# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# as_raw_html() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get the HTML content of a **gt** table
#' @description
#' Get the HTML content from a `gt_tbl` object as a single-element character
#' vector. By default, the generated HTML will have inlined styles, where CSS
#' styles (that were previously contained in CSS rule sets external to the
#' `<table> element`) are included as `style` attributes in the HTML table's
#' tags. This option is preferable when using the output HTML table in an
#' emailing context.
#' @inheritParams gtsave
#' @param inline_css *Use inline CSS*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to supply styles to table elements as inlined CSS styles. This is
#' useful when including the table HTML as part of an HTML email message body,
#' since inlined styles are largely supported in email clients over using CSS
#' in a `<style>` block.
#' @section Examples:
#' Use a subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset to create a **gt** table. Add a header
#' with [tab_header()] and then export the table as HTML code with inlined CSS
#' styles using `as_raw_html()`.
#' ```r
#' tab_html <-
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice_head(n = 5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' ) |>
#' as_raw_html()
#' ```
#' What's returned is a single-element vector containing the HTML for the table.
#' It has only the `<table>...</table>` part so it's not a complete HTML
#' document but rather an HTML fragment.
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-2
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
as_raw_html <- function(
inline_css = TRUE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
html_table <- as.character(as.tags(data))
if (inline_css) {
font_vec <- unique(dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "table_font_names"))
font_family_attr <- as_css_font_family_attr(font_vec = font_vec)
html_table <-
pattern = "<style>html \\{.*?\\}",
replacement = "<style>",
x = html_table
html_table <-
pattern = ".gt_table {\n",
replacement = paste0(".gt_table { \n ", font_family_attr, "\n"),
x = html_table,
fixed = TRUE
# Create inline styles
html_table <- juicyjuice::css_inline(html = html_table)
# as_latex() -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Output a **gt** object as LaTeX
#' @description
#' Get the LaTeX content from a `gt_tbl` object as a `knit_asis` object. This
#' object contains the LaTeX code and attributes that serve as LaTeX
#' dependencies (i.e., the LaTeX packages required for the table). Using
#' `as.character()` on the created object will result in a single-element vector
#' containing the LaTeX code.
#' @inheritParams gtsave
#' @details
#' LaTeX packages required to generate tables are:
#' `r paste0(gt:::latex_packages(), collapse = ", ")`.
#' In the event packages are not automatically added during the render phase
#' of the document, please create and include a style file to load them.
#' Inside the document's YAML metadata, please include:
#' \preformatted{
#' output:
#' pdf_document: # Change to appropriate LaTeX template
#' includes:
#' in_header: 'gt_packages.sty'
#' }
#' The `gt_packages.sty` file would then contain the listed dependencies above:
#' \preformatted{
#' \usepackage{booktabs, caption, longtable, colortbl, array}
#' }
#' @section Examples:
#' Use a subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset to create a **gt** table. Add a header
#' with [tab_header()] and then export the table as LaTeX code using the
#' `as_latex()` function.
#' ```r
#' tab_latex <-
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' ) |>
#' as_latex()
#' ```
#' What's returned is a `knit_asis` object, which makes it easy to include in R
#' Markdown documents that are knit to PDF. We can use `as.character()` to get
#' just the LaTeX code as a single-element vector.
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-3
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
as_latex <- function(data) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
data <- build_data(data = data, context = "latex")
# Composition of LaTeX ----------------------------------------------------
# Create a df containing width types for each column
colwidth_df <- create_colwidth_df_l(data = data)
# Create a LaTeX fragment for the start of the table
table_start <- create_table_start_l(data = data, colwidth_df = colwidth_df)
# Create the caption component
caption_component <- create_caption_component_l(data = data)
# Create the heading component
heading_component <- create_heading_component_l(data = data)
# Create the columns component
columns_component <- create_columns_component_l(data = data, colwidth_df = colwidth_df)
# Create the body component
body_component <- create_body_component_l(data = data, colwidth_df = colwidth_df)
# Create the footnotes component
footer_component <- create_footer_component_l(data = data)
# Create a LaTeX fragment for the ending tabular statement
table_end <- create_table_end_l(data = data)
# If the `rmarkdown` package is available, use the
# `latex_dependency()` function to load latex packages
# without requiring the user to do so
if (rlang::is_installed("rmarkdown")) {
latex_packages <- lapply(latex_packages(), rmarkdown::latex_dependency)
} else {
latex_packages <- NULL
table_width_statement <- derive_table_width_statement_l(data = data)
# Allow user to set a font-size
fontsize_statement <- create_fontsize_statement_l(data = data)
# create wrapping environment
wrap_start_statement <- create_wrap_start_l(data = data)
wrap_end_statement <- create_wrap_end_l(data = data)
# Compose the LaTeX table
if (dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "latex_use_longtable")) {
collapse = ""
meta = latex_packages
} else {
collapse = ""
meta = latex_packages
# as_rtf() ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Output a **gt** object as RTF
#' @description
#' Get the RTF content from a `gt_tbl` object as as a single-element character
#' vector. This object can be used with `writeLines()` to generate a valid .rtf
#' file that can be opened by RTF readers.
#' @inheritParams gtsave
#' @param incl_open,incl_close *Include opening/closing braces*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' Options that govern whether the opening or closing `"{"` and `"}"` should
#' be included. By default, both options are `TRUE`.
#' @param incl_header *Include RTF header*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' Should the RTF header be included in the output? By default, this is
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param incl_page_info *Include RTF page information*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' Should the RTF output include directives for the document pages? This is
#' `TRUE` by default.
#' @param incl_body *Include RTF body*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to include the body of RTF document. By default, this is `TRUE`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Use a subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset to create a **gt** table. Add a header
#' with [tab_header()] and then export the table as RTF code using the
#' `as_rtf()` function.
#' ```r
#' tab_rtf <-
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:2) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' ) |>
#' as_rtf()
#' ```
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-4
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
as_rtf <- function(
incl_open = TRUE,
incl_header = TRUE,
incl_page_info = TRUE,
incl_body = TRUE,
incl_close = TRUE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
if (dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "page_numbering")) {
data <-
data = data,
option = "page_header_use_tbl_headings",
value = TRUE
page_header_use_tbl_headings <-
dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "page_header_use_tbl_headings")
# Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
data <- build_data(data = data, context = "rtf")
# Composition of RTF ------------------------------------------------------
# Create the heading component
heading_component <- create_heading_component_rtf(data = data)
# Create the columns component
columns_component <- create_columns_component_rtf(data = data)
# Create the body component
body_component <- create_body_component_rtf(data = data)
# Create the footer component
footer_component <- create_footer_component_rtf(data = data)
# Create the page footer component
page_footer_component <- create_page_footer_component_rtf(data = data)
# Compose the RTF table
rtf_table <-
data = data,
document = {
rows = c(
if (page_header_use_tbl_headings) rtf_raw("{\\header\n\n") else "",
if (page_header_use_tbl_headings) rtf_raw("}\n\n") else "",
incl_open = incl_open,
incl_header = incl_header,
incl_page_info = incl_page_info,
incl_body = incl_body,
incl_close = incl_close
if (isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress'))) {
rtf_table <- knitr::raw_output(rtf_table)
# as_word() --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Output a **gt** object as Word
#' @description
#' Get the Open Office XML table tag content from a `gt_tbl` object as a
#' single-element character vector.
#' @inheritParams gtsave
#' @param align *Table alignment*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"center"`
#' An option for table alignment. Can either be `"center"`, `"left"`, or
#' `"right"`.
#' @param caption_location *Caption location*
#' `singl-kw:[top|bottom|embed]` // *default:* `"top"`
#' Determines where the caption should be positioned. This can either be
#' `"top"`, `"bottom"`, or `"embed"`.
#' @param caption_align *Caption alignment*
#' Determines the alignment of the caption. This is
#' either `"left"` (the default), `"center"`, or `"right"`. This option is
#' only used when `caption_location` is not set as `"embed"`.
#' @param split *Allow splitting of a table row across pages*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' A logical value that indicates whether to activate the Word option
#' `Allow row to break across pages`.
#' @param keep_with_next *Keeping rows together*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' A logical value that indicates whether a table should use Word option
#' `Keep rows together`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Use a subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset to create a **gt** table. Add a header
#' with [tab_header()] and then export the table as OOXML code for Word using
#' `as_word()`
#' ```r
#' tab_rtf <-
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:2) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' ) |>
#' as_word()
#' ```
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-5
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.7.0` (August 25, 2022)
#' @export
as_word <- function(
align = "center",
caption_location = c("top", "bottom", "embed"),
caption_align = "left",
split = FALSE,
keep_with_next = TRUE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
caption_location <-
values = c("top", "bottom", "embed")
# Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
value <- build_data(data = data, context = "word")
gt_xml <- NULL # same as c()
# Composition of Word table OOXML
if (caption_location == "top") {
header_xml <-
data = value,
align = caption_align,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
gt_xml <- c(gt_xml, header_xml)
tbl_xml <-
data = value,
align = align,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next,
embedded_heading = identical(caption_location, "embed")
gt_xml <- c(gt_xml, tbl_xml)
if (caption_location == "bottom") {
# Set `keep_with_next` to FALSE here to prevent it trying to keep
# with non-table content
header_xml <-
data = value,
align = caption_align,
split = split,
keep_with_next = FALSE
gt_xml <- c(gt_xml, header_xml)
gt_xml <- paste0(gt_xml, collapse = "")
#' Generate OOXML for the table caption
#' @param data A processed table object that is created using the `build_data()`
#' function.
#' @param align left (default), center or right.
#' @param split TRUE or FALSE (default) indicating whether activate Word option
#' 'Allow row to break across pages'.
#' @param keep_with_next TRUE (default) or FALSE indicating whether a table
#' should use Word option 'keep rows together' is activated when TRUE.
#' @noRd
as_word_tbl_header_caption <- function(
align = "left",
split = FALSE,
keep_with_next = TRUE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Composition of caption OOXML -----------------------------------------------
# Create the table caption
caption_xml <-
data = data,
align = align,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
#' Generate OOXML for the table body
#' @param data A processed table object that is created using the `build_data()`
#' function.
#' @param align left, center (default) or right.
#' @param split TRUE or FALSE (default) indicating whether activate Word option
#' 'Allow row to break across pages'.
#' @param keep_with_next TRUE (default) or FALSE indicating whether a table
#' should use Word option 'keep rows together' is activated when TRUE
#' @param embedded_heading TRUE or FALSE (default) indicating whether a table
#' should add the title and subtitle at the top of the table.
#' @noRd
as_word_tbl_body <- function(
align = "center",
split = FALSE,
keep_with_next = TRUE,
embedded_heading = FALSE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Composition of table Word OOXML
# Create the table properties component
table_props_component <-
create_table_props_component_xml(data = data, align = align)
# # Create the heading component
if (embedded_heading) {
heading_component <-
data = data,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
} else {
heading_component <- NULL
# Create the columns component
columns_component <-
data = data,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
# Create the body component
body_component <-
data = data,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
# Create the footnotes component
footnotes_component <-
data = data,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
# Create the source notes component
source_notes_component <-
data = data,
split = split,
keep_with_next = keep_with_next
# Compose the Word OOXML table
word_tbl <-
collapse = ""
# as_gtable() ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Transform a **gt** table to a `gtable` object
#' @description
#' `as_gtable()` performs the transformation of a `gt_tbl` object to a
#' [`gtable`][gtable::gtable()] object.
#' @inheritParams gtsave
#' @param plot *Render through the graphics device?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' The `plot` option determines whether the `gtable` object should be rendered
#' on the graphics device.
#' @param text_grob *Function for drawing text*
#' `function` // *default:* `grid::textGrob`
#' A `function` which will be used to draw text. Defaults to
#' `grid::textGrob()` but can be swapped to `gridtext::richtext_grob()` to
#' better render HTML content.
#' @return A `gtable` object.
#' @family table export functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 13-6
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.11.0` (July 9, 2024)
#' @export
as_gtable <- function(data, plot = FALSE, text_grob = grid::textGrob) {
data <- build_data(data = data, context = "grid")
data <- add_css_styles(data = data)
caption_component <- create_caption_component_g(data = data)
heading_component <- create_heading_component_g(data = data)
columns_component <- create_columns_component_g(data = data)
body_component <- create_body_component_g(data = data)
source_notes_component <- create_source_notes_component_g(data = data)
footnotes_component <- create_footnotes_component_g(data = data)
layout <-
caption = caption_component,
heading = heading_component,
columns = columns_component,
body = body_component,
source = source_notes_component,
footnotes = footnotes_component
layout$grobs <-
layout = layout,
data = data,
text_grob = text_grob
gtable <- finalize_gtable(layout, data)
if (isTRUE(plot)) {
combine_components <- function(
caption = NULL,
heading = NULL,
columns = NULL,
body = NULL,
source = NULL,
footnotes = NULL
) {
vertical <- c("top", "bottom")
n <- n_caption <- max(caption$bottom %||% 0)
if (!is.null(heading)) {
heading[vertical] <- heading[vertical] + n
n <- max(heading$bottom %||% n)
if (!is.null(columns)) {
columns[vertical] <- columns[vertical] + n
n <- max(columns$bottom %||% n)
body_start <- n
if (!is.null(body)) {
body[vertical] <- body[vertical] + n
n <- max(body$bottom %||% n)
body_end <- n
if (!is.null(footnotes)) {
footnotes[vertical] <- footnotes[vertical] + n
n <- max(footnotes$bottom %||% n)
if (!is.null(source)) {
source[vertical] <- source[vertical] + n
n_cols <- max(body$right)
# A table body typically renders top and bottom borders for the
# body part; we implement this as a large cell without a label
table_body <-
left = 1,
right = n_cols,
label = "",
classes = list("gt_table_body"),
style = "background-color: transparent",
top = body_start + 1,
bottom = body_end,
name = "table_body"
# The table itself renders top and bottom borders for everything excluding
# the caption
table <-
left = 1,
right = n_cols,
label = "",
classes = list("gt_table"),
style = "background-color: transparent",
top = n_caption + 1,
bottom = max(source$bottom %||% n),
name = "table"
caption, heading, columns, body,
source, footnotes, table_body, table
render_grobs <- function(
layout, data,
text_grob = grid::textGrob,
cell_grob = grid::segmentsGrob
) {
if (any(grepl("<svg.*>.*</svg>", layout$label))) {
rlang::check_installed("rsvg", "for rendering SVG cells.")
style <- grid_resolve_style(layout = layout, data = data)
label = layout$label,
style = style,
f = render_grid_cell,
MoreArgs = list(
text_grob = text_grob,
cell_grob = cell_grob
finalize_gtable <- function(layout, data) {
rlang::check_installed("gtable", "to render as a gtable.")
widths <- grid_layout_widths(layout, data)
heights <- grid_layout_heights(layout)
name <- layout$name
name <-
stats::ave(name, name, FUN = function(nm) {
if (length(nm) == 1) {
paste0(nm, "_", seq_along(nm))
gtable <- gtable::gtable(widths = widths, heights = heights)
gtable <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(
gtable, layout$grobs, name = name, clip = "off",
t = layout$top, l = layout$left, b = layout$bottom, r = layout$right
gtable <- grid_align_gtable(gtable, data)
class(gtable) <- union("gt_gtable", class(gtable))
#' @export
plot.gt_gtable <- function(x, ...) {
grid_layout_heights <- function(layout) {
heights <- vapply(layout$grobs, `[[`, numeric(1), "height")
rows <- vctrs::vec_group_loc(layout[, c("top", "bottom")])
rows$height <- vapply(rows$loc, function(i) max(heights[i]), numeric(1))
is_single <- rows$key$top == rows$key$bottom
singles <- rows[is_single, ]
spanner <- rows[!is_single, ]
heights <- rep_len(0, max(layout$bottom))
heights[singles$key$top] <- singles$height
spanner <- spanner[order(spanner$key$top, spanner$key$bottom), ]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(spanner))) {
top <- spanner$key$top[i]
bottom <- spanner$key$bottom[i]
single_size <- sum(heights[top:bottom])
extra_height <- spanner$height[i] - single_size
if (extra_height < 0) {
extra_height <- extra_height / (bottom - top + 1)
heights[top:bottom] <- heights[top:bottom] + extra_height
grid::unit(heights, .grid_unit)
grid_align_gtable <- function(gtable, data) {
left <- dt_options_get_value(data, "table_margin_left")
right <- dt_options_get_value(data, "table_margin_right")
if (left == "auto") {
left <- grid::unit(0.5, "null")
} else if (endsWith(left, "%")) {
left <- as.numeric(sub("\\%$", "", left)) / 100
left <- grid::unit(left * 0.5, "null")
} else {
left <- grid::unit(parse_px_to_pt(left), "pt")
if (right == "auto") {
right <- grid::unit(0.5, "null")
} else if (endsWith(right, "%")) {
right <- as.numeric(sub("\\%$", "", right)) / 100
right <- grid::unit(right * 0.5, "null")
} else {
right <- grid::unit(parse_px_to_pt(left), "pt")
gtable <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(gtable, left, pos = 0)
gtable <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(gtable, right, pos = -1)
grid_layout_widths <- function(layout, data) {
# This aims to follow ยง17.5.2.2 of
# https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#auto-table-layout
# with the adjustment that we only care about *minimum* widths, as we
# cannot dynamically reflow cell content in grid.
# Step 1: Calculate the minimum content width (MCW) of each cell.
# We already added this information to grobs during their construction
mcw <- vapply(layout$grobs, `[[`, numeric(1), "width")
# Step 2: For each column, determine minimum column width from the cells
# that span that column.
columns <- vctrs::vec_group_loc(layout[, c("left", "right")])
columns$min_width <- vapply(columns$loc, function(i) max(mcw[i]), numeric(1L))
# For now, we only care about 1-cell columns, we deal with spans later
singles <- vctrs::vec_slice(columns, columns$key$left == columns$key$right)
width_fix <- width_rel <- rep(0L, max(layout$right))
width_fix[singles$key$left] <- singles$min_width
orig_width <- width_fix
# (or the column width, whichever is largest)
set_width <- unlist(dt_boxhead_get(data)$column_width)
is_rel <- grep("\\%$", set_width)
if (length(is_rel) > 0) {
rel <- rep(0L, length(width_rel))
rel[is_rel] <- as.numeric(gsub("\\%$", "", set_width[is_rel])) / 100
width_rel <- pmax(width_rel, rel)
width_fix[is_rel] <- 0
set_width[is_rel] <- ""
is_fix <- which(nzchar(set_width))
if (length(is_fix) > 0) {
fix <- rep(0L, length(width_fix))
fix[is_fix] <- parse_px_to_pt(set_width[is_fix])
width_fix <- pmax(width_fix, fix)
# Step 3: For each cell that spans more than one column, increase the column
# widths it spans so that together, they are at least as wide as the cell.
spans <- vctrs::vec_slice(columns, columns$key$left != columns$key$right)
spans <- vctrs::vec_slice(spans, order(spans$key$left, spans$key$right))
spans <- vctrs::vec_slice(spans, spans$min_width > 0)
for (i in vctrs::vec_seq_along(spans)) {
left <- spans$key$left[i]
right <- spans$key$right[i]
idx <- left:right
current_width <- sum(width_fix[idx])
extra_width <- spans$min_width[i] - current_width
if (extra_width <= 0) {
# Distribute additional width over columns
width_fix[idx] <- width_fix[idx] + extra_width / (right - left + 1)
# We skip step 4 because I don't think column groups are recognized.
# Instead, we are going to integrate the total table width setting
total_width <- dt_options_get_value(data, "table_width")
# The thought here is that when the total width is more than the sum
# of column widths, the extra width is distributed over the columns.
# When the total width is less, it becomes the minimum width required by all
# columns.
# Total width is a percentage
if (grepl("\\%$", total_width)) {
total_width <- as.numeric(gsub("\\%$", "", total_width)) / 100
# A percentage value for a column width is relative to the table width
width_rel <- width_rel * total_width
# Distribute extra width over the columns
available_width <- total_width - sum(width_rel)
not_rel <- setdiff(seq_along(width_rel), is_rel)
width_rel[not_rel] <- pmax(available_width / length(not_rel), 0)
} else if (grepl("px$", total_width)) {
# Total width is absolute
total_width <- parse_px_to_pt(total_width)
# Distribute extra width over the columns
available_width <- total_width * (1 - sum(width_rel)) - sum(width_fix)
not_rel <- setdiff(seq_along(width_fix), is_rel)
available_width <- pmax(available_width / length(not_rel), 0)
width_fix[not_rel] <- width_fix[not_rel] + available_width
# Translate relative units to absolute units
width_fix[is_rel] <- width_rel[is_rel] * total_width
width_rel <- rep(0, length(width_fix))
} else if (length(is_rel) > 0 && sum(width_rel) > 0) {
# We have a mixture of relative and absolute units and no total width goal
# Compute theoretical total width if we scale everything
# based on fixed widths
frac_rel <- sum(width_rel)
sum_fix <- sum(width_fix) / (1 - frac_rel)
# Compute theoretical total width if we scale everything
# based on relative widths
mult <- width_rel[is_rel] / min(width_rel[is_rel])
sum_rel <- sum(mult * orig_width[is_rel]) / frac_rel
# The actual width we use is the maximum
total_width <- max(sum_rel, sum_fix)
# Redistribute residual width over non-fixed and non-relative columns
available_width <- max(total_width * (1 - frac_rel) - sum(width_fix), 0)
# available_width <- max(total_width - sum(width_fix) - sum_rel * frac_rel, 0)
spread <- setdiff(seq_along(width_fix), union(is_rel, is_fix))
width_fix[spread] <- width_fix[spread] + available_width / length(spread)
# Translate relative units
width_fix[is_rel] <- width_rel[is_rel] * total_width
width_rel <- rep(0, length(width_fix))
# Combine absolute and relative units
width <- grid::unit(width_fix, .grid_unit)
if (sum(width_rel) > 0) {
width <- grid::unit.pmax(width, grid::unit(width_rel, "npc"))
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