
Defines functions plotTopEPG2

Documented in plotTopEPG2

#' @title plotTopEPG2
#' @author Oyvind Bleka
#' @description EPG data visualizer (interactive)
#' @details Plots the expected peak heights of the top genotypes. The peak heights for corresponding alleles (one sample) are superimposed.
#' @param MLEobj An object returned from contLikMLE
#' @param DCobj An object returned from devonvolve: Must be run with same object as MLEobj
#' @param kit Short name of kit: See supported kits with getKit(). Argument ignored if degradation model used.
#' @param dyeYmax Whether the Y-axis scale should be dye specific
#' @param plotRepsOnly Whether only replicates are plotted 
#' @param options Layout options can be provided: w0 (layout width),marg0 (margin), txtsize0 (text size), locsize0 (locus name size), minY (minimum Y-axis height), ymaxscale (Scaling maximum Y-axis height), transdeg (transparanct of bars 0=max, 1=min)
#' @param withStutterModel Whether taking the stutter model into account when visualizing
#' @return A plotly widget
#' @export

plotTopEPG2 <- function(MLEobj,DCobj=NULL,kit=NULL,dyeYmax=TRUE,plotRepsOnly=TRUE,options=NULL,withStutterModel=TRUE) {
 # MLEobj<<- MLEobj
  if(is.null(options$h0)) { h0 = 1200  } else { h0 = options$h0 }  # 5500/nrows #standard height for each dye (depends on number of rows? No)
  if(is.null(options$w0)) { w0 = 1800 } else { w0 = options$w0 }  # standard witdh when printing plot
  if(is.null(options$marg0)) { marg0 = 0.02  } else { marg0 = options$marg0 } 
  if(is.null(options$txtsize0)) { txtsize0 = 15 } else { txtsize0 = options$txtsize0 }  
  if(is.null(options$locsize0)) { locsize0 = 20 } else { locsize0 = options$locsize0 } 
  if(is.null(options$minY)) { minY = 100 } else { minY = options$minY }  #default minimum Y-axis length
  if(is.null(options$ymaxscale)) { ymaxscale = 1.05 } else { ymaxscale = options$ymaxscale }  #default minimum Y-axis length
  if(is.null(options$transdeg)) { transdeg = 0.5 } else { transdeg = options$transdeg }  #transparancy of bars/peaks
  Qallele = "99"
  c = MLEobj$prepareC #obtain C-preparation object
  #extract info from DC (deconvolution) object
  if(is.null(DCobj)) DCobj <- deconvolve(MLEobj,maxlist=1) #get top candidate profiles
  topGmat <- sapply(DCobj$rankGi,function(x) x[1,-ncol(x),drop=F])
  if(is.null(nrow(topGmat))) topGmat <- t(topGmat) #consider as matrix
  pG <- as.numeric(sapply(DCobj$rankGi,function(x) x[1,ncol(x)])) #probabilities
  names(pG) = toupper(names(DCobj$rankGi)) #assign loci names
  #obtain estimates:
  AT = MLEobj$model$threshT #extract analytical threholds from object
  thhat <- MLEobj$fit$thetahat2 #get estimates
  nC <- MLEobj$model$nC #number of contributors
  mx <- thhat[1:nC]   
  mu <- thhat[nC+1]   
  sigma <- thhat[nC+2]   
  beta <- 1
  xiBW <- xiFW <- 0
  if(MLEobj$model$DEG) beta <- thhat[nC+3]
  if(MLEobj$model$BWS) xiBW <- thhat[nC+3 + as.integer(MLEobj$model$DEG) ]
  if(MLEobj$model$FWS) xiFW <- thhat[nC+4 + as.integer(MLEobj$model$DEG) ] #need to assume BWS

  col0 = "#0000007F" #color of all peak heights (is gray colored)
  col1 = .getContrCols(0.3) #get contribution colors
  mxtxt = paste0("Contr.C",1:length(mx),"(",names(col1)[1:length(mx)],")=",signif(mx,3))
  nReps = c$nReps #number of replicates
  locsAll = c$markerNames #get locus names
  sampleNames = c$repNames #obtain evidence names
  refNames = c$refNamesCond #obtain reference name of conditionals
  nrefs = length(refNames)
  if(!is.null(MLEobj$model$kit)) kit = MLEobj$model$kit #NB: Use kit of degradation model if given (ignoring kit argument!)
  kitinfo = euroformix::getKit(kit) #names(kitinfo)
  if( is.na(kitinfo)[1] ) {
    print("The kit name was not recognized by getKit!")
  kitinfo$Color[kitinfo$Color=="yellow"] = "orange" #exchange col because of better visualization
  #Prepare settings:
  dyes = unique(kitinfo$Color)
  nrows = length(dyes) #number of dyes/rows
  #Create list with dye,marker,bp (for observed data
  bprng = range(kitinfo$Size) #get range (same range for all plots)
  # bprng[1] = bprng[1]/2 #widen out on left?
  POS_markerNames = aggregate(kitinfo$Size,by=list(kitinfo$Color,kitinfo$Marker),FUN=mean) #get marker positions (bp)
  #Create dataset (per dye info with bp)
  df = NULL #store data: (sample,marker,allele,height,bp)
  for(locidx in seq_along(locsAll)) {
  #  locidx = 1
    loc = locsAll[locidx]
    #Obtain allele/peak/fragmentLen details for marker:
    dyeinfo = POS_markerNames[ toupper(POS_markerNames[,2])==loc,-2] #obtain dye info
    genoNames = c$genoList[[loc]]
    nAlleles = c$nAlleles[locidx] #number of alleles (not replicates)
    nReps = c$nRepMarkers[locidx]
    offset_alleles = c$startIndMarker_nAlleles[locidx]
    offset_allelesReps = c$startIndMarker_nAllelesReps[locidx]
    alleles = c$alleleNames[offset_alleles + seq_len(nAlleles)] #obtain allele names
    peaksAlleles = c$peaks[offset_allelesReps + seq_len(nAlleles*nReps)]
    peaksAlleles = matrix(peaksAlleles,nrow=nReps,ncol=nAlleles)
    bpAlleles = c$basepairs[offset_alleles + seq_len(nAlleles)]

    #Obtain genotypes to visualize
    Gcontr = topGmat[,colnames(topGmat)==loc] #get genotypes
    knownRefGeno = matrix("",ncol=2,nrow=nrefs)
    if(nrefs>0) {
      ginds = c$knownGind[nrefs*(locidx-1) + seq_len(nrefs)] + 1 #note adjust index
      ins = which(ginds>0)
      if(length(ins)>0) knownRefGeno[ins,] = genoNames[ginds[ins],,drop=FALSE] #insert if non-empty

    #ref text under each allele
    reftxt = rep("",length(alleles))
    for(rr in seq_len(nrefs)) { #for each ref
      indadd = which(alleles%in%knownRefGeno[rr,]) #index of alleles to add to text
      hasprevval = indadd[nchar(reftxt[indadd])>0] #indice to add backslash (sharing alleles)
      reftxt[ hasprevval ] = paste0(reftxt[ hasprevval ],"/")      
      reftxt[indadd] = paste0( reftxt[indadd], rr)
    #GET cumulative model information, EXPECTation (and std) of PH
    EXPmat <- matrix(0,nrow=length(alleles),ncol=nC)
    SHAPEvec <- rep(0,length(alleles)) 
    for (aa in seq_along(alleles)) { # Loop over all alleles in locus
      allele = alleles[aa]
      contr <- sapply(strsplit(Gcontr,"/"),function(x) sum(x%in%allele)) #get contribution
      EXPmat[aa,] <- cumsum(contr*mx*mu*beta^bpAlleles[aa]) #expected peak heights for each contributors
      SHAPEvec[aa] <- sum(contr*mx)*beta^bpAlleles[aa]/sigma^2 #expected peak heights for each contributors

    nStutt = c$nStutters[locidx] #obtain number of stutters
    if(withStutterModel && nStutt>0) {
      stuttidx = c$startIndMarker_nStutters[locidx] + seq_len(nStutt) #get idx range
      stuttFrom = c$stuttFromInd[stuttidx] + 1 #adjust index
      stuttTo = c$stuttToInd[stuttidx] + 1  #adjust index
      #stuttParamIdx = c$stuttParamInd[stuttidx]+1 #obtain parameter indx
      stuttProp = c(xiBW,xiFW)[c$stuttParamInd[stuttidx]+1] #obtain stutter proportions
      #scale expectation and shape with stutter:
      EXPmat2 = EXPmat
      SHAPEvec2 = SHAPEvec
      for(ss in seq_len(nStutt) ) {
        from = stuttFrom[ss]
        to = stuttTo[ss]
        EXPmat2[from,] = EXPmat2[from,] - stuttProp[ss]*EXPmat[from,] #SUBTRACTED stutters
        SHAPEvec2[from] = SHAPEvec2[from] - stuttProp[ss]*SHAPEvec[from]  
        if( to <= length(alleles)) {
          EXPmat2[to,] = EXPmat2[to,] + stuttProp[ss]*EXPmat[from,] #OBTAINED stutters
          SHAPEvec2[to] = SHAPEvec2[to] + stuttProp[ss]*SHAPEvec[from]  
      EXPmat = EXPmat2 #override with stutter products
      SHAPEvec = SHAPEvec2
    PIlow = qgamma(0.025, shape=SHAPEvec, scale=mu*sigma^2)
    PIup = qgamma(0.975, shape=SHAPEvec, scale=mu*sigma^2)
    EXP <- apply(EXPmat,1,function(x) paste0(x,collapse = "/"))
    #Store values in table (not Q-allele if not relevant)
    bpAlleles2 = (100*bpAlleles) + 125 #adjust back
    Qidx = which(alleles%in%Qallele) #get index of Q-allele 
    showQ =  reftxt[Qidx]!="" ||  SHAPEvec[Qidx]>0 #whether Q-allele should be included
    if(!is.na(showQ) && !showQ) {
      alleles = alleles[-Qidx]
      peaksAlleles = peaksAlleles[,-Qidx,drop=FALSE]
      bpAlleles2 = bpAlleles2[-Qidx] 
      reftxt = reftxt[-Qidx] 
      EXP = EXP[-Qidx] 
      PIlow = PIlow[-Qidx]
      PIup = PIup[-Qidx]
    for(ss in seq_len(nReps)) {
      df = rbind(df, cbind(sampleNames[ss],loc,alleles,peaksAlleles[ss,],bpAlleles2,reftxt,EXP,PIlow,PIup) )
  } #end for each loci
  df = data.frame(Sample=df[,1],Marker=df[,2], Allele=df[,3],Height=as.numeric(df[,4]),bp=as.numeric(df[,5]),reftxt=df[,6],EXP=df[,7],PIlow=as.numeric(df[,8]),PIup=as.numeric(df[,9]),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  #Obtain global maximum window to show
  #Ymax = max(df$PIup)
  Ymax <- max(as.numeric(unlist( strsplit(df$EXP,"/") )))
  Ylim_max =  ymaxscale*max(Ymax,minY,df$Height) #global max y
  if(nReps==1 || !plotRepsOnly) { #plot separate plot only in this case
    for(sample in sampleNames) { #create a seperate EPG plot for each samples
    # sample =sampleNames[1]
     plist = list() #create plot object for each color
     for(dye in dyes) {
    #   dye=dyes[1]
      dyeidx = which(dyes==dye)
      loctab = POS_markerNames[POS_markerNames[,1]==dye,-1,drop=FALSE]
      locs = toupper(as.character(loctab[,1])) #get locs 
      poslocs = loctab[,2] #get corresponding positions
      AT1 <- AT #temporary on analytical threshold
      if(!is.null(AT) && length(AT)>1 ) AT1 = AT[ toupper(names(AT))%in%locs ][1]  #extract dye specific AT
      dfs = df[df$Sample==sample & df$Marker%in%locs,] #extract subset 
      if(dyeYmax) ymax1 = ymaxscale*max( na.omit( c(minY,AT1,as.numeric(unlist( strsplit(dfs$EXP,"/") )),dfs$Height) ) )  #get max 
      p = plotly::plot_ly(colors=col0,mode="lines",height=h0) #df,x = ~bp,y=~Height,type="scatter",mode="markers",colors=markerCol,name=~Allele)
      for(j in 1:nrow(dfs))  p = plotly::add_trace(p,x =dfs$bp[j] + 1*c( -1/4,0,1/4),y =c(0,dfs$Height[j],0 ),name=as.character(dfs$Allele[j]),type = "scatter" , mode = "lines", fill = "tozeroy",fillcolor=col0,showlegend = FALSE,color=factor(1))
      if(!is.null(AT1)) p <- plotly::add_lines(p,x = bprng, y = rep(AT1,2),color=factor(1),line=list(dash = 'dot',width=2),showlegend = FALSE)

      for(loc in locs) { #for each loci: color name for different probabilities 
        markerCol = "black" 
        prob = pG[names(pG)==toupper(loc)]
        if( length(prob)>0 ) {
          if( prob>=.95 ) {
            markerCol = "forestgreen"
          } else if(prob>=.9) {
            markerCol = "orange"
          } else {
            markerCol = "red"
        p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=poslocs[which(loc==locs)] ,y=ymax1,text=loc,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = markerCol,family = 'Gravitas One',size = locsize0))  #ADD LOCI NAMES
      } #end for each loci
      p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=dfs$bp,y=rep(0,nrow(dfs)),text=dfs$Allele,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = txtsize0),yshift=-10)  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
      if(nrefs>0) {
         p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=dfs$bp,y=rep(0,nrow(dfs)),text=dfs$reftxt,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = txtsize0),yshift=-25)  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
         if(dyeidx ==1) p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=rep(bprng[2],2),y=c(ymax1-ymax1/10*(1:nrefs)),text= paste0("Label ",1:nrefs,": ",refNames),showarrow=FALSE,font = list(colors = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = 15),xshift=0,xanchor = 'right')  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
      if(dyeidx ==length(dyes)) p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=rep(bprng[2],2),y=c(ymax1-ymax1/10*(1:length(mx))),text=mxtxt,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(colors = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = 15),xshift=0,xanchor = 'right')  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
      Ev = strsplit(dfs$EXP,"/") #extract
      shapeList = list()  #add opacity shapes
      cc = 1 #counter
      for(i in 1:length(Ev)) {
       Ev2 = c(0,Ev[[i]])
       for(j in 1:length(Ev[[i]])) { #for each contributor 
        if(Ev2[j+1]==Ev2[j]) next #skip if equal
        shapeList[[cc]] = list(type = "rect",fillcolor = col1[j], line = list(color = col1[j],width=0.1), opacity = transdeg,x0 =dfs$bp[i]-1/3, x1 = dfs$bp[i]+1/3,y0 = Ev2[j], y1 = Ev2[j+1])#,xref="x", yref = "y")
        cc = cc + 1
      p = plotly::layout(p,xaxis = list(range = bprng,showticklabels = FALSE,title = ""),yaxis=list(range=c(0,ymax1), showline = TRUE,title = "Heights (RFU)"),shapes=shapeList)#,colorway =markerCol) 
      plist[[dye]] = p
     sub = plotly::subplot(plist, nrows = nrows, shareX = FALSE, shareY = FALSE,margin=marg0,titleY= TRUE)
     sub = plotly::layout(sub ,title=sample,barmode = 'group',xaxis = list(title = ""))
     sub = plotly::config(sub, scrollZoom=TRUE, displaylogo=FALSE,modeBarButtonsToRemove=c("hoverClosestCartesian","hoverCompareCartesian","toggleSpikelines"),toImageButtonOptions=list(width=w0)) 
     if(nReps==1) return(sub) #return function if no replicates
  } #end if not only separate plots
  repcols = rep("gray",nReps)
  plist = list() #create plot object for each color
  for(dye in dyes) { #traverse each dye
    #   dye=dyes[1]
    dyeidx = which(dyes==dye)
    loctab = POS_markerNames[POS_markerNames[,1]==dye,-1,drop=FALSE]
    locs = toupper(as.character(loctab[,1])) #get locs 
    AT1 <- AT #temporary on analytical threshold
    if(!is.null(AT) && length(AT)>1 ) AT1 = AT[ toupper(names(AT))%in%locs ][1]  #extract dye specific AT
    poslocs = loctab[,2] #get corresponding positions
    dfs = df[df$Marker%in%locs,] #extract df subset 
    dfs_unique = unique( subset(dfs,select=c("Marker","Allele","bp","reftxt") ) ) #get unique outcome
    if(dyeYmax) ymax1 = ymaxscale*max(na.omit( c(minY,AT1,dfs$Height, max(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(dfs$EXP,"/")))) ) ))  #get max 
    p = plotly::plot_ly(dfs,type = "bar",height=h0, colors=repcols,showlegend = FALSE)
    p = plotly::add_trace(p,x=~bp,y=~Height,name=~Sample,showlegend = FALSE,color=~Sample,hoverlabel=list(font=list(size=14),namelength=1000,namecolor="black"),text =~Allele) #dfs,x = ~bp,y=~Height,type="scatter",mode="markers",colors=markerCol,name=~Allele)
    if(!is.null(AT1)) p = plotly::add_segments(p,x = bprng[1], xend = bprng[2], y = AT1, yend = AT1,color=factor(1),line=list(dash = 'dot',width=2),showlegend = FALSE)
    for(loc in locs) { #for each loci: color name for different probabilities 
      markerCol = "black"
      prob = pG[names(pG)==toupper(loc)]
      if( length(prob)>0 ) {
        if( prob>=.95 ) {
          markerCol = "forestgreen"
        } else if(prob>=.9) {
          markerCol = "orange"
        } else {
          markerCol = "red"
      p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=poslocs[which(loc==locs)] ,y=ymax1,text=loc,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = markerCol,family = 'Gravitas One',size = locsize0))  #ADD LOCI NAMES
    } #end for each loci
    p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=dfs_unique$bp,y=rep(0,nrow(dfs_unique)),text=dfs_unique$Allele,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = txtsize0),yshift=-10)  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
    if(nrefs>0) {
       p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=dfs_unique$bp,y=rep(0,nrow(dfs_unique)),text=dfs_unique$reftxt,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(color = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = txtsize0),yshift=-25)  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
       if(dyeidx ==1) p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=rep(bprng[2],2),y=c(ymax1-ymax1/10*(1:nrefs)),text= paste0("Label ",1:nrefs,": ",refNames),showarrow=FALSE,font = list(colors = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = 15),xshift=0,xanchor = 'right')  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
    if(dyeidx ==length(dyes)) p = plotly::add_annotations(p, x=rep(bprng[2],2),y=c(ymax1-ymax1/10*(1:length(mx))),text= mxtxt,showarrow=FALSE,font = list(colors = 1,family = 'sans serif',size = 15),xshift=0,xanchor = 'right')  #ADD ALLELE NAMES
    Ev = strsplit(dfs$EXP,"/") #extract
    shapeList = list()  #add opacity shapes
    cc = 1 #counter
    for(i in 1:length(Ev)) {
     Ev2 = c(0,Ev[[i]])
     for(j in 1:length(Ev[[i]])) { #for each contributor 
      if(Ev2[j+1]==Ev2[j]) next #skip if equal
      shapeList[[cc]] = list(type = "rect",fillcolor = col1[j], line = list(color = col1[j],width=0.1), opacity = transdeg,x0 =dfs$bp[i]-1/2, x1 = dfs$bp[i]+1/2,y0 = Ev2[j], y1 = Ev2[j+1])#,xref="x", yref = "y")
      cc = cc + 1
    p = plotly::layout(p,xaxis = list(range = bprng,showticklabels = FALSE,title = ""),yaxis=list(range=c(0,ymax1), showline = TRUE,title = "Heights (RFU)"),shapes=shapeList)#,autosize=FALSE,width=10)#,colorway =markerCol) 
    plist[[dye]] = p
  } #end for each dye
  sub = plotly::subplot(plist, nrows = nrows, shareX = FALSE, shareY = FALSE,margin=marg0,titleY= TRUE) 
  sub = plotly::layout(sub ,title=paste0(sampleNames,collapse="/"),barmode = 'group')
  sub = plotly::config(sub, scrollZoom=TRUE, displaylogo=FALSE,modeBarButtonsToRemove=c("lasso2d","select2d","hoverClosestCartesian","hoverCompareCartesian","toggleSpikelines"),toImageButtonOptions=list(width=w0))
} #end function
oyvble/euroformix documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 11:14 a.m.