
# assemble data frame of design-based indices
# assemble data frame of geostat-based indices
# scale geostat to max 1
# scale design to have some geo mean
# add any shading

# make base design-plot dots/lines
# overlay geostat ribbons

# library(purrr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(here)
# devtools::load_all(".")

make_index_panel <- function(spp_w_hyphens, final_year_surv = 2023, french = FALSE, all_survey_years = NULL) {
  cat(crayon::green(clisymbols::symbol$tick), spp_w_hyphens, "\n")
  # setup -------------------------------------------------
  # spp_w_hyphens <- "pacific-cod"
  # dc <- here("report", "data-cache-nov-2023")
  dat <- readRDS(paste0(file.path(dc, spp_w_hyphens), ".rds"))
  report_folder <- "report"
  iphc_index_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "iphc-cache")
  dir.create(iphc_index_cache, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  iphc_index_cache_spp <- paste0(file.path(iphc_index_cache, spp_w_hyphens), ".rds")

  survey_cols <- c(
    "SYN WCHG" = "#E41A1C",
    "SYN WCVI" = "#984EA3",
    "SYN HS" = "#377EB8",
    "SYN QCS" = "#4DAF4A",
    "HBLL OUT N" = "#FF7F00",
    "HBLL OUT S" = "#FDBF6F",
    "HBLL INS N/S" = "#A65628",
    "IPHC FISS" = "#F781BF",
    "MSSM WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
    "MSSM Geostat" = "#6c6c6c",
    "MSA HS" = "#6c6c6c",
    "SYN HS/QCS/WCHG/WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
    "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
    "HBLL OUT N/S" = "#6c6c6c",
    "Commercial" = "#303030"

  lvls <- c(
    "SYN WCHG",
    "SYN HS",
    "SYN QCS",
    "SYN WCVI",
    "HBLL OUT N",
    "HBLL OUT S",
    "HBLL OUT N/S",
    "HBLL INS N/S",
    "IPHC FISS",
    "OTHER HS MSA", # changes!

  # get design indices ---------------------------------------
  dat_design <- tidy_survey_index(
    min_years = 1,
    survey = c(

  # pad zeros:
  if (!is.null(all_survey_years)) {
    all_survey_years <- filter(all_survey_years, survey_abbrev %in% unique(dat_design$survey_abbrev))
    dat_design <- full_join(all_survey_years, dat_design,
      by = c("survey_abbrev", "year")
    if (!all($biomass))) {
      tofill <-$biomass) & !$year)
      dat_design$lowerci[tofill] <- 0
      dat_design$upperci[tofill] <- 0
      dat_design$biomass[tofill] <- 0

  lvls[lvls == "OTHER HS MSA"] <- "MSA HS"
  dat_design$survey_abbrev <- gsub(
  dat_design$survey_abbrev <- factor(dat_design$survey_abbrev, levels = lvls)

  # sub iphc -------------------------------------------------
  # replace IPHC design with NA so that they still show up as empty panels but
  # we aren't going to show the design index this year
  # dat_design <- dat_design |>
  #   filter(survey_abbrev != "IPHC FISS") |>
  #   bind_rows(tibble(survey_abbrev = "IPHC FISS"))

  dat_design <- gfsynopsis:::sub_iphc_design(
    iphc_index_cache_spp, spp_w_hyphens, dat_design

  # read geostat ---------------------------------------------

  get_index <- function(folder, spp, .family = "", model_tag = "st-iid") {
    paths <- list.files(folder, pattern = ".rds", full.names = TRUE)
    path <- paths[grepl(spp, paths)]
    if (length(path) > 1) {
      path <- path[grepl(model_tag, path)]
    if (length(path)) {
      file_names <- list.files(folder, pattern = ".rds")
      sp <- gsub("-", " ", spp)
      if (file.exists(path)) {
        # if (grepl("QCS", path)) browser()
        d <- readRDS(path)
        if (length(d) > 1L) {
          return(dplyr::mutate(d, species = sp, family = .family))

  families <- c(
  geo <- list()
  take_min_aic <- function(x) {
    if (nrow(x)) {
      # x <- filter(x, !grepl("lognormal", family))
      filter(x, aic == min(aic))
  geo$syn_coast <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/synoptic-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$syn_hs <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/synoptic-SYN HS-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$syn_qcs <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/synoptic-SYN QCS-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$syn_wchg <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/synoptic-SYN WCHG-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$syn_wcvi <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/synoptic-SYN WCVI-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$hbll_out_n <- geo$hbll_ins <- get_index("report/stitch-cache/hbll_outside_n/", spp_w_hyphens)
  geo$hbll_out_s <- geo$hbll_ins <- get_index("report/stitch-cache/hbll_outside_s/", spp_w_hyphens)
  geo$mssm <- purrr::map_dfr(families, \(f) {
    get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/mssm-", f, "/"), spp_w_hyphens, .family = f)
  }) |> take_min_aic()
  geo$hbll_ins <- get_index("report/stitch-cache/hbll_inside/", spp_w_hyphens)
  geo$hbll_out <- get_index("report/stitch-cache/hbll_outside/", spp_w_hyphens)
  geo$iphc <- get_index(paste0("report/stitch-cache/iphc"), spp_w_hyphens)
  if ("iphc" %in% names(geo)) {
    geo$iphc$stitch_regions <- "IPHC FISS"
  if (length(geo)) {
    dat_geo <- bind_rows(geo)
    dat_geo$survey_abbrev <- dat_geo$stitch_regions
    dat_geo$survey_abbrev <- gsub("HBLL INS N, HBLL INS S", "HBLL INS N/S", dat_geo$survey_abbrev)
    dat_geo$survey_abbrev <- gsub("HBLL OUT N, HBLL OUT S", "HBLL OUT N/S", dat_geo$survey_abbrev)
    dat_geo$survey_abbrev <- gsub("SYN HS, SYN QCS, SYN WCHG, SYN WCVI", "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI", dat_geo$survey_abbrev)
    dat_geo$survey_abbrev <- gsub("SYN HS, SYN QCS, SYN WCVI", "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI", dat_geo$survey_abbrev)
    dat_geo <- select(dat_geo, survey_abbrev, year, biomass, lowerci, upperci, mean_cv, num_sets, num_pos_sets) |> as_tibble()
    dat_geo <- filter(dat_geo, mean_cv < 1)

    # combine both types -------------------------------------
    dat_design$method <- "design"
    dat_geo$method <- "geostat"
    dat_design$survey_abbrev <- as.character(dat_design$survey_abbrev)
    both <- bind_rows(dat_geo, dat_design)
    has_geo <- TRUE
  } else {
    has_geo <- FALSE
    both <- dat_design
    both$method <- "design"
  # both <- filter(both, !(survey_abbrev == "SYN WCHG" & year %in% c(2013, 2014, 2015)))

  # scale as needed ----------------------------------------

  # prior_levels <- levels(both$survey_abbrev)
  both_scaled <- group_by(both, survey_abbrev) |>
    group_split() |>
    purrr::map_dfr(\(x) {
      both_present <- length(unique(x$method[!$biomass)])) > 1L
      if (both_present) {
        # if (x$survey_abbrev[1] == "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI") browser()
        # if (x$survey_abbrev[1] == "IPHC FISS") browser()
        x_geo <- filter(x, method == "geostat")
        x_des <- filter(x, method == "design")

        xx <- inner_join(
          select(x_geo, year),
          select(x_des, year, biomass),
          by = join_by(year)
        ) |>
          filter(biomass > 0) # can't take geometric mean of these!
        overlapping_non_zero_years <- xx$year
        x_geo_mean <- exp(mean(log(x_geo$biomass[x_geo$year %in% overlapping_non_zero_years])))
        x_des_mean <- exp(mean(log(x_des$biomass[x_des$year %in% overlapping_non_zero_years])))

        x_geo <- mutate(x_geo,
          biomass_scaled = biomass / x_geo_mean,
          lowerci_scaled = lowerci / x_geo_mean,
          upperci_scaled = upperci / x_geo_mean
        x_des <- mutate(x_des,
          biomass_scaled = biomass / x_des_mean,
          lowerci_scaled = lowerci / x_des_mean,
          upperci_scaled = upperci / x_des_mean

        max_geo <- max(x_geo$upperci_scaled, na.rm = TRUE)
        xx <- bind_rows(x_geo, x_des)
          biomass_scaled = biomass_scaled / max_geo,
          lowerci_scaled = lowerci_scaled / max_geo,
          upperci_scaled = upperci_scaled / max_geo
      } else {
        if (sum(!$biomass))) {
            biomass_scaled = biomass / max(upperci, na.rm = TRUE),
            lowerci_scaled = lowerci / max(upperci, na.rm = TRUE),
            upperci_scaled = upperci / max(upperci, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
            biomass_scaled = NA_real_,
            lowerci_scaled = NA_real_,
            upperci_scaled = NA_real_
    }) |>
    mutate(biomass = biomass_scaled, lowerci = lowerci_scaled, upperci = upperci_scaled) |>
    mutate(survey_abbrev = factor(survey_abbrev, levels = lvls))

  # some cleanup --------------------------------------------------

  # nothing SYN COASTWIDE present:
  if (all(, survey_abbrev == "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI")$biomass)) &&
      all(, survey_abbrev == "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI")$biomass))) {
    both_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, survey_abbrev != "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI")
    both_scaled$survey_abbrev <- forcats::fct_drop(both_scaled$survey_abbrev)
  # "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI present:
  if (any(!, survey_abbrev == "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI")$biomass))) {
    both_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, survey_abbrev != "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI")
    both_scaled$survey_abbrev <- forcats::fct_drop(both_scaled$survey_abbrev)
  # "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI present:
  if (any(!, survey_abbrev == "SYN WCHG/HS/QCS/WCVI")$biomass))) {
    both_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, survey_abbrev != "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI")
    both_scaled$survey_abbrev <- forcats::fct_drop(both_scaled$survey_abbrev)
  # COVID, weird in some cases:
  both_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, !(survey_abbrev == "MSSM WCVI" & year == 2020))

  geo_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, method == "geostat")
  des_scaled <- filter(both_scaled, method == "design")

  labs <- distinct(select(both_scaled, survey_abbrev))
  yrs <- c(1984, final_year_surv)

  # get stats ----------------------------------------------

  stats_df <- select(both_scaled, survey_abbrev, mean_cv, num_sets, num_pos_sets, method) %>%
    distinct() |>
    group_by(survey_abbrev) %>%
    group_split() |>
    purrr::map_dfr(\(x) {
      if (length(unique(x$method)) > 1) {
        filter(x, method == "geostat")
      } else {
    }) |>
    group_by(survey_abbrev) |>
      mean_cv = sprintf("%.2f", round(mean(mean_cv, na.rm = TRUE), 2)),
      mean_num_pos_sets = sprintf("%.0f", round(mean(num_pos_sets, na.rm = TRUE), 0)),
      mean_num_sets = sprintf("%.0f", round(mean(num_sets, na.rm = TRUE), 0))
    ) %>%
    mutate(sets = paste0(en2fr("Mean +ve sets", french), ": ", mean_num_pos_sets, "/", mean_num_sets)) %>%
    mutate(cv = paste0(en2fr("Mean", french), " CV: ", mean_cv)) %>%
    mutate(cv = ifelse(mean_cv == "NaN", "", cv)) %>%
    mutate(sets = ifelse(mean_num_pos_sets == "NaN", "", sets)) %>%
    mutate(mean_cv = as.numeric(mean_cv)) %>%
      mean_num_pos_sets = as.numeric(mean_num_pos_sets),
      mean_num_sets = as.numeric(mean_num_sets)

  # plot ----------------------------------------
    if (nrow(geo_scaled) == 0L & all($biomass))) {
      # Blank plot area when no data
      g <- ggplot() +
        theme_pbs() +
        ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Survey relative biomass indices", french))
    } else {
      g <- plot_survey_index(
        dat = des_scaled,
        scale = FALSE,
        col = c("grey60", "grey20"),
        max_cv = 1,
        survey_cols = survey_cols,
        xlim = c(1984 - 0.2, final_year_surv + 0.2),
        french = french,
        scale_type = "max-CI",
        pjs_mode = TRUE
      ) +
          ylim = c(-0.004, 1.03),
          xlim = c(yrs[1], final_year_surv) + c(-0.75, 0.75), expand = FALSE

      if (has_geo) {
        g <- g + geom_line(data = geo_scaled, mapping = aes(colour = survey_abbrev)) +
            data = geo_scaled,
            mapping = aes(ymin = lowerci_scaled, ymax = upperci_scaled, fill = survey_abbrev), alpha = 0.2
      g <- g + scale_x_continuous(guide = ggplot2::guide_axis(check.overlap = TRUE)) +
          axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
        ) + ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Survey relative biomass indices", french)) +
          strip.background = element_blank(),
          strip.text.x = element_blank()
        ) +
          data = labs, x = yrs[1] + 0.5, y = 0.89,
          aes(label = survey_abbrev),
          inherit.aes = FALSE, colour = "grey30", size = 3, hjust = 0

      if ("MSSM WCVI" %in% both_scaled$survey_abbrev && !all(, survey_abbrev == "MSSM WCVI")$biomass_scaled))) {
        g <- g +
            data = filter(both_scaled, survey_abbrev == "MSSM WCVI")[1, , drop = FALSE],
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(xmin = yrs[1] - 2, xmax = 2003, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf),
            alpha = 0.15

      g <- g + geom_text(
        data = stats_df, aes(label = cv),
        x = yrs[1] + 0.5, y = 0.67,
        colour = "grey35", size = 2.65, hjust = 0
      ) +
          data = stats_df,
          aes(label = sets),
          x = yrs[1] + 0.5, y = 0.49,
          colour = "grey35", size = 2.65, hjust = 0

pbs-assess/gfsynopsis documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 9:38 a.m.