
Defines functions qcRR.format.spatial qcRROutliersCheckProcs

qcRROutliersCheckProcs <- function(GeneralParameters){
    message <- .cdtData$EnvData[['message']]
    don <- getStnOpenData(GeneralParameters$infile)
    if(is.null(don)) return(NULL)
    head <- don[1:4, 1]
    don <- getCDTdataAndDisplayMsg(don, GeneralParameters$intstep, GeneralParameters$infile)
    if(is.null(don)) return(NULL)

    outdir <- file.path(GeneralParameters$outdir, "RR.OUTLIERS.CHECK_data")
    dataCDTdir <- file.path(outdir, 'CDTDATASET')
    dir.create(dataCDTdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    dataSTNdir <- file.path(outdir, 'CDTSTATIONS')
    dir.create(dataSTNdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    file.stn <- file.path(dataSTNdir, GeneralParameters$infile)

    don.info <- getStnOpenDataInfo(GeneralParameters$infile)
    if(don.info[[3]]$sepr == "") don.info[[3]]$sepr <- " "
    don.info[[3]]$header <- FALSE
    don.info[[3]]$skip <- 0
    if(is.null(don$elv)) head <- head[1:3]
    don0 <- rbind(cbind(head, do.call(rbind, don[c('id', 'lon', 'lat', 'elv')])),
                  cbind(don$dates, don$data))
    utils::write.table(don0, file = file.stn,
                sep = don.info[[3]]$sepr, na = don.info[[3]]$miss.val,
                col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)


    elv.data <- NULL
            readDEM <- TRUE
            if(GeneralParameters$params$elv$file == ""){
                Insert.Messages.Out(message[['11']], TRUE, "e")
                readDEM <- FALSE

            demInfo <- getNCDFSampleData(GeneralParameters$params$elv$file)
                Insert.Messages.Out(message[['12']], TRUE, "e")
                readDEM <- FALSE

                jfile <- getIndex.AllOpenFiles(GeneralParameters$params$elv$file)
                ncdata <- .cdtData$OpenFiles$Data[[jfile]][[2]]
                elv.data <- ncdata$z

                ijx <- grid2pointINDEX(don[c('lon', 'lat')], list(lon = ncdata$x, lat = ncdata$y))
                elv.data <- elv.data[ijx]
                rm(ncdata, ijx)
                Insert.Messages.Out(message[['13']], TRUE, "e")
                elv.data <- don$elv

            Insert.Messages.Out(message[['14']], TRUE, "w")


    params <- GeneralParameters$params


    voisin  <- lapply(seq_along(don$id), function(stn){
        istn <- seq_along(don$lon)
        crd0 <- cbind(don$lon[stn], don$lat[stn])
        crds <- do.call(cbind, don[c('lon', 'lat')])
        dist <- as.numeric(fields::rdist.earth(crd0, crds, miles = FALSE))
        io <- order(dist)
        istn <- istn[io]
        dist <- dist[io]
        idst <- dist <= params$voisin$dist
        idst[istn == stn] <- FALSE
        istn <- istn[idst]
        dist <- dist[idst]
        istn0 <- istn
        if(length(istn) < params$voisin$min) return(NULL)
                elv <- elv.data[istn]
                elv.h <- elv.data[stn] + c(-1, 1) * (params$voisin$elv / 2)
                ielv <- elv >= elv.h[1] & elv <= elv.h[2]
                    istn <- istn[ielv]
                    dist <- dist[ielv]
        list(id = don$id[stn], stn = c(stn, istn), dist = c(0, dist), ivois = istn0)

    inull <- sapply(voisin, is.null)
    voisin <- voisin[!inull]


    don.qc <- don$data
    don.len <- nrow(don.qc)

    # out bounds check

    ineg <- which(!is.na(don.qc) & don.qc < 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    outqc.neg <- NULL
        outqc.neg$status.tmp <- "negative.values"
        outqc.neg$status.sp <- NA
        outqc.neg$stn.id <- don$id[ineg[, 2]]
        outqc.neg$dates <- don$dates[ineg[, 1]]
        outqc.neg$stn.val <- don.qc[ineg]
        outqc.neg$stats.tmp <- NA
        outqc.neg$stats.sp <- NA
        don.qc[ineg] <- NA

        outqc.neg <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, outqc.neg), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    imax <- which(!is.na(don.qc) & don.qc > params$precip.max, arr.ind = TRUE)
    outqc.max <- NULL
        outqc.max$status.tmp <- "greater.than.maximum.values"
        outqc.max$status.sp <- NA
        outqc.max$stn.id <- don$id[imax[, 2]]
        outqc.max$dates <- don$dates[imax[, 1]]
        outqc.max$stn.val <- don.qc[imax]
        outqc.max$stats.tmp <- NA
        outqc.max$stats.sp <- NA
        # don.qc[imax] <- NA

        outqc.max <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, outqc.max), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # temporal check
    ## check only data greater than the 97% percentile
    thres.perc <- 0.97

    ## convert to fraction (68–95–99.7 rule)
    alpha <- stats::pnorm(params$sigma) - (1 - stats::pnorm(params$sigma))

    ## min non-missing
    min.length <- switch(GeneralParameters$intstep,
                            'daily' = 300,
                            'pentad' = 60,
                            'dekadal' = 30,
                            'monthly' = 10

    outqc.outlier <- NULL
    tmp.date <- NULL

    if(don.len > min.length){
        Insert.Messages.Out(message[['15']], TRUE, "i")

        tmp <- don.qc
        tmp[tmp < 0.0001] <- NA
        tmp <- tmp^(1/3)

        index.mon <- split(seq_along(don$dates), substr(don$dates, 5, 6))

        outliers <- lapply(index.mon, function(it){
            x <- tmp[it, , drop = FALSE]
            nl <- colSums(!is.na(x))

            istn <- which(nl >= min.length)
            if(length(istn) == 0) return(NULL)
            x <- x[, istn, drop = FALSE]
            nl <- nl[istn]

            sds <- matrixStats::colSds(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            is <- which(sds > 0)
            if(length(is) == 0) return(NULL)
            istn <- istn[is]
            nl <- nl[is]
            sds <- sds[is]
            x <- x[, is, drop = FALSE]

            moy <- colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            xs <- sds * sqrt(1 + (1/nl))
            me <- stats::qt(alpha, df = nl - 1) * xs

            xdon <- don.qc[it, istn, drop = FALSE]
            xq <- matrixStats::colQuantiles(xdon, probs = thres.perc, na.rm = TRUE, type = 8)
            xq <- sweep(xdon, 2, xq, FUN = '>')
            xq[is.na(xq)] <- FALSE
            stats <- sweep(xdon, 2, (moy + me)^3, FUN = '/')

            istat <- which(!is.na(stats) & stats > 1 & xq, arr.ind = TRUE)
            if(nrow(istat) == 0) return(NULL)
            list(val = xdon[istat], stat = round(stats[istat], 4),
                 istn = istn[istat[, 2]], idate = it[istat[, 1]])

        inull <- sapply(outliers, is.null)
        outliers <- outliers[!inull]

        if(length(outliers) > 0){
            outqc.outlier$status.tmp <- "upper.outliers"
            outqc.outlier$status.sp <- NA
            outqc.outlier$stn.id <- don$id[do.call(c, lapply(outliers, '[[', 'istn'))]
            outqc.outlier$dates <- don$dates[do.call(c, lapply(outliers, '[[', 'idate'))]
            outqc.outlier$stn.val <- unname(do.call(c, lapply(outliers, '[[', 'val')))
            outqc.outlier$stats.tmp <- unname(do.call(c, lapply(outliers, '[[', 'stat')))
            outqc.outlier$stats.sp <- NA

            tmp.date <- split(outqc.outlier$dates, outqc.outlier$stn.id)
            tmp.date <- lapply(tmp.date, function(x) which(don$dates %in% x))

            outqc.outlier <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, outqc.outlier), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        Insert.Messages.Out(message[['16']], TRUE, "s")

    # spatial check

    params$spatial <- list(ispmax = 1, ispobs = 10, isdmin = 3,
                           isdobs = 1, isdq1 = 10, iqrf = 3.0, minDevA = 5)

    outqc.spatial <- NULL
    spatial.vois <- NULL

    if(length(voisin) > 0){
        Insert.Messages.Out(message[['17']], TRUE, "i")

        index.date <- seq_along(don$dates)

        STNid <- lapply(voisin, "[[", "id")
        STNsp <- lapply(voisin, "[[", "stn")

        ## include temporal outliers
            tmp.date <- tmp.date[match(unlist(STNid), names(tmp.date))]
            tmp.date <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(STNid))

        # parsL <- doparallel.cond(FALSE)
        parsL <- doparallel.cond(length(STNsp) >= 100)
        ret <- cdt.foreach(seq_along(STNsp), parsL, GUI = TRUE,
                           progress = TRUE, FUN = function(j)
            x <- don.qc[, STNsp[[j]], drop = FALSE]

            ## remove missing
            ina <- which(!is.na(x[, 1]))
            if(length(ina) == 0) return(NULL)
            x <- x[ina, , drop = FALSE]
            idaty <- index.date[ina]

            ## exclude variance less than 1
            is <- which(matrixStats::rowVars(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1)
            if(length(is) == 0) return(NULL)
            x <- x[is, , drop = FALSE]
            idaty <- idaty[is]

            ## get minimum number of neighbors
            nonNA <- rowSums(!is.na(x[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
            idt <- which(nonNA >= params$voisin$min)
            if(length(idt) == 0) return(NULL)
            x <- x[idt, , drop = FALSE]
            idaty <- idaty[idt]
            nonNA <- nonNA[idt]

            ## get maximum number of neighbors to use
            imx <- nonNA > params$voisin$max
            nrw <- params$voisin$max + 1
            im <- 1:nrw
            v0 <- voisin[[j]]$stn
                xxm <- lapply(seq(nrow(x)), function(i){
                    xm <- x[i, ]
                    ina <- !is.na(xm)
                    xm <- xm[ina]
                    v1 <- v0[ina]
                      xm <- xm[im]
                      v1 <- v1[im]
                        xm <- c(xm, rep(NA, params$voisin$max - nonNA[i]))
                    list(x = xm, v = v1)
                x <- do.call(rbind, lapply(xxm, '[[', 'x'))
                VOIS <- lapply(xxm, '[[', 'v')
               VOIS <- lapply(seq(nrow(x)), function(i){
                   ina <- !is.na(x[i, ])

            ## exclude variance less than 1
            is <- which(matrixStats::rowVars(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1)
            if(length(is) == 0) return(NULL)
            x <- x[is, , drop = FALSE]
            idaty <- idaty[is]
            VOIS <- VOIS[is]

            ## check less than 25% percentile and greater than 75% 
            iqr0 <- matrixStats::rowQuantiles(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE, type = 8, drop = FALSE)
            iqr0 <- (iqr0[, 2] - iqr0[, 1]) + 1e-6
            med <- matrixStats::rowMedians(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            stat0 <- (x[, 1] - med) / (params$spatial$iqrf * iqr0)
            # stat0[is.nan(stat0) | is.infinite(stat0)] <- 0

            ## include temporal outliers
            tmp.chk <- rep(FALSE, length(stat0))
            if(!is.null(tmp.date[[j]])) tmp.chk <- idaty %in% tmp.date[[j]]

            ## Filter
            iq <- which(stat0 < -0.9 | stat0 > 0.9 | tmp.chk)

            if(length(iq) == 0){
                spatial.ok <- NULL
                        spatial.ok$val <- x[tmp.chk, 1]
                        spatial.ok$it <- idaty[tmp.chk]
                        spatial.ok$stats <- abs(stat0[tmp.chk])
                sp.chk <- list(isolated.precip = NULL, isolated.dry = NULL,
                               largedev.above = NULL, largedev.below = NULL,
                               spatial.ok = spatial.ok, spatial.vois = NULL)

            x <- x[iq, , drop = FALSE]
            idaty <- idaty[iq]
            stat0 <- stat0[iq]
            tmp.chk <- tmp.chk[iq]
            VOIS <- VOIS[iq]

            # ## remove target station
            min.nbrs <- matrixStats::rowMins(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
            max.nbrs <- matrixStats::rowMaxs(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
            Q <- matrixStats::rowQuantiles(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.98), na.rm = TRUE, type = 8, drop = FALSE)
            iqr <- (Q[, 3] - Q[, 2]) + 1e-6

            ## isolated precipitation
            isp <- stat0 >= 1e+6
            isol.pre <- rep(FALSE, length(isp))
                Qispmax <- rowMeans(x[isp, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
                ispr1 <- Qispmax - max.nbrs[isp]
                ispr2 <- x[isp, 1] - Q[isp, 4]
                isol.pre[isp] <- ispr1 > 0 & ispr2 > 0
                ispr1 <- params$spatial$ispmax - max.nbrs[!isp]
                ispr2 <- x[!isp, 1] - params$spatial$ispobs
                isol.pre[!isp] <- ispr1 > 0 & ispr2 > 0 & stat0[!isp] > 1

            isolated.precip <- NULL
                isolated.precip$val <- x[isol.pre, 1]
                isolated.precip$it <- idaty[isol.pre]
                isolated.precip$stats <- stat0[isol.pre]

            ## isolated dryness
            isdr1 <- min.nbrs - params$spatial$isdmin
            isdr2 <- params$spatial$isdobs - 2 * x[, 1]
            isdr3 <- Q[, 2] - params$spatial$isdq1
            isol.dry <- isdr1 > 0 & isdr2 > 0 & isdr3 > 0 & stat0 < -1

            isolated.dry <- NULL
                isolated.dry$val <- x[isol.dry, 1]
                isolated.dry$it <- idaty[isol.dry]
                isolated.dry$stats <- abs(stat0[isol.dry])


            # DIST <- lapply(VOIS, function(x){
            #     voisin[[j]]$dist[match(x, voisin[[j]]$stn)]
            # })

            # EST <- sapply(seq_along(VOIS), function(i){
            #     inv.dst <- 1/(DIST[[i]][-1] + 1e-6)^2
            #     v <- x[i, -1]
            #     inv.dst <- inv.dst[!is.na(v)]
            #     v <- v[!is.na(v)]
            #     sum(inv.dst * v) / sum(inv.dst)
            # })
            # MOY <- rowMeans(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
            # SDS <- matrixStats::rowSds(x[, -1, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)


            ## Too large deviations above
            atldv <- (x[, 1] - Q[, 3]) / (2 * params$spatial$iqrf * iqr)
            extraC1 <- x[, 1] > Q[, 4] & x[, 1] > params$spatial$minDevA
            large.above <- atldv > 1 & !isol.pre & extraC1

            largedev.above <- NULL
                largedev.above$val <- x[large.above, 1]
                largedev.above$it <- idaty[large.above]
                largedev.above$stats <- stat0[large.above]

            ## Too large deviations below
            btldv <- (x[, 1] - Q[, 2]) / (params$spatial$iqrf * iqr)
            extraC2 <- x[, 1] < Q[, 1]
            large.below <- btldv < -1 & isdr2 > 0 & !isol.dry & extraC2

            largedev.below <- NULL
                largedev.below$val <- x[large.below, 1]
                largedev.below$it <- idaty[large.below]
                largedev.below$stats <- abs(stat0[large.below])

            ## include temporal check
            spatial.ok <- NULL
                    tmp.chk <- tmp.chk & !isol.pre & !isol.dry & !large.above & !large.below
                        spatial.ok$val <- x[tmp.chk, 1]
                        spatial.ok$it <- idaty[tmp.chk]
                        spatial.ok$stats <- abs(stat0[tmp.chk])

            spatial.vois <- NULL
            ivois <- tmp.chk | isol.pre | isol.dry | large.above | large.below
                spatial.vois$is <- VOIS[ivois]
                spatial.vois$it <- idaty[ivois]
            list(isolated.precip = isolated.precip, isolated.dry = isolated.dry,
                 largedev.above = largedev.above, largedev.below = largedev.below,
                 spatial.ok = spatial.ok, spatial.vois = spatial.vois)

        inull <- sapply(ret, is.null)
        ret <- ret[!inull]
        STNid <- STNid[!inull]
        if(length(ret) > 0){
            isolated.precip <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'isolated.precip')
            isolated.precip <- qcRR.format.spatial(isolated.precip, STNid, don$dates, "isolated.precipitation")
            isolated.dry <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'isolated.dry')
            isolated.dry <- qcRR.format.spatial(isolated.dry, STNid, don$dates, "isolated.dryness")
            largedev.above <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'largedev.above')
            largedev.above <- qcRR.format.spatial(largedev.above, STNid, don$dates, "too.large.deviation.above")
            largedev.below <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'largedev.below')
            largedev.below <- qcRR.format.spatial(largedev.below, STNid, don$dates, "too.large.deviation.below")
            spatial.ok <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'spatial.ok')
            spatial.ok <- qcRR.format.spatial(spatial.ok, STNid, don$dates, "spatial.not.outliers")

            outqc.spatial <- rbind(isolated.precip, isolated.dry, largedev.above, largedev.below, spatial.ok)

            spatial.vois <- lapply(ret, '[[', 'spatial.vois')
            names(spatial.vois) <- STNid
            inull <- sapply(spatial.vois, is.null)
            spatial.vois <- spatial.vois[!inull]
            if(length(spatial.vois) > 0){
                spatial.vois <- lapply(seq_along(spatial.vois), function(i){
                    x <- spatial.vois[[i]]
                    x$it <- don$dates[x$it]
                    x$id <- names(spatial.vois[i])
            }else spatial.vois <- NULL

        Insert.Messages.Out(message[['18']], TRUE, "s")


    outqc <- rbind(outqc.neg, outqc.max, outqc.outlier, outqc.spatial)

        index.stn <- split(seq(nrow(outqc)), outqc$stn.id)
        nom.stn <- names(index.stn)
        inom <- c("stn.id", "dates", "stn.val", "stats.tmp",
                  "stats.sp", "status.tmp", "status.sp")
        nom <- c("STN.ID", "DATE", "STN.VAL", "STAT.TEMPORAL",
                 "NOT.REPLACE", "REPLACE.VAL")
        replace0 <- c("negative.values", "greater.than.maximum.values")

            STNid <- sapply(voisin, "[[", "id")
            voisin.qc <- voisin[match(nom.stn, STNid)]
        }else voisin.qc <- NULL

        outqc <- lapply(seq_along(index.stn), function(jj){
            x <- outqc[index.stn[[jj]], , drop = FALSE]
            id <- duplicated(x$dates) | duplicated(x$dates, fromLast = TRUE)
            nodup <- x[!id, , drop = FALSE]
            dup <- x[id, , drop = FALSE]
                idx <- split(seq_along(dup$dates), dup$dates)
                dup <- lapply(idx, function(jd){
                    y <- dup[jd, , drop = FALSE]
                    if(nrow(y) == 3){
                        y[1, is.na(y[1, ])] <- y[3, is.na(y[1, ])]
                        y[1, 'stats.tmp'] <- y[2, 'stats.tmp']
                        y[1, is.na(y[1, ])] <- y[2, is.na(y[1, ])]
                    y[1, , drop = FALSE]
                dup <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, dup)
                x <- if(nrow(nodup)) rbind.data.frame(nodup, dup) else dup
            }else x <- nodup
            x <- x[order(x$dates), inom, drop = FALSE]
            rownames(x) <- NULL
            norep <- rep(1, nrow(x))
            norep[x$status.tmp %in% replace0] <- NA
            repval <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
            x <- cbind.data.frame(x, norep = norep, repval = repval)
            names(x) <- nom
            res <- list(date = x$DATE, outliers = x,
                        stn = voisin.qc[[jj]]$stn[-1],
                        dist = voisin.qc[[jj]]$dist[-1],
                        vois = voisin.qc[[jj]]$ivois)
        names(outqc) <- nom.stn
        outqc <- list(res = outqc, stn = nom.stn, spatial.vois = spatial.vois)
    }else outqc <- NULL

    ## check if mixed with temperature data

    ## minimum sequence to check
    min.seq <- 10
    ## minimum temperature value
    min.temp <- 5
    ## maximum threshold variance of diff
    max.var.diff <- 1.5

    outqc.temp <- NULL
    if(don.len >= min.seq){
        tmp <- don.qc
        itmp <- !is.na(tmp) & tmp >= min.temp
        tmp[!itmp] <- NA

        tmp <- cdt.roll.fun(tmp, 5, "mean", na.rm = TRUE, min.data = 3, align = "right")
        tmp <- rbind(diff(tmp), NA)
        itmp <- itmp & !is.na(tmp) & tmp >= -10 & tmp <= 10

        itmp <- lapply(seq(ncol(itmp)), function(j){
            x <- itmp[, j]
            x <- rle(x)
            if(!any(x$lengths[x$values] >= min.seq)) return(NULL)
            ie <- cumsum(x$lengths)
            is <- c(1, ie[-length(ie)] + 1)
            ie <- ie[x$values & x$lengths >= min.seq]
            is <- is[x$values & x$lengths >= min.seq]

            vx <- sapply(seq_along(is), function(i) stats::var(diff(tmp[is[i]:ie[i], j])))
            ix <- vx < max.var.diff
            if(!any(ix)) return(NULL)

            cbind(is[ix] - 2, ie[ix], vx[ix])

        inull <- sapply(itmp, is.null)
        itmp <- itmp[!inull]

        if(length(itmp) > 0){
            istn <- which(!inull)
            xtmp <- lapply(seq_along(itmp), function(j){
                ix <- itmp[[j]]
                xx <- lapply(seq(nrow(ix)), function(i){
                  is <- ix[i, 1]:ix[i, 2]
                  cbind(don$dates[is], don.qc[is, istn[j]])
                xx <- do.call(rbind, xx)
                id <- don$id[istn[j]]
                tab <- data.frame(id, xx)
                norep <- rep(NA, nrow(tab))
                repval <- rep(NA, nrow(tab))
                tab <- cbind.data.frame(tab, norep = norep, repval = repval)
                names(tab) <- c("STN.ID", "DATE", "STN.VAL",
                                "NOT.REPLACE", "REPLACE.VAL")
                list(tab = tab, index = ix)
            names(xtmp) <- don$id[istn]
            outqc.temp <- list(res = xtmp, stn = don$id[istn])

    ## Check consecutive values

    min.len <- 5

    outqc.seq <- NULL
    if(don.len >= min.len){
        tmp <- don.qc
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
        tmp <- rbind(diff(tmp), 0)
        tmp <- tmp == 1

        iseq <- lapply(seq(ncol(tmp)), function(j){
            x <- tmp[, j]
            x <- rle(x)
            if(!any(x$lengths[x$values] >= min.len)) return(NULL)
            ie <- cumsum(x$lengths)
            is <- c(1, ie[-length(ie)] + 1)
            ie <- ie[x$values & x$lengths >= min.len]
            is <- is[x$values & x$lengths >= min.len]
            ie <- ie + 1
            ie[ie > don.len] <- don.len
            cbind(is, ie, 0)

        inull <- sapply(iseq, is.null)
        iseq <- iseq[!inull]

        if(length(iseq) > 0){
            istn <- which(!inull)
            xtmp <- lapply(seq_along(iseq), function(j){
                ix <- iseq[[j]]
                xx <- lapply(seq(nrow(ix)), function(i){
                  is <- ix[i, 1]:ix[i, 2]
                  cbind(don$dates[is], don.qc[is, istn[j]])
                xx <- do.call(rbind, xx)
                id <- don$id[istn[j]]
                tab <- data.frame(id, xx)
                norep <- rep(NA, nrow(tab))
                repval <- rep(NA, nrow(tab))
                tab <- cbind.data.frame(tab, norep = norep, repval = repval)
                names(tab) <- c("STN.ID", "DATE", "STN.VAL",
                                "NOT.REPLACE", "REPLACE.VAL")
                list(tab = tab, index = ix)
            names(xtmp) <- don$id[istn]
            outqc.seq <- list(res = xtmp, stn = don$id[istn])


    outqc$mixed <- outqc.temp
    outqc$sequence <- outqc.seq

    .cdtData$EnvData$outqc <- outqc

    ix <- c('id', 'lon', 'lat', 'dates', 'data')
    if(!is.null(don$elv)) ix <- c(ix, 'elv')
    .cdtData$EnvData$stn.data <- don[ix]

    output <- list(params = GeneralParameters, info = don.info)
    .cdtData$EnvData$output <- output
    .cdtData$EnvData$PathData <- outdir

    file.index <- file.path(outdir, "OutliersCheck.rds")
    file.qc <- file.path(dataCDTdir, "QCResults.rds")
    file.don <- file.path(dataCDTdir, "StationData.rds")

    saveRDS(output, file.index)
    saveRDS(outqc, file.qc)
    saveRDS(don[ix], file.don)



qcRR.format.spatial <- function(sp.out, stn.id, dates, outlier.name)
    inull <- sapply(sp.out, is.null)
    sp.out <- sp.out[!inull]
    id0 <- stn.id[!inull]
    res <- NULL
        res$status.tmp <- NA
        res$status.sp <- outlier.name
        tmp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(id0), function(j){
                x <- sp.out[[j]]
                cbind(id0[[j]], x$val, dates[x$it], x$stats)
        res$stn.id <- tmp[, 1]
        res$dates <- tmp[, 3]
        res$stn.val <- as.numeric(tmp[, 2])
        res$stats.tmp <- NA
        res$stats.sp <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 4]), 4)
        res <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, res), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.