
Defines functions export_csv

Documented in export_csv

#' Exports the flow cytometric fingerprint or raw data to CSV.
#' This function exports the fingerprint to a single CSV file or the fcs file 
#' associated with a flowFrame object to a CSV file .
#' @param x flowCore::flowFrame or flowFDA::flowBasis object
#' @param location absolute or relative path to where the resulting csv files 
#' are written to. If it does not exist, it will be created (provided the user
#' has write persmissions in that directory). Defaults to working directory.
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom methods .hasSlot
#' @importFrom flowCore keyword
#' @keywords machine learning, fcm
#' @examples
#' data(CoolingTower)
#' data(flowData)
#' ### show class info to see if flowSet (collection of flowFrames) or flowBasis
#' class(flowData)
#' ###  Export csv files of the raw data
#' fsApply(flowData,export_csv,location="./raw_csv/")
#' ###  Export csv files of the fingerprint
#' export_csv(CoolingTower,location="./fingerprint/")
#' @export

export_csv <- function(x, location="./"){
  if(!dir.exists(location)){dir.create(path=location,recursive = TRUE)}
    fframe <- x
    rawinfo <- as.data.frame(fframe@exprs)
    fname <- sub(".fcs","",sub(" ","_",keyword(fframe)$`$FIL`)) 
    #should we remove the "," here as well?
    write.csv(x = rawinfo,
              file = paste0(location,
          fingerpr <- x@basis
          fname <- "fingerprint"
          write.csv(x = fingerpr,
                    file = paste0(location,
          fingerpr <- counts(x@fp)
          fname <- "fingerprint_probability"
          write.csv(x = fingerpr,
                    file = paste0(location,
          fingerpr <- x@basis
          fname <- "fingerprint"
          write.csv(x = fingerpr,
                    file = paste0(location,
    } else {
      print("x is not a flowBasis or flowFrame object")
rprops/Phenoflow_package documentation built on Sept. 22, 2020, 5:43 p.m.