
Defines functions .gsd.row.index as.list.GeneSetDb csplit as.data.frame.GeneSetDb all.equal.GeneSetDb addGeneSetMetadata addCollectionMetadata hasGeneSet hasGeneSetCollection subset.GeneSetDb is.active incidenceMatrix is.conformed annotateGeneSetMembership

Documented in addCollectionMetadata addGeneSetMetadata all.equal.GeneSetDb annotateGeneSetMembership as.data.frame.GeneSetDb as.list.GeneSetDb hasGeneSet hasGeneSetCollection incidenceMatrix is.active is.conformed subset.GeneSetDb

#' Annotates rows of a data.frame with geneset membership from a GeneSetDb
#' This is helpful when you don't have a monsterly sized GeneSetDb. There will
#' be as many new columns added to `x` as there are active genesets in `gdb`.
#' @export
#' @param x A data.frame with genes/features in rows
#' @param gdb A [GeneSetDb()] object with geneset membership
#' @param x.ids The name of the column in `x` that holds the feautre
#'   id's in `x` that match the feature_id's in `gdb`, or a vector
#'   of id's to use for each row in `x` that represent these.
#' @param ... parameters passed down into [incidenceMatrix()]
#' @return Returns the original `x` with additional columns: each is a
#'   logical vector that indicates membership for genesets defined in
#'   `gdb`.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' mg <- multiGSEA(gdb, vm, vm$design, 'tumor', methods=NULL)
#' lfc <- logFC(mg)
#' annotated <- annotateGeneSetMembership(lfc, gdb, 'feature_id')
#' ## Show only genes that are part of 'HALLMARK_ANGIOGENESIS' geneset
#' angio <- subset(annotated, `c2;;BIOCARTA_AGPCR_PATHWAY`)
annotateGeneSetMembership <- function(x, gdb, x.ids=NULL, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'data.frame'))
  stopifnot(is(gdb, 'GeneSetDb'))

  if (is.null(x.ids)) {
    ## Guess the column of x that has featureIds by identifying the column of
    ## x that has the highest percent membership in gdb@featureIdMap
    membership <- sapply(x, function(col) {
      if (!is.character(col)) 0 else mean(col %in% featureIdMap(gdb)$x.id)
    x.ids <- names(x)[which.max(membership)]
  if (!is.character(x.ids)) {
    stop("character expected for x.ids")
  if (length(x.ids) == 1L && is.character(x[[x.ids]])) {
    ## This is a column in df that has the gene IDs that `x` expects
    x.ids <- x[[x.ids]]
  if (nrow(x) != length(x.ids)) {
    stop("x.ids must be a vector of gene ids, or a column name in x of these")

  im <- incidenceMatrix(gdb, x.ids, ...)
  storage.mode(im) <- 'logical'
  cbind(x, t(im))

setMethod("length", "GeneSetDb", function(x) nrow(geneSets(x)))

#' (Re)-map geneset IDs to the rows in an expression object.
#' @description `conform`-ing, a `GeneSetDb` to a target expression
#' object is an important step required prior to perform any type of GSEA. This
#' function maps the featureIds used in the GeneSetDb to the elements of a
#' target expression object (ie. the rows of an expression matrix, or the
#' elements of a vector of gene-level statistics).
#' After `conform`-ation, each geneset in the `GeneSetDb` is flagged
#' as active (or inactive) given the number of its features that are
#' successfully mapped to `target` and the minimum and maximum number of
#' genes per geneset required as specified by the `min.gs.size` and
#' `max.gs.size` parameters, respectively.
#' Only genesets that are marked with `active = TRUE` will be used in any
#' downstream gene set operations.
#' @section Related Functions:
#' * [unconform()]: Resets the conformation mapping.
#' * [is.conformed()]: If `to` is missing, looks for evidence that `conform` has
#'   been called (at all) on `x`. If `to` is provided, specifically checks that
#'   `x` has been conformed to the target object `to`.
#' @rdname conform
#' @param x The GeneSetDb
#' @param target The expression object/matrix to conform to. This could also
#'   just be a character vector of IDs.
#' @param unique.by If there are multiple rows that map to the identifiers used
#'   in the genesets, this is a means to pick the single row for that ID
#' @param min.gs.size Ensure that the genesets that make their way to the
#'   `GeneSetDb@@table` are of a minimum size
#' @param max.gs.size Ensure that the genesets that make their way to the
#'   `GeneSetDb@@table` are smaller than this size
#' @param match.tolerance Numeric value between \[0,1\]. If the fraction of
#'   `feature_id`s used in `x` that match `rownames(y)` is below
#'   this number, a warning will be fired.
#' @param ... moar args
#' @return A  [GeneSetDb()] that has been matched/conformed to an expression
#'   object target `y`.
#' @examples
#' es <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' head(geneSets(gdb))
#' gdb <- conform(gdb, es)
#' ## Note the updated values `active` flag, and n (the number of features
#' ## mapped per gene set)
#' head(geneSets(gdb))
setMethod("conform", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, target, unique.by=c('none', 'mean', 'var'),
         min.gs.size=2L, max.gs.size=Inf, match.tolerance=0.25, ...) {
  unique.by <- match.arg(unique.by)
  if (unique.by != 'none') {
    stop("`unique.by` must be 'none' for now")
  # if (min.gs.size == 1) {
  #   stop("Doing GSEA with 1 gene doesn't really make sense, does it?")
  # }
  if (max.gs.size < min.gs.size) {
    stop("max.gs.size must be larger than min.gs.size")
  ## We are allowing y to be a character vector of featureIds here
  if (is.vector(target) && is.character(target)) {
    target <- matrix(1L, nrow=length(target), ncol=1L,
                     dimnames=list(target, NULL))
  if (!any(sapply(.valid.x, function(claz) is(target, claz)))) {
    stop("Illegal type of expression object to conform to")
  # x <- copy(x)
  fm <- featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE)
  fm$x.idx <- match(fm$x.id, rownames(target))
  fraction.match <- mean(!is.na(fm$x.idx))
  if (fraction.match <= match.tolerance) {
    warning("Fraction of gene set IDs that match rownames in the expression ",
            "object are low: ", sprintf("%.2f%% ", fraction.match * 100),
  if (fraction.match == 0) {
    stop("None of the rownames of the expression object match the featureIds ",
         "for the genesets")

  otable <- x@table
  ntable <- x@db[, {
    f <- feature_id
    xref <- fm[list(f)]
    n <- sum(!is.na(xref$x.idx))
    active <- n >= min.gs.size && n <= max.gs.size
    list(active=active, N=.N, n=n)
  }, by=c('collection', 'name')]

  ## Add back columns from original x@table that you just nuked
  kosher <- all.equal(
    otable[, list(collection, name)],
    ntable[, list(collection, name)])
  add.me <- setdiff(colnames(otable), colnames(ntable))
  for (col in add.me) ntable[, (col) := otable[[col]]]
  x@table <- ntable

  inactive <- !x@table$active
  if (any(inactive)) {
    msg <- paste("Deactivating %d gene sets because conformation of GeneSetDb",
                 "to the target creates gene sets smaller than %s or greater",
                 "than %s\n")
    msg <- sprintf(msg, sum(inactive), as.character(min.gs.size),
    warning(msg, immediate.=TRUE)

  x@featureIdMap <- fm

#' @export
#' @rdname conform
setMethod("unconform", "GeneSetDb", function(x, ...) {
  x@table <- transform(x@table, active=FALSE)
  x@featureIdMap <- transform(x@featureIdMap, x.idx=NA_integer_)

#' @export
#' @rdname conform
is.conformed <- function(x, to) {
  if (!is(x, 'GeneSetDb')) {
    stop("Only works on the GeneSetDb")
  if (missing(to)) {
    ans <- any(!is.na(featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE)$x.idx))
  } else {
    ## Verify that gsd is properly conformed to x
    fm <- subset(featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE), !is.na(x.idx))
    to.ids <- if (is.character(to))
    else if (is.vector(to))
    if (!is.character(to.ids)) {
      stop("featureIds unsuccessfully extracted from `to`")
    ans <- nrow(fm) > 0 && all(to.ids[fm$x.idx] == fm$x.id)

#' Creates a 1/0 matrix to indicate geneset membership to target object.
#' Generates an inidcator matrix to indicate membership of genes (columns)
#' to gene sets (rows). If `y` is provided, then the incidence is mapped
#' across the entire feature-space of `y`.
#' @export
#' @param x A [GeneSetDb()]
#' @param y (optional) A target (expression) object `x` is (or can be)
#'   conformed to
#' @param ... parameters passed down into [conform()].
#' @return incidence matrix with nrows = number of genesets and columns are
#'   featureIDs. If `y` is passed in, the columns of the returned value
#'   match the rows of `y`.
#' @examples
#' vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H', 'human', 'entrez')
#' im <- incidenceMatrix(gdb)
#' imv <- incidenceMatrix(gdb, vm)
incidenceMatrix <- function(x, y, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  gs <- NULL
  if (missing(y)) {
    val <- 'feature_id'
    ynames <- unique(x@db$feature_id)
    ncol <- length(ynames)
  } else {
    val <- 'x.idx'
    x <- conform(x, y, ...)
    if (is.vector(y)) {
      ynames <- y
      ncol <- length(y)
    } else {
      ynames <- rownames(y)
      ncol <- nrow(y)

  gs <- geneSets(x, as.dt=TRUE)
  dimnames <- list(encode_gskey(gs), ynames)
  out <- matrix(0L, nrow(gs), ncol, dimnames=dimnames)

  for (i in 1:nrow(gs)) {
    fids <- featureIds(x, gs$collection[i], gs$name[i], value=val)
    out[i, fids] <- 1L


#' Interrogate "active" status of a given geneset.
#' Returns the `active` status of genesets, which are specified by
#' their collection,name compound keys. This function is vectorized and
#' supports query of multiple gene sets at a time. If a requested
#' collection,name gene set doesn't exist, this throws an error.
#' @export
#' @param x [GeneSetDb()]
#' @param i collection of geneset(s)
#' @param j name of geneset(s) (must be same length as `i`.
#' @return logical indicating if geneset is active. throws an error if
#'   any requested geneset does not exist in `x`.
is.active <- function(x, i, j) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  stopifnot(is.character(i), is.character(j), length(i) == length(j))
  gsx <- geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)[list(i,j), nomatch=NA]
  res <- gsx$active
  isna <- is.na(res)
  if (any(isna)) {
    unk <- paste(i[isna], j[isna], sep=":", collapse=",")
    stop(sprintf("Unknown genesets: %s", unk))

setMethod("subsetByFeatures", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, features, value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'), ...) {
  value <- match.arg(value)
  ## some good old data.table voodoo going on inside here
  unk.f <- setdiff(features, featureIds(x, value=value))
  if (length(unk.f)) {
    warning(length(unk.f), "/", length(features), " do not exist in GeneSetDb")
    features <- setdiff(features, unk.f)

  dat <- merge(x@db, featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE), by='feature_id')
  hits <- unique(dat[dat[[value]] %in% features, list(collection, name)])
  gs.all <- geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)
  keep <- rep(FALSE, nrow(gs.all))
  gs.idx <- gs.all[hits, which=TRUE]
  if (length(gs.idx)) {
    keep[gs.idx] <- TRUE

#' @rdname featureIds
setMethod("featureIds", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, i, j, value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'),
         active.only=is.conformed(x), ...) {
  if (missing(value)) {
    value <- if (is.conformed(x)) 'x.id' else 'feature_id'
  value <- match.arg(value, c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'))

  if (missing(i) && missing(j)) {
    ## User isn't asking about any particular collection, but just wants all
    ## features in the GeneSetDb as a whole ... OK(?)
    fmap <- x@featureIdMap
    if (is.conformed(x) && active.only) {
      fmap <- fmap[!is.na(x.idx)]
    out <- unique(fmap, by=value)[[value]]

  if (!isSingleCharacter(i)) {
    stop("collection (i) must be length 1 character vectors")
  if (missing(j)) {
    whole.collection <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (!isSingleCharacter(j)) {
      stop("gene set name (j) must be length 1 character vectors")
    whole.collection <- FALSE

  gs <- geneSets(x, active.only=active.only, as.dt=TRUE)
  gs <- gs[, key(gs), with=FALSE]
  gs <- gs[list(i)]

  if (nrow(gs) == 0L) {
    stop("There are no ", if (active.only) "active " else NULL,
         "genesets in collection: ", i)

  if (whole.collection) {
    db <- unique(x@db[gs], by='feature_id')
  } else {
    ## I am purposefully not using `hasGeneSet` here for performance reasons
    ## hasGeneSet(x, i, j, as.error=TRUE)
    db <- x@db[list(i, j)]
    if (is.na(db$feature_id[1L])) {
      msg <- sprintf("collection=%s, name=%s does not exist in GeneSetDb db",
                     i, j)

  fid.map <- featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE)[db$feature_id]
  if (is.conformed(x) && active.only) {
    fid.map <- fid.map[!is.na(x.idx)]


setMethod("featureIdMap", c(x="GeneSetDb"), function(x, as.dt=FALSE) {
  out <- x@featureIdMap
  if (!as.dt) out <- setDF(copy(out))

#' Replacing the featureIdMap blows away the "conform"-ation status of x
#' This method ensures that there is only one feature_id <-> x.id mapping value.
#' Note that this does not mean that this enforces a 1:1 mapping, it's just
#' that the same mapping is not listed more than once.
#' @noRd
setReplaceMethod('featureIdMap', 'GeneSetDb', function(x, value) {
  if (!is.data.frame(value)) {
    stop("data.frame/table required for featureIdMap<-")
  if (!ncol(value) == 2) {
    stop("featureIdMap must be a 2 column data.frame")
  if (!all(x@db$feature_id %in% value[[1]])) {
    stop("Some @db$feature_id's are not in first column of new featureIdMap")

  value <- as.data.table(value)
  setnames(value, c('feature_id', 'x.id'))
  value <- unique(value, by=c('feature_id', 'x.id'))
  setkeyv(value, 'feature_id')
  value[, x.idx := NA_integer_]
  x@featureIdMap <- value

#' @rdname geneSets
setMethod("geneSets", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, active.only=is.conformed(x), ... , as.dt=FALSE) {
  out <- if (active.only[1L]) x@table[active == TRUE] else x@table
  if (!as.dt) out <- setDF(copy(out))

#' @rdname geneSet
setMethod("geneSet", c(x="GeneSetDb"),
function(x, i, j, active.only=is.conformed(x), with.feature.map=FALSE, ...,
         collection = NULL, name = NULL, as.dt = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(collection) && missing(i)) i <- collection
  if (!is.null(name) && missing(j)) j <- name
  if (missing(i) && is.null(collection)) {
    gs <- geneSets(x, as.dt = TRUE)[name == j]
    if (nrow(gs) != 1L) {
      stop("Cannot resolve geneset using only `name` == `'", j, "'`")
    i <- gs[["collection"]]
  } else if (missing(j) && is.null(name)) {
    gs <- geneSets(x, as.dt = TRUE)[collection == i]
    if (nrow(gs) != 1L) {
      stop("Cannot resolve geneset using only `collection` == `'", i, "'`")
    j <- gs[["name"]]
  stopifnot(isSingleCharacter(i), isSingleCharacter(j))
  fids <- featureIds(x, i, j, value='feature_id', active.only=active.only, ...)
  info <- geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)[list(i, j)]
  info <- info[, c("collection", "name", "active", "N", "n"), with=FALSE]

  ## Fetch information from x@db. Extra information per feature are stored here
  dbx <- x@db[list(i,j,fids)]
  out <- cbind(info[rep(1L, nrow(dbx))], dbx[, -(1:2), with=FALSE])

  ## Add featureIdMap info
  if (with.feature.map) {
    fminfo <- featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE)[list(fids)]
    out <- cbind(out, fminfo[, -1L, with=FALSE])

  if (!as.dt) out <- setDF(copy(out))

#' Subset GeneSetDb to only include specified genesets.
#' This is a utility function that is called by \code{[.GeneSetDb} and is not
#' exported because it is not meant for external use.
#' DEBUG: If `keep` is all FALSE, this will explode. What does an empty
#' GeneSetDb look like, anyway? Something ...
#' We want to support a better, more fluent subsetting of GeneSetDb objects.
#' See Issue #12 (https://github.com/lianos/multiGSEA/issues/12)
#' @param x a [GeneSetDb()]
#' @param keep logical vector as long as `nrow(geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE)`
#' @return a `GeneSetDb` that has only the results for the specified
#'   genesets.
#' @examples
#' gdb.all <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' gs <- geneSets(gdb.all)
#' gdb <- gdb.all[gs$collection %in% c("c2", "c7")]
subset.GeneSetDb <- function(x, keep) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  if (all(keep == FALSE)) {
    stop("Cannot subset GeneSetDb down to empty (`keep` is all FALSE)")
  nr <- nrow(geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE))

  if (!is.logical(keep) && length(keep) != nr) {
    stop("The `keep` vector is FUBAR'd")

  ## 1. Remove rows from x@table
  ## 2. Remove rows in x@db that belong to collection,name that do not exist
  ##    due to (1)
  ## 3. remove entries in x@featureIdMap for features that no longer exist in
  ##    updated db from (2)
  ## 4. Update x@collectionMetadata to:
  ##    a. remove all metadata for collections that are completely gone
  ##    b. update remaining collection,count entries for remaining collections

  ## 1
  keep.table <- x@table[keep]

  ## 2
  gs.keys <- keep.table[, key(keep.table), with=FALSE]
  setkeyv(gs.keys, key(keep.table))
  keep.db <- x@db[gs.keys, nomatch=0] ## only keep entries in db in gs.keys

  ## 3
  keep.featureIdMap <- subset(x@featureIdMap, feature_id %in% keep.db$feature_id)

  ## 4a
  keep.cm <- subset(x@collectionMetadata, collection %in% keep.db$collection)
  ## 4b
  # NOTE: remove count collectionMetadata
  # cc <- keep.table[, list(name='count', value=.N), by='collection']
  # setkeyv(cc, key(keep.cm))

  ## Currently (data.table v1.9.4( there's nothing I can do to make i.value a
  ## list element and this `set` mojo doesn't work either
  # value <- i.value <- NULL # silence R CMD check NOTEs
  # suppressWarnings(keep.cm[cc, value := list(i.value)])
  ## update.idxs <- keep.cm[cc, which=TRUE]
  ## val.idx <- which(colnames(keep.cm) == 'value')
  ## for (idx in seq_along(update.idxs)) {
  ##   set(keep.cm, update.idxs[idx], val.idx, list(cc$value[idx]))
  ## }

  out <- .GeneSetDb(table=keep.table,

#' Subset whole genesets from a GeneSetDb
#' @exportMethod [
setMethod("[", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    stop("parameters in '...' not supported")
  if (!missing(drop)) {
    warning("drop argument ignored", immediate.=TRUE)
  if (!missing(j)) {
    warning("j is ignored", immediate.=TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(i) && length(i) != nrow(geneSets(x))) {
    stop("i must be a logical vector as long as nrow(geneSets(x))")
  subset.GeneSetDb(x, i)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Functions over collections

#' Check if a collection exists in the \code{GeneSetDb}
#' @export
#' @param x A [GeneSetDb()]
#' @param collection character vector of name(s) of the collections to query
#' @param as.error logical if TRUE, this will error instead of returning FALSE
#' @return logical indicating if this collection exists
hasGeneSetCollection <- function(x, collection, as.error=FALSE) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  meta.idxs <- match(collection,
                     collectionMetadata(x, as.dt=TRUE)$collection)
  gsc.exists <- !is.na(meta.idxs)
  if (!all(gsc.exists) && as.error) {
    bad <- paste("    * ", collection[!gsc.exists], collapse='\n', sep='')
    stop("The following collections to not exist:\n", bad)


#' Check to see if the GeneSetDb has a collection,name GeneSet defined
#' @export
#' @param x GeneSetDb
#' @param collection character indicating the collection
#' @param name character indicating the name of the geneset
#' @param as.error If `TRUE`, a test for the existance of the geneset will throw
#'   an error if the geneset does not exist
#' @return logical indicating whether or not the geneset is defined.
#' @examples
#' gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' hasGeneSet(gdb, c('c2', 'c7'), c('BIOCARTA_AGPCR_PATHWAY', 'something'))
hasGeneSet <- function(x, collection, name, as.error=FALSE) {
  gs.exists <- !is.na(.gsd.row.index(x, collection, name))
  if (as.error && !all(gs.exists)) {
    msg <- "The follwing %d gene sets do not exist: \n%s"
    not <- paste(collection[!gs.exists], name[!gs.exists],
                 sep=":", collapse="\n")
    stop(sprintf(msg, sum(!gs.exists), not))

  c(x="GeneSetDb", collection="missing", name="missing"),
  function(x, collection, name, as.dt=FALSE) {
    out <- x@collectionMetadata
    if (!as.dt) {
      warning("The collectionMetadata has a list column ('value'). This ",
              "may not play well with data.frame based operation. Consider ",
              "returning as a data.table by setting `as.dt = TRUE`",
              immediate. = TRUE)
      out <- setDF(copy(out))

  c(x="GeneSetDb", collection="character", name="missing"),
  function(x, collection, name, as.dt=FALSE) {
    hasGeneSetCollection(x, collection, as.error=TRUE)
    out <- x@collectionMetadata[collection]
    if (!as.dt) {
      warning("The collectionMetadata has a list column ('value'). This ",
              "may not play well with data.frame based operation. Consider ",
              "returning as a data.table by setting `as.dt = TRUE`",
              immediate. = TRUE)
      out <- setDF(copy(out))

  c(x="GeneSetDb", collection="character", name="character"),
  function(x, collection, name, as.dt=FALSE) {
    hasGeneSetCollection(x, collection, as.error=TRUE)
    .col <- collection
    .name <- name
    cmd <- x@collectionMetadata
    idx <- cmd[list(.col, .name), which=TRUE]
    if (is.na(idx[1L])) {
      msg <- sprintf("metadata not defined for collection:%s, varname:%s",
                     .col, .name)

#' TODO: This should accept a data.frame of collect,name combos
#' @noRd
setMethod("geneSetURL", c(x = "GeneSetDb"), function(x, i, j, ...) {
  stopifnot(is.character(i), is.character(j), length(i) == length(j))
  collections <- unique(i)
  col.exists <- hasGeneSetCollection(x, collections)
  url.fns <- Map(collections, col.exists, f = function(col, exists) {
    if (exists) {
      geneSetCollectionURLfunction(x, col)
    } else {
      function(x, y, ...) NA_character_
  mapply(i, j, FUN = function(col, name, ...) {
    url.fns[[col]](col, name, gdb = x, ...)

setMethod("geneSetCollectionURLfunction", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, ...) {
  fn.dt <- x@collectionMetadata[list(i, 'url_function'), nomatch=0]
  if (nrow(fn.dt) == 0) {
    ## validObject(x) : this call is slow and should never be FALSE anyway
    stop(sprintf("No url_function for collection '%s' found", i))
  if (nrow(fn.dt) > 1) {
    ## validObject(x) : this call is slow and should never be FALSE anyway
    stop(sprintf("Multiple url_function defined for collection '%s' found", i))

  fn <- fn.dt$value[[1L]]
  if (!is.function(fn)) {
    ## validObject(x) : this call is slow and should never be FALSE anyway
    stop(sprintf("The URL function for collection '%s' is missing", i))


setReplaceMethod("geneSetCollectionURLfunction", "GeneSetDb",
function(x, i, value) {
  valid <- function(v) {
    if (!isTRUE(is.function(v))) return(FALSE)
    args <- formalArgs(v)
    # We didn't specify previously that the  names of the arguments had to be
    # collection and name, so don't check those. Just require >= 3, and that
    # one of them is "...
    if (length(args) < 3 || !"..." %in% args) {
      warning("geneSetURL functions must take at least two named arguments, ",
              "and must also handle `...`")
    url.test <- v("a", "b")
    if (!test_string(url.test)) {
      warning("geneSetURL does not return a string when called")
  addCollectionMetadata(x, i, 'url_function', value, valid)

setReplaceMethod("featureIdType", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, value) {
  valid <- function(v) is(v, 'GeneIdentifierType')
  addCollectionMetadata(x, i, 'id_type', value, valid)

setMethod("featureIdType", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, ...) {
  x@collectionMetadata[list(i, 'id_type')]$value[[1L]]

setReplaceMethod("org", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, value) {
  valid <- function(v) {
    if (!is.character(v) && length(v) == 1L) {
    info <- strsplit(v, '_')[[1L]]
    if (length(info) != 2L) {
    known <- c('Mus_musculus', 'Homo_sapiens')
    if (!v %in% known) {
      warning("Value '",v,"' for organism is unrecognized (but will be used).",
              v, immediate.=TRUE)
  if (missing(i)) {
    colls <- unique(x@collectionMetadata$collection)
    for (coll in colls) {
      org(x, coll) <- value
  addCollectionMetadata(x, i, 'organism', value, valid)

setMethod("org", "GeneSetDb", function(x, i, ...) {
  if (missing(i)) {
    x@collectionMetadata[name == 'organism']
  } else {
    x@collectionMetadata[list(i, 'organism')]$value[[1L]]

#' @section Adding arbitrary collectionMetadata:
#' Adds arbitrary metadata to a gene set collection of a GeneSetDb
#' Note that this is not a replacement method! You must catch the returned
#' object to keep the one with the updated `collectionMetadata`. Although this
#' function is exported, I imagine this being used mostly through predefined
#' replace methods that use this as a utility function, such as the replacement
#' methods for [org()], and [featureIdType()].
#' ```
#' gdb <- getMSigGeneSetDb('H')
#' gdb <- addCollectionMetadata(gdb, 'H', 'foo', 'bar')
#' ```
#' @export
#' @rdname collectionMetadata
#' @param x [GeneSetDb()]
#' @param xcoll The collection name
#' @param xname The name of the metadata variable
#' @param value The value of the metadata variable
#' @param validate.value.fn If a function is provided, it is run on
#'   `value` and msut return `TRUE` for addition to be made
#' @param allow.add If `FALSE`, this xcoll,xname should be in the
#'   `GeneSetDb` already, and this will fail because something is
#'   deeply wrong with the world
#' @return The updated `GeneSetDb`.
addCollectionMetadata <- function(x, xcoll, xname, value,
                                  validate.value.fn=NULL, allow.add=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  if (!hasGeneSetCollection(x, xcoll)) {
    stop("GeneSetDb does not have collection: ", xcoll)
  if (is.function(validate.value.fn)) {
    if (!isTRUE(validate.value.fn(value))) {
      stop(sprintf("Invalid value used to update %s,%s", xcoll, xname))
  # update or replace
  idx <- x@collectionMetadata[list(xcoll, xname), which=TRUE]
  if (is.na(idx)) {
    if (!allow.add) {
      msg <- sprintf("%s,%s metadata does not exist in the GeneSetDb, but it",
                     "should be there. Your GeneSetDb is hosed")

    # the variable you want to enter here is not there yet, so we create an
    # empty, singl-row data.table that will be added to the current metadata
    add.me <- data.table(
      collection = xcoll,
      name = xname,
      value = list(value))
    cm <- rbind(x@collectionMetadata, add.me)
    setkeyv(cm, key(x@collectionMetadata))
    x@collectionMetadata <- cm
  } else {
    # Need to use list(list()) because data.table uses list(.) to look for
    # values to assign to columns by reference.
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/22536321/83761
    set(x@collectionMetadata, i = idx, j = "value", value = list(list(value)))

#' Add metadata at the geneset level.
#' This function adds/updates columns entries in the `geneSets(gdb)` table.
#' If there already are defined meta values for the columns of `meta` in `x`,
#' these will be updated with the values in `meta`.
#' TODO: this should be a setReplaceMethod, Issue #13
#' https://github.com/lianos/multiGSEA/issues/13
#' @export
#' @param x a `GeneSetDb` object
#' @param meta a `data.frame`-like object with `"collection"`, `"name"`, and
#'   an arbitrary amount of columns to add as metadata for the genesets.
#' @param ... not used yet
#' @return the updated `GeneSetDb` object `x`.
addGeneSetMetadata <- function(x, meta, ...) {
  if (FALSE) {
    x <- exampleGeneSetDb()
    x@table[, something := rnorm(.N)]
    idx <- sample(nrow(x@table), 5)
    meta <- data.table(collection = x@table$collection[idx],
                       name = x@table$name[idx],
                       something = 1:5, var2 = letters[1:5])
    mb <- rbind(
      data.table(collection = "c10", name = "wut", something = 10, var2 = "z"))
    meta <- mb

  stopifnot(is(x, "GeneSetDb"))
  k <- key(x@table)
  stopifnot(is(meta, "data.frame"))
  stopifnot(all(k %in% colnames(meta)))
  special <- c("N", "n", "active")
  special <- intersect(special, colnames(meta))
  if (length(special)) {
    warning("Ignoring the following protected columns in the meta table:\n",
            paste(special, collapse = ","), immediate. = TRUE)

  meta <- as.data.table(meta)
  setkeyv(meta, k)

  mdt <- unique(meta, by = k)
  if (nrow(mdt) != nrow(meta)) {
    stop("You have duplicate collection,name entries in the updated `meta` ",
         "data.frame. This is currently not allowed.")

  xtable <- copy(x@table)[, .idx. := 1:.N]
  xref <- xtable[mdt]

  bad.meta <- is.na(xref$N)
  if (any(bad.meta)) {
    warning(sum(bad.meta), " unknown gene sets in the meta update, ignoring.",
            immediate. = TRUE)
    xref <- xref[!bad.meta]
    meta <- meta[!bad.meta]

  mcols <- setdiff(colnames(meta), c(k, special))
  if (length(mcols)) {
    for (mc in mcols) {
      idxs <- xref[[".idx."]]
      vals <- meta[[mc]]
      xtable[idxs, (mc) := vals]

    all.equal(xtable[, list(collection, name)], x@table[, list(collection, name)]),
    all.equal(xtable$N, x@table$N))

  x@table <- transform(xtable, .idx. = NULL)

#' Appends two GeneSetDb objects togethter.
#' @param x A [GeneSetDb()] object
#' @param values A [GeneSetDb()] object
#' @param after not used
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics append
#' @exportMethod append
#' @examples
#' gdb1 <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' gdb2 <- GeneSetDb(exampleGeneSetDF())
#' gdb <- combine(gdb1, gdb2)
setMethod("append", c(x = "GeneSetDb"), function(x, values, after = NA) {
  if (!missing(after)) {
    warning("`after` argument is ignored in append,GeneSetDb")
  combine(x, values)

#' Combines two GeneSetDb objects together
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics combine
#' @exportMethod combine
#' @param x a GeneSetDb object
#' @param y a GeneSetDb object
#' @param ... more things
#' @examples
#' gdb1 <- exampleGeneSetDb()
#' gdb2 <- GeneSetDb(exampleGeneSetDF())
#' gdb <- combine(gdb1, gdb2)
setMethod("combine", c(x = "GeneSetDb", y = "GeneSetDb"), function(x, y, ...) {

  ## Combine the db and featureIdMap(s)
  db <- rbindlist(list(x@db, y@db), use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
  db <- unique(db, by=c('collection', 'name', 'feature_id'))
  db <- setkeyv(db, key(x@db))

  fms <- list(featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE), featureIdMap(y, as.dt=TRUE))
  fm <- rbindlist(fms, use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
  ## ensure that a feature_id entry maps to only one x.id entry
  ## DEBUG: Is this uniquification necessary?
  fm <- unique(fm, by=c('feature_id', 'x.id'))
  fm[, x.idx := NA_integer_]  ## blow out any `conform`-ation information
  setkeyv(fm, 'feature_id')

  cmeta <- rbind(x@collectionMetadata, y@collectionMetadata)
  cmeta <- unique(cmeta, by=key(x@collectionMetadata))
  setkeyv(cmeta, key(x@collectionMetadata))

  out <- .GeneSetDb(db=db, featureIdMap=fm, table=init.gsd.table.from.db(db),

  ## Transfer over any extra metadata (columns) of the @table slots from
  ## the two inputs incase the user stored extra data at the geneset level
  ## in them.
  gs <- rbindlist(list(x@table, y@table), use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
  add.gs.cols <- setdiff(names(gs), names(out@table))
  if (length(add.gs.cols) > 0) {
    gs.keys <- key(out@table)
    new.table <- merge(out@table,
                       gs[, c(gs.keys, add.gs.cols), with=FALSE],
                       by=gs.keys, all.x=TRUE)
    if (!all.equal(out@table, new.table[, names(out@table), with=FALSE])) {
      stop("There was a problem adding additional columns to geneset@table ",
           "during `append`")
    out@table <- new.table


#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics nrow
#' @exportMethod nrow
setMethod("nrow", "GeneSetDb", function(x) nrow(geneSets(x, as.dt=TRUE)))

#' Checks equality (feature parity) between GeneSetDb objects
#' @export
#' @method all.equal GeneSetDb
#' @param target The reference `GeneSetDb` to compare against
#' @param current The `GeneSetDb` you wan to compare
#' @param features.only Only compare the "core" columns of `target@@db`
#'   and `target@@table`. It is possible that you added additional columns
#'   (to keep track of symbols in `target@@db`, for instance) that you
#'   want to ignore for the purposes of the equality test.
#' @param ... moar args.
#' @return `TRUE` if equal, or \code{character} vector of messages if not.
all.equal.GeneSetDb <- function(target, current, features.only = TRUE, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(target, 'GeneSetDb'))
  stopifnot(is(current, 'GeneSetDb'))

  msg <- TRUE

  dbt <- setkeyv(copy(target@db), c('collection', 'name', 'feature_id'))
  gst <- geneSets(target, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)

  dbc <- setkeyv(copy(current@db), key(dbt))
  gsc <- geneSets(current, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)

  proto <- new("GeneSetDb")
  if (features.only) {
    dbt <- dbt[, names(proto@db), with=FALSE]
    dbc <- dbc[, names(proto@db), with=FALSE]
    gst <- gst[, names(geneSets(proto, as.dt=TRUE)), with=FALSE]
    gsc <- gsc[, names(gst), with=FALSE]

  msg <- all.equal(dbt, dbc)
  if (!isTRUE(msg)) {

  msg <- all.equal(gst, gsc)
  if (!isTRUE(msg) || features.only) {

  all.equal(collectionMetadata(target, as.dt=TRUE),
            collectionMetadata(current, as.dt=TRUE))

#' Convert a GeneSetDb to other formats.
#' @description
#' As awesome as a GeneSetDb is, you might find a time when you'll need your
#' gene set information in an other format. To do that, we provide the
#' following functions:
#' * `as.data.frame(gdb)`: Perhaps the most natural format to convert to in
#'   order to save locally and examine outside of Bioconductor's GSEA universe,
#'   but not many other tools accept gene set definitions in this format.
#' * `as.list(gdb)`: A named list of feature identifiers. This is the format
#'   that many of the limma gene set testing methods use
#' * `as(gdb, "GeneSetCollection")`: Convert to a
#'   [GSEABase::GeneSetCollection()] object.
#' @details
#' The `as.*` functions accept a `value` parameter which indicates the type of
#' IDs you want to export in the conversion:
#' * `"feature_id"`: The ID used as originally entered into the `GeneSetDb`.
#' * `"x.idx"`: Only valid if the GeneSetDb `x` has been `conform`-ed to an
#'   expession container. This option will export the features as the integer
#'   rows of the expression container.
#' * `"x.id"`: Only valid if the GeneSetDb `x` has been `conform`-ed. The
#'   target expression container might use feature identifiers that are
#'   different than what is in the GeneSetDb. If an active featureMap is
#'   set on the GeneSetDb, this will convert the original feature identifiers
#'   into a different target space (entrez to ensembl, for instance). Using
#'   this option, the features will be provided in the target space.
#' @export
#' @rdname conversion
#' @name conversion
#' @aliases as.data.frame as.list
#' @method as.data.frame GeneSetDb
#' @param x A `GeneSetDb` object
#' @param value The value type to export for the feature ids
#' @param active.only If the `GeneSetDb` is conformed, do you want to only
#'   return the features and genests that match target and are "active"?
#' @param ... nothing
#' @return a converted `GeneSetDb`
#' @examples
#' es <- exampleExpressionSet()
#' gdb <- conform(exampleGeneSetDb(), es)
#' gdf <- as.data.frame(gdb)
#' gdb <- conform(gdb, es)
#' gdfi <- as.data.frame(gdb, value = 'x.idx')
#' gdl <- as.list(gdb)
as.data.frame.GeneSetDb <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE,
                                    value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'),
                                    active.only=is.conformed(x), ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  value <- match.arg(value)
  if (!is.conformed(x) && value %in% c('x.id', 'x.idx')) {
    stop("must use value='feature_id' for non-conformed GeneSetDb'")

  fid.map <- featureIdMap(x, as.dt=TRUE)
  if (is.conformed(x) && active.only) {
    # x.idx <- NULL # silence R CMD check NOTEs
    fid.map <- fid.map[!is.na(x.idx)]

  gs <- copy(geneSets(x, active.only=active.only, as.dt=TRUE))

  gene2cat <- merge(x@db, fid.map, by='feature_id')
  gene2cat <- gene2cat[!is.na(gene2cat[[value]]),]
  gene2cat$finalId <- gene2cat[[value]]

  # collection <- name <- finalId <- feature_id <- NULL # silence R CMD check NOTEs
  out <- gene2cat[, list(collection, name, feature_id=finalId)]

  more.cols <- setdiff(names(gene2cat),
                       c(names(out), names(fid.map), 'finalId'))
  if (length(more.cols)) {
    for (col in more.cols) {
      out[, (col) := gene2cat[[col]]]

  setkeyv(out, key(x@db))
  trimmed <- out[gs[, list(collection, name)]]

#' Split and conserve ordering
#' Using base::split will turn f into a factor and won't preserve the ordering
#' of the elements in f. This function preserves the split order in f
#' @noRd
csplit <- function(x, f) {
  f <- as.character(f)
  ff <- factor(f, levels=unique(f))
  split(x, ff)

#' @rdname conversion
#' @method as.list GeneSetDb
#' @export
as.list.GeneSetDb <- function(x, value=c('feature_id', 'x.id', 'x.idx'),
                              active.only=is.conformed(x), nested=FALSE,
                              ...) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'))
  value <- match.arg(value)
  df <- as.data.frame(x, value=value, active.only=active.only)
  if (nested) {
    colls <- unique(df$collection)
    ## Using the "naive split" call converts xdf$name to a factor and doesn't
    ## preserve ordering
    out <- sapply(colls, function(coll) {
      xdf <- df[df[['collection']] == coll,,drop=FALSE]
      csplit(xdf$feature_id, xdf$name)
    }, simplify=FALSE)
  } else {
    df$key <- encode_gskey(df)
    out <- csplit(df$feature_id, df$key)

#' @importFrom GSEABase GeneSetCollection GeneSet NullIdentifier
setAs("GeneSetDb", "GeneSetCollection", function(from) {
  gs <- geneSets(from, as.dt=TRUE)
  n.coll <- length(unique(gs$collection))

  ## We explicitly set the key type after subsetting here in the event that
  ## a 0 row data.table is returned -- this isn't keyed in 1.9.4, which seems
  ## like a bug
  cmd <- collectionMetadata(from, as.dt=TRUE)
  org <- subset(cmd, name == 'organism')
  id.type <- subset(cmd, name == 'id_type')
  setkeyv(id.type, 'collection')
  setkeyv(org, 'collection')

  gsl <- lapply(1:nrow(gs), function(i) {
    name <- gs$name[i]
    coll <- gs$collection[i]
    idt <- id.type[coll]$value[[1]]
    if (!is(idt, 'GeneIdentifierType')) {
      idt <- NullIdentifier()
    ids <- featureIds(from, coll, name, 'feature_id')
    xorg <- org[coll]$value[[1]]
    if (is.null(xorg)) {
      xorg <- ""
    set.name <- name
    if (n.coll > 1L) {
      set.name <- paste0(coll, ';', set.name)
    GeneSet(ids, setName=set.name, geneIdType=idt, organism=xorg)
  gsc <- GeneSetCollection(gsl)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## indexing

#' Identify the row number of the geneset being queried.
#' The method only allows querying by single length character vectors
#' @noRd
#' @param x A GeneSetDb
#' @param i the collection of the geneset
#' @param j the name of the geneset
#' @return The row index of the geneset under question. If i,j do not match
#' a given geneset, then NA is returned.
.gsd.row.index <- function(x, i, j) {
  stopifnot(is(x, 'GeneSetDb'), is.character(i), is.character(j))
  geneSets(x, active.only=FALSE, as.dt=TRUE)[list(i, j), which=TRUE]
lianos/multiGSEA documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 1:26 p.m.