperBoundDiNormalizzazione) ))
#       #medieNorm[[i]]$y[which(is.na(medieNorm[[i]]$y))]<-0
#       #devianzeNorm[[i]]$y[which(is.na(devianzeNorm[[i]]$y))]<-0
#       #centro<-COGravity(x=a$medie,y=a$devianze);
#       #centroide[[i]]<-c(   centro[1] , centro[3] )
#     }
#     #return( list( "medie"=a$medie, "devianze"=a$devianze,"medieNorm"=medieNorm, "devianzeNorm"=devianzeNorm, "centroide"=centroide  ) )
#     return( list( "medie"=medie, "devianze"=devianze  ) )
#   }
  # list of the available methods of the class
#   return(list(SV.getPointPlaneDistance = SV.getPointPlaneDistance,
#               SV.get3DPosFromNxNy = SV.get3DPosFromNxNy,
#               SV.getPlaneEquationBetween3Points = SV.getPlaneEquationBetween3Points,
#               SV.rotateMatrix = SV.rotateMatrix,
#               SV.LoadAccordingOSType = SV.LoadAccordingOSType,
#               SV.rotateMatrix = SV.rotateMatrix,
#               SV.rotateMatrix3D = SV.rotateMatrix3D,
#               SV.rawSurface = SV.rawSurface,
#               triangle2mesh = triangle2mesh,
#               cropCube = cropCube,
#               expandCube = expandCube,
#               new.SV.trilinearInterpolator = new.SV.trilinearInterpolator,
#               new.SV.trilinearInterpolator.onGivenPoints= new.SV.trilinearInterpolator.onGivenPoints,
#               SV.list2XML = SV.list2XML,
#               adjCommandLinePar = adjCommandLinePar,
#               getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile = getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile
#               ))

  # ========================================================================================
  # applyErosion: erode a mmButoVoxelCube
  # ========================================================================================
  applyErosion<-function(  ROIVoxelData, margin.x=2, margin.y=2, margin.z=1 ) {
    if(class(ROIVoxelData) == "mmButoStructureVoxelList") {
      return(applyErosion.mmButoStructureVoxelList(  ROIVoxelData = ROIVoxelData,
                                                     margin.z=margin.z ) )
    if(class(ROIVoxelData) == "geoLetStructureVoxelList") {
      return(applyErosion.geoLetStructureVoxelList(  ROIVoxelData = ROIVoxelData,
                                                     margin.z=margin.z ) )
    if(class(ROIVoxelData) == "array" & length(dim(ROIVoxelData))==3 )  {
      return(applyErosion.3D(  ROIVoxelData = ROIVoxelData,
                                             margin.z=margin.z ) )
    if(class(ROIVoxelData) == "matrix" )  {
      return(applyErosion.2D(  ROIVoxelData = ROIVoxelData,
                               margin.y=margin.y) )
    cat("\n-------------------------------------\n NOT yet implemented, sorry!!!!!! (errorCode: #h78h7) \n-------------------------------------\\n")
  applyErosion.3D<-function(  ROIVoxelData, margin.x=2, margin.y=2, margin.z=1 ) {
    cat("\n-------------------------------------\n NOT yet implemented, sorry!!!!!!  (errorCode: #h41237) \n-------------------------------------\\n")
  applyErosion.2D<-function(  ROIVoxelData, margin.x=2, margin.y=2 ) {
    erodedVoxelCube<- ROIVoxelData
    nX<-dim(erodedVoxelCube)[1];    nY<-dim(erodedVoxelCube)[2];
    mx<-margin.x; my<-margin.y;
    iterator<-0; # this is just to avoid infinite loops...

    # erode it!
    minValue<-min(erodedVoxelCube[which(!is.na(erodedVoxelCube),arr.ind = T)])-100;
    erodedVoxelCube[which(is.na(erodedVoxelCube),arr.ind = T)]<-minValue

    aa<-.C("erosion",as.double(erodedVoxelCube), as.integer(nX), as.integer(nY),
           as.integer(0), as.integer(iterator), as.integer(minValue))

    erodedVoxelCube<-array(aa[[1]], dim=c(nX,nY))

    erodedVoxelCube[which(erodedVoxelCube==minValue,arr.ind = T)]<-NA

  applyErosion.geoLetStructureVoxelList<-function(  ROIVoxelData, margin.x=2, margin.y=2, margin.z=1 ) {
    cat("\n-------------------------------------\n NOT yet implemented, sorry!!!!!!  (errorCode: #h44447) \n-------------------------------------\\n")
  applyErosion.mmButoStructureVoxelList<-function(  ROIVoxelData, margin.x=2, margin.y=2, margin.z=1 ) {
    print("Beginnig erosion....");

    for ( i in names(ROIVoxelData) ) {
      if((TRUE %in% is.na(ROIVoxelData[[i]])) == FALSE  ) {

        print( paste( c("Eroding: ",i)   ,collapse = '')    );
        # declare the lists
        res[[i]]<-list();    res[[i]]$stat<-list();

        # get the voxel cube and prepare the erosion
        # get the dimensions and set the desired margins
        nX<-dim(erodedVoxelCube)[1];    nY<-dim(erodedVoxelCube)[2];    nZ<-dim(erodedVoxelCube)[3];
        mx<-margin.x; my<-margin.y; mz<-margin.z;
        iterator<-0; # this is just to avoid infinite loops...
        # erode it!
        minValue<-min(erodedVoxelCube[which(!is.na(erodedVoxelCube),arr.ind = T)])-100;
        erodedVoxelCube[which(is.na(erodedVoxelCube),arr.ind = T)]<-minValue

        aa<-.C("erosion",as.double(erodedVoxelCube), as.integer(nX), as.integer(nY),
               as.integer(margin.z), as.integer(iterator), as.integer(minValue))

        erodedVoxelCube<-array(aa[[1]], dim=c(nX,nY,nZ))

        erodedVoxelCube[which(erodedVoxelCube==minValue,arr.ind = T)]<-NA
      else {
        print( paste( c("Eroding: ",i)   ,collapse = '')    );
    return( ROIVoxelData )
  # --------------------------------------------------
  # getDICOMTag
  # --------------------------------------------------
  getDICOMTag<-function(tag=tag, fileName="", folderCleanUp = TRUE) {    
    # exemption: you want an Image!
    # if(tag == "7fe0,0010") return( getImageFromRAW(fileName)  );
    if(tag == "7fe0,0010") stop("Not available Yet! (for tag 7fe0,0010)")
    # build the XML file and get the XML structure
    doc<-getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile(fileName = fileName, folderCleanUp = folderCleanUp)    
    # build the QUERY
    if(tag=="0018,0031" | tag=="0018,1072" | tag=="0018,1074" | tag=="0018,1075") {
    if(stringaQuery=='') stringaQuery<-paste(c('/file-format/data-set/element[@tag="',tag,'"]'),collapse='');
    # execute the QUERY    
    if(length(valore)==2) logObj$handle( "error" , "a tag in DICOM file seems to be duplicated"  );
    if(length(valore)==0) return(NA);

  return( list(
    "getPointPlaneDistance" = getPointPlaneDistance,
    "getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile" = getXMLStructureFromDICOMFile,
    "rotateMatrix" = rotateMatrix,
    "get3DPosFromNxNy" = get3DPosFromNxNy,
    "cropCube" = cropCube,
    "getPlaneEquationBetween3Points" = getPlaneEquationBetween3Points,
    "new.trilinearInterpolator" = new.trilinearInterpolator,
    "expandCube" = expandCube,
    "triangle2mesh" = triangle2mesh,
    "applyErosion" = applyErosion,
    "rawSurface" = rawSurface,

# logObj<-function() {
#   sendLog<-function( msg ) {
#     cat("\n",msg)
#   }
#   handle<-function( type , msg) {
#     cat("\n",type, " ==>", msg)
#     stop()
#   }
#   return(
#     "sendLog"=sendLog,
#     "handle"=handle
#   )
# }

#' Mesh volume and surface
#' @description  function for calculating the Volume of a Mesh
#' @useDynLib moddicom
StructureVolume<-function(mesh, measure.unit=c("cm3", "mm3")) {
  if (class(x = mesh)!="mesh3d") stop("mesh isn't a mesh3d object")
  measure.unit<-match.arg(arg = measure.unit)
  if (measure.unit=="mm3") mu<-1
  if (measure.unit=="cm3") mu<-1000
  # MeshVolume(double *X, double *Y, double *Z, int *numT, int *V1, int *V2, int *V3, double *Volume)
  return(.C("MeshVolume", as.double(mesh$vb[1,]), as.double(mesh$vb[2,]), as.double(mesh$vb[3,]),
            as.integer(ncol(mesh$it)), as.integer(mesh$it[1,]-1), as.integer(mesh$it[2,]-1),
            as.integer(mesh$it[3,]-1), as.double(Volume))[[8]]/mu)

#' Mesh surface
#' @description  function for calculating the Surface of a Mesh
#' @useDynLib moddicom
StructureSurface<-function(mesh, measure.unit=c("cm2", "mm2")) {
  if (class(x = mesh)!="mesh3d") stop("mesh isn't a mesh3d object")
  measure.unit<-match.arg(arg = measure.unit)
  if (measure.unit=="mm2") mu<-1
  if (measure.unit=="cm2") mu<-100
  # MeshVolume(double *X, double *Y, double *Z, int *numT, int *V1, int *V2, int *V3, double *Volume)
  return(.C("MeshSurface", as.double(mesh$vb[1,]), as.double(mesh$vb[2,]), as.double(mesh$vb[3,]),
            as.integer(ncol(mesh$it)), as.integer(mesh$it[1,]-1), as.integer(mesh$it[2,]-1),
            as.integer(mesh$it[3,]-1), as.double(Surface))[[8]]/mu)

# -im Carlotta 23112017
#' Write an external file
#' @description scrive quanto indicato come stringa nell'oggetto stringa
#'  su un file esterno nel path indicato nel LogFilePath 
#' @useDynLib moddicom
writeLog<-function(  stringa, file = path ) {
  write( stringa, file = path, append=T )
# -fm Carlotta 23112017

#- inizio modifica jl 31/10/2019: inserisco le funzioni cast di reshape2 per evitare il warning in library(moddicom) su conflitto con data.table

cast <- function(data, formula, fun.aggregate = NULL, ..., subset = NULL, fill = NULL, drop = TRUE, value.var = guess_value(data), value_var) {
  if (!missing(value_var)) {
    stop("Please use value.var instead of value_var.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!(value.var %in% names(data))) {
    stop("value.var (", value.var, ") not found in input", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    include <- data.frame(eval.quoted(subset, data))
    data <- data[rowSums(include) == ncol(include), ]
  formula <- parse_formula(formula, names(data), value.var)
  value <- data[[value.var]]
  # Need to branch here depending on whether or not we have strings or
  # expressions - strings should avoid making copies of the data
  vars <- lapply(formula, eval.quoted, envir = data, enclos = parent.frame(2))
  # Compute labels and id values
  ids <- lapply(vars, id, drop = drop)
  # Empty specifications (.) get repeated id
  is_empty <- vapply(ids, length, integer(1)) == 0
  empty <- structure(rep(1, nrow(data)), n = 1L)
  ids[is_empty] <- rep(list(empty), sum(is_empty))
  labels <- mapply(split_labels, vars, ids, MoreArgs = list(drop = drop),
                   SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  labels[is_empty] <- rep(list(data.frame(. = ".")), sum(is_empty))
  overall <- id(rev(ids), drop = FALSE)
  n <- attr(overall, "n")
  # Aggregate duplicates
  if (any(duplicated(overall)) || !is.null(fun.aggregate)) {
    if (is.null(fun.aggregate)) {
      message("Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length")
      fun.aggregate <- length
    ordered <- vaggregate(.value = value, .group = overall,
                          .fun = fun.aggregate, ...,  .default = fill, .n = n)
    overall <- seq_len(n)
  } else {
    # Add in missing values, if necessary
    if (length(overall) < n) {
      overall <- match(seq_len(n), overall, nomatch = NA)
    } else {
      overall <- order(overall)
    ordered <- value[overall]
    if (!is.null(fill)) {
      ordered[is.na(ordered)] <- fill
  ns <- vapply(ids, attr, double(1), "n")
  dim(ordered) <- ns
    data = ordered,
    labels = labels

dcast <- function(data, formula, fun.aggregate = NULL, ..., margins = NULL, subset = NULL, fill=NULL, drop = TRUE, value.var = guess_value(data))  {
  formula <- parse_formula(formula, names(data), value.var)
  if (length(formula) > 2) {
    stop("Dataframes have at most two output dimensions")
  if (!is.null(margins)) {
    data <- add_margins(data, lapply(formula, names), margins)
  res <- cast(data, formula, fun.aggregate, ...,
              subset = subset, fill = fill, drop = drop,
              value.var = value.var)
  data <- as.data.frame.matrix(res$data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(data) <- array_names(res$labels[[2]])
  stopifnot(nrow(res$labels[[1]]) == nrow(data))
  cbind(res$labels[[1]], data)

acast <- function(data, formula, fun.aggregate = NULL, ..., margins = NULL, subset = NULL, fill=NULL, drop = TRUE, value.var = guess_value(data)) {
  formula <- parse_formula(formula, names(data), value.var)
  if (!is.null(margins)) {
    data <- add_margins(data, lapply(formula, names), margins)
  res <- cast(data, formula, fun.aggregate, ...,
              subset = subset, fill = fill, drop = drop, value.var = value.var)
  dimnames(res$data) <- lapply(res$labels, array_names)

array_names <- function(df) {
  do.call(paste, c(df, list(sep = "_")))

parse_formula <- function(formula = "...  ~ variable", varnames, value.var = "value") {
  remove.placeholder <- function(x) x[x != "."]
  replace.remainder <- function(x) {
    if (any(x == "...")) c(x[x != "..."], remainder) else x
  if (is.formula(formula)) {
    formula <- str_c(deparse(formula, 500), collapse = "")
  if (is.character(formula)) {
    dims <- str_split(formula, fixed("~"))[[1]]
    formula <- lapply(str_split(dims, "[+*]"), str_trim)
    formula <- lapply(formula, remove.placeholder)
    all_vars <- unlist(formula)
    if (any(all_vars == "...")) {
      remainder <- setdiff(varnames, c(all_vars, value.var))
      formula <- lapply(formula, replace.remainder)
  if (!is.list(formula)) {
    stop("Don't know how to parse", formula, call. = FALSE)
  lapply(formula, as.quoted)

guess_value <- function(df) {
  if ("value" %in% names(df)) return("value")
  if ("(all)" %in% names(df)) return("(all)")
  last <- names(df)[ncol(df)]
  message("Using ", last, " as value column: use value.var to override.")
kbolab/moddicom documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 9:11 p.m.