
Defines functions SGVariantCounts SGFeatureCounts SGVariants SGSegments SGFeatures TxFeatures validAssays validMcols typeLevels validValues validExtraColumnSlotValues validExtraColumnSlotLengths validSGVariantCounts validSGFeatureCounts validSGVariants validSGSegments validSGFeatures validTxFeatures

Documented in SGFeatureCounts SGFeatures SGSegments SGVariantCounts SGVariants TxFeatures

## Validity checks

validTxFeatures <- function(object)

    slot_values <- list(
        strand = c("+", "-"),
        type = typeLevels("TxFeatures"))
        validExtraColumnSlotValues(object, slot_values))


validSGFeatures <- function(object)

    slot_values <- list(
        strand = c("+", "-"),
        type = typeLevels("SGFeatures"))
        validExtraColumnSlotValues(object, slot_values))


validSGSegments <- function(object)

    mcol_type <- c(
        from = "character",
        to = "character",
        type = "character",
        splice5p = "logical",
        splice3p = "logical",
        featureID = "character",
        segmentID = "integer",
        geneID = "integer",
        txName = "CharacterList",
        geneName = "CharacterList")
    validMcols(object, mcol_type)


validSGVariants <- function(object)

    mcol_type <- c(
        from = "character",
        to = "character",
        type = "character",
        featureID = "character",
        segmentID = "character",
        geneID = "integer",
        eventID = "integer",
        variantID = "integer",
        closed5p = "logical",
        closed3p = "logical",
        closed5pEvent = "logical",
        closed3pEvent = "logical",
        featureID5p = "IntegerList",
        featureID3p = "IntegerList",
        featureID5pEvent = "IntegerList",
        featureID3pEvent = "IntegerList",
        variantType = "CharacterList",
        variantName = "character",
        txName = "CharacterList",
        geneName = "CharacterList")
    validMcols(object, mcol_type)


validSGFeatureCounts <- function(object)

    assay_type <- c(
        counts = "integer",
        FPKM = "numeric")
    validAssays(object, assay_type)


validSGVariantCounts <- function(object)

    assay_type <- c(
        countsVariant5p = "integer",
        countsVariant3p = "integer",
        countsEvent5p = "integer",
        countsEvent3p = "integer",
        variantFreq = "numeric")
    validAssays(object, assay_type)


## Validity checks - helper functions

validExtraColumnSlotLengths <- function(object)

    l <- length(object)
    slots <- GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames(object)
    i <- which(elementNROWS(lapply(slots, slot, object = object)) != l)

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("invalid length for slot(s)",
            paste(dQuote(slots[i]), collapse = ", ")))



validExtraColumnSlotValues <- function(object, slot_values)

    specified <- names(slot_values)
    slots <- lapply(specified, slot, object = object)
    i <- which(!mapply(validValues, slots, slot_values))

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("invalid values for slot(s)",
            paste(dQuote(specified[i]), collapse = ", ")))



validValues <- function(x, values)

    return(all(x %in% values))


typeLevels <- function(class)

        TxFeatures = c("J", "I", "F", "L", "U"),
        SGFeatures = c("J", "E", "D", "A"))


validMcols <- function(object, mcol_type)

    i <- which(!names(mcol_type) %in% names(mcols(object)))

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("missing metadata column(s)",
            paste(dQuote(names(mcol_type)[i]), collapse = ", ")))


    i <- which(!mapply(is, mcols(object)[names(mcol_type)], mcol_type))

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("invalid type for metadata column(s)",
            paste(dQuote(names(mcol_type)[i]), collapse = ", ")))



validAssays <- function(object, assay_type)

    i <- which(!names(assay_type) %in% assayNames(object))

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("missing assay(s)",
            paste(dQuote(names(assay_type)[i]), collapse = ", ")))


    i <- which(!mapply(function(x, t) { is(as.vector(x), t) },
        assays(object)[names(assay_type)], assay_type))

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        return(paste("invalid type for assay(s)",
            paste(dQuote(names(assay_type)[i]), collapse = ", ")))



## Class definitions

    Class = "TxFeatures",
    slots = c(
        type = "factor",
        txName = "CharacterList",
        geneName = "CharacterList"),
    contains = "GRanges"

    Class = "SGFeatures",
    slots = c(
        type = "factor",
        splice5p = "logical",
        splice3p = "logical",
        featureID = "integer",
        geneID = "integer",
        txName = "CharacterList",
        geneName = "CharacterList"),
    contains = "GRanges"

    Class = "SGSegments",
    slots = c(unlistData = "SGFeatures"),
    contains = "CompressedGRangesList"

    Class = "SGVariants",
    slots = c(unlistData = "SGFeatures"),
    contains = "CompressedGRangesList"

    Class = "SGFeatureCounts",
    slots = c(rowRanges = "SGFeatures"),
    contains = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"

    Class = "SGVariantCounts",
    slots = c(rowRanges = "SGVariants"),
    contains = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"

setClassUnion("Features", c("TxFeatures", "SGFeatures"))
setClassUnion("Paths", c("SGSegments", "SGVariants"))
setClassUnion("Counts", c("SGFeatureCounts", "SGVariantCounts"))

## validity checks

setValidity2("TxFeatures", validTxFeatures)
setValidity2("SGFeatures", validSGFeatures)
setValidity2("SGSegments", validSGSegments)
setValidity2("SGVariants", validSGVariants)
setValidity2("SGFeatureCounts", validSGFeatureCounts)
setValidity2("SGVariantCounts", validSGVariantCounts)

## Methods for extraColumnSlotNames

setMethod(GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames, "TxFeatures",
    function(x) { c("type", "txName", "geneName") })

setMethod(GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames, "SGFeatures",
    function(x) { c("type", "splice5p", "splice3p", "featureID", "geneID",
        "txName", "geneName") })

## Constructor functions

##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{TxFeatures} for storing
##' transcript features.
##' \code{TxFeatures} extends \code{GRanges} with column slot \code{type}
##' specifying feature type. \code{type} is a factor with levels
##' \code{J} (splice junction), \code{I} (internal exon),
##' \code{F} (5' terminal exon), \code{L} (3' terminal exon),
##' \code{U} (unspliced transcript).
##' \code{txName} and \code{geneName} are CharacterLists storing
##' transcript and gene annotation, respectively.
##' @title Transcript features
##' @param x \code{GRanges} with known strand (\dQuote{+}, \dQuote{-})
##' @param type Character vector or factor, taking value
##'   \code{J}, \code{I}, \code{F}, \code{L}, or \code{U}
##' @param txName \code{CharacterList} of transcript names or \code{NULL}
##' @param geneName \code{CharacterList} of gene names or \code{NULL}
##' @return \code{TxFeatures} object
##' @examples
##' gr <- GRanges(1, IRanges(101, 200), "+")
##' txf <- TxFeatures(gr, type = "J")
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

TxFeatures <- function(x, type = mcols(x)$type, txName = mcols(x)$txName,
    geneName = mcols(x)$geneName)

    if (missing(x)) {

        x <- GRanges()
        type <- factor(levels = typeLevels("TxFeatures"))
        txName <- CharacterList()
        geneName <- CharacterList()

    } else {

        if (is.character(type))
            type <- factor(type, levels = typeLevels("TxFeatures"))

        if (is.null(txName))
            txName <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(x)))

        if (is.null(geneName))
            geneName <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(x)))


    slots <- c("type", "txName", "geneName")
    mcols(x) <- mcols(x)[!names(mcols(x)) %in% slots]

    new("TxFeatures", x, type = type, txName = txName, geneName = geneName)


##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{SGFeatures} for storing
##' splice graph features.
##' \code{SGFeatures} extends \code{GRanges} with column slot \code{type}
##' specifying feature type. \code{type} is a factor with levels
##' \code{J} (splice junction), \code{E} (exon bin),
##' \code{D} (splice donor), \code{A} (splice acceptor).
##' \code{splice5p} and \code{splice3p} are logical vectors indicating
##' mandatory splices at the 5' and 3' end of an exon bin, respectively.
##' These are used to determine whether reads extending across the
##' 5' and 3' boundaries of an exon bin must be spliced at the boundary
##' to be considered compatible with the exon bin.
##' \code{featureID} and \code{geneID} are integer vectors representing
##' unique identifiers for features and genes (connected components in
##' the splice graph).
##' \code{txName} and \code{geneName} are CharacterLists storing
##' transcript and gene annotation, respectively.
##' @title Splice graph features
##' @param x \code{GRanges} with known strand (\dQuote{+}, \dQuote{-})
##' @param type Character vector or factor taking value \code{J},
##'   \code{E}, \code{D}, or \code{A}
##' @param splice5p Logical vector indicating a mandatory splice at the
##'   5' end of an exon bin (determining whether reads extending across
##'   the 5' boundary must be spliced to be considered compatible)
##' @param splice3p Logical vector indicating a mandatory splice at the
##'   3' end of an exon bin (determining whether reads extending across
##'   the 3' boundary must be spliced to be considered compatible)
##' @param featureID Integer vector of feature IDs
##' @param geneID Integer vector of gene IDs
##' @param txName \code{CharacterList} of transcript names or \code{NULL}
##' @param geneName \code{CharacterList} of gene names or \code{NULL}
##' @return \code{SGFeatures} object
##' @examples
##' sgf <- SGFeatures()
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

SGFeatures <- function(x, type = mcols(x)$type,
    splice5p = mcols(x)$splice5p, splice3p = mcols(x)$splice3p,
    featureID = mcols(x)$featureID, geneID = mcols(x)$geneID,
    txName = mcols(x)$txName, geneName = mcols(x)$geneName)

    if (missing(x)) {

        x <- GRanges()
        type <- factor(levels = typeLevels("SGFeatures"))
        splice5p <- logical()
        splice3p <- logical()
        featureID <- integer()
        geneID <- integer()
        txName <- CharacterList()
        geneName <- CharacterList()

    } else {

        if (is.character(type))
            type <- factor(type, levels = typeLevels("SGFeatures"))

        if (is.null(txName))
            txName <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(x)))

        if (is.null(geneName))
            geneName <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(x)))


    new("SGFeatures", granges(x), type = type, splice5p = splice5p,
        splice3p = splice3p, featureID = featureID, geneID = geneID,
        txName = txName, geneName = geneName)


##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{SGSegments} for storing
##' splice graph segments.
##' @title Splice graph segments
##' @param x \code{GRangesList} of \code{SGFeatures} with appropriate
##'   outer metadata columns
##' @return \code{SGSegments} object
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

SGSegments <- function(x)

    if (missing(x)) {

        x <- GRangesList()
        x@unlistData <- SGFeatures()
        x@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(
            from = character(),
            to = character(),
            type = character(),
            splice5p = logical(),
            splice3p = logical(),
            featureID = character(),
            segmentID = integer(),
            geneID = integer(),
            txName = CharacterList(),
            geneName = CharacterList())

    } else {

        n <- length(x)

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$txName))
            mcols(x)$txName <- CharacterList(vector("list", n))

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$geneName))
            mcols(x)$geneName <- CharacterList(vector("list", n))


    new("SGSegments", x)


##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{SGVariants} for storing
##' splice variants.
##' \code{SGVariants} includes columns as described below.
##' \itemize{
##'  \item{}{\code{from} and \code{to} indicate the variant start and end,
##'   respectively. \code{from} nodes are splice donors (\dQuote{D})
##'   or transcript starts (\dQuote{S}). \code{to} nodes are splice
##'   acceptors (\dQuote{A}) or transcript ends (\dQuote{E}).}
##'  \item{}{\code{type} and \code{featureID} describe the variant in
##'   terms of the splice graph features that make up the variant.}
##'  \item{}{\code{segmentID} specifies unique identifiers labelling
##'   unbranched segments of the splice graph.}
##'  \item{}{\code{closed5p} indicates whether nodes in the variant can be
##'   reached from nodes outside of the variant exclusively through the
##'   \code{from} node.}
##'  \item{}{\code{closed3p} indicates whether nodes in the variant can reach
##'   nodes outside of the variant exclusively through the \code{to} node.}
##'  \item{}{\code{closed5pEvent} indicates whether nodes in the event can
##'   be reached from nodes outside of the event exclusively through the
##'   \code{from} node.}
##'  \item{}{\code{closed3pEvent} indicates whether nodes in the event can
##'   reach nodes outside of the event exclusively through the \code{to}
##'   node.}
##'  \item{}{\code{geneID} has the same interpretation as for
##'   \code{SGFeatures}.}
##'  \item{}{\code{eventID} and \code{variantID} are unique identifiers for
##'   each event and variant, respectively.}
##'  \item{}{\code{featureID5p} and \code{featureID3p} indicate representative
##'   features used for variant quantification at the start and end of the
##'   variant, respectively.}
##'  \item{\code{featureID5pEvent} and \code{featureID3pEvent} indicate the
##'   ensemble of representative features at the start and end of the event,
##'   respectively.}
##'  \item{}{\code{txName} indicates structurally compatible transcripts.}
##'  \item{}{\code{geneName} behaves as for \code{SGFeatures}.}
##'  \item{}{\code{variantType} indicates whether a splice variant is
##'   consistent with a canonical splice event (for a list of possible
##'   values, see the manual page for \code{annotateSGVariants}).}
##'  \item{}{\code{variantName} provides a unique name for each splice variant
##'   (for details, see the manual page for \code{makeVariantNames}).}
##' }
##' @title Splice graph variants
##' @param x \code{GRangesList} of \code{SGFeatures} with appropriate
##'   outer metadata columns
##' @return \code{SGVariants} object
##' @examples
##' sgv <- SGVariants()
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

SGVariants <- function(x)

    if (missing(x)) {

        x <- GRangesList()
        x@unlistData <- SGFeatures()
        x@elementMetadata <- DataFrame(
            from = character(),
            to = character(),
            type = character(),
            featureID = character(),
            segmentID = character(),
            geneID = integer(),
            eventID = integer(),
            variantID = integer(),
            closed5p = logical(),
            closed3p = logical(),
            closed5pEvent = logical(),
            closed3pEvent = logical(),
            featureID5p = IntegerList(),
            featureID3p = IntegerList(),
            featureID5pEvent = IntegerList(),
            featureID3pEvent = IntegerList(),
            variantType = CharacterList(),
            variantName = character(),
            txName = CharacterList(),
            geneName = CharacterList())

    } else {

        n <- length(x)

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$txName))
            mcols(x)$txName <- CharacterList(vector("list", n))

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$geneName))
            mcols(x)$geneName <- CharacterList(vector("list", n))

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$variantType))
            mcols(x)$variantType <- CharacterList(vector("list", n))

        if (is.null(mcols(x)$variantName))
            mcols(x)$variantName <- vector("character", n)


    new("SGVariants", x)


##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{SGFeatureCounts} for storing
##' compatible splice graph feature counts.
##' @title Splice graph feature counts
##' @param x \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment} with \code{SGFeatures}
##'   as \code{rowRanges} and assays \dQuote{counts} and \dQuote{FPKM}
##' @return \code{SGFeatureCounts} object
##' @examples
##' sgfc <- SGFeatureCounts()
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

SGFeatureCounts <- function(x)

    if (missing(x)) {

        assays <- list(
            counts = matrix(integer(), 0, 0),
            FPKM = matrix(numeric(), 0, 0))

        x <- SummarizedExperiment(assays, rowRanges = SGFeatures())


    new("SGFeatureCounts", x)


##' Creates an instance of S4 class \code{SGVariantCounts} for storing
##' splice variant counts.
##' @title Splice graph variant counts
##' @param x \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment} with \code{SGVariants}
##'   as \code{rowRanges} and assays \dQuote{variantFreq},
##'   \dQuote{countsVariant5p}, \dQuote{countsVariant3p},
##'   \dQuote{countsEvent5p}, \dQuote{countsEvent3p}, and
##'   optionally \dQuote{countsVariant5pOr3p}
##' @return \code{SGVariantCounts} object
##' @examples
##' sgvc <- SGVariantCounts()
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

SGVariantCounts <- function(x)

    if (missing(x)) {

        assays <- list(
            countsVariant5p = matrix(integer(), 0, 0),
            countsVariant3p = matrix(integer(), 0, 0),
            countsEvent5p = matrix(integer(), 0, 0),
            countsEvent3p = matrix(integer(), 0, 0),
            variantFreq = matrix(numeric(), 0, 0))

        x <- SummarizedExperiment(assays, rowRanges = SGVariants())


    new("SGVariantCounts", x)


##' Update object created with previous version of SGSeq.
##' @title Update object
##' @param object Object to be updated
##' @param ... Additional arguments
##' @param verbose Should a warning message be generated
##' @return Updated object
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
##' @name updateObject

##' @rdname updateObject
setMethod("updateObject", "SGVariants", function(object, ..., verbose = FALSE) {

    current <- names(mcols(object))

    required <- c(

    if (all(required %in% current)) return(object)

    if (verbose) {

        msg <- c(
        "SGVariants object was created with previous version of SGSeq.",
        "Please use updateObject() to update. Note that for each event",
        "all variants must be included for updated object to be valid.")
        msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)


    object <- as(object, "GRangesList")
    object_eventID <- as.factor(mcols(object)$eventID)

    ## add closed5pEvent
    event_closed5p <- tapply(mcols(object)$closed5p, object_eventID, all)
    mcols(object)$closed5pEvent <- as.logical(event_closed5p[match(
        object_eventID, names(event_closed5p))])

    ## add closed3pEvent
    event_closed3p <- tapply(mcols(object)$closed3p, object_eventID, all)
    mcols(object)$closed3pEvent <- as.logical(event_closed3p[match(
        object_eventID, names(event_closed3p))])

    ## add featureID5pEvent
    event_featureID5p <- split(unlist(mcols(object)$featureID5p),
    event_featureID5p <- unique(IntegerList(event_featureID5p))
    mcols(object)$featureID5pEvent <- event_featureID5p[match(
        object_eventID, names(event_featureID5p))]

    ## add featureID3pEvent
    event_featureID3p <- split(unlist(mcols(object)$featureID3p),
    event_featureID3p <- unique(IntegerList(event_featureID3p))
    mcols(object)$featureID3pEvent <- event_featureID3p[match(
        object_eventID, names(event_featureID3p))]

    ## reorder columns
    j <- which(!names(mcols(object)) %in% required)
    if (length(j) > 0) {

        mcols(object) <- cbind(mcols(object)[required], mcols(object)[j])

    } else {

        mcols(object) <- mcols(object)[required]


    ## create new SGVariants object
    object <- SGVariants(object)



##' @rdname updateObject
setMethod("updateObject", "SGVariantCounts", function(object, ..., verbose = FALSE) {

    current <- assayNames(object)

    required <- c(

    if (all(required %in% current)) return(object)

    if (verbose) {

        msg <- c(
        "SGVariantCounts object was created with previous version of SGSeq.",
        "Please use updateObject() to update. Note that for each event all",
        "variants must be included for updated object to be valid.")
        msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)


    object <- as(object, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")

    ## update SGVariants
    rowRanges(object) <- updateObject(rowRanges(object))

    ## remove assay countsTotal
    assays(object, withDimnames=FALSE)$countsTotal <- NULL

    ## update assay names
    old2new <- c(
        countsTotal5p = "countsEvent5p",
        countsTotal3p = "countsEvent3p",
        countsVariant = "countsVariant5pOr3p")
    j <- which(assayNames(object) %in% names(old2new))
    assayNames(object)[j] <- old2new[assayNames(object)[j]]

    ## create new SGVariantCounts object
    object <- SGVariantCounts(object)


ldg21/SGSeq documentation built on Oct. 14, 2020, 9:51 p.m.