
# This file contains IPO utility functions used for optimizing feature finding.
# The functions are copied unchanged from utils.R and
# optimizeXcmsSetParameters.R. All functions are placed inside a separate
# environment to keep the package namespace clean.

# no coverage: no intention to test IPO code
# nocov start

# utilsIPO <- list2env(hash = TRUE, envir = env, parent =  x = list(
utilsIPO <- setRefClass("utilsIPO", methods = list(

findIsotopes.IPO = function(xset, checkPeakShape=c("none", "borderIntensity", "sinusCurve",
                                                   "normalDistr")) {

        checkPeakShape <- match.arg(checkPeakShape)

        iso_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=2)
        if(is.null(xset)) {

        colnames(iso_mat) <- c("12C", "13C")
        peak_source <- peaks_IPO(xset)[,c("mz", "rt", "sample", "into", "maxo", "mzmin",
                                          "mzmax", "rtmin", "rtmax"), drop=FALSE]

        for(i in 1:ncol(peak_source)) {
            peak_source <- peak_source[!is.na(peak_source[,i]),,drop=FALSE]

        peak_source <- cbind(1:nrow(peak_source), peak_source)
        colnames(peak_source)[1] <- "id"

        #carbon = 12.0
        #hydrogen	= 1.0078250170
        #CH3 = carbon + 3 * hydrogen
        #CH2 = carbon + 2 * hydrogen
        isotope_mass = 1.0033548
        isotope_abundance = 0.01108

        samples <- max(peak_source[,"sample"])

        for(sample in 1:samples) {
            #only looking into peaks from current sample
            speaks <- peak_source[peak_source[,"sample"]==sample,,drop=FALSE]
            split <- 250
                rawdata <- xcms::loadRaw(xcms::xcmsSource(xcms::filepaths(xset)[sample]))

            if(nrow(speaks)>1) {
                #speaks <- speaks[,-c("sample")]
                speaks <- speaks[order(speaks[,"mz"]),]

                while(!is.null(nrow(speaks)) & length(speaks) > 3) {
                    part_peaks <- NULL
                    #splitting the data into smaller pieces to improve speed
                    if(nrow(speaks) < split) {
                        part_peaks <- speaks
                    } else {
                        upper_bound <- speaks[split,"mzmax"] + isotope_mass
                        end_point <- sum(speaks[,"mz"] < upper_bound)
                        part_peaks <- speaks[1:end_point,,drop=FALSE]

                    rt <- part_peaks[,"rt"]
                    rt_window <- rt * 0.005
                    rt_lower <- part_peaks[,"rt"] - rt_window
                    rt_upper <- part_peaks[,"rt"] + rt_window
                    rt_matrix <-
                        t(matrix(rep(rt, nrow(part_peaks)), ncol=nrow(part_peaks)))
                    rt_matrix_bool <- rt_matrix >= rt_lower & rt_matrix <= rt_upper

                    mz <- part_peaks[,"mz"]
                    #isotope_masses - mz_window
                    mz_lower <- part_peaks[,"mzmin"] + isotope_mass
                    #isotope_masses + mz_window
                    mz_upper <- part_peaks[,"mzmax"] + isotope_mass
                    mz_matrix <-
                        t(matrix(rep(mz, nrow(part_peaks)), ncol=nrow(part_peaks)))
                    mz_matrix_bool <- mz_matrix >= mz_lower & mz_matrix <= mz_upper

                    rt_mz_matrix_bool <- rt_matrix_bool & mz_matrix_bool

                    rt_mz_peak_ids <- which(rowSums(rt_mz_matrix_bool)>0)
                    calculations <- min(split, nrow(speaks))
                    rt_mz_peak_ids <- rt_mz_peak_ids[rt_mz_peak_ids < calculations]

                    for(i in rt_mz_peak_ids) {
                        current <- part_peaks[i, ,drop=FALSE]
                        rt_mz_peaks <- part_peaks[rt_mz_matrix_bool[i,],,drop=FALSE]
                        rt_difference <-
                            abs(current[,"rt"] - rt_mz_peaks[, "rt"]) / current[,"rt"]
                        rt_mz_peaks <- cbind(rt_mz_peaks, rt_difference)
                        #test intensity_window
                        #floor((current["mz"]-2*CH3)/CH2) + 2
                        maximum_carbon <- calcMaximumCarbon(current[,"mz"])
                        carbon_probabilty <- c(1,maximum_carbon)*isotope_abundance
                        iso_intensity <- current[,"into"] * carbon_probabilty

                        int_bools <-
                            rt_mz_peaks[,"into"] >= iso_intensity[1] &
                            rt_mz_peaks[,"into"] <= iso_intensity[2]

                        if(sum(int_bools) > 0) {
                            int_peaks <- rt_mz_peaks[int_bools,,drop=FALSE]
                            boundary_bool <- rep(TRUE, (nrow(int_peaks)+1))
                            if(!(checkPeakShape=="none")) {
                                if(checkPeakShape=="borderIntensity") {
                                    boundary_bool <- checkIntensitiesAtRtBoundaries(
                                        rbind(current,int_peaks[,-ncol(int_peaks), drop=FALSE]))
                                } else {
                                    if(checkPeakShape=="sinusCurve") {
                                        boundary_bool <- checkSinusDistribution(
                                    } else {
                                        boundary_bool <- checkNormalDistribution(
                            } #else {
                            #boundary_bool <- rep(TRUE, (nrow(int_peaks)+1))
                            if(boundary_bool[1] & sum(boundary_bool[-1])>0) {
                                iso_peaks <- int_peaks[boundary_bool[-1],,drop=FALSE]
                                iso_id <-
                                    iso_peaks[which.min(iso_peaks[,"rt_difference"]), "id"]
                                #iso_list[[length(iso_list)+1]] <- c(current[,"id"], iso_id)
                                iso_mat <- rbind(iso_mat, c(current[,"id"], iso_id))
                    speaks <- speaks[-(1:calculations),]


# checking intensities at rtmin and rtmax. peaks[,"maxo"] must be at least
# double as high does not work for retention time corrected data
checkIntensitiesAtRtBoundaries = function(rawdata,
                                          ppmstep=15) {
        ret <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaks))
        for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)) {
            peak <- peaks[i,]
            for(boundary in c("rtmin", "rtmax")) {
                rtIndex <- which(rawdata$rt==peak[boundary])
                if(length(rtIndex)>0) {
                    if(rtIndex==length(rawdata$scanindex)) {
                        rtIndices <- c(rawdata$scanindex[rtIndex], length(rawdata$mz))
                    } else {
                        rtIndices <- rawdata$scanindex[c(rtIndex, rtIndex+1)]

                    #only relevant mz and intensity values regarding retention time
                    mz <- rawdata$mz[(rtIndices[1]+1):rtIndices[2]]
                    intensities <- rawdata$intensity[(rtIndices[1]+1):rtIndices[2]]

                    ppm <- peak[c("mzmin", "mzmax")]*ppmstep/1000000
                    mzIntensities <-
                        c(0, intensities[mz>=peak["mzmin"]-ppm[1] & mz<=peak["mzmax"]+ppm[2]])
                    maxBoundaryIntensity <- max(mzIntensities)
                    ret[i] <- ret[i] & maxBoundaryIntensity<peak["maxo"]*minBoundaryToMaxo



checkSinusDistribution = function(rawdata, peaks) {
    ret <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaks))
    for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)) {
        ret[i] <- testSinusDistribution(rawdata, peaks[i,,drop=FALSE])


checkNormalDistribution = function(rawdata, peaks) {
    ret <- rep(TRUE, nrow(peaks))
    for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)) {
        ret[i] <- testNormalDistribution(rawdata, peaks[i,,drop=FALSE])


getIntensitiesFromRawdata = function(rawdata, peak) {
    rt <- rawdata$rt >= peak[,"rtmin"] & rawdata$rt <= peak[,"rtmax"]

    rtRange <- c(min(which(rt)), max(which(rt))+1)
    scanIndices <-
        rawdata$scanindex[rtRange[1]:min(rtRange[2], length(rawdata$scanindex))]
    #  scanIndices <- scanIndices[!is.na(scanIndices)]
    if(rtRange[2]>length(rawdata$scanindex)) {
        scanIndices <- c(scanIndices, length(rawdata$intensity))

    if(length(scanIndices) < 3)

    y <- c()
    for(i in 1:(length(scanIndices)-1)) {
        scanRange <- c(scanIndices[i]+1, scanIndices[i+1])
        mz <- rawdata$mz[scanRange[1]:scanRange[2]]
        y <-
              max(0, (rawdata$intensity[scanRange[1]:scanRange[2]][
                  mz >= peak[,"mzmin"] & mz <= peak[,"mzmax"]])


testNormalDistribution = function(rawdata, peak) {

    y <- getIntensitiesFromRawdata(rawdata, peak)
    if(length(y) < 3) {

    if(max(y)==0) {

    normY <- (y-min(y))/(max(y)-min(y))


    seqModel <- seq(-4,4,length=length(normY))*sd + mean
    yModel <- dnorm(seqModel,mean,sd)
    yModel = yModel* (1/max(yModel))
    correlation <- cor(yModel, normY)

    correlation > 0.7


testSinusDistribution = function(rawdata, peak) {

    y <- getIntensitiesFromRawdata(rawdata, peak)
    if(length(y) < 3) {
    if(max(y)==0) {

    normY <- (y-min(y))/(max(y)-min(y))
    sinCurve <- (sin(seq(-pi/2,pi+1.5,length=length(normY))) + 1) / 2
    correlation <- cor(sinCurve, normY)

    correlation > 0.7


findIsotopes.CAMERA = function(xset, ...) {

        iso_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=2)
        if(is.null(xset)) {

        ids <- peaks_IPO(xset)[,"sample", drop=FALSE]
        ids <- cbind(1:length(ids), ids)

        xsets <- split(xset, unique(peaks_IPO(xset)[,"sample"]))
        samples <- unique(peaks_IPO(xset)[,"sample"])
        for(sample in samples) {
            # CHANGED: throws error "First argument must be a xcmsSet with group information or contain only one sample."
            #an <- CAMERA::xsAnnotate(xset, sample=sample)
            an <- CAMERA::xsAnnotate(xset[, sample])
            # CHANGED: suppress output
            invisible(utils::capture.output(isos <- CAMERA::findIsotopes(an, ...)@isoID[,c("mpeak", "isopeak"), drop=FALSE]))
            #start_id <- ids[ids[,2]==sample,,drop=FALSE][1,1] - 1
            iso_mat <- rbind(iso_mat, matrix(ids[ids[,2]==sample,1][isos], ncol=2))


calcMaximumCarbon = function(masses) {

        carbon = 12.0
        hydrogen  = 1.0078250170
        CH3 = carbon + 3 * hydrogen
        CH2 = carbon + 2 * hydrogen

        maximum_carbon <- floor((masses-2*CH3)/CH2) + 2


### utils.R

attachList = function(params_1, params_2) {
    params <- params_1
    for(factor in params_2)
        params[[length(params)+1]] <- factor

    names(params) <- c(names(params_1), names(params_2))

createModel = function(design, params, resp) {
    # add response to the design, which gives the data for the model
    design$resp <- resp
    if(length(params) > 1) {
        # create full second order (SO) model
        # use xi in model, instead of parameter names
        formula <-
            as.formula(paste("resp ~ SO(",
                             paste("x", 1:length(params),
                                   sep="", collapse=","),
                             ")", sep=""))
        model <- rsm::rsm(formula, data=design)
    } else {
        # create full second order model with one parameter
        # here: use parameter name in model
        param_name <- names(params)[1]
        formula <- as.formula(paste("resp ~ ", param_name, " + ",
                                    param_name, " ^ 2", sep=""))
        model <- lm(formula, data=design)
        model$coding <- list(x1=as.formula(paste(param_name, "~ x1")))
        names(model$coding) <- param_name
        #attr(model, "class") <- c("rsm", "lm")

decode = function(value, bounds) {
        value <- 1
    x <- (value+1)/2 # from [-1,1] to [0, 1]
    x <- (x*(max(bounds)-min(bounds))) + min(bounds)


decodeAll = function(values, params) {

    ret <- rep(0, length(params))
    for(i in 1:length(params))
        ret[i] <- decode(values[i], params[[i]])

    names(ret) <- names(params)


encode = function(value, bounds) {
    x <- (value - min(bounds)) / (max(bounds) - min(bounds))


getBbdParameter = function(params) {

    lower_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[1]))
    higher_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[2]))

    steps <- (higher_bounds - lower_bounds)/2

    x <- paste("x", 1:length(params), " ~ (", c(names(params)), " - ",
               (lower_bounds + steps), ")/", steps, sep="")
    formulae <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(x))
        formulae[[i]] <- as.formula(x[i])

    design <- bbd(length(params), n0 = 1, randomize = FALSE, coding = formulae)



getCcdParameter = function(params) {

    lower_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[1]))
    higher_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[2]))

    steps <- (higher_bounds - lower_bounds)/2

    # formula for each parameter, that transformes values from the range
    # to [0, 1]
    x <- paste("x", 1:length(params), " ~ (", c(names(params)), " - ",
               (lower_bounds + steps), ")/", steps, sep="")

    # list with single formulas as entries
    formulae <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(x))
        formulae[[i]] <- as.formula(x[i])

    design <- rsm::ccd(length(params), # number of variables
                       n0 = 1, # number of center points
                       alpha = "face", # position of the ‘star’ points
                       randomize = FALSE,
                       inscribed = TRUE, # TRUE: axis points are at +/- 1 and the
                       # cube points are at interior positions
                       coding = formulae) # List of coding formulas for the design
    # variables


getMaximumLevels = function(model) {
    # dimension of the modeled space
    dimensions <- length(model$coding)

    #slices <- getSlices(dimensions-2)
    #mat <- getResponses(slices, model)
    #testdata <- getTestData(dimensions)
    #  names(testdata) <- names(model$coding)
    #return(getMaxSettings(testdata, model))

    # define grid, to test for maximum
    if(dimensions > 6) {
        testSpace <- seq(-1,1,0.2) # 11 points
    } else {
        testSpace <- seq(-1,1,0.1) # 21 points

    testSize <- 10^6 # maximum number of grid points for one test
    # amount for testing each point in testSpace
    testAmount <- length(testSpace)^dimensions
    i <- 1
    max <- rep(-1, dimensions+1) # start maximum response + setting
    # if there are more test points (=testAmount), than testSize,
    # then the tests are split and each subset is tested seperately
    while(i < testAmount) {
        testdata <- expand.grid.subset(i:(i+testSize), testSpace, dimensions)
            names(testdata) <- names(model$coding)
        max_tmp <- getMaxSettings(testdata, model)
        if(max_tmp[1]>max[1]) # if better solution (i.e. test response)
            max <- max_tmp
        i <- i + testSize + 1



getMaxSettings = function(testdata, model) {

    response <- predict(model, testdata)
    max_response <- max(response)
    # select row(s) corresponding to max
    max_settings <- testdata[response==max_response,,drop=FALSE]
    ret <- max_response

    for(i in 1:ncol(testdata)) {
        levels <- max_settings[,i] # all settings of variable i
        if(all(c(-1,1) %in% levels)) # if both borders are in maximum settings
            ret <- cbind(ret, NA)
            ret <- cbind(ret,levels[1]) # take first setting

    colnames(ret) <- c("response", paste("x", 1:ncol(testdata), sep=""))

expand.grid.subset  = function(subset, sequence, dimensions) {
    # generate a list, with sequence for each dimension
    vars <- list()
    for(i in 1:dimensions) {
        vars[[i]] <- sequence
    names(vars) <- paste("x", 1:dimensions, sep="")

    # number of points in sequence grid
    maximumSubset <- length(sequence)^dimensions
    # from min(subset)) to min(maximumSubset, max(subset)) OR
    # from maximumSubset to maximumSubset
    subset <- min(maximumSubset,min(subset)):min(maximumSubset, max(subset))

    #nv <-  #length(vars)
    # number of values per variable = length(sequence)
    lims <- sapply(vars,length)
    stopifnot(length(lims) > 0, # i.e. dimensions > 0
              subset <= prod(lims), # i.e. subset <= maximumSubset
              length(names(vars)) == dimensions) # i.e. dimensions = dimensions
    # empty list of length names(vars)
    res <- structure(vector("list",dimensions), .Names = names(vars))

    if (dimensions > 1) {
        for(i in dimensions:2) { # count down to 2: set up grid top down
            # %% = mod, %/% = integer division
            f <- prod(lims[1:(i-1)]) # number of grid points up to variable nr. (i-1)
            # repeat each element on grid 1:f
            res[[i]] <- vars[[i]][(subset - 1)%/%f + 1]
            subset <- (subset - 1)%%f + 1
    res[[1]] <- vars[[1]][subset]

peaks_IPO = function(xset) {
    # peaks function, to work with older xcms-version (<2.99.7)
    # sample column is missing, if first the first sample processed has no peaks
    # see https://github.com/sneumann/xcms/issues/220
    peaks_act <- xcms::peaks(xset)
    if (!("sample" %in% colnames(peaks_act))) {
        colnames(peaks_act)[colnames(peaks_act) == ""] <- "sample"

toMatrix = function(data) {

    if(!is.matrix(data)) {
        tmp <- names(data)
        data <- matrix(data, nrow=1)
        colnames(data) <- tmp



typeCastParams = function(params) {
    ret_1 <- list()
    ret_2 <- list()
    ret <- list()
    # for(i in  1:length(params)) {
    for(i in seq_along(params)) {
        factor <- params[[i]]
        if(length(factor) == 2) {
            ret_1[[(length(ret_1)+1)]] <- factor
            names(ret_1)[length(ret_1)] <- names(params)[i]
        } else {
            ret_2[[(length(ret_2)+1)]] <- factor
            names(ret_2)[length(ret_2)] <- names(params)[i]
    ret$to_optimize <- ret_1
    ret$no_optimization <- ret_2


## optimizeRetCorGroupParameters.R

getRGTVValues = function(xset, exp_index=1, retcor_penalty=1) {

    relative_rt_diff <- c()

    if(nrow(xcms::groups(xset)) > 0) {
        for(i in 1:nrow(xcms::groups(xset))) {
            feature_rtmed <- xcms::groups(xset)[i, "rtmed"]
            relative_rt_diff <-
                  mean(abs(feature_rtmed -
                               peaks_IPO(xset)[xcms::groupidx(xset)[[i]], "rt"]) / feature_rtmed))
        good_groups <-
            sum(unlist(lapply(X=xcms::groupidx(xset), FUN = function(x, xset) {
                ifelse(length(unique(peaks_IPO(xset)[x,"sample"])) ==
                           length(xcms::filepaths(xset)) &
                           length(peaks_IPO(xset)[x,"sample"]) ==
                           length(xcms::filepaths(xset)), 1, 0)
            }, xset)))
        bad_groups <- nrow(xcms::groups(xset)) - good_groups
    } else {
        relative_rt_diff <- 1
        good_groups <- 0
        bad_groups <- 0

    tmp_good_groups <- good_groups + ifelse(bad_groups==0, 1, 0)
    tmp_bad_groups <- bad_groups + ifelse(bad_groups==0, 1, 0)

    ARTS <- (mean(relative_rt_diff)) * retcor_penalty

    ret <- list(exp_index   = exp_index,
                good_groups = good_groups,
                bad_groups  = bad_groups,
                GS          = tmp_good_groups^2/tmp_bad_groups,
                RCS         = 1/ARTS)

    ret$retcor_done = retcor_penalty



# nocov end
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.