#' @title Commodities by week
#' @description Combination of diagnostics, ppe, hygiene, and case management
#' requirements by week. Returns total amount forecast.
#' @param equipment From the equipment.rda file
#' @param patients From patients_weekly
#' @param cases From cases_weekly
#' @param tests diagnostics_weekly
#' @param screening_hcws screening_hcws_weekly
#' @param hcws hcws_weekly
#' @param lab_params From lab parameters
#' @param test_ratios This should be from test ratios
#' @param total_tests total_tests from that function
#' @param params from get_parameters
#' @return Dataframe of commodities weekly
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Category of item: Diagnostics, PPE, Hygiene, or Case
#' management (and there are several types of case management categories)}
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week ends}
#' \item{unit}{Unit items supplied in}
#' \item{item}{Item name}
#' \item{total_amount}{Total amount of that item}
#' }
#' @export
commodities_weekly <- function(equipment, patients, cases, tests,
screening_hcws, hcws, lab_params, test_ratios,
total_tests, params) {
hygiene <- hygiene_forecast(
equipment, hcws, patients, cases, tests,
screening_hcws, params
case_management <- case_management_forecast(equipment, patients)
ppe <- ppe_forecast(
equipment, hcws, patients, cases, tests,
screening_hcws, params
diagnostic_supplies <- diagnostics_forecast(
lab_params, equipment, test_ratios,
n_tests = total_tests, patients
# maybe, get totals?
commodities <- rbind(
case_management[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"unit", "item", "total_amount"
hygiene[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends", "unit",
"item", "total_amount"
ppe[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends", "unit",
"item", "total_amount"
diagnostic_supplies[, c(
"category", "week_begins",
"week_ends", "unit", "item",
#' @title Hygiene weekly
#' @description The amounts per hygiene item come from the equipment sheet:
#' this is a formula that feeds into the overall commodity forecast, but is
#' independent and provides more details (including needs per cadre).
#' @param equipment This should be the data frame of equipment need
#' @param hcws HCWs_weekly
#' @param patients patients_weekly
#' @param cases cases_weekly
#' @param tests diagnostics_weekly
#' @param screening_hcws screening_hcws_weekly
#' @param params From get_parameters()
#' @return Dataframe of weekly hygiene forecast
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Category of item: Hygiene}
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week ends}
#' \item{unit}{Unit items supplied in}
#' \item{item}{Item name}
#' \item{total_amount}{Total amount of that item (sum of all columns
#' following)}
#' \item{amount_inpatient_hcw}{Total amount for all inpatient HCWs, cleaners,
#' informal caregivers, ambulance personnel, and boimedical engineers}
#' \item{amount_inpatient_patient}{Total amount for all inpatient patients}
#' \item{amount_isolation}{Total amount for all informal caregivers for
#' isolating patients as well as the isolating patients}
#' \item{amount_screening}{Total amount for screening HCWs and patients}
#' \item{amount_lab}{Total amount for all lab technicians and cleaners}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
hygiene_forecast <- function(equipment, hcws, patients, cases, tests,
screening_hcws, params) {
equipment <- equipment %>%
across(where(is.numeric), ~ replace_na(.x, 0))
hygiene <- subset(equipment, equipment$group == "Hygiene")
reusable_multiplier <- ifelse(hygiene$reusable == TRUE, 1, 7)
hygiene[, c(8:24)] <- hygiene[, c(8:24)] * reusable_multiplier
amounts <- merge(hcws, hygiene)
amounts <- merge(amounts, tests)
amounts <- merge(amounts, patients)
amounts <- merge(amounts, screening_hcws)
amounts <- amounts %>%
dplyr::group_by(item) %>%
amount_inpatient_hcw = hcws_inpatient_capped *
amount_per_inpatient_hcw_per_day +
cleaners_inpatient_capped * amount_per_inpatient_cleaner_per_day +
inf_caregivers_hosp_uncapped *
amount_per_inpatient_inf_caregiver_per_day +
amb_personnel_inpatient_capped *
amount_per_inpatient_ambworker_per_day +
bio_eng_inpatient_capped * amount_per_inpatient_biomed_eng_per_day,
amount_inpatient_patient = total_beds_inuse *
amount_per_inpatient_sev_crit_patient_per_day +
sev_beds_inuse * amount_per_inpatient_sev_patient_per_day +
crit_beds_inuse * amount_per_inpatient_crit_patient_per_day,
amount_isolation = ifelse(
reusable == TRUE,
inf_caregivers_isol_uncapped * params$stay_mild +
tests_mild * params$stay_mild +
tests_mod * params$stay_mod,
inf_caregivers_isol_uncapped *
amount_per_isolation_inf_caregiver_per_day * params$stay_mild +
tests_mild * params$stay_mild * amount_per_isolation_patient_per_day +
tests_mod * params$stay_mod * amount_per_isolation_patient_per_day
amount_screening = ifelse(
reusable == TRUE,
(ifelse(amount_per_screening_hcw_per_day > 0,
screening_hcw_capped, 0
) +
ifelse(amount_per_screening_patient_per_day > 0,
tests_mild + tests_mod
(screening_hcw_capped * amount_per_screening_hcw_per_day +
tests_mod * amount_per_screening_patient_per_day * params$stay_mod +
tests_mild * amount_per_screening_patient_per_day * params$stay_mild
amount_lab = ifelse(
reusable == TRUE,
(ifelse(amount_per_lab_tech_per_day > 0,
lab_staff_capped, 0
) +
ifelse(amount_per_lab_cleaner_per_day > 0,
cleaners_lab, 0
(lab_staff_capped * amount_per_lab_tech_per_day +
cleaners_lab * amount_per_lab_cleaner_per_day)
) %>%
item, week_begins, week_ends, amount_inpatient_hcw,
amount_inpatient_patient, amount_isolation, amount_screening,
amount_lab, unit
amounts$total_amount <- rowSums(amounts[, c(4:8)])
amounts$category <- "Hygiene"
return(amounts[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"item", "unit", "total_amount", "amount_inpatient_hcw",
"amount_inpatient_patient", "amount_isolation",
"amount_screening", "amount_lab"
#' @title Case management weekly: accessories, consumables, and biomedical
#' equipment
#' @description in O(N^2) time. Next iteration should get rid of for loops.
#' To do: get rid of for loop for non reusable items.
#' Can also experiment with Reduce. Also note - the last three columns do not
#' double count the item amounts, they are structured this way due to the way
#' that the amount per patient is structured in the input data sheet. There is
#' never a case where all three final columns have entries >0.
#' @param equipment This should be the data frame of equipment need
#' @param patients From patients_weekly
#' @return Dataframe of commodities weekly
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Category of item: either Case management - accessories &
#' consumables or Case management - biomedical equipment}
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week ends}
#' \item{unit}{Unit items supplied in}
#' \item{item}{Item name}
#' \item{total_amount}{Total amount of that item (sum of all columns
#' following)}
#' \item{amount_sev_patient}{Total amount for severe patients}
#' \item{amount_crit_patient}{Total amount for critical patients}
#' \item{amount_sev_crit_patient}{Total amount for severe and critical
#' patients}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
case_management_forecast <- function(equipment, patients) {
equipment <- equipment %>%
across(where(is.numeric), ~ replace_na(.x, 0))
case <- subset(equipment, startsWith(equipment$category, "Case management"))
amounts <- merge(case, patients[, c(
"week_begins", "week_ends", "sev_patients_admitted_cap",
"crit_patients_admitted_cap", "sev_beds_inuse", "crit_beds_inuse",
# although this looks like it will double count, in actuality,
# there are only parameters for either patients or beds, not both
amounts <- amounts %>%
dplyr::group_by(item) %>%
demand_sev_patient = sev_patients_admitted_cap *
amount_per_inpatient_sev_patient_per_day +
sev_beds_inuse * amount_per_inpatient_sev_bed_per_day,
demand_crit_patient = crit_patients_admitted_cap *
amount_per_inpatient_crit_patient_per_day +
crit_beds_inuse * amount_per_inpatient_crit_bed_per_day,
demand_sev_crit_patient = (sev_patients_admitted_cap +
crit_patients_admitted_cap) *
amount_per_inpatient_sev_crit_patient_per_day +
total_beds_inuse * amount_per_inpatient_sev_crit_bed_per_day
# calculate the amounts for the first week with supplies only
first_amounts <- amounts %>%
dplyr::arrange(item, week_begins) %>%
dplyr::group_by(item) %>%
# round up supplies
first_amounts <- first_amounts %>%
amount_sev_patient = ceiling(demand_sev_patient),
amount_crit_patient = ceiling(demand_crit_patient),
amount_sev_crit_patient = ceiling(demand_sev_crit_patient)
# get rid of these rows within the overall amounts dataframe
amounts <- subset(
amounts$week_begins != min(first_amounts$week_begins)
# substitute these rows back in - generates a lot of text, maybe fix?
amounts <- full_join(first_amounts, amounts, by = c(
"category", "group", "item", "unit", "reusable",
"supplied_with", "price", "amount_per_inpatient_hcw_per_day",
"amount_per_isolation_patient_per_day", "amount_per_screening_hcw_per_day",
"amount_per_screening_patient_per_day", "amount_per_lab_tech_per_day",
"amount_per_lab_cleaner_per_day", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"sev_patients_admitted_cap", "crit_patients_admitted_cap", "sev_beds_inuse",
"crit_beds_inuse", "total_beds_inuse", "demand_sev_patient",
"demand_crit_patient", "demand_sev_crit_patient"
# order by date and item
amounts <- amounts[
with(amounts, order(item, week_begins)),
items <- unique(amounts$item)
res <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(items)) {
df <- subset(amounts, amounts$item == items[i])
for (n in 1:nrow(df)) {
amount_sev <- df$amount_sev_patient[n]
demand_sev <- df$demand_sev_patient[n]
amount_crit <- df$amount_crit_patient[n]
demand_crit <- df$demand_crit_patient[n]
amount_sev_crit <- df$amount_sev_crit_patient[n]
demand_sev_crit <- df$demand_sev_crit_patient[n]
if (is.na(amount_crit)) {
if (df$reusable[n] == T) {
sum_sev <- sum(df$amount_sev_patient[1:n - 1])
amount_sev_replace <- max(ceiling(demand_sev -
sum_sev), 0)
sum_crit <- sum(df$amount_crit_patient[1:n - 1])
amount_crit_replace <- max(ceiling(demand_crit -
sum_crit), 0)
sum_sev_crit <- sum(df$amount_sev_crit_patient[1:n - 1])
amount_sev_crit_replace <- max(ceiling(demand_sev_crit -
sum_sev_crit), 0)
} else {
amount_sev_replace <- ceiling(demand_sev)
amount_crit_replace <- ceiling(demand_crit)
amount_sev_crit_replace <- ceiling(demand_sev_crit)
df$amount_sev_patient[n] <- amount_sev_replace
df$amount_crit_patient[n] <- amount_crit_replace
df$amount_sev_crit_patient[n] <- amount_sev_crit_replace
res <- rbind(res, df) # this likely takes most time
res <- res %>% dplyr::select(c(
item, category, week_begins, week_ends, amount_sev_patient,
amount_crit_patient, amount_sev_crit_patient, unit
res$total_amount <- rowSums(res[, c(
return(res[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"item", "unit", "total_amount", "amount_sev_patient",
"amount_crit_patient", "amount_sev_crit_patient"
#' @title PPE need weekly
#' @description Calculates PPE need forecasts for different cadres of HCWs for
#' the forecast period.
#' @param equipment This should be the data frame of equipment need
#' @param hcws HCWs_weekly
#' @param patients patients_weekly
#' @param cases cases_weekly
#' @param tests diagnostics_weekly
#' @param screening_hcws screening_hcws_weekly
#' @param params From get_parameters()
#' @return Dataframe of PPE needs weekly
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Category of item: either Case management - accessories &
#' consumables or Case management - biomedical equipment}
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week ends}
#' \item{unit}{Unit items supplied in}
#' \item{item}{Item name}
#' \item{total_amount}{Total amount of that item (sum of all columns
#' following)}
#' \item{amount_inpatient_hcw}{Total amount for inpatient HCWs - including
#' HCWs, cleaners, ambulance workers, informal caregivers, and biomedical
#' engineers}
#' \item{amount_inpatient_patient}{Total amount for inpatient patients}
#' \item{amount_isolation}{Total amount for informal caregivers and patients
#' in isolation}
#' \item{amount_screening}{Total amount for screening HCWs and screened
#' patients}
#' \item{amount_lab}{Total amount for lab technicians and cleaners}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
ppe_forecast <- function(equipment, hcws, patients, cases, tests,
screening_hcws, params) {
equipment <- equipment %>%
across(where(is.numeric), ~ replace_na(.x, 0))
# unnecessary, but helps me think
ppe <- subset(equipment, equipment$group == "PPE")
reusable_multiplier <- ifelse(ppe$reusable == TRUE, 1, 7)
ppe[, c(8:24)] <- ppe[, c(8:24)] * reusable_multiplier
# amounts <- merge(hcws, ppe) I think the issue is that there are duplicate
# rows per type of item
amounts <- merge(hcws, tests)
amounts <- merge(amounts, patients)
amounts <- merge(amounts, screening_hcws)
amounts <- merge(amounts, ppe)
# i should test the if reusable is true condution
# need to go over hcws bit by bit
res <- data.frame()
items <- unique(amounts$item)
# split and run this only on reusable items
# if you split - 1360 FALSE, 2641 TRUE - so reduce time by a third
for (i in 1:length(items)) {
df <- subset(amounts, amounts$item == items[i])
for (n in 1:nrow(df)) {
if (df$reusable[n] == TRUE) {
amount_isolation <- ifelse(
df$amount_per_isolation_inf_caregiver_per_day[n] > 0,
df$inf_caregivers_isol_uncapped[n], 0
) +
df$amount_per_isolation_patient_per_day[n] > 0, df$tests_mild[n] +
df$tests_mod[n], 0
amount_screening <- ifelse(df$amount_per_screening_hcw_per_day[n] > 0,
df$screening_hcw_capped[n], 0
) +
df$amount_per_screening_patient_per_day[n] > 0, df$tests_mild[n] +
df$tests_mod[n], 0
amount_lab <-
(ifelse(df$amount_per_lab_tech_per_day[n] > 0,
df$lab_staff_capped[n], 0
) +
ifelse(df$amount_per_lab_cleaner_per_day[n] > 0,
df$cleaners_lab[n], 0
amount_inpatient_hcw <- (
ifelse(df$amount_per_inpatient_hcw_per_day[n] > 0,
df$hcws_inpatient_capped[n], 0
) +
ifelse(df$amount_per_inpatient_cleaner_per_day[n] > 0,
df$cleaners_inpatient_capped[n], 0
) +
ifelse(df$amount_per_inpatient_inf_caregiver_per_day[n] > 0,
df$inf_caregivers_hosp_uncapped[n], 0
) +
ifelse(df$amount_per_inpatient_ambworker_per_day[n] > 0,
df$amb_personnel_inpatient_capped[n], 0
) +
ifelse(df$amount_per_inpatient_biomed_eng_per_day[n] > 0,
df$bio_eng_inpatient_capped[n], 0
} else {
amount_isolation <- (df$inf_caregivers_isol_uncapped[n] *
df$amount_per_isolation_inf_caregiver_per_day[n] * params$stay_mild) +
(df$tests_mild[n] * params$stay_mild *
df$amount_per_isolation_patient_per_day[n]) +
(df$tests_mod[n] * params$stay_mod *
amount_screening <- (df$screening_hcw_capped[n] *
df$amount_per_screening_hcw_per_day[n]) +
(df$tests_mod[n] * df$amount_per_screening_patient_per_day[n] *
params$stay_mod) +
(df$tests_mild[n] * df$amount_per_screening_patient_per_day[n] *
amount_lab <-
(df$lab_staff_capped[n] * df$amount_per_lab_tech_per_day[n]) +
(df$cleaners_lab[n] * df$amount_per_lab_cleaner_per_day[n])
amount_inpatient_hcw <- (
(df$amount_per_inpatient_hcw_per_day[n] *
df$hcws_inpatient_capped[n]) +
(df$cleaners_inpatient_capped[n] *
df$amount_per_inpatient_cleaner_per_day[n]) +
(df$inf_caregivers_hosp_uncapped[n] *
df$amount_per_inpatient_inf_caregiver_per_day[n]) +
(df$amb_personnel_inpatient_capped[n] *
df$amount_per_inpatient_ambworker_per_day[n]) +
(df$bio_eng_inpatient_capped[n] *
amount_inpatient_patient <- (df$total_beds_inuse[n] *
df$amount_per_inpatient_sev_crit_patient_per_day[n]) +
(df$sev_beds_inuse[n] *
df$amount_per_inpatient_sev_patient_per_day[n]) +
(df$crit_beds_inuse[n] *
df$amount_isolation[n] <- amount_isolation
df$amount_screening[n] <- amount_screening
df$amount_lab[n] <- amount_lab
df$amount_inpatient_patient[n] <- amount_inpatient_patient
df$amount_inpatient_hcw[n] <- amount_inpatient_hcw
res <- rbind(res, df) # this likely takes most time
res <- res %>% dplyr::select(c(
item, week_begins, week_ends, amount_isolation,
amount_lab, amount_screening,
amount_inpatient_patient, amount_inpatient_hcw,
res$total_amount <- res$amount_isolation + res$amount_lab +
res$amount_screening + res$amount_inpatient_patient +
res$category <- "PPE"
return(res[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"item", "unit", "total_amount", "amount_inpatient_hcw",
"amount_inpatient_patient", "amount_isolation",
"amount_screening", "amount_lab"
#' @title Diagnostics weekly
#' @description Calculates a forecast of diagnostic needs by week.
#' @param lab_params From lab parameters
#' @param equipment This should be the data frame of equipment need
#' @param test_ratios This should be from test ratios
#' @param n_tests n_tests from total_tests
#' @param patients patients_weekly, this has num of hospital facilities in use
#' @return Dataframe of diagnostics weekly
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Category of item: diagnostics}
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week ends}
#' \item{unit}{Unit items supplied in}
#' \item{item}{Item name}
#' \item{total_amount}{Total amount of that item}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @export
diagnostics_forecast <- function(lab_params, equipment, test_ratios,
n_tests, patients) {
equipment <- equipment %>%
dplyr::across(where(is.numeric), ~ tidyr::replace_na(.x, 0))
dx <- subset(equipment, equipment$group == "Diagnostics")
dx <- merge(dx, n_tests)
dx <- merge(dx, patients)
dx$total_amount <- NA
# the issue here is that i only did it for the first week,
dx$total_amount[grep("manual PCR", dx$item)] <-
dx$total_tests_capped[grep("manual PCR", dx$item)] *
test_ratios$ratio[test_ratios$type == "manual"] / (100 -
(lab_params$perc_wastage_manual_test_kits *
dx$total_amount[grep("Triple packaging", dx$item)] <-
dx$hosp_facilities_inuse[grep("Triple packaging", dx$item)] *
dx$total_amount[grep("Swab and Viral", dx$item)] <-
dx$total_tests_capped[grep("Swab and Viral", dx$item)]
dx$total_amount[grep("high-throughput", dx$item)] <-
dx$total_tests_capped[grep("high-throughput", dx$item)] *
test_ratios$ratio[test_ratios$type == "high_throughput"]
dx$total_amount[grep("RT-PCR cartridge", dx$item)] <-
dx$total_tests_capped[grep("RT-PCR cartridge", dx$item)] *
test_ratios$ratio[test_ratios$type == "near_patient"]
dx$total_amount[grep("Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Tests", dx$item)] <-
dx$total_tests_capped[grep("Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Tests", dx$item)] *
test_ratios$ratio[test_ratios$type == "antigen"]
# order by date and item
dx <- dx[
with(dx, order(item, week_begins)),
res <- data.frame()
nas <- dx[!stats::complete.cases(dx), ]
dx <- dx[stats::complete.cases(dx), ]
items <- unique(dx$item)
for (i in 1:length(items)) {
df <- subset(dx, dx$item == items[i])
for (n in 1:nrow(df)) {
# this is the amount if it is not reusable
amount_nonreusable <- df$total_amount[n]
# if its not one of the NA values
if (df$reusable[n] == TRUE) { # if the item is reusable
# find sum of what has been given so far
sum_sofar <- sum(df$total_amount[1:n - 1])
amount_replace <- max(ceiling(amount_nonreusable -
sum_sofar), 0)
} else {
amount_replace <- amount_nonreusable
df$total_amount[n] <- amount_replace
res <- rbind(res, df) # this likely takes most time
res <- rbind(res, nas)
# remove NAs (for some equipment items we did not have calculations to copy)
res <- res %>% dplyr::select(c(
item, week_begins, week_ends, total_amount,
res$category <- "Diagnostics"
return(res[, c(
"category", "week_begins", "week_ends",
"item", "unit", "total_amount"
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