
hyp_tests <- function(hyp_obj, test_plots=FALSE, return_obj=FALSE) {
    expect_is(hyp_obj, "hyp")
    expect_is(hyp_obj, "R6")  
    expect_is(hyp_obj$data, "data.frame")
    expect_is(hyp_obj$args, "list")
    if (test_plots) {
        expect_is(hyp_obj$plots, "list")
        expect_is(hyp_obj$plots[[1]], "gg")
        expect_equal(names(hyp_obj$plots), hyp_obj$data$label)
    if (return_obj) return(hyp_obj)

hypeR_tests <- function(test, signature, experiment, genesets, gsets_obj, rgsets_obj) {

    # Basic
    hypeR(signature, genesets, test=test, background=2520) %>%
    # Basic
    hypeR(signature, gsets_obj, test=test, background=2520) %>%
    # Basic with plots
    hypeR(signature, gsets_obj, test=test, background=2520, plotting=TRUE) %>%
    # Test pval_cutoff
    hypeR(signature, gsets_obj, test=test, background=100, pval=0.0001) %>%
    # Test fdr_cutoff
    hyp_obj <- hypeR(signature, gsets_obj, test=test, background=100, fdr=0.0001) %>%
    expect_equal(hyp_obj$args$genesets, gsets_obj)
    expect_equal(hyp_obj$args$pval, 1)
    expect_equal(hyp_obj$args$fdr, 0.0001)
    # Test relational gsets
    hyp_obj <- hypeR(signature, rgsets_obj, test=test, background=80, pval=0.01) %>%
    expect_is(hyp_obj$args$genesets, "rgsets")
    expect_is(hyp_obj$args$genesets, "R6")
    # Multiple signatures
    multihyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, gsets_obj, test=test, background=100, fdr=0.01)
    expect_is(multihyp_obj, "multihyp")
    expect_is(multihyp_obj, "R6")
    expect_equal(names(multihyp_obj$data), c("Signature 1", "Signature 2", "Signature 3"))
    # Extracting hyp objects
    multihyp_obj$data[["Signature 1"]] %>%
    # Extracting hyp objects with plots
    multihyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, gsets_obj, test=test, background=100, plotting=TRUE)
    multihyp_obj$data[["Signature 1"]] %>%
    # Test relational gsets
    multihyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, rgsets_obj, test=test, background=100, pval=0.05)
    multihyp_obj$data[["Signature 2"]] %>%

test_that("Hypergeometric is working", {
    fisher <- function(s, g, bg) {
        mat <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=2)
        mat[1,1] <- length(intersect(s, g))
        mat[1,2] <- length(setdiff(s, g))
        mat[2,1] <- length(setdiff(g, s))
        mat[2,2] <- bg-sum(mat[1,1], mat[1,2], mat[2,1])
        pval <- fisher.test(mat, alternative="greater")$p.value
        signif(pval, 2)
    # The alphabet
    bg <- LETTERS
    # A signature
    s <- c("N", "Y", "D", "G", "A", "B", "K", "Z")
    # Genesets
    gs <- list(G1 = c("N", "Y", "D", "G", "A", "B", "K", "Z", "M", "Q", "U"),
               G2 = c("F", "A", "S", "X", "H", "Z", "L", "U", "V", "G", "K", "Y", "D", "M", "R"),
               G3 = c("W", "M", "O", "P", "Q", "R"))
    # Hypergeometric
    hyp_obj <- hypeR(s, gs, background=length(bg))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G1") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, gs$G1, length(bg)))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G2") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, gs$G2, length(bg)))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G3") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, gs$G3, length(bg)))
    # Hypergeometric - Restrict Genesets to Background
    hyp_obj <- hypeR(s, gs, background=bg[1:18])
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G1") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G1, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G2") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G2, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G3") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G3, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))
    gsets_obj <- gsets$new(gs, quiet=TRUE)   
    hyp_obj <- hypeR(s, gsets_obj, background=bg[1:18])
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G1") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G1, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G2") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G2, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))
    expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == "G3") %>% pull(pval), fisher(s, intersect(gs$G3, bg[1:18]), length(bg[1:18])))

test_that("KS Test is working", {

  genesets <- msigdb_gsets("Homo sapiens", "C2", "CP:KEGG")$genesets[1:5]
  all_genes <- genesets %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
  genesets_names <- names(genesets)

  # Geneset 1 is top skewed
  experiment <- c(head(genesets[[1]], 5), LETTERS, tail(genesets[[1]], 1))
  hyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, genesets, background=2522, test="kstest")
  #expect_equal(hyp_obj$data[genesets_names[[1]], "hits"] %>% unlist(use.names=FALSE), paste0("'", genesets[[1]][1:5], "'",collapse=","))
  expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == genesets_names[[1]]) %>% dplyr::pull(hits) %>% unname(), 
               paste(genesets[[1]][1:5], collapse = " , "))
  # Geneset 2 is mixed
  experiment <- c(head(genesets[[2]], 8), LETTERS, tail(genesets[[2]], 10))
  hyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, genesets, background=2522, test="kstest")
  #expect_equal(hyp_obj$data[genesets_names[[2]], "hits"] %>% unlist(use.names=FALSE), paste0("'", genesets[[2]][1:8], "'",collapse=","))
  expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == genesets_names[[2]]) %>% dplyr::pull(hits) %>% unname(), 
               paste(genesets[[2]][1:8], collapse = " , "))
  # Geneset 3 is bottom skewed
  experiment <- c(head(genesets[[3]], 1), LETTERS, tail(genesets[[3]], 8))
  hyp_obj <- hypeR(experiment, genesets, background=2522, test="kstest")
  #expect_equal(hyp_obj$data[genesets_names[[3]], "hits"] %>% unlist(use.names=FALSE), paste0("'", genesets[[3]][1], "'",collapse=","))
  expect_equal(filter(hyp_obj$data, label == genesets_names[[3]]) %>% dplyr::pull(hits) %>% unname(), 
               paste(genesets[[3]][1], collapse = " , "))

test_that("hypeR() is working", {
    # Testing data
    testdat <- readRDS(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="hypeR"), "testdat.rds"))
    genesets <- testdat$gsets$genesets
    gsets_obj <- testdat$gsets
    rgsets_obj <- testdat$rgsets
    # Overrepresentation (signature)
    signature <- testdat$signature
    experiment <- testdat$experiment
    hypeR_tests(test="hypergeometric", signature, experiment, genesets, gsets_obj, rgsets_obj)
    # Enrichment (ranked signature)
    signature <- names(testdat$weighted_signature)
    experiment <- lapply(testdat$weighted_experiment, names)
    hypeR_tests(test="kstest", signature, experiment, genesets, gsets_obj, rgsets_obj)
    # Enrichment (weighted signature)
    signature <- testdat$weighted_signature
    experiment <- testdat$weighted_experiment
    hypeR_tests(test="kstest", signature, experiment, genesets, gsets_obj, rgsets_obj)
montilab/hypeR documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 12:01 p.m.