
Defines functions apply_QC check_manually exclude fetch_filter despikeLF desp_loop desp interdep extract_QC mf extract_coded handleNA separate flag_periods flag_runs apply_thr

Documented in apply_QC apply_thr check_manually desp despikeLF desp_loop exclude extract_coded extract_QC fetch_filter flag_periods flag_runs handleNA interdep mf separate

#' Apply Thresholds
#' Values of \code{x} are checked against the specified thresholds to obtain
#' their quality control (QC) flags.
#' This function is called by \code{\link{extract_QC}} but can be useful on its
#' own when filtering values of variable according to the 0 - 2 QC flag scheme.
#' Obtained QC flags are assigned in the range 0 - 2 according to these rules:
#' For \code{flag = "higher"} \itemize{ \item If \code{x <= thr[1]}, QC flag =
#' 0. \item If \code{x > thr[1] & x <= thr[2]}, QC flag = 1. \item If \code{x >
#' thr[2]}, QC flag = 2.}
#' For \code{flag = "outside"} (\code{thr} supplied as vector) \itemize{ \item
#' If \code{x >= thr[1] & x <= thr[2]}, QC flag = 0. \item If \code{x < thr[1] |
#' x > thr[2]}, QC flag = 2.}
#' For \code{flag = "outside"} (\code{thr} supplied as list) \itemize{ \item If
#' \code{x >= thr[[1]][2] & x <= thr[[2]][1]}, QC flag = 0. \item If \code{x <
#' thr[[1]][2] | x > thr[[2]][1]}, QC flag = 1. \item If \code{x < thr[[1]][1] |
#' x > thr[[2]][2]}, QC flag = 2.}
#' For \code{flag = "between"} (\code{thr} supplied as vector) \itemize{ \item
#' If \code{x <= thr[1] | x >= thr[2]}, QC flag = 0. \item If \code{x > thr[1] &
#' x < thr[2]}, QC flag = 2. }
#' For \code{flag = "between"} (\code{thr} supplied as list) \itemize{ \item If
#' \code{x <= thr[[1]][1] | x >= thr[[2]][2]}, QC flag = 0. \item If \code{x >
#' thr[[1]][1] & x < thr[[2]][2]}, QC flag = 1. \item If \code{x > thr[[1]][2] &
#' x < thr[[2]][1]}, QC flag = 2.}
#' For \code{flag = "lower"} \itemize{ \item If \code{x >= thr[1]}, QC flag = 0.
#' \item If \code{x < thr[1] & x >= thr[2]}, QC flag = 1. \item If \code{x <
#' thr[2]}, QC flag = 2.}
#' In case of \code{angles = TRUE}, conditions are appropriately implemented on
#' the circular scale. Angles are expected to be within the range [0, 360)
#' degrees and corrected otherwise. Notice that using \code{flag = "higher"} or
#' \code{flag = "lower"} might not be very useful on the circular scale.
#' @return An integer vector with the same length as \code{x}. Its
#'   \code{varnames} and \code{units} attributes are set to  \code{name_out} and
#'   \code{"-"} values, respectively.
#' @param x A numeric atomic type with \code{NULL} \code{\link{dim}}ensions.
#' @param thr A numeric vector of length two or list with two numeric vectors of
#'   length two. If vector, first (second) element provides lower (upper)
#'   boundary threshold for quality control flag 2. If list, first (second)
#'   element provides lower (upper) boundary threshold for quality control flag
#'   1 and 2. This is reversed for \code{flag = "lower"}. See examples.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @param flag A character string. Selects one of the available flagging
#'   approaches. Can be abbreviated. See 'Details'.
#' @param angles A logical value. Choose if \code{x} represents angles.
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract_QC}}.
#' @examples
#' # flag defaults to "higher"
#' apply_thr(1:10, c(3, 6), "example")
#' # comparison of flag types
#' xx <- data.frame(var = 1:10)
#' xx$higher <- apply_thr(xx$var, c(3, 6), "higher", flag = "higher")
#' xx$outside_c <- apply_thr(xx$var, c(4, 6), "outside_c", flag = "outside")
#' xx$outside_l <- apply_thr(xx$var, list(c(2, 4), c(6, 8)), "outside_l",
#'                           flag = "outside")
#' xx$between_c <- apply_thr(xx$var, c(4, 6), "between_c", flag = "between")
#' xx$between_l <- apply_thr(xx$var, list(c(2, 4), c(6, 8)), "between_l",
#'                           flag = "between")
#' xx$lower <- apply_thr(xx$var, c(6, 3), "lower", flag = "lower")
#' xx
#' str(xx)
#' # flagging for angles
#' # - 'higher' and 'lower' flags are problematic on a circular scale
#' yy <- data.frame(var = 170:180)
#' # expected results because thresholds are not crossing zero (360 deg)
#' yy$higher <- apply_thr(yy$var, c(172, 176), "higher", flag = "higher",
#'                        angle = TRUE)
#' yy$outside_c <- apply_thr(yy$var, c(174, 176), "outside_c", flag = "outside",
#'                           angle = TRUE)
#' yy$outside_l <- apply_thr(yy$var, list(c(172, 174), c(176, 178)), "outside_l",
#'                           flag = "outside", angle = TRUE)
#' yy$between_c <- apply_thr(yy$var, c(174, 176), "between_c", flag = "between",
#'                           angle = TRUE)
#' yy$between_l <- apply_thr(yy$var, list(c(172, 174), c(176, 178)), "between_l",
#'                           flag = "between", angle = TRUE)
#' # expected results because thresholds are not crossing zero (360 deg)
#' yy$lower <- apply_thr(yy$var, c(176, 172), "lower", flag = "lower",
#'                       angle = TRUE)
#' yy
#' str(yy)
#' # flagging for angles with thresholds crossing zero (360 deg)
#' zz <- data.frame(var = c(355:359, 0:5))
#' # thresholds crossing zero (360 deg) - not useful (but valid) results
#' zz$higher <- apply_thr(zz$var, c(357, 1), "higher", flag = "higher",
#'                        angle = TRUE)
#' zz$outside_c <- apply_thr(zz$var, c(359, 1), "outside_c", flag = "outside",
#'                           angle = TRUE)
#' zz$outside_l <- apply_thr(zz$var, list(c(357, 359), c(1, 3)), "outside_l",
#'                           flag = "outside", angle = TRUE)
#' zz$between_c <- apply_thr(zz$var, c(359, 1), "between_c", flag = "between",
#'                           angle = TRUE)
#' zz$between_l <- apply_thr(zz$var, list(c(357, 359), c(1, 3)), "between_l",
#'                           flag = "between", angle = TRUE)
#' # thresholds crossing zero (360 deg) - not useful (but valid) results
#' zz$lower <- apply_thr(zz$var, c(1, 357), "lower", flag = "lower",
#'                       angle = TRUE)
#' zz
#' str(zz)
#' @export
apply_thr <- function(x, thr, name_out = "-",
                      flag = c("higher", "outside", "between", "lower"),
                      angles = FALSE) {
  flag <- match.arg(flag)
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' must be numeric")
  # matrix and array is numeric - we do not want them:
  if (!is.null(dim(x))) stop("'dim(x)' must be NULL")
  # if flag is "higher" or "lower": thr only as vector
  if (flag %in% c("higher", "lower")) {
    if (!is.numeric(thr) || length(thr) != 2 || anyNA(thr)) {
      stop("'thr' supplied incorrectly")
  } else {
    # if flag is "outside" and "between": thr as vector or list
    if (!is.list(thr) && (!is.numeric(thr) || length(thr) != 2 || anyNA(thr))) {
      stop("'thr' supplied incorrectly")
    if (is.list(thr) && (length(thr) != 2 || !is.numeric(unlist(thr)) ||
        length(unlist(thr)) != 4 || anyNA(unlist(thr)))) {
      stop("'thr' supplied incorrectly")
  if (!is.atomic(name_out) || length(name_out) != 1) {
    stop("atomic type 'name_out' must have length 1")
  name_out <- if (name_out %in% c("", NA)) "-" else as.character(name_out)
  # initiate with flag 0
  out <- vector("integer", length(x))
  # thr cannot contain NAs, thus NA flags only if x NA
  is.na(out) <- is.na(x)
  if (!is.list(thr) && (!angles)) {
    if (flag == "lower") {
      if (thr[1] < thr[2]) stop("'thr[1]' cannot be lower than 'thr[2]'")
    } else {
      if (thr[1] > thr[2]) stop("'thr[1]' cannot be higher than 'thr[2]'")
  if (flag %in% c("outside", "between") && is.list(thr) && (!angles)) {
    if (thr[[1]][1] > thr[[1]][2])
      stop("'thr[[1]][1]' cannot be higher than 'thr[[1]][2]'")
    if (thr[[2]][1] > thr[[2]][2])
      stop("'thr[[2]][1]' cannot be higher than 'thr[[2]][2]'")
    if (thr[[1]][2] > thr[[2]][1])
      stop("'thr[[1]][2]' cannot be higher than 'thr[[2]][1]'")
  if (angles) {
    # assure that x and thr are provided in 0-360 deg range
    # - set range to 0-360 deg (in case of too negative x, e.g. -1000 deg)
    x <- x %% 360
    # - get rid of negative angles and set range back to 0-360 deg
    x <- (360 + x) %% 360
    if (is.list(thr)) {
      thr <- lapply(thr, function(x) (360 + x) %% 360)
      cross <- diff(unlist(thr)) < 0
      if (sum(ifelse(cross, diff(unlist(thr)) + 360, diff(unlist(thr)))) > 360)
        stop("circular sector provided as 'thr' larger than 360 deg")
    } else {
      thr <- (360 + thr) %% 360
  if (flag == "higher") {
    out[x >  thr[1]] <- 1L
    out[x >  thr[2]] <- 2L
  if (flag == "outside") {
    if (is.list(thr)) {
      if (thr[[2]][1] < thr[[1]][2]) {
        # condition can be met only for angles
        # with zero crossing mark the unaffected sector and negate it
        out[!(x >= thr[[1]][2] | x <= thr[[2]][1])] <- 1L
      } else {
        # without zero crossing flagging is the same with or without angles
        out[x < thr[[1]][2] | x > thr[[2]][1]] <- 1L
      if (thr[[2]][2] < thr[[1]][1]) {
        # condition can be met only for angles
        # with zero crossing mark the unaffected sector and negate it
        out[!(x >= thr[[1]][1] | x <= thr[[2]][2])] <- 2L
      } else {
        # without zero crossing flagging is the same with or without angles
        out[x < thr[[1]][1] | x > thr[[2]][2]] <- 2L
    } else {
        if (thr[2] < thr[1]) {
          # condition can be met only for angles
          # with zero crossing mark the unaffected sector and negate it
          out[!(x >= thr[1] | x <= thr[2])] <- 2L
        } else {
          # without zero crossing the same as without angles
          out[x < thr[1] | x > thr[2]] <- 2L
  if (flag == "between") {
    if (is.list(thr)) {
      if (thr[[2]][2] < thr[[1]][1]) {
        # condition can be met only for angles
        # with zero crossing change & to |
        out[x > thr[[1]][1] | x < thr[[2]][2]] <- 1L
      } else {
        # without zero crossing flagging is the same with or without angles
        out[x > thr[[1]][1] & x < thr[[2]][2]] <- 1L
      if (thr[[2]][1] < thr[[1]][2]) {
        # condition can be met only for angles
        # with zero crossing change & to |
        out[x > thr[[1]][2] | x < thr[[2]][1]] <- 2L
      } else {
        # without zero crossing flagging is the same with or without angles
        out[x > thr[[1]][2] & x < thr[[2]][1]] <- 2L

    } else {
      if (thr[2] < thr[1]) {
        # condition can be met only for angles
        # with zero crossing change & to |
        out[x > thr[1] | x < thr[2]] <- 2L
      } else {
        # without zero crossing the same as without angles
        out[x > thr[1] & x < thr[2]] <- 2L
  if (flag == "lower") {
    out[x <  thr[1]] <- 1L
    out[x <  thr[2]] <- 2L
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Flag Runs of Equal Values
#' Identify and flag values of runs with repeating values in a vector.
#' \code{NA} values are omitted before evaluation of runs. Thus \code{NA}s do
#' not interrupt runs. Flagging is done according to the 0 - 2 quality control
#' flag scheme.
#' @param x A numeric atomic type with NULL dimensions.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @param length A numeric value. The minimum number of repeating values to
#'   trigger flagging.
#' @return An integer vector with the same length as \code{x}. Its
#'   \code{varnames} and \code{units} attributes are set to  \code{name_out} and
#'   \code{"-"} values, respectively.
#' @examples
#' (xx <- c(rep(c(0, NA), 5)))
#' flag_runs(xx, "qc_xx_runs")
#' (yy <- rep(1:6, rep(c(2, 1), 3)))
#' flag_runs(yy, "qc_yy_runs")
#' @export
flag_runs <- function(x, name_out = "-", length = 4) {
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' must be numeric")
  # matrix and array is numeric - we do not want them:
  if (!is.null(dim(x))) stop("'dim(x)' must be NULL")
  if (!is.atomic(name_out) || length(name_out) != 1) {
    stop("atomic type 'name_out' must have length 1")
  name_out <- if (name_out %in% c("", NA)) "-" else as.character(name_out)
  if (!is.numeric(length) || length(length) != 1 || is.na(length)) {
    stop("'length' must be non-missing numeric value")
  out <- rep(NA, length(x))
  not_NA <- !is.na(x)
  x <- x[not_NA]
  rl <- rle(x)$lengths
  keep <- rl >= length
  run_start <- (cumsum(rl) + 1 - rl)[keep]
  run_end <- cumsum(rl)[keep]
  df <- data.frame(run_start, run_end)
  runs <- unlist(apply(df, 1, function(x) x[1]:x[2]))
  out[not_NA] <- 0L
  out[not_NA][runs] <- 2L
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Flag Affected Periods
#' Identify and flag values obtained during periods when measurements were not
#' reliable (e.g. instrument maintenance based on field notes).
#' Flagging is done according to the 0 - 2 quality control flag scheme.
#' @param x A POSIXt vector providing timestamp of measurements.
#' @param start,end A POSIXt vector marking the start and end of the periods to
#'   be flagged. They must be of the same length.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @return An integer vector with the same length as \code{x}. Its
#'   \code{varnames} and \code{units} attributes are set to  \code{name_out} and
#'   \code{"-"} values, respectively.
#' @examples
#' # alternative style: as.POSIXct("2000-01-01 12:15:00", tz = "GMT")
#' timestamp <- seq(ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 15, 0, tz = "GMT"),
#'                  ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 18, 15, 0, tz = "GMT"),
#'                  by = "30 mins")
#' periods <- data.frame(
#' start = c(ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 13, 15, 0, tz = "GMT"),
#'           ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 16, 15, 0, tz = "GMT")),
#' end = c(ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 14, 15, 0, tz = "GMT"),
#'         ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 1, 17, 15, 0, tz = "GMT"))
#' )
#' (flags <- flag_periods(x, periods$start, periods$end, "qc_ALL_periods"))
#' data.frame(x, qc_ALL_periods = flags)
#' @export
flag_periods <- function(x, start, end, name_out = "-") {
  if (!inherits(x, "POSIXt") | !inherits(start, "POSIXt") |
      !inherits(end, "POSIXt")) {
    stop("'x', 'start' and 'end' must be of class 'POSIXt'")
  if (length(start) != length(end)) {
    stop("lengths of 'start' and 'end' must be equal")
  name_out <- if (name_out %in% c("", NA)) "-" else as.character(name_out)
  out <- vector("integer", length(x))
  for (i in seq_along(start)) {
    out[x >= start[i] & x <= end[i]] <- 2L
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Separate columns
#' Helper function utilized in \code{\link{extract_coded}} for coded variables
#' that controls column splitting.
#' @keywords internal
separate <- function(x, ...) {
  strsplit(as.character(gsub(...,"", x)), NULL)

#' Handle NA values
#' Helper function utilized in extract_coded() for abslim and spikesHF
#' - controls NAs in splitted columns
#' - 9 is EddyPro code for NA
#' - in case of missing half hour inserts NAs according to number of variables
#'   in 'units'
#' @keywords internal
handleNA <- function(x, variables) {
  out <- as.numeric(unlist(x))
  out[out == 9]  <- NA
  length(out) <- length(variables)

#' Extract Quality Control Information from Coded Values
#' This function is called by \code{\link{extract_QC}} and is not intended to be
#' used directly. Coded QC information for one or multiple variables stored in a
#' character vector of certain properties is extracted and interpreted.
#' Each element of \code{x} is expected to have the same structure according to
#' the format specified by \code{units} attribute of \code{x}. \code{units}
#' format string (e.g. \code{"8u/v/w/ts/h2o/co2"}) starts with a prefix
#' (\code{"8"}) that is followed by variable names (\code{"u", "v", "w", "ts",
#' "h2o", "co2"}) that are distinguished by a separator (\code{"/"}). Elements
#' of \code{x} thus consist of either seven components (prefix and six flags for
#' each variable) or one \code{NA} value. Flags of coded variables can have
#' three values: \itemize{ \item flag 0: measured variable passed the test.
#' \item flag 1: measured variable failed the test. \item flag 9: flag could not
#' be obtained for the given variable (\code{NA}).}
#' The original flags are then interpreted within the QC scheme using QC flag
#' range 0 - 2. Coded variable can represent either \itemize{\item hard flag
#' (suffix \code{"_hf"} in EddyPro column name): flag 1 interpreted as flag 2.
#' \item soft flag (suffix \code{"_sf"} in EddyPro column name): flag 1
#' interpreted as flag 1.}
#' \code{x} is interpreted in respect to instruments required to measure given
#' fluxes. SA is required for measurements of all fluxes and solely provides
#' data for computation of Tau and H fluxes. GA is used only for measurements of
#' LE and NEE. A combination of SA and GA (SAGA) is used for measurements of LE
#' and NEE. Filters where flags would be identical for both SA and GA have
#' prefix ALL (QC flags in a single column applicable to all fluxes). To confirm
#' the correct performance of SA, all variables \code{"u", "v", "w", "ts"} must
#' have flag 0. In case of GA, all variables \code{"co2", "h2o"} must have flag
#' 0. In case of SAGA, all variables \code{"u", "v", "w", "ts", "h2o", "co2"}
#' must have flag 0.
#' @section Abbreviations: \itemize{ \item QC: Quality Control \item SA: Sonic
#'   Anemometer \item GA: Gas Analyzer \item Tau: Momentum flux [kg m-1 s-2]
#'   \item H: Sensible heat flux [W m-2] \item LE: Latent heat flux [W m-2]
#'   \item NEE: Net ecosystem exchange [umol m-2 s-1] \item u: Longitudinal wind
#'   speed component [m s-1] \item v: Cross-wind wind speed component [m s-1]
#'   \item w: Vertical wind speed component [m s-1] \item ts: Sonic temperature
#'   [degC] \item h2o: H2O concentration [mmol mol-1] \item co2: CO2
#'   concentration [umol mol-1]}.
#' @return A data frame with relevant column names defined by
#'   \code{name_out_SA}, \code{name_out_GA}, \code{name_out_SAGA} and
#'   \code{name_out_ALL}. Each column has attributes \code{"varnames"} and
#'   \code{"units"} and length equal to that of \code{x}.
#' @param x An atomic type.
#' @param name_out_SA,name_out_GA,name_out_SAGA,name_out_ALL A character string.
#'   Name of the output column with QC related to SA, GA, SAGA or ALL.
#' @param prefix Character string containing a \code{\link{regular expression}}
#'   identifying the prefix of coded values.
#' @param split Character string containing a \code{\link{regular expression}}
#'   identifying the separator of variable names in \code{units} attribute.
#' @param sf A logical value. Coded variable represents hard flag (\code{sf =
#'   FALSE}; default) or soft flag (\code{sf = TRUE}). See Details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract_QC}}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(5)
#' xx <- replicate(10,
#'                 paste0(c("8", sample(c(0:1, 9), 6, c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1),
#'                                     replace = TRUE)),
#'                       collapse = ""))
#' is.na(xx) <- c(2, 5)
#' units(xx) <- "8u/v/w/ts/h2o/co2"
#' cbind(xx, extract_coded(xx))
#' @export
extract_coded <- function(x,
                          name_out_SA = "SA",
                          name_out_GA = "GA",
                          name_out_SAGA = "SAGA",
                          name_out_ALL = "ALL",
                          prefix = "[8]",
                          split = "[/]",
                          sf = FALSE) {
  if (!is.atomic(x)) stop("'x' must be an atomic type")
  # read the units in the coded format
  units <- units(x)
  if (units == "-")
    stop("missing units containing the format of coded variable",
         call. = FALSE)
  # extract the units as vector
  vars <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(prefix, "", units),
                          split = split))
  # separate coded variables within the column into a list
  l <- lapply(x, separate, prefix)

  # support Angle of attack and Non-steady wind filters
  if ("aa" %in% vars || "U" %in% vars) {
    # list carries only 1 extracted variable so can be simplified
    out <- data.frame(ALL = as.integer(unlist(l)))
    out$ALL[out$ALL == 1] <- if (sf) 1L else 2L
    out$ALL[out$ALL == 9] <- NA
    names(out) <- varnames(out) <- name_out_ALL
    units(out) <- "-"

  # make data frame with variables in each column from the list
  df <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(l, handleNA, vars)))
  names(df) <- vars

  # support Timelag filters (only vars c("h2o", "co2") expected)
  if (!all(c("u", "v", "w", "ts") %in% vars)) {
    out <- data.frame(GA = apply(df[c("co2", "h2o")],
                                 function(x) max(as.integer(x))))
    out$GA[out$GA == 1] <- if (sf) 1L else 2L
    names(out) <- varnames(out) <- name_out_GA
    units(out) <- "-"

  # support other statistical flags
  out <- data.frame(SA = apply(df[c("u", "v", "w", "ts")],
                               function(x) max(as.integer(x))))
  out$SAGA <- apply(df[c("u", "v", "w", "ts", "co2", "h2o")],
                    function(x) max(as.integer(x)))
  # values above 0 are interpreted as flag 2 for given variable
  out$SA[out$SA == 1]     <- if (sf) 1L else 2L
  out$SAGA[out$SAGA == 1] <- if (sf) 1L else 2L
  names(out) <- c(name_out_SA, name_out_SAGA)
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(out))) {
    varnames(out[, i]) <- c(name_out_SA, name_out_SAGA)[i]
    units(out[, i]) <- "-"

#' Missing fraction of records
#' Computes missing fraction of high frequency records for particular flux.
#' @param x A data frame. Contains two columns with the count of high frequency
#'   spikes detected for the pair of variables used to compute covariance.
#' @param ur An integer vector. Number of used records for computation of
#'   covariance.
#' @param mfr An integer value. Maximum number of records in a file (per whole
#'   dataset).
#' @keywords internal
mf <- function(x, ur, mfr) {
  1 - (ur - apply(x, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) / mfr

#' Extract Quality Control Information
#' QC information stored in columns of data frame \code{x} is extracted and
#' interpreted in respect to instruments or individual fluxes.
#' The data frame \code{x} is expected to have certain properties. It is
#' required that it contains column names according to considered QC filters. In
#' the case of coded variables, attribute \code{units} containing the format of
#' coded variable is required to extract the coded QC information. See
#' \code{\link{extract_coded}}.
#' Extracted QC information can be relevant to fluxes measured by given
#' instrument(s), specific flux or is applicable to all fluxes. See 'Naming
#' Strategy' below. Results are reported according to the QC scheme using QC
#' flag range 0 - 2. In cases when extracted variable is checked against
#' thresholds, \code{\link{apply_thr}} is used to assign flag values.
#' Check of missing data in averaging period (missfrac) takes into account
#' number of valid records used for given averaging period. This number is
#' further reduced by the sum of count of high frequency data spikes out of
#' variables needed to compute covariance. Covariance pairs are w, u (Tau); w,
#' ts (H); w, h2o (LE) and w, co2 (NEE).
#' @section Extracted QC Checks: Filters from coded EddyPro columns (thresholds
#'   are set within EddyPro software). All of the filters extracted from coded
#'   variables are not additive. \itemize{ \item spikesHF: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Despiking}{high
#'    frequency data spike percentage} in averaging period against thresholds.
#'   HF in spikesHF means high frequency and distinguishes despiking done on raw
#'   data (spikesHF) from despiking done on low frequency data (spikesLF; see
#'   \code{\link{despikeLF}}). \item ampres: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Amplituderesolution}{amplitude
#'    resolution} in the recorded data. \item dropout: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Dropouts}{drop-outs},
#'    i.e. situations when the time series stays for “too long” on a value that
#'   is far from the mean. \item abslim: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Absolutelimits}{absolute
#'    limits} when raw data are out of plausible range. \item skewkurt_sf and
#'   skewkurt_hf: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Skewnessandkurtosis}{skewness
#'    and kurtosis} limits. If \code{simplify = TRUE}, skewkurt_sf and
#'   skewkurt_hf are combined into skewkurt column instead. \item discont_sf and
#'   discont_hf: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Discontinuities}{discontinuities}
#'    that lead to semi-permanent changes in the time series. If \code{simplify
#'   = TRUE}, discont_sf and discont_hf are combined into discont column
#'   instead. \item timelag_sf and timelag_hf: check of estimated
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Timelags}{timelags}
#'    compared to the expected timelags. If \code{simplify = TRUE}, timelag_sf
#'   and timelag_hf are combined into timelag column instead. \item attangle:
#'   check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Angleofattack}{angle
#'    of attack}. \item nonsteady: check of
#'   \href{https://www.licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/topics/despiking-raw-statistical-screening.html#Steadinessofhorizontalwind}{steadiness
#'    of horizontal wind}.}
#'   Additional filters extracted from EddyPro output. The only additive test is
#'   "wresid". \itemize{ \item missfrac: check of missing data in averaging
#'   period against thresholds (default is 10\%). \item scf: check of spectral
#'   correction factor against thresholds. \item wresid: check of mean unrotated
#'   \emph{w} (double rotation) or \emph{w} residual (planar fit) against
#'   thresholds. \item runs: check of runs with repeating values
#'   (see \code{\link{flag_runs}}). Flux values are rounded to 2 digits prior
#'   checking runs, except for Tau. \item lowcov:
#'   check of fluxes too close to zero (assuming issues during covariance
#'   computation) \item var: check of variances against thresholds. \item humid:
#'   check of relative humidity against thresholds. \item LI7200: check of CO2
#'   and H2O signal strength against thresholds.}
#' @section Content and Format of Columns: \itemize{ \item For details
#'   concerning coded variables see \code{\link{extract_coded}}. \item
#'   \code{"file_records"}: number of valid records found in the raw file \item
#'   \code{"used_records"}: number of valid records used at given averaging
#'   period. This number can also contain high frequency spikes that should be
#'   excluded. \item \code{"u_spikes", "ts_spikes", "h2o_spikes" and
#'   "co2_spikes"}: number of high frequency spikes detected at given averaging
#'   period in respective variable. Values can be set to 0 if
#'   \code{"used_records"} already accounts for spikes. \item \code{"Tau_scf",
#'   "H_scf", "LE_scf" and "co2_scf"}: spectral correction factor for given
#'   flux. Values are above 1. \item \code{"w_unrot", "w_rot"}: unrotated and
#'   rotated \emph{w} wind component, respectively (should be close to 0 m
#'   s-1).}
#' @section Naming Strategy: \strong{QC prefixes} (specifies which flux is
#'   affected by that QC output): \itemize{ \item qc_SA: applicable to fluxes
#'   relying only on SA (Tau, H) \item qc_GA: applicable to fluxes relying on GA
#'   (LE, NEE); only GA issues considered \item qc_SAGA: applicable to fluxes
#'   relying both on SA and GA (LE, NEE); SA and GA issues considered \item
#'   qc_Tau, qc_H, qc_LE, qc_NEE: only applicable for the respective flux \item
#'   qc_ALL: applicable to all fluxes}
#'   \strong{QC suffixes} (specifies which QC check was performed to get this QC
#'   output): \itemize{ \item See 'Extracted QC Checks' above for the complete
#'   list.}
#' @section Abbreviations: \itemize{ \item QC: Quality Control \item SA: Sonic
#'   Anemometer \item GA: Gas Analyzer \item Tau: Momentum flux [kg m-1 s-2]
#'   \item H: Sensible heat flux [W m-2] \item LE: Latent heat flux [W m-2]
#'   \item NEE: Net ecosystem exchange [umol m-2 s-1] \item u: Longitudinal wind
#'   speed component [m s-1] \item w: Vertical wind speed component [m s-1]
#'   \item ts: Sonic temperature [degC] \item h2o: H2O concentration [mmol
#'   mol-1] \item co2: CO2 concentration [umol mol-1] \item RH: relative
#'   humidity}.
#' @section References: Foken, T., Wichura, B., 1996. Tools for quality
#'   assessment of surface-based flux measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol. 78,
#'   83–105. \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-1923(95)02248-1}
#'   Vickers, D. and Mahrt, L., 1997. Quality Control and Flux Sampling Problems
#'   for Tower and Aircraft Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,
#'   14(3), 512-526.
#'   \url{https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0512:QCAFSP>2.0.CO;2}
#'   Mauder, M., Cuntz, M., Drue, C., Graf, A., Rebmann, C., Schmid, H.P.,
#'   Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., 2013. A strategy for quality and uncertainty
#'   assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol.
#'   169, 122-135. \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.006}
#'   McGloin, R., Sigut, L., Havrankova, K., Dusek, J., Pavelka, M., Sedlak, P.,
#'   2018. Energy balance closure at a variety of ecosystems in Central Europe
#'   with contrasting topographies. Agric. For. Meteorol. 248, 418-431.
#'   \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.003}
#' @return A data frame. Each column has attributes \code{"varnames"} and
#'   \code{"units"}.
#' @param x A data frame with column names representing required variables.
#' @param filters A character vector. A full set of supported filters to extract
#'   (default) or its subset.
#' @param rotation A character string. Specifies the type of coordinate rotation
#'   applied. Allowed values are "double" and "planar fit". Can be abbreviated.
#' @param prefix Character string containing a \code{\link{regular expression}}
#'   identifying the prefix of coded values. See '\code{\link{extract_coded}}'.
#' @param split Character string containing a \code{\link{regular expression}}
#'   identifying the separator of variable names in \code{units} attribute. See
#'   '\code{\link{extract_coded}}'.
#' @param missfrac_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for fraction of missing high frequency data within averaging
#'   period if \code{filters} include \code{"missfrac"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}}
#'   flags the records higher than the given thresholds.
#' @param scf_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for spectral correction factor if \code{filters} include
#'   \code{"scf"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}} flags the records higher than the
#'   given thresholds.
#' @param w_unrot_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for absolute value of unrotated \emph{w} if \code{filters}
#'   include \code{"wresid"} and \code{rotation = "double"}.
#'   \code{\link{apply_thr}} flags the records higher than the given thresholds.
#' @param w_rot_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for absolute value of rotated \emph{w} if \code{filters} include
#'   \code{"wresid"} and \code{rotation = "planar fit"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}}
#'   flags the records higher than the given thresholds.
#' @param lowcov_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for computed covariance if \code{filters} include
#'   \code{"lowcov"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}} flags the records between given
#'   thresholds.
#' @param ts_var_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for sonic temperature variance if \code{filters} include
#'   \code{"var"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}} flags the records higher than the
#'   given thresholds.
#' @param RH_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Represents
#'   thresholds for relative humidity if \code{filters} include \code{"humid"}.
#'   \code{\link{apply_thr}} flags the records higher than the given thresholds.
#' @param LI7200_signal_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values.
#'   Represents thresholds for CO2 and H2O signal strength provided by LI-COR
#'   7200 if \code{filters} include \code{"LI7200"}. \code{\link{apply_thr}}
#'   flags the records lower than the given thresholds.
#' @param simplify A logical value. Should be soft (suffix \code{"_sf"} in
#'   EddyPro column name) and hard (suffix \code{"_hf"} in EddyPro column name)
#'   flags extracted from EddyPro coded variables combined? See
#'   \code{\link{extract_coded}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract_coded}} and \code{\link{apply_thr}}.
#' @export
extract_QC <- function(x,
                       filters = c("spikesHF", "ampres", "dropout",
                                   "abslim", "skewkurt_hf", "skewkurt_sf",
                                   "discont_hf", "discont_sf", "timelag_hf",
                                   "timelag_sf", "attangle", "nonsteady",
                                   "missfrac", "scf", "wresid", "runs",
                                   "lowcov", "var", "humid", "LI7200"),
                       rotation = c("double", "planar fit"),
                       prefix = "[8]", split = "[/]",
                       missfrac_thr = c(0.1, 0.1), scf_thr = c(2, 3),
                       w_unrot_thr = c(0.35, 0.35), w_rot_thr = c(0.1, 0.15),
                       lowcov_thr = c(-0.005, 0.005), ts_var_thr = c(2, 2),
                       RH_thr = c(95, 95), LI7200_signal_thr = c(90, 80),
                       simplify = TRUE) {
  # Basic check of input =======================================================
  x_names <- colnames(x)
  if (!is.data.frame(x) || is.null(x_names)) {
    stop("'x' must be of class data.frame with colnames")
  # Create output dataframe for saving qc flags
  out <- x[, 0]
  # vector of all fluxes supported
  fluxes <- c("Tau", "H", "LE", "NEE")

  ### Extract coded filters (require extract_coded()) ==========================

  # check filters against supported list (internal object coded_vars)
  if (any(filters %in% coded_vars$QC_suffix, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    # choose only filters requiring extract_coded()
    filters_coded <- filters[filters %in% coded_vars$QC_suffix]
    # out of those which of the full list of available QC_suffixes was requested
    reqf <- coded_vars$QC_suffix %in% filters_coded
    # out of those all required EddyPro columns available?
    EP_avail <- (coded_vars$EddyPro_name %in% x_names) & reqf
    message("Extracting filters from coded EddyPro columns")
    if (sum(reqf) > sum(EP_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              # required by user but not available in EddyPro output
              paste0(coded_vars$EddyPro_name[reqf & !EP_avail],
                     collapse = ", "))
      message("-> skipping filters: ",
              paste0(coded_vars$QC_suffix[reqf & !EP_avail],
                     collapse = ", "))
    # subset table only to available and required filters
    cd_avail <- coded_vars[EP_avail, ]
    # SA and SAGA provided separately to extract_coded()
    SA <- cd_avail$name_out_SA
    GA <- cd_avail$name_out_GA
    SAGA <- cd_avail$name_out_SAGA
    ALL <- cd_avail$name_out_ALL
    for (i in seq_len(sum(EP_avail))) {
      out[na.omit(c(SA[i], GA[i], SAGA[i], ALL[i]))] <-
        extract_coded(x[, cd_avail$EddyPro_name[i]],
                      SA[i], GA[i], SAGA[i], ALL[i], prefix, split,
                      sf = grepl("_sf$", cd_avail$EddyPro_name[i]))
    message("-> extracted filters: ",
            if (sum(EP_avail)) {
              paste0(cd_avail$QC_suffix, collapse = ", ")
            } else "none")
    if (simplify) {
      sf_all <- c("qc_SA_skewkurt_sf", "qc_SAGA_skewkurt_sf",
                  "qc_SA_discont_sf", "qc_SAGA_discont_sf",
      sfhf <- cbind(sf_all, gsub("_sf$", "_hf", sf_all))
      for (i in seq_len(NROW(sfhf))) {
        nout <- gsub("_sf", "", sfhf[i, 1])
        sfhf_av <- sfhf[i, ] %in% names(out)
        if (sum(sfhf_av)) {
          # combn_QC results note: all hard flags are also soft flags
          out[, nout] <- combn_QC(out, sfhf[i, ][sfhf_av], nout,
                                  no_messages = TRUE)
          # remove the sfhf original columns from out
          out[sfhf[i, ][sfhf_av]] <- NULL
      message("-> soft and hard flags were combined (simplify = TRUE)")

  ### Extract missfrac filters =================================================

  # checks the fraction of missing high frequency records against missfrac_thr
  if ("missfrac" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'missfrac' filters")
    mf_vars <- c("file_records", "used_records", "w_spikes", "u_spikes",
                 "ts_spikes", "h2o_spikes", "co2_spikes")
    mf_avail <- mf_vars %in% x_names
    if (any(!mf_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(mf_vars[!mf_avail], collapse = ", "))
    if (all(mf_avail)) {
      ur <- x$used_records
      mfr <- max(x$file_records, na.rm = TRUE) # maximum file records (mfr)
      mf_Tau  <- mf(x[c("w_spikes", "u_spikes")], ur, mfr)
      mf_H    <- mf(x[c("w_spikes", "ts_spikes")], ur, mfr)
      mf_LE   <- mf(x[c("w_spikes", "h2o_spikes")], ur, mfr)
      mf_NEE  <- mf(x[c("w_spikes", "co2_spikes")], ur, mfr)

      # Flag according to argument 'missfrac_thr' (missing fraction thresholds):
      # missfrac > missfrac_thr[1]: flag = 1,
      # missfrac > missfrac_thr[2]: flag = 2
      out$qc_Tau_missfrac <- apply_thr(mf_Tau, missfrac_thr, "qc_Tau_missfrac")
      out$qc_H_missfrac   <- apply_thr(mf_H, missfrac_thr, "qc_H_missfrac")
      out$qc_LE_missfrac  <- apply_thr(mf_LE, missfrac_thr, "qc_LE_missfrac")
      out$qc_NEE_missfrac <- apply_thr(mf_NEE, missfrac_thr, "qc_NEE_missfrac")
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract scf filters ======================================================

  # scf creates flag for half-hours with excessive spectral correction
  if ("scf" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'scf' filters")
    # Flag according to argument 'scf_thr' (spectral correction factor
    # thresholds): scf > scf_thr[1]: flag = 1, scf > scf_thr[2]: flag = 2
    nin <- sprintf("%s_scf", c("Tau", "H", "LE", "co2"))
    nout <- sprintf("qc_%s_scf", fluxes)
    scf_avail <- nin %in% x_names
    if (any(!scf_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(nin[!scf_avail], collapse = ", "))
    if (all(scf_avail)) {
      for (i in seq_along(nout)) {
        out[, nout[i]] <- apply_thr(x[, nin[i]], scf_thr, nout[i])
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract wresid filter ====================================================

  # wresid creates flag correction (additive filter) for half-hours with
  # probable advection
  if ("wresid" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'wresid' filter")
    rotation <- match.arg(rotation)
    wr_var <- ifelse(rotation == "double", "w_unrot", "w_rot")
    message(paste("-", rotation, "rotation -> using",
                  ifelse(rotation == "double", "w_unrot_thr", "w_rot_thr")))
    # double rotation: abs(w_unrot) should be < 0.35 m/s
    # planar fit: flag correction according to residual absolute w
    # abs(w) > 0.10 m s-1: flag incresead by +1, abs(w) > 0.15 m s-1: flag = 2
    wr_avail <- wr_var %in% x_names
    if (!wr_avail) {
      message("- missing EddyPro column: ", wr_var)
      message("-> skipped")
    } else {
      thr <- if (rotation == "double") w_unrot_thr else w_rot_thr
      absw <- abs(if (rotation == "double") x$w_unrot else x$w_rot)
      out$qc_ALL_wresid <- apply_thr(absw, thr, "qc_ALL_wresid")
      message("-> success")

  ### Extract runs filters =====================================================

  # runs flag repeated flux measurements (statistically unlikely)
  # - H, LE and NEE fluxes rounded to 2 digits prior checking runs
  # - results depend on the flux rounding precision
  if ("runs" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'runs' filters")
    nout <- sprintf("qc_%s_runs", fluxes)
    runs_avail <- fluxes %in% x_names
    if (any(!runs_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(fluxes[!runs_avail], collapse = ", "))
      # it is expected that user corrected co2_flux name to NEE first
      if (!("NEE" %in% x_names) && "co2_flux" %in% x_names) {
        message("- hint: run correct() over names(x) first")
    if (all(runs_avail)) {
      for (i in seq_along(nout)) {
        out[, nout[i]] <- flag_runs(
          if (fluxes[i] != "Tau") round(x[, fluxes[i]], 2) else x[, fluxes[i]],
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract lowcov filters ===================================================

  # runs flag repeated flux measurements (statistically unlikely)
  # - results depend on the flux rounding precision
  if ("lowcov" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'lowcov' filters")
    lc_fluxes <- fluxes[!(fluxes %in% "Tau")]
    nout <- sprintf("qc_%s_lowcov", lc_fluxes)
    lowcov_avail <- lc_fluxes %in% x_names
    if (any(!lowcov_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(lc_fluxes[!lowcov_avail], collapse = ", "))
      # it is expected that user corrected co2_flux name to NEE first
      if (!("NEE" %in% x_names) && "co2_flux" %in% x_names) {
        message("- hint: run correct() over names(x) first")
    if (all(lowcov_avail)) {
      for (i in seq_along(nout)) {
        out[, nout[i]] <- apply_thr(x[, lc_fluxes[i]], lowcov_thr, nout[i],
                                    flag = "between")
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract var filter =======================================================

  # H fluxes are not reliable if sonic temperature variance is above 2
  # - no other reliable threshold found for other fluxes yet (needs more testing)
  if ("var" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'var' filter")
    v_vars <- "ts_var"
    v_fluxes <- "H"
    nout <- sprintf("qc_%s_var", v_fluxes)
    var_avail <- v_vars %in% x_names
    if (any(!var_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(v_vars[!var_avail], collapse = ", "))
    if (all(var_avail)) {
      for (i in seq_along(nout)) {
        out[, nout[i]] <- apply_thr(x[, v_vars[i]], ts_var_thr, nout[i],
                                    flag = "higher")
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract humid filter =======================================================

  # CO2 fluxes are not reliable if relative humidity is above 95%
  # https://www.licor.com/env/support/LI-7200RS/topics/specifications.html
  # - no other reliable threshold found for other fluxes yet (needs more testing)
  if ("humid" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'humid' filter")
    h_vars <- "RH" # variable names used for humid filter
    h_fluxes <- "NEE" # flux names used for humid filter
    nout <- sprintf("qc_%s_humid", h_fluxes)
    var_avail <- h_vars %in% x_names
    if (any(!var_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(h_vars[!var_avail], collapse = ", "))
    if (all(var_avail)) {
      for (i in seq_along(nout)) {
        out[, nout[i]] <- apply_thr(x[, h_vars[i]], RH_thr, nout[i],
                                    flag = "higher")
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")

  ### Extract LI7200 filter =======================================================

  # LE and NEE fluxes are not reliable if signal strength is too low
  # - <90 flag 1, <80 flag 2
  if ("LI7200" %in% filters) {
    message("Extracting 'LI7200' filter")
    LI_vars <- c("co2_signal_strength_7200_mean",
    nout <- "qc_GA_LI7200"
    LI7200_avail <- LI_vars %in% x_names
    if (any(!LI7200_avail)) {
      message("- missing EddyPro columns: ",
              paste0(LI_vars[!LI7200_avail], collapse = ", "))
    if (all(LI7200_avail)) {
      signal <- apply(x[LI_vars], 1, function(x) if (all(is.na(x))) NA else
        min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      out[, nout] <- apply_thr(signal, LI7200_signal_thr, nout, flag = "lower")
      message("-> success")
    } else message("-> skipped")


#' Flux Interdependency
#' Interdependency of H, LE and NEE QC flags due to corrections/conversions.
#' Flux interdependency is an additive QC flag correction. Results follow the QC
#' scheme using QC flag range 0 - 2. Returned data frame follows the 'Naming
#' Strategy' described in \code{\link{extract_QC}}. Returned QC flags have QC
#' suffix interdep.
#' To convert buoyancy flux to sensible heat flux (SND or Schotanus correction),
#' reliable measurements of LE must be available. To correct LE and NEE
#' estimated by open-path IRGA (\code{IRGA = "open"}) for the effects of density
#' fluctuations due to temperature and humidity fluctuations (WPL or Webb
#' correction), reliable measurements of H must be available. To perform WPL
#' correction of NEE estimated with any kind of IRGA, reliable measurements of
#' LE must be available. Thus following set of rules apply:
#' If \code{IRGA = "en_closed"} \itemize{ \item If \code{qc_LE == 2 |
#' is.na(qc_LE) == TRUE}: qc_H and qc_NEE flags are increased by 1.} If
#' \code{IRGA = "open"} \itemize{ \item if \code{qc_LE == 2 | is.na(qc_LE) ==
#' TRUE}: qc_H flags are increased by 1. \item If \code{qc_H == 2 | is.na(qc_H)
#' == TRUE}: qc_LE flags are increased by 1. \item If \code{qc_H == 2 |
#' is.na(qc_H) == TRUE | qc_LE == 2 | is.na(qc_LE) == TRUE}: qc_NEE flags are
#' increased by 1.}
#' @section Abbreviations: \itemize{ \item QC: Quality Control \item H: Sensible
#'   heat flux [W m-2] \item LE: Latent heat flux [W m-2] \item NEE: Net
#'   ecosystem exchange [umol m-2 s-1] \item IRGA: Infrared Gas Analyzer}.
#' @section References: Mauder, M., Cuntz, M., Drue, C., Graf, A., Rebmann, C.,
#'   Schmid, H.P., Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., 2013. A strategy for quality
#'   and uncertainty assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements.
#'   Agric. For. Meteorol. 169, 122-135.
#'   \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.006}
#' @return A data frame. Each column has attributes \code{"varnames"} and
#'   \code{"units"}.
#' @param qc_LE An atomic type containing numeric or NA values. Combination of
#'   all available QC flags for LE.
#' @param qc_H An atomic type containing numeric or NA values. Combination of
#'   all available QC flags for H. Used only if \code{IRGA = "open"}.
#' @param IRGA A character string. Specifies the type of IRGA. Allowed values
#'   are \code{"en_closed"} both for closed and enclosed path systems and
#'   \code{"open"} for open path systems. Can be abbreviated.
#' @seealso \code{\link{combn_QC}} and \code{\link{extract_QC}}.
#' @export
interdep <- function(qc_LE, qc_H = NULL, IRGA = c("en_closed", "open")) {
  if (!is.atomic(qc_LE) || !is.atomic(qc_H)) {
    stop("'qc_LE' and 'qc_H' must be an atomic type")
  IRGA <- match.arg(IRGA)
  if (!is.null(qc_LE) && !is.numeric(qc_LE) && !all(is.na(qc_LE))) {
    stop("'qc_LE' must contain numeric or NA values")
  if (IRGA == "open") {
    if (!is.null(qc_H) && !is.numeric(qc_H) && !all(is.na(qc_H))) {
      stop("'qc_H' must contain numeric or NA values")
  len <- length(qc_LE)
  if (IRGA == "open" && len != length(qc_H)) {
    stop("length(qc_LE) and length(qc_H) must be equal")
  # qc_H is influencing variable only for open path system
  nout <- c("qc_H_interdep", "qc_LE_interdep", "qc_NEE_interdep")
  out <- data.frame(rep(NA, len), rep(NA, len), rep(NA, len))
  names(out) <- nout
  for (i in nout) {
    attributes(out[, i]) <- list(varnames = i, units = "-")
  if (length(qc_LE) == 0) {
    if (IRGA != "open") out$qc_LE_interdep <- NULL
  qc_LE[is.na(qc_LE)] <- 2L
  out$qc_H_interdep[qc_LE <  2] <- 0L
  out$qc_H_interdep[qc_LE >= 2] <- 1L
  if (IRGA == "open") {
    qc_H[is.na(qc_H)] <- 2L
    out$qc_LE_interdep[qc_H <  2] <- 0L
    out$qc_LE_interdep[qc_H >= 2] <- 1L
    out$qc_NEE_interdep[qc_LE <  2 & qc_H <  2] <- 0L
    out$qc_NEE_interdep[qc_LE >= 2 | qc_H >= 2] <- 1L
  } else {
    out$qc_LE_interdep <- NULL
    out$qc_NEE_interdep[qc_LE <  2] <- 0L
    out$qc_NEE_interdep[qc_LE >= 2] <- 1L

#' Apply despiking to a given subset
#' This is a low level function not intended to be used on its own. It is
#' utilized by \code{\link{despikeLF}} that should be used instead.
#' @param xBlock1 The double-differenced \code{var} time series with appropriate
#'   block size.
#' @param xBlock2 Serves for computing despiking threshold and can be from the
#'   same block as \code{xBlock1} (default) or from the whole year (more
#'   conservative when less data available).
#' @param refBlock1 \code{var} values from appropriate block for finding
#'   false-flagged spikes by comparison with scaled median absolute deviation.
#' @param refBlock2 \code{var} values for computing median and mad from the same
#'   block as \code{refBlock1} (default) or whole year (more conservative when
#'   less data available).
#' @param z A numeric value. \eqn{MAD} scale factor.
#' @param c A numeric value. \code{\link{mad}} scale factor. Default is \code{3
#'   * \link{mad} constant} (\code{i.e. 3 * 1.4826 = 4.4478}).
#' @return A logical vector. \code{TRUE} values flag spikes.
#' @seealso use \code{\link{despikeLF}} instead.
#' @importFrom stats mad
#' @keywords internal
desp <- function(xBlock1, xBlock2 = xBlock1, refBlock1,
                 refBlock2 = refBlock1, z, c) {
  med_block <- median(xBlock2, na.rm = TRUE)
  bracket <- z * median(abs(xBlock2 - med_block), na.rm = TRUE) / 0.6745
  med_ref <- median(refBlock2, na.rm = TRUE)
  mad_ref <- mad(refBlock2, constant = c, na.rm = TRUE)
  out <- list(
    spike =
      (xBlock1 < (med_block - bracket) | xBlock1 > (med_block + bracket)) &
      (refBlock1 > (med_ref + mad_ref) | refBlock1 < (med_ref - mad_ref)),
    spike_all =
      (xBlock1 < (med_block - bracket) | xBlock1 > (med_block + bracket)),
    stats = data.frame(med_block = med_block, scaled_MAD = bracket,
                       med_ref = med_ref, mad_ref = mad_ref)
  is.na(out$spike) <- is.na(xBlock1) # cannot check for spikes if d[i] missing
  # this happens for first and last value; has to be treated because of "&"

#' Apply despiking to all data blocks
#' This is a low level function not intended to be used on its own. It is
#' utilized by \code{\link{despikeLF}} that should be used instead.
#' @param SD_sub A data frame prepared by \code{\link{despikeLF}} with expected
#'   columns Index, Date, timestamp, var, Spike and Light. This is a subset of
#'   data (\code{x}) provided to \code{\link{despikeLF}} containing only the
#'   data of good quality.
#' @param date An unsubsetted vector of class \code{"Date"} extracted from data
#'   frame \code{x} fed to \code{\link{despikeLF}}.
#' @param nVals A numeric value. Number of values within 13-day blocks required
#'   to obtain robust statistics.
#' @param z A numeric value. \eqn{MAD} scale factor.
#' @param c A numeric value. \code{\link{mad}} scale factor. Default is \code{3
#'   * \link{mad} constant} (\code{i.e. 3 * 1.4826 = 4.4478}).
#' @param plot A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, list of \code{\link{ggplot}}
#'   objects visualizing the spikes is also produced.
#' @return If \code{plot = FALSE}, an updated data frame \code{SD_sub} with
#'   identified spikes in column Spike and with three new columns var_minus,
#'   var_plus and diff. If \code{plot = TRUE}, a list with elements \code{SD} (a
#'   data frame identical to the one produced if \code{plot = FALSE}) and
#'   \code{plots} containing a list of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @keywords internal
desp_loop <- function(SD_sub, date, nVals, z, c, plot = FALSE) {
  SD_sub$var_minus <- c(NA, SD_sub$var[-nrow(SD_sub)])
  SD_sub$var_plus <- c(SD_sub$var[-1], NA)
  SD_sub$diff <- with(SD_sub, (var - var_minus) - (var_plus - var))
  if (sum(!is.na(SD_sub$diff)) <= nVals) {
    stop("Number of values in subset is below nVals")
  SD_Date <- date[1]
  if (plot) {
    i <- 1L
    plots <- list()
  while (SD_Date <= date[length(date)]) {
    # 13 day block filter
    block <- SD_sub$Date >= SD_Date & SD_sub$Date < SD_Date + 13
    if (sum(block, na.rm = TRUE) > nVals) {
      desp_res <- desp(xBlock1 = SD_sub$diff[block],
                       refBlock1 = SD_sub$var[block], z = z, c = c)
      SD_sub$Spike[block] <- desp_res$spike
    } else if (sum(block, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
      SD_Date <- SD_Date + 13
    } else {
      desp_res <- desp(xBlock1 = SD_sub$diff[block],
                       xBlock2 = SD_sub$diff,
                       refBlock1 = SD_sub$var[block],
                       refBlock2 = SD_sub$var, z = z, c = c)
      SD_sub$Spike[block] <- desp_res$spike
    if (plot) {
      x <- na.omit(SD_sub[block, c("timestamp", "diff", "var")])
      x <- reshape2::melt(x, id = "timestamp")
      ts_range <- range(SD_sub[block, "timestamp"])
      y_range_d <- with(desp_res$stats, med_block + c(-scaled_MAD, scaled_MAD))
      y_range_f <- with(desp_res$stats, med_ref + c(-mad_ref, mad_ref))
      d <- data.frame(variable = levels(x$variable),
                      yintercept = c(desp_res$stats$med_block,
                      xmin = rep(ts_range[1], 2),
                      xmax = rep(ts_range[2], 2),
                      ymin = c(y_range_d[1], y_range_f[1]),
                      ymax = c(y_range_d[2], y_range_f[2]))
      xs1 <- SD_sub[block, ][desp_res$spike_all, c("timestamp", "diff")]
      xs2 <- SD_sub[block, ][desp_res$spike, c("timestamp", "var")]
      xs <- na.omit(reshape2::melt(merge(xs1, xs2, all = TRUE),
                                   id = "timestamp"))
      plots[[i]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(x, aes(.data$timestamp, .data$value)) +
        ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales = "free_y") +
        ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(SD_Date, "-", SD_Date + 12)) +
        ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
        ggplot2::geom_rect(data = d, aes(xmin = .data$xmin, xmax = .data$xmax,
                                         ymin = .data$ymin, ymax = .data$ymax),
                  inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 1/5) +
        ggplot2::geom_hline(data = d, aes(yintercept = .data$yintercept)) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(data = xs, aes(x = .data$timestamp, y = .data$value,
                                           colour = .data$variable))
      names(plots)[i] <- paste(SD_Date, "-", SD_Date + 12)
      i <- i + 1L
    SD_Date <- SD_Date + 13
  if (plot) return(list(SD = SD_sub, plots = plots))

#' Low Frequency Data Despiking
#' Scaled median absolute deviation from the median is applied to
#' double-differenced time series to identify outliers.
#' Low Frequency Data Despiking is not an additive quality control (QC) test.
#' \code{despikeLF} follows the QC scheme using QC flag range 0 - 2.
#' \code{varnames} attribute of returned vector should be chosen to follow the
#' 'Naming Strategy' described in \code{\link{extract_QC}}, i.e. to be
#' distinguished by suffix \code{"_spikesLF"}.
#' The data frame \code{x} is expected to have certain properties. It is
#' required that it contains column named \code{"timestamp"} of class
#' \code{"POSIXt"} with regular sequence of date-time values, typically with
#' (half-)hourly time interval. Any missing values in \code{"timestamp"} are not
#' allowed. Thus, if no records exist for given date-time value, it still has to
#' be included. It also has to contain required (depends on the argument values)
#' column names. If QC flags are not available for \code{var}, \code{qc_flag}
#' still has to be included in \code{x} as a named column with all values set to
#' \code{0} (i.e. all values will be checked for outliers).
#' Only non-missing \code{var} values with corresponding \code{qc_flag} values
#' below \code{2} are used to detect the outliers. Missing \code{var} values or
#' those with assigned flag \code{2} or \code{NA} are not checked and marked by
#' \code{NA} flag in the output. Thus \code{NA} values of \code{despikeLF}
#' should be considered as not checked records and therefore interpreted as
#' \code{0} flag within the \code{0 - 2} quality control scheme.
#' \code{var_thr} is intended for exclusion of data clearly outside of
#' theoretically acceptable range for the whole dataset. If \code{var_thr} is
#' specified, \code{var} values below \code{var_thr[1]} and above
#' \code{var_thr[2]} are marked as spikes (flag 2) in the output. Such values
#' are further not used for computing statistics on double-differenced time
#' series.
#' \code{light} and \code{night_thr} are intended to separate data to night and
#' day subsets with different statistical properties. \code{NA}s in
#' \code{x[light]} are thus not allowed due to the subsetting. Despiking is then
#' applied to individual subsets and combined QC flags are returned.
#' Despiking is done within blocks of 13 consecutive days to account for
#' seasonality of measured variable. Within each block, all records are compared
#' with its neighbours and \eqn{d[i]} scores are produced. This is achieved by
#' double-differencing: \deqn{d[i] = (var[i] - var[i-1]) - (var[i+1] - var[i])}
#' In order to obtain maximum amount of \eqn{d[i]} scores, all missing
#' \code{var} values are removed from the block before \eqn{d[i]} scores are
#' produced. \code{var} values are marked as spikes if \eqn{d[i]} is higher
#' (lower) than median of \eqn{d[i]} scores (\eqn{M[d]}) + (-) scaled median
#' absolute deviation: \deqn{d[i] > M[d] + (z * MAD / 0.6745)} \deqn{d[i] < M[d]
#' - (z * MAD / 0.6745)} MAD is defined as: \deqn{MAD = median(abs(d[i] -
#' M[d]))}
#' The algorithm tends to flag also values that are neighbours of spikes. To
#' prevent false flagging, \code{\link{median}} and \code{\link{mad}} of
#' \code{var} values within given block (\eqn{M[var]} and \eqn{mad[var]},
#' respectively) is computed. Values can be marked as spikes only if
#' \deqn{var[i] > M[var] + (c * mad / 1.4826)} or \deqn{var[i] < M[var] - (c *
#' mad / 1.4826)}
#' Number of available double-differenced \code{var} values (\code{nVals}) is
#' checked within each block. If equal or below \code{nVals}, \eqn{d[i]} or
#' \eqn{var[i]} values are checked against the statistics computed using entire
#' dataset to ensure robustness.
#' The whole process is repeated iteratively if \code{iter > 1}. This way new
#' statistics are produced for each iteration after exclusion of already
#' detected outliers and new spikes can be identified.
#' @section Plotting: Plots are produced as a list of \code{ggplot} objects.
#'   Thus they can be assigned to an object and modified as needed before actual
#'   plotting. Each plot consists of two panels. The upper one shows the
#'   double-differenced time series, the bottom one the actual \code{var}
#'   values. Grey bands mark the respective intervals in which \code{var} value
#'   cannot be considered as an outlier. The red points in upper panel show all
#'   points that would be marked as spikes if \code{c = 0}. Only the points
#'   marked by blue color (bottom panel) will be considered spikes. The spike
#'   detection tolerance (width of grey bands) can be modified by scale factors
#'   \code{z} (upper panel) and \code{c} (bottom panel).
#' @section Abbreviations: \itemize{\item QC: Quality Control \item PAR:
#'   Photosynthetic Active Radiation [umol m-2 s-1] \item GR: Global Radiation
#'   [W m-2]}
#' @section References: Mauder, M., Cuntz, M., Drue, C., Graf, A., Rebmann, C.,
#'   Schmid, H.P., Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., 2013. A strategy for quality
#'   and uncertainty assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements.
#'   Agric. For. Meteorol. 169, 122-135.
#'   \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.006}
#'   Papale, D., Reichstein, M., Canfora, E., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C.,
#'   Longdoz, B., Kutsch, W., Rambal, S., Valentini, R., Vesala, T., Yakir, D.,
#'   2006. Towards a more harmonized processing of eddy covariance CO2 fluxes:
#'   algorithms and uncertainty estimation. Biogeosciences Discuss. 3, 961-992.
#'   \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/bgd-3-961-2006}
#'   Sachs, L., 1996. Angewandte Statistik: Anwendung Statistischer Methoden,
#'   Springer, Berlin.
#' @return If \code{plot = FALSE}, an integer vector with attributes
#'   \code{"varnames"} and \code{"units"}. If \code{plot = TRUE}, a list with
#'   elements \code{SD} and \code{plots}. \code{SD} contains identical output as
#'   produced when \code{plot = FALSE}, \code{plots} contains list of
#'   \code{ggplot} objects for respective iteration, \code{light} subset and
#'   13-day period.
#'   Side effect: the counts of spikes detected in each iteration are printed to
#'   console.
#' @param x A data frame with column names representing required variables. See
#'   'Details' below.
#' @param var A character string. Specifies the variable name in \code{x} with
#'   values to be despiked.
#' @param qc_flag A character string. Specifies the column name in \code{x} with
#'   \code{var} related quality control flag.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @param var_thr A numeric vector with 2 non-missing values. Specifies fixed
#'   thresholds for \code{var} values. Values outside this range will be flagged
#'   as spikes (flag 2). If \code{var_thr = NULL}, thresholds are not applied.
#' @param iter An integer value. Defines number of despiking iterations.
#' @param plot A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, list of \code{\link{ggplot}}
#'   objects visualizing the spikes is also produced.
#' @param light A character string. Selects preferred variable for incoming
#'   light intensity. \code{"PAR"} or \code{"GR"} is allowed. Can be
#'   abbreviated. If \code{light = NULL}, \code{var} values are not separated to
#'   night/day subsets and \code{night_thr} is not used.
#' @param night_thr A numeric value that defines the threshold  between night
#'   (for \code{light} values equal or lower than \code{night_thr}) and day (for
#'   \code{light} values higher than \code{night_thr}) for incoming light.
#' @param nVals A numeric value. Number of values within 13-day blocks required
#'   to obtain robust statistics.
#' @param z A numeric value. \eqn{MAD} scale factor.
#' @param c A numeric value. \code{\link{mad}} scale factor. Default is \code{3
#'   * \link{mad} constant} (\code{i.e. 3 * 1.4826 = 4.4478}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{combn_QC}}, \code{\link{extract_QC}},
#'   \code{\link{median}} and \code{\link{mad}}.
#' @export
despikeLF <- function(x, var, qc_flag, name_out = "-", var_thr = NULL,
                      iter = 10, plot = FALSE, light = c("PAR", "GR"),
                      night_thr = 10, nVals = 50, z = 7, c = 4.4478) {
  x_names <- colnames(x)
  if (!is.data.frame(x) || is.null(x_names)) {
    stop("'x' has to be of class data.frame with colnames")
  if (any(!sapply(list(var, qc_flag, name_out), is.character))) {
    stop("'var', 'qc_flag', 'name_out' has to be of class character")
  var <- var[1]
  qc_flag <- qc_flag[1]
  req_vars <- c("timestamp", var, qc_flag)
  if (!is.null(light)) {
    light <- match.arg(light)
    req_vars <- c(req_vars, light)
    if (!is.numeric(night_thr) || length(night_thr) != 1) {
      stop("'night_thr' must be numeric vector of length 1")
  if (!all(req_vars %in% x_names)) {
    stop(paste("missing", paste0(req_vars[!(req_vars %in% x_names)],
                                 collapse = ", ")))
  if (!inherits(x$timestamp, "POSIXt")) {
    stop("'x$timestamp' must be of class 'POSIXt'")
  if (any(is.na(x$timestamp))) stop("NAs in 'x$timestamp' not allowed")
  if (any(diff(as.numeric(x$timestamp)) !=
          mean(diff(as.numeric(x$timestamp))))) {
    stop("timestamp does not form regular sequence")
  if (iter[1] < 1) stop("set iter = 1 or higher")
  date <- as.Date(x$timestamp)
  vals <- x[, var]
  qc_flag <- x[, qc_flag]
  # NA qc is interpreted as flag 2
  qc_flag[is.na(qc_flag)] <- 2L
  if (!is.null(light)) {
    sun <- x[light]
    if (anyNA(sun)) stop(paste0("NAs in x['", light, "'] not allowed"))
  # Filter for used data (qc not flag 2 or NA and var is not NA)
  use <- qc_flag < 2 & !is.na(vals)
  # Introduce Spike flag, set a fixed threshold and update filter
  out <- rep(NA, nrow(x)) # Flag NA: if not changed it means not tested
  if (!is.null(var_thr)) {
    if (!is.numeric(var_thr) || length(var_thr) != 2 || anyNA(var_thr)) {
      stop("'var_thr' must be numeric vector with 2 non-missing values")
    if (var_thr[1] > var_thr[2]) {
      stop("'var_thr[1]' cannot be higher than 'var_thr[2]'")
    out[((vals < var_thr[1]) | (vals > var_thr[2])) & use] <- 2L
    use <- use & is.na(out) # Flag NA at this point means eligible for despiking
  # Spike Detection (Papale et al. 2006)
  # Create data frame with dates, vals & sun intensity values
  SD_df <- data.frame(Index = seq_len(nrow(x)), Date = date,
                      timestamp = x$timestamp, var = vals, Spike = out)
  if (!is.null(light)) {
    SD_df$Light <- sun[, 1]
  if (plot) plots <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(iter)) {
    # Filter out all low quality data and create continuous NEE time series
    # SD_df after filtering keeps only records to be tested
    # On first iteration SD_df$Spike contains only NAs (vals not checked yet)
    # During following iterations SD_df$Spike:
    #  - has 2 (light = NULL) or 4 (night/day) NAs (boundaries of subsets)
    #  - otherwise equals 0 (spikes so far not detected)
    # SD_df is used to merge results from SD_l after despiking
    # SD_df$Spike is a subset of out (out needs to be matched by SD_df$Index)
    # length(SD_df$Spike) decreases with iterations
    SD_df <- SD_df[use, ]
    SD_l <- list(all = SD_df)
    if (!is.null(light)) {
      night <- SD_l$all$Light <= night_thr # filter to distinguish night/day
      SD_l <- list(night = SD_l$all[night, ], day = SD_l$all[!night, ])
    # SD_l data frames have 3 more columns after despiking
    if (plot) {
      temp <- lapply(SD_l, desp_loop, date, nVals, z, c, plot)
      SD_l <- lapply(temp, "[[", "SD") # overwritten every iteration
      plots[[i]] <- lapply(temp, "[[", "plots") # all iteration results kept
      names(plots)[i] <- paste("iter", i)
    } else {
      SD_l <- lapply(SD_l, desp_loop, date, nVals, z, c, plot)
    SD_l <- lapply(SD_l, function(x) {
      x$Spike[x$Spike == TRUE] <- 2L
    # Export results from spike detection list into the data frame
    if (!is.null(light)) {
      SD_df$Spike[match(SD_l$night$Index, SD_df$Index)] <- SD_l$night$Spike
      SD_df$Spike[match(SD_l$day$Index, SD_df$Index)] <- SD_l$day$Spike
    } else SD_df$Spike <- SD_l$all$Spike
    # Export the results into the output vector
    out[SD_df$Index] <- SD_df$Spike
    # Count the number of detected spikes in this iteration and report them
    ns <- sum(SD_df$Spike == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
    cat(paste0("iter ", i, ": ", ns, "\n"))
    if (!ns && i < iter) {
      cat("Further iterations omitted\n")
    # Update use filter - it has to fit the already subsetted SD_df
    # It has different length for each iteration
    use <- SD_df$Spike == 0 | is.na(SD_df$Spike)
  if (plot) return(list(SD = out, plots = plots))
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Apply Fetch Filter
#' \code{fetch_filter} flags all halfhours that have longer fetch distance (of
#' given percentage of contribution to the flux) than the user defined boundary
#' of the region of interest (ROI).
#' Fetch distance is used together with wind direction information to identify
#' the cases when fetch reached beyond ROI.
#' The spatial extent of the studied ecosystem (ROI) is specified by its
#' \code{ROI_boundary} that describes the distance from eddy covariance tower to
#' the edge of the studied ecosystem. \code{ROI_boundary} has following
#' properties: \itemize{ \item the number of circular sectors is the same as the
#' number of provided distances; \item the angular resolution of the ROI
#' boundary can be computed as 360 degrees / number of angular sectors; \item
#' the ROI boundary distances are assigned to the centers of their respective
#' circular sectors with first sector centered on 0 degrees.}
#' Example: \code{ROI_boundary} specified as c(150, 200, 250, 300) has following
#' properties: \itemize{ \item 4 circular sectors with 90° angular resolution;
#' \item ROI boundary is specified for the whole first sector (315°, 45°] at the
#' distance 150 m from tower (center of the sector is 0°); \item boundary of the
#' second sector (45°, 135°] is at the distance 200 m; \item third sector (135°,
#' 225°] is at the distance 250 m; \item fourth sector (225°, 315°] is at the
#' distance 300 m.}
#' @return An integer vector with attributes \code{"varnames"} and
#'   \code{"units"}.
#' @param x A data frame with column names representing required variables.
#' @param fetch_name A character string. Specifies the column name in \code{x}
#'   with fetch distance values.
#' @param wd_name A character string. Specifies the column name in \code{x} with
#'   wind direction values.
#' @param ROI_boundary A numeric vector. Represents the boundary of region of
#'   interest.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @seealso \code{\link{combn_QC}} and \code{\link{extract_QC}}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20)
#' (xx <- data.frame(x_70perc = sample(1:1000, 10), WD = sample(0:360, 10)))
#' fetch_filter(xx, "x_70perc", "WD", 300, "qc_ALL_fetch70")
#' @export
fetch_filter <- function(x, fetch_name, wd_name, ROI_boundary, name_out = "-") {
  x_names <- colnames(x)
  if (!is.data.frame(x) || is.null(x_names)) {
    stop("'x' has to be of class data.frame with colnames")
  if (any(!sapply(list(fetch_name, wd_name, name_out), is.character))) {
    stop("'fetch_name', 'wd_name' and 'name_out' has to be of class character")
  if (!is.numeric(ROI_boundary)) {
    stop("'x' has to be of class numeric")
  sector_span <- 360 / length(ROI_boundary)
  x$sector <- round(x[, wd_name] / sector_span) + 1
  x$sector[x$sector == (length(ROI_boundary) + 1)] <- 1
  out <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
  out[x[, fetch_name] <= ROI_boundary[x$sector]] <- 0L
  out[x[, fetch_name] >  ROI_boundary[x$sector]] <- 2L
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Exclude Values
#' Interactive plots are used for identification and flagging of data for
#' exclusion based on the visual inspection.
#' Six options are available during the interactive session. \enumerate{ \item
#' flag values: select interval of values to exclude or use double-click to flag
#' single value. \item undo last: allows to change the user flagging input back
#' to the state before last flagging. \item refresh plots: apply current user
#' flagging input to the plots. It removes excluded points and affects y-axis
#' range or it can show again excluded points if option 2 (undo last) was
#' applied before. \item next plot. \item jump to plot: any plot within the
#' existing range (see as a plot title) can be selected. \item finalize: finish
#' the flagging and return the results.}
#' The interactive session will be finished successfully also when option 4
#' (next plot) is executed while at the last plot.
#' @param x A numeric vector with values to inspect.
#' @param qc_x An integer vector in the range \code{0 - 2} providing quality
#'   control information about \code{x}.
#' @param y,z A numeric vector with values of auxiliary variable helping with
#'   the interpretation of \code{x}.
#' @param name_out A character string providing \code{varnames} attribute value
#'   of the output.
#' @param win_size An integer. Number of \code{x} values displayed per plot.
#' @return An integer vector with attributes \code{"varnames"} and
#'   \code{"units"}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{check_manually}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # prepare mock data
#' set.seed(87)
#' my_var <- sin(seq(pi / 2, 2.5 * pi, length = 48)) * 10
#' my_var[my_var > 5] <- 5
#' PAR <- (-my_var + 5) * 100
#' Tair <- rep(-cos(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 48)), 14)
#' Tair <- Tair * 2 + 15 + seq(0, 5, length = 48 * 14)
#' # combine into data frame
#' a <- data.frame(
#'   my_var = my_var + rnorm(48 * 14),
#'   my_qc = sample(c(0:2, NA), 672, replace = TRUE, prob = c(5, 3, 2, 1)),
#'   PAR = PAR,
#'   Tair = Tair
#' )
#' # include spikes
#' a$my_var[c(152, 479)] <- c(231, -2000)
#' # flag data manually
#' exclude(x = a$my_var, qc_x = a$my_qc)
#' exclude(x = a$my_var, qc_x = a$my_qc, y = a$PAR)
#' exclude(x = a$my_var, qc_x = a$my_qc, y = a$PAR, z = a$Tair)
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics lines identify points
#' @export
exclude <- function(x, qc_x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, name_out = "-",
                    win_size = 672) {
  len <- length(x)
  if (!is.null(qc_x)) {
    if (len != length(qc_x)) stop("'qc_x' must be of same lenght as 'x'")
    x <- ifelse(qc_x == 2, NA, x)
  if (!is.null(y)) {
    if (len != length(y)) stop("'y' must be of same lenght as 'x'")
  if (!is.null(z)) {
    if (len != length(z)) stop("'z' must be of same lenght as 'x'")
  if (!is.atomic(name_out) || length(name_out) != 1) {
    stop("atomic type 'name_out' must have length 1")
  name_out <- if (name_out %in% c("", NA)) "-" else as.character(name_out)
  x_old <- x # initialized because of opt == 2
  out <- rep(0L, len)
  out_old <- out # initialized because of opt == 2
  n_iter <- ceiling(len/win_size)
  range <- 1:win_size
  sel_range <- numeric() # initialized because of opt == 2
  read_opt <- function(msg) {
    opt <- readline(prompt = msg)
    if (!grepl("^[1-6]$", opt)) return(read_opt(msg))
  read_plot_num <- function() {
    n <- readline(prompt = "\nPlot number: \n")
    if (!grepl("^[[:digit:]]+$", n)) return(read_plot_num())
    n <- as.integer(n)
    if (n < 1 | n > n_iter) return(read_plot_num())
  # set the plot layout
  rows <- 1 + (!is.null(y)) + (!is.null(z))
  if (rows > 1) {
    # setting multiple par()s due to layout - requires saving op separately
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), oma = c(5, 6, 4, 6))
    panels <- if (rows == 2) {
      cbind(c(1, 2, 2))
    } else {
      cbind(c(1, 3, 3, 2))
  # plot settings
  x_cex <- if (rows == 1) 0.5 else 0.8
  yz_cex <- 0.7
  yz_col <- "grey40"
  cex_axis <- 1.5
  # Loop with options
  i <- 1
  while (i <= n_iter) {
    if (rows > 1) {
      if (!is.null(y)) {
        plot(range, y[range],
             type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = yz_cex, col = yz_col,
             xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
             ylim = setRange(y, seq_along(x) %in% range),
             xlab = "", ylab = "")
        axis(4, cex.axis = cex_axis)
        mtext("y", side = 4, line = 3)
        mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
              side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
      if (!is.null(z)) {
        plot(range, z[range],
             type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = yz_cex, col = yz_col,
             xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
             ylim = setRange(z, seq_along(x) %in% range),
             xlab = "", ylab = "")
        axis(4, cex.axis = cex_axis)
        mtext("z", side = 4, line = 3)
        # in case of both y and z provided this plot is on the bottom of panel
        if (rows == 3) {
          axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis)
          mtext("Index", side = 1, line = 3)
        # in case of only z provided but missing y
        if (rows == 2) mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
                             side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
    plot(range, x[range], type = 'o', pch = 19,
         cex = x_cex,
         xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
         ylim = setRange(x, seq_along(x) %in% range),
         ylab = "", xlab = "")
    axis(2, cex.axis = if (rows == 1) NULL else cex_axis)
    mtext("x", side = 2, line = 3)
    if (rows != 3) {
      axis(1, cex.axis = if (rows == 1) NULL else cex_axis)
      mtext("Index", side = 1, line = 3)
    if (rows == 1) mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
                         side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
    filter <- as.logical(out[range]) # to keep red lines with opt == 5
    lines(range[filter], x[range[filter]],
          col = 'red', type = "o", pch = 19, cex = x_cex)
    msg <- paste0("\n", paste0(rep("-", 14), collapse = ""),
                  "\nChoose option:\n1. flag values\n2. undo last\n",
                  "3. refresh plots\n4. next plot\n5. jump to plot ...\n",
                  "6. finalize\n\n")
    repeat {
      opt <- read_opt(msg)
      if (opt == 1) {
        sel <- numeric()
        for (j in 1:2) {
          sel[j] <- identify(x, n = 1, plot = FALSE, tolerance = 0.25)
          points(sel[j], x[sel[j]], col = 'red', pch = 19, cex = x_cex)
        sel_range <- sel[1]:sel[2]
        lines(sel_range, x[sel_range],
              col = 'red', type = "o", pch = 19, cex = x_cex)
        out_old <- out
        x_old <- x
        out[sel_range] <- 2L
      if (opt == 2) {
        out <- out_old
        x <- x_old
        lines(sel_range, x[sel_range], type = "o", pch = 19, cex = x_cex)
      if (opt == 3) {
        x <- ifelse(out == 2, NA, x)
        if (rows > 1) {
          if (!is.null(y)) {
            plot(range, y[range],
                 type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = yz_cex, col = yz_col,
                 xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
                 ylim = setRange(y, seq_along(x) %in% range),
                 xlab = "", ylab = "")
            axis(4, cex.axis = cex_axis)
            mtext("y", side = 4, line = 3)
            mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
                  side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
          if (!is.null(z)) {
            plot(range, z[range],
                 type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = yz_cex, col = yz_col,
                 xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
                 ylim = setRange(z, seq_along(x) %in% range),
                 xlab = "", ylab = "")
            axis(4, cex.axis = cex_axis)
            mtext("z", side = 4, line = 3)
            # in case of both y and z provided this plot is on the bottom of panel
            if (rows == 3) {
              axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis)
              mtext("Index", side = 1, line = 3)
            # in case of only z provided but missing y
            if (rows == 2) mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
                                 side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
        plot(range, x[range], type = 'o', pch = 19,
             cex = x_cex,
             xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
             ylim = setRange(x, seq_along(x) %in% range),
             ylab = "", xlab = "")
        axis(2, cex.axis = if (rows == 1) NULL else cex_axis)
        mtext("x", side = 2, line = 3)
        if (rows != 3) {
          axis(1, cex.axis = if (rows == 1) NULL else cex_axis)
          mtext("Index", side = 1, line = 3)
        if (rows == 1) mtext(paste0("Plot ", i, "/", n_iter),
                             side = 3, line = 1, font = 2, cex = 1.2)
      if (opt == 4) {
      if (opt == 5) {
        n <- read_plot_num()
        i <- n - 1 # due to iteration after break
      if (opt == 6) {
        i <- n_iter # n_iter + 1 after break
    i <- i + 1
    range <- ((i - 1) * win_size + 1):(i * win_size)
  if (rows > 1) par(op)
  attributes(out) <- list(varnames = name_out, units = "-")

#' Manual Data Flagging
#' A wrapper for \code{\link{exclude}} that allows visual inspection of selected
#' variables in a data frame and manual flagging of values to be discarded.
#' Saving and reloading of results is supported.
#' Automatic reload of previously saved results in \code{path} with filename
#' including pattern \code{"manual_QC"} is attempted. If found, timestamp is
#' merged with date-time information in \code{x} if not identical and quality
#' control is combined with the new flags marked by user (flag 2 marks data
#' exclusion). Proper alignment of timestamps can be assured by \code{shift.by}.
#' \code{path} is also used for saving file (\code{"manual_QC"} pattern) with
#' results. Actual flagging allows to run \code{\link{exclude}} over all
#' \code{vars}. Each variable is required to have associated quality control
#' column in format \code{qc_prefix+vars+qc_suffix}.
#' Function can be run in two modes. If \code{interactive = TRUE}, attempt to
#' load previously saved manual QC will be performed, user will be allowed to
#' flag data manually in interactive session and save (merged) results. If you
#' just want to reload previously saved results, use \code{interactive = FALSE}.
#' @param x A data frame.
#' @param path A string. Specifies a path to directory where results should be
#'   saved.
#' @param vars A character vector, matrix or data frame providing names of
#'   variables in data frame \code{x} that will be inspected. If character
#'   vector, each value is iteratively used as argument \code{x} in
#'   \code{\link{exclude}}. If matrix or data frame, first, second and third
#'   column are respectively interpreted as arguments \code{x} (quality checked
#'   variable), \code{y} and \code{z} (auxiliary variables) in
#'   \code{\link{exclude}} and used iteratively across rows. If auxiliary
#'   variables are not needed for certain combinations (\code{vars} rows),
#'   provide \code{NA} values.
#' @param qc_prefix,qc_suffix A string. Quality control columns corresponding to
#'   \code{vars} names are required in \code{x} in format
#'   \code{qc_prefix+vars+qc_suffix}. If \code{vars} is matrix or data frame,
#'   \code{qc_prefix} and \code{qc_suffix} is applied only for the first column.
#'   Set to \code{NULL} if either \code{qc_prefix} or \code{qc_suffix} is not
#'   applicable.
#' @param interactive A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, manual checking will be
#'   provided in an interactive session. If \code{FALSE}, previously created
#'   file with manual flags will be reloaded or \code{NULL} will be returned.
#' @param siteyear A string. Unique label for the saved \emph{manual_QC} CSV
#'   file if no file with "manual_QC" pattern was found in \code{path}.
#' @param tname A string. Name of variable in \code{x} with date-time
#'   information.
#' @param shift.by An integer value specifying the time shift (in seconds) to be
#'   applied to the date-time information of the reloaded manual QC if present.
#' @param with_units A logical value indicating whether read (or written) data
#'   frame with manual flags includes (should include) also units.
#' @param win_size An integer. Number of values displayed per plot.
#' @param format A string. Format of \code{tname} date-time information.
#' @return A data frame with flags 0 (marking accepted points) and flags 2
#'   (marking excluded points). Results can be written to \code{path}.
#'   If \code{interactive = FALSE}, and no file in \code{path} with pattern
#'   \code{"manual_QC"}, \code{NULL} is returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{exclude}}, \code{\link{locator}},
#'   \code{\link{combn_QC}}, \code{\link{strptime_eddy}}, \code{\link{merge}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # prepare mock data
#' set.seed(87)
#' NEE <- sin(seq(pi / 2, 2.5 * pi, length = 48)) * 10
#' NEE[NEE > 5] <- 5
#' t <- seq(ISOdate(2020, 7, 1, 0, 15), ISOdate(2020, 7, 14, 23, 45), "30 mins")
#' PAR <- (-NEE + 5) * 100
#' Tair <- rep(-cos(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 48)), 14)
#' Tair <- Tair * 2 + 15 + seq(0, 5, length = 48 * 14)
#' Rn <- PAR / 2 - 50
#' H <- Rn * 0.7
#' LE <- Rn * 0.3
#' # combine into data frame
#' a <- data.frame(
#'   timestamp = t,
#'   H = H + rnorm(48 * 14),
#'   qc_H = sample(c(0:2, NA), 672, replace = TRUE, prob = c(5, 3, 2, 1)),
#'   LE = LE + rnorm(48 * 14),
#'   qc_LE = sample(c(0:2, NA), 672, replace = TRUE, prob = c(5, 3, 2, 1)),
#'   NEE = NEE + rnorm(48 * 14),
#'   qc_NEE = sample(c(0:2, NA), 672, replace = TRUE, prob = c(5, 3, 2, 1)),
#'   PAR = PAR,
#'   Tair = Tair,
#'   Rn = Rn
#' )
#' # introduce outliers
#' a$H[c(97, 210, 450, 650)] <- c(-300, 2000, -800, 3200)
#' a$LE[c(88, 182, 350, 550)] <- c(900, -400, -1000, 2000)
#' a$NEE[c(10, 152, 400, 500)] <- c(50, -100, 70, -250)
#' # single variable example without auxiliary variables
#' man <- check_manually(a, vars = "H", interactive = TRUE,
#'                       siteyear = "MySite2022")
#' summary_QC(man, names(man)[-1])
#' # multiple vars provided as vector (without auxiliary variables)
#' man <- check_manually(a, vars = c("H", "LE", "NEE"),
#'                       interactive = TRUE)
#' # multiple vars provided as matrix (including auxiliary variables)
#' man <- check_manually(a,
#'                       vars = cbind(
#'                         c("H", "LE", "NEE"), # main variables (x)
#'                         c("Rn", "Rn", "PAR") # auxiliary variables (y)
#'                       ),
#'                       interactive = TRUE)
#' # two sets of auxiliary variables
#' # - "missing_var" not present in "a", thus handled as if NA was provided
#' man <- check_manually(a,
#'                       vars = cbind(
#'                         c("H", "LE", "NEE"),      # main variables (x)
#'                         c("Rn", "Rn", NA),        # auxiliary variables (y)
#'                         c("missing_var", "H", NA) # auxiliary variables (z)
#'                       ),
#'                       interactive = TRUE)
#' # multiple vars provided as data frame (including two sets of auxiliary vars)
#' man <- check_manually(a,
#'                       vars = data.frame(
#'                         x = c("H", "LE", "NEE"),
#'                         y = c("Rn", "Rn", "PAR"),
#'                         z = c("LE", "H", "Tair")
#'                       ),
#'                       interactive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv
#' @export
check_manually <- function(x,
                           path = ".",
                           qc_prefix = "qc_",
                           qc_suffix = NULL,
                           interactive = FALSE,
                           siteyear = NULL,
                           tname = "timestamp",
                           shift.by = NULL,
                           with_units = FALSE,
                           win_size = 672,
                           format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") {
  # Design of the function
  # - initialize manual_QC data frame with all respective TAU, H, LE, FC flux
  #   QC flags (all flags = 0)
  # - attempt to open file with "manual_QC" pattern in output folder
  # - not more than 1 QC file allowed (error issued)
  # - if file found, make sure that style with/without units was used accordingly
  # - if file found, validate timestamp with merge_eddy() and align with "site"
  #   - in case file timestamp is longer than that of site warn user that content
  #     will be lost and allow aborting function execution
  # - if file found, all previous QC columns will be included in new QC
  #   - some of those old QC flags might be unmodified by check_manually() if not
  #     among "vars"
  # - if file found, overwrite respective columns in manual_QC data frame and for
  #   each TAU, H, LE, FC column remove respective fluxes with flag 2
  #   (distinguish H_V_R suffixes)
  # - message: which columns will be available for QC (vars recognized)
  # - if NOT interactive: break function (no writing to manual_QC.csv)
  # - if NOT interactive & no old QC: make sure the following computations proceed
  #   - do not save flag 0 columns to CSV but keep them in "man" object
  # - if interactive: for each TAU, H, LE, FC column ask if user wants to flag
  #   additional data and save flags to file after each column is finalized
  #   - if yes: if "manual_QC" was found, new and old QC flags should be merged
  #   - if no: if "manual_QC" was found keep respective flags
  # - remove QC columns with all zero flags and write the file to output folder
  # - if not interactive and no manual QC found: return NULL

  # vars <- c("Tau", "H", "LE", "FC") # Tau flux not filtered
  # out_path <- "./output/" # make sure all folders exist (skeleton?) + save template
  # paste0("qc_", flux_names, "_man")

  # qc_prefix: "qc_" for Czechglobe data, "" for FLUXNET
  # qc_suffix: "_prelim3" for Czechglobe data, "_SSITC_TEST" for FLUXNET
  # - flux QC variable is required, i.e. exclude(qc_x = NULL, ...) not allowed

  # Check all fluxes specified by 'vars' already screened by QC scheme above
  # - intermediate progress can be saved to a file after flagging of each flux
  # - progress after the flagging of last flux must be saved in order to fully
  #   reproduce the manual flags when rerunning the code next time
  # - if saving to a file is omitted, results are still saved to 'man' object
  #   and later also to data frame 'data' but it does not allow easy rerunning
  # - returned timestamp is removed in 'man' but kept in saved CSV file
  # - if not interactive and no manual QC found: NULL returned

  tname <- as.character(tname)[1]
  if (!tname %in% names(x))
    stop("timestamp column specified by 'tname' not found in 'x'")
  lf <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
  # pattern ".*" means zero or more characters, "\\." is literal dot
  lf <- grep("manual_QC.*\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", lf, value = TRUE)
  if (length(lf) == 0) {
    if (interactive) {
      message("no CSV file with pattern 'manual_QC' in 'path' - initializing new")
    } else return(NULL)
  if (length(lf) > 1)
    stop("multiple CSV files with pattern 'manual_QC' in 'path'")
  # vars can be provided as vector, matrix or data frame/tibble
  # - unify to matrix
  vars <- as.matrix(vars)
  vnrow <- nrow(vars)
  # check NAs: at least one variable in the first column must exist in x
  # - use only first 3 columns (x, y, z arguments of exclude)
  # - na.omit in case NA is in vars and in names(x)
  na_names <- !(vars %in% na.omit(strip_suffix(names(x))))
  if (length(vars) > (vnrow * 3)) na_names <- na_names[1:(vnrow * 3)]
  if (all(na_names))
    stop("pattern of 'vars' does not match any column name in 'x'")
  if (all(na_names[1:vnrow]))
    stop("pattern of 'vars' to inspect not matching any column name in 'x'")
  if (any(na_names)) {
    message("following 'vars' are missing in 'x', thus skipped: ",
            paste0(na.omit(vars[na_names]), collapse = ", "))
  # After checking and reporting missing vars set missing vars to NA
  is.na(vars) <- na_names
  # remove vars rows if exclude arg x not available or not present in names(x)
  vars <- vars[!na_names[1:vnrow], , drop = FALSE]
  # check and prepare exclude() arguments y and z if available
  # - extract y and z as a vector
  y <- if (ncol(vars) > 1) vars[, 2] else NA
  z <- if (ncol(vars) > 2) vars[, 3] else NA
  # extract exclude() argument x
  vnames <- vars[, 1] # extract a vector (dimensions dropped on purpose)
  qc <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = length(vnames), nrow = nrow(x)))
  names(qc) <- mnames <- paste0("qc_", vnames, "_man")
  qc <- cbind(x[tname], qc)

  if (length(lf) == 1) {
    # Attempt opening file and load old QC
    message("loading manual_QC file found at: ", lf)
    old_qc <- if (with_units) read_eddy(lf) else read.csv(lf)
    if (!tname %in% names(old_qc))
      stop("timestamp column specified by 'tname' not found in file")
    old_qc[, tname] <- strptime_eddy(old_qc[, tname], format = format,
                                     shift.by = shift.by)
    trange_old <- range(old_qc[, tname])
    trange_new <- range(x[, tname])
    if (trange_old[1] < trange_new[1] | trange_old[2] > trange_new[2]) {
      warning("range of timestamp in file extends out of that of 'x'",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
      if (interactive) {
        repeat {
          ans <- readline(
            prompt = "part of data in file can be lost, proceed anyway? (y/n): ")
          if (grepl("^y$|^n$", ans)) break
        if (ans == "n") stop("function aborted by user")
    old_qc <- merge(x[tname], old_qc, by = tname, all.x = TRUE)
    old_qc[is.na(old_qc)] <- 0 # should NAs be kept if present?
    names_oqc <- names(old_qc)[names(old_qc) != tname]
    message("manual QC flags in file present for columns: ",
            paste0(names_oqc, collapse = ", "))
    # Include old QC in new QC and overwrite columns with identical names
    qc[names_oqc] <- old_qc[names_oqc]
  if (interactive) {
    if (length(lf) == 1)
      message("please make sure that manual_QC file is closed")
    qnames <- vnames
    # overwriting with gsub() due to handling of FLUXNET H_V_R suffix
    for (i in vnames) qnames <- gsub(i, paste0(qc_prefix, i, qc_suffix), qnames)
    # qnames need to align with vnames and mnames (same length):
    # names <- data.frame(vnames = vnames, qnames = qnames, mnames = mnames)
    qmiss <- !(qnames %in% names(x))
    if (any(qmiss)) stop("Following names of QC flags are not available in 'x':\n",
                         paste(qnames[qmiss], collapse = ", "))
    all_qc <- cbind(qc, x[qnames]) # needed for combn_QC() in a loop

    # var names: vnames - found in 'x'
    # man flags: mnames - made of vnames
    # SSITC flags: qnames - force to align with vnames and keep NAs if missing

    # Do in a loop for each var_H_V_R combination:
    # - combine SSITC_TEST (if present) with respective manual QC (always at least
    #   a single column with zeros) using combn_QC() - needed for exclude()
    # - run exclude() with "qc_x" = combined SSITC and manual QC
    # - combine old manual QC and exclude() output (no SSITC)
    for (i in seq_along(vnames)) {
      # tests are ordered accordingly so they match, also with vnames
      # qnames is used only if column name exists in 'x'
      cbn <- combn_QC(all_qc, c(mnames[i], qnames[i]),
                      no_messages = TRUE) # supress messages?
      message("Manual quality control of variable ", vnames[i], ":")
      if (!is.na(y[i])) message("- auxiliary variable ", y[i], " (y)")
      if (!is.na(z[i])) message("- auxiliary variable ", z[i], " (z)")
      # no need to shift timestamp for current version of exclude()
      qc[, mnames[i]] <- exclude(
        x[, vnames[i]],
        y = if(is.na(y[i])) NULL else x[, y[i]],
        z = if(is.na(z[i])) NULL else x[, z[i]],
        win_size = win_size)
      qc[, mnames[i]] <- combn_QC(
        data.frame(old = all_qc[, mnames[i]], new = qc[, mnames[i]]),
        c("old", "new"), no_messages = TRUE)
      repeat {
        opt <- readline(prompt = "save current progress to file at 'path'? (y/n): ")
        if (grepl("^y$|^n$", opt)) break
      if (opt == "y") {
        if (length(lf) == 0) {
          # including date might be problematic (old file would need to be deleted)
          lf <- file.path(
            if (is.null(siteyear)) "manual_QC.csv" else
              paste0(siteyear, "_manual_QC.csv"))
        message("saving file to ", lf)
        if (with_units) write_eddy(qc, lf) else
          write.csv(qc, lf, row.names = FALSE)
    repeat {
      opt2 <- readline(
        prompt = "remove manual QC columns where intervention was not needed? (y/n): ")
      if (grepl("^y$|^n$", opt)) break
    if (opt2 == "y") {
      # find columns with only zeros, remove, save
      all_0 <- apply(qc, 2, function(c) all(c %in% 0L))
      qc <- qc[!all_0]
      # remove saved manual QC file if only timestamp present (no manual QC)
      # and return NULL
      if (ncol(qc) == 1 && names(qc) == "timestamp") {
        if (length(lf) == 0) {
          # case when no saved QC file exists
          message("No manual QC performed")
        } else {
          message("No manual QC performed: removing '", lf, "'")
    repeat {
      opt <- readline(prompt = "save results to file at 'path'? (y/n): ")
      if (grepl("^y$|^n$", opt)) break
    if (opt == "y") {
      if (length(lf) == 0) {
        # including date might be problematic (old file would need to be deleted)
        lf <- file.path(
          if (is.null(siteyear)) "manual_QC.csv" else
            paste0(siteyear, "_manual_QC.csv"))
      message("saving file to ", lf)
      if (with_units) write_eddy(qc, lf) else
        write.csv(qc, lf, row.names = FALSE)

#' Apply Quality Control
#' Apply quality control information to the respective numeric vector.
#' Values of \code{x} are set to \code{NA} if \code{qc} value (flag) equals or
#' is above \code{qc_thr} or if \code{qc} value is missing.
#' \code{na.as = 0} can be used to preserve \code{x} values with respective
#' \code{NA} \code{qc} values.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param qc A numeric vector.
#' @param qc_thr An integer value.
#' @param na.as An integer value or \code{NA}.
#' @return A numeric vector of length \code{x} with attributes \code{"varnames"}
#'   and \code{"units"}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(215)
#' qc <- sample(0:2, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' apply_QC(1:10, qc)
#' # set stricter qc_thr
#' apply_QC(1:10, qc, qc_thr = 1)
#' # NAs in qc
#' is.na(qc) <- c(4, 6)
#' apply_QC(1:10, qc)
#' # preserve x values for NA qc
#' apply_QC(1:10, qc, na.as = 0)
#' @export
apply_QC <- function(x, qc, qc_thr = 2, na.as = NA) {
  if (length(x) != length(qc)) stop("'qc' length not matching 'x' length")
  qc[is.na(qc)] <- na.as
  test <- (qc >= qc_thr) | is.na(qc)
  res <- ifelse(test, NA, x)
  varnames(res) <- varnames(x)
  units(res) <- units(x)
lsigut/openeddy documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 12:25 a.m.