
Defines functions ab.polygon compartment_matrixplot

Documented in compartment_matrixplot

#' Compartment score matrix plot
#' Display a Hi-C matrix with compartment scores annotated in the margins.
#' @inheritParams insulation_matrixplot
#' @param CS_discovery A \code{CS_discovery} object, as created by the 
#'   \code{\link[GENOVA]{compartment_score}} function. When \code{NULL}, the
#'   compartment score will be calculated on the fly for this arm only.
#' @param chrom A \code{character} of length 1 with a chromosome name.
#' @param arm Either \code{"p"}, \code{"q"} or \code{"all"}, denoting the 
#'   chromosome arm of which to display the data from. \code{"all"} displays
#'   the whole chromosome.
#' @param metric One of the follow: \describe{
#'   \item{\code{"contacts"}}{Displays contacts.}
#'   \item{\code{"obsexp"}}{Displays observed over expected by distance.}
#'   \item{\code{"log2obsexp"}}{Displays the log 2 observed over expected by 
#'   distance.}
#'   \item{\code{"correlation"}}{Displays Pearson correlation for the observed
#'     over expected by distance.}
#' }
#' @param colour_bar A \code{logical} of length 1, indicating whether a
#'   colour-bar legend should be drawn at the right.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{\link[GENOVA]{compartment_score}}
#'   function.
#' @details The 'on-the-fly' calculation of the compartment score uses the 
#'   default settings. Therefore, if for example a different eigenvector is to
#'   be retrieved, please use the \code{compartment_score} function and provide
#'   the result as the \code{CS_discovery} argument in this function.
#' @section Recommended resolution: 100kb-150kb.
#' @return No values are returned but a plot is outputted on the graphics 
#'   device.
#' @export
#' @family matrix plots
#' @seealso The \code{\link[GENOVA]{compartment_score}} function for computation
#'   of compartment scores.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' compartment_matrixplot(
#'   WT_150kb, KO_150kb,
#'   chrom = "chr18", arm = "q",
#'   metric = "correlation"
#' )
#' }
compartment_matrixplot <- function(
  exp2 = NULL,
  CS_discovery = NULL,
  chrom, arm = "p",
  colour_lim = NULL,
  rasterise = FALSE,
  metric = c("contacts", "obsexp", "log2obsexp", "correlation"),
  colour_bar = FALSE,
) {
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  metric <- match.arg(metric, c("contacts", "obsexp", "log2obsexp", 
  if (arm != "all" && !(chrom %in% exp1$CENTROMERES$chrom)) {
    stop("No centromere information found for this chromosome.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Finding arm definitions
  chr <- exp1$IDX[V1 == chrom]
  if (arm != "all") {
    centro <- exp1$CENTROMERES$chrom == chrom
    centro <- exp1$CENTROMERES[centro]
    if (arm == "p") {
      chr <- chr[V4 < centro$start]
    } else {
      chr <- chr[V4 > centro$end]
    if (nrow(chr) < 10 || (tail(chr$V3, 1) - head(chr$V2, 1) < 1e6)) {
      stop('No `', arm, '` arm found. Try the other, or "all" option.')
  } else {
    # Dummy centromere information
    centro <- data.table(chrom = chr$V1[1],
                         start = -1,
                         end = -1,
                         key = c("chrom", "start", "end"))
  chr <- chr[, list(V1 = V1[1], V2 = V2[2], V3 = tail(V3, 1))]

  if (is_contacts(exp2)) {
    explist <- list(exp1, exp2)
  } else {
    explist <- exp1
  explist <- check_compat_exp(explist)
  expnames <- expnames(explist)
  expdat <- lapply(explist, function(xp) {
    dat <- select_subset(xp, chrom = chr$V1, start = chr$V2, end = chr$V3)
    seq <- seq(chr$V2, chr$V3 + resolution(xp), by = resolution(xp))
    dat$x <- seq[seq_along(dat$x)]
    dat$y <- seq[seq_along(dat$y)]
  if (is.null(CS_discovery)) {
    cs_data <- lapply(explist, subset, chrom = chr$V1,
                      start = chr$V2, end = chr$V3)
    cs_data[[1]]$CENTROMERES <- centro
    CS_discovery <- compartment_score(cs_data, ...)
  if (!all(expnames %in% expnames(CS_discovery))) {
    stop("Sample names in the `CS_discovery` do not match contacts object(s).",
         call. = FALSE)
  comp_dat <- as.data.table(CS_discovery$compart_scores)
  comp_dat <- comp_dat[chrom == chr$V1 & start >= chr$V2 & end <= chr$V3]
  # Change metrics
  div_scale <- FALSE
  if (metric != "contacts") {
    expdat <- lapply(expdat, function(xp) {
      mat <- xp$z
      id <- abs(row(mat) - col(mat)) + 1
      keep <- mat != 0
      means <- vapply(split(mat[keep], id[keep]), mean, numeric(1))
      mat[keep] <- mat[keep] / means[id[keep]] 
      mat[!keep] <- 1
      xp$z <- mat
    div_scale <- TRUE
  if (metric == "log2obsexp") {
    expdat <- lapply(expdat, function(xp) {
      xp$z <- log2(xp$z)
  if (metric == "correlation") {
    expdat <- lapply(expdat, function(xp) {
      xp$z <- suppressWarnings(cor(xp$z))
  if (length(expdat) == 1) {
    expdat <- expdat[[1]]
  } else {
    mat <- expdat[[1]]$z
    expdat <- expdat[[2]]
    mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- expdat$z[upper.tri(expdat$z)]
    expdat$z <- mat
  loclim <- c(chr$V2, chr$V3)
  locbreaks <- scales::breaks_pretty()(loclim)
  complim <- lapply(expnames, function(i){comp_dat[, eval(as.symbol(i))]})
  complim <- range(do.call(c, complim), na.rm = TRUE)
  complim <- scales::expand_range(complim, 0.1)
  compbreaks <- scales::breaks_width(1)(complim)
  if (length(explist) == 2) {
    lay <- matrix(1:4, 2)
    if (colour_bar) {
      layout(cbind(lay, c(5,6)), widths = c(0.2, 1, 0.2), 
             heights = c(0.2, 1), respect = TRUE)
    } else {
      layout(lay, widths = c(0.2, 1), heights = c(0.2, 1), respect = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
    par(mar = c(3, rep(0.2, 3)))
    cs.lim <- max(complim)
    x.pos <- comp_dat$end
    y.pos <- comp_dat[, eval(as.symbol(expnames[2]))]
      y.pos, x.pos, yaxs = "i", type = "n", axes = F, 
      xlim = rev(range(compbreaks), na.rm = TRUE), ylim = loclim
    ab.polygon(x.pos, y.pos, rotate = T)
    axis(1, compbreaks, compbreaks, cex.axis = 1)
  } else {
    lay <- matrix(1:2, 2)
    if (colour_bar) {
      layout(cbind(lay, 3:4), 
             widths = c(1, 0.2), heights = c(0.2, 1), respect = TRUE)
    } else {
      layout(lay, widths = 1, heights = c(0.2, 1), respect = TRUE)
  par(mar = c(rep(0, 3), 3))
  cs.lim <- max(complim)
  x.pos <- comp_dat$end
  y.pos <- comp_dat[, eval(as.symbol(expnames[1]))]
  graphics::plot(x.pos, y.pos, xaxs = "i", type = "n", xaxt = "n", axes = F, xlim = loclim, ylim = (range(compbreaks)))
  ab.polygon(x.pos, y.pos, rotate = F)
  axis(2, compbreaks, compbreaks, cex.axis = 1, las = 1)
  par(mar = c(3, 0.2, 0.2, 3))

  if (div_scale) {
    if( metric == 'log2obsexp'){
      colours <- bezier_corrected_divergent
      # colours <- c("blue", "red")
    } else {
      colours <- bezier_corrected_divergent

  } else {
    colours <- .choose_palette()
  colours <- colorRampPalette(colours)
  if (is.null(colour_lim)) {
    nondiag <- expdat$z[!as.logical(diag(ncol(expdat$z)))]
    colour_lim <- switch(
      contacts = c(0, quantile(nondiag, 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)),
      obsexp = {
        q <- quantile(nondiag, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
        (max(abs(q - 1)) * c(-1, 1)) + 1
      log2obsexp = {
        q <- quantile(nondiag, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
        (max(abs(q)) * c(-1, 1))
      correlation = c(-1, 1)
    message(paste0("Limits set to [", format(colour_lim[1], digits = 2), ",", 
                   format(colour_lim[2], digits = 2), "]"))
  expdat$z[] <- pmax(expdat$z, colour_lim[1])
  expdat$z[] <- pmin(expdat$z, colour_lim[2])
  image.default(expdat, ylim = rev(loclim), col = colours(255),
                xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", axes = FALSE,
                useRaster = literalTRUE(rasterise))
  box(lwd = 1)
  axis(1, locbreaks, locbreaks / 1e6, col = "transparent", col.ticks = "black")
  axis(4, locbreaks, locbreaks / 1e6, col = "transparent", col.ticks = "black",
       las = 1)
  if (length(explist) == 2) {
    txt <- seq(loclim[1], loclim[2], length.out = 20)
    txt <- txt[c(2, 19)]
    text(x = rev(txt)[1], y = txt[1], labels = expnames[1], adj = c(1, 1))
    text(x = rev(txt)[2], y = txt[2], labels = expnames[2], adj = c(0, 0))
  if (colour_bar) {
    par(plt = c(0, 0.25, 0.1, 0.95))
    m <- t(as.matrix(seq(colour_lim[1], colour_lim[2], length.out = 255)))
    image(1, m[1,], m, col = colours(255), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
          xlab = "", ylab = "")
    axis(side = 4, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, lend = 1)
    title <- switch(
      log2obsexp = expression("Log"[2]*" Observed / Expected"),
      obsexp = "Observed / Expected",
      correlation = "Pearson Correlation",
    mtext(title, side = 4, line = 2.5)

ab.polygon <- function(x.pos, y.pos, rotate = F) {
  x <- c(x.pos[1], x.pos, utils::tail(x.pos, 1))
  y.up <- c(0, ifelse(y.pos < 0, 0, y.pos), 0)
  y.down <- c(0, ifelse(y.pos > 0, 0, y.pos), 0)
  if (rotate) {
    graphics::polygon(y.up, x, col = grDevices::rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.8), border = NA)
    graphics::polygon(y.down, x, col = grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.8), border = NA)
  } else {
    graphics::polygon(x, y.up, col = grDevices::rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.8), border = NA)
    graphics::polygon(x, y.down, col = grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.8), border = NA)
robinweide/GENOVA documentation built on March 14, 2024, 11:16 p.m.