
Defines functions `plotIgBlastOverlayProfile` `plotIgBlastDiffProfile` `diffIgBlastProfiles` `getIgBlastProfiles` `plotIgBlastProfile` `profileIgBlastCoverage` `igblastJnames` `igblastVnames` `igblastGroupName` `readIgBlastOutput` `callIgBlast`

# igblastTools.R -- various code for working with IgBlast

#		Updates ~2022 to work with IgBlast 1.18

`callIgBlast` <- function( fastafile, outfile="igblastOut.txt", igblast.program=Sys.which("igblastn"), 
			igblast.path="~/IgBlast", db=c("IG","TR"), organism=c( "human", "mouse"), 
			database.subpath="database", outfmt=19, verbose=TRUE) {

	# validate the arguments
	if ( igblast.program == "") stop( "IgBlast executable name is blank.  Give explicit pathname or perhaps modify PATH env var.")
	if ( ! file.exists(igblast.program)) stop( paste( "Can't find IgBlast executable: ", igblast.program))
	cmdline <- igblast.program 

	# push the directory of IgBlast databases to a system env variable
	sys.path <- file.path( dirname(igblast.path), basename(igblast.path))
	Sys.setenv( "IGDATA"=sys.path)

	# build the names of the VDJ databases we expect to use, and make sure they exist
	organism <- match.arg( organism)
	db <- match.arg( db)
	vFile <- file.path( igblast.path, database.subpath, paste( organism, "_", db, "_V", sep=""))
	dFile <- file.path( igblast.path, database.subpath, paste( organism, "_", db, "_D", sep=""))
	jFile <- file.path( igblast.path, database.subpath, paste( organism, "_", db, "_J", sep=""))
	vFileTest <- paste( vFile, ".nsq", sep="")
	dFileTest <- paste( dFile, ".nsq", sep="")
	jFileTest <- paste( jFile, ".nsq", sep="")
	if ( ! all( file.exists( c( vFileTest, dFileTest, jFileTest)))) {
		cat( "\nError:  Could not find needed V/D/J database files for IgBlast.")
		cat( "\n  Looked for: ", vFile, dFile, jFile)
		# since we failed, make sure to remove the output file
		file.delete( outfile)

	dbArgs <- paste( "-germline_db_V", vFile, "-germline_db_D", dFile, "-germline_db_J", jFile)
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, dbArgs)

	seqType <- if ( db == "TR") "TCR" else "Ig"
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-ig_seqtype", seqType)

	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-organism", organism, "-domain_system imgt")

	# the optional file for calling CDR3 details
	auxFile <- file.path( igblast.path, "optional_file", paste( organism, "_gl.aux", sep=""))
	if ( ! file.exists( auxFile)) {
		cat( "\n  Waringing: Could not find expected 'auxiliary_data' file: ", auxFile)
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-auxiliary_data", auxFile)
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-num_threads", 4)

	if ( ! file.exists( fastafile)) {
		cat( "\nError:  Could not find FASTA query file: ", fastafile)
		# since we failed, make sure to remove the output file
		file.delete( outfile)
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-query", fastafile)
	cmdline <- paste( cmdline, "-outfmt", outfmt, " > ", outfile)

	# call BLAST
	if (verbose) cat( "\nCalling IgBLAST: \nCommand line:  ", cmdline, "\n")
	system( cmdline)
	if (verbose) cat( "\nDone.\nWrote file: ", outfile, "\n")

`readIgBlastOutput` <- function( infile="igblastOut.txt", outfmt=19, verbose=TRUE) {

	if ( ! file.exists( infile)) {
		cat( "\nError:  Could not find IgBlast output file: ", infile)
		return( NULL)

	# scan the output of Blast for the data columns we need
	# depending on the version of BLAST, the column mode number is different
	if ( outfmt == 19) {
		# the new AIRR format is a perfect tab separated table
		tbl <- read.delim( infile, as.is=T)

		# reduce to what we need/want, may not all be there
		wantedColumns <- c( "sequence_id", "locus", "v_call", "d_call", "j_call", "sequence_alignment_aa",
					"v_sequence_alignment_aa", "d_sequence_alignment_aa", "j_sequence_alignment_aa",
					"v_score", "d_score", "j_score", "v_support", "d_support", "j_support",
					"v_identity", "d_identity", "j_identity", 
					"fwr1_aa", "cdr1_aa", "fwr2_aa", "cdr2_aa", "fwr3_aa", "cdr3_aa", "fwr4_aa", "cdr3")
		where <- match( wantedColumns, colnames(tbl), nomatch=0)
		out <- tbl[ , where]

		# trap/catch any missing results cleanly
		for ( j in 1:ncol(out)) out[[j]][ is.na( out[[j]])] <- ""

		# keep only the first call for each
		out$v_call <- sub( ",.+", "", out$v_call)
		out$d_call <- sub( ",.+", "", out$d_call)
		out$j_call <- sub( ",.+", "", out$j_call)

		# force some to be numeric
		for ( j in c("v_score", "d_score", "j_score", "v_support", "d_support", "j_support", "v_identity", "d_identity", "j_identity")) {
			out[[j]] <- as.numeric( out[[j]])

		# make the column names uppper case
		colnames(out) <- sub( "_alignment", "", colnames(out))
		colnames(out) <- toupper( colnames(out))

		# try to make a read depth value, from the denovo assembly 'coverage' field
		cover <- sub( ".+_cov_", "", out$SEQUENCE_ID)
		cover <- sub( "_.+", "", cover)
		cover <- as.numeric( cover)
		cover[ is.na(cover)] <- 1
		out$READ_DEPTH <- round( cover, digits=1)

	if ( outfmt != 19) {
		warning( paste( "Unsupported IgBlast Output format: ", outfmt))
		return( NULL)

`igblastGroupName` <- function( txt) {

	# the construct names have detailed suffixes that we want to lop off
	txt <- sub( "\\-.+", "", txt)
	txt <- sub( "\\*.+", "", txt)
	txt <- sub( "/.+", "", txt)
	#txt <- sub( "D$", "", txt)

	# some may be unusual...
	txt <- sub( "(I)", "1", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(II)", "2", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(III)", "3", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(IV)", "4", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(V)", "5", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(VI)", "6", txt, fixed=T)
	txt <- sub( "(VII)", "7", txt, fixed=T)


`igblastVnames` <- function( db=c( "IG", "TR")) {

	# create the complete list of all V names we maight see
	db <- match.arg( db)
	if ( db == "IG") {
		return( c( paste( "IGHV", 1:8, sep=""), 
				paste( "IGKV", 1:7, sep=""), paste( "IGKV", 1:6, "D", sep=""),	
				paste( "IGLV", 1:11, sep="")))
	if ( db == "TR") {
		return( c( paste( "TRAV", 1:41, sep=""), 
				paste( "TRBV", 1:30, sep=""), 
				paste( "TRDV", 1:3, sep=""), 
				paste( "TRGV", 1:11, sep=""), "TRGVA"))

`igblastJnames` <- function( db=c( "IG", "TR")) {

	# create the complete list of all J names we maight see
	db <- match.arg( db)
	if ( db == "IG") {
		return( c( paste( "IGHJ", 1:6, sep=""), 
				paste( "IGKJ", 1:5, sep=""),
				paste( "IGLJ", 1:7, sep="")))
	if ( db == "TR") {
		return( c( paste( "TRAJ", 1:61, sep=""), 
				paste( "TRBJ", 1:2, sep=""),
				paste( "TRDJ", 1:4, sep=""), 
				paste( "TRGJ", 1:2, sep=""), "TRGJP", "TRGJP1", "TRGJP2"))

`profileIgBlastCoverage` <- function( tbl, db=c("IG","TR"), min.v.score=100) {

	# eat the IgBlast result data frame, and present it as read depth percentages and 
	# germline identity per lymphocyte construct
	tbl <- subset( tbl, V_SCORE >= min.v.score)
	drops <- union( which( tbl$V_CALL == ""), which( tbl$J_CALL == ""))
	if ( length(drops)) tbl <- tbl[ -drops, ]
	if ( nrow(tbl) < 1) return( NULL)

	# extract the details we need
	vnam <- igblastGroupName( tbl$V_CALL)
	jnam <- igblastGroupName( tbl$J_CALL)
	readDepth <- tbl$READ_DEPTH
	pctIdent <- tbl$V_IDENTITY

	# make a table to accumulate the reads by group
	# use all possible names, not just those seen in this file
	vlevels <- igblastVnames( db)
	jlevels <- igblastJnames( db)
	vfac <- factor( vnam, levels=vlevels)
	jfac <- factor( jnam, levels=jlevels)
	nv <- length( vlevels)
	nj <- length( jlevels)
	m <- n <- p <- matrix( 0, nrow=nj, ncol=nv)
	colnames(m) <- colnames(p) <- vlevels
	rownames(m) <- rownames(p) <- jlevels

	for ( k in 1:nrow(tbl)) {
		i <- jfac[k]
		j <- vfac[k]
		m[ i, j] <- m[i,j] + readDepth[k]
		n[ i, j] <- n[i,j] + 1
		p[ i, j] <- p[i,j] + pctIdent[k]

	# average the percent Identity data
	for (i in 1:ncol(p)) {
		who <- which( n[ ,i] > 0)
		p[ who, i] <- p[ who, i] / n[ who, i]
	totalReads <- sum( m)
	m <- m * 100 / totalReads

	return( list( "profile"=m, "identity"=p))

`plotIgBlastProfile` <- function( profile, sampleID="", label="", sublabel=NULL, min.read.pct=0.1, ...) {

	# make a 'Vlad-style' color plot of circles where size is percentage of reads and
	# color is deviation from germline...
	require( plotrix)

	pcts <- profile$profile
	ident <- profile$identity

	# lets drop rows/columns with 'not enough data'
	rowMax <- apply( pcts, 1, max)
	drops <- which( rowMax < min.read.pct)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts <- pcts[ -drops, , drop=F]
		ident <- ident[ -drops, , drop=F]
	colMax <- apply( pcts, 2, max)
	drops <- which( colMax < min.read.pct)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts <- pcts[ , -drops, drop=F]
		ident <- ident[ , -drops, drop=F]

	vIdent <- as.vector( ident)
	# force the coloring to see a spectrum
	vIdent[ vIdent < 80] <- 80
	colorScale <- color.scale( c( vIdent, 80, 100), cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1),
	colorScale <- colorScale[ 1:length(vIdent)]

	NJ <- nrow(pcts)
	NV <- ncol(pcts)
	xlocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NV, each=NJ), NJ, NV)
	ylocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NJ, times=NV), NJ, NV)

	# put a minimum on the size for plotting
	NJ <- max( NJ, 7)
	NV <- max( NV, 9)

	# use the function that does it all at once
	# we may have more than one sample
	if ( length( sampleID) > 1) {
		textID <- paste( "AVG( ", paste( sampleID, collapse="; "), " )", sep="")
	} else {
		textID <- sampleID[1]
	lymphKey <- names( sort( table( substr( c( colnames(pcts), rownames(pcts)), 1, 2)), decreasing=T))[1]
	if ( lymphKey == "TR") lymphKey <- "TCR"

	if ( is.null( sublabel)) {
		mainText <- paste( lymphKey, " Profile:    ", label, "\nSampleID:  ", textID)
	} else {
		mainText <- paste( lymphKey, " Profile:    ", label, "\n", sublabel)

	my_size_n_color( x=xlocs, y=ylocs, size=pcts/100, col=colorScale,
			xaxlab=colnames(pcts), yaxlab=rownames(pcts), xcex=1.2, ycex=1.2,
			xgrid=T, ygrid=T, xlim=c(0.5,NV+0.5), ylim=c(-1.7,NJ+0.5), font.lab=2,
			xlas=3, main=mainText, mar=c( 6,6,4,2), ...)

	lines( c( -1,NV+2), c(0,0), lty=1, lwd=2, col=1)
	colorscale <- color.scale( 80:100, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1), xrange=c(80,100))
	colorXlo <- round( NV * 0.33)
	colorXhi <- NV - colorXlo + 1
	color.legend( colorXlo, -1.6, colorXhi, -0.9, seq(80, 100, by=5), rect.col=colorscale)
	text( colorXlo, -1.25, "Germline Identity", pos=2, cex=1.2, font=2)

	sizeX <- round( NV * 0.90)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.05), col="dodgerblue", border=1)
	text( sizeX, -1.01, "5% of Constructs", pos=3, font=2, cex=1.15)

`getIgBlastProfiles` <- function( profileFile) {

	# the profile is stored as a cbind of percentages then germline identity
	tbl <- read.delim( profileFile[1], as.is=T)
	N2 <- ncol(tbl)
	N <- as.integer( N2/2)
	profile <- as.matrix( tbl[ ,1:N, drop=FALSE])
	pctIdent <- as.matrix( tbl[ ,(N+1):N2, drop=FALSE])
	ans <- list( "profile"=profile, "identity"=pctIdent)

	# we may have be given a set of files, is which case we merge
	NP <- length(profileFile)
	if ( NP == 1) return( ans)

	profList <- identList <- vector( mode="list")
	profList[[1]] <- ans$profile
	identList[[1]] <- ans$identity
	for ( j in 2:NP) {
		tbl <- read.delim( profileFile[1], as.is=T)
		N2 <- ncol(tbl)
		N <- as.integer( N2/2)
		profile <- as.matrix( tbl[ ,1:N, drop=FALSE])
		pctIdent <- as.matrix( tbl[ ,(N+1):N2, drop=FALSE])
		profList[[j]] <- profile
		identList[[j]] <- pctIdent

	# first decide the union for both D's
	newcols <- colnames( profList[[1]])
	newrows <- rownames( profList[[1]])
	for ( j in 2:NP) {
		colnam2 <- colnames( profList[[j]])
		newcols <- sort( union( newcols, colnam2))
		rownam2 <- rownames( profList[[j]])
		newrows <- sort( union( newrows, rownam2))
	NC <- length(newcols)
	NR <- length(newrows)

	# make new bigger matrices to hold the average over all samples
	newpct <- newident <- matrix( 0, nrow=NR, ncol=NC)
	colnames(newpct) <- colnames(newident) <- newcols
	rownames(newpct) <- rownames(newident) <- newrows

	whRow2 <- match( newrows, rownam2, nomatch=0)

	# visit all cells, and get whoever has data for that cell
	for ( j in 1:NC) {
		myCol <- newcols[j]
		for ( i in 1:NR) {
			myRow <- newrows[i]
			vProf <- vIdent <- vector()
			for (k in 1:NP) {
				whereC <- match( myCol, colnames(profList[[k]]), nomatch=0)
				whereR <- match( myRow, rownames(profList[[k]]), nomatch=0)
				if ( any( c( whereC, whereR) == 0)) next
				vProf <- c( vProf, profList[[k]][ whereR, whereC])
				vIdent <- c( vIdent, identList[[k]][ whereR, whereC])
			if ( length( vProf) == 0) next
			# store the average of what we found
			newpct[ i, j] <- mean( vProf, na.rm=T)
			newident[ i, j] <- mean( vIdent, na.rm=T)

	ans <- list( "profile"=newpct, "identity"=newident)


`diffIgBlastProfiles` <- function( profile1, profile2) {

	# given the IgBlast profiles from 2 time points, calculate the difference
	pct1 <- profile1$profile
	ident1 <- profile1$identity
	pct2 <- profile2$profile
	ident2 <- profile2$identity

	# we need to expand each to the union of both sets, before we can do the difference

	# first decide the union for both D's
	colnam1 <- colnames( pct1)
	colnam2 <- colnames( pct2)
	newcols <- sort( union( colnam1, colnam2))
	NC <- length(newcols)
	rownam1 <- rownames( pct1)
	rownam2 <- rownames( pct2)
	newrows <- sort( union( rownam1, rownam2))
	NR <- length(newrows)

	newpct1 <- newident1 <- newpct2 <- newident2 <- matrix( 0, nrow=NR, ncol=NC)
	colnames(newpct1) <- colnames(newident1) <- newcols
	colnames(newpct2) <- colnames(newident2) <- newcols
	rownames(newpct1) <- rownames(newident1) <- newrows
	rownames(newpct2) <- rownames(newident2) <- newrows

	# now decide where each new entry is in the original data
	whCol1 <- match( newcols, colnam1, nomatch=0)
	whCol2 <- match( newcols, colnam2, nomatch=0)
	whRow1 <- match( newrows, rownam1, nomatch=0)
	whRow2 <- match( newrows, rownam2, nomatch=0)

	# lastly, move the data that exists to its new location
	for ( i in 1:NC) {
		if ( whCol1[i] > 0) {
			newpct1[ whRow1 > 0, i] <- pct1[ , whCol1[i]]
			newident1[ whRow1 > 0, i] <- ident1[ , whCol1[i]]
		if ( whCol2[i] > 0) {
			newpct2[ whRow2 > 0, i] <- pct2[ , whCol2[i]]
			newident2[ whRow2 > 0, i] <- ident2[ , whCol2[i]]

	# now the subtraction is trivial
	newpct <- newpct2 - newpct1
	newident <- newident2 - newident1

	return( list( "diffProfile"=newpct, "diffIdentity"=newident))

`plotIgBlastDiffProfile` <- function( diffProfile, sampleID1="sample1", sampleID2="sample2", 
				label="", sublabel=NULL, min.read.pct=0.1, ...) {

	# make a 'Vlad-style' color plot of circles where size is percentage of reads and
	# color is deviation from germline...
	require( plotrix)

	pcts <- diffProfile$diffProfile
	ident <- diffProfile$diffIdentity

	# lets drop rows/columns with 'no data'
	rowMax <- apply( abs(pcts), 1, max)
	drops <- which( rowMax < min.read.pct)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts <- pcts[ -drops, ]
		ident <- ident[ -drops, ]
	colMax <- apply( abs(pcts), 2, max)
	drops <- which( colMax < min.read.pct)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts <- pcts[ , -drops]
		ident <- ident[ , -drops]

	vIdent <- as.vector( ident)
	vIdent[ vIdent < -15] <- -15
	vIdent[ vIdent > 15] <- 15
	colorScale <- color.scale( vIdent, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1),

	NJ <- nrow(pcts)
	NV <- ncol(pcts)
	xlocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NV, each=NJ), NJ, NV)
	ylocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NJ, times=NV), NJ, NV)

	# put a minimum on the size for plotting
	NJ <- max( NJ, 7)
	NV <- max( NV, 9)

	# for now, any group that decreased its profile, we won't show...
	#pcts[ pcts < 0] <- 0
	# try no fill for the ones that shrank...
	isNeg <- (pcts < 0)
	colorNeg <- colorScale
	colorNeg[ ! isNeg] <- NA
	colorScale[ isNeg] <- NA
	pcts[ isNeg] <- abs( pcts[ isNeg])

	# may be given multiple IDs per group...
	if ( length( sampleID1) > 1) {
		textID1 <- paste( "AVG( ", paste( sampleID1, collapse="; "), " )", sep="")
	} else {
		textID1 <- sampleID1[1]
	if ( length( sampleID2) > 1) {
		textID2 <- paste( "AVG( ", paste( sampleID2, collapse="; "), " )", sep="")
	} else {
		textID2 <- sampleID2[1]
	lymphKey <- names( sort( table( substr( c( colnames(pcts), rownames(pcts)), 1, 2)), decreasing=T))[1]
	if ( lymphKey == "TR") lymphKey <- "TCR"
	if ( is.null( sublabel)) {
		mainText <- paste( "Change in ", lymphKey, " Profile:     ", label, "\n", textID1, "  ->  ", textID2)
	} else {
		mainText <- paste( "Change in ", lymphKey, " Profile:     ", label, "\n", sublabel)

	# use the function that does it all at once
	my_size_n_color( x=xlocs, y=ylocs, size=pcts/100, col=colorScale, border=colorNeg,
			xaxlab=colnames(pcts), yaxlab=rownames(pcts), xcex=1.2, ycex=1.2,
			xgrid=T, ygrid=T, xlim=c(0.5,NV+0.5), ylim=c(-1.7,NJ+0.5), font.lab=2,
			xlas=3, main=mainText, mar=c( 6,6,4,2), ...)

	lines( c( -1,NV+2), c(0,0), lty=1, lwd=2, col=1)
	colorscale <- color.scale( 90:100, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1), xrange=c(90,100))
	colorXlo <- round( NV * 0.33)
	colorXhi <- NV - colorXlo + 1
	color.legend( colorXlo, -1.6, colorXhi, -0.9, seq( -15, 15, by=3), rect.col=colorscale)
	text( (colorXlo+colorXhi)/2, -1.5, "Change in Germline", pos=1, cex=1.05, font=2)

	sizeX <- round( NV * 0.10)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.05), border="dodgerblue", col=NA)
	text( sizeX, -1.01, "Decrease 5%", pos=3, font=2, cex=1.1)
	sizeX <- round( NV * 0.90)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.05), col="dodgerblue", border=1)
	text( sizeX, -1.01, "Increase 5%", pos=3, font=2, cex=1.1)

`plotIgBlastOverlayProfile` <- function( profile1, profile2, sampleID1="sample1", sampleID2="sample2", 
				label="", min.read.pct=0.1, ...) {

	# make a 'Vlad-style' color plot of circles where size is percentage of reads and
	# color is deviation from germline...
	require( plotrix)

	pcts1 <- profile1$profile
	ident1 <- profile1$identity
	pcts2 <- profile2$profile
	ident2 <- profile2$identity

	# lets drop rows/columns with 'no data'
	rowMax1 <- apply( abs(pcts1), 1, max)
	drops1 <- which( rowMax1 < min.read.pct)
	rowMax2 <- apply( abs(pcts2), 1, max)
	drops2 <- which( rowMax2 < min.read.pct)
	drops <- intersect( drops1, drops2)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts1 <- pcts1[ -drops, ]
		ident1 <- ident1[ -drops, ]
		pcts2 <- pcts2[ -drops, ]
		ident2 <- ident2[ -drops, ]
	colMax1 <- apply( abs(pcts1), 2, max)
	drops1 <- which( colMax1 < min.read.pct)
	colMax2 <- apply( abs(pcts2), 2, max)
	drops2 <- which( colMax2 < min.read.pct)
	drops <- intersect( drops1, drops2)
	if ( length( drops)) {
		pcts1 <- pcts1[ , -drops]
		ident1 <- ident1[ , -drops]
		pcts2 <- pcts2[ , -drops]
		ident2 <- ident2[ , -drops]

	# we will draw #2 as normal, then overlay #1 to show change
	vIdent <- as.vector( ident2)
	vIdent[ vIdent < 90] <- 90
	colorScale <- color.scale( vIdent, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1), xrange=c(90,100))

	NJ <- nrow(pcts2)
	NV <- ncol(pcts2)
	xlocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NV, each=NJ), NJ, NV)
	ylocs <- matrix( rep( 1:NJ, times=NV), NJ, NV)

	# put a minimum on the size for plotting
	NJ <- max( NJ, 7)
	NV <- max( NV, 9)

	if ( length( sampleID1) > 1) {
		textID1 <- paste( "AVG( ", paste( sampleID1, collapse="; "), " )", sep="")
	} else {
		textID1 <- sampleID1[1]
	if ( length( sampleID2) > 1) {
		textID2 <- paste( "AVG( ", paste( sampleID2, collapse="; "), " )", sep="")
	} else {
		textID2 <- sampleID2[1]
	mainText <- paste( "Change in IG/TCR Profile:     ", label, "\n", textID1, "  ->  ", textID2)

	# use the function that does it all at once
	my_size_n_color( x=xlocs, y=ylocs, size=pcts2/100, col=colorScale, border=NA,
			xaxlab=colnames(pcts2), yaxlab=rownames(pcts2), xcex=1.2, ycex=1.2,
			xgrid=T, ygrid=T, xlim=c(0.5,NV+0.5), ylim=c(-1.7,NJ+0.5), font.lab=2,
			xlas=3, main=mainText, mar=c( 6,6,4,2), ...)

	vIdent <- as.vector( ident1)
	vIdent[ vIdent < 90] <- 90
	colorScale1 <- color.scale( vIdent, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1), xrange=c(90,100))
	my_size_n_color( x=xlocs, y=ylocs, size=pcts1/100, border='black', col=NA,
			xcex=1.2, ycex=1.2, xgrid=T, ygrid=T, add=TRUE, lwd=2, ...)

	lines( c( -1,NV+2), c(0,0), lty=1, lwd=2, col=1)
	colorscale <- color.scale( 90:100, cs1=c(1,0.01), cs2=c(0,0), cs3=c(0,1), xrange=c(90,100))
	colorXlo <- round( NV * 0.33)
	colorXhi <- NV - colorXlo + 1
	color.legend( colorXlo, -1.6, colorXhi, -0.9, seq( -15, 15, by=3), rect.col=colorscale)
	text( (colorXlo+colorXhi)/2, -1.5, "Germline Identity", pos=1, cex=1.05, font=2)

	sizeX <- round( NV * 0.10)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.02), col="dodgerblue", border=NA)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.05), border="black", col=NA, lwd=2)
	text( sizeX, -1.01, "Down: 5 -> 2%", pos=3, font=2, cex=1.1)
	sizeX <- round( NV * 0.90)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.05), col="dodgerblue", border=NA)
	draw.circle( sizeX, -1.3, sqrt(0.02), border="black", col=NA, lwd=2)
	text( sizeX, -1.01, "Up: 2 -> 5%", pos=3, font=2, cex=1.1)
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on April 16, 2024, 6:31 a.m.