getReactionDetails: getReactionDetails returns general reaction information for a...

View source: R/rampReactionQueries.R

getReactionDetailsR Documentation

getReactionDetails returns general reaction information for a list of reaction ids. This utility methed can help extend information from previous queries. For instance, if a user queries for reactions related to a list of analytes, or filtered on reactions, this method can be used to return general reaction info on some subset of reaction ids of interest.


getReactionDetails returns general reaction information for a list of reaction ids. This utility methed can help extend information from previous queries. For instance, if a user queries for reactions related to a list of analytes, or filtered on reactions, this method can be used to return general reaction info on some subset of reaction ids of interest.


getReactionDetails(db = RaMP(), reactionList = c())



a RaMP databse object


list of reaction ids


returns a dataframe object with reaction information.

ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.