
Defines functions ab.polygon compartment.score.plot trans.compartment.plot switch.chromosomes cis.ev select.trans.arm cis.compartment.plot switch.EV remove.outliers largest.stretch select.cis.arm selectData eigen.struct eigen.sort get.eigen obs.exp.matrix

Documented in trans.compartment.plot

#create an observed over expected matrix
obs.exp.matrix <- function( mat, correct=F, outlier.correct = 0.995, lowess = F ){
	pos <- which(mat$z > -1, arr.ind=T)
	val <- mat$z[mat$z > -1]
	d <- abs(pos[,1]-pos[,2])
		norm.factor <- tapply(val, d, function(x) mean( x[x < quantile(x, outlier.correct)] ) )
		norm.factor <- tapply(val, d, mean)
		x <- as.numeric(names(norm.factor)); y <- norm.factor
		norm.lowess <- lowess(x, y, f = 0.01, iter=20)
		norm.factor <- norm.lowess$y
		names(norm.factor) <- norm.lowess$x

	val <- val/norm.factor[as.character(d)]
	obs.exp <- matrix(val, ncol = length(val)**0.5)
	list(x=mat$x, y=mat$y, z=obs.exp)
# input is an observed over expected matrix
get.eigen <- function(mat, with.eigen.value = T, outlier.correct = 0.995) {
  oe <- obs.exp.matrix(mat)
  # set non-finite values to 1
  oe$z[!is.finite(oe$z)] <- 1
  # remove outliers
  th <- stats::quantile(oe$z, outlier.correct)
  oe$z[oe$z > th] <- th

  ev <- eigen(oe$z - 1)

eigen.sort <- function(mat, outlier.correct = 0.995) {
  oe <- obs.exp.matrix(mat)
  # set non-finite values to 1
  oe$z[!is.finite(oe$z)] <- 1
  # remove outliers
  th <- stats::quantile(oe$z, outlier.correct)
  oe$z[oe$z > th] <- th

  ev <- eigen(oe$z - 1)

  oe.sort <- oe
  mat.order <- order(ev$vector[, 1])
  oe.sort$z <- oe.sort$z[mat.order, mat.order]
  oe.sort$x <- sort(ev$vector[, 1])
  oe.sort$y <- sort(ev$vector[, 1])


eigen.struct <- function(mat, outlier.correct = 0.995) {
  oe <- obs.exp.matrix(mat)
  # set non-finite values to 1
  oe$z[!is.finite(oe$z)] <- 1
  # remove outliers
  th <- stats::quantile(oe$z, outlier.correct)
  oe$z[oe$z > th] <- th

  ev <- eigen(oe$z - 1)

  oe$ev1 <- ev$vector[, 1] * (ev$value[1]**0.5)
  oe$ev2 <- ev$vector[, 2] * (ev$value[2]**0.5)


# select a matrix of interactions for between two chromosomes
selectData <- function(exp, chrom1, chrom2) {
  # Restrict data.table core usage
  dt.cores <- data.table::getDTthreads()
  bed <- exp$IDX
  data <- exp$MAT
  X <- bed[V1 == chrom1, V4]
  Y <- bed[V1 == chrom2, V4]
  # the order of the chromosomes matters for the analysis
  # make sure that X is smaller than Y, otherwise switch
  # them around
  if (X[1] > Y[1]) {
    temp <- X
    X <- Y
    Y <- temp
    temp <- chrom1
    chrom1 <- chrom2
    chrom2 <- temp # switch the chromosomes around as well
  # create x and y vectors that contain the positions of the
  # entries in the matrix that we are creating
  x <- rep(X[1]:X[length(X)], utils::tail(Y, n = 1) - Y[1] + 1)
  y <- rep(Y[1]:Y[length(Y)], each = utils::tail(X, n = 1) - X[1] + 1)
  data.sub <- data[base::list(x, y)]
  data.sub <- data.sub[!is.na(data.sub$V3)]
  # create an empty matrix, that has as many rows as the 'X' chromosome has
  # windows and as many columns as the 'Y' chromosome has windows
  mat <- matrix(0, ncol = utils::tail(Y, n = 1) - Y[1] + 1, nrow = utils::tail(X, n = 1) - X[1] + 1)
  mat[cbind(data.sub$V1 - min(X) + 1, data.sub$V2 - min(Y) + 1)] <- data.sub$V3
  x.pos <- bed[V1 == chrom1, V2]
  y.pos <- bed[V1 == chrom2, V2]
  # create a list that is compatible with the image function
  mat <- list(x = x.pos, y = y.pos, z = mat)

select.cis.arm <- function(mat, cp, arm = NULL) {
  if (is.null(arm)) {
    stop("No arm selected")

  if (arm == "p") {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x < cp[1, 2])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y < cp[1, 2])
  } else if (arm == "q") {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x > cp[1, 3])
    sel.j <- which(mat$y > cp[1, 3])

  mat.new <- list(x = mat$x[sel.i], y = mat$y[sel.j], z = mat$z[sel.i, sel.j])
  mat.new$z[lower.tri(mat.new$z)] <- t(mat.new$z)[lower.tri(mat.new$z)]

# find the largest stretch of 0s, which is
# most likely the centromere
largest.stretch <- function(x) {
  temp <- cumsum(c(1, diff(x) - 1))
  temp2 <- rle(temp)
  x[which(temp == with(temp2, values[which.max(lengths)]))]

# remove the outlier rows, i.e. the rows that a lower score than the quantile
# divided by some value
remove.outliers <- function(arm, q = 0.05, th.mult = 1) {
  row.scores <- apply(arm$z, 1, mean)
  cut.off <- stats::quantile(row.scores, 0.05)
  th <- cut.off / th.mult

  sel <- which(row.scores < th)

  if (length(sel) > 0) {
    arm$x <- arm$x[-sel]
    arm$y <- arm$y[-sel]
    arm$z <- arm$z[-sel, -sel]

# switch the eigen vector based on a chip track of for instance
# active histone marks
switch.EV <- function(ev.data, chip, chrom) {
  start <- min(ev.data$x)
  end <- max(ev.data$x)
  sub.chip <- chip[chip[, 1] == chrom & chip[, 2] > start & chip[, 2] < end, ]
  window.cnt <- findInterval(sub.chip[, 2], ev.data$x)
  window.cnt <- table(factor(window.cnt, 1:length(ev.data$x)))
  # return true or false depending on whether the median value of
  # ChIP in the up or down compartment is highests (i.e. true if
  # down scores have the highest number of ChIP peaks)
  # up comp.                             down comp.
  median(window.cnt[ev.data$ev1 > 0]) < median(window.cnt[ev.data$ev1 < 0])

#' cis.compartment.plot
#' Draw intrachromosomal interaction heatmap for a chromosome (arm) with corresponding compartment scores
#' @param exp1 A GENOVA experiment-object
#' @param exp2 A GENOVA experiment-object. If given, all plots show this exp in the lower-left corner.
#' @param chrom The chromosome that should be drawn
#' @param arm Which chromosome arm: 'p' or 'q' (for acrocentric this should be set to 'q')
#' @param cut.off maximum value for the heatmap
#' @param obs.exp whether an observed over expected matrix should be drawn (default is false)
#' @param invert whether the compartment score should be inverted
#' @param color.scheme color scheme that should be used, defaults to fall, other values result in white-red gradient
#' @param cs.lim y-axis limit for the compart score, if unset (NULL) will default to the maximum absolute value
#' @param chip A data.frame, containg ChIP-seq peaks of active histone marks to correctly orient A/B compartments
#' @note
#' # Plot a cis-compartment plot of the q-arm of chromosome 14.
#' cis.compartment.plot(exp = Hap1_WT_40kb, chrom = 'chr14', arm = 'q', cs.lim = 1.75, cut.off = 15, chip = H3K27ac_peaks)
#' # Plot a observed/expected cis-compartment plot of the q-arm of chromosome 14.
#' cis.compartment.plot(exp = Hap1_WT_40kb, chrom = 'chr14', arm = 'q', cs.lim = 1.75, cut.off = 15, chip = H3K27ac_peaks, obs.exp = T)
#' @noRd
cis.compartment.plot <- function(exp1, exp2 = NULL, chrom, arm = "p", cut.off = NULL, obs.exp = F, invert = F, color.scheme = "fall", cs.lim = NULL, chip = NULL) {
  # exp1 = exp

  mat1 <- selectData(exp1, chrom, chrom)
  if (!is.null(exp2)) {
    mat2 <- selectData(exp2, chrom, chrom)

  cent <- which(apply(mat1$z, 1, sum) == 0)
  cent <- largest.stretch(cent)

  centromere.pos <- data.frame(chrom = c(chrom, chrom), 
                               start = c(min(cent), min(cent)) * attr(exp1, "res"), 
                               end = c(max(cent), min(cent)) * attr(exp1, "res"))
  if (centromere.pos[1, 2] < 1e6 && arm == "p") {
    print("No p arm. Enter q as arm")

  # plot the p and q arms

  arm1 <- select.cis.arm(mat1, centromere.pos, arm)
  oe1 <- eigen.struct(arm1)

  if (!is.null(exp2)) {
    arm2 <- select.cis.arm(mat2, centromere.pos, arm)
    oe2 <- eigen.struct(arm2)

  # orient compartment score
  if (!is.null(chip)) {
    if (switch.EV(oe1, chip, chrom)) {
      oe1$ev1 <- -oe1$ev1
    # note that if you add a chip track the invert option
    # is overridden
    invert <- F

  if (!is.null(exp2)) {
    if (!is.null(chip)) {
      if (switch.EV(oe2, chip, chrom)) {
        oe2$ev1 <- -oe2$ev1
      # note that if you add a chip track the invert option
      # is overridden
      invert <- F

  if (!is.null(exp2)) {
    arm1$z[upper.tri(arm1$z)] <- arm2$z[upper.tri(arm2$z)]
    oe1$z[upper.tri(oe1$z)] <- oe2$z[upper.tri(oe2$z)]

  # create a plotting layout
  w <- 6
  lay <- matrix(4, nrow = w, ncol = w)
  lay[2:w, 2:w] <- 1
  lay[1, ] <- 2
  lay[, 1] <- 3
  lay[1, 1] <- 4
  graphics::par(mar = rep(1, 4), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

  # if (smoothNA) {
  #   try_require("fields", "cis.compartment.plot", "CRAN")
  #   oe1.5 <- oe1
  #   oe1.5$z[oe1.5$z == 0] <- NA
  #   oe1.5$z <- fields::image.smooth(oe1.5$z, theta = 0.25)$z
  #   oe1 <- oe1.5
  #   arm1.5 <- arm1
  #   arm1.5$z[arm1.5$z == 0] <- NA
  #   arm1.5$z <- fields::image.smooth(arm1.5$z, theta = 0.25)$z
  #   arm1 <- arm1.5
  # }

  if (obs.exp) {
    # color scale used: blue, white, red
    bwr <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))

    log.mat <- log2(oe1$z)

    if (is.null(cut.off)) {
      cut.off <- max(stats::quantile(log.mat, .99))
      warning("No cut.off was given: using 99 percentile: ", round(cut.off), ".")

    log.mat[log.mat > cut.off] <- cut.off
    log.mat[log.mat < -cut.off] <- -cut.off
    oe1$z <- log.mat
    graphics::image(oe1, col = bwr(300), zlim = c(-cut.off, cut.off), axes = F, ylim = rev(range(oe1$y)))
  } else {
    if (color.scheme == "fall") {
      col.fun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "orange", "darkred", "black"))
    } else {
      col.fun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))

    if (is.null(cut.off)) {
      cut.off <- max(stats::quantile(arm1$z, .99))
      warning("No cut.off was given: using 99% percentile: ", round(cut.off), ".")

    arm1$z[arm1$z > cut.off] <- cut.off
    graphics::image(arm1, col = col.fun(300), zlim = c(0, cut.off), axes = F, ylim = rev(range(oe1$y)))
  graphics::box(lwd = 2)

  label <- seq(10 * floor(min(arm1$x) / 10e6), 10 * floor(max(arm1$x) / 10e6), by = 10)
  at <- label * 1e6
  graphics::axis(3, at, label)
  graphics::axis(2, at, label)

  # plot the first compartment
  compartment.score.plot(oe1, invert = invert, cs.lim = cs.lim)

  # plot the second compartment
  if (!is.null(exp2)) {
    compartment.score.plot(oe2, invert = invert, cs.lim = cs.lim, rotate = T)
  } else {
    compartment.score.plot(oe1, invert = invert, cs.lim = cs.lim, rotate = T)

  oe1$raw <- arm1$z

# select the arm combination of the trans interactions
select.trans.arm <- function(mat, arm1 = NULL, arm2 = NULL, cp) {
  if (is.null(arm1) || is.null(arm2)) {
    stop("No arm defined")

  # select columns values for the first chromosome
  if (arm1 == "p") {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x < cp[1, 2])
  } else if (arm1 == "q") {
    sel.i <- which(mat$x > cp[1, 3])

  # select row values for the second chromosome
  if (arm2 == "p") {
    sel.j <- which(mat$y < cp[2, 2])
  } else if (arm2 == "q") {
    sel.j <- which(mat$y > cp[2, 3])
  mat.new <- list(x = mat$x[sel.i], y = mat$y[sel.j], z = mat$z[sel.i, sel.j])

cis.ev <- function(data, chrom, arm = "p") {
  mat <- selectData(data, chrom, chrom)

  cent <- which(apply(mat$z, 1, sum) == 0)
  cent <- largest.stretch(cent)

  centromere.pos <- data.frame(chrom = c(chrom, chrom), 
                               start = c(min(cent) * attr(data, "res"), 
                                         min(cent) * attr(data, "res")), 
                               end = c(max(cent) * attr(data, "res"), 
                                       min(cent) * attr(data, "res")))
  if (centromere.pos[1, 2] < 1e6 && arm == "p") {
    print("No p arm. Enter q as arm")

  # plot the p and q arms

  arm <- select.cis.arm(mat, centromere.pos, arm)
  oe <- eigen.struct(arm)
  oe$cent <- centromere.pos

# function to determine whether chromosomes need to be switched
switch.chromosomes <- function(data, chrom1, chrom2) {
  bed <- data$IDX
  X <- bed[V1 == chrom1, V4]
  Y <- bed[V1 == chrom2, V4]
  return(X[1] > Y[1])

#' trans.compartment.plot
#' Draw interchromosomal interaction heatmap for a chromosome (arm) with corresponding (cis) compartment scores
#' @param exp A GENOVA experiment-object
#' @param chrom1,chrom2 Which chromosome-combination should be drawn
#' @param arm1,arm2 which chromosome arm: 'p' or 'q' (for acrocentric this should be set to 'q')
#' @param cut.off maximum value for the heatmap
#' @param invert whether the compartment score should be inverted, this should be a vector with a logical value for each chromosome
#' @param color.scheme color scheme that should be used, defaults to fall, other values result in white-red gradient
#' @param cs.lim y-axis limit for the compartment-score, if unset (NULL) will default to the maximum absolute value
#' @param chip A data.frame, containg ChIP-seq peaks of active histone marks to correctly orient A/B compartments
#' @note
#' # Plot a trans-compartment plot of the q-arms of chromosome 9 and 22
#' trans.compartment.plot(exp = Hap1_WT_40kb, chrom1 = 'chr9', arm1 = 'q', chrom2 = 'chr22', arm2 = 'q', cut.off = 10,chip = H3K27ac_peaks)
#' @export
trans.compartment.plot <- function(exp, chrom1, arm1 = "p", chrom2, arm2 = "p", cut.off = NULL, invert = c(F, F), color.scheme = "fall", cs.lim = NULL, chip = NULL) {
  data <- exp
  # error handling
  if (length(invert) != 2) {
    stop("invert option should be a vector of length 2: for the first chromosome and for the second chromosome")
  # get the compartment scores for the chromosomes
  oe1 <- cis.ev(data, chrom1, arm1)
  oe2 <- cis.ev(data, chrom2, arm2)

  if (is.null(oe1) || is.null(oe2)) {

  # orient compartment score
  if (!is.null(chip)) {
    if (switch.EV(oe1, chip, chrom1)) {
      oe1$ev1 <- -oe1$ev1
    if (switch.EV(oe2, chip, chrom2)) {
      oe2$ev1 <- -oe2$ev1
    # note that if you add a chip track the invert option
    # is overridden
    invert <- c(F, F)

  centromere.pos <- rbind(oe1$cent[1, ], oe2$cent[1, ])

  mat <- selectData(data, chrom1 = chrom1, chrom2 = chrom2)
  # if chromosomes were added in the "wrong" orientation, change the orientation
  # of the matrix and and the x and y positions
  # chroms <- switch.chromosomes(data, chrom1, chrom2 ) #determine the order of the chromsomes
  if (switch.chromosomes(data, chrom1, chrom2)) {
    temp  <- mat$x
    mat$x <- mat$y
    mat$y <- temp # alternative then the switching of chromosomes is not needed
    mat$z <- t(mat$z)
  arm <- select.trans.arm(mat, arm1 = arm1, arm2 = arm2, cp = centromere.pos)

  # create a plotting layout
  w <- 6
  lay <- matrix(4, nrow = w, ncol = w)
  lay[2:w, 2:w] <- 1
  lay[1, ] <- 2
  lay[, 1] <- 3
  lay[1, 1] <- 4
  graphics::par(mar = rep(1, 4), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

  if (color.scheme == "fall") {
    col.fun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "orange", "darkred", "black"))
  } else {
    col.fun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))

  if (is.null(cut.off)) {
    cut.off <- max(stats::quantile(arm$z, .99))
    message("No cut.off was given: using 99% percentile: ", round(cut.off), ".")

  arm$z[arm$z > cut.off] <- cut.off
  graphics::image(arm, col = col.fun(300), zlim = c(0, cut.off), axes = F, ylim = rev(range(arm$y)))
  graphics::box(lwd = 2)

  label <- seq(10 * floor(min(arm$x) / 10e6), 10 * floor(max(arm$x) / 10e6), by = 10)
  at <- label * 1e6
  graphics::axis(3, at, label)
  label <- seq(10 * floor(min(arm$y) / 10e6), 10 * floor(max(arm$y) / 10e6), by = 10)
  at <- label * 1e6
  graphics::axis(2, at, label)

  # plot the first compartment
  compartment.score.plot(oe1, invert = invert[1], cs.lim = cs.lim)

  # plot the second compartment
  compartment.score.plot(oe2, invert = invert[2], cs.lim = cs.lim, rotate = T)

compartment.score.plot <- function(oe, invert = F, cs.lim = NULL, rotate = F) {
  x.pos <- oe$x
  y.pos <- oe$ev1
  # invert the compartment score if necessary
  if (invert) {
    y.pos <- -y.pos

  if (is.null(cs.lim)) {
    cs.lim <- max(abs(y.pos))
  if (!rotate) {
    graphics::plot(x.pos, y.pos, type = "n", xaxt = "n", axes = F, ylim = c(-cs.lim, cs.lim))
    ab.polygon(x.pos, y.pos)
  } else {
    graphics::plot(y.pos, x.pos, type = "n", axes = F, xlim = c(cs.lim, -cs.lim), ylim = rev(range(x.pos)))
    ab.polygon(x.pos, y.pos, rotate = T)

# draw a polygon for the compartment scores
# up is a red polygon, down is a blue polygon
ab.polygon <- function(x.pos, y.pos, rotate = F) {
  x <- c(x.pos[1], x.pos, utils::tail(x.pos, 1))
  y.up <- c(0, ifelse(y.pos < 0, 0, y.pos), 0)
  y.down <- c(0, ifelse(y.pos > 0, 0, y.pos), 0)

  if (rotate) {
    graphics::polygon(y.up, x, col = grDevices::rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.8), border = NA)
    graphics::polygon(y.down, x, col = grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.8), border = NA)
  } else {
    graphics::polygon(x, y.up, col = grDevices::rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.8), border = NA)
    graphics::polygon(x, y.down, col = grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.8), border = NA)
robinweide/GENOVA documentation built on March 14, 2024, 11:16 p.m.