
Defines functions DeisotopingOutputFormat isotopeAnnotation

Documented in DeisotopingOutputFormat isotopeAnnotation

#     Copyright (C) 2018 Lluc Semente Fernandez
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' isotopeAnnotation
#' Finds and evaluate isotope candidates for each ion mass.
#' @param PeakMtx List. An rMSIprocPeakMatrix. Must contain at least the following categories: \itemize{
#' \item PeakMtx$intensity. A matrix containg the intensities of the peaks for each pixel (rows = pixels, cols = peaks).  
#' \item PeakMtx$mass. A vector containg the masses of each peak. Must be in the same order with the columns of the intensity marix.   
#' \item PeakMtx$numPixels. Number of pixels (rows in your matrix).   
#' }
#' @param isoNumber Integer. Number of isotopes to be found.
#' @param tolerance Integer. Mass tolerance for the candidates in scans or ppms.
#' @param charge Integer. Charge of the patterns to be found.
#' @param scoreThreshold Numeric. Score value to consider a ion mass a good isotope candidate. Only the ions that have this number or greater will undergo the following isotope searching stages.
#' @param toleranceUnits String. Must be 'ppm' or 'scan'. If ToleranceUnits is 'scan' then ImageVector must be the mass channels vector of the rMSI image (rMSIObj$mass).
#' @param imageVector Numeric Vector. The mass channels vector of the imaging dataset containing all the scans.
#' @return A list containing the results of the test and other kind of information.

isotopeAnnotation <- function(PeakMtx, isoNumber = 2, tolerance = 30, charge = 1, scoreThreshold = 0.8, toleranceUnits = "ppm", imageVector = NULL)
  result <- list()  
  ##### Type check #####
    if(!(is.matrix(PeakMtx$intensity) & (length(PeakMtx$mass)>0)))
      stop("Error: PeakMtx has not the rMSIprocPeakMatrix format. Look at help for more information.")
    if(isoNumber < 1)
      stop("Error: IsoNumber must be 1 or a greater integer")
    if ((scoreThreshold > 1) | (scoreThreshold < 0))
      stop("Error: ScoreThreshold must be between 0 and 1")
    if(toleranceUnits == "ppm")
      InScans <- FALSE
      imageVector <- c(1,2)
    } else if(toleranceUnits == "scan")
      InScans <- TRUE
    } else
      stop("Error: ToleranceUnits must be 'ppm' or 'scan'")
    if((toleranceUnits == "scan") & (length(PeakMtx$mass) > length(imageVector)))
      stop("Error: If ToleranceUnits is 'scan' then ImageVector must be the mass channels vector of the rMSI image. (rMSIObj$mass)")
    if((toleranceUnits == "ppm") & (tolerance>500))
      writeLines("Maximum allowed tolerance is 500. Replacing the value")
      tolerance <- 500
    if(!(isoNumber%%1 == 0))
      stop("Error: IsoNumber must be an integer")
    if((toleranceUnits == "scan") & !(tolerance%%1 == 0))
      stop("Error: If ToleranceUnits is 'scan' then Tolerance must be integer")
    if((toleranceUnits == "scan") & (tolerance>length(imageVector)))
      stop("Error: Not enough scans in your mass axis, reduce the tolerance")
  ##### Calling the C++ method #####
  result <- C_isotopeAnnotator(length(PeakMtx$mass),        #number of mass peaks
                               length(imageVector),         #number of massChannels
                               sum(PeakMtx$numPixels),      #number of pixels
                               isoNumber,                   #number of isotopes
                               PeakMtx$intensity,           #peak matrix
                               PeakMtx$mass,                #matrix mass axis
                               imageVector,                 #image mass axis 
                               tolerance,                   #tolerance in ppm or scans
                               scoreThreshold,              #score threshold
                               InScans,                     #tolerance units

  ##### Output format #####
  result <- DeisotopingOutputFormat(result, scoreThreshold)


#' DeisotopingOutputFormat
#' Gives format to the output. 

DeisotopingOutputFormat <- function(r, ScoreThreshold)
  ##### Names the results list #####
  NullVec <- matrix(nrow = length(r)-1, ncol = length(r[[1]]))
  Nullcnt <- 0
  for(i in 2:length(r))
    names(r[[i]]) <- signif(r[[1]],digits = 8)
    Nullcnt <- 0
    for(j in 1:length(r[[i]]))
        row.names(r[[i]][[j]]) <- c("M+N mass","Abs ppm error","M+0 index", "M+N index","Final score","Morphology score","Intensity score", "Mass error score", "Isotopic ratio", "Number of C atoms")
        colnames(r[[i]][[j]]) <- (1:(dim(r[[i]][[j]])[2]))
        Nullcnt <- Nullcnt + 1
        NullVec[i-1,Nullcnt] <- j
    r[[i]] <- r[[i]][-(NullVec[i-1,1:Nullcnt])]
  ##### Removes the mass vector and the empty isotope lists #####
  r <- r[-1]
  flagRemList <- FALSE
  RemList <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(r))
      flagRemList <- TRUE
      RemList <- c(RemList,i)
    r <- r[-RemList]
  if(length(r) == 0)
    cat(paste("Number of monoisotopic ions found: 0\n"))
  ##### Creats the isotopic & monoisotopic ions index vectors #####
  MonoVec <- c()
  CompVec <- c()
  for(i in (1:(length(r))))
    for(j in (1:length(r[[i]])))
      if((!is.null(r[[i]][[j]])) & (as.numeric(r[[i]][[j]][5,which.max(r[[i]][[j]][5,])]) >= ScoreThreshold))
        if(i == 1)
          MonoVec <- c(MonoVec, r[[i]][[j]][3,which.max(r[[i]][[j]][5,])])
      for(k in (1:ncol(r[[i]][[j]])))
        if(!is.nan(r[[i]][[j]][5, k]))
          if(as.numeric(r[[i]][[j]][5, k]) > ScoreThreshold )
            CompVec <- c(CompVec, r[[i]][[j]][4, k])
  names(r) <- paste("M",1:length(r),sep = "")
  r$isotopicPeaks <- (unique(CompVec))
  r$monoisotopicPeaks <- (unique(MonoVec))
  r$monoisotopicPeaks <- setdiff(r$monoisotopicPeaks, r$isotopicPeaks)
  MonoVec <- r$monoisotopicPeaks
  cat(paste("Number of monoisotopic ions found:", length(MonoVec),"\n"))
prafols/rMSIproc documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 7:31 p.m.