
  ## New DA analysis section

  run.edger <- eventReactive(input$run_edgeR, {
         shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
      pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
      if (input$taxl.edger !="no rank"){
          pstat <- tax_glom(pstat, input$taxl.edger)

      # number of samples in each level of target variable
      target.var.index <- which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$edger.condition)
      label.vec.num <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]

      # if selected condition has multiple levels
      if (length(input$edger_condition_options_use) == 2){
        sample.keep.index <- which(label.vec.num %in% input$edger_condition_options_use)
        label.vec.num <- label.vec.num[sample.keep.index]
        pstat@otu_table@.Data <- pstat@otu_table@.Data[,sample.keep.index]
        pstat@sam_data@row.names <- pstat@sam_data@row.names[sample.keep.index]
        for (i in 1:length(pstat@sam_data@names)){
          pstat@sam_data@.Data[[i]] <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[i]][sample.keep.index]
      } <- unique(label.vec.num)

      # transform label into 1 and 0
      label.vec.num[label.vec.num == unique(label.vec.num)[1]] <- 1
      label.vec.num[label.vec.num != 1] <- 0
      label.vec.num <- as.numeric(label.vec.num)

      dge = phyloseq_to_edgeR(pstat, group=input$edger.condition)
      # Perform binary test
      et = exactTest(dge)
      # Extract values from test results
      tt = topTags(et, n=nrow(dge$table), adjust.method="BH","PValue")
      res = tt@.Data[[1]]
      sigtab = res[(res$FDR < input$edger.padj.cutoff), ]
      sigtab = cbind(as(sigtab, "data.frame"), as(tax_table(pstat)[rownames(sigtab), ], "matrix"))

          if (nrow(sigtab) == 0){
              return(as.matrix("No differentially abundant items found!"))
          } else{
              sigtab = cbind(as(sigtab, "data.frame"), as(tax_table(pstat)[rownames(sigtab), ], "matrix"))
              sigtab$FDR <- as.numeric(formatC(sigtab$FDR, format = "e", digits = 2))
              sigtab$logFC <- as.numeric(formatC(sigtab$logFC, format = "e", digits = 2))

              sigtab <- sigtab[,c(which(colnames(sigtab) == input$taxl.edger)[1],
                                  which(colnames(sigtab) == "FDR"),
                                  which(colnames(sigtab) == "logFC"))]
              rownames(sigtab) <- 1:nrow(sigtab)

              # remove "others"
     <- c()
              for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
                if (sigtab[i,1] != "others"){
         <- c(, i)
              sigtab <- sigtab[,]

              num.1 <- c()
              num.2 <- c()
              species.names.tmp <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(pstat, rownames(pstat@otu_table@.Data), input$taxl.edger)
              for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
                species.index <- which(species.names.tmp == sigtab[i,1])
                num.1 <- c(num.1, sum((pstat@otu_table@.Data[species.index,which(label.vec.num == 1)] > 0)))
                num.2 <- c(num.2, sum((pstat@otu_table@.Data[species.index,which(label.vec.num == 0)] > 0)))

              sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, num.1)
              sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, num.2)

              df.output.prevalence <- percent(round((num.1 + num.2)/ncol(pstat@otu_table@.Data),4))
              sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, df.output.prevalence)

              colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)-2] <-[1]
              colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)-1] <-[2]
              colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)] <- "prevalence"

              output$download_edger_tb <- downloadHandler(
                  filename = function() { paste('download_edger_table', '.csv', sep='') },
                  content = function(file) {
                      dist.mat <- as.matrix(sigtab)
                      write.csv(data.frame(dist.mat), file)
              foldChange <- c()
              for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
                foldChange[i] <- round((max(as.numeric(c((sigtab[i,5] / sum(label.vec.num == 0)),
                                                         (sigtab[i,4] / sum(label.vec.num == 1))))) /
                                          min(as.numeric(c((sigtab[i,5] / sum(label.vec.num == 0)),
                                                           (sigtab[i,4] / sum(label.vec.num == 1)))))), 
                                       digits = 2)
              sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, foldChange)
              colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)] <- "Group Size adjusted fold change"


  output$ <- DT::renderDataTable({
  options = list(
      paging = TRUE

  run.deseq2 <- eventReactive(input$run_deseq2, {
         shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
    if (input$taxl.da !="no rank"){
      physeq1 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$taxl.da)
    physeq1 <- prune_samples(sample_sums(physeq1) > input$da.count.cutoff, physeq1)

    # number of samples in each level of target variable
    target.var.index <- which(physeq1@sam_data@names == input$da.condition)
    label.vec.num <- physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]

    # if selected condition has multiple levels
    if (length(input$da_condition_options_use) == 2){
      sample.keep.index <- which(label.vec.num %in% input$da_condition_options_use)
      label.vec.num <- label.vec.num[sample.keep.index]
      physeq1@otu_table@.Data <- physeq1@otu_table@.Data[,sample.keep.index]
      physeq1@sam_data@row.names <- physeq1@sam_data@row.names[sample.keep.index]
      for (i in 1:length(physeq1@sam_data@names)){
        physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[i]] <- physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[i]][sample.keep.index]
    } <- unique(label.vec.num)

    # transform label into 1 and 0
    label.vec.num[label.vec.num == unique(label.vec.num)[1]] <- 1
    label.vec.num[label.vec.num != 1] <- 0
    label.vec.num <- as.numeric(label.vec.num)

    # deal with continuous covariates and multiple covariates
    # target condition is the last one in formula.
    if (!is.null(input$da.condition.covariate)){
      for (i in 1:length(input$da.condition.covariate)){
        num.levels <- length(unique(sample_data(physeq1)[[input$da.condition.covariate[i]]]))
        if (num.levels >= 8){
          sam.index <- which(physeq1@sam_data@names %in% input$da.condition.covariate[i])
          physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[sam.index]] <- cut(physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[sam.index]], breaks = 3)

      diagdds = phyloseq_to_deseq2(physeq1,
                                                            collapse = " + "),
                                                      sep = " + "),
                                                    sep = " ")))
    } else{
      diagdds = phyloseq_to_deseq2(physeq1, as.formula(paste("~",input$da.condition, sep = " ")))

    # calculate geometric means prior to estimate size factors
    gm_mean = function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
      exp(sum(log(x[x > 0]), na.rm=na.rm) / length(x))
    geoMeans = apply(counts(diagdds), 1, gm_mean)
    diagdds = estimateSizeFactors(diagdds, geoMeans = geoMeans)
    diagdds = DESeq(diagdds, fitType="local")
    res = results(diagdds)
    res = res[order(res$padj, na.last=NA), ]

    if (nrow(res) != 0){
      sigtab = res[(res$padj < input$da.padj.cutoff), ]
      if (nrow(sigtab) == 0){
        return(as.matrix("No differentially abundant items found!"))
      } else{
        sigtab = cbind(as(sigtab, "data.frame"), as(tax_table(physeq1)[rownames(sigtab), ], "matrix"))
        sigtab$padj <- as.numeric(formatC(sigtab$padj, format = "e", digits = 2))
        sigtab$log2FoldChange <- as.numeric(formatC(sigtab$log2FoldChange, format = "e", digits = 2))

        rownames(sigtab) <- 1:nrow(sigtab)

        sigtab <- sigtab[,c(which(colnames(sigtab) == input$taxl.da[1]),
                            which(colnames(sigtab) == "padj"),
                            which(colnames(sigtab) == "log2FoldChange"))]

        # remove "others" <- c()
        for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
          if (sigtab[i,1] != "others"){
   <- c(, i)
        sigtab <- sigtab[,]

        num.1 <- c()
        num.2 <- c()
        species.names.tmp <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(physeq1, rownames(physeq1@otu_table@.Data), input$taxl.da)
        for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
          species.index <- which(species.names.tmp == sigtab[i,1])
          num.1 <- c(num.1, sum((physeq1@otu_table@.Data[species.index,which(label.vec.num == 1)] > 0)))
          num.2 <- c(num.2, sum((physeq1@otu_table@.Data[species.index,which(label.vec.num == 0)] > 0)))

        sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, num.1)
        sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, num.2)

        df.output.prevalence <- percent(round((num.1 + num.2)/ncol(physeq1@otu_table@.Data),4))
        sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, df.output.prevalence)

        colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)-2] <-[1]
        colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)-1] <-[2]
        colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)] <- "prevalence"

        output$download_deseq_tb <- downloadHandler(
          filename = function() { paste('download_deseq2_table', '.csv', sep='') },
          content = function(file) {
            dist.mat <- as.matrix(sigtab)
            write.csv(data.frame(dist.mat), file)
        foldChange <- c()
        for (i in 1:nrow(sigtab)){
        foldChange[i] <- round((max(as.numeric(c((sigtab[i,5] / sum(label.vec.num == 0)),
                                                 (sigtab[i,4] / sum(label.vec.num == 1))))) /
                       min(as.numeric(c((sigtab[i,5] / sum(label.vec.num == 0)),
                                        (sigtab[i,4] / sum(label.vec.num == 1)))))), digits = 2)
        sigtab <- cbind(sigtab, foldChange)
        colnames(sigtab)[ncol(sigtab)] <- "Group Size adjusted fold change"


      return(as.matrix("No differentially abundant items found!"))


  output$ <- DT::renderDataTable({
  options = list(
      paging = TRUE

  ### check whether selected condition for DA has two levels or more
  output$da_condition_type <- reactive({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    target.var.index <- which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$da.condition)
    if (is.integer0(target.var.index)){
      target.var.index <- 1
    label.vec <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]
    label.level.num <- length(unique(label.vec))
    factor.non.categorical <- covariates[which(!covariates %in% covariates.colorbar)]
    if (label.level.num == 2 || input$da.condition %in% factor.non.categorical){
    } else{

  outputOptions(output, "da_condition_type", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)

  # select 2 levels
  output$da_condition_options <- renderUI({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    variable.vec <- sample_data(pstat)[[
      which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$da.condition)]]
    filter.option.vec <- sort(unique(variable.vec))
      selectInput("da_condition_options_use", "Select 2 levels", choices = filter.option.vec, multiple = TRUE)

  ### check whether selected condition for edger has two levels or more
  output$edger_condition_type <- reactive({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    target.var.index <- which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$edger.condition)
    if (is.integer0(target.var.index)){
      target.var.index <- 1
    label.vec <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]
    label.level.num <- length(unique(label.vec))
    if (label.level.num == 2){
    } else{

  outputOptions(output, "edger_condition_type", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)

  # select 2 levels
  output$edger_condition_options <- renderUI({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    variable.vec <- sample_data(pstat)[[
      which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$edger.condition)]]
    filter.option.vec <- sort(unique(variable.vec))
      selectInput("edger_condition_options_use", "Select 2 levels", choices = filter.option.vec, multiple = TRUE)

  # Presence-Absence Variance analysis

  run.pav <- eventReactive(input$run_stat, {
          shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    physeq1 <- shinyInput$pstat
    if (input$ !="no rank"){
      physeq1 <- tax_glom(physeq1, input$
    physeq1 <- prune_samples(sample_sums(physeq1) > input$pa.count.cutoff, physeq1)

    target.var.index <- which(physeq1@sam_data@names == input$pa.condition)
    label.vec.num <- physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]
    # if selected condition has multiple levels
    if (length(input$pa_condition_options_use) == 2){
      sample.keep.index <- which(label.vec.num %in% input$pa_condition_options_use)
      label.vec.num <- label.vec.num[sample.keep.index]
      physeq1@otu_table@.Data <- physeq1@otu_table@.Data[,sample.keep.index]
      physeq1@sam_data@row.names <- physeq1@sam_data@row.names[sample.keep.index]
      for (i in 1:length(physeq1@sam_data@names)){
        physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[i]] <- physeq1@sam_data@.Data[[i]][sample.keep.index]

    df.pam <- GET_PAM(physeq1@otu_table@.Data)

    # change microbe names to selected taxon level
    rownames(df.pam) <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(physeq1, rownames(df.pam), input$

    if (input$pa_method == "Fisher Exact Test"){
      output.mat <- Fisher_Test_Pam(df.pam,
      output$download_pa_test <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() { paste(input$pa_method, '.csv', sep='') },
        content = function(file) {
          write.csv(output.mat, file)

    } else if(input$pa_method == "Chi-squared Test"){
      output.mat <- Chisq_Test_Pam(df.pam,
      output$download_pa_test <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() { paste(input$pa_method, '.csv', sep='') },
        content = function(file) {
          write.csv(output.mat, file)
      DT::datatable(output.mat, rownames = TRUE)
    } else if (input$pa_method == "Mann-Whitney Test"){
      df.test <- physeq1@otu_table@.Data
      rownames(df.test) <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(physeq1, rownames(df.test), input$

      if (input$pa_mann_data_type == "log10 CPM"){
        df.test <- getLogCPM(df.test)
      }else if (input$pa_mann_data_type == "RA"){
        df.test <- getRelativeAbundance(df.test)

      output.mat <- Wilcox_Test_df(df.test,
      output$download_pa_test <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() { paste(input$pa_method, '.csv', sep='') },
        content = function(file) {
          write.csv(output.mat, file)
  output$pa.test <- DT::renderDataTable({

  ### check whether selected condition for pa has two levels or more
  output$pa_condition_type <- reactive({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    target.var.index <- which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$pa.condition)
    if (is.integer0(target.var.index)){
      target.var.index <- 1
    label.vec <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[target.var.index]]
    label.level.num <- length(unique(label.vec))
    if (label.level.num == 2){
    } else{

  outputOptions(output, "pa_condition_type", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)

  # select 2 levels
  output$pa_condition_options <- renderUI({
    shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
    pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
    variable.vec <- sample_data(pstat)[[
      which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$pa.condition)]]
    filter.option.vec <- sort(unique(variable.vec))
      selectInput("pa_condition_options_use", "Select 2 levels", choices = filter.option.vec, multiple = TRUE)
mani2012/PathoStat documentation built on April 3, 2020, 7:41 p.m.