
Defines functions run_proj

Documented in run_proj

#' run_proj
#' Deterministic projections
#' @param rdat BAM output rdat (list) object read in with dget().
#' @param run_bam_args list of arguments passed internally to run_bam if any are provided
#' @param bam2r_args list of arguments passed internally to bam2r if any are provided
#' @param pstar Value to use for applying pstar scaling of Fmsy. If set to NULL, it is not used and pstar code will not be run.
#' @param styr_proj start year (i.e. first calendar year) of projection
#' @param nyb_rcn number of years in calculations that include recent landings (L) or discards and their cvs, index cvs (U), recruitment (R), or numbers of samples in age or length compositions (comp). Fleets without L or D within the last nyb_rcn years of the base model will not be projected forward. named list
#' @param nyp_cur  number of years to maintain current conditions before implementing management
#' @param nyp  number of years of projection. Must be >nyp_cur
#' @param F_cur current fully selected fishing mortality rate
#' @param F_proj fully selected fishing mortality rate
#' @param L_cur current level of landings
#' @param ages   ages. numeric vector
#' @param N_styr_proj abundance at age in styr_proj. numeric vector
#' @param S_styr_proj spawning stock size at age in styr_proj. Often biomass in mt, sometimes eggs in n. numeric vector
#' @param M      natural mortality rate, at age
#' @param wgt_mt weight at age of population in metric tons (mt). numeric vector
#' @param wgt_L_klb  weight at age of landings in thousand pounds (klb). numeric vector
#' @param wgt_D_klb  weight at age of discards in thousand pounds (klb). numeric vector
#' @param wgt_F_flt_klb list of weight vectors (klb by age) or matrices (by year,age) for each fleet associated with landings or discards. numeric vector or matrix
#' @param len_F_flt_mm list of length vectors (mm by age) or matrices (by year,age) for each fleet associated with landings or discards. numeric vector or matrix
#' @param reprod reproductive contribution at age to SSB. numeric vector
#' @param sel_L  selectivity at age to compute landings. numeric vector
#' @param sel_D  selectivity at age to compute dead discards. numeric vector
#' @param sel_tot  selectivity at age to compute Z (includes landings and discards). numeric vector
#' @param sel_F_flt list of selectivity vectors (by age) or matrices (by year,age) for each fleet associated with landings or discards. numeric vector or matrix
#' @param spawn_time time of year for peak spawning
#' @param SR_par list of parameters associated with the stock-recruit (SR) relationship. Currently only works with a Beverton-Holt SR relationship for which the parameters are: h = steepness of spawner-recruit function, R0 = virgin recruitment of spawner-recruit function, Phi0 = virgin spawners per recruit, biascorr = bias correction
#' @param SR_method Spawner-recruit function BH = Beverton-Holt, GM = constant geometric mean of nyb_rcn$R recent years of t.series$recruits. By default, run_proj will try to use BH, but if it can't find all the parameters, it will resort to GM (and will return a message letting you know that)
#' @param age_error age error matrix to use for the projection years. By default, the function uses the same age_error matrix from the base model
#' @param project_bam logical. After the projection is run, should the function build a new set of projected bam files?
#' @param ia_args list of arguments to pass to interim adjustment function. See Details section below.
#' @param obs_error list of optional arguments for incorporating observation error into projections. See Details section below.
#' @param plot logical. Produce plots of extended base model including projected data
#' @details
#' \code{ia_args}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{U_nm}{The fleet abbreviation for an index of abundance that you want to use to adjust F (e.g. sTV, sCT).}
#' \item{type}{Method used for computing F adjustment. "Uprop" computes the mean U from recent years, divided by U from
#' reference year. The reference year is the terminal year of the last full stock assessment. The set of recent years is computed
#' as the current projection year plus yr_U_lag. By default, type = "Uprop"}
#' \item{yr_U_lag}{A vector of negative integers used to compute the set of years used for computing an interim adjustment
#' from the reference index (comma separated example values: -1, -1:-3, -2:4). By default, yr_U_lag = -(2:4).}
#' \item{yr_ia_by}{Frequency of interim adjustments, in year units. Used to determine the years between stock
#' assessments when interim adjustments will be computed and applied to F. The interim adjustment years are computed as
#' \code{yrlim_p <- endyr + c(1,nyp); yr_ia <- seq(yrlim_p[1], yrlim_p[2], by = yr_ia_by)}. By default, yr_ia_by = 5}
#' \item{include_yrlim}{Logical. Should interim analysis be conducted in the first and last years of the projection period?
#' By default, include_yrlim_p = FALSE}
#' }
#' \code{obs_error}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{cv_U_sc}{Number to multiply by cv values of abundance indices in the projection period.}
#' }
#' @keywords bam stock assessment fisheries population dynamics
#' @author Kyle Shertzer, Erik Williams, and Nikolai Klibansky
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' proj_VeSn <- run_proj(rdat_VermilionSnapper)
#' proj_VeSn <- run_proj(rdat_VermilionSnapper, project_bam=TRUE,
#' run_bam_args = list(
#' dat_obj=dat_VermilionSnapper,
#' tpl_obj=tpl_VermilionSnapper,
#' cxx_obj=cxx_VermilionSnapper
#' ))
#' }

run_proj <- function(rdat = NULL,
                     run_bam_args = NULL,
                     bam2r_args = NULL,
                     pstar = NULL,
                     styr_proj = NULL,
                     nyb_rcn = list(L=3, U=3, R=5, comp=3),
                     nyp_cur = 3,
                     nyp = 5,
                     F_cur = NULL,
                     F_proj = NULL,
                     L_cur = NULL,
                     ages = NULL,
                     N_styr_proj = NULL,
                     S_styr_proj = NULL,
                     sel_L = NULL,
                     sel_tot = NULL,
                     sel_F_flt = NULL,
                     wgt_mt = NULL,
                     wgt_L_klb = NULL,
                     wgt_D_klb = NULL,
                     wgt_F_flt_klb = NULL,
                     len_F_flt_mm = NULL,
                     reprod = NULL,
                     M = NULL,
                     spawn_time = NULL,
                     SR_par = NULL,
                     SR_method = "BH",
                     age_error = NULL,
                     project_bam = FALSE,
                     ia_args = list(U_nm = NULL),
                     obs_error = list("cv_U_sc" = 0),
                     plot = FALSE

) {
mt2klb <- 2.20462              # conversion of metric tons to 1000 lb

# Compute adjustment to target fishing mortality (F_target)
# An internal function for now

# data: data frame of index values by year, possibly for multiple indices
# U_nm: name of index you want to use to adjust F between stock assessments (must match column name of index in data)
# yr_ref: reference year to compare current index value with
# yr: year(s) to use for computing the current index value
F_adjust <- function(data, U_nm, yr_ref, yr,
                     type = "Uprop"){
  Ux <- data[,U_nm,drop=FALSE]
  Uyr <- Ux[paste(yr),]
  Uref <- Ux[paste(yr_ref),]
         Uprop = mean(Uyr,na.rm=TRUE)/Uref

ia_args_default = list(
  type = "Uprop", yr_U_lag = -(2:4), yr_ia_by = 5, include_yrlim_p=FALSE
ia_args <- modifyList(ia_args_default,ia_args)

    run_bam_args <- c(run_bam_args,list(return_obj=c("dat","tpl","cxx","rdat")))
  run_bam_out <- do.call(run_bam,run_bam_args)
  rdat <- run_bam_out$rdat

  # if(!is.null(rdat)){
    styr <- rdat$parms$styr
    endyr <- rdat$parms$endyr
    yb <- styr:endyr # years of the base model
    nyb <- length(yb)

    a.series <- rdat$a.series
    t.series <- rdat$t.series
    t.series[t.series==-99999] <- NA
    parm.cons <- rdat$parm.cons
    sel_age <- rdat$sel.age
    sel_age_1 <- sel_age[names(sel_age)%in%c("sel.v.wgted.L","sel.v.wgted.D","sel.v.wgted.tot")]
    sel_age_2 <- sel_age[!names(sel_age)%in%names(sel_age_1)]

    yrs_L_b <- paste((endyr-(nyb_rcn$L-1)):endyr) # years of recent landings (i.e. from the base model)
    yrs_R_b <- paste((endyr-(nyb_rcn$R-1)):endyr)
    R_b <- t.series[yrs_R_b,"recruits"]
    R_b_gm <- bamExtras::geomean2(R_b)

    # Identify F-at-age for each fleet in endyr
    # L = (F/Z)*N*(1-exp(-Z))
    # L/(N*(1-exp(-Z))) = F/Z
    # L*Z/(N*(1-exp(-Z))) = F
    # F = L*Z/(N*(1-exp(-Z)))
    Cn <- rdat$CLD.est.mats[names(rdat$CLD.est.mats)[grepl("^(Ln|Dn)((?!total).)*$",names(rdat$CLD.est.mats),perl=TRUE)]]
    names(Cn) <- gsub("^([LD])(n)(.*)","Cn.\\1\\3",names(Cn))
    Cw <- rdat$CLD.est.mats[names(rdat$CLD.est.mats)[grepl("^(Lw|Dw)((?!total).)*$",names(rdat$CLD.est.mats),perl=TRUE)]]
    names(Cw) <- gsub("^([LD])(w)(.*)","Cw.\\1\\3",names(Cw))
    C_ts_cv <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^cv.[DL]",names(t.series))] # cvs associated with components of the catch (removals) during the base years
    Z <- rdat$Z.age[paste(yb),]
    N <- rdat$N.age[paste(yb),]
    Nmdyr <- rdat$N.age.mdyr[paste(yb),]
    R <- N[,1] # Recruits
    # Like F_fleet in bam tpl (e.g. F_cHL). Same computation as bam
    F_flt <- lapply(Cn,function(x){x*Z/(N*(1-exp(-Z)))}) # Computes a list of F (year,age) for each fleet, which are not in the rdat
    # names(F_flt) <- paste("F",gsub("([LD])(n)(.*)","\\1\\3",names(F_flt)),sep=".")
    names(F_flt) <- gsub("^Cn","F",names(F_flt))

    if(is.null(ages)){ages <- a.series$age}
    nages <- length(ages)
    len <- rdat$a.series$length
    if(is.null(age_error)){age_error <- rdat$age.error$error.mat
    if(is.null(age_error)){ # If there is no age error matrix in the rdat, just use an identity matrix
      age_error <- diag(length(ages))
      dimnames(age_error) <- list("age"=ages,"age"=ages)
    if(is.null(spawn_time)){spawn_time <- rdat$parms$spawn.time}
    if(is.null(reprod)){reprod <- a.series$reprod}
    if(is.null(styr_proj)){styr_proj <- endyr+1}
    yp <- styr_proj:(styr_proj+nyp-1) # years of the projection period
    if(is.null(F_cur)){F_cur <- bamExtras::geomean2(t.series[yrs_L_b,"F.full"],na.rm=TRUE)}
    if(is.null(F_proj)){F_proj <- rdat$parms$Fmsy}
      is.total.L.klb <- "total.L.klb"%in%names(t.series)
        total.L.name <- names(t.series)[grepl("total.L",names(t.series))][1]
        message(paste("total.L.klb not found in t.series. L_cur is computed from",total.L.name,"instead\n"))
        total.L <- t.series[,total.L.name,drop=FALSE]
        total.L <- t.series[,"total.L.klb",drop=FALSE]
        message(paste("L_cur is computed from t.series$total.L.klb\n"))

      L_cur <- mean(total.L[yrs_L_b,])

    if(is.null(sel_L)){sel_L <- sel_age_1$sel.v.wgted.L}

        sel_D <- sel_age_1$sel.v.wgted.D
        message("sel_age_1$sel.v.wgted.D not found. Assessment may not model discards?\n")

    if(is.null(sel_tot)){sel_tot <- sel_age_1$sel.v.wgted.tot}

      LD_abb <- gsub(".pr$","",names(t.series)[grepl("^[LD].*.pr$",names(t.series),perl=TRUE)]) # landings abbreviations
      LD_abb_ts <- paste0("F.",gsub("^(D.)(.*)","\\2.D",gsub("^L.","",LD_abb)))
      Fsum_flt <- t.series[paste(yb),LD_abb_ts] # F time series for each fleet
      names(Fsum_flt) <- paste0("F.",LD_abb)
      Fsum <- rowSums(Fsum_flt) # Should be equal to t.series$Fsum

      # Compute selectivity for each fleet associated with an F value.
      # NOTE: Computing selectivities is somewhat more reliable than trying to find
      # then in the rdat, in instances when selectivities from one fleet are used
      # for multiple fleets (e.g. when the headboat selectivity is used for the MRIP landings)
      sel_F_flt <- lapply(names(F_flt),function(x){
        a <- pmax(pmin(F_flt[[x]]/Fsum_flt[,x],1),0)
        a[is.na(a)] <- 0 # Replace NA with zero (NaN will occur when Fsum_flt values are zero, as in years when fleets do not have any landings)
      names(sel_F_flt) <- gsub("^F.","sel.",names(F_flt))

      F_ybgm_flt <- apply(tail(Fsum_flt,nyb_rcn$L),2,bamExtras::geomean2) # geomean F by fleet during the last nyb_rcn years of the base model
      F_prop_flt <- F_ybgm_flt/sum(F_ybgm_flt) # Proportion of F attributed to each fleet at the end of the assessment
      # This is just F_ybgm_flt multiplied by the selectivity in the endyr of the base model for each fleet
      # In the bam tpl, these vectors are named F_end although they are summed by landings (F_end_L), discards (F_end_D), or both (F_end)
      F_ybgm_flt_a <- as.data.frame(
          nm_x <- names(sel_F_flt)[i]
          sel_endyr_x <- sel_F_flt[[nm_x]][paste(endyr),]
          F_ybgm_flt_x <- F_ybgm_flt[[gsub("^sel.","F.",nm_x)]]
      names(F_ybgm_flt_a) <- names(F_ybgm_flt)

      # Sum across fleets (these objects are named as in bam tpl)
      F_end_L <- rowSums(F_ybgm_flt_a[grepl("^F.L",names(F_ybgm_flt_a))])
      F_end_D <- rowSums(F_ybgm_flt_a[grepl("^F.D",names(F_ybgm_flt_a))])
      F_end <- rowSums(as.data.frame(F_ybgm_flt_a))
      F_end_apex <- max(F_end)
      sel_wgted_tot <- F_end/F_end_apex # Should equal to rdat$sel.age$sel.v.wgted.tot
      sel_wgted_L <-   sel_wgted_tot*(F_end_L/F_end) # Should equal rdat$sel.age$sel.v.wgted.L # F_end_L/F_end_apex # as in tpl
      sel_wgted_D <-   sel_wgted_tot*(F_end_D/F_end) # Should equal rdat$sel.age$sel.v.wgted.D # F_end_D/F_end_apex # as in tpl
      sel_wgted_F_flt <- F_ybgm_flt_a/F_end_apex     # by extension, scale selectivity at age for each fleet
      # Note that: round((sel_wgted_L+sel_wgted_D) == rowSums(sel_wgted_F_flt)

    ## Weights of fish (year, age)
    if(is.null(wgt_mt)){wgt_mt <- a.series$wgt.mt}
    wgt_klb <- wgt_mt*mt2klb
    wgt_b_klb <- matrix(wgt_klb,nrow=nyb,ncol=nages,byrow=TRUE,dimnames=list(yb,ages))
      wgt.wgted.L.klb_nm <- names(a.series)[grepl("^[A-Za-z]*wgt.wgted.L.klb",names(a.series))]
        message(paste0(wgt.wgted.L.klb_nm, " found in names(a.series) and used to set wgt_L_klb\n"))
        wgt_L_klb <- a.series[,wgt.wgted.L.klb_nm[1]]

        warning("no wgt.wgted.L.klb found in names(a.series).\n")
      wgt.wgted.D.klb_nm <- names(a.series)[grepl("^[A-Za-z]*wgt.wgted.D.klb",names(a.series))]
        message(paste0(wgt.wgted.D.klb_nm, " found in names(a.series) and used to set wgt_D_klb\n"))
        wgt_D_klb <- a.series[,wgt.wgted.D.klb_nm[1]]

        warning("no wgt.wgted.D.klb found in names(a.series). Does this assessment model discards?\n")

    ## Weights of fish (year, age) by fleet.
      wgt_F_flt_klb <- rdat$size.age.fishery[grepl("^[a-zA_Z]*.*wgt",names(rdat$size.age.fishery))]
      # Reformat names to wgt.fleetType.fleet
      # (e.g. wgt.L.cHL for weight of landings in the commercial hook and line fleet)
      wgt_F_flt_abb <- local({
        a <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z]+)(.)(.*?)(.)([a-zA-Z]+)$","\\3",names(wgt_F_flt_klb),perl=TRUE)

      wgt_F_flt_units <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z]+)(.)(.*?)(.)([a-zA-Z]+)$","\\1.\\5",names(wgt_F_flt_klb),perl=TRUE)
      names(wgt_F_flt_klb) <- names(wgt_F_flt_units) <- paste("wgt", #wgt_F_flt_units,

      # Convert weights in lb to klb
      for(nm_i in names(wgt_F_flt_klb)){
        xi <- wgt_F_flt_klb[[nm_i]]
          wgt_F_flt_klb[[nm_i]] <- xi/1000
          wgt_F_flt_units[[nm_i]] <- gsub(".lb$",".klb",wgt_F_flt_units[[nm_i]])

    # Lengths of fish (year, age) by fleet.
      len_F_flt_mm <- rdat$size.age.fishery[grepl("^[a-zA_Z]*.*len",names(rdat$size.age.fishery))]
      # Reformat names to len.fleetType.fleet
      # (e.g. len.L.cHL for length of landings in the commercial hook and line fleet)
      len_F_flt_abb <- local({
        a <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z]+)(.)(.*?)(.)([a-zA-Z]+)$","\\3",names(len_F_flt_mm),perl=TRUE)

      len_F_flt_units <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z]+)(.)(.*?)(.)([a-zA-Z]+)$","\\1.\\5",names(len_F_flt_mm),perl=TRUE)
      names(len_F_flt_mm) <- names(len_F_flt_units) <- paste("len", #len_F_flt_units,

    # Recompute landings by fleet to compare with calculations used in projections
    Cn2 <- lapply(Cn,function(x){x*NA})
    Cw2 <- lapply(Cw,function(x){x*NA})
    for(i in 1:length(yb)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(Fsum_flt)){
      Cn2[[j]][i,] <- L_calc(F_flt[[j]][i,], Z[i,], N[i,])
      Cw2[[j]][i,] <- L_calc(F_flt[[j]][i,], Z[i,], N[i,], wgt_F_flt_klb[[j]][i])

    # CPUE
    #   From bam tpl for SEDAR53:
    #     N_cHL(iyear)=elem_prod(elem_prod(Nmdyr(iyear),sel_cHL(iyear)),wholewgt_cHL_klb(iyear));
    #     pred_cHL_cpue(iyear)=q_cHL(iyear)*q_rate_fcn_cHL(iyear)*q_DD_fcn(iyear)*sum(N_cHL(iyear));
    U_a <- list()
    NU <- list()
    unit_U <- list()
    U_ts_pr <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^U.*pr$",names(t.series)),drop=FALSE]
    U_ts_ob <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^U.*ob$",names(t.series)),drop=FALSE]
    U_ts_cv <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^cv.U",names(t.series)),drop=FALSE] # cvs associated with U during the base years
    # names(U_ts_pr) <- gsub("^(U.)(.*)(.)(pr)$","\\1\\4.\\2",names(U_ts_pr))
    U_abb <- gsub("^U.|.pr$","",names(U_ts_pr))
    names(U_ts_pr) <- names(U_ts_ob) <- U_abb
    # Find q values in rdat
    # Are the q values provided in t.series?
    #q_nm <- paste0("q.",U_abb)
    q_nm_tsY <- names(rdat$t.series)[grepl(paste0("^q..*(",paste(U_abb,collapse="|"),")$"),names(rdat$t.series))]#q_nm[q_nm%in%names(t.series)]
    U_abb_tsY <- U_abb[unlist(lapply(U_abb,function(x){any(grepl(x,q_nm_tsY))}))]
    U_abb_tsN <- U_abb[!U_abb%in%U_abb_tsY]
    # q_nm_tsN <- q_nm[!q_nm%in%names(t.series)]
    #q_nm_tsNpcY <- names(parm.cons)[grepl(paste0("^log.q..*(",paste(U_abb,collapse="|"),")$"),names(parm.cons))]#paste0("log.",q_nm_tsN)[paste0("log.",q_nm_tsN)%in%names(parm.cons)]
    # q_nm_tsNpcN <- q_nm[which((!q_nm%in%names(t.series))&(!paste0("log.",q_nm)%in%names(parm.cons)))]
      q_mn <- t.series[paste(yb),q_nm_tsY,drop=FALSE]  # This is really a kind of mean q, since q_rate and q_DD_mult might scale it to compute U
    # If any of the q values are not in t.series, look in parms.cons
      message(paste0("q values for ",paste(U_abb_tsN,collapse=", "), " index not found in t.series"))
      q_nm_tsNpcY <- names(parm.cons)[grepl(paste0("^log.q..*(",paste(U_abb_tsN,collapse="|"),")$"),names(parm.cons))]
        message(paste0("time invariant values ",paste(q_nm_tsNpcY,collapse=", "), " found in parm.cons will be exp transformed and used instead."))
        U_abb_tsNpcY <- gsub(paste0("^(.*)(",paste(U_abb,collapse="|"),")"),"\\2",q_nm_tsNpcY)
        q_tsNpcY <- setNames(exp(parm.cons[q_nm_tsNpcY][8,]),U_abb_tsNpcY)
        # names(q_tsNpcY) <- gsub("^log.q.","",names(q_tsNpcY))
        for(nm_i in names(q_tsNpcY)){
          a <- U_ts_pr[,nm_i]
          a[!is.na(a)] <- q_tsNpcY[[nm_i]]
          q_mn[,paste0("q.",nm_i)] <- a
        U_abb_tsNpcY <- NULL
      # If any q not in t.series or parm.cons
      U_abb_tsNpcN <- U_abb[!U_abb%in%c(U_abb_tsY,U_abb_tsNpcY)]
        warning(paste0("q values for ",paste(U_abb_tsNpcN,collapse=", "), " not found in t.series or parm.cons. Can't compute these cpue indices in the projections."))

    q_DD_mult <- t.series[paste(yb),"q.DD.mult",drop=FALSE] # density dependent function as a multiple of q (scaled a la Katsukawa and Matsuda. 2003)
    q_rate <- q_mn*0+1
    q <- q_mn*NA # Initialize values for final q value (q_mn * q_rate * q_DD_mult) multiplied by N to compute CPUE

    sel_U <- sel_age_2[which(gsub("sel.[vm].","",names(sel_age_2))%in%U_abb)]
    names(sel_U) <- paste0("sel.U.",U_abb)

    for(i in 1:length(sel_U)){
        sel_U[[i]] <- matrix(sel_U[[i]], nrow=length(yb),ncol=length(sel_U[[i]]),byrow=TRUE,dimnames=list(yb,names(sel_U[[i]])))
      sel_U_i <- sel_U[[i]]
      sel_nm_i <- names(sel_U)[i]
      sel_U_abb_i <- gsub("sel.U.","",sel_nm_i)

      q_nm_i <- paste0("q.",sel_U_abb_i)
      q_mn_i <- q_mn[paste(yb),q_nm_i,drop=FALSE]
      q_rate_nm_i <- paste0("q.",sel_U_abb_i,".rate.mult")
        q_rate_i <- t.series[paste(yb),q_rate_nm_i,drop=FALSE]
        q_rate_i <- q_mn_i*0+1
        message(paste("message:",q_rate_nm_i,"not found in t.series. Setting q rate multiplier values to 1.\n"))
      q_rate[,q_nm_i] <- q_rate_i

      q_i <- q_mn_i*q_rate_i*q_DD_mult
      q[,q_nm_i] <- q_i

      unit_U_n_i <- local({ # Set default unit = 1 for keeping the index in numbers
        a <- sel_U_i
      # Since it can be hard to know if the index was in units of weight or numbers
      # which affects q, compute it both ways and then see which matches the
      # values in the base model better, then change the appropriate values.

      # If the U type is commercial or recreational (not a fishery independent survey), get unit_U_w_i from wgt_F_flt_klb..
        unit_U_nm_i <- paste0("wgt.L.",sel_U_abb_i)
          unit_U_w_i <- wgt_F_flt_klb[[paste0("wgt.L.",sel_U_abb_i)]]
          message(paste("I could not find",unit_U_nm_i, "to multiply by", sel_nm_i,"when computing", paste0("N_",sel_U_abb_i,"."), paste0("U_pr_",sel_U_abb_i), "will be computed in numbers instead of weight.\n"))
        # ..otherwise use population weights
        unit_U_w_i <- wgt_b_klb

      NUn_i <- Nmdyr*sel_U_i*unit_U_n_i
      NUw_i <- Nmdyr*sel_U_i*unit_U_w_i

      # U_a_i <- unlist(q_i)*NU_i
      U_a_n_i <- unlist(q_i)*NUn_i
      U_a_w_i <- unlist(q_i)*NUw_i
      U_n_i <- rowSums(U_a_n_i)
      U_w_i <- rowSums(U_a_w_i)
      U_ts_ob_i <- U_ts_ob[,sel_U_abb_i]
      U_ts_pr_i <- U_ts_pr[,sel_U_abb_i]

      # Compute the sums of squared deviations to determine whether the indices are
      # in numbers or in weight. Indices in the appropriate units are then added
      # to the the appropriate objects
      SSUi <- unlist(lapply(list(U_n_i=U_n_i,U_w_i=U_w_i),function(x){sum((U_ts_pr_i-x)^2,na.rm=TRUE)}))
        message(paste("The",sel_U_abb_i,"index appears to be in numbers in the base years and will therefore be projected in numbers."))
        NU_i <- NUn_i
        U_a_i <- U_a_n_i
        unit_U_i <- unit_U_n_i
        message(paste("The",sel_U_abb_i,"index appears to be in weight in the base years and will therefore be projected in weight."))
        NU_i <- NUw_i
        U_a_i <- U_a_w_i
        unit_U_i <- unit_U_w_i

      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",na.omit(U_ts_ob_i)))))
      xpi <- round(get(names(SSUi)[which.min(SSUi)]),ndigi)

      NU[[i]] <- NU_i
      U_a[[i]] <- U_a_i
      unit_U[[i]] <- unit_U_i
    names(U_a) <- names(unit_U) <- names(NU) <- U_abb

    U <- as.data.frame(lapply(U_a,rowSums))

    # Identify other selectivities (e.g. associated with comps or aggregate landings or discards)
    # and compute associated numbers at age matrices
    Nmisc <- list()
    unit_misc <- list()
    sel_misc <- sel_age_2[!gsub("sel.[vm].","",names(sel_age_2))%in%unique(c(U_abb,gsub("sel.[LD].","",names(sel_F_flt))))]
      message(paste0("selectivities found in sel_age_2 that don't clearly match a source of F or an index: ", paste(names(sel_misc),collapse=", ")))

    sel_misc_abb <- gsub("sel.[mv].","",names(sel_misc))
    names(sel_misc) <- paste0("sel.misc.",sel_misc_abb)

    for(i in 1:length(sel_misc)){
        sel_misc[[i]] <- matrix(sel_misc[[i]], nrow=length(yb),ncol=length(sel_misc[[i]]),byrow=TRUE,dimnames=list(yb,names(sel_misc[[i]])))
      sel_misc_i <- sel_misc[[i]]
      sel_misc_nm_i <- names(sel_misc)[i]
      sel_misc_abb_i <- gsub("sel.[mv].","",sel_misc_nm_i)

      unit_misc_n_i <- local({ # Set default unit = 1 for computing numbers-at-age
        a <- sel_misc_i
      unit_misc_i <- unit_misc_n_i

      Nmisc_n_i <- Nmdyr*sel_misc_i*unit_misc_n_i
      Nmisc_i <- Nmisc_n_i

      Nmisc[[i]] <- Nmisc_i
      unit_misc[[i]] <- unit_misc_i
    names(unit_misc) <- names(Nmisc) <- sel_misc_abb

    ## age compositions from the base years
    # observed
    acomp_b_ob <- rdat$comp.mats[grepl("^acomp.*.ob$",names(rdat$comp.mats))]
    names(acomp_b_ob) <- local({
      a <- gsub("^(acomp.)(.*)(.ob)$","\\2",names(acomp_b_ob))
      b <- gsub("(.*)(.D)$","D.\\1",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([cr])(.*)","L.\\1\\2",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)
    # predicted
    acomp_b_pr <- rdat$comp.mats[grepl("^acomp.*.pr$",names(rdat$comp.mats))]
    names(acomp_b_pr) <- local({
      a <- gsub("^(acomp.)(.*)(.pr)$","\\2",names(acomp_b_pr))
      b <- gsub("(.*)(.D)$","D.\\1",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([cr])(.*)","L.\\1\\2",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)

    ## length compositions from the base years
    # observed
    lcomp_b_ob <- rdat$comp.mats[grepl("^lcomp.*.ob$",names(rdat$comp.mats))]
    names(lcomp_b_ob) <- local({
      a <- gsub("^(lcomp.)(.*)(.ob)$","\\2",names(lcomp_b_ob))
      b <- gsub("(.*)(.D)$","D.\\1",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([cr])(.*)","L.\\1\\2",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)
    # predicted
    lcomp_b_pr <- rdat$comp.mats[grepl("^lcomp.*.pr$",names(rdat$comp.mats))]
    names(lcomp_b_pr) <- local({
      a <- gsub("^(lcomp.)(.*)(.pr)$","\\2",names(lcomp_b_pr))
      b <- gsub("(.*)(.D)$","D.\\1",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([cr])(.*)","L.\\1\\2",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)

    lenprob <- list()

    ## Build age-length conversion matrix associated with each set of length comps
    ## (will often be the same for all comps)
    for(i in 1:length(lcomp_b_pr)){
      avail_len_cv_val <- names(parm.cons)[grepl("^len.cv",names(parm.cons))]
        message(paste("found multiple len.cv.val in rdat:",paste(avail_len_cv_val,collapse=", "),"Currently only using len.cv.val"))

      len_cv_val_i <- parm.cons$len.cv.val[8]
      len_sd_i <- len*len_cv_val_i

      lc_i <- lcomp_b_pr[[i]]
      lc_bm_i <- as.numeric(colnames(lc_i))  # bin mid point
      lc_bw_i <- median(diff(lc_bm_i)) # bin width
      lc_bl_i <- lc_bm_i-lc_bw_i/2  # bin lo (minimum)
      lenprob_i <- local({
        mat_i <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(ages),ncol=length(lc_bm_i),dimnames = list("age"=ages,"lenbin"=lc_bm_i))
        mat_i[,1] <- pnorm((lc_bl_i[2]-len)/len_sd_i)
        for(i in 2:(ncol(mat_i)-1)){
          mat_i[,i] <- pnorm((lc_bl_i[i+1]-len)/len_sd_i)-pnorm((lc_bl_i[i]-len)/len_sd_i)
        mat_i[,ncol(mat_i)] <- 1-rowSums(mat_i[,1:(ncol(mat_i)-1)])
      lenprob[[i]] <- lenprob_i

    names(lenprob) <- names(lcomp_b_pr)

    ## Recompute predicted age and length comps
    # Note: These should be the same or very similar to age and length comps computed by BAM.
    #  But these are recomputed for the base years as a check since the computation
    #  will be used in the projection years
    # acomp_b_pr_2 <-  list()
    # for(nm_i in names(acomp_b_pr)){
    #   yrs_ac_i <- rownames(acomp_b_pr[[nm_i]])
    #   if(grepl("^[LD]",nm_i)){ # If length comps are associated with catch (landings or discards), used numbers from landings
    #     n_i <- Cn[[paste0("Cn.",nm_i)]][yrs_ac_i,]
    #   }else{
    #     n_i <- NU[[nm_i]][yrs_ac_i,] # If not (i.e. it's a fishery independent survey) use numbers associated with the index
    #   }
    #   P_n_i <- t(apply(n_i,1,function(x){x/sum(x)}))
    #   acomp_b_pr_2_i <- t(apply(P_n_i,1,function(x){colSums(x*age_error)}))
    #   acomp_b_pr_2[[nm_i]] <- acomp_b_pr_2_i
    # }

    # lcomp_b_pr_2 <-  list()
    # for(nm_i in names(lcomp_b_pr)){
    #   yrs_lc_i <- rownames(lcomp_b_pr[[nm_i]])
    #   lenprob_i <- lenprob[[nm_i]]
    #   if(grepl("^[LD]",nm_i)){ # If length comps are associated with catch (landings or discards), used numbers from landings
    #     n_i <- Cn[[paste0("Cn.",nm_i)]][yrs_lc_i,]
    #   }else{
    #     n_i <- NU[[nm_i]][yrs_lc_i,] # If not (i.e. it's a fishery independent survey) use numbers associated with the index
    #   }
    #   P_n_i <- t(apply(n_i,1,function(x){x/sum(x)}))
    #   lcomp_b_pr_2_i <- t(apply(P_n_i,1,function(x){colSums(x*lenprob_i)}))
    #   lcomp_b_pr_2[[nm_i]] <- lcomp_2_i
    # }

    # number of trips in compositions
    ntrip <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^([la]comp).*(.n)$",names(t.series))]
    ntrip[ntrip==-99999] <- NA
    names(ntrip) <- local({
      a <- gsub("(.n)$","",names(ntrip))
      b <- gsub("^([al]comp.)(.*)(.)(D)$","\\1D.\\2",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([al]comp.)([cr])(.*)","\\1L.\\2\\3",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)
    # number of fish in compositions
    nfish <- t.series[paste(yb),grepl("^([la]comp).*(.nfish)$",names(t.series))]
    nfish[nfish==-99999] <- NA
    names(nfish) <- local({
      a <- gsub("(.nfish)$","",names(nfish))
      b <- gsub("^([al]comp.)(.*)(.)(D)$","\\1D.\\2",a) # Convert .D suffix to D. prefix
      c <- gsub("^([al]comp.)([cr])(.*)","\\1L.\\2\\3",b) # Add L. prefix to comps starting with c or r (landings not discards. won't modify fishery independent survey comps)

    #Initial conditions
    #Recruits in yr 1 constrained to S-R curve, or else varies in stochastic runs
    if(is.null(N_styr_proj)){N_styr_proj <- tail(rdat$N.age,1)}
    N_endyr <- rdat$N.age[paste(endyr),]
      S_styr_proj <- local({
        Z_styr_proj <- rdat$Z.age[paste(endyr),]
        N_endyr_spn <- N_endyr*exp(-1.0*Z_styr_proj*spawn_time)

        h <-        rdat$parms$BH.steep
        R0 <-       rdat$parms$BH.R0
        Phi0 <-     rdat$parms$BH.Phi0
        biascorr <- rdat$parms$BH.biascorr
        for(i in 1:length(SR_par)){xi <- SR_par[i]; assign(x=names(xi),value=xi)}
      SR_par_null <- c("h","R0","Phi0","biascorr")[c(is.null(h),is.null(R0),is.null(Phi0),is.null(biascorr))]
      # If not all of the BH SR parameters are found, resort to using the GM method
        message(paste("BH SR parameters not found:",paste(SR_par_null,collapse=", ")," Using SR_method = GM.\n"))
        SR_method <- "GM"
        message("all BH SR parameters found. Using SR_method = BH.\n")
      message(paste("Using SR_method = GM.\n"))

      M <- setNames(a.series$M,rownames(a.series))

  # } # end if(!is.null(rdat))

  ###### Setup projections ######
    if(nyp>0){ # Only run this if there is actually a projection
  ## Build empty objects
  # generic empty objects
    ema <-  setNames(rep(NA,nages),ages) # age vector; a = ages
    emyp <- setNames(rep(NA,nyp),yp)     # year vector; yp = years of the projection period
    emypa <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyp,ncol=nages,dimnames=list("year"=yp,"age"=ages)) # matrix (year,age) during the projection period
    emuyp <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyp,ncol=length(U_a),dimnames=list("year"=yp,"U"=names(U_a))) # matrix (year, U) during the projection period

    emfypa <- local({
      a <- lapply(1:length(Fsum_flt),function(x){emypa})
      names(a) <- names(Fsum_flt)
    emuypa <- local({
      a <- lapply(1:length(U_a),function(x){emypa})
      names(a) <- names(U_a)

  Z_p   <-      emypa  # total mortality by age
  F_L_p <-      emypa  # fishing mortality of landings by age
  F_D_p <-      emypa  # fishing mortality of discards by age
  Nspwn_p <- emypa  # numbers at age at spawn_time
  Nmdyr_p <- emypa  # numbers at age at midyear
  N_p <-      emypa  # numbers at age by year
  NU_p <-    emuypa # numbers (or biomass) at age for each index of abundance, used in U_a calculations
    Nmisc_p <- lapply(Nmisc,function(x){matrix(NA,nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(x),dimnames=list("year"=yp,"age"=colnames(x)))})
    Nmisc_p <- NULL

  S_p <-    emyp # spawning stock (often biomass in mt, sometimes eggs in n)
  B_p <-    emyp # population biomass (mt)
  R_p <-    emyp # recruits (n)
  Fsum_p <- emyp # sum F across all fleets (/yr)

  Ln_p <- emyp	# total landings (n)
  Lw_p <- emyp	# total landings (weight)
  Dn_p <- emyp	# total dead discards (n)
  Dw_p <- emyp	# total dead discards (weight)

  ## New objects
  # sel_F_flt_p <- lapply(1:length(Fsum_flt),function(x){emypa})
  # names(sel_F_flt_p) <- gsub("^F.","sel.",names(Fsum_flt))

  U_a_p <-  emuypa    # predicted cpue at age by fleet
  unit_U_p <- emuypa # weights associated with cpue at age by fleet
  q_p <- emuyp      # catchability (q)

  F_flt_p <- emfypa

  wgt_F_flt_p <- emfypa
  names(wgt_F_flt_klb) <- gsub("^F","wgt",names(emfypa))

  len_F_flt_p <- emfypa
  names(len_F_flt_mm) <- gsub("^F","len",names(emfypa))

  Cn_p <- emfypa # Catch in numbers by fleet (landings or discards)
  names(Cn_p) <- gsub("^F","Cn",names(emfypa))

  Cw_p <- emfypa # Catch in weight by fleet (landings or discards)
  names(Cw_p) <- gsub("^F","Cw",names(emfypa))

  ## Initialization
  N_p[1,] <- N_styr_proj
  S_p[1] <- S_styr_proj
  B_p[1] <- sum(N_p[1,]*wgt_mt)

  # Project cvs for catch and cpue
  C_ts_cv_p <- local({
    a <- matrix(apply(C_ts_cv,2,function(x){rep(bamExtras::geomean2(tail(x,nyb_rcn$L)),nyp)}),
    # rownames(a) <- paste(yp)

  U_ts_cv_p <- local({
    a <- matrix(apply(U_ts_cv,2,function(x){rep(bamExtras::geomean2(tail(x,nyb_rcn$U)),nyp)}),
    # rownames(a) <- paste(yp)

  ## sel during projection years (by py, age, fleet)
  # for any source of F (landings or discards)
  # Fill with weighted selectivity from last year of base (endyr)
  sel_F_flt_p <- lapply(1:length(sel_F_flt),function(i){
    nm_i <- names(sel_F_flt)[i]
    sel_endyr_i <- sel_wgted_F_flt[,gsub("^sel.","F.",nm_i)]
    # sel_endyr_i <- sel_F_flt[[nm_i]][paste(endyr),] # Gets unweighted selectivities
    matrix(sel_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
  names(sel_F_flt_p) <- gsub("^F.","sel.",names(Fsum_flt))

  # sel during projection years (by py, age, fleet) for any source of indices of abundance (cpue)
  # Fill with selectivity from last year of base (endyr)
  sel_U_p <- lapply(1:length(sel_U),function(i){
    nm_i <- names(sel_U)[i]
    sel_endyr_i <- sel_U[[nm_i]][paste(endyr),]
    matrix(sel_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
  names(sel_U_p) <- names(sel_U)

  # sel during projection years (by py, age, fleet) for any miscellaneous data sources
  # Fill with selectivity from last year of base (endyr)
  sel_misc_p <- lapply(1:length(sel_misc),function(i){
    nm_i <- names(sel_misc)[i]
    sel_endyr_i <- sel_misc[[nm_i]][paste(endyr),]
    matrix(sel_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
  names(sel_misc_p) <- names(sel_misc)

  # weight associated with cpue during the projection years
  # (mostly used to convert commercial cpue to weight. Otherwise set to 1 which leaves cpue in numbers)
  unit_U_p <- lapply(1:length(unit_U),function(i){
    nm_i <- names(unit_U)[i]
    x_i <- unit_U[[nm_i]]
    x_endyr_i <- x_i[paste(endyr),]
    matrix(x_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
  names(unit_U_p) <- names(unit_U)

  # catchability associated with cpue during the projection years
  q_p[paste(yp),] <- rep(unlist(q[paste(endyr),paste0("q.",colnames(q_p))]),each=nyp)

  # compositions
  acomp_p <- list()
  for(i in names(acomp_b_pr)){
  ac_i <- acomp_b_pr[[i]]
  acomp_p[[i]] <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(ac_i),dimnames=list("year"=yp,"age"=colnames(ac_i)))

  lcomp_p <- list()
  for(i in names(lcomp_b_pr)){
    lc_i <- lcomp_b_pr[[i]]
    lcomp_p[[i]] <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(lc_i),dimnames=list("year"=yp,"lenbin"=colnames(lc_i)))

  ntrip_p <- local({
    a <- ceiling(apply(tail(ntrip,nyb_rcn$comp),2,function(x){bamExtras::geomean2(x)}))

  nfish_p <- local({
    a <- ceiling(apply(tail(nfish,nyb_rcn$comp),2,function(x){bamExtras::geomean2(x)}))

  #### Projection loop
  ### years 1 to nyp-1 (i.e. not the last year)
    for (i in 1:nyp) {
      yp_i <- paste(yp[i])

      # Set fishing mortality
        Fsum_p_i <- F_cur
      }else if(i%in%((nyp_cur+1):nyp)){
        Fsum_p_i <- F_proj

      # Interim adjustment of F (optional)
      yrlim_p <- paste(endyr+c(1,nyp))
      yr_ia <- paste(seq(yrlim_p[1],yrlim_p[2],by=ia_args$yr_ia_by))
        yr_ia <- yr_ia[!yr_ia%in%yrlim_p]

        F_adj <- F_adjust(data=U,
                          yr_ref = paste(endyr),
                          yr = paste(sort(as.numeric(yp_i)+ia_args$yr_U_lag)),
                          type = ia_args$type
        message(paste("For year =",yp_i,"full F was adjusted by", F_adj,"based on the",ia_args$U_nm, "index"))

        F_adj <- 1

      Fsum_p[i] <- Fsum_p_i*F_adj

      # Compute total Z and F at-age for year i
      # Z_p <-   outer(Fsum_p,M+sel_tot,FUN="*") # Z for population
      Z_p[i,] <-   M+Fsum_p[i]*sel_tot   # Z for population  #t(M+t(outer(Fsum_p,sel_tot,FUN="*")))
      F_L_p[i,] <- Fsum_p[i]*sel_L       # F for landings outer(Fsum_p,sel_L,  FUN="*")
        F_D_p[i,] <-  Fsum_p[i]*sel_D # F for discards outer(Fsum_p,sel_D,  FUN="*")
        F_D_p[i,] <- F_L_p[i,]*0

      # F during projection years (by py, age, fleet) for any source of F (landings or discards)
      # (analogous to F_L_p or F_D_p but by fleet)
      # Note that:
      #      F.L.tmp <- Reduce("+",F_flt_p[grepl("^F.L.",names(F_flt_p))])
      #      F.L.tmp == F_L_p
      F_flt_p <- lapply(1:length(F_flt_p),function(j){
      names(F_flt_p) <- names(Fsum_flt)

      # wgt during projection years (by py, age, fleet) for any source of F (landings or discards)
      # Fill with fish weights from last year of base (endyr)
      wgt_F_flt_p <- lapply(1:length(F_flt_p),function(j){
        nm_i <- names(F_flt_p)[j]
        wgt_i <- wgt_F_flt_klb[[gsub("^F.","wgt.",nm_i)]]
        wgt_endyr_i <- wgt_i[paste(endyr),]
        matrix(wgt_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
      names(wgt_F_flt_p) <- gsub("^F.","wgt.",names(F_flt_p))

      # len during projection years (by py, age, fleet) for any source of F (landings or discards)
      # Fill with fish weights from last year of base (endyr)
      len_F_flt_p <- lapply(1:length(F_flt_p),function(j){
        nm_i <- names(F_flt_p)[j]
        len_i <- len_F_flt_mm[[gsub("^F.","len.",nm_i)]]
        len_endyr_i <- len_i[paste(endyr),]
        matrix(len_endyr_i, nrow=nyp, ncol=nages, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(emypa))
      names(len_F_flt_p) <- gsub("^F.","len.",names(F_flt_p))

      ## Population (year i)
      # N_p = number of fish at-age at the start of the year
      B_p[i] <- sum(N_p[i,]*wgt_mt) # biomass of fish at-age at that start of the year
      Nmdyr_p[i,] <- N_p[i,]*(exp(-1.0*Z_p[i,]*0.5))        # number of fish at-age at mid-year
      Nspwn_p[i,] <- N_p[i,]*(exp(-1.0*Z_p[i,]*spawn_time)) # number of fish at-age at spawning time
      S_p[i] <- sum(Nspwn_p[i,]*reprod)                     # spawning stock at-age at spawning time

      ## cpue
      # By fleet
      for(j in 1:length(U_a_p)){
        nm_j <- names(U_a_p)[j]
        NU_p_ji <- Nmdyr_p[yp_i,]*sel_U_p[[paste0("sel.U.",nm_j)]][yp_i,]*unit_U_p[[nm_j]][yp_i,]
        NU_p[[nm_j]][yp_i,] <- NU_p_ji
        U_a_p_ji <- NU_p_ji*q_p[yp_i,nm_j]
        # Add observation error to cpue (has no effect if obs_error$cv_U_sc = 0)
        U_p_ji <- local({
          a <- sum(U_a_p_ji)
          cv_nm_j <- paste0("cv.U.",nm_j)
          U_ts_cv_p_ij <- U_ts_cv_p[yp_i,cv_nm_j]*obs_error$cv_U_sc
        U_a_p[[nm_j]][yp_i,] <- (U_a_p_ji/sum(U_a_p_ji))*U_p_ji

      ## Fishery (year i)
      # Aggregate (Standard calculations)
      Ln_p[i] <- sum(L_calc(F_L_p[i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,]))
      Lw_p[i] <- sum(L_calc(F_L_p[i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,], wgt_L_klb))
        Dn_p[i] <- sum(L_calc(F_D_p[i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,]))
        Dw_p[i] <- sum(L_calc(F_D_p[i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,], wgt_D_klb))
      # By fleet
      for(j in 1:ncol(Fsum_flt)){
        Cn_p[[j]][i,] <- L_calc(F_flt_p[[j]][i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,])
        Cw_p[[j]][i,] <- L_calc(F_flt_p[[j]][i,], Z_p[i,], N_p[i,], wgt_F_flt_p[[j]][i,])

      ## Nmisc_p
        for(j in 1:length(Nmisc_p)){
          nm_j <- names(Nmisc_p)[j]
          sel_misc_ij <- sel_misc_p[[paste0("sel.misc.",nm_j)]][yp_i,]
          unit_misc_n_ij <- local({ # Set default unit = 1 for computing numbers-at-age
            a <- sel_misc_ij
          unit_misc_n_ij <- unit_misc_n_ij

          Nmisc_p_n_ij <- Nmdyr_p[yp_i,]*sel_misc_ij*unit_misc_n_ij
          Nmisc_p_ij <- Nmisc_p_n_ij
          Nmisc_p[[nm_j]][yp_i,] <- Nmisc_p_ij

      # Update data structures
      U_p <- as.data.frame(lapply(U_a_p,rowSums)) # Compute cpue time series (summing across ages)
      U <- local({
        a <- rbind(U,U_p[yp_i,,drop=FALSE])
        apply(a,2,function(x){x/mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)}) # standardize indices to mean of 1

        ## Population (year i+1)
        # Calculate number of offspring at midyear in year i which will be recruits in first age class in year i+1
        if(SR_method=="BH"){ # Beverton-Holt stock-recruit relationship
          N_p[i+1,1] <- biascorr*(0.8*R0*h*S_p[i])/(0.2*R0*Phi0*(1.0-h)+ (h-0.2)*S_p[i])
        if(SR_method=="GM"){ # Geometric mean recruitment
          N_p[i+1,1] <- R_b_gm

        # Fish from year i either die or become 1 year older in year i+1
        N_p[(i+1),2:nages] <- N_p[i,1:(nages-1)]*(exp(-1.0*Z_p[i,1:(nages-1)]))
        N_p[(i+1),nages]   <- N_p[(i+1),nages] +
          N_p[i,nages]*(exp(-1.0*Z_p[i,nages])) #plus group
    }  # end i
  }  # end if(nyp>1)

  #### Post-projection computations
  R_p <- N_p[,1] # Get recruitment vector from N-at-age matrix
  #U_p <- as.data.frame(lapply(U_a_p,rowSums)) # Compute cpue time series (summing across ages)

  ## Compute predicted age and length comps during projection years
  for(nm_i in names(acomp_p)){
    yrs_acomp_i <- rownames(acomp_b_ob[[nm_i]])
    yrs_acomp_p_i <- rownames(acomp_p[[nm_i]])
    # If the last year of comps is within the last nyb_rcn$comp of the assessment, then project them.
    if(grepl("^[LD]",nm_i)){ # If length comps are associated with catch (landings or discards), use numbers from landings
      n_i <- Cn_p[[paste0("Cn.",nm_i)]][yrs_acomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE]
    }else if(nm_i%in%names(NU_p)){
      n_i <- NU_p[[nm_i]][yrs_acomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE] # If not, see if it's associated with an index (e.g. fishery independent) and use numbers associated with the index
    }else if(nm_i%in%names(Nmisc_p)){
      n_i <- Nmisc_p[[nm_i]][yrs_acomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE] # If not, the should be an N-at-age matrix in Nmisc that matches
      warning(paste0(nm_i, "from acomp_p doesn't seem to match any sources of F, indices, or other data sources associated with a selectivity."))
    P_n_i <- t(apply(n_i,1,function(x){x/sum(x)}))
    agebins_agec_i <- dimnames(acomp_b_ob[[nm_i]])[[2]]
    # Make sure the agebins match the observed age comps and apply a plus group if necessary
    acomp_p_i <- local({
      a <- t(apply(P_n_i,1,function(x){colSums(x*age_error)}))
      b <- a[,agebins_agec_i]
      bplusgroup <- tail(agebins_agec_i,1)
      b[,bplusgroup] <- b[,bplusgroup]+rowSums(a[,as.numeric(dimnames(a)[[2]])>as.numeric(bplusgroup)])
    acomp_p[[nm_i]] <- acomp_p_i

  for(nm_i in names(lcomp_p)){
    yrs_lcomp_i <- rownames(lcomp_b_ob[[nm_i]])
    yrs_lcomp_p_i <- rownames(lcomp_p[[nm_i]])
    # If the last year of comps is within the last nyb_rcn$comp of the assessment, then project them.
      lenprob_i <- lenprob[[nm_i]]
      if(grepl("^[LD]",nm_i)){ # If length comps are associated with catch (landings or discards), used numbers from landings
        n_i <- Cn_p[[paste0("Cn.",nm_i)]][yrs_lcomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE]
      }else if(nm_i%in%names(NU_p)){
        n_i <- NU_p[[nm_i]][yrs_lcomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE] # If not, see if it's associated with an index (e.g. fishery independent) and use numbers associated with the index
      }else if(nm_i%in%names(Nmisc_p)){
        n_i <- Nmisc_p[[nm_i]][yrs_lcomp_p_i,,drop=FALSE] # If not, the should be an N-at-age matrix in Nmisc that matches
        warning(paste0(nm_i, "from lcomp_p doesn't seem to match any sources of F, indices, or other data sources associated with a selectivity."))
      P_n_i <- t(apply(n_i,1,function(x){x/sum(x)}))
      lenbins_lenc_i <- dimnames(lcomp_b_ob[[nm_i]])[[2]]
      # Make sure the lenbins match the observed length comps and apply a plus group if necessary
      lcomp_p_i <- local({
        a <- t(apply(P_n_i,1,function(x){colSums(x*lenprob_i)}))
        b <- a[,lenbins_lenc_i]
        bplusgroup <- tail(lenbins_lenc_i,1)
        b[,bplusgroup] <- b[,bplusgroup]+rowSums(a[,as.numeric(dimnames(a)[[2]])>as.numeric(bplusgroup)])
      lcomp_p[[nm_i]] <- lcomp_p_i
  # # Project cvs for catch and cpue
  # C_ts_cv_p <- local({
  #   a <- matrix(apply(C_ts_cv,2,function(x){rep(bamExtras::geomean2(tail(x,nyb_rcn$L)),nyp)}),
  #               nrow=nyp,dimnames=list(paste(yp),names(C_ts_cv)))
  #   # rownames(a) <- paste(yp)
  #   a
  # })
  # U_ts_cv_p <- local({
  #   a <- matrix(apply(U_ts_cv,2,function(x){rep(bamExtras::geomean2(tail(x,nyb_rcn$U)),nyp)}),
  #               nrow=nyp,dimnames=list(paste(yp),names(U_ts_cv)))
  #   # rownames(a) <- paste(yp)
  #   a
  # })

# Add projected values to base values
  N <- rbind(N,N_p)
  R <- c(R,R_p)
  # U <- rbind(U,U_p)
  C_ts_cv <- rbind(C_ts_cv,C_ts_cv_p)
  U_ts_cv <- rbind(U_ts_cv,U_ts_cv_p)
  nfish <- rbind(nfish,nfish_p)
  ntrip <- rbind(ntrip,ntrip_p)

  lcomp <- local({
    a <- lapply(seq_along(names(lcomp_b_ob)),function(x){
      nm_x <- names(lcomp_b_ob)[x]
      ax <- rbind(lcomp_b_ob[[x]],lcomp_p[[x]])
    names(a) <- names(lcomp_b_ob)

  acomp <- local({
    a <- lapply(seq_along(names(acomp_b_ob)),function(x){
      nm_x <- names(acomp_b_ob)[x]
      ax <- rbind(acomp_b_ob[[x]],acomp_p[[x]])
    names(a) <- names(acomp_b_ob)

  Fsum <- c(Fsum,Fsum_p)

  for(nm_i in names(Cn)){
    Cn[[nm_i]] <- rbind(Cn[[nm_i]],Cn_p[[nm_i]])
  for(nm_i in names(Cw)){
    Cw[[nm_i]] <- rbind(Cw[[nm_i]],Cw_p[[nm_i]])

  } # end if nyp>0

    B <- wgt_mt*N
    Nsum <- rowSums(N)
    Bsum <- rowSums(B)

  # Values by fleet  in long format (for ggplot)
  # Landings (n)
  Cn.L <- local({
    a <- as.data.frame(lapply(Cn[grepl("^Cn.L.",names(Cn))],rowSums))
    b <- cbind("year"=as.numeric(rownames(a)),a)
    colnames(b) <- gsub("Cn.L.","",colnames(b))
    gather(data=b,key=fleet,value=Ln,names(b)[names(b)!="year"],factor_key = TRUE)

  # Discards (n)
  Cn.D <- local({
    a <- as.data.frame(lapply(Cn[grepl("^Cn.D.",names(Cn))],rowSums))
    b <- cbind("year"=as.numeric(rownames(a)),a)
    colnames(b) <- gsub("Cn.D.","",colnames(b))
    gather(data=b,key=fleet,value=Dn,names(b)[names(b)!="year"],factor_key = TRUE)


  # Landings (w)
  Cw.L <- local({
    a <- as.data.frame(lapply(Cw[grepl("^Cw.L.",names(Cw))],rowSums))
    b <- cbind("year"=as.numeric(rownames(a)),a)
    colnames(b) <- gsub("Cw.L.","",colnames(b))
    gather(data=b,key=fleet,value=Lw,names(b)[names(b)!="year"],factor_key = TRUE)

  # Discards (w)
  Cw.D <- local({
    a <- as.data.frame(lapply(Cw[grepl("^Cw.D.",names(Cw))],rowSums))
    b <- cbind("year"=as.numeric(rownames(a)),a)
    colnames(b) <- gsub("Cw.D.","",colnames(b))
    gather(data=b,key=fleet,value=Dw,names(b)[names(b)!="year"],factor_key = TRUE)


  Cn.L.tot <- tapply(Cn.L[,"Ln"],Cn.L[,"year"],sum)
  Cw.L.tot <- tapply(Cw.L[,"Lw"],Cw.L[,"year"],sum)

  Cn.D.tot <- tapply(Cn.D[,"Dn"],Cn.D[,"year"],sum)
  Cw.D.tot <- tapply(Cw.D[,"Dw"],Cw.D[,"year"],sum)
    Cn.D.tot <- NULL
    Cw.D.tot <- NULL

###### Extend data inputs and build projected dat file ######
  # Identify the parts of init that need to be changed
  # Identify the new parts and match them with the parts that need to change
    bam <- do.call(bam2r,bam2r_args)
    init_p <- init_b <- bam$init

    ### Identify temporal objects in init that need to change
    ## Check to see if life history inputs are time varying. If so extend them accordingly
    # maturity
    obs_maturity_nm <- names(init_p)[grepl("^obs_maturity",names(init_p))]
      for(nm_i in obs_maturity_nm){
        xi <- init_p[[nm_i]]
          message(paste0(nm_i," is a matrix"))
          # Check if rownames are equal to model years (they should be if it is time varying)
            message(paste0(nm_i," appears to be time varying. endyr values will be projected"))
            xi_p <- matrix(xi[paste(endyr),],nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(xi),dimnames=list(paste(yp),dimnames(xi)[[2]]),byrow=TRUE)
            init_p[[nm_i]] <- rbind(xi,xi_p)

            warning(paste0("rownames of ",nm_i," are not equal to model years"))

    # proportion female or male
    obs_prop_nm <- names(init_p)[grepl("^obs_prop_[fmFM]",names(init_p))]
      for(nm_i in obs_prop_nm){
        xi <- init_p[[nm_i]]
          message(paste0(nm_i," is a matrix"))
          # Check if rownames are equal to model years (they should be if it is time varying)
            message(paste0(nm_i," appears to be time varying. endyr values will be projected"))
            xi_p <- matrix(xi[paste(endyr),],nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(xi),dimnames=list(paste(yp),dimnames(xi)[[2]]),byrow=TRUE)
            init_p[[nm_i]] <- rbind(xi,xi_p)

            warning(paste0("rownames of ",nm_i," are not equal to model years"))

    # natural mortality-at-age
    set_M_nm <- names(init_p)[grepl("^set_M",names(init_p))]
      for(nm_i in set_M_nm){
        xi <- init_p[[nm_i]]
          message(paste0(nm_i," is a matrix"))
          # Check if rownames are equal to model years (they should be if it is time varying)
            message(paste0(nm_i," appears to be time varying. endyr values will be projected"))
            xi_p <- matrix(xi[paste(endyr),],nrow=nyp,ncol=ncol(xi),dimnames=list(paste(yp),dimnames(xi)[[2]]),byrow=TRUE)
            init_p[[nm_i]] <- rbind(xi,xi_p)

            warning(paste0("rownames of ",nm_i," are not equal to model years"))

    # I'll have to do some more monkeying around to deal with the tv objects in menhaden
    # mostly because they have wierd names
    # tv (time varying objects currently in Atlantic Menhaden model)
    # init_tv <- init_b[grepl("_tv$",names(init_b))]

    #### Update temporal values
    ## _endyr
    # Any _endyr for select values and for data sets that extend to the terminal
    # year of the assessment should be extended by nyp
    yr_nm_add_p <- local({
      a <- c("endyr","endyr_rec_dev","endyr_rec_phase2","endyr_rec_spr","styr_regs","endyr_proj"
    init_p[yr_nm_add_p] <- lapply(init_p[yr_nm_add_p],function(x){paste(as.numeric(x)+nyp)})

    yrs_rec_dev <- init_p$styr_rec_dev:init_p$endyr_rec_dev
    init_p[["set_log_dev_vals_rec"]] <- setNames(rep("0.0",length(yrs_rec_dev)),yrs_rec_dev)

    ## landings
    # Note: need to make sure you get the right units (n or w)
    init_obs_L_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_L",names(init_b))]
    for(nm_i in init_obs_L_nm){
      abb_i <- gsub("^(obs_L)(_)(.*)","\\3",nm_i)
      xbi <- setNames(as.numeric(init_b[[nm_i]]),names(init_b[[nm_i]]))
      yrsbi <- names(xbi)
      xni <- rowSums(Cn[[paste0("Cn.L.",abb_i)]])
      xkwi <- rowSums(Cw[[paste0("Cw.L.",abb_i)]]) # weights are usually 1000 lbs in CLD.est.mats
      xkni <- xni/1000
      xwi <- xkwi*1000
      xcvi <- init_b[[paste0("obs_cv_L_",abb_i)]]
      # Compute the sums of squared deviations to determine whether landings are
      # in numbers or in weight. Landings in the appropriate units are then added
      # to the observed landings to add to the new dat file.
      SSxbi <- unlist(lapply(list(xni=xni,xwi=xwi,xkni=xkni,xkwi=xkwi),function(x){sum((x[yrsbi]-xbi)^2)}))
      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
      # ndigcvi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xcvi))))
      xpi <- round(get(names(SSxbi)[which.min(SSxbi)])[paste(yp)],ndigi)
      # If the last year of xbi was the last year of the base model, then project it forward
        xi <- c(xbi,xpi)
        xi <- xbi
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- setNames(paste(xi),names(xi))
      # reset appropriate _endyr value to make sure it agrees with the projected data (some endyr values might get projected even if the data doesn't)
      endyr_nm_i <- paste0("endyr_L_",abb_i)
      if(endyr_nm_i%in%names(init_p)){init_p[[endyr_nm_i]] <- tail(names(xi),1)}

      init_p[[paste0("obs_cv_L_",abb_i)]] <- local({
        # setNames(paste(round(C_ts_cv[,paste0("cv.L.",abb_i)],ndigcvi)),rownames(C_ts_cv))[names(xi)]
        a <- setNames(as.numeric(init_p[[nm_i]])*NA,names(init_p[[nm_i]]))
        b <- init_b[[paste0("obs_cv_L_",abb_i)]]
        a[names(b)] <- b
        c <- bamExtras::geomean2(tail(b,nyb_rcn$L))
        d <- paste(yp)[paste(yp)%in%names(a)]
        a[d] <- c

      ## set_log_dev_vals_F_L
      set_log_dev_vals_F_L_nm_i <- paste0("set_log_dev_vals_F_L_",abb_i)
        init_p[[set_log_dev_vals_F_L_nm_i]] <- setNames(rep("0.0",length(xi)),names(xi))


    ## discards
    # Note: Assumed to be in numbers
    init_obs_released_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_released",names(init_b))]
    for(nm_i in init_obs_released_nm){
      abb_i <- gsub("^(obs_released)(_)(.*)","\\3",nm_i)
      xbi <- setNames(as.numeric(init_b[[nm_i]]),names(init_b[[nm_i]]))
      yrsbi <- names(xbi)
      # If the name of the time series in the init object matches a name reported in the model output (Cn),
      # use the corresponding time series from Cn for the init object in the projection
      # NOTE: These if else statements were included as a workaround to accommodate the Black Sea Bass model
        DMi_nm <- paste0("set_Dmort_",abb_i)
        xni_dead <- rowSums(Cn[[paste0("Cn.D.",abb_i)]])
          DMi <- as.numeric(init_b[[paste0("set_Dmort_",abb_i)]])
          DMi <- mean(xni_dead[yrsbi]/1000/xbi,na.rm=TRUE)
        xni <- xni_dead*1/DMi # Convert to released (live discards)
        xkni <- xni/1000
      }else{ # ..but if not, compute the init object in the projection as a function init object i
        # from the base and the most similar time series from Cn
        ft_i <- gsub("^([cr]).*","\\1",abb_i) # identify fleet type i should be "c" or "r"
        # sum all discard matrices in Cn with fleet_type_i and sum by year across ages
        Cn_ts_ft_i <- rowSums(Reduce(sum,Cn[names(Cn)[grepl(paste0("^(Cn.D.",ft_i,").*"),names(Cn))]]))
        # identify init time series with ft_i
        init_b_released_ft_i <- local({
          a <- init_b[init_obs_released_nm[grepl(paste0("^(obs_released_",ft_i,").*"),init_obs_released_nm)]]
          c <- lapply(a,function(x){
          b <- setNames(rep(0,nyb),paste(yb))
          b[names(x)] <- as.numeric(x)
        # Estimate total released (i.e. live discards) during the base model years
          Ckn_ts_ft_i <- Cn_ts_ft_i[paste(yb)]/1000
          released_tot_obs_kn_i <- rowSums(init_b_released_ft_i)
          Dm_ts_i <- Ckn_ts_ft_i/released_tot_obs_kn_i # Annual Dmort
          Dm_ts_i[!is.finite(Dm_ts_i)] <- NA
          Cn_released_b_ft_i <- 1000*Ckn_ts_ft_i*1/Dm_ts_i

        # Compute observed released (live discards) as a proportion of total released in ft_i
        init_b_released_prop_ft_i <- init_b_released_ft_i/rowSums(init_b_released_ft_i)

        # Estimate xni_b from values that can be used in projections
        xni_b <- Cn_released_b_ft_i*init_b_released_prop_ft_i[,nm_i]
        xni_b[!is.finite(xni_b)] <- 0
        xkni_b <- xni_b/1000

        # Estimate xni for projection years
        Cn_released_p_ft_i <- (Cn_ts_ft_i[paste(yp)])*(1/mean(Dm_ts_i[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$L))]))
        xni_p <- Cn_released_p_ft_i*mean(init_b_released_prop_ft_i[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$L)),nm_i])
        xkni_p <- xni_p/1000
        xni <- c(xni_b,xni_p)
        xkni <- c(xkni_b,xkni_p)

      xcvi <- init_b[[paste0("obs_cv_D_",abb_i)]]
      SSxbi <- unlist(lapply(list(xni=xni,xkni=xkni
      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
      # ndigcvi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xcvi))))
      xpi <- round(get(names(SSxbi)[which.min(SSxbi)])[paste(yp)],ndigi)
      # If the last year of xbi was the last year of the base model, then project it forward
        xi <- c(xbi,xpi)
        xi <- xbi
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- setNames(paste(xi),names(xi))
      # reset appropriate _endyr value to make sure it agrees with the projected data (some endyr values might get projected even if the data doesn't)
      endyr_nm_i <- paste0("endyr_D_",abb_i)
      if(endyr_nm_i%in%names(init_p)){init_p[[endyr_nm_i]] <- tail(names(xi),1)}


    ## set_log_dev_vals_F_D
    init_set_log_dev_vals_F_D_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^set_log_dev_vals_F_D",names(init_b))]
    for(nm_i in init_set_log_dev_vals_F_D_nm){
      vals_b_i <- init_b[[nm_i]]
      # If the value was provided in the last year of the base model, project it forward
        vals_p_i <- setNames(rep("0.0",nyp),yp)
        vals_i <- c(vals_b_i,vals_p_i)
        vals_i <- vals_b_i
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- vals_i

    ## discard cvs
    #  This is done in a separate loop because the discard cvs don't always match discard time series supplied to the dat file
    #  (e.g. Black Sea Bass SEDAR 56)
    init_obs_cv_D_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_cv_D",names(init_b))]
    for(nm_i in init_obs_cv_D_nm){
      obs_cv_D_b_i <- init_b[[nm_i]]
      # If the cv was provided in the last year of the base model, project it forward
        obs_cv_D_p_i <- setNames(rep(bamExtras::geomean2(tail(obs_cv_D_b_i,nyb_rcn$L)),nyp),yp)
        obs_cv_D_i <- c(obs_cv_D_b_i,obs_cv_D_p_i)
        obs_cv_D_i <- obs_cv_D_b_i
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- obs_cv_D_i

    ## cpue
    init_obs_cpue_nm <- local({
      nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_cpue",names(init_b))]
      nm_abb <- gsub("^(obs_cpue)(_)(.*)","\\3",nm)
      nm_yes <- nm[which(nm_abb%in%dimnames(U)[[2]])]
      nm_no <- nm[which(!nm_abb%in%dimnames(U)[[2]])]
        message(paste(paste(nm_no,collapse=", "), "were found in the bam tpl but not in the rdat. They may not be included in the likelihood."))
      # Only include names found in U (indices reported in the rdat)

    for(nm_i in init_obs_cpue_nm){
      abb_i <- gsub("^(obs_cpue)(_)(.*)","\\3",nm_i)
      xbi <- setNames(as.numeric(init_b[[nm_i]]),names(init_b[[nm_i]]))
      yrsbi <- names(xbi)
      xproji <- setNames(U[,abb_i],dimnames(U)[[1]])
      xcvi <- init_b[[paste0("obs_cv_cpue_",abb_i)]]
      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
      ndigcvi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xcvi))))

      xpi <- round(xproji[paste(yp)],ndigi)
      xi <- c(xbi,xpi[!is.na(xpi)])
      yrsi <- names(xi)
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- setNames(paste(xi),names(xi))
      init_p[[paste0("obs_cv_cpue_",abb_i)]] <- setNames(paste(round(U_ts_cv[,paste0("cv.U.",abb_i)],ndigcvi)),rownames(U_ts_cv))[names(xi)]

      # update styr, endyr, yrs, and nyr as necessary
      yrinfoi <- setNames(list(min(yrsi),max(yrsi),yrsi,paste(length(yrsi))),
      yrinfoi_nm_is <- names(yrinfoi)[names(yrinfoi)%in%names(init_p)]
      init_p[yrinfoi_nm_is] <- yrinfoi[yrinfoi_nm_is]

    ## agec
    init_obs_agec_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_agec",names(init_b))]
    init_obs_agec_nm_key <- setNames(names(acomp),
    for(nm_i in init_obs_agec_nm){
      nm2_i <- init_obs_agec_nm_key[[nm_i]]
      xbi <- init_b[[nm_i]]
      x2bi <- acomp[[nm2_i]]
      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
      obsi <- apply(x2bi,2,function(x){sprintf(paste0("%.",ndigi,"f"), x)})
      attributes(obsi) <- attributes(x2bi)
      yrsi <- rownames(obsi)
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- obsi

      # update styr, endyr, yrs, and nyr as necessary
      yrinfoi <- setNames(list(min(yrsi),max(yrsi),yrsi,paste(length(yrsi))),
      yrinfoi_nm_is <- names(yrinfoi)[names(yrinfoi)%in%names(init_p)]
      init_p[yrinfoi_nm_is] <- yrinfoi[yrinfoi_nm_is]

      # update nfish and nsamp as necessary
      nfish_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nfish",nm_i)
      nsamp_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nsamp",nm_i)
      nfishbi <- init_b[[nfish_nm_i]]
      nsampbi <- init_b[[nsamp_nm_i]]
      nfishpi <- setNames(rep(bamExtras::geomean2(nfishbi[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$comp))]),nyp),paste(yp))
      nsamppi <- setNames(rep(bamExtras::geomean2(nsampbi[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$comp))]),nyp),paste(yp))
      nfishdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nfishbi))))
      nsampdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nsampbi))))
      nfishi <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nfishdigi,"f"),round(as.numeric(c(nfishbi,nfishpi)))),names(c(nfishbi,nfishpi)))
      nsampi <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nsampdigi,"f"),round(as.numeric(c(nsampbi,nsamppi)))),names(c(nsampbi,nsamppi)))

      init_p[[nfish_nm_i]] <- nfishi[yrsi]
      init_p[[nsamp_nm_i]] <- nsampi[yrsi]

    ## lenc
    init_obs_lenc_nm <- names(init_b)[grepl("^obs_lenc",names(init_b))]
    init_obs_lenc_nm_key <- setNames(names(lcomp),
    # for(nm_i in init_obs_lenc_nm){
    #   nm2_i <- init_obs_lenc_nm_key[[nm_i]]
    #   xbi <- init_b[[nm_i]]
    #   x2bi <- lcomp[[nm2_i]]
    #   ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
    #   obsi <- apply(x2bi,2,function(x){sprintf(paste0("%.",ndigi,"f"), x)})
    #   dimnames(obsi) <- dimnames(x2bi)
    #   yrsi <- rownames(obsi)
    #   init_p[[nm_i]] <- obsi
    #   # update styr, endyr, yrs, and nyr as necessary
    #   yrinfoi <- setNames(list(min(yrsi),max(yrsi),yrsi,paste(length(yrsi))),
    #                       paste0(c("styr","endyr","yrs","nyr"),gsub("obs","",nm_i))
    #   )
    #   yrinfoi_nm_is <- names(yrinfoi)[names(yrinfoi)%in%names(init_p)]
    #   init_p[yrinfoi_nm_is] <- yrinfoi[yrinfoi_nm_is]
    #   # update nfish and nsamp as necessary
    #   nfish_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nfish",nm_i)
    #   nsamp_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nsamp",nm_i)
    #   nfishbi <- init_b[[nfish_nm_i]]
    #   nsampbi <- init_b[[nsamp_nm_i]]
    #   nfishdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nfishbi))))
    #   nsampdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nsampbi))))
    #   nfish2i <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nfishdigi,"f"), nfish[,paste0("lcomp.",nm2_i)]),rownames(nfish))
    #   nsamp2i <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nsampdigi,"f"), ntrip[,paste0("lcomp.",nm2_i)]),rownames(ntrip))
    #   init_p[[nfish_nm_i]] <- nfish2i[yrsi]
    #   init_p[[nsamp_nm_i]] <- nsamp2i[yrsi]
    # }
    for(nm_i in init_obs_lenc_nm){
      nm2_i <- init_obs_lenc_nm_key[[nm_i]]
      xbi <- init_b[[nm_i]]
      x2bi <- lcomp[[nm2_i]]
      ndigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",xbi))))
      obsi <- apply(x2bi,2,function(x){sprintf(paste0("%.",ndigi,"f"), x)})
      attributes(obsi) <- attributes(x2bi)
      yrsi <- rownames(obsi)
      init_p[[nm_i]] <- obsi

      # update styr, endyr, yrs, and nyr as necessary
      yrinfoi <- setNames(list(min(yrsi),max(yrsi),yrsi,paste(length(yrsi))),
      yrinfoi_nm_is <- names(yrinfoi)[names(yrinfoi)%in%names(init_p)]
      init_p[yrinfoi_nm_is] <- yrinfoi[yrinfoi_nm_is]

      # update nfish and nsamp as necessary
      nfish_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nfish",nm_i)
      nsamp_nm_i <- gsub("obs","nsamp",nm_i)
      nfishbi <- init_b[[nfish_nm_i]]
      nsampbi <- init_b[[nsamp_nm_i]]
      nfishpi <- setNames(rep(bamExtras::geomean2(nfishbi[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$comp))]),nyp),paste(yp))
      nsamppi <- setNames(rep(bamExtras::geomean2(nsampbi[paste(tail(yb,nyb_rcn$comp))]),nyp),paste(yp))
      nfishdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nfishbi))))
      nsampdigi <- round(median(nchar(gsub("([0-9]*.)([0-9]*)","\\2",nsampbi))))
      nfishi <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nfishdigi,"f"),round(as.numeric(c(nfishbi,nfishpi)))),names(c(nfishbi,nfishpi)))
      nsampi <- setNames(sprintf(paste0("%.",nsampdigi,"f"),round(as.numeric(c(nsampbi,nsamppi)))),names(c(nsampbi,nsamppi)))

      init_p[[nfish_nm_i]] <- nfishi[yrsi]
      init_p[[nsamp_nm_i]] <- nsampi[yrsi]

    bam_p <- bam2r(dat_obj=bam$dat,tpl_obj=bam$tpl,cxx_obj=bam$cxx,init=init_p)
    bam_p <- NULL
  } # end if(!is.null(bam2r_args))

  # plot stuff
  # N
  # R
  # B
  # Fsum

  # Landings and discards
  # Cn.L
  p <- ggplot(Cn.L,mapping=aes(x=year,y=Ln))+
    stat_summary(fun = sum, geom = "line", size = 1)+
    stat_summary(fun = sum, geom = "point", size = 2)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = endyr, linetype="dashed", size = 0.3)
  p2 <- p + geom_text(aes(x=endyr, label="endyr\n",y=max(Ln)), angle=90)

  # Cn.D
  p2 <- p %+% Cn.D + aes(y=Dn) +
    geom_text(aes(x=endyr, label="endyr\n",y=max(Dn)), angle=90)

  # Cw.L
  p2 <- p %+% Cw.L + aes(y=Lw) +
    geom_text(aes(x=endyr, label="endyr\n",y=max(Lw)), angle=90)

  # Cw.D
  p2 <- p %+% Cw.D + aes(y=Dw) +
    geom_text(aes(x=endyr, label="endyr\n",y=max(Dw)), angle=90)

  # cpue
    # matpoints(as.numeric(rownames(U_p)),U_p,type="o",pch=1)

  # Return results
  names(U_p) <- paste0("U_",names(U_p))

    p_results = list(
      Nage = N_p,
      Uage = U_a_p
    bam_p = bam_p
nikolaifish/bamExtras documentation built on July 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.