
Defines functions doMCMCDiags

Documented in doMCMCDiags

#' This function is a high level function to be called by the user, and implements all of the plotting, diagnostic, and output summaries available. It is applicable to one or more fitted model objects, stored in a list object.
#' @param datalist Data
#' @param strata.limits limits of strata
#' @param directory The directory to save output in
#' @param mods A list of one or more fitted delta-GLMM model objects
#' @param StrataWeights Weights, defaults to "StrataAreas", also can be "Equal"
#' @param McmcDiagnostics Boolean indicating whether or not to make the MCMCdiagnostics plots, defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @return Returns a list of output, by year and by Strata:Year
#' @seealso \code{\link{MapData}}, \code{\link{ConvergencePlot}}, \code{\link{McmcDiagnosticsPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotOffset}}, \code{\link{PosteriorPredictive}}, \code{\link{ComputeIndices}}, \code{\link{ComputeMleIndices}}
#' @import R2jags
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @import grDevices
#' @export
doMCMCDiags <- function(datalist, strata.limits, directory, mods, StrataWeights = "StrataAreas", McmcDiagnostics = FALSE) {

  # Load tagged list of data
  attach(datalist, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

  # Load data locally
  if (!("Data" %in% search())) {
    attach(Data, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    on.exit(detach(Data), add = TRUE)

  # Identify strata and year for StratYear values
  StrataTable <- data.frame(
    strataYear = levels(strataYear),
    strata = sapply(levels(strataYear), FUN = function(Char) {
      Split <- strsplit(Char, ":")[[1]]
      paste(Split[-length(Split)], collapse = ":")
    year = sapply(levels(strataYear), FUN = function(Char) {
      Split <- strsplit(Char, ":")[[1]]
    Area_Hectares = rep(NA, nlevels(strataYear))
  for (i in 1:nrow(StrataTable)) {
    Row <- which(strata.limits[, "STRATA"] == StrataTable[i, "strata"])
    StrataTable[i, "Area_Hectares"] <- sum(SA3[SA3[, "MAX_LAT_DD"] <= strata.limits[Row, "NLat"] & SA3[, "MIN_LAT_DD"] >= strata.limits[Row, "SLat"] & SA3[, "MIN_DEPTH_M"] >= strata.limits[Row, "MinDepth"] & SA3[, "MAX_DEPTH_M"] <= strata.limits[Row, "MaxDepth"], "AREA_HECTARES"])

  # Make folder for plots
  Species <- species <- mods[[1]]$Species
  SpeciesFolder <- paste(getwd(), "/", Species, "_FinalDiagnostics/", sep = "")
  dir.create(SpeciesFolder, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # Make objects for saving output
  Indices <- array(NA, dim = c(nlevels(year), length(mods), 2))
  IndicesByStrata <- array(NA, dim = c(nlevels(year), nlevels(strata), length(mods), 2))

  # Display data

  # Plot data by year, depth, and latitude
  PlotData(Data = Data, FileName = "", Folder = SpeciesFolder)
  # Plot location of data
  MapData(Data = Data, strata.limits = strata.limits, SA = SA3, Folder = SpeciesFolder)
  # Save mods for later usage
  Save <- list(mods = mods, Data = Data)
  save(Save, file = paste(SpeciesFolder, "Save.RData", sep = ""))
  # Load old mods (if you want to)
  # load(file=paste(SpeciesFolder,"Save.RData",sep=""))
  # attach(Save)

  # Format data
  out <- list()
  for (ModelNumber in 1:length(mods)) {

    # Make folder
    Folder <- paste(SpeciesFolder, "/Model=", ModelNumber, "/", sep = "")
    dir.create(Folder, showWarnings = FALSE)

    # Unpack results
    Model <- mods[[ModelNumber]]
    McmcArray <- as.array(Model$BUGSoutput$sims.array)
    McmcList <- vector("list", length = dim(McmcArray)[2])
    for (i in 1:length(McmcList)) McmcList[[i]] <- as.mcmc(McmcArray[, i, ])
    McmcList <- mcmc.list(McmcList)
    BugsList <- Model$BUGSoutput$sims.list

    # Record details
    capture.output(Model$mcmc.control, file = paste(Folder, "mcmc_control.txt", sep = ""))
    capture.output(list(Model$likelihood, Model$modelStructure), file = paste(Folder, "Model_Structure.txt", sep = ""))
    capture.output(Model$BUGSoutput$summary, file = paste(Folder, "BUGSoutput_summary.txt", sep = ""))
    capture.output(Model$model, file = paste(Folder, "deltaGLM.txt", sep = ""))
    save(Model, file = paste(Folder, "mods_for_this_run.RData", sep = ""))

    # Load parToMinitor from Eric's code
    parToMonitor <- which(Model$Estimated)
    parnames <- Model$Parameter[parToMonitor]

    # Convergence diagnostics

    # TracePlot
    # maxDims=10; Nkeep=5000; parToMonitor=parToMonitor; parnames=parnames[parToMonitor]; FileName=""; Type="Trace"; Folder=Folder
    ConvergencePlot(McmcArray, maxDims = 8, parToMonitor = parToMonitor, parnames = parnames, FileName = "", Type = "Trace", Folder = Folder, Model = Model)
    # ACF plot
    ConvergencePlot(McmcArray, maxDims = 8, Nkeep = 500, parToMonitor = parToMonitor, parnames = parnames, FileName = "", Type = "ACF", Folder = Folder, Model = Model)
    # Variance density plots
    if (length(grep("sigma", parnames) > 0)) {
      ConvergencePlot(McmcArray, maxDims = 8, Nkeep = 500, parToMonitor = parToMonitor, parnames = parnames, FileName = "", Type = "VarianceDensity", Folder = Folder, Model = Model)
    # Correlation density plots
    # if(Model$modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "correlated" || Model$modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "correlated") ConvergencePlot(McmcArray, maxDims=8, Nkeep=500, parToMonitor=parToMonitor, parnames=parnames, FileName="", Type="CorrelationDensity", Folder=Folder)

    # Convergence statistics -- This doesn't always converge for either Geweke or Gelman-Rubin statistics
    if (McmcDiagnostics == TRUE) {
      McmcDiagnosticsPlot(McmcList, parToMonitor, FileName = "", Folder = Folder, Geweke = FALSE)

    # Model fit diagnostics

    # Visualize the realized offset
    PlotOffset(Data = Data, BugsList = BugsList, FileName = "", Folder = Folder)
    # Posterior predictive distribution for positive catches
    WAIC <- PosteriorPredictive(Data = Data, Model = Model, FileName = "", Folder = Folder)
    # JAGS indices of abundance
    McmcIndices <- ComputeIndices(Data = Data, Model = Model, FileName = "", Folder = Folder, Weights = StrataWeights, StrataTable = StrataTable)
    # MLE indices of abundance
    MleIndices <- try(ComputeMleIndices(Data = Data, Model = Model, FileName = "", Folder = Folder, Weights = StrataWeights, StrataTable = StrataTable, Run = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(MleIndices, "try-error") == TRUE) {
      MleIndices <- ComputeMleIndices(Data = Data, Model = Model, FileName = "", Folder = Folder, Weights = StrataWeights, StrataTable = StrataTable, Run = FALSE)
    out[[ifelse(is.null(names(mods)), ModelNumber, names(mods)[ModelNumber])]] <- list(
      MCMC.byYear = McmcIndices$byYear,
      MCMC.byYearAndStrata = McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata, MLE.byYear = MleIndices$byYear, MLE.byYearAndStrata = MleIndices$byYearAndStrata, WAIC = WAIC

    # Compare JAGS and MLE
    jpeg(paste(Folder, "/", "", "Index_Comparison.jpg", sep = ""), width = 2 * 3, height = 2 * 3, res = 200, units = "in")
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(2.5, 2, 2, 0), mgp = c(1.25, 0.25, 0), tck = -0.02)
    matplot(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("PresMedian", "RawPres")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Pres), col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = "solid", type = "l", xlab = "Strata and/or Year", ylab = "Index or component", main = "StrataYear Presence", ylim = c(0, max(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("PresMedian", "RawPres")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Pres), na.rm = TRUE)))
    matplot(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("PosMedian", "RawPos")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Pos), col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = "solid", type = "l", xlab = "Strata and/or Year", ylab = "Index or component", main = "StrataYear Positive catch", ylim = c(0, max(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("PosMedian", "RawPos")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Pos), na.rm = TRUE)))
    matplot(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("IndexMedian", "Raw")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Index), col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = "solid", type = "l", xlab = "Strata and/or Year", ylab = "Index or component", main = "StrataYear Index", ylim = c(0, max(cbind(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata[, c("IndexMedian", "Raw")], MleIndices$byYearAndStrata$Index), na.rm = TRUE)))
    matplot(cbind(McmcIndices$byYear[, c("IndexMedian", "Raw")], MleIndices$byYear$Index), col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = "solid", type = "l", xlab = "Strata and/or Year", ylab = "Index or component", main = "Year Index", ylim = c(0, max(cbind(McmcIndices$byYear[, c("IndexMedian", "Raw")], MleIndices$byYear$Index), na.rm = TRUE)))

    # Make easier to read version
    jpeg(paste(Folder, "/", "", "Index_with_95CI.jpg", sep = ""), width = 4, height = 4, res = 200, units = "in")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(2.5, 2, 2, 0), mgp = c(1.25, 0.25, 0), tck = -0.02)
    if (is.finite(max(McmcIndices$byYear[, "SdLog"], na.rm = T)) == TRUE) plot(McmcIndices$byYear[, "IndexMedian"], col = "black", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Index", main = "Year Index", ylim = c(0, max(McmcIndices$byYear[, "IndexMedian"] * exp(1.96 * McmcIndices$byYear[, "SdLog"]), na.rm = TRUE)))
    if (is.finite(max(McmcIndices$byYear[, "SdLog"], na.rm = T)) == FALSE) plot(McmcIndices$byYear[, "IndexMedian"], col = "black", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Index", main = "Year Index", ylim = c(0, max(McmcIndices$byYear[, "IndexMedian"] * exp(0), na.rm = TRUE)))
    for (i in 1:nrow(McmcIndices$byYear)) lines(x = rep(i, 2), y = McmcIndices$byYear[i, "IndexMedian"] * exp(c(-1.96, 1.96) * McmcIndices$byYear[i, "SdLog"]), col = "red")

    # Save McmcIndices and CV
    Indices[, ModelNumber, 1] <- McmcIndices$byYear$IndexMean
    Indices[, ModelNumber, 2] <- McmcIndices$byYear$SdLog
    for (StratI in 1:nlevels(strata)) {
      Which <- which(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata$Strata == levels(as.factor(McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata$Strata))[StratI])
      IndicesByStrata[, StratI, ModelNumber, 1] <- McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata$IndexMean[Which]
      IndicesByStrata[, StratI, ModelNumber, 2] <- McmcIndices$byYearAndStrata$SdLog[Which]

  # Plot Index and CV for all model configurations
  jpeg(paste(SpeciesFolder, "Index_Comparison.jpg", sep = ""), width = 1 * 4, height = 2 * 4, res = 200, units = "in")
  par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mgp = c(1.25, 0.25, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 0), tck = -0.02)
  if (!is.finite(max(Indices[, , 1], na.rm = T))) matplot(Indices[, , 1], col = "black", lty = "solid", type = "b", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Biomass index", ylim = c(0, max(Indices[, , 1], na.rm = T)))
  if (!is.finite(max(Indices[, , 2], na.rm = T))) matplot(Indices[, , 2], col = "black", lty = "solid", type = "b", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Index CV", ylim = c(0, max(Indices[, , 2], na.rm = T)))

  # Plot Index and CV | Strata for all model configurations
  Log <- ""
  jpeg(paste(SpeciesFolder, "Index_Comparison_by_strata.jpg", sep = ""), width = 2 * 3, height = nlevels(strata) * 3, res = 200, units = "in")
  par(mfrow = c(nlevels(strata), 2), mgp = c(1.25, 0.25, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 0), tck = -0.02, oma = c(0, 2, 2, 0))
  for (StratI in 1:nlevels(strata)) {
    if (!is.finite(max(IndicesByStrata[, , , 1], na.rm = T))) {
      matplot(IndicesByStrata[, StratI, , 1], col = "black", log = Log, lty = "solid", type = "b", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Biomass index", ylim = list(c(0, max(IndicesByStrata[, , , 1])), range(IndicesByStrata[, , , 1]))[[ifelse(Log == "", 1, 2)]])
      if (StratI == 1) mtext(side = 3, outer = FALSE, line = 1, text = "Biomass index", cex = 1.5)
      mtext(side = 2, outer = FALSE, line = 2, text = levels(strata)[StratI], cex = 1.5)
    if (!is.finite(max(IndicesByStrata[, , , 2], na.rm = T))) {
      matplot(IndicesByStrata[, StratI, , 2], col = "black", lty = "solid", type = "b", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Index CV", ylim = c(0, max(IndicesByStrata[, , , 2], na.rm = T)))
      if (StratI == 1) mtext(side = 3, outer = FALSE, line = 1, text = "Index CV", cex = 1.5)
nwfsc-assess/nwfscDeltaGLM documentation built on July 8, 2023, 4:49 a.m.