mlr_learners_classif.catboost: Gradient Boosted Decision Trees Classification Learner

mlr_learners_classif.catboostR Documentation

Gradient Boosted Decision Trees Classification Learner


Gradient boosting algorithm that also supports categorical data. Calls catboost::catboost.train() from package 'catboost'.


This Learner can be instantiated via the dictionary mlr_learners or with the associated sugar function lrn():


Meta Information

  • Task type: “classif”

  • Predict Types: “response”, “prob”

  • Feature Types: “numeric”, “factor”, “ordered”

  • Required Packages: mlr3, mlr3extralearners, catboost


Id Type Default Levels Range
loss_function_twoclass character Logloss Logloss, CrossEntropy -
loss_function_multiclass character MultiClass MultiClass, MultiClassOneVsAll -
iterations integer 1000 [1, \infty)
learning_rate numeric 0.03 [0.001, 1]
random_seed integer 0 [0, \infty)
l2_leaf_reg numeric 3 [0, \infty)
bootstrap_type character - Bayesian, Bernoulli, MVS, Poisson, No -
bagging_temperature numeric 1 [0, \infty)
subsample numeric - [0, 1]
sampling_frequency character PerTreeLevel PerTree, PerTreeLevel -
sampling_unit character Object Object, Group -
mvs_reg numeric - [0, \infty)
random_strength numeric 1 [0, \infty)
depth integer 6 [1, 16]
grow_policy character SymmetricTree SymmetricTree, Depthwise, Lossguide -
min_data_in_leaf integer 1 [1, \infty)
max_leaves integer 31 [1, \infty)
ignored_features untyped NULL -
one_hot_max_size untyped FALSE -
has_time logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
rsm numeric 1 [0.001, 1]
nan_mode character Min Min, Max -
fold_permutation_block integer - [1, 256]
leaf_estimation_method character - Newton, Gradient, Exact -
leaf_estimation_iterations integer - [1, \infty)
leaf_estimation_backtracking character AnyImprovement No, AnyImprovement, Armijo -
fold_len_multiplier numeric 2 [1.001, \infty)
approx_on_full_history logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
class_weights untyped - -
auto_class_weights character None None, Balanced, SqrtBalanced -
boosting_type character - Ordered, Plain -
boost_from_average logical - TRUE, FALSE -
langevin logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
diffusion_temperature numeric 10000 [0, \infty)
score_function character Cosine Cosine, L2, NewtonCosine, NewtonL2 -
monotone_constraints untyped - -
feature_weights untyped - -
first_feature_use_penalties untyped - -
penalties_coefficient numeric 1 [0, \infty)
per_object_feature_penalties untyped - -
model_shrink_rate numeric - (-\infty, \infty)
model_shrink_mode character - Constant, Decreasing -
target_border numeric - (-\infty, \infty)
border_count integer - [1, 65535]
feature_border_type character GreedyLogSum Median, Uniform, UniformAndQuantiles, MaxLogSum, MinEntropy, GreedyLogSum -
per_float_feature_quantization untyped - -
classes_count integer - [1, \infty)
thread_count integer 1 [-1, \infty)
task_type character CPU CPU, GPU -
devices untyped - -
logging_level character Silent Silent, Verbose, Info, Debug -
metric_period integer 1 [1, \infty)
train_dir untyped "catboost_info" -
model_size_reg numeric 0.5 [0, 1]
allow_writing_files logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
save_snapshot logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
snapshot_file untyped - -
snapshot_interval integer 600 [1, \infty)
simple_ctr untyped - -
combinations_ctr untyped - -
ctr_target_border_count integer - [1, 255]
counter_calc_method character Full SkipTest, Full -
max_ctr_complexity integer - [1, \infty)
ctr_leaf_count_limit integer - [1, \infty)
store_all_simple_ctr logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
final_ctr_computation_mode character Default Default, Skip -
verbose logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
ntree_start integer 0 [0, \infty)
ntree_end integer 0 [0, \infty)



Initial parameter values

  • logging_level:

    • Actual default: "Verbose"

    • Adjusted default: "Silent"

    • Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners

  • thread_count:

    • Actual default: -1

    • Adjusted default: 1

    • Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners

  • allow_writing_files:

    • Actual default: TRUE

    • Adjusted default: FALSE

    • Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners

  • save_snapshot:

    • Actual default: TRUE

    • Adjusted default: FALSE

    • Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners

Super classes

mlr3::Learner -> mlr3::LearnerClassif -> LearnerClassifCatboost


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Create a LearnerClassifCatboost object.


Method importance()

The importance scores are calculated using catboost.get_feature_importance, setting type = "FeatureImportance", returned for 'all'.


Named numeric().

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

LearnerClassifCatboost$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.




Dorogush, Veronika A, Ershov, Vasily, Gulin, Andrey (2018). “CatBoost: gradient boosting with categorical features support.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11363.

See Also


learner = mlr3::lrn("classif.catboost")

# available parameters:

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