

test_that("sir model smoke test", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/sir.R")
  gen_odin <- odin::odin_("examples/sir.R")

  n <- 10000
  y0 <- c(1000, 10, 0)
  mod <- gen$new(list(I_ini = 10), 0L, n)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(y0, 3, n))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 0)
                   list(dim = list(S = 1L, I = 1L, R = 1L),
                        len = 3L,
                        index = list(S = 1L, I = 2L, R = 3L)))
  ntime <- 200
  res <- array(NA_real_, c(3, n, ntime + 1))
  res[, , 1] <- y0
  for (i in seq_len(ntime)) {
    res[, , i + 1] <- mod$state()

  set.seed(1) # odin code is stochastic with R's generators
  tt <- 0:ntime
  cmp <- gen_odin$new(I_ini = 10)$run(tt, y0, replicate = n)

  expect_equal(colMeans(res[2, , ]), rowMeans(cmp[, 3, ]), tolerance = 0.01)

  p <- coef(gen)
  p_cmp <- coef(gen_odin)

  expect_setequal(names(p), p_cmp$name)
  expect_setequal(names(p[[1]]), setdiff(names(p_cmp), "name"))
  i <- match(names(p), p_cmp$name)

  for (v in names(p[[1]])) {
    expect_equal(unname(lapply(p, "[[", v)), unclass(as.list(p_cmp[[v]][i])))

test_that("vector handling test", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/walk.R")

  ns <- 3
  np <- 100
  nt <- 5

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0L, np, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(0, ns, np))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 0)
  expect_identical(mod$info(), list(dim = list(x = 3L),
                                    len = 3L,
                                    index = list(x = seq_len(3))))

  y1 <- mod$run(nt)
  y2 <- mod$state()
  expect_equal(y1, y2[1, , drop = FALSE])

  r <- dust::dust_rng$new(1L, np)$normal(ns * nt, 0, 1)
  rr <- array(r, c(ns, nt, np))

  expect_equal(y2, apply(rr, c(1, 3), sum))

## This model is deterministic, but tests basic array behaviour,
## including argument handling.
test_that("user-vector handling test", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/array.R")

  r <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)
  x0 <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)

  mod <- gen$new(list(x0 = x0, r = r), 0, 1)
  expect_identical(mod$info(), list(dim = list(x = c(2L, 5L)),
                                    len = 10L,
                                    index = list(x = seq_len(10))))

  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(c(x0)))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 0)

  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(c(x0 + r)))

test_that("can pass in a fixed sized vector", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    update(x) <- tot
    y[] <- user()
    dim(y) <- 10
    tot <- sum(y)

  y <- runif(10)
  mod <- gen$new(list(y = y), 0, 1)
  expect_equal(mod$run(1), matrix(sum(y)))

test_that("multiline array expression", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    x0[1] <- 1
    x0[2] <- 1
    x0[3:length(x)] <- x0[i - 1] + x0[i - 2]
    initial(x[]) <- x0[i]
    update(x[]) <- x[i]
    # Verify literal array access and array bounds
    initial(y) <- x0[10]
    update(y) <- x0[10]
    dim(x0) <- 10
    dim(x) <- length(x0)
  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1)
  expect_equal(mod$info(), list(dim = list(y = 1L, x = 10L),
                                len = 11L,
                                index = list(y = 1L, x = 2:11)))
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(c(55, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55)))

test_that("Accept integers", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- rbinom(n, p)
    n <- user(integer = TRUE, min = 0)
    p <- user(min = 0, max = 1)

  mod <- gen$new(list(n = 10, p = 0.5), 0, 100, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(0, 1, 100))
  y <- mod$run(1)
  cmp <- dust::dust_rng$new(1, 100)$binomial(1, 10, 0.5)
  expect_equal(y, matrix(cmp, 1, 100))

    gen$new(list(p = 0.5), 0, 100),
    "Expected a value for 'n'")
    gen$new(list(n = NA_integer_, p = 0.5), 0, 100),
    "Expected a value for 'n'")

test_that("Do startup calculation", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- a
    initial(y) <- 2
    update(x) <- x
    update(y) <- y
    a <- step + 1
  expect_equal(gen$new(list(), 0, 1)$state(),
               matrix(c(1, 2)))
  expect_equal(gen$new(list(), 10, 1)$state(),
               matrix(c(11, 2)))

test_that("Implement sum", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/sum.R")
  nr <- 5
  nc <- 7
  m <- matrix(runif(nr * nc), nr, nc)
  mod <- gen$new(list(m = m), 0, 1)

  y <- mod$state()
  yy <- mod$transform_variables(drop(y))

  cmp <- odin::odin_("examples/sum.R", target = "r")
  expect_equal(yy, cmp$new(m = m)$transform_variables(drop(y))[-1])

      dim = list(tot1 = 1L, tot2 = 1L, v1 = 5L, v2 = 7L, v3 = 5L, v4 = 7L),
      len = 26L,
      index = list(tot1 = 1L, tot2 = 2L, v1 = 3:7, v2 = 8:14, v3 = 15:19,
                   v4 = 20:26)))
  expect_equal(names(yy), names(mod$info()$dim))


  expect_equal(yy$tot1, sum(m))
  expect_equal(yy$tot2, sum(m))
  expect_equal(yy$v1, rowSums(m))
  expect_equal(yy$v2, colSums(m))
  expect_equal(yy$v3, rowSums(m[, 2:4]))
  expect_equal(yy$v4, colSums(m[2:4, ]))

test_that("sum over variables", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/sum2.R")

  nr <- 5
  nc <- 7
  nz <- 9
  a <- array(runif(nr * nc * nz), c(nr, nc, nz))
  mod <- gen$new(list(y0 = a), 0, 1)
  cmp <- odin::odin_("examples/sum2.R")$new(y0 = a)

  y0 <- mod$transform_variables(drop(mod$state()))
  expect_equal(y0, cmp$transform_variables(drop(mod$state()))[-1])

  y1 <- mod$transform_variables(drop(mod$run(1)))
  expect_equal(y1, cmp$transform_variables(drop(mod$state()))[-1])

  expect_equal(y0$y, a)

  expect_equal(y0$m12, apply(a, 1:2, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$m13, apply(a, c(1, 3), sum))
  expect_equal(y0$m23, apply(a, 2:3, sum))

  expect_equal(y0$v1, apply(a, 1, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$v2, apply(a, 2, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$v3, apply(a, 3, sum))

  expect_equal(y0$mm12, apply(a[, , 2:4], 1:2, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$mm13, apply(a[, 2:4, ], c(1, 3), sum))
  expect_equal(y0$mm23, apply(a[2:4, , ], 2:3, sum))

  expect_equal(y0$vv1, apply(a[, 2:4, 2:4], 1, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$vv2, apply(a[2:4, , 2:4], 2, sum))
  expect_equal(y0$vv3, apply(a[2:4, 2:4, ], 3, sum))

  expect_equal(y0$tot1, sum(a))
  expect_equal(y0$tot2, sum(a))

  expect_equal(y1$y, a)

  expect_equal(y1$m12, apply(a, 1:2, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$m13, apply(a, c(1, 3), sum))
  expect_equal(y1$m23, apply(a, 2:3, sum))

  expect_equal(y1$v1, apply(a, 1, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$v2, apply(a, 2, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$v3, apply(a, 3, sum))

  expect_equal(y1$mm12, apply(a[, , 2:4], 1:2, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$mm13, apply(a[, 2:4, ], c(1, 3), sum))
  expect_equal(y1$mm23, apply(a[2:4, , ], 2:3, sum))

  expect_equal(y1$vv1, apply(a[, 2:4, 2:4], 1, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$vv2, apply(a[2:4, , 2:4], 2, sum))
  expect_equal(y1$vv3, apply(a[2:4, 2:4, ], 3, sum))

  expect_equal(y1$tot1, sum(a))
  expect_equal(y1$tot2, sum(a))

test_that("odin.dust disallows output for discrete models", {
      initial(x) <- 1
      update(x) <- 1
      output(y) <- 1
    "Using unsupported features: 'has_output'",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("odin.dust disallows delays", {
      initial(x) <- 1
      update(x) <- dy
      dy <- delay(x, 2)
    "Using unsupported features: 'has_delay'",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("NSE interface can accept a symbol and resolve to value", {
  path <- tempfile()
  mock_target <- mockery::mock()
    "odin.dust:::odin_dust_" = mock_target,
  mockery::expect_called(mock_target, 1)
    list(path, options = NULL))

test_that("NSE interface can accept a character vector", {
  mock_target <- mockery::mock()
    "odin.dust:::odin_dust_" = mock_target,
    odin_dust(c("a", "b", "c")))
  mockery::expect_called(mock_target, 1)
    list(c("a", "b", "c"), options = NULL))

test_that("don't encode specific types in generated code", {
  options <- odin_dust_options()
  ir <- odin::odin_parse_("examples/sir.R", options)
  res <- generate_dust(ir, options)

  expect_equal(sum(grepl("double", res$class)), 1)
  expect_match(grep("double", res$class, value = TRUE),
               "using real_type = double;")
  expect_equal(sum(grepl("double", res$create)), 0)

test_that("Generate code with different types", {
  options <- odin_dust_options(real_type = "DOUBLE")
  ir <- odin::odin_parse_("examples/sir.R", options)
  res <- generate_dust(ir, options)

  expect_true(any(grepl("using real_type = DOUBLE;", res$class)))

  cmp <- generate_dust(ir, odin_dust_options())
  expect_equal(replace(res$class, c(DOUBLE = "double")),

test_that("sir model float test", {
  gen_f <- odin_dust_("examples/sir.R",
                      options = odin_dust_options(real_type = "float"))
  gen_d <- odin_dust_("examples/sir.R",
                      options = odin_dust_options(real_type = "double"))

  n <- 10000
  y0 <- c(1000, 10, 0)
  p <- list(I_ini = 10)

  mod_f <- gen_f$new(p, 0L, n)
  y_f <- mod_f$state()

  mod_d <- gen_d$new(p, 0L, n)
  y_d <- mod_d$state()

  ## Not the same
  expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(y_f, y_d)))

  ## But the same distribution
  expect_equal(rowMeans(y_f), rowMeans(y_d), tolerance = 0.01)

test_that("array model float test", {
  gen_f <- odin_dust_("examples/array.R",
                      options = odin_dust_options(real_type = "float"))
  gen_d <- odin_dust_("examples/array.R",
                      options = odin_dust_options(real_type = "double"))

  r <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)
  x0 <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)

  mod_f <- gen_f$new(list(x0 = x0, r = r), 0, 1)
  mod_d <- gen_d$new(list(x0 = x0, r = r), 0, 1)

  expect_identical(mod_d$state(), matrix(c(x0)))
  expect_equal(mod_f$state(), mod_d$state(), tolerance = 1e-7)
  expect_false(identical(mod_f$state(), mod_d$state()))

  y_d <- mod_d$run(1)
  y_f <- mod_f$run(1)
  expect_identical(y_d, matrix(c(x0 + r)))
  expect_equal(y_f, y_d, tolerance = 1e-7)
  expect_false(identical(y_f, y_d))

test_that("specify workdir", {
  path <- tempfile()
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- runif(x, 1)
  }, workdir = path)
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "src", "dust.cpp")))

test_that("transform_variables works with all 3 state options", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/array.R")
  r <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)
  x0 <- matrix(runif(10), 2, 5)

  ## easy
  mod <- gen$new(list(x0 = x0, r = r), 0, 1)
               list(x = x0))
               list(x = array(x0, c(dim(x0), 1))))

  ## medium
  mod <- gen$new(list(x0 = x0, r = r), 0, 2)
               list(x = array(rep(x0, 2), c(dim(x0), 2))))

  ## hard
  y <- mod$simulate(c(0, 0, 0))
  yy <- mod$transform_variables(y)
  expect_equal(yy$x[, , 1, 1], x0)
  expect_equal(yy$x, array(rep(x0, 6), c(dim(x0), 2, 3)))

test_that("allow custom C++ code", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    config(include) <- "include.cpp"
    n <- 5
    x[] <- user()
    initial(y[]) <- 0
    update(y[]) <- cumulative_to_i(i, x)
    dim(x) <- n
    dim(y) <- n

  x <- runif(5)
  mod <- gen$new(list(x = x), 0, 1)
  y <- mod$run(1)
  expect_equal(y[, 1], cumsum(x))

## This is a little less good than the version in odin because that
## implements a specific interpretation of modulo in the presence of
## negative divisors
test_that("modulo works", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    a <- user()
    b <- user(integer = TRUE)
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- step %% a
    initial(y) <- 0
    update(y) <- step %% b
    initial(z) <- 0
    update(z) <- step
  mod <- gen$new(list(a = 4, b = 5), 0, 1)
  y <- mod$simulate(0:10)
  yy <- mod$transform_variables(y)
  expect_equal(yy$x, yy$z %% 4)
  expect_equal(yy$y, yy$z %% 5)

test_that("integer divide works", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(w) <- 0
    update(w) <- step %/% 2
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- step %/% 1.5
    initial(y) <- 0
    update(y) <- 5.5 %/% (step + 0.5)
    initial(z) <- 0
    update(z) <- step
  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1)
  y <- mod$simulate(0:10)
  yy <- mod$transform_variables(y)
  steps <- as.numeric(yy$z)[-1]
  expect_identical(as.numeric(yy$w)[-1], steps %/% 2)
  expect_identical(as.numeric(yy$x)[-1], steps %/% 1.5)
  expect_identical(as.numeric(yy$y)[-1], 5.5 %/% (steps + 0.5))


## See #63; if this compiles it's certainly correct as it was an error
## in inclusion of the correct support function. However we check the
## result anyway.
test_that("Detect sum corner case", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    len <- user(integer = TRUE)
    mean <- user(0)
    sd <- user(1)
    x[] <- rnorm(mean, sd)
    initial(z) <- 0
    update(z) <- z + sum(x)
    dim(x) <- len

  mod <- gen$new(list(len = 10), 0, 1L, seed = 1L)
  y <- mod$simulate(0:5)
  rng <- dust::dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(rng$normal(10 * 5, 0, 1), 10, 5)
  expect_equal(drop(y), cumsum(c(0, colSums(m))))

test_that("can compile deterministic model", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    deriv(x) <- beta
    output(y) <- x * 2

    beta <- user(0)

  mod <- gen$new(list(beta = 1), 1, 2)
  y <- mod$run(10)
  expect_equal(y, mod$state())

  expect_equal(mod$state()[1, ], c(10, 10))
  expect_equal(mod$state()[2, ], c(20, 20))
  expect_equal(mod$pars(), list(beta = 1))

test_that("can use noninteger time", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    deriv(x) <- beta
    output(y) <- x * 2

    beta <- user(0)

  mod <- gen$new(list(beta = 1), 1.2, 2)
  y <- mod$run(10.5)
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10.5)
  expect_equal(y[1, ], c(10.3, 10.3))
  expect_equal(y[2, ], c(20.6, 20.6))
    mod$simulate(c(11.3, 12.8)),
    array(c(11.1, 22.2, 11.1, 22.2, 12.6, 25.2, 12.6, 25.2), c(2, 2, 2)))

test_that("correctly compiles logistic model", {
  y0 <- c(1, 1)
  r <- c(0.1, 0.2)
  k <- c(100, 100)
  times <- 0:25

  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(y1) <- 1
    initial(y2) <- 1

    deriv(y1) <- r1 * y1 * (1 - y1 / k1)
    deriv(y2) <- r2 * y2 * (1 - y2 / k2)

    output(y) <- y1 + y2

    r1 <- user(0.1)
    r2 <- user(0.2)
    k1 <- user(100)
    k2 <- user(100)

  n_particles <- 5
  mod <- gen$new(list(r1 = 0.1, r2 = 0.2, k1 = 100, k2 = 100), 0, n_particles)

  logistic_analytic <- function(r, k, times, y0) {
    sapply(times, function(t) k / (1 + (k / y0 - 1) * exp(-r * t)))

  analytic <- logistic_analytic(r, k, times, y0)

  actual <- vapply(times, function(t) mod$run(t),
                   matrix(0.0, 3, n_particles))
  expect_equal(actual[1:2, 1, ], analytic, tolerance = 1e-7)

test_that("correctly compiles compartmental model", {
  gen <- odin_dust_("examples/age.R")
  mod <- gen$new(list(IO = 1), 0, 1)
                   list(dim = list(y = c(5L, 3L), prev = 1L),
                        len = 16L,
                        index = list(y = 1L:15L, prev = 16L)))

  cmp <- odin::odin("examples/age.R", target = "c")$new(I0 = 1, use_dde = TRUE)
  y_mode <- mod$run(10)
  y_odin <- cmp$run(c(0, 10))[2, -1]
  expect_equal(drop(y_mode), unname(y_odin))

test_that("Can compile mixed deterministic/stochastic model", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    deriv(x) <- a
    initial(a) <- 0
    update(a) <- a + rnorm(0, 1)

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
  out <- array(NA_real_, c(2, 10, 11))
  for (i in 1:11) {
    out[, , i] <- mod$run(i)

  rng <- dust::dust_rng$new(seed = 1L, n_streams = 10)
  draws <- rng$normal(11, 0, 1)
  cmp <- t(apply(draws, 2, cumsum))
  ## There's some sort of tiny issue here that is making these
  ## non-identical - it's by a factor of ~1e-16 though so I expect
  ## that we've got some sort of optimisation difference? Running
  ## under valgrind was identical oddly.
  expect_equal(out[2, , ], cmp, tolerance = 1e-15)

  expect_equal(t(apply(cbind(0, out[1, , ]), 1, diff)),
               out[2, , ])

test_that("Can compile a mixed model that includes a vector variable", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    deriv(x) <- a
    initial(y[]) <- 0
    deriv(y[]) <- a
    dim(y) <- 5
    initial(a) <- 0
    update(a) <- a + rnorm(0, 1)

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 10, seed = 1)
  info <- mod$info()
  y <- array(NA_real_, c(7, 10, 4))
  for (i in seq_len(4)) {
    y[, , i] <- mod$run(i)

  cmp <- dust::dust_rng$new(seed = 1, n_streams = 10)$normal(4, 0, 1)
  expect_equal(t(apply(cmp, 2, cumsum)), y[info$index$a, , ],
               tolerance = 1e-15)
  expect_equal(t(apply(cbind(0, y[info$index$x, , ]), 1, diff)),
               y[info$index$a, , ])
    y[info$index$y, , ],
    y[rep(info$index$x, 5), , ])

test_that("info is returned correctly", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    deriv(x) <- 1
    initial(y[]) <- 1
    deriv(y[]) <- 1
    dim(y) <- 10
    output(a) <- 1
    output(b[]) <- 1
    dim(b) <- 5

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1)
  idx <- mod$info()$index
  expect_equal(idx$x, 1)
  expect_equal(idx$y, 2:11)
  expect_equal(idx$a, 12)
  expect_equal(idx$b, 13:17)

test_that("Can compile model with copy output equation", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    deriv(x) <- 1
    y <- x + 1
    output(y) <- y
    z[1] <- 1
    z[2] <- 2
    dim(z) <- 2
    output(z) <- z

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, seed = 1)
  expect_equal(mod$state()[, 1], c(0, 1, 1, 2))

test_that("prevent inplace functions", {
      q[] <- user()
      p[] <- q[i] / sum(q)
      initial(x[]) <- 0
      update(x[]) <- y[i]
      y[] <- rmultinom(5, p)
      dim(p) <- 5
      dim(q) <- 5
      dim(x) <- 5
      dim(y) <- 5
    paste("odin.dust does not support 'in-place' expressions:",
          "\ty[] <- rmultinom(5, p) # (line 5)",
          "Please see vignette('porting')", sep = "\n"),
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("compile model with rhyper", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- rhyper(8, 15, 7)
  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  y <- drop(mod$simulate(1:100))
  cmp <- dust::dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$hypergeometric(100, 8, 15, 7)
  expect_equal(y, cmp)

test_that("compile model with rnbinom", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- rnbinom(15, 0.3)
  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  y <- drop(mod$simulate(1:100))
  cmp <- dust::dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$nbinomial(100, 15, 0.3)
  expect_equal(y, cmp)

test_that("compile model with rgamma", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- rgamma(3, 2.6)
  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  y <- drop(mod$simulate(1:100))
  cmp <- dust::dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$gamma(100, 3, 2.6)
  expect_equal(y, cmp)

test_that("include initialisation of time-varying variables", {
  ## A nice test here would check for compiler warnings, but that's
  ## basically impossible to write portably.
  tmp <- tempfile()
  gen <- odin_dust(c("initial(time) <- step + 1", "update(time) <- step + 1"),
                   verbose = FALSE, workdir = tmp)
  code <- readLines(file.path(tmp, "src", "dust.cpp"))
  expect_match(code, "internal.initial_time = 0;", fixed = TRUE, all = FALSE)

test_that("can extract linking_to requirements", {

      "// [[odin.dust::linking_to(pkg1)]]\ncode\n")),
      "// [[odin.dust::linking_to(pkg1, pkg2)]]\ncode\n")),
    c("pkg1", "pkg2"))
      paste("// [[odin.dust::linking_to(pkg1, pkg2)]]",
            "// [[odin.dust::linking_to(pkg3)]]",
            "code", sep = "\n"))),
    c("pkg1", "pkg2", "pkg3"))

test_that("generate code with additional packages", {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  writeLines(c("// [[odin.dust::linking_to(dust)]]", readLines("include.cpp")),
             file.path(tmp, "include.cpp"))
  gen <- with_dir(
      config(include) <- "include.cpp"
      n <- 5
      x[] <- user()
      initial(y[]) <- 0
      update(y[]) <- cumulative_to_i(i, x)
      dim(x) <- n
      dim(y) <- n
    }, workdir = "pkg"))
  desc <- as.list(read.dcf(file.path(tmp, "pkg", "DESCRIPTION"))[1, ])
    strsplit(desc[["LinkingTo"]], ", ")[[1]],
    c("cpp11", "dust"))

test_that("can extract cpp_std requirements", {

      '// [[odin.dust::cpp_std("C++14")]]\ncode\n')),
      "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++14)]]\ncode\n")),
      "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(lovely)]]\ncode\n")),

      "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std()]]\ncode\n")),
    "Expected exactly one argument to odin.dust::cpp_std")
      "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++11, C++14)]]\ncode\n")),
    "Expected exactly one argument to odin.dust::cpp_std")

  code <- paste(
    "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++14)]]",
    "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++17)]]",
    "code", sep = "\n")
    res <- odin_dust_cpp_std(include_decorations(code)),
    "More than one 'odin.dust::cpp11_std', using 'C++17'",
    fixed = TRUE)
  expect_equal(res, "C++17")

  code <- paste(
    "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++17)]]",
    "// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++17)]]",
    "code", sep = "\n")
  expect_silent(res <- odin_dust_cpp_std(include_decorations(code)))
  expect_equal(res, "C++17")

test_that("generate code that uses different c++ version", {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  writeLines(c("// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++17)]]", readLines("include.cpp")),
             file.path(tmp, "include.cpp"))
  gen <- with_dir(
      config(include) <- "include.cpp"
      n <- 5
      x[] <- user()
      initial(y[]) <- 0
      update(y[]) <- cumulative_to_i(i, x)
      dim(x) <- n
      dim(y) <- n
    }, workdir = "pkg"))
  desc <- as.list(read.dcf(file.path(tmp, "pkg", "DESCRIPTION"))[1, ])
  expect_equal(desc[["SystemRequirements"]], "C++17")

test_that("generate model with debug information", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    update(x) <- x + 1
    print("x: {x; .0f}")
  }, debug_enable = TRUE)

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1)
  out <- capture_output(y <- mod$run(10))
    strsplit(out, "\n")[[1]],
    sprintf("[%d] x: %d", 0:9, 1:10))

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 2)
  out <- capture_output(y <- mod$run(10))
    strsplit(out, "\n")[[1]],
    rep(sprintf("[%d] x: %d", 0:9, 1:10), 2))

  if (mod$has_openmp()) {
    mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 2, n_threads = 2)
    out <- capture_output(y <- mod$run(10))
    expect_identical(out, "")

test_that("generate model with conditional debugging", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 1
    update(x) <- x + 1
    initial(y) <- 5
    update(y) <- 5
    print("x: {x; .2f}, y: {y; .0f}", when = x >= y)
  }, debug_enable = TRUE)

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1)
  out <- capture_output(y <- mod$run(10))
    strsplit(out, "\n")[[1]],
    sprintf("[%d] x: %.2f, y: %d", 4:9, 5:10, 5))

test_that("Can use random numbers in initial conditions", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- rnorm(0, sd * 5)
    update(x) <- rnorm(x, sd)
    sd <- user(1)
  mod <- gen$new(list(sd = 2), 0, 10, seed = 1)
  rng <- dust::dust_rng$new(seed = 1, n_streams = 10)
  y_cmp <- rng$normal(1, 0, 10)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), y_cmp)

test_that("Can use sign function", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    r <- rnorm(x, 1)
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- r
    initial(y) <- 0
    update(y) <- sign(r)

  mod <- gen$new(list(), 0, 10)
  y <- mod$simulate(0:10)
  expect_equal(y[2, , ], sign(y[1, , ]))

test_that("forward compiler and optimisation args", {
  res <- evaluate_promise(
      initial(x) <- 10
      update(x) <- 10
    }, optimisation_level = "max", verbose = TRUE))
  expect_match(res$output, "-O3 -ffast-math", all = FALSE)
  expect_s3_class(res$result, "dust_generator")

test_that("can use pow() with negative powers of integers", {
  gen <- odin_dust({
    initial(x) <- 0
    update(x) <- a^y
    a <- user(integer = TRUE)
    y <- user()

  expect_equal(drop(gen$new(list(a = 2, y = -2), 0, 1)$run(10)), 0.25)
  expect_equal(drop(gen$new(list(a = 2, y = 2), 0, 1)$run(10)), 4)
mrc-ide/odin.dust documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:33 p.m.