# helper functions as in the netzooPy impl
# def Scale(X):
# X_temp = X
# X_std = np.std(X_temp, axis=0)
# X_mean = np.mean(X_temp, axis=0)
# return (X_temp - X_mean) / X_std
scale = function(x,bias=FALSE)
# sd does 1/(n-1), python does 1/n
# use the bias option for exact match with python
n = length(x)
n = length(x)
numer = (x-mean(x))
denom = sqrt((n-1)/n)*sd(x)
# def VarS(X):
# xbar = np.mean(X, 0)
# n = X.shape[0]
# x_minus_xbar = X - xbar
# a = x_minus_xbar*x_minus_xbar
# wbar = np.cov(X.T, bias=True)#x_minus_xbar.T@x_minus_xbar/n
# varS = a.T@a
# varS += - n*wbar**2
# varS *= n/(n-1)**3
# return(varS)
# VarS calculates the unbiased estimate of the entries of
# S according to the formula in Appendix A of Schafer and Strimmer
# 2005
VarS = function(x)
# x is an n x p matrix of data
# xbar = np.mean(X, 0)
# n = X.shape[0]
n = nrow(x)
p = ncol(x)
# x_minus_xbar = X - xbar
x_minus_xbar = apply(x,2,function(x){x-mean(x)}) # center
# sanity check
a = x_minus_xbar*x_minus_xbar
varHat_s = n/((n-1)^3)* apply(a,2,sum)
wbar = 1/n*t(x_minus_xbar) %*% x_minus_xbar # this should be an outer product
# varS = a.T@a
# varS += - n*wbar**2
# varS *= n/(n-1)**3
# try doing this with an array instead of matrix multiplication
# xbar = apply(x,2,mean)
# p = ncol(x)
# w = array(dim=c(n,p,p))
# for(k in 1:n)
# {
# for(i in 1:p)
# {
# for(j in 1:p) # this will be symmetric, but leaving it now for clarity
# {
# w[k,i,j] = (x[k,i] - xbar[i])*(x[k,j]-xbar[j])
# }
# }
# }
# wbar = 1/n*apply(w,2:3,sum)
# summand = 0
# for(k in 1:n)
# summand = summand + (w[k,,]-wbar)^2
# varhat_s = n/((n-1)^3)*summand
varS = t(a) %*% a + -n*wbar^2
varHat_s = n/((n-1)^3)*varS
# this code matches with the python output
# def EsqS(X):
# #xbar = np.mean(X, 0)
# n = X.shape[0]
# #x_minus_xbar = X - xbar
# wbar = np.cov(X.T, bias=True) #x_minus_xbar.T@x_minus_xbar/n
# ES2 = wbar**2*n**2/(n-1)**2 #
# return(ES2)
EsqS = function(x)
n = nrow(x)
wbar = (n-1)/n*cov(x)
ES2 = wbar^2*n^2/((n-1)^2)
# this code matches with the python output
# def risk_orig(lam):
# R = const + (lam[0]*T1_1 + lam[1]*T1_2
# + lam[0]**2*T2_1 + lam[1]**2*T2_2
# + lam[0]*lam[1]*T3 + np.sqrt(1-lam[0])*np.sqrt(1-lam[1])*T4) #reparametrize lamx = 1-lamx**2 for better optimization
# return(R)
risk_orig = function(lambda1, lambda2, t11, t12, t21, t22, t3, t4)
print("[dragonR] risk_orig(): This is not the reparameterized version.")
return(lambda1*t11 + lambda2*t12 +
lambda1^2*t21 + lambda2^2*t22 +
lambda1*lambda2*t3 +
# def risk(lam):
# R = const + ((1.-lam[0]**2)*T1_1 + (1.-lam[1]**2)*T1_2
# + (1.-lam[0]**2)**2*T2_1 + (1.-lam[1]**2)**2*T2_2
# + (1.-lam[0]**2)*(1.-lam[1]**2)*T3 + lam[0]*lam[1]*T4) #reparametrize lamx = 1-lamx**2 for better optimization
# return(R)
# reparameterize gamma1 = (1-lambda1^2), gamma2 = (1-lambda2^2)
risk = function(gamma, const, t11, t12, t21, t22, t3, t4)
gamma1 = gamma[1]
gamma2 = gamma[2]
R = const + (1-gamma1^2)*t11 + (1-gamma2^2)*t12 +
(1-gamma1^2)^2*t21 + (1-gamma2^2)^2*t22 +
(1-gamma1^2)*(1-gamma2^2)*t3 + gamma1*gamma2*t4
# def estimate_penalty_parameters_dragon(X1, X2):
estimatePenaltyParameters = function(X1,X2)
# X1 = matrix(c(1,2,3,1,5,12),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE)
# X2 = matrix(c(9,7,8),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE)
# X1 is omics matrix 1, dimensions n x p1
# X2 is omics matrix 2, dimensions n x p2
# The matrices should have the same ordering by samples
n = nrow(X1)
p1 = ncol(X1)
p2 = ncol(X2)
# n = X1.shape[0]
# p1 = X1.shape[1]
# p2 = X2.shape[1]
X = cbind.data.frame(X1, X2)
# X = np.append(X1, X2, axis=1)
# varS = VarS(X)
# eSqs = EsqS(X)
varS = VarS(X)
esqS = EsqS(X)
# IDs = np.cumsum([p1,p2])
IDs = cumsum(c(p1,p2))
# varS1 = varS[0:IDs[0],0:IDs[0]]
varS1 = varS[1:IDs[1],1:IDs[1]]
# varS12 = varS[0:IDs[0],IDs[0]:IDs[1]]
varS12 = varS[1:IDs[1],(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2]]
# varS2 = varS[IDs[0]:IDs[1],IDs[0]:IDs[1]]
varS2 = varS[(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2],(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2]]
# eSqs1 = eSqs[0:IDs[0],0:IDs[0]]
esqS1 = esqS[1:IDs[1],1:IDs[1]]
# eSqs12 = eSqs[0:IDs[0],IDs[0]:IDs[1]]
esqS12 = esqS[1:IDs[1],(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2]]
# eSqs2 = eSqs[IDs[0]:IDs[1],IDs[0]:IDs[1]]
esqS2 = esqS[(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2],(IDs[1]+1):IDs[2]]
# const = (np.sum(varS1) + np.sum(varS2) - 2.*np.sum(varS12)
# + 4.*np.sum(eSqs12))
# T1_1 = -2.*(np.sum(varS1) - np.trace(varS1) + np.sum(eSqs12))
T1_1 = -2*(sum(varS1) - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(as.matrix(varS1)) + sum(esqS12))
# T1_2 = -2.*(np.sum(varS2) - np.trace(varS2) + np.sum(eSqs12))
T1_2 = -2*(sum(varS2) - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(as.matrix(varS2)) + sum(esqS12))
# T2_1 = np.sum(eSqs1) - np.trace(eSqs1)
T2_1 = sum(esqS1) - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(as.matrix(esqS1))
# T2_2 = np.sum(eSqs2) - np.trace(eSqs2)
T2_2 = sum(esqS2) - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(as.matrix(esqS2))
# T3 = 2.*np.sum(eSqs12)
T3 = 2*sum(esqS12)
# T4 = 4.*(np.sum(varS12)-np.sum(eSqs12))
T4 = 4*(sum(varS12)-sum(esqS12))
const = (sum(varS1) + sum(varS2) - 2*sum(varS12)
+ 4*sum(esqS12))
# x = np.arange(0., 1.01, 0.01)
x = seq(0,1,by=0.01)
riskgrid = matrix(nrow = length(x),ncol=length(x))
for(i in 1:length(x))
for(j in 1:length(x))
riskgrid[i,j] = risk(gamma=c(x[i],x[j]),
const = const,
# lamgrid = meshgrid(x, x)
# risk_grid = risk(lamgrid)
# indices = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(risk_grid.T, axis=None), risk_grid.shape)
# lams = [x[indices[0]],x[indices[1]]]
lams = x[arrayInd(which(riskgrid == min(riskgrid)),.dim=c(101,101))]
# this is seeding with grid search and then we use optimization
# res = minimize(risk, lams, method='L-BFGS-B',#'TNC',#'SLSQP',
# tol=1e-12,
# bounds = [[0.,1.],[0.,1.]])
# python result: array([0.79372539, 0. ])
res = optim(lams,risk,
control = list(trace=TRUE,pgtol = 1e-15))
# reparameterize
lambdas = c(1-res$par[1]^2, 1-res$par[2]^2)
return(list("lambdas"=lambdas,"gammas"=res$par,"optim_result"=res,"risk_grid" = riskgrid))
# penalty_parameters = (1.-res.x[0]**2), (1.-res.x[1]**2)
# def risk_orig(lam):
# R = const + (lam[0]*T1_1 + lam[1]*T1_2
# + lam[0]**2*T2_1 + lam[1]**2*T2_2
# + lam[0]*lam[1]*T3 + np.sqrt(1-lam[0])*np.sqrt(1-lam[1])*T4) #reparametrize lamx = 1-lamx**2 for better optimization
# return(R)
# risk_grid_orig = risk_orig(lamgrid)
# return(penalty_parameters, risk_grid_orig)
get_shrunken_covariance_dragon = function(X1,X2, lambdas)
n = nrow(X1)
p1 = ncol(X1)
p2 = ncol(X2)
p = p1 + p2
X = cbind.data.frame(X1,X2)
S = cov(X) # the R implementation of cov() uses the unbiased (1/(n-1)); we need the unbiased version for the lemma of Ledoit and Wolf
# target matrix
Targ = diag(diag(S))
Sigma = matrix(nrow=p, ncol=p)
# Sigma = np.zeros((p,p))
# IDs = np.cumsum([0,p1,p2])
IDs = c(cumsum(c(p1,p2)))
idx1 = 1:IDs[1]
idx2 = (IDs[1]+1):IDs[2]
# Fill in Sigma_11
Sigma[idx1,idx1] = (1-lambdas[1])*S[idx1,idx1] + lambdas[1]*Targ[idx1,idx1]
# Fill in Sigma_22
Sigma[idx2,idx2] = (1-lambdas[2])*S[idx2,idx2] + lambdas[2]*Targ[idx2,idx2]
# Fill in Sigma_12
Sigma[idx1,idx2] = sqrt((1-lambdas[1])*(1-lambdas[2]))*S[idx1,idx2] + sqrt(lambdas[1]*lambdas[2])*Targ[idx1,idx2]
# Fill in Sigma_21
Sigma[idx2,idx1] = sqrt((1-lambdas[1])*(1-lambdas[2]))*S[idx2,idx1] + sqrt(lambdas[1]*lambdas[2])*Targ[idx2,idx1]
get_precision_matrix_dragon = function(X1, X2, lambdas)
Sigma = get_shrunken_covariance_dragon(X1, X2, lambdas)
Theta = solve(Sigma)
# in the python implementation, mean is also returned. Omitting here
# X = np.hstack((X1, X2))
# mu = np.mean(X, axis=0)
get_partial_correlation_from_precision = function(Theta,selfEdges=FALSE)
# by default, does not return self edges (diagonal is set to zero)
ggm = -cov2cor(Theta)
diag(ggm) = 0
get_partial_correlation_dragon = function(X1,X2,lambdas)
Theta = get_precision_matrix_dragon(X1, X2, lambdas)
ggm = get_partial_correlation_from_precision(Theta)
# The functions below are for p-value estimation on the DRAGON results
# The functions logli, estimate_kappa, and estimate_p_values are for benchmarking
# with standard GGM; omitting here
# logli = function(X, Theta, mu)
# estimate_kappa = function(n, p, lambda0, seed)
# estimate_p_values(r, n, lambda0, kappa='estimate', seed=1):
log_lik_shrunken = function(kappa, p, lambda, rhos)
# kappa is to be optimized, so comes first in the arguments
# p is fixed (number of predictors)
# lambda is fixed (as estimated by DRAGON)
# rhos is fixed (observed partial correlations from the data)
mysum = 0
for(i in 1:p)
first_term = (kappa-3)/2*log((1-lambda)^2-rhos[i]^2)
second_term = lbeta(1/2, (kappa-1)/2)
third_term = (kappa-2)*log(1-lambda)
mysum = mysum + first_term - second_term - third_term
# def estimate_kappa_dragon(n, p1, p2, lambdas, seed, simultaneous = False):
estimate_kappa_dragon = function(n, p1, n2, lambdas, seed, simultaneous = F)
# def estimate_p_values_dragon(r, n, p1, p2, lambdas, kappa='estimate', seed=1, simultaneous = False):
estimate_p_values_dragon = function(r, n, p1, p2, lambdas, kappa="estimate",seed=1, simultaneous = F)
#' Run DRAGON in R.
#' Description: Estimates a multi-omic Gaussian graphical model for two input layers of paired omic data.
#' @param layer1 : first layer of omics data; rows: samples (order must match layer2), columns: variables
#' @param layer2 : second layer of omics data; rows: samples (order must match layer1), columns: variables.
#' @param pval : calculate p-values for network edges. Not yet implemented in R; available in netZooPy.
#' @param gradient : method for estimating parameters of p-value distribution, applies only if p-val == TRUE. default = "finite_difference"; other option = "exact"
#' @param verbose : verbosity level (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return A list of model results. cov : the shrunken covariance matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{cov}}{ the shrunken covariance matrix}
#' \item{\code{prec}}{ the shrunken precision matrix}
#' \item{\code{ggm}}{ the shrunken Gaussian graphical model; matrix of partial correlations. Self-edges (diagonal elements) are set to zero.}
#' \item{\code{lambdas}}{ Vector of omics-specific tuning parameters (lambda1, lambda2) for \code{layer1} and \code{layer2}}
#' \item{\code{gammas}}{ Reparameterized tuning parameters; gamma = 1 - lambda^2}
#' \item{\code{risk_grid}}{ Risk grid, for assessing optimization. Grid boundaries are in terms of gamma.}
#' }
#' @export
dragon = function(layer1,layer2,pval = FALSE,gradient = "finite_difference", verbose = FALSE)
print("[netZooR::dragon] Estimating penalty parameters...")
# estimate penalty parameters
myres = estimatePenaltyParameters(layer1, layer2)
lambdas = myres$lambdas
print(paste(c("[netZooR::dragon] Estimated parameters:",lambdas),collapse=" "))
print("[netZooR::dragon] Calculating shrunken matrices...")
# apply penalty parameters to return shrunken covariance and ggm
shrunken_cov = get_shrunken_covariance_dragon(layer1, layer2,lambdas)
precmat = get_precision_matrix_dragon(layer1, layer2, lambdas)
ggm = get_partial_correlation_dragon(layer1, layer2, lambdas)
# if pval, return pval approx with finite difference
print("[netZooR::dragon] p-value calculation not yet implemented in R; to estimate p-values, use netZooPy.")
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