rampFastCata: Retrieves analytes that involved in same reaction as input...

View source: R/ReturnGeneMetab_SameRxn.R

rampFastCataR Documentation

Retrieves analytes that involved in same reaction as input metabolite


Retrieves analytes that involved in same reaction as input metabolite


rampFastCata(db = RaMP(), analytes = "none", NameOrIds = "ids")



a vector of analytes that need to be searched


whether input is "names" or "ids" (default is "ids")


a dataframe containing query results. If the input is a metabolite, the function will output gene transcript common names and source IDs that are known to catalyze reactions in the same pathway as that metabolite. Conversely, if the input is a gene, the function will return the common name and source id of metabolites known to be catalyzed directly or indirectly by that gene. Input ids and common names will be returned. If no input ids or names are found in the database, the return value will be an empty data frame, 0 rows.


## Not run: 
pkg.globals <- setConnectionToRaMP(dbname="ramp2",username="root",conpass="",host = "localhost")

## End(Not run)

ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.