#' LassoFeaturePlot
#' plot the no-zeor lasso score of feature
#' @param lassoresult
#' @param top
#' @param type
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
LassoFeatruePlot <- function(lassoresult ,top=NULL, type, title, optimal){
# feature importance
featurescore <- lassoresult$feature
# get the max & min
minmax <- c()
for(i in 1:length(featurescore)){
tmpminmax <- c(max(featurescore[[i]][,2]), min(featurescore[[i]][,2]))
minmax <- c(minmax, tmpminmax)
xmin <- min(minmax)
xmax <- max(minmax)
# plot feature impotance
qplot <- function(qdat, top= NULL){
qdat <- qdat[order(qdat$Score), ]
order_Type <- as.character(qdat$Type)
qdat$Type <- factor(qdat$Type, levels = order_Type)
qdat <- tail(qdat, top)
qdat <- arrange(qdat, Score)
order_Type <- as.character(qdat$Type)
qdat$Type <- factor(qdat$Type, levels = order_Type)
qdat$dir <- factor(qdat$dir, levels = c("pos", "neg"))
p <- ggplot(qdat, aes(y=Type,x=Score,color=dir)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits =c(xmin,xmax)) +
geom_segment(xend=0,aes(yend=Type),size=5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#ef3b2c", "#2171b5"))+
xlab("Coefficient estimate")+ylab("")+ggtitle(title)+mytheme
qlist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(featurescore)){
qlist[[i]] <- qplot(featurescore[[i]])
# predict performance
model <- lassoresult$model
predict <- predict(lassoresult$model, lassoresult$x, type = type, s=optimal)
qdat <- data.frame(Ture = lassoresult$y, Predict = predict[,1])
if(type == "auc" | type=="response"){
p2 <- rocPlot(response = as.factor(qdat$Ture), predict = qdat$Predict)
text <- round(cor(qdat[,1], qdat[,2], method = "s"), 2)
grob <- grobTree(textGrob(paste0(title,"Spearman = ", text), x=0.1, y=0.95, hjust=0,
gp=gpar(col="red", fontsize=13, fontface="italic")))
p2 <- ggplot(qdat, aes(x = Ture, y = Predict))+geom_point()+xlab("Actual Value(scale)")+
ylab("Predict Value(scale)")+
return(list(qlist, p2))
#' CvLasso
#' select feature & predict performance using lasso method
#' @param responsetag
#' @param response
#' @param microbio
#' @param transformM
#' @param normalization
#' @param family
#' @param numfold
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @import glmnet
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
CvLasso <- function(responsetag, response, microbio, transformM = "IQN",
normalization=NULL, family, numfold, optimal,...){
# notice the type parameter depend on your family
# match the sample ID
id <- intersect(rownames(response), rownames(microbio))
print(paste0("the sample size is ", length(id)))
# to transform the data
tmp <- microbio[id, ]
invt <- function(x){qnorm((rank(x,na.last="keep")-0.5)/sum(!is.na(x)))}
AST <- function(x) {return(sign(x) * asin(sqrt(abs(x))))}
if(transformM == "IQN"){
mdat <- as.data.frame(apply(tmp, 2, invt))
}else if(transformM == "AST"){
mdat <- as.data.frame(apply(tmp, 2, AST))
mdat <- tmp
mdat2 <- data.frame(cbind(response[id, responsetag, drop =F] , mdat))
}else if(normalization=="IQN"){
mdat2 <- data.frame(tmpvar <- invt(response[id, responsetag, drop =F]) , mdat)
}else if(normalization=="scale"){
mdat2 <- data.frame(tmpvar <- scale(response[id, responsetag, drop =F]) , mdat)
# rm the na row
mdat2 <- mdat2[!is.na(mdat2[,1]), ]
# lasso model
if(nrow(mdat2) < 10){
stop("the sample number is below 10, please check the number!")
# model
if(family == "binomial"){
lasso <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(mdat2[,-1]),
family = family,
nfolds = numfold,
alpha = 1,
nlambda = 100,
keep = T,...)
lasso <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(mdat2[,-1]),
family = family,
nfolds = numfold,
alpha = 1,
nlambda = 100,
keep = T,...)
# feature importance
featurescore <- list()
lasso.mk <- coef(lasso, lasso$lambda.1se)
lasso.mk <- coef(lasso, lasso$lambda.min)
if(family != "multinomial"){
featurescore[[1]] <- data.frame(as.matrix(lasso.mk)) %>%
setNames("Score") %>%
rownames_to_column("Type") %>%
slice(-c(1:2)) %>%
filter(Score!=0) %>%
mutate(dir = ifelse(Score >0 ,"pos", "neg"))%>%
}else if(family == "multinomial"){
for(i in 1:length(lasso.mk)){
featurescore[[i]] <- data.frame(as.matrix(lasso.mk[[i]])) %>%
setNames("Score") %>%
rownames_to_column("Type") %>%
slice(-c(1:2)) %>%
filter(Score!=0) %>% mutate(dir = ifelse(Score >0 ,"pos", "neg"))%>%
out <- list(model = lasso, x=as.matrix(mdat2[,-1]),
y=mdat2[,1], feature=featurescore)
## random foreset
#' randomForestTwo
#' two class randomforest model
#' @param data data.frame or matrix,species data or metabolism data, row is sample ID
#' @param metadata data.frame or matrix, 0/1 response dataset, row is sample ID
#' @param response character, response feature name
#' @param repeatNum numberic, repeat number of feeature selection produce
#' @param foldNum numberic, cross validation
#' @param factorLev vector, 0/1 factor name
#' @return list
#' @import caret
#' @export
#' @examples
randomForestTwo <- function(data, metadata, response, repeatNum, foldNum, factorLev){
# feature selection function
features <- function(trainx, trainy, foldNum, repeatNum){
# make sure data & config 's sample is same
index <- nearZeroVar(trainx) # find the zero-variance var
if(length(index) == 0){data.cle <- trainx}else{data.cle <- trainx[, -index]}
# if feature over 100, only add 10 repeats compution
# if the sample number is small, set the feature number not higher the sample number
numsample <- nrow(trainx)
if(ncol(data.cle) >= 100 & numsample>=100){
subsets <- c(1:100,seq(101, ncol(data.cle), by=ceiling(ncol(data.cle)-100)/10))
}else if(numsample<100 & ncol(data.cle) > numsample){
subsets <- c(1:numsample)
subsets <- c(1:ncol(data.cle))
if(foldNum == "leaveone"){
ctrl = rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs,
method = "cv", number = numsample, repeats = repeatNum,
verbose = FALSE, returnResamp = "all", saveDetails = T,
ctrl = rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs,
# rerank = TRUE, # iteration produce to recaluate the feature importance
method = "cv", number = foldNum, repeats = repeatNum,
verbose = FALSE, returnResamp = "all", saveDetails = T,
Profile = rfe(data.cle, trainy, sizes = subsets, rfeControl = ctrl)
# model produce
model <- function(trainx, trainy, foldNum){
# set the mtry
if(ncol(trainx) <= 4 || is.null(ncol(trainx))){
grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 2)
grid <- expand.grid(mtry = seq(2,floor(sqrt(ncol(trainx))), by=1))
if(foldNum == "leaveone"){
ctrl <- trainControl(method="LOOCV",
summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, # Use AUC to pick the best model
sampling = "up")
ctrl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number = foldNum, repeats = 10,
summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, # Use AUC to pick the best model
sampling = "up")
rf <- train(trainx, trainy,
method = "rf", # Radial kernel
tuneGrid = grid, #
# wilcox test to get direction
testdir <- function(data){
dir <- c()
for(i in 1:(ncol(data)-1)){
x <- data[,i]
y <- data$y
meanr <- tapply(rank(x), y, mean)
dir[i] <- ifelse(meanr[1] > meanr[2], factorLev[1], factorLev[2])
pvalue <- wilcox.test(x~y)$p.value
dir[i] <- ifelse(pvalue <0.05, dir[i], "none")
# ready data
id <- intersect(rownames(data), rownames(metadata))
trainy <- metadata[id , response]
trainx <- data[id, ]
naindex <- which(is.na(trainy)) # rm the NA response
trainx <- trainx[-naindex, ]
trainy <- trainy[-naindex]
trainy <- as.factor(trainy)
levels(trainy) <- factorLev
# feature selection , can impove the repeatNum to makesure get more rubust the feature
featureRes <- features(trainx = trainx, trainy = trainy, foldNum = foldNum, repeatNum = repeatNum)
opt <- featureRes$optVariables
mod <- model(trainx = trainx[,opt,drop=F], trainy = trainy, foldNum = foldNum)
feature <- as.data.frame(mod$finalModel$importance)
data <- as.data.frame(trainx[,rownames(feature), drop=F])
data$y <- trainy
dir <- testdir(data)
feature$dir <- dir
out <- list(varSel = featureRes, feature = feature , model = mod)
# model result plot
#' perfPlot
#' performance of randomForesttwo
#' @param randomRes obeject of randomForesttwo
#' @param title charcter, title of figure
#' @return
#' @import pROC
#' @import plotROC
#' @import ggpubr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
perfPlot <- function(randomRes, title){
model <- randomRes$model
besttune <- as.numeric(model$bestTune)
resample <- model$pred[model$pred$mtry == besttune, ]
# roc plot
roc <- rocPlot2(resample$obs, resample[,4], title=title)
# feature plot
feature <- randomRes$feature
feature$feature <- rownames(feature)
featureim <- ggpubr::ggbarplot(feature, x = "feature", y = "MeanDecreaseGini",
fill = "dir",
color = "white",
palette = "jco",
sort.val = "desc",
sort.by.groups = FALSE,
x.text.angle = 90)
out <- list(roc, featureim)
#' randomForestTworobust
#' @param data
#' @param metadata
#' @param response
#' @param repeatNum
#' @param foldNum
#' @param factorLev
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
randomForestTworobust <- function(data, metadata, response, repeatNum, foldNum, factorLev){
# feature selection function
features <- function(trainx, trainy, repeatNum){
# make sure data & config 's sample is same
index <- nearZeroVar(trainx) # find the zero-variance var
if(length(index) == 0){data.cle <- trainx}else{data.cle <- trainx[, -index]}
# if feature over 100, only add 10 repeats compution
if(ncol(data.cle) >= 100){
subsets <- c(1:100,seq(101, ncol(data.cle), by=ceiling(ncol(data.cle)-100)/10))
subsets <- c(1:ncol(data.cle))
ctrl = rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs, method = "cv", repeats = repeatNum,
verbose = FALSE, returnResamp = "final", saveDetails = T,
Profile = rfe(data.cle, trainy, sizes = subsets, rfeControl = ctrl)
model <- function(trainx, trainy, foldNum){
# set the mtry
if(ncol(trainx) <= 4 || is.null(ncol(trainx))){
grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 2)
grid <- expand.grid(mtry = seq(2,floor(sqrt(ncol(trainx))), by=1))
ctrl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number = foldNum, repeats = 10,
summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, # Use AUC to pick the best model
sampling = "up")
rf <- train(trainx, trainy,
method = "rf", # Radial kernel
tuneGrid = grid, #
# ready data
id <- intersect(rownames(data), rownames(metadata))
trainy <- metadata[id , response]
trainx <- data[id, ]
naindex <- which(is.na(trainy)) # rm the NA response
trainx <- trainx[-naindex, ]
trainy <- trainy[-naindex]
trainy <- as.factor(trainy)
levels(trainy) <- factorLev
# split the data & get the cv dataset
if(foldNum == "leaveone"){
foldNum <- length(trainy)
foldlist <- createFolds(trainy, foldNum)
# output
featurelist <- list()
pred <- c()
ture <- c()
for(i in 1:foldNum){
trainxsub <- trainx[-foldlist[[i]], ]
trainysub <- trainy[-foldlist[[i]]]
testxsub <- trainx[foldlist[[i]], ]
testysub <- trainy[foldlist[[i]]]
featureRes <- features(trainx = trainxsub, trainy = trainysub, repeatNum = repeatNum)
opt <- featureRes$optVariables
mod <- model(trainx = trainxsub[,opt, drop=F], trainy = trainysub, foldNum = 5)
featurelist[[i]] <- mod$finalModel$importance
pred <- c(pred, predict(mod, testxsub[, opt, drop=F],type="prob")[,2])
ture <- c(ture, testysub)
preddat <- data.frame(predV = pred, obsV = ture)
out <- list(feature = featurelist, cvres = preddat)
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