
Defines functions draw.interarm inter.arm.data centromere.telomere.analysis draw.centromere.telomere draw.chromosome largest.stretch select.arm selectTransData fields.interp.surface rescale resize.mat

Documented in centromere.telomere.analysis draw.centromere.telomere

resize.mat <- function(mat, ndim = dim(mat)) {
  # input object
  odim <- dim(mat)
  obj <- list(x = 1:odim[1], y = 1:odim[2], z = mat)
  # output object
  ans <- matrix(NA, nrow = ndim[1], ncol = ndim[2])
  ndim <- dim(ans)
  # rescaling
  ncord <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq_len(ndim[1]), seq_len(ndim[2])))
  loc <- ncord
  loc[, 1] <- rescale(ncord[, 1], c(1, odim[1]))
  loc[, 2] <- rescale(ncord[, 2], c(1, odim[2]))
  # interpolation
  ans[ncord] <- fields.interp.surface(obj, loc)
  ans[is.na(ans)] <- 0

rescale <- function(x, newrange = range(x)) {
  xrange <- range(x)
  mfac <- (newrange[2] - newrange[1]) / (xrange[2] - xrange[1])
  newrange[1] + (x - xrange[1]) * mfac

fields.interp.surface <- function(obj, loc) {

  # obj is a surface or image  object like the list for contour, persp or image.
  # loc a matrix of 2 d locations -- new points to evaluate the surface.
  x <- obj$x
  y <- obj$y
  z <- obj$z
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  # this clever idea for finding the intermediate coordinates at the new points
  # is from J-O Irisson
  lx <- approx(x, 1:nx, loc[, 1])$y
  ly <- approx(y, 1:ny, loc[, 2])$y
  lx1 <- floor(lx)
  ly1 <- floor(ly)
  # x and y distances between each new point and the closest grid point in the lower left hand corner.
  ex <- lx - lx1
  ey <- ly - ly1
  # fix up weights to handle the case when loc are equal to
  # last grid point.  These have been set to NA above.
  ex[lx1 == nx] <- 1
  ey[ly1 == ny] <- 1
  lx1[lx1 == nx] <- nx - 1
  ly1[ly1 == ny] <- ny - 1
  # bilinear interpolation finds simple weights based on the
  # the four corners of the grid box containing the new
  # points.
  return(z[cbind(lx1, ly1)] * (1 - ex) * (1 - ey) + z[cbind(lx1 +
    1, ly1)] * ex * (1 - ey) + z[cbind(lx1, ly1 + 1)] * (1 -
    ex) * ey + z[cbind(lx1 + 1, ly1 + 1)] * ex * ey)

# select a matrix of interactions for between two chromosomes
selectTransData <- function(exp, chrom1, chrom2) {
  # Restrict data.table core usage
  dt.cores <- data.table::getDTthreads()
  bed <- exp$IDX
  data <- exp$MAT
  X <- bed[V1 == chrom1, V4]
  Y <- bed[V1 == chrom2, V4]
  # the order of the chromosomes matters for the analysis
  # make sure that X is smaller than Y, otherwise switch
  # them around
  if (X[1] > Y[1]) {
    temp <- X
    X <- Y
    Y <- temp
    temp <- chrom1
    chrom1 <- chrom2
    chrom2 <- temp # switch the chromosomes around as well
  # create x and y vectors that contain the positions of the
  # entries in the matrix that we are creating
  x <- rep(X[1]:X[length(X)], utils::tail(Y, n = 1) - Y[1] + 1)
  y <- rep(Y[1]:Y[length(Y)], each = utils::tail(X, n = 1) - X[1] + 1)
  data.sub <- data[base::list(x, y)]
  data.sub <- data.sub[!is.na(data.sub$V3)]
  # create an empty matrix, that has as many rows as the 'X' chromosome has
  # windows and as many columns as the 'Y' chromosome has windows
  mat <- matrix(0, ncol = utils::tail(Y, n = 1) - Y[1] + 1, nrow = utils::tail(X, n = 1) - X[1] + 1)
  mat[cbind(data.sub$V1 - min(X) + 1, data.sub$V2 - min(Y) + 1)] <- data.sub$V3
  x.pos <- bed[V1 == chrom1, V2]
  y.pos <- bed[V1 == chrom2, V2]
  # create a list that is compatible with the image function
  mat <- list(x = x.pos, y = y.pos, z = mat)

# select an arm combination of the chromosome, with two chromosomes
# that both have two arms, there are 4 possible arm combinations
# the resulting matrix is reoriented so that the centromere-centromere
# interaction is at (1,1)(bottomleft) and the telomere-telomere interaction is at
# (nrow,ncol)(topright)
select.arm <- function(mat, cp, quadrant = NULL) {
  if (is.null(quadrant)) {
    stop("No quadrant selected")

  if (quadrant == 1) {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x < cp[1, 2])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y < cp[2, 2])
    sel.i <- rev(sel.i)
    sel.j <- rev(sel.j) # reorientation
  } else if (quadrant == 2) {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x > cp[1, 3])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y < cp[2, 2])
    sel.j <- rev(sel.j) # reorientation
  } else if (quadrant == 3) {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x < cp[1, 2])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y > cp[2, 3])
    sel.i <- rev(sel.i) # reorientation
  } else if (quadrant == 4) {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x > cp[1, 3])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y > cp[2, 3])

  mat$z[sel.i, sel.j]

# find the largest stretch of 0s, which is
# most likely the centromere
largest.stretch <- function(x) {
  temp <- cumsum(c(1, diff(x) - 1))
  temp2 <- rle(temp)
  x[which(temp == with(temp2, values[which.max(lengths)]))]

# draw a cartoon chromosome
draw.chromosome <- function() {
  x <- c(0, 1)
  y <- c(1.05, 1.05)

  # telomere
  phi <- seq(0, pi, len = 100)
  x <- c(x, 0.02 * sin(phi) + 1)
  y <- c(y, 0.015 * cos(phi) + 1.035)

  x <- c(x, 1, 0)
  y <- c(y, 1.02, 1.02)

  # centromere
  phi <- seq(0, 2 * pi, len = 300)
  phi <- rev(phi[c(37:1, 300:114)])
  x <- c(x, 0.02 * sin(phi) - 0.7 * 0.02)
  y <- c(y, 0.02062593 * cos(phi) + 1.035)

  range.val <- abs(diff(range(x)))
  x <- (x - min(x)) / range.val
  y <- 1.035 + (y - 1.035) / range.val
  # horizontal chromosome
  polygon(x, y, col = "grey", border = "black", lwd = 2)
  # vertical chromosome
  polygon(y - 1.07, 1 - x, col = "grey", border = "black", lwd = 2)

#' draw.centromere.telomere
#' Plot the log2-ratio of the relative interaction frequencies.
#' The ratio is calculated over the median of the matrix.
#' @author Elzo de Wit, \email{e.d.wit@nki.nl}
#' @param m matrix result from centromere-telomere
#' @param cut.off log2-ratio cut.off
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get a scaled matric of the interchomosomal interactions between 15 and 19
#' out1519 <- centromere.telomere.analysis(WT_40kb,
#'   chrom.vec = c("chr15", "chr19")
#' )
#' # Plot the results
#' draw.centromere.telomere(out1519)
#' }
#' @export
draw.centromere.telomere <- function(m, cut.off = 2) {
  bwr <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))

  # normalize the contact frequencies by dividing by the median
  lm <- log2(m / median(m))

  # maximize the maximum and minimum threshold
  lm[lm > cut.off] <- cut.off
  lm[lm < -cut.off] <- -cut.off
  image(lm[, nrow(lm):1],
    axes = F,
    xlim = c(-0.06, 1.01),
    ylim = c(-0.01, 1.06),
    col = bwr(1000),
    zlim = c(-cut.off, cut.off)

  # add cartoon chromosomes

#' centromere.telomere.analysis
#' Calculate a scaled matrix of the interchromosomal interactions aligned from
#' centromere to telomere
#' @author Elzo de Wit, \email{e.d.wit@nki.nl}
#' @param exp GENOVA data structure for your experiment of interest
#' @param chrom.vec a vector containing the chromosomes that should be
#' considered in the pair-wise interchromosomal interactions
#' @param nrow dimensions of the matrix (number of columns will be the same)
#' @param leave.out two-column matrix or data.frame containing the specific
#' chromosome combinations that need to left out
#' @param q.top top quantile of scores that should be left out of the analysis
#' (because they are outliers)
#' @param verbose Produces a progress-indication.
#' @section Resolution recommendation: 40kb
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get a scaled matric of the interchomosomal interactions between 15 and 19
#' out1519 <- centromere.telomere.analysis(WT_40kb,
#'   chrom.vec = c("chr15", "chr19")
#' )
#' # Plot the results
#' draw.centromere.telomere(out1519)
#' }
#' @export
centromere.telomere.analysis <- function(exp, chrom.vec, nrow = 100,
                                         leave.out = NULL, q.top = 1e-5,
                                         verbose = F) {
  i.vec <- 1:(length(chrom.vec) - 1)
  # empty matrix for holding the contact frequencies
  m.total <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = nrow)
  # loop over the chromosome combinations
  for (i in i.vec) {
    for (j in (i + 1):(max(i.vec) + 1)) {
      chrom1 <- chrom.vec[i]
      chrom2 <- chrom.vec[j]

      # if the leave.out dataset is defined check if the chromosome combination
      # is found
      if (!is.null(leave.out)) {
        sum.val <- sum(leave.out[, 1] == chrom1 & leave.out[, 2] == chrom2) +
          sum(leave.out[, 1] == chrom2 & leave.out[, 2] == chrom1)
        if (sum.val > 0) {
      if (verbose) {
        message(chrom1, "\t", chrom2, "\r")
      # select the interaction matrix between the trans chromosomes
      trans.mat <- selectTransData(exp, chrom1, chrom2)

      # set the q.top highest values to this value
      th <- quantile(trans.mat$z, 1 - q.top)
      trans.mat$z[trans.mat$z > th] <- th

      # get the centromere positions emprically
      cent1 <- which(apply(trans.mat$z, 1, sum) == 0)
      cent2 <- which(apply(trans.mat$z, 2, sum) == 0)

      cent1 <- largest.stretch(cent1)
      cent2 <- largest.stretch(cent2)

      res <- attr(exp, "res")
      centromere.pos <- data.frame(
        chrom = c(chrom1, chrom2),
        start = c(min(cent1) * res, min(cent2) * res),
        end = c(max(cent1) * res, max(cent2) * res)

      # Q1,2,3,4 are the different quadrants of the chromosome-chromosome
      # combinations
      # +-----------+
      # |  1  |  2  |
      # +-----C-----+
      # |  3  |  4  |
      # +-----------+
      for (quadrant in 1:4) {
        m.sub <- select.arm(trans.mat, centromere.pos, quadrant)
        # acrocentric chromosomes happen
        if (is.null(dim(m.sub))) {
        m.sub <- resize.mat(m.sub, c(nrow, nrow))
        # calculate the average of the transposed matrix and the regular matrix
        # to get rid of chromosome specific enrichments
        m.total <- m.total + (m.sub + t(m.sub)) / 2

inter.arm.data <- function(exp, chrom.vec, nrow = 100,
                           leave.out = NULL, q.top = 1e-5) {
  m.total <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = nrow)
  for (chrom in chrom.vec) {
    cis.mat <- selectTransData(exp, chrom, chrom)

    # set the q.top highest values to this value
    th <- quantile(cis.mat$z, 1 - q.top)
    cis.mat$z[cis.mat$z > th] <- th

    # get the centromere positions emprically
    cent <- which(apply(cis.mat$z, 1, sum) == 0)
    cent <- largest.stretch(cent)

    if (min(cent) > 1) {
      rows <- 1:min(cent)
      cols <- max(cent):nrow(cis.mat$z)
      inter.arm <- cis.mat$z[rows, cols]
      inter.arm <- resize.mat(inter.arm, c(nrow, nrow))
      # m.total <- m.total + (inter.arm[nrow:1,] + t(inter.arm[nrow:1,]))
      m.total <- m.total + inter.arm[nrow:1, ]

draw.interarm <- function(exp, chrom.vec, q.top = 1e-5, q.z = 0.99) {
  for (chrom in chrom.vec) {
    cis.mat <- selectTransData(exp, chrom, chrom)

    # set the q.top highest values to this value
    th <- quantile(cis.mat$z, 1 - q.top)
    cis.mat$z[cis.mat$z > th] <- th

    # get the centromere positions emprically
    cent <- which(apply(cis.mat$z, 1, sum) == 0)
    cent <- largest.stretch(cent)

    if (min(cent) > 1) {
      rows <- 1:min(cent)
      cols <- max(cent):nrow(cis.mat$z)
      inter.arm <- cis.mat$z[rows, cols]

      zmax <- quantile(inter.arm, q.z)
      inter.arm[inter.arm > zmax] <- zmax

      fall <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "orange", "darkred", "black"))
      image(list(x = cis.mat$x[rows], y = cis.mat$y[cols], z = inter.arm), zlim = c(0, zmax), main = chrom, col = fall(1000))
robinweide/GENOVA documentation built on March 14, 2024, 11:16 p.m.