# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------
# For grid, the `create_*_component_g` functions are used to get a long-format
# description of every cell in the table.
# The goal of these layout functions is to get a position layout of cells as a
# data.frame, along with their class and style information. The layout should
# contain the following columns:
# left <integer>:
# Left position of a cell counting such that left = 1 is the first column in the
# table.
# right <integer>:
# Right position of cell equal to or larger than the 'left' column. When
# 'right' > 'left', this corresponds to having an html 'colspan' attribute
# larger than 1.
# top <integer>:
# Top position of a cell counting such that top = 1 is the first row in the
# component. Note that that this applies to 'within-component' rows, and not
# the final table row. Final 'top' and 'bottom' values are assigned in the
# `combine_components()` function.
# bottom <integer>:
# Bottom position of a cell equal to or larger than the 'top' column. When
# 'bottom' > 'top', this corresponds to having an html 'rowspan' attribute
# larger than 1.
# label <character>:
# A text label to display in the cell. Note that while the label can contain
# html, it will not be rendered with markup unless the text grob function
# supports it, for example when using gridtext as follows:
# `as_gtable(..., text_grob = gridtext::richtext_grob)`
# classes <list of <character>>:
# One or multiple class names equivalent to the html class attributes that will
# determine which css classes are used to populate graphical parameters for
# the cell (font color, borders, padding etc.).
# style <character>:
# A style string as computed by `add_css_styles()` or `NA` when a cell has
# no set styling options
# name <character>:
# A base name to assign in the gtable. This makes it easier to use
# `gtable::gtable_filter()` to select some types of cells.
create_caption_component_g <- function(data) {
table_caption <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "table_caption")
if (all(is.na(table_caption))) {
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
left = 1,
right = n_cols_total,
top = 1,
label = table_caption,
classes = list(c("gt_caption", "gt_center")),
style = NA_character_,
name = "caption"
create_heading_component_g <- function(data) {
if (!dt_heading_has_title(data = data)) {
heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
heading[lengths(heading) == 0] <- list("")
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
subtitle_defined <- dt_heading_has_subtitle(data = data)
footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
footnote_title_marks <- NULL
title_styles <- NA_character_
if ("title" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
title_styles <- vctrs::vec_slice(styles_tbl$html_style, styles_tbl$locname == "title")
if (length(title_styles) == 0) {
title_styles <- NA_character_
subtitle_styles <- NA_character_
if (subtitle_defined && "subtitle" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
subtitle_styles <- vctrs::vec_slice(styles_tbl$html_style, styles_tbl$locname == "subtitle")
if (length(subtitle_styles) == 0) {
subtitle_styles <- NA_character_
# The footnote marks are not great, but might look OK with {gridtext}
footnote_title_marks <- ""
if ("title" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnote_title_marks <-
fn_tbl = footnotes_tbl,
locname = "title"
footnote_title_marks <-
data = data,
mark = footnote_title_marks
footnote_subtitle_marks <- ""
if (subtitle_defined && "subtitle" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnote_subtitle_marks <-
fn_tbl = footnotes_tbl,
locname = "subtitle"
footnote_subtitle_marks <-
data = data,
mark = footnote_subtitle_marks
title_text <- paste0(heading$title, footnote_title_marks)
subtitle_text <- paste0(heading$subtitle, footnote_subtitle_marks)
title_classes <- c("gt_heading", "gt_title", "gt_font_normal")
subtitle_classes <- sub("title", "subtitle", title_classes, fixed = TRUE)
if (!subtitle_defined) {
title_classes <- c("gt_bottom_border", title_classes)
} else {
subtitle_classes <- c("gt_bottom_border", subtitle_classes)
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
out <- grid_layout(
left = 1,
right = n_cols_total,
top = c(1, 2),
label = c(title_text, subtitle_text),
classes = list(title_classes, subtitle_classes),
style = c(title_styles, subtitle_styles),
name = c("title", "subtitle")
vctrs::vec_slice(out, nzchar(out$label))
create_columns_component_g <- function(data) {
column_labels_hidden <-
data = data,
option = "column_labels_hidden"
if (column_labels_hidden) {
stubh <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
stub_layout <- get_stub_layout(data = data)
spanner_row_count <-
data = data,
omit_columns_row = TRUE
cols_alignment <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_align_default(data = data)
rtl_detect <-
body[dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)],
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
FUN = function(x) {
any(grepl(rtl_modern_unicode_charset, x))
to_right <- rtl_detect & cols_alignment != "center"
cols_alignment[to_right] <- "right"
headings_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
headings_labels <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default(data = data)
stubhead_style_attrs <- subset(styles_tbl, locname == "stubhead")
spanner_style_attrs <- subset(styles_tbl, locname == "columns_groups")
column_style_attrs <- subset(styles_tbl, locname == "columns_columns")
# Layout stubhead
stubhead_cell <- NULL
if (length(stub_layout) > 0) {
stub_style <- NA_character_
if (nrow(stubhead_style_attrs) > 0) {
stub_style <- stubhead_style_attrs$html_style %||% NA_character_
stubhead_cell <- grid_layout(
left = 1, right = length(stub_layout),
bottom = spanner_row_count + 1, top = 1,
label = stubh$label,
classes = list(c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", "gt_left")),
style = stub_style,
name = "stubhead"
spanner_cells <- NULL
if (spanner_row_count > 0) {
# We transpose spanners to easily compute RLE
spanners <-
data = data,
include_hidden = FALSE
spanner_ids <-
data = data,
include_hidden = FALSE,
ids = TRUE
index <- match(spanner_ids, spanner_ids)
# recall spanners is transposed so taking `col(spanners)` gives us the row
rle <- vctrs::vec_unrep(
spanner = index,
row = as.vector(col(spanners))
# Annotate runs
rle$end <- stats::ave(rle$times, rle$key$row, FUN = cumsum)
rle$start <- rle$end - rle$times + 1
rle$id <- spanner_ids[rle$key$spanner]
# Filter out NA runs and non-spanner columns
rle <- vctrs::vec_slice(rle, !is.na(rle$id))
rle <- vctrs::vec_slice(rle, rle$key$row != spanner_row_count + 1)
spanner_style <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(rle))
if (nrow(spanner_style_attrs) > 0) {
i <- match(rle$id, spanner_style_attrs$grpname)
spanner_style[i] <- spanner_style_attrs$html_style
classes <- rep(list(c("gt_center", "gt_column_spanner")), nrow(rle))
at_top <- rle$key$row == 1
classes[at_top] <- lapply(
classes[at_top], c,
c("gt_columns_top_border", "gt_columns_spanner_outer")
spanner_cells <- grid_layout(
left = rle$start + length(stub_layout),
right = rle$end + length(stub_layout),
top = rle$key$row,
label = spanners[rle$key$spanner],
classes = classes,
style = spanner_style,
name = "spanner"
column_style <- rep(NA_character_, length(headings_vars))
column_style[column_style_attrs[["colnum"]]] <-
cols_alignment <- paste0("gt_", cols_alignment)
classes <- lapply(cols_alignment, function(x) {
c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", x)
column_cells <- grid_layout(
left = seq_along(headings_vars) + length(stub_layout),
top = spanner_row_count + 1,
label = headings_labels,
classes = classes,
style = column_style,
name = "column_label"
vctrs::vec_c(stubhead_cell, spanner_cells, column_cells)
create_body_component_g <- function(data) {
groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
# Create group headings
group_headings <- group_headings_g(data = data)
# Compute summary tables
grand_summary_side <-
summary_row_side(data = data, group_id = grand_summary_col)
grand_summaries <-
data = data,
group_id = grand_summary_col,
side_grand_summary = grand_summary_side
group_summaries <-
summary_rows_g(data = data, group_id = groups_rows_df$group_id)
rows <- body_cells_g(data = data)
# Weave summaries, headings and body
row_start <- groups_rows_df$row_start
row_end <- groups_rows_df$row_end
if (!is.null(group_headings)) {
rows <- insert_before(rows, row_start, group_headings)
row_start <- row_start + cumsum(lengths(group_headings))
row_end <- row_end + cumsum(lengths(group_headings))
summary_side <- groups_rows_df$summary_row_side
summary_side <- summary_side[groups_rows_df$has_summary_rows][1]
if (identical(summary_side, "top")) {
rows <- insert_before(rows, row_start, group_summaries)
row_start <- row_start + cumsum(lengths(group_summaries))
row_end <- row_end + cumsum(lengths(group_summaries))
if (identical(summary_side, "bottom")) {
rows <- insert_after(rows, row_end, group_summaries)
row_start <- row_start + seq_along(row_start) - 1L
row_end <- row_end + seq_along(row_end)
if (sum(vctrs::list_sizes(grand_summaries %||% list())) > 0) {
if (grand_summary_side == "top") {
rows <- c(grand_summaries[[1]], rows)
} else {
rows <- c(rows, grand_summaries[[1]])
if (identical(rows, list())) {
sizes <- vctrs::list_sizes(rows)
row_num <- rep(cumsum(sizes > 0), sizes)
rows <- vctrs::vec_c(!!!rows)
rows$top <- rows$top + row_num
rows$bottom <- rows$bottom + row_num
rows$classes <- lapply(rows$classes, c, list("gt_row"))
group_headings_g <- function(data = data) {
stub <- get_stub_layout(data = data)
if ("group_label" %in% stub) {
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
n_groups <- nrow(groups_rows_df)
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
function(i) {
group_id <- groups_rows_df[["group_id"]][[i]]
group_label <- groups_rows_df[["group_label"]][[i]]
row_style_row_groups_tbl <-
styles_tbl = styles_tbl,
locname = "row_groups",
grpname = group_id
row_style_group_heading_row <- row_style_row_groups_tbl[["html_style"]]
if (length(row_style_group_heading_row) == 0) {
row_style_group_heading_row <- NA
group_class <-
if (is.na(group_label) || group_label == "") {
group_label <- ""
} else {
left = 1, right = n_cols_total,
top = 0,
label = group_label,
classes = list(c(group_class, "gt_group_heading_row")),
style = row_style_group_heading_row,
name = "group_heading"
body_cells_g <- function(data) {
summaries_present <- dt_summary_exists(data = data)
groups <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
cell_matrix <- get_body_component_cell_matrix(data = data)
cell_rows <- as.vector(row(cell_matrix))
cell_cols <- as.vector(col(cell_matrix))
row_seq <- seq_len(nrow(cell_matrix))
n_rows <- nrow(cell_matrix)
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
stub_layout <- get_stub_layout(data = data)
has_two_col_stub <- "group_label" %in% stub_layout
odd_class <- even_class <- rep_len(list(NULL), n_cols_total)
# Set striping
striped_stub <-
dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "row_striping_include_stub")
striped_body <-
dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "row_striping_include_table_body")
if (striped_body) {
even_class <- rep(list("gt_striped"), n_cols_total)
# Set stub class
row_label_col <- which(stub_layout == "rowname")
if (length(row_label_col) > 0) {
odd_class[[row_label_col]] <- "gt_stub"
if (striped_stub) {
even_class[[row_label_col]] <- c("gt_stub", "gt_striped")
} else {
even_class[[row_label_col]] <- "gt_stub"
# Weave even/odd classes into matrix
cell_classes <- rep_len(list(odd_class, even_class), n_rows)
cell_classes <- inject(rbind(!!!cell_classes))
# Set column alignment
align_class <- c(dt_boxhead_get_alignments_in_stub(data = data),
dt_boxhead_get_vars_align_default(data = data))
align_class <- paste0("gt_", align_class)[cell_cols]
# Adjust alignment for RtL script
has_rtl <- grepl(rtl_modern_unicode_charset, cell_matrix)
align_class[has_rtl & align_class != "gt_center"] <- "gt_right"
# Set stub indentation
indent_class <- first_class <- matrix(list(NULL), n_rows, n_cols_total)
if (length(row_label_col) > 0) {
stub_indent <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
stub_indent <-
vctrs::vec_slice(stub_indent %||% list(), stub_indent$indent > 0)
if (NROW(stub_indent) > 0) {
i <- match(row_seq, stub_indent$rownum_i)
i <- i[!is.na(i)]
indent_class[i, row_label_col] <- paste0("gt_indent_", stub_indent$indent)
# Set first in group
first_group <- which(row_seq %in% groups$row_start)
first_class[first_group, ] <- "gt_row_group_first"
# Combine classes
classes <- Map(c, first_class, indent_class, cell_classes, align_class)
# Set style for data/stub cells
style <- matrix(NA_character_, n_rows, n_cols_total)
cell_style <-
styles_tbl = styles_tbl,
locname = c("data", "stub")
style_col <- cell_style$colnum + length(stub_layout)
style[cbind(cell_style$rownum, style_col)] <- cell_style$html_style
# Set style for row group labels
if (has_two_col_stub) {
cell_style <-
styles_tbl = styles_tbl,
locname = "row_groups"
style_row <- with(groups, row_start[match(cell_style$grpname, group_id)])
style[style_row, 1] <- cell_style$html_style
# Override group label
cell_matrix[first_group, 1] <- groups$group_label
# Set layout
layout <- grid_layout(
left = cell_cols,
top = 0, # will be completed later
label = undim(cell_matrix),
classes = undim(classes),
style = undim(style),
name = "body_cell"
if (has_two_col_stub) {
# Set stub row group(s)
group_cell <- which(cell_rows %in% groups$row_start & cell_cols == 1)
group <- match(cell_rows[group_cell], groups$row_start)
extra_rows <- (groups$row_end - groups$row_start + 1)[group]
layout$bottom[group_cell] <- extra_rows
layout$classes[group_cell] <-
lapply(layout$classes[group_cell], c, "gt_stub_row_group")
# Shift upward if summaries on top
i <- summaries_present &
(groups$has_summary_rows %||% FALSE) &
(groups$summary_row_side %||% "bottom" == "top") &
rep(TRUE, nrow(groups)) # ensures correct length if columns are missing
i[is.na(i)] <- FALSE
group_cell <- group_cell[i]
layout[group_cell, c("top", "bottom")] <-
layout[group_cell, c("top", "bottom")] - 1
# Delete empty cells
delete <- which(!(cell_rows %in% groups$row_start) & cell_cols == 1)
if (rlang::has_length(delete)) {
# don't attempt delete doesn't have length
# will likely occur in the case of all groups of length 1 #1803
layout <- vctrs::vec_slice(layout, -delete)
cell_rows <- vctrs::vec_slice(cell_rows, -delete)
# Split by row
rows <- vector("list", n_rows)
layout <- vctrs::vec_split(layout, cell_rows)
rows[layout$key] <- layout$val
summary_rows_g <- function(data, group_id, side_grand_summary = "bottom") {
if (is.null(group_id)) {
groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
list_of_summaries <- dt_summary_df_get(data = data)
summaries_present <- dt_summary_exists(data = data)
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
needs_summary <-
summaries_present &
(((groups_rows_df$has_summary_rows %||% FALSE) &
!is.na(groups_rows_df$summary_row_side %||% FALSE) &
((groups_rows_df$summary_row_side %||% "left") %in% c("top", "bottom"))) |
(group_id == grand_summary_col))
if (!any(needs_summary)) {
groups_rows_df <- groups_rows_df[needs_summary, , drop = FALSE]
group_summary_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
summary_row_type <- rep("", nrow(groups_rows_df))
group_type <- !is.na(group_id) &
group_id %in% names(list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list) &
group_id != grand_summary_col
grand_type <- !is.na(group_id) &
group_id == grand_summary_col
summary_row_type <- rep("", max(length(group_type), length(grand_type)))
summary_row_type[grand_type] <- "grand"
summary_row_type[group_type] <- "group"
summary_df <- list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list[group_id]
n_rows <- vctrs::list_sizes(summary_df)
if (sum(n_rows) < 1) {
summary_df <- vctrs::vec_c(!!!summary_df)
summary_df <-
dplyr::all_of(c(rowname_col_private, group_summary_vars)),
summary_row_type <- rep(summary_row_type, n_rows)
stub_layout <- get_stub_layout(data = data)
n_data_cols <- get_number_of_visible_data_columns(data = data)
ncol <- ncol(summary_df)
left <- right <- col(summary_df) + as.integer(length(stub_layout) > 1)
if (all(summary_row_type == "grand")) {
if (length(stub_layout) > 1) {
left[, 1] <- left[, 1] - 1
if (length(group_id) < length(summary_row_type)) {
group_id <- rep(group_id, length(summary_row_type))
extra_classes <- matrix(list(NULL), nrow = nrow(summary_df), ncol)
extra_classes[, 1] <- lapply(extra_classes[, 1], c, "gt_stub")
col_alignment <- c("left", dt_boxhead_get_vars_align_default(data = data))
alignment_classes <- paste0("gt_", col_alignment)
extra_classes[] <- Map(
f = c
styles <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(summary_df), ncol)
is_first <- is_last <- rep(FALSE, sum(n_rows))
is_first[c(1, cumsum(n_rows)[-length(n_rows)] + 1)] <- TRUE
is_last[cumsum(n_rows)] <- TRUE
inner_row <- unlist(lapply(n_rows, seq_len), use.names = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(summary_df))) {
last_row_class <- "gt_last_summary_row"
if (summary_row_type[i] == "grand") {
styles_resolved_row <-
styles_tbl = styles_tbl,
locname = "grand_summary_cells",
grpname = group_id[i],
rownum = i
summary_row_class <- "gt_grand_summary_row"
first_row_class <- "gt_first_grand_summary_row"
if (side_grand_summary == "top") {
first_row_class <- "gt_grand_summary_row"
last_row_class <- "gt_last_grand_summary_row_top"
} else {
styles_resolved_row <-
styles_tbl = styles_tbl,
locname = "summary_cells",
grpname = group_id[i],
grprow = inner_row[i]
summary_row_class <- "gt_summary_row"
first_row_class <-
if ("rowname" %in% stub_layout) {
} else {
row_styles <-
styles_resolved_row = styles_resolved_row,
include_stub = TRUE,
n_cols = n_data_cols
extra_class <- extra_classes[i, ]
extra_class <- lapply(extra_class, function(x) c(summary_row_class, x))
if (is_first[i]) {
extra_class <- lapply(extra_class, c, first_row_class)
if (is_last[i]) {
extra_class <- lapply(extra_class, c, last_row_class)
extra_classes[i, ] <- extra_class
styles[i, ] <- row_styles
if (all(summary_row_type == "grand")) {
name <- "grand_summary"
} else {
name <- "group_summary"
out <- grid_layout(
left = undim(left),
right = undim(right),
top = 0,
label = unlist(summary_df, use.names = FALSE),
classes = undim(extra_classes),
style = undim(styles),
name = name
out <- vctrs::vec_split(out, as.vector(row(summary_df)))$val
vctrs::vec_chop(out, sizes = n_rows)
create_source_notes_component_g <- function(data) {
source_notes <- dt_source_notes_get(data = data)
if (is.null(source_notes)) {
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
style <- NA
if ("source_notes" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
source_notes_style <- vctrs::vec_slice(styles_tbl, styles_tbl$locname == "source_notes")
if (nrow(source_notes_style)) {
style <- source_notes_style$html_style
multiline <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "source_notes_multiline")
if (multiline) {
separator <- "\n"
} else {
separator <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "source_notes_sep")
separator <- gsub(" (?= )", "\u00A0", separator, perl = TRUE)
source_notes <- paste(source_notes, collapse = separator)
left = 1,
right = n_cols_total,
top = 1,
label = source_notes,
classes = list(c("gt_sourcenotes", "gt_sourcenote")),
style = style,
name = "source_notes"
create_footnotes_component_g <- function(data) {
footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data)
if (nrow(footnotes_tbl) < 1) {
styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
n_cols_total <- get_effective_number_of_columns(data = data)
footnotes_tbl <- dplyr::distinct(footnotes_tbl, fs_id, footnotes)
style <- NA
if ("footnotes" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
footnotes_style <- vctrs::vec_slice(styles_tbl, styles_tbl$locname == "footnotes")
if (nrow(footnotes_style) > 0) {
style <- footnotes_style$html_style
multiline <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "footnotes_multiline")
footnote_ids <- footnotes_tbl[["fs_id"]]
footnote_text <- footnotes_tbl[["footnotes"]]
marks <- vapply(
FUN = footnote_mark_to_grid,
FUN.VALUE = character(1L),
data = data,
location = "ftr"
marks[nzchar(marks)] <- paste0(marks[nzchar(marks)], " ")
text <- vapply(
FUN = process_text,
FUN.VALUE = character(1L),
context = "grid"
text <- paste0(marks, text)
if (multiline) {
separator <- "\n"
} else {
separator <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "footnotes_sep")
separator <- gsub(" (?= )", "\u00A0", separator, perl = TRUE)
text <- paste(text, collapse = separator)
left = 1,
right = n_cols_total,
top = 1,
label = text,
classes = list(c("gt_footnotes", "gt_footnote")),
style = style,
name = "footnotes"
#' Transform a footnote mark to a grid representation
#' @noRd
footnote_mark_to_grid <- function(
location = c("ref", "ftr")
) {
location <- match.arg(location)
if (is.na(mark)) {
spec <- get_footnote_spec_by_location(data = data, location = location)
if (is.null(spec)) {
spec <- "^i"
# Generate the CSS classes needed on the basis of whether the
# mark is one or more asterisk characters or anything else
if (!grepl("^[\\*]+?$", mark)) {
sup_class <- "gt_footnote_marks"
} else {
sup_class <- "gt_footnote_marks gt_asterisk"
is_sup <- grepl("^", spec, fixed = TRUE)
if (grepl(".", spec, fixed = TRUE)) mark <- paste0(mark, ".")
if (grepl("(", spec, fixed = TRUE)) mark <- paste0("(", mark)
if (grepl("[", spec, fixed = TRUE)) mark <- paste0("[", mark)
if (grepl(")", spec, fixed = TRUE)) mark <- paste0(mark, ")")
if (grepl("]", spec, fixed = TRUE)) mark <- paste0(mark, "]")
# Not supported in grid
if (grepl("i", spec, fixed = TRUE)) {
font_style <- "italic"
} else {
font_style <- "normal"
if (grepl("b", spec, fixed = TRUE)) {
font_weight <- "bold"
} else {
font_weight <- "normal"
# return mark as plain text (all styling is ignored)
# Cells -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the main function that takes a label and a style and returns
# a graphical object for display in a gtable.
# Note that 'style' is not an html style attribute but a combination of class
# and style attributes parsed by `grid_resolve_style()`,
render_grid_cell <- function(
text_grob = grid::textGrob,
cell_grob = grid::segmentsGrob
) {
margin <- style$margin %||% grid::unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "pt")
grobs <- list()
width <- 0
height <- 0
if (nzchar(label)) {
if (grepl("<svg.*>.*</svg>", label)) {
content <- render_grid_svg(label, style, margin)
} else {
content <- render_grid_text(label, style, margin, text_grob)
width <- grid_width(content) + sum(grid_width(margin[c(2, 4)]))
height <- grid_height(content) + sum(grid_height(margin[c(1, 3)]))
grobs <- c(grobs, list(content))
if (sum(lengths(style$cell_gp))) {
background <- grid::rectGrob(gp = style$cell_gp)
grobs <- c(list(background), grobs)
if (!is.null(style$border_xy) && nrow(style$border_xy) > 0) {
borders <- inject(cell_grob(!!!style$border_xy, gp = style$border_gp))
grobs <- c(grobs, list(borders))
if (length(grobs) == 0) {
grobs <- inject(grid::gList(!!!grobs))
# For efficiency reasons, we do not convert width and height to a proper
# grid unit yet.
children = grobs,
width = width,
height = height,
cl = "gt_grid_cell"
render_grid_text <- function(label, style, margin, text_grob) {
hjust <- style$hjust %||% 0
vjust <- style$vjust %||% 0
x <- (1 - hjust) * margin[4] - hjust * margin[2]
y <- (1 - vjust) * margin[3] - vjust * margin[1]
x <- grid::unit(hjust, "npc") + x
y <- grid::unit(vjust, "npc") + y
label, x = x, y = y,
hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust,
gp = style$text_gp
render_grid_svg <- function(label, style, margin) {
# Delete title
# Titles may contain contain html that cannot be interpreted by rsvg,
# and they cannot be displayed interactively in {grid} anyway.
label <- gsub("<title(.*?)</title>", "", label)
svg_string <- regexpr("<svg(.*?)>.*</svg>", label)
svg_string <- regmatches(label, svg_string)
svg_string <- gsub("\n", "", svg_string)
svg_string <- trimws(svg_string)
svg_style <- regexpr("style=\"(.*?)\"", svg_string)
svg_style <- regmatches(svg_string, svg_style)
svg_style <- gsub("^style=\"|\"$", "", svg_style)
svg_style <- strsplit(svg_style, ";", fixed = TRUE)
svg_style <- trimws(unlist(svg_style))
width <- height <- NULL
# Try if any height is declared in style attribute
if (any(grepl("^height:", svg_style))) {
height <- gsub("^height:", "", svg_style[grep("^height:", svg_style)])
height <-
parse_fontsize(height, style$text_gp$fontsize),
# Try if any width is declared in style attribute
if (any(grepl("^width:", svg_style))) {
width <- sub("^width:", "", svg_style[grep("^width:", svg_style)])
width <- grid::unit(
parse_fontsize(width, style$text_gp$fontsize),
if (is.null(width) || is.null(height)) {
# If style attribute was incomplete; try to derive width/height from viewbox
viewbox <- regexpr("viewBox=\"(.*?)\"", svg_string) %>%
regmatches(x = svg_string) %>%
gsub(pattern = "^viewBox=\"|\"$", replacement = "") %>%
strsplit(" ") %>%
unlist() %>%
if (length(viewbox) != 4) {
viewbox <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
svg_tag <- regexpr("^<svg(.*?)>", svg_string) %>%
regmatches(x = svg_string)
if (grepl("width", svg_tag, fixed = TRUE) && grepl("height", svg_tag, fixed = TRUE)) {
# Try extract width from tag
w <- regexpr("width=(.*?) ", svg_tag) %>%
regmatches(x = svg_tag)
viewbox[3] <- regexpr("\\d+", w) %>%
regmatches(x = w) %>%
# Try extract height from tag
h <- regexpr("height=(.*?) ", svg_tag) %>%
regmatches(x = svg_tag)
viewbox[4] <- regexpr("\\d+", h) %>%
regmatches(x = h) %>%
} else {
viewbox <- c(0, 0, 20, 20)
dx <- abs(diff(range(viewbox[c(1, 3)])))
dy <- abs(diff(range(viewbox[c(2, 4)])))
asp <- dy / dx
# If one of height/width is known, set other based on aspect ratio
if (is.null(height) && !is.null(width)) {
height <- width * asp
} else if (!is.null(height)) {
width <- height / asp
} else {
# Interpret view box as pixels
width <- grid::unit(dx * 0.75, "pt")
height <- grid::unit(dy * 0.75, "pt")
hjust <- style$hjust %||% 0
vjust <- style$vjust %||% 0
x <- (1 - hjust) * margin[4] - hjust * margin[2]
y <- (1 - vjust) * margin[3] - vjust * margin[1]
x <- grid::unit(hjust, "npc") + x
y <- grid::unit(vjust, "npc") + y
w <- ceiling(grid::convertUnit(width, "in", valueOnly = TRUE) * 300)
raster <- try_fetch(
# charToRaw("") return character(0)
charToRaw(svg_string) %>%
rsvg::rsvg_nativeraster(width = w) %>%
width = width, height = height,
x = x, y = y, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust
error = function(...) {
zero <- grid::unit(0, .grid_unit)
grid::rasterGrob(NA, width = zero, height = zero)
# This is just a data.frame wrapper to set standard columns for the layout.
grid_layout <- function(left, right = left, top, bottom = top, label,
classes, style, name) {
left = left,
right = right,
top = top,
bottom = bottom,
label = label,
classes = classes,
style = style,
name = name,
.name_repair = "minimal"
# This is a parameter setting in which units to measure graphical objects.
# This can be any absolute unit, but is set to "pt" so that grid can easily
# combine it with parsed pixels (also in "pt" units).
.grid_unit <- "pt"
# Function for converting a width or unit to plain numeric.
grid_width <- function(x) {
if (grid::is.grob(x)) {
x <- grid::grobWidth(x)
grid::convertWidth(x, .grid_unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
# Function for converting a height or unit to plain numeric.
grid_height <- function(x) {
if (grid::is.grob(x)) {
x <- grid::grobHeight(x)
grid::convertHeight(x, .grid_unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
# Parsers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Parser for line width
parse_lwd <- function(x) {
parse_px_to_pt(x) / 96 * 72.27
# Parser for line type
parse_lty <- function(x) {
# Line type translation lookup-table
.border_style <-
c("solid" = 1, "dashed" = 2, "dotted" = 3, hidden = NA, double = 1)
# Translating pixels to points, roughly: pt = 0.75 * pt
parse_px_to_pt <- function(px, ppi = 96) {
mult <- 72.27 / ppi
as.numeric(gsub("px$", "", px)) * mult
# Grid shouldn't have a vector of font families for a label, so we pick the
# first from the families.
parse_fontfamily <- function(family) {
if (is.null(family)) {
if (grepl(",", family)) {
family <- strsplit(family, ",")[[1]][1]
family[family == "system-ui"] <- ""
family <- gsub("^\\'|\\'$", "", family) # unquote
# Convenience function to parse a single border
parse_border <- function(style, width, color, side) {
if (is.null(style) || is.null(width) || is.null(color)) {
lwd = parse_lwd(width),
lty = parse_lty(style),
col = rgba_to_hex(color),
side = side,
.name_repair = "minimal"
# Grid has fewer options for weight/style and these are collapsed in the
# fontface parameter.
parse_fontface <- function(weight = "plain", style = "plain") {
is_italic <- style %in% c("italic", "oblique")
if (is.numeric(weight)) {
is_bold <- weight >= 600
} else {
is_bold <- weight %in% c("bold", "bolder")
face <- rep("plain", max(length(weight), length(style)))
face[is_italic & is_bold] <- "bold.italic"
face[is_italic & !is_bold] <- "italic"
face[!is_italic & is_bold] <- "bold"
# Functions for text alignment
parse_hjust <- function(hjust) {
new <- match(hjust, c("left", "right")) - 1
new[is.na(new)] <- 0.5
parse_vjust <- function(vjust) {
new <- match(vjust, c("bottom", "top")) - 1
new[is.na(new)] <- 0.5
# While grid has the 'cex' parameter for relative fontsize, it is tricky
# to assign this correctly. Instead we just resolve relative fontsizes by
# setting the font relative to the 'gt_table' font size.
parse_fontsize <- function(size, base) {
new_size <- rep(base[1], length(size))
# Parse percentages relative to base
pct <- grep("\\%$", size)
if (length(pct) > 0) {
new_size[pct] <- as.numeric(gsub("\\%$", "", size[pct])) / 100 * base
em <- grep("em$", size)
if (length(em) > 0) {
new_size[em] <- as.numeric(gsub("rem$|em$", "", size[em])) * base
# Parse pixels
px <- grep("px$", size)
if (length(px) > 0) {
new_size[px] <- parse_px_to_pt(size[px])
# Parse absolute size keywords
abs <- which(size %in% names(.abs_size_keys))
if (length(abs) > 0) {
new_size[abs] <- unname(.abs_size_keys[size[abs]]) * base
# Return updated sizes
# If not pixel, percentage or keyword, size will be base
# Taken from absolute size keyword mapping table
# https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts/#absolute-size-mapping
.abs_size_keys <- c("xx-small" = 3 / 5, "x-small" = 3 / 4, "small" = 6 / 9,
"medium" = 1, "large" = 6 / 5, "x-large" = 6 / 5,
"xx-large" = 2, "xxx-large" = 3)
# Position keywords
.trbl <- c("top", "right", "bottom", "left")
# Function for resolving individual borders into cell-wise borders
combine_borders <- function(top, right, bottom, left) {
borders <- vctrs::vec_c(top, right, bottom, left)
if (vctrs::vec_size(borders) < 1) {
borders <- vctrs::vec_slice(borders, vctrs::vec_detect_complete(borders))
if (nrow(borders) < 1) {
gp <- grid::gpar(lwd = borders$lwd, lty = borders$lty, col = borders$col,
lineend = "butt")
coords <- .border_join[match(borders$side, .trbl), ]
list(gp = gp, coords = coords)
# Cached border positions
.border_join <- vctrs::data_frame(
# Order is top right bottom left
x0 = c(0, 1, 1, 0),
x1 = c(1, 1, 0, 0),
y0 = c(1, 1, 0, 0),
y1 = c(1, 0, 0, 1)
# Function for changing a style string to key-value pairs.
parse_style <- function(style) {
if (!is.character(style)) {
style <- trimws(strsplit(style, ";")[[1]])
style <- strsplit(style, ":", fixed = TRUE)
valid <- lengths(style) == 2
keys <- trimws(vapply(style[valid], `[[`, character(1L), i = 1))
values <- trimws(vapply(style[valid], `[[`, character(1L), i = 2))
names(values) <- keys
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
undim <- function(x) {
dim(x) <- NULL
insert_before <- function(x, i, value) {
lens <- lengths(value)
if (sum(lens) == 0) {
new <- vctrs::vec_init(x, length(x) + sum(lens))
i <- rep(i, lens)
i <- i + seq_along(i) - 1
new[i] <- unlist(value, recursive = FALSE)
new[-i] <- x
insert_after <- function(x, i, value) {
lens <- lengths(value)
if (sum(lens) == 0) {
new <- vctrs::vec_init(x, length(x) + sum(lens))
i <- rep(i, lens)
i <- i + seq_along(i)
new[i] <- unlist(value, recursive = FALSE)
new[-i] <- x
defaults <- function(x, y) c(x, y[setdiff(names(y), names(x))])
# Classes -----------------------------------------------------------------
grid_resolve_style <- function(layout, data) {
# Fill in css parameters
css <- parse_css(data = data)
# For reasons unknown to me, rows have declared margins but these
# Don't appear to be enforced if I inspect html pages
css$gt_row["margin"] <- "0"
# Translate classes to the css parameters
classes <- layout$classes
lens <- lengths(classes)
classes <- unlist(classes)
content <- vctrs::vec_chop(css[classes], sizes = lens)
# Merge classes
content <- lapply(content, Reduce, f = defaults, right = TRUE)
# Merge in style field
has_style <- which(!is.na(layout$style))
style <- lapply(layout$style[has_style], parse_style)
content[has_style] <- Map(defaults, x = style, y = content[has_style])
# Set defaults from gt_table, except borders
default <- css$gt_table
default <- default[!grepl("border", names(default))]
content <- Map(defaults, x = content, y = list(default))
# Translate to grid parameters
base_size <- parse_px_to_pt(css$gt_table["font-size"])
content <- lapply(content, class_to_grid, base_size = base_size)
.required_fields <-
c("background-color", "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style",
"border-bottom-width", "border-left-color", "border-left-style",
"border-left-width", "border-right-color", "border-right-style",
"border-right-width", "border-top-color", "border-top-style",
"border-top-width", "color", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style",
"font-weight", "margin", "margin-left", "margin-right",
"padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top",
"text-align", "text-indent", "text-transform", "vertical-align",
class_to_grid <- function(values, base_size) {
values <- as.list(values)
missing <- setdiff(.required_fields, names(values))
values[missing] <- list(NULL)
names(values) <- gsub("-", "_", names(values), fixed = TRUE)
out <- with(values, list(
text_gp = grid::gpar(
fontfamily = parse_fontfamily(font_family),
fontsize = parse_fontsize(font_size, base_size),
fontface = parse_fontface(font_weight, font_style),
col = rgba_to_hex(color)
vjust = parse_vjust(vertical_align %||% "bottom"),
hjust = parse_hjust(text_align %||% "left"),
margin = grid::unit(parse_px_to_pt(c(
padding_top %||% 0, padding_right %||% 0,
padding_bottom %||% 0, padding_left %||% 0
)), "pt")
borders <- lapply(.trbl, function(side) {
fields <- paste0("border_", side, "_", c("style", "width", "color"))
style = values[[fields[1]]],
width = values[[fields[2]]],
color = values[[fields[3]]],
side = side
out[c("border_gp", "border_xy")] <- inject(combine_borders(!!!borders))
if (!is.null(values$margin)) {
margin <- parse_px_to_pt(values$margin)
out$margin <- out$margin + grid::unit(margin / 2, "pt")
if (!is.null(values$text_indent)) {
indent <- parse_px_to_pt(values$text_indent)
out$margin[4] <- out$margin[4] + grid::unit(indent, "pt")
if (!is.null(values$background_color)) {
background <- rgba_to_hex(values$background_color)
out$cell_gp <- grid::gpar(fill = background, col = NA)
out[["border"]] <- NULL
# This is a very dumb css parser that is only suitable to parse the css output
# of the gt_styles_default.scss file
parse_css <- function(data) {
# Compile css class definitions
css <- compile_scss(data = data)
css <- strsplit(css, "\n")[[1]]
# Find first and last line of definitions
start <- grep("\\{$", css)
end <- which(css == "}")
if (length(start) != length(end)) {
cli::cli_abort("Formatting in {.fn compile_css} is unexpected.")
# Format class names
names <- css[start] # start of definition
n <- nchar(names)
names <- substr(names, start = 2, stop = n - 2)
# Clean up whitespace and trailing semicolons
css <- trimws(css)
css <- gsub(";", "", css)
# Split up key-value pairs
split <- strsplit(css, ": ", fixed = TRUE)
split[lengths(split) == 2] <- lapply(split[lengths(split) == 2], function(x) {
out <- x[2]
names(out) <- x[[1]]
# Get indices of key-value pairs per class
# +1 to start to skip class name
# -1 to end to skip closing bracket
classes <- Map(`:`, start + 1, end - 1)
names(classes) <- names
classes <- lapply(classes, function(x) unlist(split[x], FALSE))
classes <- classes[startsWith(names(classes), "gt_")]
# There are two entries for gt_table that we merge here
is_table <- which(names(classes) == "gt_table")
table <- Reduce(defaults, classes[is_table])
c(classes[-is_table], list(gt_table = table))
#' @export
plot.gt_tbl <- function(x, y, ...) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.