
readETOPO <- function(path="./trawl/Data/raw_data/depthData/", Save=F){
	# NOAA depth data
	# in netCDF format
	# found nice guidelines here:
	# however, it doesn't appear to be necessary for me to download the netcdf libraries
	# In fact, install.packages("netcdf") worked fine on my iMac and on amphiprion server (Linux)
	# Ah, but reading my notes for read.HadISST, I see that I can use the same method here. I'd forgotten I'd used raster/ brick()

	# =================
	# = Load Packages =
	# =================
	# library(ncdf)
	# library(raster)

	# ===============================
	# = Guess appropriate directory =
	# ===============================
	# if(["sysname"]=="Linux"){
# 		setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost")
# 	}else{
# 		setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost")
# 	}

	# =============
	# = Load data =
	# =============
	depth00 <- raster(path)

	# ============================
	# = 3) Trim brick by lat/lon =
	# ============================
	# NOTE: This is copied from read.HadISST.R
	# Do Latitude trimming
	newExtent <- extent(c(-180, 180, 20, 65)) # define the new "extent" for latitude trimming
	depth01 <- crop(depth00, newExtent) # trim latitude

	# Do longitude trimming
	# Note that I just matched the trimming used for HadISST; the *30 you see is b/c these are 2 minute data, and HadISST was 1ยบ
	depth02 <- as.array(depth01) # change to array for easy manipulation
	depth02[,1:(360*30),] <- as.array(depth01)[,c((180*30+1):(360*30),1:(180*30)),] # everything east of the PM, put to the west, yielding WH coords
	depth03 <- brick(depth02, xmn=-(360), xmx=0, ymn=(20), ymx=(65)) # convert to a raster brick, defining coordinates
	names(depth03) <- names(depth01) # get old names
	depth0 <- crop(depth03, extent(c(-190, -40, 20, 65))) # trim longitude
	depth <- depth0

	# ========
	# = Save =
	# ========
		save(depth, file="./trawl/Data/ETOPO.RData")

	# library(rasterVis)
	# levelplot(depth0, par.settings=PuOrTheme())
	# levelplot(depth0, par.settings=rasterTheme())
rBatt/trawlData documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.