
#  =============================================================================
#  TCGA-Assembler version 2
#  Copyright (C) <2017>  <Yitan Zhu>
#  This file is part of TCGA-Assembler.
#  TCGA-Assembler is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  TCGA-Assembler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with TCGA-Assembler.  If not, see <>.
#  =============================================================================

#  =============================================================================
#  TCGA-Assembler Version 2 Module A
#  =============================================================================

#  =============================================================================
#  variable prefix example
#  =============================================================================
#  s : string
#  n : number
#  v : vector
#  d : data.frame
#  m : matrix
#  l : list
#  lv : list of vector
#  ld : list of data.frame

#  =============================================================================
#  internal functions, NOT used directly by user
#  =============================================================================

#' Get fields names of GDC entities
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return Character vector of all available field names.
#' @examples
#' fieldsList <- FieldsList("legacy")
#' fieldsList <- FieldsList("")
FieldsList <- function(arch = "legacy",
											 endp = "files") {
	url <- paste("",
							 ifelse(arch == "", "", "/"),
							 sep = "")
	opt <- "--silent --show-error"
	arg <- paste(opt, url)
	jsn <- paste(system2("curl", arg, stdout = T), collapse = "")

#' Define the default fields used in metadata file
#' @return Character vector of selected fields names for metadata.
FieldsMeta <- function() {
	return(c(# "access",
					 # "cases.case_id",
					 "cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id",  # 1st
					 # "cases.samples.portions.analytes.submitter_id",
					 "cases.samples.portions.submitter_id",  # 2nd
					 "cases.samples.sample_type_id",  #  sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
					 # "md5sum",

#' Get count of GDC entities in /archive/endpoint
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return Count of entities in specified archive & endpoint.
#' @examples
#' entityCount <- EntityCount("legacy")
#' entityCount <- EntityCount("")
EntityCount <- function(arch = "legacy",
												endp = "files") {
	url <- paste("",
							 ifelse(arch == "", "", "/"),
							 sep = "")
	opt <- "--silent --show-error"
	arg <- paste(opt, url)
	jsn <- paste(system2("curl", arg, stdout = T), collapse = "")
	# stopifnot(length(fromJSON(jsn)$warnings) == 0)

#' Get a string of current time (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
#' @return String of current time (YYYYMMDDhhmmss).
#' @examples
#' TimeNow()
TimeNow <- function() {
	return(gsub("[- :]", "", as.character(Sys.time())))

#' Get index of the entity with newest archive file version
#' @param archiveNames Character vector of "archive.file_name". All of
#' these entities have same "file_name".
#' @return Index of the newest one.
#' @examples
#' v <- c("mdanderson.org_BRCA.MDA_RPPA_Core.Level_3.114.1.0.tar.gz",
#'        "mdanderson.org_BRCA.MDA_RPPA_Core.Level_3.2.1.0.tar.gz",
#'        "mdanderson.org_BRCA.MDA_RPPA_Core.Level_3.10.1.0.tar.gz")
#' n <- ArchiveNewest(v)
ArchiveNewest <- function(archiveNames) {
	m <- sapply(strsplit(archiveNames, split = "\\."),
							function(x){rev(x)[5 : 3]})
	mode(m) <- "numeric"  # OR class(m) <- "numeric"
	vOrder <-, lapply(seq(nrow(m)), function(x){m[x, ]}))

#' Get vector of bool indicate the one with newest archive file version or not
#' in one group
#' @param archiveNames Character vector of "archive.file_name". All of
#' these entities have same "file_name".
#' @return Bool vector to indicate the newest one in one group
ArchiveNewestInGroup <- function(archiveNames) {
	b <- seq(length(archiveNames)) == ArchiveNewest(archiveNames)
	return(ifelse(b, T, F))

#' Get vector of bool indicate the one with newest archive file version or not
#' in every group
#' @param archiveNames Character vector of "archive.file_name", could be
#' split into groups, each group with a unique "file_name".
#' @param splitFactor Character vector of "file_name" (sorted).
#' @return Bool vector to indicate the newest one in every group.
ArchiveNewestInGroups <- function(archiveNames,
																	splitFactor) {
	stopifnot(all(splitFactor == splitFactor[order(splitFactor)])) # splitFactor should be sorted before split
	return(unlist(lapply(split(archiveNames, splitFactor),

#' Choose columns from a file
#' @param fileName String of filename.
#' @param fileId String of fileId with same length of fileName.
#' @param colNames Character vector of colname, specify the columns choosed.
#' @param sortBy Name one column which acts as the rownames.
#' @param skipLines Number of lines skipped in \code{read.csv}.
#' @param naStrings String indicating the \code{NA} in \code{read.csv}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with specified columns from one file.
ColumnsFromFile <- function(fileName,
														sortBy = "",
														skipLines = 0,
														naStrings) {
	d <- read.csv(fileName,
								sep = "\t",
								row.names = NULL, = T,
								skip = skipLines,
								na.strings = naStrings)
	if (sortBy != "") {
		if (length(d[, sortBy]) != length(unique(d[, sortBy]))) { # probe duplicated, check same value for each probe group
			stopifnot(all(tapply(Reduce(paste, d[, colNames]), d[, sortBy],
													 function(x){length(unique(x)) == 1})))
			d <- d[!duplicated(d[, sortBy]), ]
		stopifnot(length(d[, sortBy]) == length(unique(d[, sortBy])))
		rownames(d) <- d[, sortBy]
		d <- d[order(d[, sortBy]), colNames]
	} else {
		d <- cbind("fileId" = rep(fileId, dim(d)[1]), d[, colNames])

#' Choose columns from each file of filenames
#' @param fileName String of filename, named with file_id.
#' @param colNames Character vector of colname, specify the columns choosed.
#' @param sortBy Name one column which acts as the rownames.
#' @param skipLines Number of lines skipped in \code{read.csv}.
#' @param naStrings String indicating the \code{NA} in \code{read.csv}.
#' @return List of \code{data.frame} with specified columns from each file.
ColumnsFromFiles <- function(fileNameById,
														 sortBy = "",
														 skipLines = 0,
														 naStrings = "NA") {
	l <- lapply(names(fileNameById),
	names(l) <- names(fileNameById)

#' Strip characters at left or right end of each string in a vector
#' @param vUnstripped Character vector of unstripped strings.
#' @param stripNum Number of characters need to be stripped.
#' @param stripEnd Sting indicating the terminal: "right" or "left".
#' @return Character vector of stripped strings.
StripEnd <- function(vUnstripped,
										 stripEnd = "right") {
	if (stripNum == 0) {
		vStripped <- vUnstripped
	} else  {
		if (stripEnd %in% c("r", "right")) {
			vStripped <- sapply(strsplit(vUnstripped, split = ""),
														paste(x[-((length(x) - stripNum + 1) : length(x))],
																	collapse = "")
		} else if (stripEnd %in% c("l", "left")) {
			vStripped <- sapply(strsplit(vUnstripped, split = ""),
														paste(x[-(1 : stripNum)], collapse = "")
		} else {
			print("stripEnd should be one of 'right', 'r', 'l' or 'left'")

#' Make a vector of values named with probes
#' @param dProbeValue A \code{data.frame}, usually read from filename.
#' @param colProbe String of column name of probe, used as name.
#' @param colValue String of column name of value.
#' @param stripNum Number of characters need to be stripped from "probe".
#' @param stripEnd Sting indicating the terminal: "right" or "left".
#' @return Named vector.
ProbeValue <- function(dProbeValue,
											 stripNum = 0,
											 stripEnd = "right") {
	v <- dProbeValue[, colValue]
	names(v) <- StripEnd(dProbeValue[, colProbe], stripNum, stripEnd)

#' Cut the "*\\.1\\.*" columns and rows with \code{NA} only
#' @param metaData A \code{data.frame} read from metadata file.
#' @param colPattern String of regular expression pattern to filter colname.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} after cutting.
MetaCut <- function(metaData,
										colPattern = "\\.1\\.") {
	colIdx <- grep(colPattern, colnames(metaData))
	rowIdx <- sapply(seq(dim(metaData)[1]),
										 ifelse(all([x, colIdx])), T, F)
	metaCut <- metaData[rowIdx, seq(dim(metaData)[2])[-colIdx]]

#' Define the filters with specified assay platform
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform.
#' @return List of filter.
#' @example
#' filter <- Filter("methylation_450")
Filter <- function(sAssay) {
	filter <- list()
	vAssay <- c(# Copy number segmentation
							# Exon junction quantification
							# Exon quantification
							# Gene expression quantification
							# Isoform expression quantification
							# Methylation beta value
							# miRNA gene quantification
							# miRNA gene quantification
							# miRNA isoform quantification
							# miRNA isoform quantification
							# Protein expression quantification
							# Simple somatic mutation
							# CPTAC
	if (!sAssay %in% vAssay) {  # assayPlatform = sAssay
		print(paste(c("assayPlatform should be one of:", vAssay), collapse = " "))
	} else if (sAssay == "cna_cnv.hg18") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Copy number variation")
		filter$data_type             <- c("Copy number segmentation")
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Genotyping array"
		filter$platform              <- "Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.hg18\\.seg\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "cna_cnv.hg19") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Copy number variation")
		filter$data_type             <- c("Copy number segmentation")
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Genotyping array"
		filter$platform              <- "Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.hg19\\.seg\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "cna_nocnv.hg18") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Copy number variation")
		filter$data_type             <- c("Copy number segmentation")
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Genotyping array"
		filter$platform              <- "Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.nocnv_hg18\\.seg\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "cna_nocnv.hg19") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Copy number variation")
		filter$data_type             <- c("Copy number segmentation")
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Genotyping array"
		filter$platform              <- "Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.nocnv_hg19\\.seg\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "exon_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Exon quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.bt\\.exon_quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "exon_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Exon quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.bt\\.exon_quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "exonJunction_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Exon junction quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.junction_quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "exonJunction_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Exon junction quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.junction_quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "gene_Array") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Gene expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Gene expression array"
		filter$platform              <- "AgilentG4502A_07_3"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.txt_lmean\\.out\\.logratio\\.gene\\.tcga_level3\\.data\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "gene.normalized_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Gene expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.genes\\.normalized_results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "gene_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Gene expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.genes\\.results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "gene.normalized_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Gene expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.genes\\.normalized_results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "gene_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Gene expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.genes\\.results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "isoform.normalized_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Isoform expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.isoforms\\.normalized_results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "isoform_RNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Isoform expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.isoforms\\.results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "isoform.normalized_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Isoform expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.isoforms\\.normalized_results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "isoform_TotalRNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "Isoform expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Total RNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.rsem\\.isoforms\\.results"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_GA.hg18") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_GA.hg19") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirbase20\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_HiSeq.hg18") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_HiSeq.hg19") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20") {
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA gene quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirbase20\\.mirna\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_GA.hg18") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_GA.hg19") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_GA.hg19.mirbase20") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina GA"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirbase20\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg18") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20") {  # rows different
		filter$data_category         <- c("Gene expression")
		filter$data_type             <- "miRNA isoform quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "miRNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina HiSeq"
		filter$file_name             <- "^[^\\.]*\\.hg19\\.mirbase20\\.isoform\\.quantification\\.txt"
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "methylation_27") {
		filter$data_category         <- "DNA methylation"
		filter$data_type             <- "Methylation beta value"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Methylation array"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina Human Methylation 27"
		filter$file_name             <- "jhu-usc\\.edu_.*\\.HumanMethylation27\\."
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "methylation_450") {
		filter$data_category         <- "DNA methylation"
		filter$data_type             <- "Methylation beta value"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Methylation array"
		filter$platform              <- "Illumina Human Methylation 450"
		filter$file_name             <- "jhu-usc\\.edu_.*\\.HumanMethylation450\\."
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.analytes.0.aliquots.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "protein_RPPA") {  # differnt "archive.file_name"
		filter$data_category         <- "Protein expression"
		filter$data_type             <- "Protein expression quantification"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "Protein expression array"
		filter$platform              <- "MDA_RPPA_Core"
		filter$file_name             <-
		filter$submitter_id          <- "cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.submitter_id"
	} else if (sAssay == "somaticMutation_DNAseq") {
		filter$data_category         <- "Simple nucleotide variation"
		filter$data_type             <- "Simple somatic mutation"
		filter$experimental_strategy <- "DNA-Seq"
		filter$platform              <- c("Illumina GA", "Illumina HiSeq", "Mixed platforms")
		filter$file_name             <- "\\.somatic\\.maf"
		filter$submitter_id          <- c("cases.0.samples.0.portions.0.submitter_id",  # both exist
	} else if (sAssay == "glycoproteome_iTRAQ") {  # from CTPAC not GDC
		filter$data_category         <- NA
		filter$data_type             <- NA
		filter$experimental_strategy <- NA
		filter$platform              <- "glycoproteome_iTRAQ"
		filter$file_name             <- "_Glycoproteome\\.glycosite\\.itraq\\.tsv"
		filter$submitter_id          <- NA
	} else if (sAssay == "phosphoproteome_iTRAQ") {  # from CTPAC not GDC
		filter$data_category         <- NA
		filter$data_type             <- NA
		filter$experimental_strategy <- NA
		filter$platform              <- "phosphoproteome_iTRAQ"
		filter$file_name             <- "_Phosphoproteome\\.phosphosite\\.itraq\\.tsv"
		filter$submitter_id          <- NA
	} else if (sAssay == "proteome_iTRAQ") {  # from CTPAC not GDC
		filter$data_category         <- NA
		filter$data_type             <- NA
		filter$experimental_strategy <- NA
		filter$platform              <- "proteome_iTRAQ"
		filter$file_name             <- "_Proteome.(itraq|spectral_counts)\\.tsv"
		filter$submitter_id          <- NA

#' Get metadata of biospecimen & clinical data files with defined filter
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of metadata.
#' @example
#' metadata <- MetaDataClin(tmpDir = ".")
MetaDataClin <- function(tmpDir = ".",
												 arch = "legacy",
												 fieldsMeta = "",
												 entityCount = (-1),
												 endp = "files") {
	if (entityCount == (-1)) {
		entityCount <- EntityCount(arch, endp)
	if (fieldsMeta == "") {
		fieldsMeta <- FieldsMeta()
	} else {
		fieldsList <- FieldsList(arch, endp)
		print("fields names: checking ...")
		stopifnot(all(fieldsMeta %in% fieldsList))
		print("fields names: checking done!")
	print("metadata file: preparing ...")
	out <- paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata_", endp, ".tsv", sep = "")
	url <- paste('"', arch,
							 ifelse(arch == '', '', '/'), endp, '"',
							 sep = '')
	opt <- paste("-o ", out,
							 " --silent --show-error --request POST",
							 " --header Content-Type:application/json --data @",
							 tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json",
							 sep = "")
	arg <- paste(opt, url)
	filter2 <- list()
	filter2$access <- list(op = "=",
												 content = list(field = "access", value = "open"))
	filter2$data_format <- list(op = "in",
															content = list(field = "data_format",
																						 value = "Biotab"))
	filterAll <- list(op = "and",
										content = list(filter2$access,
	payload <- list(filters = filterAll,
									format = "TSV",
									sort = "file_id",
									from = 1,
									size = entityCount,
									fields = paste(fieldsMeta, collapse = ","))
	cat(toJSON(payload), file = paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json", sep = ""))
	stdOut <- system2("curl", arg, stdout = T)
	if (!is.null(attr(stdOut, "status"))) {
		print("error (download): check the proxy")
	stopifnot(is.null(attr(stdOut, "status")))
	if ("data" %in% dir()) {file.remove("data")}
	metaData <- tryCatch(read.csv(out,
																sep = "\t",
																row.names = NULL,
						 = T,
																na.strings = ""),
											 error = function(e){print(e$message); return(NULL)})
	if (!is.null(metaData)) {  # > 0 lines available in input
		if (nrow(metaData) == 0) {
			metaData <- NULL
		} else {
									file = paste(tmpDir,
															 sep = ""),
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = NA,
									row.names = T)
	print("metadata file: preparing done!")

#' Get metadata of somatic mutation data files with defined filter
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of metadata.
MetaDataSoma <- function(vCancer = "BRCA",
												 sampleTypeId = sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61)),
												 tmpDir = ".",
												 arch = "legacy",
												 fieldsMeta = "",
												 entityCount = (-1),
												 endp = "files") {
	if (entityCount == (-1)) {
		entityCount <- EntityCount(arch, endp)
	if (fieldsMeta == "") {
		fieldsMeta <- FieldsMeta()
	} else {
		fieldsList <- FieldsList(arch, endp)
		print("fields names: checking ...")
		stopifnot(all(fieldsMeta %in% fieldsList))
		print("fields names: checking done!")
	filter <- Filter(sAssay)
	print("metadata file: preparing ...")
	out <- paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata_", endp, ".tsv", sep = "")
	url <- paste('"', arch,
							 ifelse(arch == '', '', '/'), endp, '"',
							 sep = '')
	opt <- paste("-o ", out, " --silent --show-error --request POST ",
							 "--header Content-Type:application/json --data @",
							 tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json", sep = "")
	arg <- paste(opt, url)
	filter2 <- list()
	filter2$access <- list(op = "=" ,
												 content = list(field = "access",
																				value = "open"))
	filter2$data_format <- list(op = "in",
															content = list(field = "data_format",
																						 value = "MAF"))
	filter2$project_id <- list(op = "in",
														 content = list(field = "cases.project.project_id",
																						value = paste("TCGA", vCancer,
																													sep = "-")))
	filter2$data_category <- list(op = "in",
																content = list(field = "data_category",
																							 value = filter$data_category))
	filter2$data_type <- list(op = "in",
														content = list(field = "data_type",
																					 value = filter$data_type))
	filter2$experimental_strategy <- list(op = "in",
																				content = list(field = "experimental_strategy",
																											 value = filter$experimental_strategy))
	filter2$platform <- list(op = "in",
													 content = list(field = "platform",
																					value = filter$platform))
	filterAll <- list(op = "and",
										content = list(filter2$access,
	payload <- list(filters = filterAll,
									format = "TSV",
									sort = "file_id",
									from = 1,
									size = entityCount,
									fields = paste(fieldsMeta, collapse = ","))
	cat(toJSON(payload), file = paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json", sep = ""))
	stdOut <- system2("curl", arg, stdout = T)
	if (!is.null(attr(stdOut, "status"))) {
		print("error (download): check the proxy")
	stopifnot(is.null(attr(stdOut, "status")))
	if ("data" %in% dir()) {file.remove("data")}
	metaData <- tryCatch(read.csv(out,
																sep = "\t",
																row.names = NULL,
						 = T,
																na.strings = ""),
											 error = function(e){print(e$message); return(NULL)})
	if (!is.null(metaData)) {  # > 0 lines available in input
		colNames <- c("archive.file_name",
		metaData <- metaData[, colNames]
		rownames(metaData) <- metaData[, "file_id"]
								file = paste(tmpDir,
														 paste(vCancer, collapse = "_"),
														 sep = ""),
								quote = F,
								sep = "\t",
								col.names = NA,
								row.names = T)
	print("metadata file: preparing done!")

#' Get metadata of spefified assay platform files with defined filter
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of metadata.
#' @example
#' metaData <- function(vCancer = "BRCA",
#' 										 sAssay = "gene_RNAseq",
#'										 sampleTypeId = sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61)),
#' 										 tmpDir = ".",
#' 										 arch = "legacy",
#' 										 fieldsMeta = "",
#' 										 entityCount = (-1),
#' 										 endp = "files")
MetaData <- function(vCancer = "BRCA",
										 sampleTypeId = sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61)),
										 tmpDir = ".",
										 arch = "legacy",
										 fieldsMeta = "",
										 entityCount = (-1),
										 endp = "files") {
	if (entityCount == (-1)) {
		entityCount <- EntityCount(arch, endp)
	if (fieldsMeta == "") {
		fieldsMeta <- FieldsMeta()
	} else {
		fieldsList <- FieldsList(arch, endp)
		print("fields names: checking ...")
		stopifnot(all(fieldsMeta %in% fieldsList))
		print("fields names: checking done!")
	filter <- Filter(sAssay)
	print("metadata file: preparing ...")
	out <- paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata_", endp, ".tsv", sep = "")
	url <- paste('"', arch,
							 ifelse(arch == '', '', '/'), endp, '"',
							 sep = '')
	opt <- paste("-o ", out,
							 " --silent --show-error --request POST",
							 " --header Content-Type:application/json --data @",
							 tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json",
							 sep = "")
	arg <- paste(opt, url)
	filter2 <- list()
	filter2$access <- list(op = "=" ,
												 content = list(field = "access",
																				value = "open"))
	filter2$data_format <- list(op = "in",
															content = list(field = "data_format",
																						 value = "TXT"))
	filter2$project_id <- list(op = "in",
														 content = list(field = "cases.project.project_id",
																						value = paste("TCGA", vCancer,
																													sep = "-")))
	filter2$data_category <- list(op = "in",
																content = list(field = "data_category",
																							 value = filter$data_category))
	filter2$data_type <- list(op = "in",
														content = list(field = "data_type",
																					 value = filter$data_type))
	filter2$experimental_strategy <- list(op = "in",
																				content = list(field = "experimental_strategy",
																											 value = filter$experimental_strategy))
	filter2$platform <- list(op = "in",
													 content = list(field = "platform",
																					value = filter$platform))
	names(sampleTypeId) <- NULL  # avoid names added into tmp_metadata.json
	fieldSampleTypeId <- "cases.samples.sample_type_id"
	filterSampleTypeId <- list(op = "in",
														 content = list(field = fieldSampleTypeId,
																						value = sampleTypeId))
	filterAll <- list(op = "and",
										content = list(filter2$access,
	payload <- list(filters = filterAll,
									format = "TSV",
									sort = "file_id",
									from = 1,
									size = entityCount,
									fields = paste(fieldsMeta, collapse = ","))
	cat(toJSON(payload), file = paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_metadata.json", sep = ""))
	stdOut <- system2("curl", arg, stdout = T)
	if (!is.null(attr(stdOut, "status"))) {
		print("error (download): check the proxy")
	stopifnot(is.null(attr(stdOut, "status")))
	if ("data" %in% dir()) {file.remove("data")}
	metaData <- tryCatch(read.csv(out,
																sep = "\t",
																row.names = NULL,
						 = T,
																na.strings = "",
																colClasses = "character"),
											 error = function(e){print(e$message); return(NULL)})
	if (!is.null(metaData)) {  # > 0 lines available in input
		if (length(grep("\\.1\\.", colnames(metaData))) > 0) {
			metaData <- MetaCut(metaData, colPattern = "\\.1\\.")
		metaCut <- metaData[grep(filter$file_name, metaData$file_name),
												sort(colnames(metaData))]  # filter with filename
		if (nrow(metaCut) == 0) {
			metaData <- NULL
		} else {
			metaCut <- metaCut[order(metaCut$file_name), ]  # sort before split !!
			if (any(table(metaCut[, filter$submitter_id]) != 1)) { # duplicated files with same barcode
				boolRow <- ArchiveNewestInGroups(metaCut$archive.file_name,
				# not filter$submitter_id because of one barcode to multi files
				metaCut <- metaCut[boolRow, ]
			stopifnot(all(table(metaCut[, filter$submitter_id]) == 1)) # duplicated files with same barcode
			rownames(metaCut) <- metaCut[, filter$submitter_id]
			metaData <- metaCut[order(rownames(metaCut)), order(colnames(metaCut))] # sort by barcode
			stopifnot(all(rownames(metaData) == metaData[filter$submitter_id]))
									file = paste(tmpDir,
															 paste(vCancer, collapse = "_"),
															 sep = ""),
									quote = F, sep = "\t", col.names = NA, row.names = T)
	print("metadata file: preparing done!")

#' Download files by \code{file_id}
#' @param fileId2Bar Character vector of barcode with file_id as the name.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @return Character vector of downloaded filename with file_id as the name.
#' @example
#' fileNameById <- FileNameById(metaData$file_id, tmpDir = ".")
FileNameById <- function(fileId2Bar,
												 tmpDir = ".",
												 arch = "legacy") {
	if (length(fileId2Bar) == 0) {  # no files available for this filter
		fileNameById <- NULL
	} else {
		stopifnot(length(fileId2Bar) > 0)  # no files available for this filter
		tmpTar <- paste(tmpDir, "/gdc_download_", TimeNow(), ".tar.gz", sep = "")
		url <- paste("",
								 ifelse(arch == "", "", "/"),
								 sep = "")
		opt <- paste("-o ", tmpTar,
								 " --silent --show-error --request POST ",
								 "--header Content-Type:application/json --data @",
								 tmpDir, "/tmp_id.json",
								 sep = "")
		arg <- paste(opt, url)
		cat(toJSON(list(ids = names(fileId2Bar))),
				file = paste(tmpDir, "/tmp_id.json", sep = ""))
		print("*.tar.gz file: downloading & unzipping ...")
		err <- "error"
		while (err != 0) {
			stdOut <- system2("curl", arg, stdout = T)
			if (!is.null(attr(stdOut, "status"))) {
				print("error (download): check the proxy")
			stopifnot(is.null(attr(stdOut, "status")))
			tmpUntar <- strsplit(tmpTar, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
			err <- tryCatch(untar(tmpTar, exdir = tmpUntar, tar = "internal"),
											error = function(e){return(e$message)})
			if (length(fileId2Bar) == 1) {  # only 1 unzipped file in *.tar.gz
				file.rename(from = tmpTar,
										to = paste(tmpUntar, "/", fileId2Bar[1], ".tsv", sep = ""))
				manifest <- data.frame(filename = paste(fileId2Bar[1],
																								sep = ""))
										file = paste(tmpUntar, "/MANIFEST.txt", sep = ""),
										quote = F,
										sep = "\t",
										col.names = T,
										row.names = F)
				err <- 0
		manifest <- read.csv(paste(tmpUntar, "MANIFEST.txt", sep = "/"),
												 sep = "\t",
												 row.names = NULL,
			 = T,
												 na.strings = "")
		fileNameById <- paste(tmpUntar, manifest$filename, sep = "/")
		names(fileNameById) <- fileId2Bar[manifest$id]
	if ("data" %in% dir()) {file.remove("data")}
	print("*.tar.gz file: downloading & unzipping done!")
	return(fileNameById[order(names(fileNameById))])  # sort by file_id

#  =============================================================================
#  merge functions, NOT used directly by user
#  =============================================================================

#' Merge copy number variations ("cna") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeCopy <- function(fileNameById) {
	colNames <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Num_Probes", "Segment_Mean")
	ld <- ColumnsFromFiles(fileNameById,
												 sortBy = "",
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
	dMerged <- Reduce(rbind, ld)
	dMerged <-, stringsAsFactors = F)

#' Merge methyloation ("methy") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeMethy <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("Beta_value")
	vProbe <- c("Composite.Element.REF",
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 1,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	colnames(dMerged) <- c("CpG",

#' Merge microRNA ("mir") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeMir <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("read_count", "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped")
	vProbe <- c("miRNA_ID")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById) * 2)
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("miRNA_ID",
										 rep(names(fileNameById), each = 2)),

#' Merge microRNA isoform ("mirIsoform") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeMirIso <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("read_count", "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped")
	vProbe <- c("isoform_coords", "miRNA_ID", "miRNA_region", "cross.mapped")
	ld <- ColumnsFromFiles(fileNameById,
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
	lv <- lapply(ld, function(x){paste(x[, "isoform_coords"],
																		 x[, "miRNA_ID"],
																		 x[, "miRNA_region"],
																		 x[, "cross.mapped"],
																		 sep = "|")})
	vMirIsoId <- sort(unique(unlist(lv)))
	for (n in seq(length(ld))) {
		rownames(ld[[n]]) <- lv[[n]]
	m <- matrix(nrow = length(vMirIsoId),
							ncol = length(fileNameById) * 2)
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		m[, 2 * n - 1] <- ld[[n]][vMirIsoId, "read_count"]
		m[, 2 * n  ] <- ld[[n]][vMirIsoId, "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped"]
	dMerged <- cbind(Reduce(rbind, strsplit(vMirIsoId, split = "\\|")), m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c(vProbe, rep(names(fileNameById), each = 2)),

#' Merge gene array ("gene_Array") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeGeneArray <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("")
	vProbe <- c("Composite.Element.REF")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 1,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("gene_id", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 1)),

#' Merge gene ("gene.normalized_RNAseq") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeGeneRnaSeqNorm <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("normalized_count")
	vProbe <- c("gene_id")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("gene_id", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 1)), dMerged)

#' Merge unnormalized gene ("gene_RNAseq") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeGeneRnaSeqUnnorm <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("raw_count", "scaled_estimate")
	vProbe <- c("gene_id")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById) * 2)
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("gene_id", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 2)),
									 c("gene_id", rep(c("raw_count", "scaled_estimate"),

#' Merge gene ("isoform.normalized_RNAseq") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeGeneIsoRnaSeqNorm <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("normalized_count")
	vProbe <- c("isoform_id")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("isoform_id", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 1)),

#' Merge unnormalized gene ("isoform_RNAseq") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeGeneIsoRnaSeqUnnorm <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("raw_count", "scaled_estimate")
	vProbe <- c("isoform_id")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById) * 2)
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, 2 * n - 1] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
			m[, 2 * n  ] <- d[vName, vValue[2]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("isoform_id", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 2)),
									 c("isoform_id", rep(c("raw_count", "scaled_estimate"),

#' Merge exon ("exon") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeExon <- function(fileNameById) {
	vValue <- c("RPKM")
	vProbe <- c("exon")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("exon", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 1)),

#' Merge exon ("exonJunction") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeExonJunction <- function(fileNameById) {  # duplicated rows
	vValue <- c("raw_counts")
	vProbe <- c("junction")
	for (n in seq(length(fileNameById))) {
		d <- ColumnsFromFile(fileNameById[n],
												 c(vProbe, vValue),
												 sortBy = vProbe[1],
												 skipLines = 0,
												 naStrings = "NA")
		if (n == 1) {
			vName <- sort(rownames(d))
			stopifnot(length(vName) == length(unique(vName)))
			dProbe <- d[vName, vProbe]
			m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(fileNameById))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
		} else {
			stopifnot(all(sort(rownames(d)) == vName))
			m[, n] <- d[vName, vValue[1]]
	dMerged <- cbind(dProbe, m)
	dMerged <- rbind(c("exonJunction", rep(names(fileNameById), each = 1)),

#' Merge protein ("protein_RPPA") files, distributed by \code{Merge}
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
MergeProtein <- function(fileNameById) {  # duplicated rows
	vPr <- c("ABL1|c-Abl",
					 "ACACA ACACB|ACC_pS79",
					 "AKT1 AKT2 AKT3|Akt",
					 "AKT1 AKT2 AKT3|Akt_pS473",
					 "AKT1 AKT2 AKT3|Akt_pT308",
					 "GSK3A GSK3B|GSK3-alpha-beta",
					 "GSK3A GSK3B|GSK3-alpha-beta_pS21_S9",
					 "GSK3A GSK3B|GSK3_pS9",
					 "MAPK1 MAPK3|MAPK_pT202_Y204",
					 "RAB11A RAB11B|Rab11",
					 "YWHAZ|14-3-3_zeta" )
	names(vPr) <- sapply(strsplit(vPr, split = "\\|"), function(x){x[2]})
	colNames <- c("Composite.Element.REF", "Protein.Expression")
	ld  <- ColumnsFromFiles(fileNameById,
													sortBy = "Composite.Element.REF",
													skipLines = 1,
													naStrings = "NA")
	lvAbValue <- lapply(ld,
																	 colProbe = "Composite.Element.REF",
																	 colValue = "Protein.Expression",
																	 stripNum = 0)})
	vAb <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(lvAbValue, names))))
	vPr4Ab <- vPr[StripEnd(vUnstripped = vAb, stripNum = 4,
												 stripEnd = "right")]
	vPr2Ab <- paste(sapply(strsplit(vPr4Ab, split = "\\|"),
									vAb, sep = "|")
	names(vPr2Ab) <- vAb
	m <- matrix(nrow = length(vPr2Ab), ncol = length(fileNameById))
	rownames(m) <- vPr2Ab
	colnames(m) <- names(fileNameById)
	for (s in names(fileNameById)) {
		m[, s] <- lvAbValue[[s]][vAb]
	dMerged <- cbind(protein = vPr2Ab, m)

#' Main function of \code{Merge}, distribute filenames by assay platform
#' @param fileNameById Character vector of filename (named with file_id).
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged table.
Merge <- function(fileNameById,
									sAssay) {
	print("merging files: merging unzipped data files ...")
	if (is.null(fileNameById)) {
		print("merging files: no file satisfies the filter!")
		dMerged <- NULL
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("cna_cnv.hg18",
													 "cna_nocnv.hg19")) {
		dMerged <- MergeCopy(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("exonJunction_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeExonJunction(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("exon_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeExon(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("gene_Array")) {
		dMerged <- MergeGeneArray(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("gene.normalized_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeGeneRnaSeqNorm(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("gene_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeGeneRnaSeqUnnorm(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("isoform.normalized_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeGeneIsoRnaSeqNorm(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("isoform_RNAseq")) {
		dMerged <- MergeGeneIsoRnaSeqUnnorm(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("methylation_27",
													 "methylation_450")) {
		dMerged <- MergeMethy(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("mir_GA.hg18",
													 "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")) {
		dMerged <- MergeMir(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("mirIsoform_GA.hg18",
													 "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")) {
		dMerged <- MergeMirIso(fileNameById)
	} else if (sAssay %in% c("protein_RPPA")) {
		dMerged <- MergeProtein(fileNameById)
	print("merging files: merging unzipped data files done!")

#  =============================================================================
#  adapting functions, internal <> interface, NOT used directly by user
#  =============================================================================

#' Check the user specified parameters
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param vAssay Character vector of assay platform.
#' @param sampleTypeName Character vector of name for sample_type_id.
#' @param assayGroup String of assay platform goup.
#' @return List of checked parameters.
CheckParam <- function(vCancer,
											 assayGroup) {
	vCancerAll <- c("ACC", "BLCA", "BRCA", "CESC", "CHOL", "COAD", "DLBC",
									"ESCA", "GBM", "HNSC", "KICH", "KIRC", "KIRP", "LAML",
									"LGG", "LIHC", "LUAD", "LUSC", "MESO", "OV", "PAAD",
									"PCPG", "PRAD", "READ", "SARC", "SKCM", "STAD", "TGCT",
									"THCA", "THYM", "UCEC", "UCS", "UVM")
	vSampleTypeIdAll <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	names(vSampleTypeIdAll) <-
		c("TP",   # 01, 'Primary Tumor'
			"TR",   # 02, 'Recurrent Tumor'
			"TB",   # 03, 'Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood'
			"TRBM", # 04, 'Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow'
			"TAP",  # 05, 'Additional - New Primary'
			"TM",   # 06, 'Metastatic'
			"TAM",  # 07, 'Additional Metastatic'
			"THOC", # 08, 'Human Tumor Original Cells'
			"TBM",  # 09, 'Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow'
			"NB",   # 10, 'Blood Derived Normal'
			"NT",   # 11, 'Solid Tissue Normal'
			"NBC",  # 12, 'Buccal Cell Normal'
			"NEBV", # 13, 'EBV Immortalized Normal'
			"NBM",  # 14, 'Bone Marrow Normal'
			"CELLC",# 20, 'Control Analyte'
			"TRB",  # 40, 'Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood'
			"CELL", # 50, 'Cell Lines'
			"XP",   # 60, 'Primary Xenograft Tissue'
			"XCL")  # 61, 'Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue'
	lAssayGroup <- list(cna = c("cna_cnv.hg18",
											gene = c("gene_Array",
											methy = c("methylation_27",
											mir = c("mir_GA.hg18",
											mirIsoform = c("mirIsoform_GA.hg18",
											protein = c("protein_RPPA"),
											somatic = c("somaticMutation_DNAseq"),
											itraq = c("glycoproteome_iTRAQ",
	vAssaySub <- lAssayGroup[[assayGroup]]
	if (is.null(vCancer)) {
		vCancer <- vCancerAll
	} else if (!all(vCancer %in% vCancerAll)) {
		print(c("cancerType should be 'NULL' (all) or one of: ", vCancerAll))
		stopifnot(!all(vCancer %in% vCancerAll))
	if (is.null(vAssay)) {
		vAssay <- vAssaySub
	} else if (!all(vAssay %in% vAssaySub)) {
		print(c("assayPlatform should be 'NULL' (all) or one of: ", vAssaySub))
		stopifnot(!all(vAssay %in% vAssaySub))
	if (is.null(sampleTypeName)) {
		sampleTypeId <- vSampleTypeIdAll
	} else if (!all(sampleTypeName %in% names(vSampleTypeIdAll))) {
		print(paste("tissueType should be 'NULL' (all) or one of:",
								paste(vSampleTypeIdAll, collapse = ","),
								"01) TP = 'Primary Tumor';",
								"02) TR = 'Recurrent Tumor';",
								"03) TB = 'Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood';",
								"04) TRBM = 'Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow';",
								"05) TAP = 'Additional - New Primary';",
								"06) TM = 'Metastatic';",
								"07) TAM = 'Additional Metastatic';",
								"08) THOC = 'Human Tumor Original Cells';",
								"09) TBM = 'Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow';",
								"10) NB = 'Blood Derived Normal';",
								"11) NT = 'Solid Tissue Normal';",
								"12) NBC = 'Buccal Cell Normal';",
								"13) NEBV = 'EBV Immortalized Normal';",
								"14) NBM = 'Bone Marrow Normal';",
								"20) CELLC = 'Control Analyte';",
								"40) TRB = 'Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood';",
								"50) CELL = 'Cell Lines';",
								"60) XP = 'Primary Xenograft Tissue';",
								"61) XCL = 'Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue'.",
								sep = " "))
		stopifnot(all(sampleTypeName %in% names(vSampleTypeIdAll)))
	} else {
		sampleTypeId <- vSampleTypeIdAll[sampleTypeName]
	return(list(vCancer = vCancer, vAssay = vAssay,
							sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId))

#' Pipe of metadata, download and merge (general function)
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param barCode Character vector of barcode, to specify patients.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged data.
Pipe <- function(vCancer,
								 barCode = NULL,
								 tmpDir = ".",
								 arch = "legacy",
								 fieldsMeta = "",
								 entityCount = (-1),
								 endp = "files") {
	vTissueType <- c("TP", "TR", "TB", "TRBM", "TAP", "TM", "TAM", "THOC", "TBM",
									 "NB", "NT", "NBC", "NEBV", "NBM", "CELLC", "TRB", "CELL", "XP", "XCL")
	names(vTissueType) <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	dMeta <- MetaData(vCancer = vCancer,
										sAssay = sAssay,
										sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId,
										tmpDir = tmpDir,
										arch = arch,
										fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
										entityCount = entityCount,
										endp = endp)
	if (!is.null(dMeta)) {
		fileId2Bar <- rownames(dMeta)
		names(fileId2Bar) <- dMeta$file_id
		if (!is.null(barCode)) {
			fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[ifelse(substr(fileId2Bar, 1, 12) %in%
																			substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)]
		if (length(fileId2Bar) > 0) {
			fileNameById <- FileNameById(fileId2Bar,
																	 tmpDir = tmpDir,
																	 arch = arch)
			dPiped <- Merge(fileNameById, sAssay)
		} else {
			dPiped <- NULL
	} else {
		# print(paste("metadata = NULL, when cancerType = ",
		# 						paste(vCancer, collapse = "|"),
		# 						" & assayPlatform = ", sAssay, " & tissueType = ",
		# 						paste(vTissueType[sampleTypeId], collapse = "|"),
		# 						sep = ""))
		dPiped <- NULL

#' Pipe of metadata, download and merge (with batch download)
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param barCode Character vector of barcode, to specify patients.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged data.
PipeBatch <- function(vCancer,
											barCode = NULL,
											tmpDir = ".",
											arch = "legacy",
											fieldsMeta = "",
											entityCount = (-1),
											endp = "files") {
	vTissueType <- c("TP", "TR", "TB", "TRBM", "TAP", "TM", "TAM", "THOC", "TBM",
									 "NB", "NT", "NBC", "NEBV", "NBM", "CELLC", "TRB", "CELL", "XP", "XCL")
	names(vTissueType) <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	dMeta <- MetaData(vCancer = vCancer,
										sAssay = sAssay,
										sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId,
										tmpDir = tmpDir,
										arch = arch,
										fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
										entityCount = entityCount,
										endp = endp)
	if (!is.null(dMeta)) {
		fileId2Bar <- rownames(dMeta)
		names(fileId2Bar) <- dMeta$file_id
		if (!is.null(barCode)) {
			fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[ifelse(substr(fileId2Bar, 1, 12) %in%
																			substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)]
		if (length(fileId2Bar) > 0) {
			fileNameById <- vector()  # batch download
			n1Batch <- 50
			for (n in seq(ceiling(length(fileId2Bar)/n1Batch)) - 1) {
				nStart <- n * n1Batch + 1
				nStop <- ifelse(n == (ceiling(length(fileId2Bar)/n1Batch) - 1),
												(n + 1) * n1Batch)
				vStep <- FileNameById(fileId2Bar[nStart : nStop],
															tmpDir = tmpDir,
															arch = arch)
				fileNameById <- c(fileNameById, vStep)
			}  # batch download
			dPiped <- Merge(fileNameById, sAssay)
		} else {
			dPiped <- NULL
	} else {
		# print(paste("metadata = NULL, when cancerType = ",
		# 						paste(vCancer, collapse = "|"),
		# 						" & assayPlatform = ", sAssay, " & tissueType = ",
		# 						paste(vTissueType[sampleTypeId], collapse = "|"),
		# 						sep = ""))
		dPiped <- NULL

#' Pipe of metadata, download and merge (for mir data with 705 probes)
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param barCode Character vector of barcode, to specify patients.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged data.
PipeMirLt23k <- function(vCancer,
												 barCode = NULL,
												 tmpDir = ".",
												 arch = "legacy",
												 fieldsMeta = "",
												 entityCount = (-1),
												 endp = "files") {
	vTissueType <- c("TP", "TR", "TB", "TRBM", "TAP", "TM", "TAM", "THOC", "TBM",
									 "NB", "NT", "NBC", "NEBV", "NBM", "CELLC", "TRB", "CELL", "XP", "XCL")
	names(vTissueType) <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	dMeta <- MetaData(vCancer = vCancer,
										sAssay = sAssay,
										sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId,
										tmpDir = tmpDir,
										arch = arch,
										fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
										entityCount = entityCount,
										endp = endp)
	if (!is.null(dMeta)) {
		fileId2Bar <- rownames(dMeta)
		names(fileId2Bar) <- dMeta$file_id
		vLt23k <- as.numeric(dMeta$file_size) < 23000  # file_size < 23000
		fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[vLt23k]
		if (!is.null(barCode)) {
			fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[ifelse(substr(fileId2Bar, 1, 12) %in%
																			substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)]
		if (length(fileId2Bar) > 0) {
			fileNameById <- FileNameById(fileId2Bar,
																	 tmpDir = tmpDir,
																	 arch = arch)
			dPiped <- Merge(fileNameById, sAssay)
		} else {
			dPiped <- NULL
	} else {
		# print(paste("metadata = NULL, when cancerType = ",
		# 						paste(vCancer, collapse = "|"),
		# 						" & assayPlatform = ", sAssay, " & tissueType = ",
		# 						paste(vTissueType[sampleTypeId], collapse = "|"),
		# 						sep = ""))
		dPiped <- NULL

#' Pipe of metadata, download and merge (for mir data with more than 705 probes)
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type.
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param barCode Character vector of barcode, to specify patients.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged data.
PipeMirGt23k <- function(vCancer,
												 barCode = NULL,
												 tmpDir = ".",
												 arch = "legacy",
												 fieldsMeta = "",
												 entityCount = (-1),
												 endp = "files") {
	vTissueType <- c("TP", "TR", "TB", "TRBM", "TAP", "TM", "TAM", "THOC", "TBM",
									 "NB", "NT", "NBC", "NEBV", "NBM", "CELLC", "TRB", "CELL", "XP", "XCL")
	names(vTissueType) <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	dMeta <- MetaData(vCancer = vCancer,
										sAssay = sAssay,
										sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId,
										tmpDir = tmpDir,
										arch = arch,
										fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
										entityCount = entityCount,
										endp = endp)
	if (!is.null(dMeta)) {
		fileId2Bar <- rownames(dMeta)
		names(fileId2Bar) <- dMeta$file_id
		vGt23k <- as.numeric(dMeta$file_size) > 23000  # file_size > 23000
		fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[vGt23k]
		if (!is.null(barCode)) {
			fileId2Bar <- fileId2Bar[ifelse(substr(fileId2Bar, 1, 12) %in%
																			substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)]
		if (length(fileId2Bar) > 0) {
			fileNameById <- FileNameById(fileId2Bar,
																	 tmpDir = tmpDir,
																	 arch = arch)
			dPiped <- Merge(fileNameById, sAssay)
		} else {
			dPiped <- NULL
	} else {
		# print(paste("metadata = NULL, when cancerType = ",
		# 						paste(vCancer, collapse = "|"),
		# 						" & assayPlatform = ", sAssay, " & tissueType = ",
		# 						paste(vTissueType[sampleTypeId], collapse = "|"),
		# 						sep = ""))
		dPiped <- NULL

#' Pipe of metadata, download and merge (for somatic mutation data)
#' @param vCancer String of cancer type
#' @param sAssay String of assay platform, used in \code{Filter}.
#' @param sampleTypeId Character vector of sample_type_id: "01", ..., "14", etc.
#' @param barCode Character vector of barcode, to specify patients.
#' @param tmpDir String of directory for temporary files.
#' @param arch String of archive type: "legacy" or "".
#' @param fieldsMeta Character vector of colnames in metadata.
#' @param entityCount Number of entity (row) in the metadata: "-1" means all.
#' @param endp String of endpoint: "files".
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of merged data.
PipeSomatic <- function(vCancer,
												barCode = NULL,
												tmpDir = ".",
												arch = "legacy",
												fieldsMeta = "",
												entityCount = (-1),
												endp = "files") {
	vTissueType <- c("TP", "TR", "TB", "TRBM", "TAP", "TM", "TAM", "THOC", "TBM",
									 "NB", "NT", "NBC", "NEBV", "NBM", "CELLC", "TRB", "CELL", "XP", "XCL")
	names(vTissueType) <- sprintf("%02d", c(seq(14), 20, 40, 50, 60, 61))
	dMeta <- MetaDataSoma(vCancer = vCancer,
												sAssay = sAssay,
												sampleTypeId = sampleTypeId,
												tmpDir = tmpDir,
												arch = arch,
												fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
												entityCount = entityCount,
												endp = endp)
	fileId2Bar <- dMeta$file_name
	names(fileId2Bar) <- dMeta$file_id
	fileNameById <- FileNameById(fileId2Bar,
															 tmpDir = tmpDir,
															 arch = arch)
	colNames <- c("hugo_symbol",
	names(colNames) <- c("Hugo_Symbol",
	ldPiped <- list()
	for (sMaf in fileNameById) {
		dMaf <- read.csv(sMaf,
										 sep = "\t",
										 row.names = NULL,
	 = T,
										 na.strings = "",
										 comment.char = "#")
		if (!is.null(dMaf)) {
			colnames(dMaf) <- tolower(colnames(dMaf))
			dPiped <- cbind(dMaf[, colNames])
			colnames(dPiped) <- names(colNames)
			if (!is.null(barCode)) {
				vbBar <- ifelse(substr(dPiped[, "Tumor_Sample_Barcode"], 1, 12) %in%
												substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)
				if (any(vbBar)) {
					dPiped <- dPiped[vbBar, , drop = F]
				} else {
					dPiped <- NULL
			if (!is.null(dPiped) & length(sampleTypeId) < 14) {
				vbSampleTypeId <- ifelse(substr(dPiped[, "Tumor_Sample_Barcode"],
																				14, 15) %in% sampleTypeId, T, F)
				if (any(vbSampleTypeId)) {
					dPiped <- dPiped[vbSampleTypeId, , drop = F]
				} else {
					dPiped <- NULL
			if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
				vbSymbol <- ifelse(dPiped[, "Hugo_Symbol"] %in% c("."), F, T)
				if (any(vbSymbol)) {
					dPiped <- dPiped[vbSymbol, , drop = F]
		} else {
			# print(paste("metadata = NULL, when cancerType = ",
			# 						paste(vCancer, collapse = "|"),
			# 						" & assayPlatform = ", sAssay, " & tissueType = ",
			# 						paste(vTissueType[sampleTypeId], collapse = "|"),
			# 						sep = ""))
			dPiped <- NULL
		ldPiped[[sMaf]] <- dPiped

#  =============================================================================
#  interface functions, used directly by user
#  =============================================================================

#' DownloadmiRNASeqData: get miRNASeq data, assayPlatform %in% c("mir_GA.hg18", "mir_GA.hg19", "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mir_HiSeq.hg18", "mir_HiSeq.hg19", "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("mir_GA.hg18", "mir_GA.hg19", "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mir_HiSeq.hg18", "mir_HiSeq.hg19", "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadmiRNASeqData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																 assayPlatform = NULL,
																 tissueType = NULL,
																 saveFolderName = ".",
																 outputFileName = "",
																 inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "mir")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		dLt23k <- PipeMirLt23k(vCancer = l$vCancer,
													 sAssay = sAssay,
													 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
													 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
													 tmpDir = tmpDir,
													 arch = arch,
													 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
													 entityCount = entityCount,
													 endp = endp)
		dGt23k <- PipeMirGt23k(vCancer = l$vCancer,
													 sAssay = sAssay,
													 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
													 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
													 tmpDir = tmpDir,
													 arch = arch,
													 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
													 entityCount = entityCount,
													 endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dLt23k)) {
			sFileName705 <- paste(saveFolderName,
														ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
																	 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
														paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
														ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
																	 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
														sep = "")
									file = sFileName705,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = F,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dLt23k); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[paste(sAssay, "_705", sep = "")] <- sFileName705
		if (!is.null(dGt23k)) {
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
																		 "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = F,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dGt23k); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadmiRisoformData: get miRisoform data, assayPlatform %in% c("mirIsoform_GA.hg18", "mirIsoform_GA.hg19", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg18", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("mir_GA.hg18", "mir_GA.hg19", "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mir_HiSeq.hg18", "mir_HiSeq.hg19", "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadmiRisoformData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																	 assayPlatform = NULL,
																	 tissueType = NULL,
																	 saveFolderName = ".",
																	 outputFileName = "",
																	 inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "mirIsoform")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		dPiped <- Pipe(vCancer = l$vCancer,
									 sAssay = sAssay,
									 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
									 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
									 tmpDir = tmpDir,
									 arch = arch,
									 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
									 entityCount = entityCount,
									 endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
															 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = F,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadmiRNASeqDataIncludeIsoform: get miRNASeq data, assayPlatform %in% c("mir_GA.hg18", "mir_GA.hg19", "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mir_HiSeq.hg18", "mir_HiSeq.hg19", "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20", "mirIsoform_GA.hg18", "mirIsoform_GA.hg19", "mirIsoform_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg18", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("mir_GA.hg18", "mir_GA.hg19", "mir_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mir_HiSeq.hg18", "mir_HiSeq.hg19", "mir_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20", "mirIsoform_GA.hg18", "mirIsoform_GA.hg19", "mirIsoform_GA.hg19.mirbase20", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg18", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19", "mirIsoform_HiSeq.hg19.mirbase20")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadmiRNASeqDataIncludeIsoform <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																							 assayPlatform = NULL,
																							 tissueType = NULL,
																							 saveFolderName = ".",
																							 outputFileName = "",
																							 inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	vMir <- c("mir_GA.hg18",
	vMirIso <- c("mirIsoform_GA.hg18",
	assayPlatformMir <- assayPlatform[assayPlatform %in% vMir]
	assayPlatformIso <- assayPlatform[assayPlatform %in% vMirIso]
	vFileNameMir <- DownloadmiRNASeqData(cancerType,
	vFileNameMirIso <- DownloadmiRisoformData(cancerType,
	vFileName <- c(vFileNameMir, vFileNameMirIso)

#' DownloadMethylationData: get methylation data, assayPlatform %in% c("methylation_27", "methylation_450")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("methylation_27", "methylation_450")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadMethylationData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																		assayPlatform = NULL,
																		tissueType = NULL,
																		saveFolderName = ".",
																		outputFileName = "",
																		inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "methy")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		dPiped <- PipeBatch(vCancer = l$vCancer,
												sAssay = sAssay,
												sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
												barCode = inputPatientIDs,
												tmpDir = tmpDir,
												arch = arch,
												fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
												entityCount = entityCount,
												endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
															 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = T,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadCNAData: get copy number data, assayPlatform %in% c("cna_cnv.hg18", "cna_cnv.hg19", "cna_nocnv.hg18", "cna_nocnv.hg19")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("cna_cnv.hg18", "cna_cnv.hg19", "cna_nocnv.hg18", "cna_nocnv.hg19")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadCNAData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
														assayPlatform = NULL,
														tissueType = NULL,
														saveFolderName = ".",
														outputFileName = "",
														inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "cna")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		dPiped <- Pipe(vCancer = l$vCancer,
									 sAssay = sAssay,
									 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
									 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
									 tmpDir = tmpDir,
									 arch = arch,
									 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
									 entityCount = entityCount,
									 endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
			colnames(dPiped)[1] <- c("Sample")  # for Module_B
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
															 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = T,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadRNASeqData: get gene expression data, assayPlatform %in% c("gene_Array", "gene.normalized_RNAseq", "gene_RNAseq", "isoform.normalized_RNAseq", "isoform_RNAseq", "exon_RNAseq", "exonJunction_RNAseq")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("gene_Array", "gene.normalized_RNAseq", "gene_RNAseq", "isoform.normalized_RNAseq", "isoform_RNAseq", "exon_RNAseq", "exonJunction_RNAseq")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadRNASeqData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
															 assayPlatform = NULL,
															 tissueType = NULL,
															 saveFolderName = ".",
															 outputFileName = "",
															 inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "gene")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		if (sAssay %in% c("isoform.normalized_RNAseq",
											"exonJunction_RNAseq")) {
			dPiped <- PipeBatch(vCancer = l$vCancer,
													sAssay = sAssay,
													sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
													barCode = inputPatientIDs,
													tmpDir = tmpDir,
													arch = arch,
													fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
													entityCount = entityCount,
													endp = endp)
		} else {
			dPiped <- Pipe(vCancer = l$vCancer,
										 sAssay = sAssay,
										 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
										 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
										 tmpDir = tmpDir,
										 arch = arch,
										 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
										 entityCount = entityCount,
										 endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
															 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = F,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadRPPAData: get protein expression data, assayPlatform %in% c("protein_RPPA")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("protein_RPPA")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadRPPAData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
														 assayPlatform = NULL,
														 tissueType = NULL,
														 saveFolderName = ".",
														 outputFileName = "",
														 inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "protein")
	vFileName <- rep(NA, length(l$vAssay))
	names(vFileName) <- l$vAssay
	for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
		dPiped <- Pipe(vCancer = l$vCancer,
									 sAssay = sAssay,
									 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
									 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
									 tmpDir = tmpDir,
									 arch = arch,
									 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
									 entityCount = entityCount,
									 endp = endp)
		if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
			fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
												ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
															 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
												paste(l$vCancer, collapse = "_"),
												ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
															 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
												sep = "")
									file = fileName,
									quote = F,
									sep = "\t",
									col.names = T,
									row.names = F,
									na = "")
			rm(dPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
			vFileName[sAssay] <- fileName
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadSomaticMutationData: get somatic mutation, assayPlatform %in% c("somaticMutation_DNAseq")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("somaticMutation_DNAseq")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
#' @examples
#' v <- DownloadSomaticMutationData(cancerType = "BRCA", assayPlatform = NULL, tissueType = NULL, saveFolderName = ".", outputFileName = "", inputPatientIDs = NULL)
DownloadSomaticMutationData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																				assayPlatform = NULL,
																				tissueType = NULL,
																				saveFolderName = ".",
																				outputFileName = "",
																				inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "somatic")
	vFileName <- NULL
	for (sCancer in l$vCancer) {
		ldPiped <- PipeSomatic(vCancer = sCancer,
													 sAssay = l$vAssay,
													 sampleTypeId = l$sampleTypeId,
													 barCode = inputPatientIDs,
													 tmpDir = tmpDir,
													 arch = arch,
													 fieldsMeta = fieldsMeta,
													 entityCount = entityCount,
													 endp = endp)
		for (sPathname in names(ldPiped)) {
			dPiped <- ldPiped[[sPathname]]
			if (!is.null(dPiped)) {
				fileName <- paste(saveFolderName,
													ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
																 paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
													paste(sCancer, collapse = "_"),
													ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
																 paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
													rev(strsplit(sPathname, split = "/")[[1]])[1],
													sep = "")
										file = fileName,
										quote = F,
										sep = "\t",
										col.names = T,
										row.names = F,
										na = "")
				vFileName <- c(vFileName, fileName)
			if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
				dir.create(paste(saveFolderName, "/originalSomaticMutationFiles", sep = ""), recursive = T)
				bFileRename <-file.rename(from = sPathname,
																	to = paste(saveFolderName, "/originalSomaticMutationFiles/",
																						 rev(strsplit(sPathname, split = "/")[[1]])[1],
																						 sep = ""))
	rm(ldPiped); gc()  # clear the memory
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)

#' DownloadCPTACData: get CPTAC data, assayPlatform %in% c("glycoproteome_iTRAQ", "phosphoproteome_iTRAQ", "proteome_iTRAQ")
#' @param canerType (i.e. vCancer, vector of cancer type), length(vCancer)> = 1. Now only c("BRCA", "OV", "COAD", "READ"), "BRCA"->"Breast", "OV"->"OV", c("COAD", "READ")->"Colorectal"
#' @param assayPlatform (i.e. vAssay, vector of type), length(vAssay)> = 1, assayPlatform %in% c("glycoproteome_iTRAQ", "phosphoproteome_iTRAQ", "proteome_iTRAQ")
#' @param tissueType (i.e. sampleTypeName, vector of sample_type_name, could be transfered to sample_type_id): c("TP", "TR", ...) -> c(01, 02, ...). Now only "TP"(01)
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @param inputPatientIDs (i.e. barCode, vector of barcode), find specified patients
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
#' @examples
#' v <- DownloadCPTACData(cancerType = NULL, assayPlatform = NULL, tissueType = NULL, saveFolderName = ".", outputFileName = "", inputPatientIDs = NULL)
DownloadCPTACData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
															assayPlatform = NULL,
															tissueType = NULL,
															saveFolderName = ".",
															outputFileName = "",
															inputPatientIDs = NULL) {
	barCode <- inputPatientIDs
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	l <- CheckParam(vCancer = cancerType,
									vAssay = assayPlatform,
									sampleTypeName = tissueType,
									assayGroup = "itraq")
	vCancerCptac <- c("BRCA", "OV", "COAD", "READ")
	vCancer <- intersect(l$vCancer, vCancerCptac)
	if (is.null(vCancer)) {
		print(c("cancerType should be 'NULL' (for all cancerType) or one of: ",
	urlPre <- ""
	print("CPTAC files  : downloading ...")
	vFileName <- NULL
	for (sCancer in vCancer) {
		if (sCancer %in% c("BRCA")) {
			vPathname <- c("TCGA_Breast_Cancer/TCGA_Breast_BI_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Breast_BI_Proteome.itraq.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Breast_Cancer/TCGA_Breast_BI_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r2/TCGA_Breast_BI_Proteome_CDAP.r2.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Breast_Cancer/TCGA_Breast_BI_Phosphoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Breast_BI_Phosphoproteome.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Breast_Cancer/TCGA_Breast_BI_Phosphoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Breast_BI_Phosphoproteome.phosphopeptide.itraq.tsv",
		} else if (sCancer %in% c("COAD", "READ")) {
			vPathname <- c(# "TCGA_Colorectal_Cancer/TCGA_Colon_VU_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r2/TCGA_Colon_VU_Proteome_CDAP.r2.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Colorectal_Cancer/TCGA_Colon_VU_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r2/TCGA_Colon_VU_Proteome_CDAP.r2.precursor_area.tsv",
		} else if (sCancer %in% c("OV")) {
			vPathname <- c("TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Proteome.itraq.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r2/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Proteome_CDAP.r2.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Glycoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Glycoproteome.glycopeptide.itraq.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Glycoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Ovarian_JHU_Glycoproteome.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Proteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r2/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Proteome_CDAP.r2.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Phosphoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Phosphoproteome.peptides.tsv",
										 # "TCGA_Ovarian_Cancer/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Phosphoproteome_CDAP_Protein_Report.r3/TCGA_Ovarian_PNNL_Phosphoproteome.phosphopeptide.itraq.tsv",
		for (sAssay in l$vAssay) {
			filter <- Filter(sAssay)
			for (sPathname in vPathname[grep(filter$file_name,vPathname)]) {
				fileName <- rev(strsplit(sPathname, split = "/")[[1]])[1]
				url <- paste(urlPre, sPathname, sep = "")
				out <- paste(tmpDir, "/", fileName, sep = "")
				opt <- paste("--silent --show-error -o", out)
				arg <- paste(opt, url)
				stdOut <- system2("curl", arg, stdout = T)
				if (!is.null(attr(stdOut, "status"))) {
					print("error (download): check the proxy")
				stopifnot(is.null(attr(stdOut, "status")))
				# sPathName <- paste(saveFolderName, "/", fileName, sep = "")
				# bFileRename <- file.rename(from = out, to = sPathName)
				# stopifnot(all(bFileRename))
				# fileName <- rev(strsplit(sPathName, split = "/")[[1]])[1]
				d <- read.csv(out,
											skip = 0,
											sep = "\t",
											row.names = NULL,
	 = T,
											na.strings = "")
				if (sAssay == "proteome_iTRAQ") {
					if (sCancer %in% c("COAD", "READ")) {
						vRowNot <- c("Total")
						vColNot <- c("Total.Spectral.Counts",
						vColDes <- c("Gene",
					} else {
						vRowNot <- c("Mean", "Median", "StdDev")
						vColNot <- NULL
						vColDes <- c("Gene",
				} else if (sAssay == "phosphoproteome_iTRAQ") {
					vRowNot <- NULL
					vColNot <- NULL
					vColDes <- c("Phosphosite","Peptide", "Gene", "Organism")
				} else if (sAssay == "glycoproteome_iTRAQ") {
					vRowNot <- NULL
					vColNot <- NULL
					vColDes <- c("Glycosite","Peptide", "Gene", "Organism")
				d <- d[!(d[,vColDes[1]] %in% vRowNot), !(colnames(d) %in% vColNot)]
				mInfo <- as.matrix(d[, vColDes])
				mData <- as.matrix(d[, setdiff(colnames(d), vColDes)])
				for (n in grep("^X[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]\\.", colnames(mData))) {
					colnames(mData)[n] <- sub("^X", "", colnames(mData)[n])
				for (n in grep("^[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]\\.", colnames(mData))) {
					colnames(mData)[n] <- paste("TCGA-",
																			gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(mData)[n]),
																			sep = "")
				for (n in grep("-[0-9][0-9]*-(Log|Unshared|Spectral)", colnames(mData))) {
					substr(colnames(mData)[n], 17, 17) <- '.'
				for (n in grep("^OVARIAN\\.CONTROL\\.", colnames(mData))) {
					colnames(mData)[n] <- gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(mData)[n])
					substr(colnames(mData)[n], 16, 16) <- '.'
				if (!is.null(barCode)) {
					vbCol <- ifelse(substr(colnames(mData), 1, 12) %in%
													substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)
					if (!any(vbCol)) {
						print("CPTAC files  : no inputPatientIDs found!")
					mData <- mData[, vbCol, drop = F]
				if (length(l$sampleTypeId) < 14) {
					vbSampleTypeId <- ifelse(substr(colnames(mData), 14, 15) %in%
																	 l$sampleTypeId, T, F)
					if (!any(vbSampleTypeId)) {
						print("CPTAC files  : no tissueType found!")
					mData <- mData[, vbSampleTypeId, drop = F]
				if (sCancer == "COAD") {
					vPatient <- 
						c("TCGA-A6-3807", "TCGA-A6-3808", "TCGA-A6-3810",
							"TCGA-AA-3518", "TCGA-AA-3525", "TCGA-AA-3526",
							"TCGA-AA-3529", "TCGA-AA-3531", "TCGA-AA-3534",
							"TCGA-AA-3552", "TCGA-AA-3554", "TCGA-AA-3558",
							"TCGA-AA-3561", "TCGA-AA-3664", "TCGA-AA-3666",
							"TCGA-AA-3672", "TCGA-AA-3684", "TCGA-AA-3695",
							"TCGA-AA-3710", "TCGA-AA-3715", "TCGA-AA-3818",
							"TCGA-AA-3848", "TCGA-AA-3864", "TCGA-AA-3986",
							"TCGA-AA-3989", "TCGA-AA-A004", "TCGA-AA-A00A",
							"TCGA-AA-A00E", "TCGA-AA-A00F", "TCGA-AA-A00J",
							"TCGA-AA-A00K", "TCGA-AA-A00N", "TCGA-AA-A00O",
							"TCGA-AA-A00R", "TCGA-AA-A00U", "TCGA-AA-A010",
							"TCGA-AA-A017", "TCGA-AA-A01C", "TCGA-AA-A01D",
							"TCGA-AA-A01F", "TCGA-AA-A01I", "TCGA-AA-A01K",
							"TCGA-AA-A01P", "TCGA-AA-A01R", "TCGA-AA-A01S",
							"TCGA-AA-A01T", "TCGA-AA-A01V", "TCGA-AA-A01X",
							"TCGA-AA-A01Z", "TCGA-AA-A022", "TCGA-AA-A024",
							"TCGA-AA-A029", "TCGA-AA-A02E", "TCGA-AA-A02H",
							"TCGA-AA-A02J", "TCGA-AA-A02O", "TCGA-AA-A02R",
							"TCGA-AA-A02Y", "TCGA-AA-A03F", "TCGA-AA-A03J")
					vb <- substr(colnames(mData), 1, 12) %in% vPatient
					mData <- mData[, vb, drop = F]
				if (sCancer == "READ") {
					vPatient <- 
						c("TCGA-AF-2691", "TCGA-AF-2692", "TCGA-AF-3400",
							"TCGA-AF-3913", "TCGA-AG-3574", "TCGA-AG-3580",
							"TCGA-AG-3584", "TCGA-AG-3593", "TCGA-AG-3594",
							"TCGA-AG-4007", "TCGA-AG-A002", "TCGA-AG-A008",
							"TCGA-AG-A00C", "TCGA-AG-A00H", "TCGA-AG-A00Y",
							"TCGA-AG-A011", "TCGA-AG-A014", "TCGA-AG-A015",
							"TCGA-AG-A016", "TCGA-AG-A01J", "TCGA-AG-A01L",
							"TCGA-AG-A01N", "TCGA-AG-A01W", "TCGA-AG-A01Y",
							"TCGA-AG-A020", "TCGA-AG-A026", "TCGA-AG-A02N",
							"TCGA-AG-A02X", "TCGA-AG-A032", "TCGA-AG-A036")
					vb <- substr(colnames(mData), 1, 12) %in% vPatient
					mData <- mData[, vb, drop = F]
				fileName1 <- paste(saveFolderName,
													 ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
																	paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
													 paste(sCancer, collapse = "_"),
													 ifelse(is.null(tissueType), "tissueTypeAll",
																	paste(tissueType, collapse = "_")),
													 # ifelse(sCancer == "OV",
													 strsplit(fileName, split = "_")[[1]][3],
													 #			""),
													 sep = "")
				write.table(cbind(mInfo, mData),
										file = fileName1,
										quote = F,
										sep = "\t",
										col.names = T,
										row.names = F,
										na = "")
				rm(mInfo,mData); gc()  # clear the memory
				vFileName <- c(vFileName, fileName1)
				# #
				# vnUnshared <- grep("Unshared", colnames(mData))
				# mDataShUn <- mData[, vnUnshared - 1]  # barcode.Log.Ratio
				# mDataUnsh <- mData[, vnUnshared    ]  # barcode.Unshared.Log.Ratio
				# colnames(mDataShUn) <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(mDataShUn),
				# 																			 split = "-Log-Ratio"))
				# colnames(mDataUnsh) <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(mDataUnsh),
				# 																			 split = "-Unshared-Log-Ratio"))
				# substr(colnames(mDataShUn), 17, 17) <- '.'
				# substr(colnames(mDataUnsh), 17, 17) <- '.'
				# mDataShUn <- mDataShUn[, order(colnames(mDataShUn))]
				# mDataUnsh <- mDataUnsh[, order(colnames(mDataUnsh))]
				# stopifnot(all(colnames(mDataUnsh) == colnames(mDataShUn)))
				# if (!is.null(barCode)) {
				# 	vbCol <- ifelse(substr(colnames(mDataShUn), 1, 12) %in%
				# 									substr(barCode, 1, 12), T, F)
				# 	if (!any(vbCol)) {
				# 		print("CPTAC files  : no inputPatientIDs found!")
				# 	}
				# 	mDataShUn <- mDataShUn[, vbCol, drop = F]
				# 	mDataUnsh <- mDataUnsh[, vbCol, drop = F]
				# }
				# if (length(l$sampleTypeId) < 14) {
				# 	vbSampleTypeId <- ifelse(substr(colnames(mDataShUn), 14, 15) %in%
				# 													 l$sampleTypeId, T, F)
				# 	if (!any(vbSampleTypeId)) {
				# 		print("CPTAC files  : no tissueType found!")
				# 	}
				# 	mDataShUn <- mDataShUn[, vbSampleTypeId, drop = F]
				# 	mDataUnsh <- mDataUnsh[, vbSampleTypeId, drop = F]
				# }
				# sFileNameShUn <- paste(saveFolderName,
				# 											 "/",
				# 											 ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
				# 															paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
				# 											 paste(sCancer, collapse = "_"),
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 l$vAssay,
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 strsplit(fileName, split = "\\.")[[1]][1],
				# 											 "__LogRatio",
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 TimeNow(),
				# 											 ".txt",
				# 											 sep = "")
				# sFileNameUnsh <- paste(saveFolderName,
				# 											 "/",
				# 											 ifelse(outputFileName == "", "",
				# 															paste(outputFileName, "__", sep = "")),
				# 											 paste(sCancer, collapse = "_"),
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 l$vAssay,
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 strsplit(fileName, split = "\\.")[[1]][1],
				# 											 "__LogRatio_Unshared",
				# 											 "__",
				# 											 TimeNow(),
				# 											 ".txt",
				# 											 sep = "")
				# write.table(cbind(mInfo, mDataShUn),
				# 						file = sFileNameShUn,
				# 						quote = F,
				# 						sep = "\t",
				# 						col.names = T,
				# 						row.names = F,
				# 						na = "")
				# write.table(cbind(mInfo, mDataUnsh),
				# 						file = sFileNameUnsh,
				# 						quote = F,
				# 						sep = "\t",
				# 						col.names = T,
				# 						row.names = F,
				# 						na = "")
				# vFileName <- c(vFileName, sFileNameShUn, sFileNameUnsh)
				# #
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	options(warn = 0)
	print("CPTAC files  : downloading done!")

#' DownloadBiospecimenClinicalData: get biospecimen and clinical data
#' @param canerType String indicating the specified cancer type
#' for which data should be downloaded.
#' Its value can be one of the cancer type abbreviations:
#' \code{c("ACC", "BLCA", "BRCA", "CESC", "CHOL", "COAD", "DLBC", "ESCA",
#' "GBM", HNSC, KICH, KIRC, KIRP, LAML, LGG, LIHC, LUAD, LUSC, MESO, OV, PAAD, PCPG, PRAD, READ, SARC, SKCM, STAD, TGCT, THCA, THYM, UCEC, UCS, UVM. Please refer to TCGA ( for information about cancer type. The cancer type abbreviation table (Table 1) shows the full cancer type name.
#' @param saveFolderName (string of path to save the merged data): absolute or relative path
#' @param outputFileName (string of filename prefix)
#' @return vFileName (vector of path/filename), could be used by module B
DownloadBiospecimenClinicalData <- function(cancerType = NULL,
																						saveFolderName =
																						outputFileName = "") {
	arch <- "legacy"; fieldsMeta <- ""; entityCount <- (-1); endp <- "files"
	options(warn = -1)
	if (saveFolderName != ".") {dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)}
	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_"); dir.create(tmpDir)
	#	if (saveFolderName != ".") {
	#		if (!dir.exists(saveFolderName)) {
	#			dir.create(saveFolderName, recursive = T)
	#		}
	#	} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	#	tmpDir <- paste("tmp", TimeNow(), sep = "_")
	#	if (!dir.exists(tmpDir)) {dir.create(tmpDir)} # dir.exists # R >= 3.2
	d <- MetaDataClin(tmpDir = tmpDir,
										arch = "legacy",
										fieldsMeta = "",
										entityCount = (-1),
										endp = "files")
	vIdName <- d$file_name
	stopifnot(length(vIdName) == length(unique(vIdName))) # duplicated file_name
	names(vIdName) <- d$file_id
	vCancerAll <- c("ACC" , "BLCA", "BRCA", "CESC", "CHOL", "COAD", "DLBC",
									"ESCA", "GBM" , "HNSC", "KICH", "KIRC", "KIRP", "LAML",
									"LGG" , "LIHC", "LUAD", "LUSC", "MESO", "OV"  , "PAAD",
									"PCPG", "PRAD", "READ", "SARC", "SKCM", "STAD", "TGCT",
									"THCA", "THYM", "UCEC", "UCS" , "UVM")
	if (is.null(cancerType)) {
		cancerType <- vCancerAll
	} else if (!all(cancerType %in% vCancerAll)) {
		print(c("cancerType should be 'NULL' (for all cancerType) or one of: ",
		stopifnot(!all(cancerType %in% vCancerAll))
	} else {
		vbCancer <- ifelse(
																															 split = "\\."),
																							 split = "_"),
															 ) %in% cancerType,
											 T, F)
		vIdName <- vIdName[vbCancer]  # cancerType
	fileNameById <- FileNameById(vIdName,
															 tmpDir = tmpDir,
															 arch = "legacy")
	vFileRename <- file.rename(from = fileNameById,
														 to = paste(saveFolderName,
																												split = "/"),
																				sep = "/"))
	if (outputFileName != "") {
		vFileRename <- F
		vFileRename <- file.rename(from = paste(saveFolderName,
																						sep = "/"),
															 to = paste(saveFolderName,
																								sep = "__"),
																					sep = "/"))
	unlink(tmpDir, recursive = T)
	vFileName <- paste(saveFolderName, dir(saveFolderName), sep = "/")
	options(warn = 0)

#  =============================================================================
#  Check whether this is the most updated version of TCGA-Assembler
#  =============================================================================


VCwebContent <- try(content(GET(""), as = "text"), silent = TRUE)
if (class(VCwebContent) == "try-error") {
} else {
	VCstartID <- str_locate_all(string = VCwebContent, pattern = "CheckVersionNumber1")
	if (dim(VCstartID[[1]])[1] == 0) {
		rm(VCstartID, VCwebContent)
	} else {
		VCstartID <- VCstartID[[1]][1, "end"]+1
		VCwebContent <- substr(VCwebContent, VCstartID, nchar(VCwebContent))
		VCstartID <- str_locate_all(string = VCwebContent, pattern = "\">")[[1]][1, "end"]+1
		VCendID <- str_locate_all(string = VCwebContent, pattern = "</span>")[[1]][1, "start"]-1
		VCnewestVersionNum <- substr(VCwebContent, VCstartID, VCendID)
		if (VCnewestVersionNum != "2.0.5") {
			writeLines("A new version of TCGA-Assembler is available!")
			writeLines(paste("Please download version ", VCnewestVersionNum,
											 " at", sep = ""))
		rm(VCstartID, VCwebContent, VCendID, VCnewestVersionNum)

#  end
kstawiski/miRNAselector documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 9:03 a.m.