#' HCW Caps
#' @description This function calculates the HCW caps found in the
#' `Weekly Summary`, `Inputs`, and `Back Calculations` tabs in the ESFT.
#' Here is the description of the bed cap calculations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{bed_cap}{ - Bed cap to calculate max bed occupancy, equal to total
#' number of beds available per country.}
#' \item{cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day}{ - Screening/triage ratio is based on
#' the assumption that each screening/triage takes approximately 48 minutes,
#' which is 10 consultations per 8-hour shift.}
#' \item{cleaners_inpatient_cap}{ - Max number of estimated cleaners needed,
#' refers to Cleaners and Helpers (ILO ISCO code 9112).}
#' \item{hcws_inpatients_cap}{ - Max number of estimated healthcare workers,
#' refers to all medical practitioners, including physicians, nursing
#' professionals, and paramedical practitioners (ILO ISCO codes 2240, 2211,
#' 2212, 2221, 3221, 5321, 3256)}
#' \item{hcws_per_bed}{ - Average number of health care workers per bed,
#' derived from bed occupancy and typical/recommended hours per bed per health
#' care worker.}
#' \item{hcws_per_inpatient}{ - Same as hcws_per_bed.}
#' \item{hcws_per_outpatient}{ - Number of health care workers required per
#' outpatient (screening) case, or the inverse of cases screened per health
#' care worker per day.}
#' \item{hcws_screening_cap}{ - Max number of estimated health care workers
#' dedicated to screening COVID-19 cases.}
#' \item{hygienists_per_bed}{ - Average number of hygienists per bed, derived
#' from bed occupancy and typical/recommended hours per bed per hygienist.}
#' \item{lab_staff_cap}{ - Estimated max number of possible lab staff - either
#' derived from the different machines and their estimated COVID-19 capacity or
#' derived from the total number of available lab staff.}
#' \item{perc_crit_cases}{ - Percent of all patients occupying beds who are of
#' critical severity.}
#' \item{perc_screening_covid}{ - Percent of all HCWs dedicated to screening
#' COVID-19 cases (usually the percent leftover after accounting for those who
#' are and are not dedicated to COVID-19 response)}
#' \item{perc_sev_cases}{ - Percent of all patients occupying beds who are of
#' severe case severity.}
#' \item{perc_treating_covid}{ - Percent of HCWs dedicated to responding to
#' COVID-19.}
#' \item{prob_inpatient}{ - Probability that a COVID-19 case is inpatient, i.e.
#' in a care facility.}
#' \item{prob_outpatient}{ - Probability that a COVID-19 case is outpatient,
#' i.e. that it is not in a care facility.}
#' \item{ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient}{ - Per new case, ratio of HCWs for
#' inpatient vs. outpatient}
#' }
#' @param params From get_parameters
#' @param capacity Country capacity, get_country_capacity
#' @param throughput Throughput dataframe, from r data file - can be altered
#' @param hwfe From WHO ESFT sheet
#' @param patients From patients_weekly
#' @param overrides a named list of hcw_cap values to use instead of defaults
#' @return List of caps
#' \describe{
#' \item{iso3c}{Iso3c code these HCW caps are associated with.}
#' \item{bed_cap}{Hospital bed cap (equals number of beds per country, as
#' found in the capacity function, which takes it from the World Bank)}
#' \item{cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day}{Calculates the number of cases that
#' could theoretically be screened per HCW per day based on standardized
#' recommendations of hours spent per day per patient per HCW grouping (which
#' was developed using HWFE tool methodology and consultation with clinical
#' leads)}
#' \item{cleaners_inpatient_cap}{Number of beds times the hygienists per bed
#' in a hospital setting}
#' \item{hcws_inpatients_cap}{Percent of HCWs treating COVID-19 patients times
#' the number of HCWs}
#' \item{hcws_per_bed}{Number of HCWs per bed, weighted by the total number of
#' beds in use by severity and the time recommended for HCWs to spend at beds
#' by severity}
#' \item{hcws_per_inpatient}{Same as hcws_per_bed}
#' \item{hcws_per_outpatient}{1/Number of cases screened per HCW per day}
#' \item{hcws_screening_cap}{Percent of HCWs screening COVID-19 times the
#' number of HCWs}
#' \item{hygienists_per_bed}{Number of hygienists per bed, weighted by the
#' total number of beds in use by severity and the time recommended for
#' hygienists to spend at beds by severity}
#' \item{lab_staff_cap}{If there are machines dedicated to COVID-19 test
#' processing, its the average of their percent capacity allocation to COVID
#' multiplied by the number of lab staff. If there are no estimates for
#' percent allocation to COVID, it is equal to the total number of lab staff}
#' \item{perc_crit_cases}{Percent of total critical beds in use divided by
#' the total beds in use over the forecasting period}
#' \item{perc_screening_covid}{Percent of HCWs dedicated to COVID-19
#' screening, which is equal to the leftover Percent after accounting for
#' those HCWs not dedicated to COVID-19 and those allocated to COVID-19
#' response}
#' \item{perc_sev_cases}{Percent of total severe beds in use divided by
#' the total beds in use over the forecasting period}
#' \item{perc_treating_covid}{Percent of HCWs dedicated to COVID-19
#' response - this depends on the total patients in beds and the number of
#' HCWs needed to respond to them during the forecasting period}
#' \item{prob_inpatient}{Probability the patient in inpatient (severe or
#' critical)}
#' \item{prob_outpatient}{Probability the patient in inpatient (mild or
#' moderate)}
#' \item{ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient}{Ratio of inpatient dedicated HCWs
#' to inpatient and outpatient HCWs}
#' }
#' @export
hcw_caps <- function(params, # STATIC
capacity, # changes by country DYNAMIC
throughput, # also from WHO sheet
hwfe, # from who sheet
overrides = list()) { # dynamic
# cases screened per HCW per day - Inputs, I78
cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day <- 8 / sum(
hwfe$esft_group == "HCW"
# DYNAMIC - depends on covid capacity inputs
# D18 - capped num lab staff for labs - WHOLE PROCESS ----- WS
# calculating average covid capacity WS
covid_capacity_high_throughput <- mean(
throughput$covid_capacity[throughput$type == "high_throughput"]
covid_capacity_near_patient <- mean(
throughput$covid_capacity[throughput$type == "near_patient"]
covid_capacity_manual <- mean(
throughput$covid_capacity[throughput$type == "manual"]
# % lab staff available for covid response - E160 Inputs (or I160)
lab_cap <- mean(c(
# back calculations, c32 & also c27
lab_staff <- capacity$n_labs
# c19 bed cap = I67 in inputs tab
# DYNAMIC # this has already been calculated in country capacity
bed_cap <- capacity$n_hosp_beds
# D18 WS
lab_staff_cap <- ifelse(is.na(lab_cap), lab_staff,
lab_staff * lab_cap
# num hygienists per bed, I73 - DEPENDS ON OUTPUT - patients
hygienists_per_sev_bed <- hwfe$patient_t24_sev[
hwfe$esft_group == "Cleaner"
] / 8 * (
(sum(patients$sev_beds_inuse) / sum(patients$total_beds_inuse))
) * 10
# there are many fewer crit beds than sev beds so, sometimes this stays
hygienists_per_crit_bed <- hwfe$patient_t24_crit[
hwfe$esft_group == "Cleaner"
] / 8 * (
(sum(patients$crit_beds_inuse) / sum(patients$total_beds_inuse))
) * 10
hygienists_per_bed <- hygienists_per_sev_bed + hygienists_per_crit_bed
# INPUTS - num hcws per bed, I72 - DEPENDS ON OUTPUT - patients
hcws_per_sev_bed <- sum(
hwfe$esft_group == "HCW"
) / 8 * (
(sum(patients$sev_beds_inuse) / sum(patients$total_beds_inuse))
hcws_per_crit_bed <- sum(
hwfe$esft_group == "HCW"
) / 8 * (
(sum(patients$crit_beds_inuse) / sum(patients$total_beds_inuse))
hcws_per_bed <- hcws_per_sev_bed + hcws_per_crit_bed # ----------------------
# back calculations - capped number cleaners for inpatient C33, same as ws D19
if (is.null(capacity$n_hosp_beds)) {
cleaners_inpatient_cap <- capacity$beds_covid * hygienists_per_bed
} else {
cleaners_inpatient_cap <- capacity$n_hosp_beds * hygienists_per_bed
# back calculations - c36 - of critical/severe, % of cases that are critical
perc_crit_cases <- round(sum(patients$crit_beds_inuse) /
sum(patients$total_beds_inuse), 5)
# back calculations - c37 - of critical/severe, % of cases that are severe
perc_sev_cases <- round(1 - perc_crit_cases, 5)
# add check here that they sum to 1 / correspond
# back calculations - C40 - probability of a new case being outpatient
prob_outpatient <- params$mild_i_proportion + params$mod_i_proportion
# back calculations - C41 - probability of a new case being inpatient
prob_inpatient <- params$sev_i_proportion + params$crit_i_proportion
# back calculations - C42 - HCWS required per outpatient
hcws_per_outpatient <- round(1 / cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day, 5)
# back calculations - C43 - HCWS required per inpatient
hcws_per_inpatient <- hcws_per_bed
# back calculations - C44 - per new case, ratio of HCWs for
# inpatient : outpatient
ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient <- round(
(prob_inpatient * hcws_per_inpatient) /
(prob_inpatient * hcws_per_inpatient +
prob_outpatient * hcws_per_outpatient), 5
# inputs - I66 - % HCW treating hospitalized covid inpatients ---------------
perc_treating_covid <- round(
ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient * (1 - params$perc_hcws_not_covid), 5
# inputs - I67 - % HCW screening/triaging suspected covid-19 cases
perc_screening_covid <- round(
1 - params$perc_hcws_not_covid - perc_treating_covid, 5
# the caps are recalculated based on
# back calculations C30 - D16 ws
hcws_inpatients_cap <- round(perc_treating_covid * capacity$n_hcws, 5)
# n_hcws = num nurses + num doctors,C31 - D17 ws
hcws_screening_cap <- round(perc_screening_covid * capacity$n_hcws, 5)
# condition check for correct prc hcws
perc_hcw <- c(
if (!approx_sum(perc_hcw, 1)) {
stop("HCW allocation percentages do not sum to 1")
hcw_caps_list <- list(
iso3c = capacity$iso3c,
bed_cap = bed_cap,
cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day = cases_screened_per_hcw_per_day,
cleaners_inpatient_cap = cleaners_inpatient_cap,
hcws_inpatients_cap = hcws_inpatients_cap,
hcws_per_bed = hcws_per_bed,
hcws_per_inpatient = hcws_per_inpatient, # DOUBLE CHECK IF ACTUALLY USED
hcws_per_outpatient = hcws_per_outpatient,
hcws_screening_cap = hcws_screening_cap,
hygienists_per_bed = hygienists_per_bed,
# this one is lab staff avail. for covid - one in WS
lab_staff_cap = lab_staff_cap,
perc_crit_cases = perc_crit_cases,
perc_screening_covid = perc_screening_covid,
perc_sev_cases = perc_sev_cases,
perc_treating_covid = perc_treating_covid,
prob_inpatient = prob_inpatient,
prob_outpatient = prob_outpatient,
ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient = ratio_hcws_inpatient_outpatient
# Override parameters with any client specified ones
if (!is.list(overrides)) {
stop("overrides must be a list")
for (name in names(overrides)) {
if (!(name %in% names(hcw_caps_list))) {
stop(paste("unknown parameter", name, sep = " "))
hcw_caps_list[[name]] <- overrides[[name]]
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