##### -- EvoWeaver Class to find clusters of functionally linked genes -------
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
# TODO: ensure dendrogram branch lengths are numeric and not integer
#### DEFINITION ####
# Class expects as input one of the following:
# 1. A list of dendrograms
# a) Dendrograms with labels [ORG]_[INDEX]_[POS] will use co-loc code
# b) Dendrograms without will not use co-loc
# 2. A list of character vectors defining COGs (will not use RPMirrorTree)
# 3. A list of character vectors defining COGs with labels like 1(a)
#### IMPORTS ####
# Relies on functions in the following files:
# - EvoWeaver-PSPreds.R ( Phylogenetic Structure Predictors )
# - EvoWeaver-PPPreds.R ( Phylogenetic Profiling Predictors)
# - EvoWeaver-GOPreds.R ( Gene Organization Predictors )
# - EvoWeaver-SLPreds.R ( Sequence-Level Predictors )
# - EvoWeaver-utils.R ( Helper functions )
#### S3 Generic Definitions ####
Ensemble <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('Ensemble')
SpeciesTree <- function(ew, Verbose, Processors) UseMethod('SpeciesTree')
#### Class Constructor ####
new_EvoWeaver <- function(validatedInput){
EvoWeaver <- function(ListOfData, MySpeciesTree=NULL, NoWarn=FALSE){
stopifnot("MySpeciesTree should be NULL or an object of type 'dendrogram'"=
is.null(MySpeciesTree) || is(MySpeciesTree,'dendrogram'))
vRes <- validate_EvoWeaver(ListOfData, noWarn=NoWarn)
if(!is.null(MySpeciesTree) && any(!(vRes$allgenomes %in% labels(MySpeciesTree)))){
stop("MySpeciesTree is missing labels!")
vRes$allgenomes <- labels(MySpeciesTree)
vRes$speciestree <- MySpeciesTree
validate_EvoWeaver <- function(ipt, noWarn=FALSE){
bitflags <- list(usecoloc=FALSE, usemirrortree=FALSE, useresidue=FALSE)
stopifnot('EvoWeaver expects a list of dendrograms or character vectors as input.'=
is(ipt, 'list'))
ipt <- ipt[!vapply(ipt, is.null, TRUE)]
stopifnot('Input has no groups!'=length(ipt)>0)
checkdend <- vapply(ipt, is, class2='dendrogram', FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
checkchar <- vapply(ipt, is, class2='character', FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
stopifnot('Input list must be all vectors or all dendrograms'=
!any(checkchar) || all(checkchar))
stopifnot('Input list must be all vectors or all dendrograms'=
!any(checkdend) || all(checkdend))
stopifnot('Input list elements must be dendrograms or vectors of character'=
all(checkdend) || all(checkchar))
# Now we know that the input is either of type 'character' or 'dendrogram'
if (all(checkchar)){
if (!noWarn) message('Disabling Residue and MirrorTree-based algorithms. ',
'Input list must include inputs of type "dendrogram" ',
'for MT algorithms. Consult the documentation for more info.\n')
bitflags[['usemirrortree']] <- FALSE
allentries <- unique(unlist(ipt))
} else {
bitflags[['usemirrortree']] <- TRUE
allentries <- character(0)
for(i in seq_along(ipt)){
tree <- ipt[[i]]
allentries <- unique(c(allentries, as.character(labels(tree))))
# heights of trees must be present and numeric, if not then correct it
if(is.null(attr(tree, 'height'))){
stop("Input tree at index ", i, " is missing a height!")
if(is.integer(attr(tree, 'height')) || any(!is.character(rapply(tree, \(x) attr(x, 'label'))))){
ipt[[i]] <- dendrapply(tree, \(x){
if(is.leaf(x)) attr(x, 'label') <- as.character(attr(x, 'label'))
attr(x, 'height') <- as.numeric(attr(x, 'height'))
if (bitflags[['usemirrortree']]){
useResidueMI <- TRUE
for ( tree in ipt ){
# useResidueMI <- dendrapply(tree,
# \(x){
# sv <- !is.null(attr(x,'state'))
# if(is.leaf(x))
# return(sv)
# return(all(sv, unlist(x)))
# }, how='post.order')
useResidueMI <- all(rapply(tree, \(x) !is.null(attr(x, 'state'))))
if (!useResidueMI){
if (!noWarn) message('Disabling Residue methods. Input dendrograms must',
' include ancenstral state reconstruction for residue',
' methods. Consult the documentation for more info.\n')
bitflags[['useresidue']] <- useResidueMI
checkforcoloc <- grepl('[^_]+_[^_]+_.*[0-9]+', allentries)
if ( all(checkforcoloc) ){
bitflags[['usecoloc']] <- TRUE
checkforstrand <- grepl('[^_]+_[^_]+_[01]_[0-9]+', allentries)
bitflags[['strandid']] <- all(checkforstrand)
allentries <- unique(gsub('([^_]+)_[^_]+_.*[0-9]+', '\\1', allentries))
bitflags[['usecoloc']] <- FALSE
bitflags[['strandid']] <- FALSE
if (!noWarn) message('Co-localization disabled. Labels must be in the format ',
'[GENOME]_[CONTIG]_[INDEX]_[ORDER] to use co-localization ',
'(where ORDER is a numeric). Consult the documentation for more info.\n')
if (is.null(names(ipt))){
if (!noWarn) message('Adding character labels to input data.\n')
names(ipt) <- as.character(seq_len(length(ipt)))
if (any(names(ipt) == '')){
if (!noWarn) message('Adding labels to unnamed groups.\n')
safe <- paste0('Unnamed_Grp_', as.character(seq_len(length(ipt))))
n <- names(ipt)
names(ipt)[n==''] <- safe[n=='']
if (all(grepl('^[0-9]+$', allentries)))
allentries <- allentries[order(as.integer(allentries))]
allentries <- sort(allentries)
return(list(ipt=ipt, allgenomes=allentries, flags=bitflags))
validate_EvoWeaver_methods <- function(methodnames){
stop('Argument "Method" requires input of type "character"')
pp_preds <- c("ExtantJaccard","Hamming","CorrGL","GLMI",
ps_preds <- c("RPMirrorTree", "RPContextTree", "TreeDistance")
go_preds <- c("GeneDistance", "MoransI", "OrientationMI")
sl_preds <- c("SequenceInfo", "GeneVector", "Ancestral")
all_predictors <- c(pp_preds, ps_preds, go_preds, sl_preds, "Ensemble")
meta_categories <- c("PhylogeneticProfiling", "PhylogeneticStructure",
"GeneOrganization", "SequenceLevel")
## keyword inputs subset to the method categories used in manuscript\
if("all" %in% methodnames){
methodnames <- c(methodnames, meta_categories)
methodnames <- methodnames[methodnames != 'all']
if("PhylogeneticProfiling" %in% methodnames)
methodnames <- c(methodnames, pp_preds[c(4,7:9)])
if ("PhylogeneticStructure" %in% methodnames)
methodnames <- c(methodnames, ps_preds)
if ("GeneOrganization" %in% methodnames)
methodnames <- c(methodnames, go_preds)
if ("SequenceLevel" %in% methodnames)
methodnames <- c(methodnames, sl_preds[seq_len(2L)])
methodnames <- unique(methodnames)
methodnames <- methodnames[!methodnames %in% meta_categories]
p_notin <- match(methodnames, all_predictors, nomatch=0) == 0
unrecognized_methods <- methodnames[p_notin]
unrecognized_methods <- paste(unrecognized_methods, collapse='", "')
unrecognized_methods <- paste0('"', unrecognized_methods, '"')
stop("Invalid methods provided to 'Method' argument. The following are unrecognized: ", unrecognized_methods)
## Things for precalculation
precalc_pa <- FALSE
if(sum(match(methodnames, pp_preds, nomatch=0) > 0)){
precalc_pa <- TRUE
list(Method=methodnames, precalcPA=precalc_pa)
Standardize_Subset <- function(Subset, ew){
n <- names(ew)
Subset <- as.data.frame(Subset)
if(ncol(Subset) != 2)
stop("If 'Subset' is of type 'data.frame', it must have exactly two columns.")
} else if (is.character(Subset)){
v <- unique(Subset)
vp <- match(v, n, nomatch=0)
pos_missing <- v[vp==0]
line <- paste(pos_missing, collapse='", "')
line <- paste0('"', line, '"')
stop("Invalid gene group names in 'Subset'. The following were not found: ", line)
Subset <- vp
} else if (is.numeric(Subset)){
v <- unique(Subset)
vp <- as.integer(v)
if(any(vp != v))
warning("Some values in Subset were changed during conversion from numeric to integer.")
if(any(vp > length(n) | vp < 1)){
stop("'Subset' has values that are out of range for the EvoWeaver object.")
Subset <- vp
} else {
stop("'Subset' must be either an integer vector, a character vector, or a data.frame/matrix with two columns.")
## by now, Subset must be either a data.frame or a 1D vector
## in the latter case, it must be an integer
l <- length(n)
vp <- sort(Subset)
l2 <- length(vp)
## first pair has l-1 pairs, second has l-2, etc...
## this equals sum_{i in [1:l2]}(l - i)
## = sum(l) - sum(i)
## = l*l2 - TRI(l2), where TRI(n) the n'th triangular number
rep_times <- rep(l, l2) - seq_len(l2)
total_pairs <- rep_times
v1 <- rep(vp, times=rep_times)
v2 <- integer(sum(rep_times))
all_v <- seq_len(l)
rep_times <- cumsum(c(0,rep_times))
for(i in seq_len(l2))
v2[seq(rep_times[i]+1, rep_times[i+1])] <- all_v[-vp[seq_len(i)]]
Subset <- data.frame(Gene1=n[v1], Gene2=n[v2])
} else {
for(i in seq_len(2)){
vp <- as.integer(Subset[,i])
if(any(vp != Subset[,i])){
warning("Some values in Subset were changed during conversion from numeric to integer.")
Subset[,i] <- vp
v <- unique(unlist(Subset[,i]))
if(any(v > length(n) | v < 1)){
stop("Column ", i, " has integer values that are out of range for the EvoWeaver object.")
Subset[,i] <- n[Subset[,i]]
} else if(is.character(Subset[,i])){
v <- unique(unlist(Subset[,i]))
vp <- match(v, n, nomatch=0)
pos_missing <- v[vp==0]
line <- paste(pos_missing, collapse='", "')
line <- paste0('"', line, '"')
stop("Invalid gene group names in 'Subset'. The following were not found: ", line)
colnames(Subset) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2")
#### User-Exposed S3 Methods ####
show.EvoWeaver <- function(object){
if (length(object) == 1){
cat(paste('a EvoWeaver object with', length(object),
'group and', length(attr(object,'allOrgs')), 'genomes.\n'))
} else {
cat(paste('a EvoWeaver object with', length(object),
'groups and', length(attr(object,'allOrgs')), 'genomes.\n'))
print.EvoWeaver <- function(x, ...){
if (length(x) == 1){
cat(paste('a EvoWeaver object with', length(x),
'group and', length(attr(x,'allOrgs')), 'genomes.\n'))
} else {
cat(paste('a EvoWeaver object with', length(x),
'groups and', length(attr(x,'allOrgs')), 'genomes.\n'))
`[.EvoWeaver` <- function(x, i){
y <- unclass(x)
newv <- validate_EvoWeaver(y[i], noWarn=TRUE)
newv$speciestree <- attr(x, 'speciesTree')
newv$allgenomes <- labels(newv$speciestree)
predict.EvoWeaver <- function(object, Method='Ensemble', Subset=NULL, Processors=1L,
MySpeciesTree=SpeciesTree(object, Verbose=Verbose),
ew <- object
Subset <- Standardize_Subset(Subset, ew)
if(is.character(Method) && "Ensemble" %in% Method){
if(length(Method) > 1) stop("Method='Ensemble' cannot be accompanied by other methods.")
Method <- c("PhylogeneticProfiling")
if(attr(ew, "useMT"))
Method <- c(Method, "PhylogeneticStructure")
if(attr(ew, "useColoc"))
Method <- c(Method, "GeneOrganization")
if(attr(ew, "useResidue"))
Method <- c(Method, "SequenceLevel")
validatedMethod <- validate_EvoWeaver_methods(Method)
precalc_pa <- validatedMethod$precalcPA
Method <- validatedMethod$Method
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
n <- names(ew)
uvals <- subs$uvals
unames <- vapply(uvals, function(x) n[x], FUN.VALUE=character(1))
splist <- NULL
if (!is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
splist <- labels(MySpeciesTree)
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating P/A profiles:\n')
PAs <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=splist)
} else {
multiplepredictors <- length(Method)!=1
methodnames <- character(0L)
lst <- list()
ctr <- 1L
for(methodtype in Method){
if(Verbose) cat("\nMethod '", methodtype, "':\n", sep='')
func <- getS3method(methodtype, 'EvoWeaver')
if(Verbose) starttime <- Sys.time()
preds <- func(ew, Subset=Subset, Verbose=Verbose,
MySpeciesTree=MySpeciesTree, Processors=Processors,
if (Verbose){
cat('Done.\nTime difference of',
round(difftime(Sys.time(), starttime, units = 'secs'), 2),
if (is(preds, 'list') && !is.null(preds$noPostFormatting))
if (methodtype=='TreeDistance'){
pnames <- names(preds)
for (i in seq_along(pnames)){
#names(preds[[i]]) <- n
preds[[i]] <- structure(preds[[i]],
class=c('EvoWeb', 'simMat'))
rs <- preds
for(treemethod in pnames){
lst[[ctr]] <- rs[[treemethod]]
ctr <- ctr + 1L
if (length(rs) == 1) rs <- rs[[1]]
methodnames <- c(methodnames, pnames)
} else {
#names(preds) <- n
rs <- structure(preds,
class=c('EvoWeb', 'simMat'))
methodnames <- c(methodnames, methodtype)
lst[[ctr]] <- rs
ctr <- ctr + 1L
names(lst) <- methodnames
if(ReturnDataFrame || USEENSEMBLE){
if(Verbose) cat("Building Dataframe:\n")
lst <- AdjMatToDf(lst, Verbose=Verbose, Subset=Subset, CombinePVal)
if(Verbose) cat("Done.\n\n")
if(USEENSEMBLE && !NoPrediction){
lst <- cbind(lst, Ensemble=EvoWeaverEnsemblePrediction(lst, PretrainedModel, CombinePVal))
SpeciesTree.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Verbose=TRUE, Processors=1L){
tree <- attr(ew,'speciesTree')
if(is.null(tree) && attr(ew, 'useMT'))
tree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose=Verbose, Processors=Processors)
#### Internal S3 Methods ####
EvoWeaverEnsemblePrediction <- function(preds, PretrainedModel="KEGG", CombinePVal){
stop("No model provided to 'PretrainedModel'. Try specifying PretrainedModel=\"KEGG\" or \"CORUM\"")
pn <- vapply(strsplit(colnames(preds), '.', fixed=TRUE), .subset, character(1L), 1L)
pn_more <- table(pn) > 1
pn_keep <- names(pn_more)[!pn_more]
opreds <- preds[,pn%in%pn_keep]
colnames(opreds) <- pn[pn%in%pn_keep]
pn_more <- names(pn_more)[pn_more]
for(n in pn_more){
p <- which(n == pn)
opreds[[n]] <- do.call(`*`, preds[,p])
preds <- opreds
if (is.character(PretrainedModel)){
predictions <- predictWithBuiltins(preds, PretrainedModel)
} else if(is(PretrainedModel, 'glm')) {
predictions <- predict(PretrainedModel, preds, type='response')
} else {
predictions <- predict(PretrainedModel, preds)
OldEnsemble.EvoWeaver <- function(ew,
Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE, MySpeciesTree=NULL,
NoPrediction=FALSE, ...){
flags <- rep(FALSE, 3)
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
n <- names(ew)
uvals <- subs$uvals
unames <- vapply(uvals, function(x) n[x], FUN.VALUE=character(1))
splist <- NULL
if (!is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
splist <- labels(MySpeciesTree)
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating P/A profiles:\n')
PAs <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=splist)
takesCP <- c('RPMirrorTree') # Just using MirrorTree for prediction
submodels <- c('ProfileDCA', 'ExtantJaccard', 'Hamming', 'GLMI')
if (attr(ew, 'useMT')){
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Cophenetic profiles:\n')
CPs <- CophProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=splist)
submodels <- c(submodels, takesCP)
if (!is.null(MySpeciesTree) && CheckBifurcating(MySpeciesTree)){
submodels <- c(submodels, 'Behdenna')
if (attr(ew, 'useColoc')){
submodels <- c(submodels, 'GeneDistance')
if (attr(ew, 'useResidue')){
# Ensemble with this still needs to be trained
#submodels <- c(submodels, 'useResidue')
submodels <- submodels
if(!is.null(PretrainedModel)) {
UseBuiltIns <- FALSE
predictionmodel <- PretrainedModel
} else {
UseBuiltIns <- TRUE
results <- list()
for ( model in submodels ){
if (Verbose) cat('Running ', model, ':\n', sep='')
if (model %in% takesCP) profs <- CPs
else profs <- PAs
results[[model]] <- predict(ew, model, Verbose=Verbose,
ReturnRawData=TRUE, precalcProfs=profs,
MySpeciesTree=MySpeciesTree, ...)
cat('Combining results...\n')
results <- AdjMatToDf(results, Verbose=Verbose)
cat('Calculating additional P/A Statistics...\n')
pas <- PAStats(results, PAs)
results[,'AvgOcc'] <- pas$avg
results[,'OccDiff'] <- pas$diff
if (NoPrediction) return(list(res=results, noPostFormatting=TRUE))
if (Verbose) cat('Predicting with Ensemble method...\n')
if (UseBuiltIns){
predictions <- predictWithBuiltins(results)
} else if (is(predictionmodel, 'glm')) {
predictions <- predict(predictionmodel, results[,-c(1,2)], type='response')
} else {
predictions <- predict(predictionmodel, results[,-c(1,2)])
outmat <- simMat(NA_real_, length(unames), NAMES=unames)
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(predictions), style=3)
for (i in seq_along(predictions)){
i1 <- which(results[i,1] == unames)
i2 <- which(results[i,2] == unames)
pred <- predictions[i]
outmat[i1, i2] <- pred
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat('\n')
Diag(outmat) <- 1
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