annoByGtfchipseq | Annotating RSEM gene.results using ENSEMBL gtf and refGenome... |
anovaLike | A function allowing the identification of differentially... |
bowtie2 | Running bowtie2 |
bowtie2Index | Generating bowtie2 genome index |
bwa | Running bwa, Li and Durbin Bioinformatics, 2009 Jul... |
bwaIndex | Generating bwa genome index |
bwaIndexUcsc | Generating bwa genome index for GATK variant call |
cdhit | A function to execute CD-HIT |
chipseq | Detection and annotation of TF binding sites and histone... |
chipseqCounts | Running MACS & SICER workflow NOT READY FOR STABLE check it! |
CIRCexplorer2 | Running CIRCexplorer2 parse command for circRNAs prediction... |
circrnaAnnotations | Annotation of a list of circRNAs |
circrnaBSJunctions | Running CircHunter circRNA backsplicing sequence... |
circrnaClassification | Running CircHunter circRNA classification module |
circrnaMergePredictions | Function to merge different circRNA lists predicted from one... |
circrnaOverlapResults | Running circRNA prediction overlap |
circrnaPrepareFiles | Function to prepare the CircHunter reference annotations |
circrnaQuantification | Running CircHunter circRNA quantification module |
circrnaReformat | Running circRNA reformat script |
ciri2 | Running CIRI v2 tool for circRNAs prediction |
ciriAS | Running CIRI_AS tool for circRNAs structure prediction |
cutadapt | Function to execute Cutadapt on RNA-Seq reads |
deeptoolBwig | Create a bigWig from the output of bowtie2 |
demultiplexing | Generating running bcl2fastq |
dockerTest | Testing if Docker is installed |
downloadContainers | Download for the first time all containers embedded in the... |
experimentPower | A wrapper function for experiment_power from RnaSeqSampleSize... |
fastq2fasta | A function to handle the conversion from fastq to fasta |
fastqc | A function to handle a docker containier executing fastqc |
filterCounts | Filter a count table using a table of DE from wrapperDeseq2 |
gatkDNA | Running realignment and recalibration, GATK |
getInfo | Downloading the full set of genes information from HGNC |
hashclone | HashClone running A function to handle a hashclone docker... |
heatmapBase | hfc, heatmap for clustering |
heatmaply | Function to produce an interactive heatmap using |
kraken | A function executing kraken |
macs2 | A function to handle a MACS2 containier |
mergeData | Function to merge different circRNA lists from CIRI 2 |
mirnaCounts | Counting miRNAs, Cordero et al. PLoS One. 2012;7:e31630 |
mirnaCovar | Adding covariates and batch information to miRNAseq raw... |
multiQC | A function to handle a docker containier executing MultiQC |
oncosnp | A function to handle a docker containier executing CNV... |
oncosnpAnnotation | A function to associate CNV generated by oncSNP starting from... |
pca | generating a PCA from counts, FPKM and TPM tables from... |
platypus | Platypus analysis NOT READY TO GO ON STABLE missing test set |
platypusFilter | Platypus filter analysis NOT READY TO GO ON STABLE to be used... |
prepare4expands | A function to handle a docker containier preparing the file... |
pubmedNet | Creating networks on the basis of the links between genes ids... |
rnaseqCounts | Running RNAseq counting workflow for a single sample |
rsemanno | Annotating RSEM gene.results using ENSEMBL annotation |
rsemannoByGtf | Annotating RSEM gene.results using ENSEMBL gtf and refGenome... |
rsemBw | Creating a bigwig using RSEM |
rsemstar | Running RSEM, Li and Dewey BMC Bioinformatics 2011 12:323 |
rsemstarIndex | Generating rsem-star genome index |
rsemstarUscsIndex | Generating rsem-star genome index |
runDocker | Run docker container |
salmonAnnotation | A function to annotate salmon output |
salmonCounts | A function to handle a salmon docker container |
salmonIndex | A function to create a Salmon pseudo reference |
sample2experiment | generating counts, FPKM and TPM tables from rnaseqCounts... |
sampleSize | A wrapper function for sample_size_distribution function from... |
skeleton | A skeleton function to handle a docker containier |
skewer | Running skewer, an adapter trimmer application, Jiang et al... |
skewerXSergio | Running skewer, an adapter trimmer application, Jiang et al... |
sncRNA | Running small RNA-seq single-end reads alignment and... |
snvPreprocessing | Running indel relignment and quality recalibration on bam... |
sraDownload | A function to handle fasterq-dumper SRA to download SRA fastq... |
star | Running Star two steps for variant calls |
star2steps | Running Star two steps for variant calls |
starChimeric | Running Star to detect chimeric transcripts on paired-end... |
starchipCircle | Running starchip to detect circular RNAs on paired-end... |
starChipIndex | Preparing the bed file required by starchip to detect... |
testSeqbox | Testing the SeqBox basic installation |
trimFasta | A function to execute seqtk trimming |
wrapperCiri | Wrapper function for circRNAs prediction using CIRI 2 |
wrapperDeseq2 | A wrapper function for deseq2 for two groups only |
wrapperPdx | Running PDX data preprocessing TO BE REVISED |
wrapperSalmon | A function to estimate counts using Salmon quasi-alignment |
wrapperSTARChip | Wrapper function for circRNAs prediction using STARChip |
xenome | Running xenome, |
xenomeIndex | Generating xenome genome indexes |
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