
Defines functions pull_gemm

Documented in pull_gemm

#' Pull gemm data from the NWFSC data warehouse
#' The website is: https://www.webapps.nwfsc.noaa.gov/data
#' This function can be used to pull all gemm data, a single species, or a 
#' subset of species c("Canary Rockfish", "Widow Rockfish"). Species names in 
#' the gemm are capitalized (e.g. Canary Rockfish). However, there are checks in 
#' the function to adjust input species names if the input names do not match
#' the expected capitalization (e.g. "canary rockfish", "canary_rockfish"). The 
#' fuction also allows you to subset the data by year using the years input and to 
#' save the object if the dir function input is given.
#' @template common_name
#' @template years 
#' @template dir 
#' @author Chantel Wetzel 
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
#' @import janitor
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Pull all GEMM data
#' all_data <- pull_gemm()
#' # Pull for a specific specis 
#' widow_data <- pull_gemm(common_name = "Widow Rockfish")
#' # Pull multiple species
#' data <- pull_gemm(common_name = c("Widow Rockfish", "Canary Rockfish"))
#' # Pull species and subset years
#' widow_recent <- pull_gemm(common_name = "Widow Rockfish", years = 2014:2019)
#' }
pull_gemm <- function(common_name, years, dir){

	# Pull all gemm data
	gemm <- utils::read.csv(
		    	encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM') %>%

 	# Check the species name if provided
 		tmp <- NULL
 		for(ii in 1:length(common_name)){
 			new_name <- sub("_", " ", common_name[ii])
 			new_name <- stringr::str_to_title(new_name)
 			find <- which(gemm$species == new_name)
 			if(length(find) == 0) {
 				stop(cat("The species name was not found: ", new_name))
 			tmp = rbind(tmp, gemm[find, ])
 		gemm = tmp

 	# Check the years if provided
 	if(!missing(years)) {
 		if(sum(years %in% gemm$year) == 0) {
 			stop(cat("The input years were not found in the available gemm years: ", min(gemm$year), "-", max(gemm$year)))
 		gemm <- gemm[gemm$year %in% years, ]

 	if(!missing(dir)) {
 			save(gemm, file = paste0(dir, "/gemm_out.Rdat"))
 		} else {
 			save_name = sub(" ", "_", common_name)
 			save(gemm, file = paste0(dir, "/gemm_", save_name, ".rdata"))

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on May 5, 2024, 5:21 a.m.