
Defines functions doGenComponentsTPs genTPAnnSimilarities genTPSpecSimilarities

#' @include main.R
#' @include components.R
#' @include utils-components.R
#' @include feature_groups-screening.R
#' @include feature_groups-screening-set.R

genTPSpecSimilarities <- function(obj, groupName1, groupName2, specSimParams, ...)
    # NOTE: groupName2 may have duplicate group names, which will be removed by intersect below. We don't need to repeat
    # their calculation. Just re-add them below.
    gn1 <- intersect(groupName1, groupNames(obj))
    gn2 <- intersect(groupName2, groupNames(obj))
    otherGN2 <- setdiff(groupName2, groupNames(obj))
    getSim <- function(shift)
        sp <- specSimParams
        sp$shift <- shift
        if (length(gn1) == 0)
        ret <- numeric()
        if (length(gn2) > 0)
            ret <- drop(spectrumSimilarity(obj, gn1, gn2, MSLevel = 2, drop = FALSE, specSimParams = sp, ...))
            names(ret) <- gn2
        if (length(otherGN2) > 0)
            ret <- c(ret, setNames(rep(NA_real_, length(otherGN2)), otherGN2))
        ret <- ret[groupName2] # re-order and re-add duplicate group columns if needed
    return(list(specSimilarity = getSim("none"), specSimilarityPrec = getSim("precursor"),
                specSimilarityBoth = getSim("both")))

genTPAnnSimilarities <- function(parentFG, TPFGs, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds)
    getAllAnnPLs <- function(grp)
        annPLsForm <- annPLsComp <- NULL
        if (!is.null(formulas) && !is.null(formulas[[grp]]))
            annPLsForm <- rbindlist(pruneList(lapply(seq_len(nrow(formulas[[grp]])), function(i)
                annotatedPeakList(formulas, index = i, groupName = grp, MSPeakLists = MSPeakLists,
                                  onlyAnnotated = TRUE)
            })), fill = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(compounds) && !is.null(compounds[[grp]]))
            annPLsComp <- rbindlist(pruneList(lapply(seq_len(nrow(compounds[[grp]])), function(i)
                # NOTE: we don't set formulas as we handle them separately in order to get all their results as well
                annotatedPeakList(compounds, index = i, groupName = grp, MSPeakLists = MSPeakLists, formulas = NULL,
                                  onlyAnnotated = TRUE)
            })), fill = TRUE)
        # NOTE: use rbindlist to force DT method, which has the fill argument we need
        # NOTE: rbind/rbindlist deals with NULLs
        return(rbindlist(list(annPLsForm, annPLsComp), fill = TRUE)) 
    annPLParent <- getAllAnnPLs(parentFG)
    if (is.null(annPLParent))
        return(list(fragmentMatches = rep(NA_integer_, length(TPFGs)),
                    neutralLossMatches = rep(NA_integer_, length(TPFGs))))
    parentFrags <- unique(annPLParent$ion_formula); parentNLs <- unique(annPLParent$neutral_loss)
    annPLTPs <- lapply(TPFGs, getAllAnnPLs)
    fragMatches <- sapply(annPLTPs, function(ann)
        if (is.null(ann))
        return(sum(unique(ann$ion_formula) %chin% parentFrags))
    NLMatches <- sapply(annPLTPs, function(ann)
        if (is.null(ann))
        return(sum(unique(ann$neutral_loss) %chin% parentNLs))
    return(list(fragmentMatches = fragMatches,
                neutralLossMatches = NLMatches))

doGenComponentsTPs <- function(fGroups, fGroupsTPs, ignoreParents, TPs, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds, minRTDiff,
    if (length(fGroups) == 0 || (!is.null(TPs) && length(TPs) == 0))
        return(componentsTPs(componentInfo = data.table(), components = list(), fromTPs = !is.null(TPs)))
    hash <- makeHash(fGroups, fGroupsTPs, ignoreParents, TPs, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds, minRTDiff,
    cd <- loadCacheData("componentsTPs", hash)
    if (!is.null(cd))
    if (ignoreParents)
        fGroupsTPs <- delete(fGroupsTPs, j = names(fGroups))
    if (length(fGroupsTPs) == 0)
        msg <- "fGroupsTPs is doesn't contain any feature groups"
        if (ignoreParents)
            msg <- paste(msg, "or doesn't contain any unique feature groups")
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
        return(componentsTPs(componentInfo = data.table(), components = list(), fromTPs = !is.null(TPs)))
    gInfoParents <- groupInfo(fGroups); gInfoTPs <- groupInfo(fGroupsTPs)
    cat("Linking parents and TPs ...\n")
    prepareComponent <- function(cmp, parentFG)
        # UNDONE: do more checks etc
        # dummy intensity value so e.g. plotSpectrum works            
        cmp[, intensity := 1]
        cmp[, c("ret", "mz") := gInfoTPs[group, c("rts", "mzs")]]
        cmp[, retDiff := ret - gInfoParents[parentFG, "rts"]]
        cmp[, mzDiff := mz - gInfoParents[parentFG, "mzs"]]
        cmp[, retDir := fcase((retDiff + minRTDiff) < 0, -1,
                             (retDiff - minRTDiff) > 0, 1,
                             default = 0)]
        if (!is.null(MSPeakLists))
            if (nrow(cmp) > 0 && !is.null(MSPeakLists[[parentFG]][["MSMS"]]))
                sims <- genTPSpecSimilarities(MSPeakLists, parentFG, cmp$group, specSimParams = specSimParams)
                cmp[, (names(sims)) := sims]
                cmp[, c("specSimilarity", "specSimilarityPrec", "specSimilarityBoth") := NA_real_]

            if (!is.null(formulas) || !is.null(compounds))
                sims <- genTPAnnSimilarities(parentFG, cmp$group, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds)
                cmp[, (names(sims)) := sims]
    compTab <- NULL
    if (is.null(TPs))
        # simply link each given parent with all given TPs, while relying on filter() to get sensible components
        parentCount <- length(fGroups)
        prog <- openProgBar(0, parentCount)
        compTab <- rbindlist(Map(names(fGroups), seq_len(parentCount), f = function(grp, i)
            grpsTPs <- names(fGroupsTPs)
            comp <- data.table(group = grpsTPs, parent_group = grp)
            comp <- prepareComponent(comp, grp)
            # NOTE: name afterwards as the component may have been filtered
            comp[, TP_name := paste0(grp, "-TP", seq_len(nrow(comp)))]
            setTxtProgressBar(prog, i)
        }), idcol = "parent_name")
        # for every parent:
        #   - check for any matching fGroups (based on mass)
        #   - if none, skip
        #   - similarly, check which parents are present (only mz)
        #   - for any fGroup that matches the parent:
        #       - filter TPs (retention, intensity, ...)
        parentFGMapping <- linkParentsToFGroups(TPs, fGroups)
        TPFGMapping <- linkTPsToFGroups(TPs, fGroupsTPs)
        pars <- parents(TPs)
        parentCount <- length(names(TPs))
        prog <- openProgBar(0, parentCount)
        compTab <- rbindlist(Map(names(TPs), products(TPs), seq_len(parentCount), f = function(pname, prods, i)
            parentFGs <- parentFGMapping[name == pname][["group"]]
            TPs <- TPFGMapping[TP_name %in% prods$name]
            if (length(parentFGs) == 0 || nrow(TPs) == 0)
                comps <- NULL
                # limit columns a bit to not bloat components too much
                # UNDONE: column selection OK?
                prodCols <- c("name", "SMILES", "InChI", "InChIKey", "formula", "molNeutralized", "CID", "mass",
                              "retDir", "trans_add", "trans_sub", "deltaMZ", "similarity", "mergedBy", "coverage")
                prods <- prods[, intersect(names(prods), prodCols), with = FALSE]
                prods <- unique(prods, by = "name") # omit duplicates from different routes
                comps <- rbindlist(sapply(parentFGs, function(parentFG)
                    ret <- merge(TPs, prods, by.x = "TP_name", by.y = "name")
                    setnames(ret, "retDir", "TP_retDir")
                    ret <- prepareComponent(ret, parentFG)
                    if (!is.null(ret[["formula"]])) # eg TRUE for BT
                        parentForm <- pars[name == pname]$formula
                        ret[, formulaDiff := sapply(formula, getFormulaDiffText, form2 = parentForm)]
                }, simplify = FALSE), idcol = "parent_group")
            setTxtProgressBar(prog, i)
        }), idcol = "parent_name")
    if (nrow(compTab) > 0)
        compTab[, name := paste0("CMP", .GRP), by = c("parent_name", "parent_group")]
        compTab[, links := list(list(unique(name))), by = c("TP_name", "group")] # link to other components having this TP
        compTab[, links := mapply(links, name, FUN = setdiff)] # remove self-links
        compList <- split(compTab[, -"name"], by = c("parent_name", "parent_group"), keep.by = FALSE)
        compInfo <- unique(compTab[, c("name", "parent_name", "parent_group")])
        if (!is.null(TPs))
            pars <- parents(TPs)
            cols <- c("formula", "SMILES", "InChI", "InChIKey", "CID", "neutralMass", "molNeutralized")
            cols <- intersect(names(pars), cols)
            cols <- cols[sapply(cols, function(cl) any(!is.na(pars[[cl]])))]
            targetCols <- paste0("parent_", cols)
            compInfo[, (targetCols) := pars[match(parent_name, pars$name), cols, with = FALSE]]
            compInfo[, c("parent_rt", "parent_mz") := gInfoParents[parent_group, c("rts", "mzs")]]
            setcolorder(compInfo, c("name", "parent_name", "parent_group", "parent_rt", "parent_mz"))
        compInfo[, size := sapply(compList, nrow)]
        compInfo[, links := lapply(compList, function(cmp) unique(unlist(cmp$links)))] # overall links
        setcolorder(compInfo, "name")
        names(compList) <- compInfo$name
        compInfo <- data.table()
        compList <- list()
    printf("Linked %d parents with %d TPs.\n", nrow(compInfo),
           if (length(compList) > 0) sum(sapply(compList, nrow)) else 0)
    ret <- componentsTPs(componentInfo = compInfo[], components = compList, fromTPs = !is.null(TPs))
    saveCacheData("componentsTPs", ret, hash)

#' Components based on parent and transformation product (TP) linkage.
#' This class is derived from \code{\link{components}} and is used to store components that result from linking feature
#' groups that are (predicted to be) parents with feature groups that (are predicted to be) transformation products. For
#' more details, see \code{\link{generateComponentsTPs}}.
#' @param x,obj A \code{componentsTPs} object.
#' @slot fromTPs A \code{logical} that is \code{TRUE} when the componentization was performed with
#'   \code{\link{transformationProducts}} data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{components}} for other relevant methods and \code{\link{generateComponents}}
#' @templateVar class componentsTPs
#' @template class-hierarchy
#' @template components_noint
#' @export
componentsTPs <- setClass("componentsTPs", contains = "components", slots = c(fromTPs = "logical"))

setMethod("initialize", "componentsTPs",
          function(.Object, ...) callNextMethod(.Object, ..., algorithm = "tp"))

setMethod("groupNamesResults", "componentsTPs", function(obj)
    if (length(obj) == 0)
    return(union(componentInfo(obj)$parent_group, groupNames(obj)))

setMethod("collapseComponents", "componentsTPs", function(obj)
    obj@components <- lapply(obj@components, function(cmp)
        keep <- intersect(c("TP_name", "group", "set"), names(cmp))
        cmp <- cmp[, keep, with = FALSE]
        cmp[, TP_name := paste0(unique(TP_name), collapse = ","), by = "group"]
        if (!is.null(cmp[["set"]]))
            cmp[, set := paste0(unique(unlist(strsplit(set, ","))), collapse = ","), by = "group"]
        return(unique(cmp, by = "group"))

#' @describeIn componentsTPs Returns all component data as a \code{\link{data.table}}.
#' @export
setMethod("as.data.table", "componentsTPs", function(x)
    # as regular method, but get rid of double links column when merging
    # components / componentInfo
    if (length(x) > 0)
        x@componentInfo <- x@componentInfo[, -"links"]

#' @describeIn componentsTPs Provides various rule based filtering options to clean and prioritize TP data.
#' @param \dots,verbose Further arguments passed to the base \code{\link[=filter,components-method]{filter method}}.
#' @param retDirMatch If set to \code{TRUE}, only keep TPs for which the retention time direction (\code{retDir}, see
#'   Details in \link{componentsTPs}) matches with the observed direction. TPs will never be removed if the
#'   expected/observed direction is \samp{0} (\emph{i.e.} unknown or not significantly different than the parent).
#' @param minSpecSim,minSpecSimPrec,minSpecSimBoth The minimum spectral similarity of a TP compared to its parent
#'   (\samp{0-1}). The \code{minSpecSimPrec} and \code{minSpecSimBoth} apply to binned data that is shifted with the
#'   \code{"precursor"} and \code{"both"} method, respectively (see \link[=specSimParams]{MS spectral similarity
#'   parameters} for more details). Set to \code{NULL} to ignore.
#' @param minFragMatches,minNLMatches Minimum number of parent/TP fragment and neutral loss matches, respectively. Set
#'   to \code{NULL} to ignore. See the \verb{Linking parents and transformation products} section in
#'   \code{\link{generateComponentsTPs}} for more details.
#' @param formulas A \code{\link{formulas}} object. The formula annotation data in this object is to verify if elemental
#'   additions/subtractions from metabolic logic reactions are possible (hence, it only works with data from
#'   \code{\link{generateTPsLogic}}). To verify elemental additions, only TPs with at least one candidate formula that
#'   has these elements are kept. Similarly, for elemental subtractions, any of the parent candidate formulae must
#'   contain the subtraction elements. Note that TPs are currently not filtered if either the parent or the TP has no
#'   formula annotations. Set to \code{NULL} to ignore.
#' @param negate If \code{TRUE} then filters are applied in opposite manner.
#' @return \code{filter} returns a filtered \code{componentsTPs} object.
#' @export
setMethod("filter", "componentsTPs", function(obj, ..., retDirMatch = FALSE,
                                              minSpecSim = NULL, minSpecSimPrec = NULL, minSpecSimBoth = NULL,
                                              minFragMatches = NULL, minNLMatches = NULL, formulas = NULL,
                                              verbose = TRUE, negate = FALSE)
    # UNDONE: optionally remove TPs with equal formula as parent (how likely are these?)
    # UNDONE: if formulas is set, also remove fGroups without assignment? Otherwise document!
    # UNDONE: also filter set separate similarities?
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    aapply(checkmate::assertNumber, . ~ minSpecSim + minSpecSimPrec + minSpecSimBoth + minFragMatches + minNLMatches,
           lower = 0, finite = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE, fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertClass(formulas, "formulas", null.ok = TRUE, add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertFlag, . ~ retDirMatch + verbose + negate, fixed = list(add = ac))
    if (length(obj) == 0)
    if (!is.null(formulas) && is.null(obj[[1]][["trans_add"]]))
        stop("formula filter is only available for logic TP products")
    old <- obj
    minColFilter <- function(ct, col, val)
        if (!is.null(val) && val > 0)
            if (!is.null(ct[[col]]))
                if (negate)
                    pred <- function(x, v) is.na(x) | x < v
                    pred <- function(x, v) !is.na(x) & numGTE(x, v)
                ct[keep == TRUE, keep := pred(get(col), val)]
    anyTPFilters <- retDirMatch || !is.null(minSpecSim) || !is.null(minSpecSimPrec) || !is.null(minSpecSimBoth) ||
        !is.null(minFragMatches) || !is.null(minNLMatches) || !is.null(formulas)
    if (anyTPFilters)
        obj <- delete(obj, j = function(ct, cmp, ...)
            ct <- copy(ct)
            ct[, keep := TRUE]
            if (retDirMatch)
                if (negate)
                    ct[TP_retDir != 0 & retDir != 0, keep := TP_retDir != retDir]
                    ct[TP_retDir != 0 & retDir != 0, keep := TP_retDir == retDir]
            ct <- minColFilter(ct, "specSimilarity", minSpecSim)
            ct <- minColFilter(ct, "specSimilarityPrec", minSpecSimPrec)
            ct <- minColFilter(ct, "specSimilarityBoth", minSpecSimBoth)
            ct <- minColFilter(ct, "fragmentMatches", minFragMatches)
            ct <- minColFilter(ct, "neutralLossMatches", minNLMatches)
            if (!is.null(formulas))
                # check if subtracting is possible, ie by checking if subtraction doesn't lead to negative element
                # counts
                canSub <- function(f, ft)
                    if (is.null(ft) || length(f) == 0 || !nzchar(f))
                        return(TRUE) # UNDONE?
                    candidateForms <- unique(ft$neutral_formula)
                    for (cf in candidateForms)
                        fl <- splitFormulaToList(subtractFormula(cf, f))
                        if (all(fl >= 0))
                if (negate)
                    canSub <- Negate(canSub)
                parentFG <- componentInfo(obj)[name == cmp]$parent_group
                if (!is.null(formulas[[parentFG]]))
                    # filter results where subtraction of any of the parent formulas is impossible
                    ct[keep == TRUE & nzchar(trans_sub), keep := sapply(trans_sub, canSub, formulas[[parentFG]])]
                # filter results where addition is not part of TP candidate formulas
                ct[keep == TRUE & nzchar(trans_add), keep := mapply(trans_add, annotations(formulas)[group],
                                                                    FUN = canSub)]
        if (verbose)
            printComponentsFiltered(old, obj)
    if (...length() > 0)
        return(callNextMethod(obj, ..., verbose = verbose, negate = negate))

#' @describeIn componentsTPs Plots an interactive network graph for linked components. Components are linked with each
#'   other if one or more transformation products overlap. The graph is constructed with the \pkg{\link{igraph}} package
#'   and rendered with \pkg{\link{visNetwork}}.
#' @inheritParams plotGraph,componentsNT-method
#' @template plotGraph
#' @references \addCitations{igraph}{2}
#' @export
setMethod("plotGraph", "componentsTPs", function(obj, onlyLinked = TRUE, width = NULL, height = NULL)

    cInfo <- componentInfo(obj)
    cTable <- componentTable(obj)
    titles <- sprintf("<b>%s</b> (%s - %s)<br>TPs: <i>%s (%s)</i>",
                      names(obj), cInfo$parent_name, cInfo$parent_group,
                      sapply(cTable, function(cmp) paste0(cmp$TP_name, collapse = ", ")),
                      sapply(cTable, function(cmp) paste0(unique(cmp$group), collapse = ", ")))
    makeGraph(obj, onlyLinked, titles, width, height)

#' Generate components of transformation products
#' Generates components by linking feature groups of transformation products and their parents.
#' @templateVar algo transformation product screening
#' @templateVar do generate components
#' @templateVar generic generateComponents
#' @templateVar algoParam tp
#' @template algo_generator
#' @details This method typically employs data from \link[=generateTPs]{generated transformation products} to find
#'   parents and their TPs. However, this data is not necessary, and components can also be made based on MS/MS
#'   similarity and/or other annotation similarities between the parent and its TPs. For more details see the
#'   \verb{Linking parents and transformation products} section below.
#' @param fGroups The input \code{\link{featureGroups}} for componentization. See \code{fGroupsTPs}.
#' @param fGroupsTPs A \code{\link{featureGroups}} object containing the feature groups that are expected to be
#'   transformation products. If a distinction between parents and TPs is not yet known, \code{fGroupsTPs} should equal
#'   the \code{fGroups} argument. Otherwise, \code{fGroups} should only contain the parent feature groups, and both
#'   \code{fGroups} and \code{fGroupsTPs} \emph{must} be a subset of the same \code{\link{featureGroups}} object.
#' @param ignoreParents If \code{TRUE} then feature groups present in both \code{fGroups} and \code{fGroupsTPs} are not
#'   considered as TPs.
#' @param TPs A \code{\link{transformationProducts}} object. Set to \code{NULL} to perform linking without this data.
#' @param MSPeakLists,formulas,compounds A \code{\link{MSPeakLists}}/\code{\link{formulas}}/\code{\link{compounds}}
#'   object to calculate MS/MS or annotation similarities between parents and TPs. If \code{NULL} then this data is not
#'   calculated. For more details see the \verb{Linking parents and transformation products} section below.
#' @param minRTDiff Minimum retention time (in seconds) difference between the parent and a TP to determine whether a TP
#'   elutes prior/after the parent (to calculate \code{retDir} values, see Details in \link{componentsTPs}))
#' @template specSimParams-arg
#' @note The \code{shift} parameter of \code{specSimParams} is ignored by \code{generateComponentsTPs}, since it always
#'   calculates similarities with all supported options.
#' @return The components are stored in objects derived from \code{\link{componentsTPs}}.
#' @section Linking parents and transformation products: Each component consists of feature groups that are considered
#'   to be transformation products for one parent (the parent that 'belongs' to the component can be retrieved with the
#'   \code{\link{componentInfo}} method). The parent feature groups are taken from the \code{fGroups} parameter, while
#'   the feature groups for TPs are taken from \code{fGroupsTPs}. If a feature group occurs in both variables, it may
#'   therefore be considered as both a parent or TP.
#'   If transformation product data is given, \emph{i.e.} the \code{TPs} argument is set, then a suspect screening of
#'   the TPs must be performed in advance (see \code{\link{screenSuspects}} and \code{\link{convertToSuspects}} to
#'   create the suspect list). Furthermore, if TPs were generated with \code{\link{generateTPsBioTransformer}} or
#'   \code{\link{generateTPsLibrary}} then the suspect screening must also include the parents (\emph{e.g.} by setting
#'   \code{includeParents=TRUE} when calling \code{convertToSuspects} or by amending results by setting
#'   \code{amend=TRUE} to \code{screenSuspects}). The suspect screening is necessary for the componentization algorithm
#'   to map the feature groups of the parent or TP. If the the suspect screening yields multiple TP hits, all will be
#'   reported. Similarly, if the suspect screening contains multiple hits for a parent, a component is made for each of
#'   the parent hits.
#'   In case no transformation product data is provided (\code{TPs=NULL}), the componentization algorithm simply assumes
#'   that each feature group from \code{fGroupsTPs} is a potential TP for every parent feature group in \code{fGroups}.
#'   For this reason, it is highly recommended to specify which feature groups are parents/TPs (see the
#'   \code{fGroupsTPs} argument description above) and \emph{crucial} that the data is post-processed, for instance by
#'   only retaining TPs that have high annotation similarity with their parents (see the
#'   \code{\link[=filter,componentsTPs-method]{filter}} method for \code{\link{componentsTPs}}).
#'   A typical way to distinguish which feature groups are parents or TPs from two different (groups of) samples is by
#'   calculating Fold Changes (see the \code{\link[=as.data.table,featureGroups-method]{as.data.table}} method for
#'   feature groups and \code{\link{plotVolcano}}). Of course, other statistical techniques from \R are also suitable.
#'   During componentization, several characteristics are calculated which may be useful for post-processing: \itemize{
#'   \item \code{specSimilarity}: the MS/MS spectral similarity between the feature groups of the TP and its parent
#'   (\samp{0-1}).
#'   \item \code{specSimilarityPrec},\code{specSimilarityBoth}: as \code{specSimilarity}, but calculated with binned
#'   data using the \code{"precursor"} and \code{"both"} method, respectively (see \link[=specSimParams]{MS spectral
#'   similarity parameters} for more details).
#'   \item \code{fragmentMatches} The number of MS/MS fragment formula annotations that overlap between the TP and
#'   parent. If both the \code{formulas} and \code{compounds} arguments are specified then the annotation data is pooled
#'   prior to calculation. Note that only unique matches are counted. Furthermore, note that annotations from \emph{all}
#'   candidates are considered, even if the formula/structure of the parent/TP is known. Hence, \code{fragmentMatches}
#'   is mainly useful when little or no chemical information is known on the parents/TPs, \emph{i.e.}, when
#'   \code{TPs=NULL} or originates from \code{\link{generateTPsLogic}}. Since annotations for all candidates are used,
#'   it is highly recommended that the annotation objects are first processed with the \code{\link{filter}} method, for
#'   instance, to select only the top ranked candidates.
#'   \item \code{neutralLossMatches} As \code{fragmentMatches}, but counting overlapping neutral loss formulae.
#'   \item \code{retDir} The retention time direction of the TP relative to its parent. See Details in
#'   \link{componentsTPs}. If TP data was specified, the expected direction is stored in \code{TP_retDir}.
#'   \item \code{retDiff},\code{mzDiff},\code{formulaDiff} The retention time, \emph{m/z} and formula difference between
#'   the parent and TP (latter only available if data TP formula is available).
#'   }
#' @section Sets workflows: In a \link[=sets-workflow]{sets workflow} the component tables are amended with extra
#'   information such as overall/specific set spectrum similarities. As sets data is mixed, transformation products are
#'   able to be linked with a parent, even if they were not measured in the same set.
#' @templateVar what generateComponentsTPs
#' @template main-rd-method
#' @export
setMethod("generateComponentsTPs", "featureGroups", function(fGroups, fGroupsTPs = fGroups, ignoreParents = FALSE,
                                                             TPs = NULL, MSPeakLists = NULL, formulas = NULL,
                                                             compounds = NULL, minRTDiff = 20,
                                                             specSimParams = getDefSpecSimParams())
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    aapply(checkmate::assertClass, . ~ fGroupsTPs + TPs + MSPeakLists + formulas + compounds,
           c("featureGroups", "transformationProducts", "MSPeakLists", "formulas", "compounds"),
           null.ok = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertFlag(ignoreParents, add = ac)
    checkmate::assertNumber(minRTDiff, lower = 0, finite = TRUE, add = ac)
    assertSpecSimParams(specSimParams, add = ac)
    if (!is.null(TPs) && needsScreening(TPs) &&
        (!inherits(fGroups, "featureGroupsScreening") || !inherits(fGroupsTPs, "featureGroupsScreening")))
        stop("Input feature groups need to be screened for parents/TPs!")

    return(doGenComponentsTPs(fGroups, fGroupsTPs, ignoreParents, TPs, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds, minRTDiff,
                              specSimParams = specSimParams))

#' @rdname generateComponentsTPs
#' @export
setMethod("generateComponentsTPs", "featureGroupsSet", function(fGroups, fGroupsTPs = fGroups, ignoreParents = FALSE,
                                                                TPs = NULL, MSPeakLists = NULL, formulas = NULL,
                                                                compounds = NULL, minRTDiff = 20,
                                                                specSimParams = getDefSpecSimParams())
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    aapply(checkmate::assertClass, . ~ fGroupsTPs + TPs + MSPeakLists + formulas + compounds,
           c("featureGroupsSet", "transformationProducts", "MSPeakListsSet", "formulasSet", "compoundsSet"),
           null.ok = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertFlag(ignoreParents, add = ac)
    checkmate::assertNumber(minRTDiff, lower = 0, finite = TRUE, add = ac)
    assertSpecSimParams(specSimParams, add = ac)

    if (!is.null(TPs) && needsScreening(TPs) &&
        (!inherits(fGroups, "featureGroupsScreeningSet") || !inherits(fGroupsTPs, "featureGroupsScreeningSet")))
        stop("Input feature groups need to be screened for parents/TPs!")
    ret <- doGenComponentsTPs(fGroups, fGroupsTPs, ignoreParents, TPs, MSPeakLists, formulas, compounds,
                              minRTDiff, specSimParams = specSimParams)
    # UNDONE: more efficient method to get set specific fGroups?
    gNamesTPsSets <- sapply(sets(fGroupsTPs), function(s) names(fGroupsTPs[, sets = s]), simplify = FALSE)
    unsetMSPeakLists <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroupsTPs), MSPeakLists, "MSPeakLists", TRUE)
    unsetFormulas <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroupsTPs), formulas, "formulas", TRUE)
    unsetCompounds <- checkAndUnSetOther(sets(fGroupsTPs), compounds, "compounds", TRUE)

    cat("Adding sets related data...\n")
    if (length(ret) > 0)
        ret@components <- withProg(length(ret), FALSE, Map(ret@components, ret@componentInfo$parent_group, f = function(cmp, parentFG)
            # mark set presence
            cmp[, set := sapply(group, function(g)
                paste0(names(which(sapply(gNamesTPsSets, function(n) g %chin% n))), collapse = ",")
            for (s in sets(fGroupsTPs))
                if (!is.null(unsetMSPeakLists[[s]]))
                    # calculate per set spectrum similarities
                    simColNames <- paste0(c("specSimilarity", "specSimilarityPrec", "specSimilarityBoth"), "-", s)
                    # NOTE: do _not_ use intersect below, since we want to keep duplicate group names (ie if multiple
                    # TPs are assigned to a same feat group) so that similarities are are returned for all.
                    grpsInSet <- cmp$group[cmp$group %in% groupNames(unsetMSPeakLists[[s]])]
                    if (length(grpsInSet) > 0 && !is.null(unsetMSPeakLists[[s]][[parentFG]][["MSMS"]]))
                        sims <- genTPSpecSimilarities(unsetMSPeakLists[[s]], parentFG, grpsInSet,
                                                      specSimParams = specSimParams)
                        cmp[group %in% grpsInSet, (simColNames) := sims]
                        cmp[, (simColNames) := NA_real_]
                    if (!is.null(unsetFormulas[[s]]) || !is.null(unsetCompounds[[s]]))
                        # calculate per set spectrum similarities
                        sims <- genTPAnnSimilarities(parentFG, cmp$group, unsetMSPeakLists[[s]], unsetFormulas[[s]],
                        annColNames <- paste0(c("fragmentMatches", "neutralLossMatches"), "-", s)
                        cmp[, (annColNames) := sims]
                # move spec similarity columns to end
                setcolorder(cmp, setdiff(names(cmp), grep("^specSimilarity", names(cmp), value = TRUE)))
                # ... and annotation sim columns after that
                setcolorder(cmp, setdiff(names(cmp), grep("Matches", names(cmp), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on April 25, 2024, 8:15 a.m.