#' @include zzz.R
#' @include h5info.R
# Class definition
#' A disk-based object for single-cell analysis
#' @docType class
#' @name scdisk-class
#' @rdname scdisk-class
#' @aliases scdisk
#' @format An \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} object
#' @seealso \code{\link[hdf5r]{H5File}}
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom hdf5r H5File
#' @export
scdisk <- R6Class(
classname = 'scdisk',
inherit = H5File,
cloneable = FALSE,
portable = TRUE,
lock_class = TRUE,
public = list(
# Methods
#' @description Create a new \code{scdisk} object
#' @param filename Name of on-disk file to connect to
#' @param mode How to open the file, choose from:
#' \describe{
#' \item{a}{Create new or open existing file, allow read and write}
#' \item{r}{Open existing file, allow read only}
#' \item{r+}{Open existing file, allow read and write}
#' \item{w}{Create new file (deleting any existing one), allow read and write}
#' \item{w-, x}{Create new file (error if exists), allow read and write}
#' }
#' @param validate Validate the file upon connection
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to validation routine
initialize = function(
filename = NULL,
mode = c('a', 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w-', 'x'),
validate = TRUE,
) {
mode <- match.arg(arg = mode)
if (!file.exists(filename) && !mode %in% c('a', 'w', 'w-', 'x')) {
stop("Cannot find file ", filename, call. = FALSE)
super$initialize(filename = filename, mode = mode)
private$validate(validate = validate, ...)
#' @description Handle the loss of reference to this \code{scdisk} object
finalizer = function() {
self$close_all(close_self = TRUE)
#' @description Generate chunk points for a dataset
#' @param dataset Name of dataset
#' @param MARGIN Direction to chunk in; defaults to largest dimension of dataset
#' @param csize Size of chunk; defaults to hdf5r-suggested chunk size
#' @return A matrix where each row is a chunk, column 1 is start points,
#' column 2 is end points
chunk.points = function(
MARGIN = getOption(x = 'SeuratDisk.chunking.MARGIN', default = 'largest'),
csize = NULL
) {
if (!self$exists(name = dataset)) {
"Cannot find dataset ",
" in this ",
class(x = self),
" file",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (!inherits(x = self[[dataset]], what = 'H5D')) {
stop("'dataset' must be an HDF5 dataset", call. = FALSE)
MARGIN <- GetMargin(dims = self[[dataset]]$dims, MARGIN = MARGIN)
csize <- csize %||% self[[dataset]]$chunk_dims[MARGIN]
return(ChunkPoints(dsize = self[[dataset]]$dims[MARGIN], csize = csize))
#' @description Add a timestamp to a dataset or group as an HDF5 attribute
#' @param name Name of dataset or group to add timestamp to; if \code{NULL},
#' timestamps the file as a whole
#' @param attr Name of attribute to store timestamp ass
#' @param tz,format See \code{\link{Timestamp}}
#' @return Invisilby returns the object
timestamp = function(
name = NULL,
attr = 'ts',
tz = 'UTC',
format = TSFormats(type = 'R')
) {
if (isTRUE(x = Writeable(x = self, error = FALSE))) {
return(invisible(x = self))
#' @description Retrieve a timestamp from a dataset or group
#' @param name Name of dataset or group to retrieve timestamp from; if
#' \code{NULL}, retrieves timestamp from at the file-level
#' @param attr Name of attribute to retrieve timestamp from
#' @param locale Change the timestamp of to the timezone of the locale
#' @param tz,format See \code{\link{Timestamp}}
#' @return A character with the timestamp
last.modified = function(
name = NULL,
attr = 'ts',
locale = TRUE,
tz = 'UTC',
format = TSFormats(type = 'R')
) {
ds <- if (is.null(x = name)) {
} else {
if (!Exists(x = self, name = name)) {
stop("Cannot find a member named '", name, "'", call. = FALSE)
if (!AttrExists(x = ds, name = attr)) {
stop("Cannot find the timestamp attribute", call. = FALSE)
time = h5attr(x = ds, which = attr),
locale = locale,
tz = tz,
format = format
private = list(
# Methods
# @description Prebuilt error messages to reduce code duplication
# @param type Type of error message to produce, choose from
# \describe{
# \item{mode}{Cannot modify a file that has been opened as read-only}
# \item{ambiguous}{Unable to uniquely locate a dataset}
# }
# @return A character vector with the error message requested
# @keywords internal
errors = function(type = c('mode', 'ambiguous')) {
type <- match.arg(arg = type)
EXPR = type,
'mode' = paste(
'Cannot modify a',
class(x = self)[1],
'file in read-only mode'
'ambiguous' = 'Cannot identify the dataset provided, found too many like it; please be more specific'
# @description Check to see if a name is a dataset or group
# @param name Name of object in HDF5 file
# @param type Type object is, choose from
# \describe{
# \item{H5D}{A HDF5 dataset}
# \item{H5Group}{An HDF5 group}
# }
# @return \code{TRUE} if \code{name} exists and is of type \code{type},
# otherwise \code{FALSE}
is.data = function(name, type = c('H5D', 'H5Group')) {
type <- match.arg(arg = type)
return(self$exists(name = name) && inherits(x = self[[name]], what = type))
# @description Validate ...
# @param ... Ignored for \code{scdisk} method
# @note The validation routine should be overwritten by subclasses of
# \code{scdisk}; each validation routine must take at least one argument:
# \code{validate} (a logical). Extra arguments are allowed.
validate = function(...) {
if (class(x = self)[1] == 'scdisk') {
stop("Cannot create an scdisk object directly", call. = FALSE)
"No validation method present for ",
class(x = self)[1],
" files",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
# External Functions
#' Get and Register \code{\link{scdisk}} Subclasses
#' Mechanisms for registration of \code{\link{scdisk}} subclass generators for
#' use in functions that rely on the class definition instead of an object.
#' @inheritParams IsSCDisk
#' @return \code{GetSCDisk}: if \code{r6class} is \code{NULL}, then a vector of
#' all registered \code{scdisk} subclasses; otherwise, a
#' \link[R6::R6Class]{generator} for the requested \code{scdisk} subclass
#' @name RegisterSCDisk
#' @rdname RegisterSCDisk
#' @details
#' While \code{scdisk}-subclassed objects (eg. \code{\link{h5Seurat}} objects)
#' follow traditional inheritance patterns (can be determined through
#' \code{\link{inherits}}), the class definitions and object generators do not.
#' These functions provide a simple mechanism for adding and getting the
#' defintions of \code{scdisk} subclasses for functions that utilize the object
#' generators or other aspects of the class definition (such as
#' \code{\link{Convert}})
#' To register a subclass of \code{scdisk}, simply add a call to
#' \code{RegisterSCDisk} in your \link[base::ns-hooks]{load hook}
#' \preformatted{
#' .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
#' RegisterSCDisk(classgen)
#' # Other code to be run on load
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GetSCDisk()
#' GetSCDisk("h5Seurat")
GetSCDisk <- function(r6class = NULL) {
if (is.null(x = r6class)) {
return(names(x = scdisk.types))
classname <- grep(
pattern = paste0('^', r6class, '$'),
x = names(x = scdisk.types),
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE
if (!length(x = classname)) {
stop("Unknown file type: ", r6class, call. = FALSE)
#' @name RegisterSCDisk
#' @rdname RegisterSCDisk
#' @return \code{RegisterSCDisk}: adds \code{r6class} to the internal subclass
#' registry and invisibly returns \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' RegisterSCDisk(h5Seurat)
#' }
RegisterSCDisk <- function(r6class) {
if (isTRUE(x = IsSCDisk(r6class = scdisk))) {
r6pkg <- environmentName(env = r6class$parent_env)
scpkg <- environmentName(env = scdisk$parent_env)
# Ensure unique scdisk classes
if (r6class$classname %in% names(x = scdisk.types) && r6pkg != scpkg) {
r6class$classname, " already registered by package ",
call. = FALSE
scdisk.types[[r6class$classname]] <- r6class
} else {
" does not inherit from scdisk",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
return(invisible(x = NULL))
# Internal Functions
#' Create and work with timestamps
#' @inheritParams base::strftime
#' @param time A character timestamp
#' @param locale Change the timestamp of to the timezone of the locale as
#' determined by \code{\link[base]{Sys.timezone}}
#' @return \code{FormatTime}: A character with the formated timestamp
#' @name Timestamp
#' @rdname Timestamp
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Get a timestamp format
#' SeuratDisk:::TSFormats()
#' # Create a timestamp
#' SeuratDisk:::Timestamp()
#' # Format a timestamp for easy viewing
#' time <- "20200804T214148Z"
#' SeuratDisk:::FormatTime(time)
#' }
FormatTime <- function(
locale = TRUE,
tz = 'UTC',
format = TSFormats(type = 'R')
) {
time <- as.POSIXct(x = strptime(
x = time,
format = format,
tz = tz
x = time,
tz = ifelse(test = isTRUE(x = locale), yes = Sys.timezone(), no = tz),
usetz = TRUE
#' Does an R6 class inherit from scdisk
#' @param r6class An \link[R6::R6Class]{R6 class generator} or a character name
#' of an R6 class generator
#' @return If \code{r6class} inherits from scdisk, returns \code{TRUE};
#' otherwise, returns \code{FALSE}
#' @importFrom R6 is.R6Class
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' SeuratDisk:::IsSCDisk("H5File")
#' SeuratDisk:::IsSCDisk("scdisk")
#' SeuratDisk:::IsSCDisk("h5Seurat")
#' }
IsSCDisk <- function(r6class) {
if (is.character(x = r6class)) {
r6class <- eval(expr = as.symbol(x = r6class))
if (is.R6Class(x = r6class)) {
if (identical(x = r6class, y = scdisk)) {
return(IsSCDisk(r6class = r6class$get_inherit()))
#' @return \code{Timestamp}:A character with the current time in the
#' specified format
#' @rdname Timestamp
Timestamp <- function(tz = 'UTC', format = TSFormats(type = 'R')) {
return(strftime(x = Sys.time(), format = format, tz = tz))
#' @param type Type of format to get, currently supports the following formats:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \dQuote{R}
#' \item \dQuote{loom}
#' }
#' See \strong{Timestamp formats} below for more details
#' @return \code{TSFormats}: Format for a specified type
#' @rdname Timestamp
#' @section Timestamp formats:
#' The following formats can be provided by \code{TSFormats}:
#' \subsection{R}{
#' A 24-hour R-friendly format; stores date/time information as the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Four-digit year (eg. \dQuote{2020} for the year 2020)
#' \item Two-digit month (eg. \dQuote{04} for the month of April)
#' \item Two-digit date (eg. \dQuote{02} for the second day of the month)
#' \item The letter \dQuote{T}
#' \item 24-hour two-digit time (eg. \dQuote{15} for 3:00 PM)
#' \item Two-digit minute (eg \dQuote{05} for five minutes past the hour)
#' \item Two-digit second (eg. \dQuote{05} for five seconds into the minute)
#' \item The letter \dQuote{Z}
#' }
#' This results in a timestamp format of \dQuote{YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.SSSSSSZ} (eg.
#' \dQuote{20200402T150505Z} for April 4th, 2020 at 3:05:05 PM). \strong{Note}:
#' this is considered \dQuote{R-friendly} as it does \emph{not} use precise
#' values for seconds
#' }
#' \subsection{loom}{
#' The standard format for loom timestamps; stores date/time information as
#' the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Four-digit year (eg. \dQuote{2020} for the year 2020)
#' \item Two-digit month (eg. \dQuote{04} for the month of April)
#' \item Two-digit date (eg. \dQuote{02} for the second day of the month)
#' \item The letter \dQuote{T}
#' \item 24-hour two-digit time (eg. \dQuote{15} for 3:00 PM)
#' \item Two-digit minute (eg \dQuote{05} for five minutes past the hour)
#' \item Seconds precise to the millionth (six digits after the decimal)
#' \item The letter \dQuote{Z}
#' }
#' This results in a timestamp format of \dQuote{YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.SSSSSSZ} (eg.
#' \dQuote{20200402T150505Z} for April 4th, 2020 at 3:05:05 PM). \strong{Note}:
#' this is \emph{not} considered \dQuote{R-friendly} as it contains precise
#' values for seconds. To properly format this time for pretty-printing, please
#' remember to strip the precise seconds
#' }
TSFormats <- function(type = c('R', 'loom')) {
type <- match.arg(arg = type)
EXPR = type,
'loom' = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%OS6Z',
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