
Defines functions process_mgi_data process_hgnc_data download_mgi_data download_hgnc_data .get_bioc_cache Metrics_Single_File_v9plus Metrics_Single_File Metrics_Multi_VDJT Metrics_Multi_GEX Metrics_Count_GEX_v9plus Metrics_Count_GEX Is_Color drop_single_value_cols check_whole_num symdiff Middle_Number ExtractField Percent_Expressing_Meta PercentAbove_Seurat Return_QC_Defaults Add_IEG_Seurat Add_MSigDB_Seurat Retrieve_Dual_Ribo_Features Retrieve_Dual_Mito_Features Retrieve_IEG_Ensembl_Lists Retrieve_IEG_Lists Retrieve_MSigDB_Ensembl_Lists Retrieve_MSigDB_Lists Retrieve_Ensembl_Hemo Retrieve_Ensembl_Ribo Retrieve_Ensembl_Mito replace_null yesno glue_collapse_scCustom stop_quietly Feature_PreCheck Assay5_Check Assay_Present Is_LIGER Is_Seurat `%||%` `%iff%`

#################### Operators ####################

#' Set a default value if an object is NOT null
#' @param lhs An object to set if it's NOT null
#' @param rhs The value to provide if x is NOT null
#' @return lhs if lhs is null, else rhs
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @references \url{https://adv-r.hadley.nz/functions.html#missing-arguments}
#' @noRd

`%iff%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  if (!is.null(x = lhs)) {
  } else {

#' Set a default value if an object is null
#' @param lhs An object to set if it's null
#' @param rhs The value to provide if x is null
#' @return rhs if lhs is null, else lhs
#' @author Hadley Wickham
#' @references \url{https://adv-r.hadley.nz/functions.html#missing-arguments}
#' @noRd

`%||%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  if (!is.null(x = lhs)) {
  } else {

#################### Object/Feature Checks ####################

#' Check Seurat Object
#' Checks if object is of class: Seurat and returns error message if not.
#' @param seurat_object Seurat object name.
#' @import cli
#' @return error if not Seurat object.
#' @noRd

Is_Seurat <- function(
) {
  if (!inherits(what = "Seurat", x = seurat_object)) {
    cli_abort(message = "{.code seurat_object} provided is not an object of class: Seurat.")

#' Check LIGER Object
#' Checks if object is of class: liger and returns error message if not.
#' @param liger_object liger object name.
#' @import cli
#' @return error is not LIGER object
#' @noRd

Is_LIGER <- function(
) {
  if (class(x = liger_object)[[1]] != "liger") {
    cli_abort(message = "{.code liger_object} provided is not an object of class: liger")

#' Check for assays present in object
#' Checks Seurat object for the presence of assays against list of specified assays
#' @param seurat_object Seurat object name.
#' @param assay_list vector of genes to check.
#' @param print_msg logical. Whether message should be printed if all features are found.  Default is TRUE.
#' @param omit_warn logical. Whether to print message about features that are not found in current object.
#' @import cli
#' @return List of found vs not found assays.
#' @noRd

Assay_Present <- function(
  print_msg = TRUE,
  omit_warn = TRUE
) {
  # Check Seurat
  Is_Seurat(seurat_object = seurat_object)

  # get all features
  possible_assays <- Assays(object = seurat_object)

  # If any features not found
  if (any(!assay_list %in% possible_assays)) {
    bad_assays <- assay_list[!assay_list %in% possible_assays]
    found_assays <- assay_list[assay_list %in% possible_assays]
    if (length(x = found_assays) == 0) {
      cli_abort(message = "No requested assays found.")

    # Return message of assays not found
    if (length(x = bad_assays) > 0 && isTRUE(x = omit_warn)) {
      cli_warn(message = c("The following assays were omitted as they were not found:",
                           "i" = "{.field {glue_collapse_scCustom(input_string = bad_assays, and = TRUE)}}.")

    # Combine into list and return
    assay_list <- list(
      found_assays = found_assays,
      bad_assays = bad_assays

  # Print all found message if TRUE
  if (isTRUE(x = print_msg)) {
    cli_inform(message = "All assays present.")

  # Return full input gene list.
  # Combine into list and return
  assay_list <- list(
    found_assays = assay_list,
    bad_assays = NULL

#' Check whether assay is V5
#' Checks Seurat object to verify whether it is composed of "Assay" or "Assay5" slots.
#' @param seurat_object Seurat object name.
#' @param assay name of assay to check, default is NULL.
#' @return TRUE if seurat_object contains "Assay5" class.
#' @noRd

Assay5_Check <- function(
    assay = NULL
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = seurat_object)

  if (inherits(x = seurat_object@assays[[assay]], what = "Assay")) {
  if (inherits(x = seurat_object@assays[[assay]], what = "Assay5")) {

#' Perform Feature and Meta Checks before plotting
#' Wraps the `Feature_Present`, `Meta_Present`, `Reduction_Loading_Present`, and `Case_Check` into
#' single function to perform feature checks before plotting.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param features vector of features and/or meta data variables to plot.
#' @param assay Assay to use (default all assays present).
#' @return vector of features and/or meta data that were found in object.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal

Feature_PreCheck <- function(
    assay = NULL
) {
  # set assay (if null set to active assay)
  assay <- assay %||% Assays(object = object)

  # Check features and meta to determine which features present
  features_list <- Feature_Present(data = object, features = features, omit_warn = FALSE, print_msg = FALSE, case_check_msg = FALSE, return_none = TRUE, seurat_assay = assay)

  meta_list <- Meta_Present(object = object, meta_col_names = features_list[[2]], omit_warn = FALSE, print_msg = FALSE, return_none = TRUE)

  reduction_list <- Reduction_Loading_Present(seurat_object = object, reduction_names = meta_list[[2]], omit_warn = FALSE, print_msg = FALSE, return_none = TRUE)

  all_not_found_features <- reduction_list[[2]]

  all_found_features <- c(features_list[[1]], meta_list[[1]], reduction_list[[1]])

  # Stop if no features found
  if (length(x = all_found_features) < 1) {
    cli_abort(message = c("No features were found.",
                          "*" = "The following are not present in object:",
                          "i" = "{.field {glue_collapse_scCustom(input_string = all_not_found_features, and = TRUE)}}")

  # Return message of features not found
  if (length(x = all_not_found_features) > 0) {
    op <- options(warn = 1)
    cli_warn(message = c("The following features were omitted as they were not found:",
                         "i" = "{.field {glue_collapse_scCustom(input_string = all_not_found_features, and = TRUE)}}")

  # Check feature case and message if found
  Case_Check(seurat_object = object, gene_list = all_not_found_features, case_check_msg = TRUE, return_features = FALSE)

  # return all found features

#################### FUNCTION HELPERS ####################

#' Stop function without error message
#' Modifies R options within the function call only to hide the error message from `stop` while
#' keeping global options preserved outside of function.
#' @return stops function without error message
#' @author Stibu
#' @references \url{https://stackoverflow.com/a/42945293/15568251}
#' @details \url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}
#' @noRd

stop_quietly <- function() {
  opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)

#' Custom glue collapse
#' Customized glue_collapse that is based on the number of items in input list
#' @param input_string input string to be collapsed.
#' @param and logical.  Whether to use "and" or "or" in the collapsed string
#' @return collapsed string
#' @importFrom glue glue_collapse
#' @noRd

glue_collapse_scCustom <- function(
  and = TRUE
) {
  # Check length of input string
  input_length <- length(x = input_string)

  # set last seperator
  if (isTRUE(x = and)) {
    last_sep <- " and "
  } else {
    last_sep <- " or "

  if (input_length <= 3) {
    glue_collapse(x = input_string, sep = ", ", last = last_sep)
  } else {
    glue_collapse(x = input_string, sep = ", ", last = paste0(",", last_sep))

#' Ask yes/no question to proceed
#' Asks the user to answer yes/no question and returns logical value depending on
#' the answer.
#' @return logical
#' @references function modified from function in devtools R package (License: MIT) \url{https://github.com/r-lib/devtools}.
#' @details \url{https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/blob/9f27cc3e6335e74d6f51ed331509ebda56747901/R/release.R#L147-L156}.
#' @import cli
#' @noRd

yesno <- function(msg, .envir = parent.frame()) {
  yeses <- c("Yes")
  nos <- c("No")

  cli_inform(message = msg, .envir = .envir)
  qs <- c("Yes", "No")
  rand <- sample(length(qs))

  utils::menu(qs[rand]) != which(rand == 1)

#' Change function parameter value from NULL to NA
#' Provides method to change parameter value dynamically within function to suit defaults of other functions.
#' Used in iterative plotting functions.
#' @param parameter the parameter to check for NULL
#' @return if NULL returns NA otherwise returns input value.
#' @import cli
#' @noRd

replace_null <- function(
) {
  # check length
  if (length(x = parameter) > 1) {
    cli_abort(message = "{.code parameter} must be single value.")

  # check NULL and swap NA
  if (is.null(x = parameter)) {
    parameter <- NA

#################### QC HELPERS ####################

#' Ensembl Mito IDs
#' Retrieves Ensembl IDs for mitochondrial genes
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return vector of Ensembl Gene IDs
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_Ensembl_Mito <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  if (species %in% marmoset_options) {
    cli_abort(message = "Marmoset mitochondrial genome is not part of current Ensembl build.")

  if (species %in% mouse_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Mus_musculus_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% human_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Homo_sapiens_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% zebrafish_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Danio_rerio_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% rat_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Rattus_norvegicus_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% drosophila_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Drosophila_melanogaster_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% macaque_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Macaca_mulatta_mito_ensembl
  if (species %in% chicken_options) {
    mito_ensembl <- ensembl_mito_id$Gallus_gallus_mito_ensembl


#' Ensembl Ribo IDs
#' Retrieves Ensembl IDs for ribosomal genes
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return vector of Ensembl Gene IDs
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_Ensembl_Ribo <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  if (species %in% mouse_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Mus_musculus_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% human_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Homo_sapiens_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% zebrafish_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Danio_rerio_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% rat_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Rattus_norvegicus_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% drosophila_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Drosophila_melanogaster_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% macaque_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Macaca_mulatta_ribo_ensembl
  if (species %in% chicken_options) {
    ribo_ensembl <- ensembl_ribo_id$Gallus_gallus_ribo_ensembl


#' Ensembl Hemo IDs
#' Retrieves Ensembl IDs for hemoglobin genes
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return vector of Ensembl Gene IDs
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_Ensembl_Hemo <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  if (species %in% mouse_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Mus_musculus_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% human_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Homo_sapiens_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% zebrafish_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Danio_rerio_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% rat_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Rattus_norvegicus_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% drosophila_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Drosophila_melanogaster_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% macaque_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Macaca_mulatta_hemo_ensembl
  if (species %in% chicken_options) {
    hemo_ensembl <- ensembl_hemo_id$Gallus_gallus_hemo_ensembl


#' Retrieve MSigDB Gene Lists
#' Retrieves species specific gene lists for MSigDB QC Hallmark lists: "HALLMARK_OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORYLATION",
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return list of 3 sets of gene_symbols
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_MSigDB_Lists <- function(
) {
   # Accepted species names
   accepted_names <- data.frame(
     Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
     Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
     Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
     Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
     Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
     Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
     Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
     Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

   # Species Spelling Options
   mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
   human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
   marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
   zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
   rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
   drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
   macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
   chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

   if (species %in% marmoset_options) {
     cli_abort(message = "Marmoset is not currently a part of MSigDB gene list database.")

   # set prefix
   if (species %in% mouse_options) {
     prefix <- "Mus_musculus_"
   if (species %in% human_options) {
     prefix <- "Homo_sapiens_"
   if (species %in% zebrafish_options) {
     prefix <- "Dario_rerio_"
   if (species %in% rat_options) {
     prefix <- "Rattus_norvegicus_"
   if (species %in% drosophila_options) {
     prefix <- "Drosophila_melanogaster_"
   if (species %in% macaque_options) {
     prefix <- "Macaca_mulatta_"

   # set list names
   oxphos <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_oxphos")
   apop <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_apop")
   dna_repair <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_dna_repair")

   # pull lists
   qc_gene_list <- list(
     oxphos = msigdb_qc_gene_list[[oxphos]],
     apop = msigdb_qc_gene_list[[apop]],
     dna_repair = msigdb_qc_gene_list[[dna_repair]]


#' Retrieve MSigDB Ensembl Lists
#' Retrieves species specific gene lists (ensembl IDs) for MSigDB QC Hallmark lists: "HALLMARK_OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORYLATION",
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return list of 3 sets of ensembl IDs
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_MSigDB_Ensembl_Lists <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  if (species %in% marmoset_options) {
    cli_abort(message = "Marmoset is not currently a part of MSigDB gene list database.")

  # set prefix
  if (species %in% mouse_options) {
    prefix <- "Mus_musculus_"
  if (species %in% human_options) {
    prefix <- "Homo_sapiens_"
  if (species %in% zebrafish_options) {
    prefix <- "Dario_rerio_"
  if (species %in% rat_options) {
    prefix <- "Rattus_norvegicus_"
  if (species %in% drosophila_options) {
    prefix <- "Drosophila_melanogaster_"
  if (species %in% macaque_options) {
    prefix <- "Macaca_mulatta_"

  # set list names
  oxphos <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_oxphos")
  apop <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_apop")
  dna_repair <- paste0(prefix, "msigdb_dna_repair")

  # pull lists
  qc_gene_list <- list(
    oxphos = msigdb_qc_ensembl_list[[oxphos]],
    apop = msigdb_qc_ensembl_list[[apop]],
    dna_repair = msigdb_qc_ensembl_list[[dna_repair]]


#' Retrieve IEG Gene Lists
#' Retrieves species specific IEG gene lists
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return list of 2 sets of gene_symbols
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_IEG_Lists <- function(
) {
   # Accepted species names
   accepted_names <- data.frame(
     Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
     Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
     Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
     Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
     Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
     Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
     Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
     Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

   # Species Spelling Options
   mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
   human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
   marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
   zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
   rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
   drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
   macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
   chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

   if (species %in% c(marmoset_options, zebrafish_options, rat_options, drosophila_options, macaque_options)) {
     cli_abort(message = "Rat, Marmoset, Macaque, Zebrafish, and Drosophila are not currently supported.")

   # set prefix
   if (species %in% mouse_options) {
     prefix <- "Mus_musculus_"
   if (species %in% human_options) {
     prefix <- "Homo_sapiens_"

   # set list names
   ieg <- paste0(prefix, "IEG")

   # pull lists
   qc_gene_list <- list(
     ieg = ieg_gene_list[[ieg]]


#' Retrieve IEG Gene Lists (Ensembl)
#' Retrieves species specific IEG gene lists with ensembl IDs
#' @param species species to retrieve IDs.
#' @return list of 2 sets of ensembl IDs
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_IEG_Ensembl_Lists <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  if (species %in% c(marmoset_options, zebrafish_options, rat_options, drosophila_options, macaque_options)) {
    cli_abort(message = "Rat, Marmoset, Macaque, Zebrafish, and Drosophila are not currently supported.")

  # set prefix
  if (species %in% mouse_options) {
    prefix <- "Mus_musculus_"
  if (species %in% human_options) {
    prefix <- "Homo_sapiens_"

  # set list names
  ieg <- paste0(prefix, "IEG_ensembl")

  # pull lists
  qc_gene_list <- list(
    ieg = ensembl_ieg_list[[ieg]]


#' Retrieve dual species gene lists mitochondrial
#' Returns vector of all mitochondrial genes across all species in dataset.
#' @param seurat_object object name.
#' @param species Species of origin for given Seurat Object.  Only accepted species are: mouse, human,
#' zebrafish, rat, drosophila, rhesus macaque, or chicken (name or abbreviation).
#' @param species_prefix the species prefix in front of gene symbols in object.
#' @param assay Assay to use (default is the current object default assay).
#' @return vector of gene ids
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_Dual_Mito_Features <- function(
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  mito_features_list <- lapply(1:length(x = species), function(x) {
    if (species[x] %in% mouse_options) {
      mito_pattern <- "mt-"
    if (species[x] %in% human_options) {
      mito_pattern <- "MT-"
    if (species[x] %in% c(marmoset_options, macaque_options, chicken_options)) {
      mito_features <- c("ATP6", "ATP8", "COX1", "COX2", "COX3", "CYTB", "ND1", "ND2", "ND3", "ND4", "ND4L", "ND5", "ND6")
    if (species[x] %in% zebrafish_options) {
      mito_pattern <- "mt-"
    if (species[x] %in% rat_options) {
      mito_pattern <- "Mt-"
    if (species[x] %in% drosophila_options) {
      mito_pattern <- "mt:"

    mito_pattern <- paste0("^", species_prefix[x], mito_pattern)

    mito_features <- grep(pattern = mito_pattern, x = rownames(x = object[[assay]]), value = TRUE)

    # Check features are present in object
    length_mito_features <- length(x = intersect(x = mito_features, y = rownames(x = object[[assay]])))

    # Check length of mito and ribo features found in object
    if (length_mito_features < 1) {
      cli_warn(message = c("No Mito features found in object using pattern/feature list provided.",
                           "i" = "No column will be added to meta.data.")

  # combine the lists
  full_list <- unlist(x = mito_features_list)


#' Retrieve dual species gene lists ribosomal
#' Returns vector of all ribosomal genes across all species in dataset.
#' @param seurat_object object name.
#' @param species Species of origin for given Seurat Object.  Only accepted species are: mouse, human,
#' zebrafish, rat, drosophila, rhesus macaque, or chicken (name or abbreviation).
#' @param species_prefix the species prefix in front of gene symbols in object.
#' @param assay Assay to use (default is the current object default assay).
#' @return vector of gene ids
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Retrieve_Dual_Ribo_Features <- function(
    assay = NULL
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- data.frame(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  # Species Spelling Options
  mouse_options <- accepted_names$Mouse_Options
  human_options <- accepted_names$Human_Options
  marmoset_options <- accepted_names$Marmoset_Options
  zebrafish_options <- accepted_names$Zebrafish_Options
  rat_options <- accepted_names$Rat_Options
  drosophila_options <- accepted_names$Drosophila_Options
  macaque_options <- accepted_names$Macaque_Options
  chicken_options <- accepted_names$Chicken_Options

  ribo_features_list <- lapply(1:length(x = species), function(x) {
    if (species[x] %in% mouse_options) {
      ribo_pattern <- "Rp[sl]"
    if (species[x] %in% human_options) {
      ribo_pattern <- "RP[SL]"
    if (species[x] %in% c(marmoset_options, macaque_options, chicken_options)) {
      ribo_pattern <- "RP[SL]"
    if (species[x] %in% zebrafish_options) {
      ribo_pattern <- "rp[sl]"
    if (species[x] %in% rat_options) {
      ribo_pattern <- "Rp[sl]"
    if (species[x] %in% drosophila_options) {
      ribo_pattern <- "Rp[SL]"

    ribo_pattern <- paste0("^", species_prefix[x], ribo_pattern)

    ribo_features <- grep(pattern = ribo_pattern, x = rownames(x = object[[assay]]), value = TRUE)

    # Check features are present in object
    length_ribo_features <- length(x = intersect(x = ribo_features, y = rownames(x = object[[assay]])))

    # Check length of mito and ribo features found in object
    if (length_ribo_features < 1) {
      cli_warn(message = c("No Ribo features found in object using pattern/feature list provided.",
                           "i" = "No column will be added to meta.data.")


  # combine the lists
  full_list <- unlist(x = ribo_features_list)


#' Add MSigDB Gene Lists Percentages
#' Adds percentage of counts from 3 hallmark MSigDB hallmark gene sets: "HALLMARK_OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORYLATION",
#' @param seurat_object object name.
#' @param species Species of origin for given Seurat Object.  Only accepted species are: mouse, human,
#' zebrafish, rat, drosophila, rhesus macaque, or chicken (name or abbreviation)
#' @param oxphos_name name to use for the new meta.data column containing percent MSigDB Hallmark oxidative
#' phosphorylation counts. Default is "percent_oxphos".
#' @param apop_name name to use for the new meta.data column containing percent MSigDB Hallmark apoptosis counts.
#' Default is "percent_apop".
#' @param dna_repair_name name to use for the new meta.data column containing percent MSigDB Hallmark DNA repair counts.
#' Default is "percent_oxphos".
#' @param ensembl_ids logical, whether feature names in the object are gene names or
#' ensembl IDs (default is FALSE; set TRUE if feature names are ensembl IDs).
#' @param assay Assay to use (default is the current object default assay).
#' @param overwrite Logical.  Whether to overwrite existing meta.data columns.  Default is FALSE meaning that
#' function will abort if columns with any one of the names provided to `mito_name` `ribo_name` or
#' `mito_ribo_name` is present in meta.data slot.
#' @return Seurat object
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Add_MSigDB_Seurat <- function(
    oxphos_name = "percent_oxphos",
    apop_name = "percent_apop",
    dna_repair_name = "percent_dna_repair",
    ensembl_ids = FALSE,
    assay = NULL,
    overwrite = FALSE
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- list(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  if (!species %in% unlist(x = accepted_names)) {
    cli_inform(message = "The supplied species ({.field {species}}) is not currently supported.")

  # Check Seurat
  Is_Seurat(seurat_object = seurat_object)

  # Check name collision
  if (any(duplicated(x = c(oxphos_name, apop_name, dna_repair_name)))) {
    cli_abort(message = "One or more of values provided to {.code oxphos_name}, {.code apop_name}, {.code dna_repair_name} are identical.")

  # Overwrite check
  if (oxphos_name %in% colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data) || apop_name %in% colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data) || dna_repair_name %in% colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data)) {
    if (isFALSE(x = overwrite)) {
      cli_abort(message = c("Columns with {.val {oxphos_name}} and/or {.val {apop_name}} already present in meta.data slot.",
                            "i" = "*To run function and overwrite columns set parameter {.code overwrite = TRUE} or change respective {.code oxphos_name}, {.code apop_name}, and/or {.code dna_repair_name}*")
    cli_inform(message = c("Columns with {.val {oxphos_name}} and/or {.val {apop_name}} already present in meta.data slot.",
                           "i" = "Overwriting those columns as {.code overwrite = TRUE.}")

  # Set default assay
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = seurat_object)

  # Retrieve gene lists
  if (isFALSE(x = ensembl_ids)) {
    msigdb_gene_list <- Retrieve_MSigDB_Lists(species = species)
  } else {
    msigdb_gene_list <- Retrieve_MSigDB_Ensembl_Lists(species = species)

  oxphos_found <- Feature_PreCheck(object = seurat_object, features = msigdb_gene_list[["oxphos"]])
  apop_found <- Feature_PreCheck(object = seurat_object, features = msigdb_gene_list[["apop"]])
  dna_repair_found <- Feature_PreCheck(object = seurat_object, features = msigdb_gene_list[["dna_repair"]])

  # Add meta data columns
  if (length(x = oxphos_found) > 0) {
    seurat_object[[oxphos_name]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = seurat_object, features = oxphos_found, assay = assay)
  if (length(x = apop_found) > 0) {
    seurat_object[[apop_name]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = seurat_object, features = apop_found, assay = assay)
  if (length(x = dna_repair_found) > 0) {
    seurat_object[[dna_repair_name]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = seurat_object, features = dna_repair_found, assay = assay)

  # Log Command
  seurat_object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = seurat_object)

  # return final object

#' Add IEG Gene List Percentages
#' Adds percentage of counts from IEG genes from mouse and human.
#' @param seurat_object object name.
#' @param species Species of origin for given Seurat Object.  Only accepted species are: mouse, human (name or abbreviation).
#' @param ieg_name name to use for the new meta.data column containing percent IEG gene counts. Default is "percent_ieg".
#' @param ensembl_ids logical, whether feature names in the object are gene names or
#' ensembl IDs (default is FALSE; set TRUE if feature names are ensembl IDs).
#' @param assay Assay to use (default is the current object default assay).
#' @param overwrite Logical.  Whether to overwrite existing meta.data columns.  Default is FALSE meaning that
#' function will abort if columns with the name provided to `ieg_name` is present in meta.data slot.
#' @return Seurat object
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Add_IEG_Seurat <- function(
    ieg_name = "percent_ieg",
    ensembl_ids = FALSE,
    assay = NULL,
    overwrite = FALSE
) {
  # Accepted species names
  accepted_names <- list(
    Mouse_Options = c("Mouse", "mouse", "Ms", "ms", "Mm", "mm"),
    Human_Options = c("Human", "human", "Hu", "hu", "Hs", "hs"),
    Marmoset_Options = c("Marmoset", "marmoset", "CJ", "Cj", "cj", NA),
    Zebrafish_Options = c("Zebrafish", "zebrafish", "DR", "Dr", "dr", NA),
    Rat_Options = c("Rat", "rat", "RN", "Rn", "rn", NA),
    Drosophila_Options = c("Drosophila", "drosophila", "DM", "Dm", "dm", NA),
    Macaque_Options = c("Macaque", "macaque", "Rhesus", "macaca", "mmulatta", NA),
    Chicken_Options = c("Chicken", "chicken", "Gallus", "gallus", "Gg", "gg")

  if (!species %in% unlist(x = accepted_names)) {
    cli_inform(message = "The supplied species ({.field {species}}) is not currently supported.")

  # Check Seurat
  Is_Seurat(seurat_object = seurat_object)

  # Overwrite check
  if (ieg_name %in% colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data)) {
    if (isFALSE(x = overwrite)) {
      cli_abort(message = c("Column with {.val {ieg_name}} already present in meta.data slot.",
                            "i" = "*To run function and overwrite column set parameter {.code overwrite = TRUE} or change respective {.code ieg_name}*")
    cli_inform(message = c("Column with {.val {ieg_name}} already present in meta.data slot.",
                           "i" = "Overwriting those column as {.code overwrite = TRUE.}")

  # Set default assay
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = seurat_object)

  # Retrieve gene lists
  if (isFALSE(x = ensembl_ids)) {
    ieg_gene_list <- Retrieve_IEG_Lists(species = species)
  } else {
    ieg_gene_list <- Retrieve_IEG_Ensembl_Lists(species = species)

  ieg_found <- Feature_PreCheck(object = seurat_object, features = ieg_gene_list[["ieg"]])

  # Add mito and ribo columns
  if (length(x = ieg_found) > 0) {
    seurat_object[[ieg_name]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = seurat_object, features = ieg_found, assay = assay)

  # Log Command
  seurat_object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = seurat_object)

  # return final object

#' Return default QC features
#' Returns default QC features full names when provided with shortcut name.
#' @param seurat_object object name.
#' @param features vector of features to check against defaults.
#' @param print_defaults return the potential accepted default values.
#' @return list of found and not found features
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Return_QC_Defaults <- function(
    print_defaults = FALSE
) {
  # default values
  feature_defaults <- list(
    feature = c("features", "Features", "genes", "Genes"),
    UMIs = c("counts", "Counts", "umis", "umi", "UMI", "UMIs", "UMIS"),
    mito = c("mito", "Mito"),
    ribo = c("ribo", "Ribo"),
    mito_ribo = c("mito_ribo", "Mito_Ribo"),
    complexity = c("complexity", "Complexity"),
    top_pct = c("top_pct", "Top_Pct"),
    IEG = c("ieg", "IEG"),
    OXPHOS = c("oxphos", "OXPHOS"),
    APOP = c("apop", "Apop"),
    DNA_Repair = c("dna_repair", "DNA_Repair")

  # if print is TRUE
  if (isTRUE(x = print_defaults)) {
    cli_inform(message = c("Accepted default values are:",
                           "{.field {glue_collapse_scCustom(input_string = unlist(feature_defaults), and = TRUE)}}"))

  # Assign values
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[1]])) {
    default1 <- "nFeature_RNA"
  } else {
    default1 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[2]])) {
    default2 <- "nCount_RNA"
  } else {
    default2 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[3]])) {
    default3 <- "percent_mito"
  } else {
    default3 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[4]])) {
    default4 <- "percent_ribo"
  } else {
    default4 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[5]])) {
    default5 <- "percent_mito_ribo"
  } else {
    default5 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[6]])) {
    default6 <- "log10GenesPerUMI"
  } else {
    default6 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[7]])) {
    default7 <- grep(pattern = "percent_top", x = colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data), value = TRUE)
  } else {
    default7 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[8]])) {
    default8 <- "percent_ieg"
  } else {
    default8 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[9]])) {
    default9 <- "percent_oxphos"
  } else {
    default9 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[10]])) {
    default10 <- "percent_apop"
  } else {
    default10 <- NULL
  if (any(features %in% feature_defaults[[11]])) {
    default11 <- "percent_dna_repair"
  } else {
    default11 <- NULL

  # All found defaults
  all_found_defaults <- c(default1, default2, default3, default4, default5, default6, default7, default8, default9, default10, default11)

  # get not found features
  not_found_defaults <- features[!features %in% unlist(feature_defaults)]

  # create return list
  feat_list <- list(
    found_defaults = all_found_defaults,
    not_found_defaults = not_found_defaults

  # return feature list

#################### GENERAL HELPERS ####################

#' Calculate the percentage of a vector above some threshold
#' @param x Vector of values
#' @param threshold Threshold to use when calculating percentage
#' @return Returns the percentage of `x` values above the given threshold
#' @author Satija Lab & all co-Authors of Seurat Package
#' @references See Utilities.R in source code of Seurat \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/master/R/utilities.R}  (Licence: GPL-3).
#' @note modified from Seurat version to return a percentage instead of proportion/decimal as part of `Percent_Expressing` function.  To be replaced following next Seurat version update.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

PercentAbove_Seurat <- function(x, threshold) {
  return((length(x = x[x > threshold]) / length(x = x))*100)

#' Calculate percent of expressing cells from meta data category
#' For internal use in calculating module score significance
#' @param seurat_object Seurat object name.
#' @param features Feature(s) to plot.
#' @param threshold Expression threshold to use for calculation of percent expressing (default is 0).
#' @param group_by Factor to group the cells by.
#' @param split_by Factor to split the groups by.
#' @param entire_object logical (default = FALSE).  Whether to calculate percent of expressing cells
#' across the entire object as opposed to by cluster or by `group_by` variable.
#' @param assay Assay to pull feature data from.  Default is active assay.
#' @param layer Which layer to pull expression data from?  Default is "data".
#' @return A data.frame
#' @references Part of code is modified from Seurat package as used by \code{\link[Seurat]{DotPlot}}
#' to generate values to use for plotting.  Source code can be found here:
#' \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/4e868fcde49dc0a3df47f94f5fb54a421bfdf7bc/R/visualization.R#L3391} (License: GPL-3).
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Percent_Expressing_Meta <- function(
    threshold = 0,
    group_by = NULL,
    split_by = NULL,
    entire_object = FALSE,
    layer = "data",
    assay = NULL
) {
  # Check Seurat
  Is_Seurat(seurat_object = seurat_object)

  # set assay (if null set to active assay)
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = seurat_object)

  # Check features exist in object
  features_list <- Feature_PreCheck(object = seurat_object, features = features, assay = assay)

  # Check group_by is in object
  if (!is.null(x = group_by) && group_by == "ident") {
    group_by <- NULL

  if (!is.null(x = group_by)) {
    possible_groups <- colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data)
    if (!group_by %in% possible_groups) {
      cli_abort("Grouping variable {.val {group_by}} was not found in Seurat Object.")

  # Check split_by is in object
  if (!is.null(x = split_by)) {
    possible_groups <- colnames(x = seurat_object@meta.data)
    if (!split_by %in% possible_groups) {
      cli_abort("Splitting variable {.val {split_by}} was not found in Seurat Object.")

  # Pull Expression Info
  cells <- unlist(x = CellsByIdentities(object = seurat_object, idents = NULL))
  expression_info <- FetchData(object = seurat_object, vars = features_list, cells = cells, layer = layer)

  # Add grouping variable
  if (isTRUE(x = entire_object)) {
    expression_info$id <- "All_Cells"
  } else {
    expression_info$id <- if (is.null(x = group_by)) {
      Idents(object = seurat_object)[cells, drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      seurat_object[[group_by, drop = TRUE]][cells, drop = TRUE]
  if (!is.factor(x = expression_info$id)) {
    expression_info$id <- factor(x = expression_info$id)
  id.levels <- levels(x = expression_info$id)
  expression_info$id <- as.vector(x = expression_info$id)

  # Split data if split.by is true
  if (!is.null(x = split_by)) {
    splits <- seurat_object[[split_by, drop = TRUE]][cells, drop = TRUE]
    expression_info$id <- paste(expression_info$id, splits, sep = '_')
    unique.splits <- unique(x = splits)
    id.levels <- paste0(rep(x = id.levels, each = length(x = unique.splits)), "_", rep(x = unique(x = splits), times = length(x = id.levels)))

  # Calculate percent expressing
  percent_expressing <- lapply(
    X = unique(x = expression_info$id),
    FUN = function(ident) {
      data.use <- expression_info[expression_info$id == ident, 1:(ncol(x = expression_info) - 1), drop = FALSE]
      pct.exp <- apply(X = data.use, MARGIN = 2, FUN = PercentAbove_Seurat, threshold = threshold)
      return(list(pct.exp = pct.exp))
  names(x = percent_expressing) <- unique(x = expression_info$id)

  # Convert & return data.frame
  row_dim_names <- features_list
  col_dim_names <- names(x = percent_expressing)
  mat_dims <- list(row_dim_names, col_dim_names)
  final_df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(percent_expressing), nrow = length(features_list), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = mat_dims), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Extract delimiter information from a string.
#' Parses a string (usually a cell name) and extracts fields based on a delimiter
#' @param string String to parse.
#' @param field Integer(s) indicating which field(s) to extract. Can be a vector multiple numbers.
#' @param delim Delimiter to use, set to underscore by default.
#' @return A new string, that parses out the requested fields, and (if multiple), rejoins them with the same delimiter
#' @references See Utilities.R in source code of Seurat \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/master/R/utilities.R}  (Licence: GPL-3).
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

ExtractField <- function(string, field = 1, delim = "_") {
  fields <- as.numeric(x = unlist(x = strsplit(x = as.character(x = field), split = ",")))
  if (length(x = fields) == 1) {
    return(strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][field])
  return(paste(strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][fields], collapse = delim))

#' Calculate the middle value between two numbers
#' @param min Lower value.
#' @param max Higher value.
#' @return Returns number in middle of two provided values.
#' @references Code to calculate middle value from: adapted from: \url{https://stackoverflow.com/a/54147509/15568251}.
#' Renamed and wrapped into function by Samuel Marsh.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Middle_Number <- function(
) {
  min_max <- c(min, max)
  middle <- min_max[-length(min_max)] + diff(min_max) / 2

#' Symmetrical setdiff
#' tests for differences between two vectors symmetrically.
#' @param x first vector to test
#' @param y second vector to test
#' @return vector differences x vs. y and y vs. x
#' @references Function name and code from R-bloggers post:
#' \url{https://www.r-bloggers.com/2013/06/symmetric-set-differences-in-r/}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

symdiff <- function(
) {
  setdiff(x = union(x = x, y = y), intersect(x = x, y = y))

#' Whole number check
#' Checks whether a number is whole
#' @param x number to check
#' @return NULL or error message if number is not whole
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

check_whole_num <- function(
) {
  round_x <- round(x = x)

  res <-  identical(x = x, y = round_x)


#' Remove single value columns of data.frame
#' Checks all columns within data.frame and returns data.frame minus columns that have the same value in all rows.
#' @param df data.frame to filter
#' @references Code used in function has been slightly modified from `sceasy:::.regularise_df` function of
#' sceasy package \url{https://github.com/cellgeni/sceasy} (License: GPL-3).
#' Code modified to match scCustomize & tidyverse style, add error checks, and
#' add cli formatted messages.
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom dplyr select all_of
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

drop_single_value_cols <- function(
) {
  if (!inherits(what = "data.frame", x = df)) {
    cli_abort(message = "{.code df} must of be of class data.frame.")

  single_val_columns <- sapply(df, function(x) {
    length(x = unique(x = x)) == 1

  col_names_single <- df %>%
    select(which(single_val_columns)) %>%

  if (length(x = col_names_single) > 0) {
    cli_inform(message = c("The following columns were removed as they contain identical values for all rows:",
                           "i" = "{.field {col_names_single}}"))

  # filter df
  df_filtered <- df %>%

  # return df

#' Check valid color
#' Checks if input values are valid colors representations in R.
#' @param colors vector of color(s) to check
#' @references Code for function \url{https://stackoverflow.com/a/13290832/15568251}.
#' Renamed by Samuel Marsh.
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @return logical named vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

Is_Color <- function(
) {
  sapply(colors, function(X) {
    tryCatch(is.matrix(x = col2rgb(col = X)),
             error = function(e) FALSE)

#################### METRICS HELPERS ####################

#' Read Gene Expression Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger Count
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the Cell Ranger `count` analysis (present in web_summary.html)
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count "outs/" folder which contains the
#' "metrics_summary.csv" file.
#' @param default_10X logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X directory structure.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import.  If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample.  If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame with sample metrics produced by Cell Ranger `count` pipeline.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows setdiff
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_metrics <- Metrics_Count_GEX(base_path = base_path, lib_list = lib_list, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
#' }

Metrics_Count_GEX <- function(
  cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field Gene Expression} Metrics")
  raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = lib_list), function(x) {
    if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x])
    } else {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x], secondary_path)

    raw_data <- read.csv(file = file.path(file_path, "metrics_summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data[1, ])
    raw_data[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})


  # Name the list items
  if (is.null(x = lib_names)) {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_list
  } else {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_names

  # Combine the list and add sample_id column
  full_data <- bind_rows(raw_data_list, .id = "sample_id")

  # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
  colnames(x = full_data) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = full_data))

  rownames(x = full_data) <- full_data$sample_id


#' Read Gene Expression Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger (v9+) Count
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the Cell Ranger (v9+) `count` analysis (present in web_summary.html)
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count "outs/" folder which contains the
#' "metrics_summary.csv" file.
#' @param default_10X logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X directory structure.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import.  If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample.  If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame with sample metrics produced by Cell Ranger `count` pipeline.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows setdiff filter select all_of rename
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_metrics <- Metrics_Count_GEX_v9plus(base_path = base_path, lib_list = lib_list, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
#' }

Metrics_Count_GEX_v9plus <- function(
  cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field Gene Expression} Metrics")
  raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = lib_list), function(x) {
    if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x])
    } else {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x], secondary_path)

    raw_data <- read.csv(file = file.path(file_path, "metrics_summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Change format to column based and select relevant metrics
    GEX_metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]] == "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "Gene Expression") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    GEX_metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c(c("Median UMI counts per cell", "Median genes per cell", "Median reads per cell", "Total genes detected"))) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_gex <- cbind(GEX_metrics, GEX_metrics2)

    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    if ("Estimated.number.of.cells" %in% colnames(x = raw_data_gex)) {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Estimated.number.of.cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")
    } else {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")

    raw_data_gex <- raw_data_gex %>%

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_gex)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x = x)})


  # Name the list items
  if (is.null(x = lib_names)) {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_list
  } else {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_names

  # Combine the list and add sample_id column
  full_data <- bind_rows(raw_data_list, .id = "sample_id")

  # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
  colnames(x = full_data) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = full_data))

  rownames(x = full_data) <- full_data$sample_id


#' Read Gene Expression Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger multi
#' Get data.frame with all gene expression metrics from the Cell Ranger `multi` analysis (present in web_summary.html)
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count "outs/" folder which contains the
#' "metrics_summary.csv" file.
#' @param default_10X logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X directory structure.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import.  If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample.  If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame with sample gene expression metrics produced by Cell Ranger `multi` pipeline.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of bind_rows filter rename select setdiff
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_multi_metrics <- Metrics_Multi_GEX(base_path = base_path, lib_list = lib_list, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
#' }

Metrics_Multi_GEX <- function(
  cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field Gene Expression} Metrics")

  raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = lib_list), function(x) {
    if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x])
    } else {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x], secondary_path, lib_list[x])

    raw_data <- read.csv(file = file.path(file_path, "metrics_summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Change format to column based and select relevant metrics
    GEX_metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]] == "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "Gene Expression") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    GEX_metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c(c("Median UMI counts per cell", "Median genes per cell", "Median reads per cell", "Total genes detected"))) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_gex <- cbind(GEX_metrics, GEX_metrics2)

    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    # Rename multi columns to match names from count
    names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                          Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                          Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Estimated.number.of.cells",
                          Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                          Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                          Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                          Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                          Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                          Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                          Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")

    raw_data_gex <- raw_data_gex %>%

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_gex)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})


  # Name the list items
  if (is.null(x = lib_names)) {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_list
  } else {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_names

  # Combine the list and add sample_id column
  full_data <- bind_rows(raw_data_list, .id = "sample_id")

  # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
  colnames(x = full_data) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = full_data))

  rownames(x = full_data) <- full_data$sample_id


#' Read VDJ T Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger multi
#' Get data.frame with all VDJ T metrics from the Cell Ranger `multi` analysis (present in web_summary.html)
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count "outs/" folder which contains the
#' "metrics_summary.csv" file.
#' @param default_10X logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X directory structure.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import.  If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample.  If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame with sample VDJ T metrics produced by Cell Ranger `multi` pipeline.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of bind_rows filter select setdiff
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vdj_multi_metrics <- Metrics_Multi_VDJT(base_path = base_path, lib_list = lib_list, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
#' }

Metrics_Multi_VDJT <- function(
  cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field VDJ T} Metrics")

  raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = lib_list), function(x) {
    if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x])
    } else {
      file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x], secondary_path, lib_list[x])

    raw_data <- read.csv(file = file.path(file_path, "metrics_summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    VDJ_T_Metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]]== "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "VDJ T") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    VDJ_T_Metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c("Cells with productive TRA contig", "Cells with productive TRB contig", "Cells with productive V-J spanning (TRA, TRB) pair", "Cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Median TRA UMIs per Cell", "Median TRB UMIs per Cell", "Number of cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Paired clonotype diversity")
      ) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_vdjt <- cbind(VDJ_T_Metrics, VDJ_T_Metrics2)

    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_vdjt)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})


  # Name the list items
  if (is.null(x = lib_names)) {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_list
  } else {
    names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_names

  # test_return <- lapply(1:length(test_return), function(i) {
  #   test_return[[i]]$Estimated.number.of.cells <- as.numeric(test_return[[i]]$Estimated.number.of.cells)
  # })

  # Combine the list and add sample_id column
  full_data <- bind_rows(raw_data_list, .id = "sample_id")

  # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
  colnames(x = full_data) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = full_data))

  rownames(x = full_data) <- full_data$sample_id


#' Read single Summary Statistics csv from 10X Cell Ranger Count or Multi
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the Cell Ranger `count` analysis or list of data.frames if using Cell Ranger `multi`.
#' @param base_path path to the metrics file
#' @param cellranger_multi logical, whether or not metrics come from Cell Ranger `count` or from Cell Ranger `multi`.  Default is FALSE.
#' @return A data frame or list of data.frames with sample metrics from cell ranger.
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of bind_rows filter rename select setdiff
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_metrics <- Metrics_Single_File(base_path = base_path)
#' }

Metrics_Single_File <- function(
    cellranger_multi = FALSE
) {
  # Read GEX count metrics
  if (isFALSE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data[1, ])
    raw_data[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})

    # Change column names to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
    colnames(x = raw_data) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = raw_data))

    # return data
  } else {
    # GEX metrics
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Change format to column based and select relevant metrics
    GEX_metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]] == "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "Gene Expression") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    GEX_metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c(c("Median UMI counts per cell", "Median genes per cell", "Median reads per cell", "Total genes detected"))) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_gex <- cbind(GEX_metrics, GEX_metrics2)

    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    # Rename multi columns to match names from count
    names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                          Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                          Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                          Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                          Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Estimated.number.of.cells",
                          Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                          Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                          Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                          Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                          Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                          Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                          Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")

    raw_data_gex <- raw_data_gex %>%

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_gex)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})

    # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
    colnames(x = raw_data_gex) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = raw_data_gex))

    # Get VDJT metrics
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    VDJ_T_Metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]]== "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "VDJ T") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    VDJ_T_Metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c("Cells with productive TRA contig", "Cells with productive TRB contig", "Cells with productive V-J spanning (TRA, TRB) pair", "Cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Median TRA UMIs per Cell", "Median TRB UMIs per Cell", "Number of cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Paired clonotype diversity")
      ) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_vdjt <- cbind(VDJ_T_Metrics, VDJ_T_Metrics2)

    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_vdjt)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})

    # combine outputs into a list
    data_list <- list(
      multi_gex_metrics = raw_data_gex,
      multi_vdjt_metrics = raw_data_vdjt

    # return data list

#' Read single Summary Statistics csv from 10X Cell Ranger (v9+) Count or Multi
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the Cell Ranger (v9+) `count` analysis or list of data.frames if using Cell Ranger (v9+) `multi`.
#' @param base_path path to the metrics file
#' @param cellranger_multi logical, whether or not metrics come from Cell Ranger `count` or from Cell Ranger `multi`.  Default is FALSE.
#' @return A data frame or list of data.frames with sample metrics from cell ranger.
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of bind_rows filter rename select setdiff
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_metrics <- Metrics_Single_File_v9plus(base_path = base_path)
#' }

Metrics_Single_File_v9plus <- function(
    cellranger_multi = FALSE
  # read count metrics
  if (isFALSE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
    cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field Gene Expression} Metrics")
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Change format to column based and select relevant metrics
    GEX_metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]] == "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "Gene Expression") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    GEX_metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c(c("Median UMI counts per cell", "Median genes per cell", "Median reads per cell", "Total genes detected"))) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_gex <- cbind(GEX_metrics, GEX_metrics2)

    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    # check how cells metric is named and adjust renaming
    if ("Estimated.number.of.cells" %in% colnames(x = raw_data_gex)) {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Estimated.number.of.cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")
    } else {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")

    raw_data_gex <- raw_data_gex %>%

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_gex)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x = x)})

    # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
    colnames(x = raw_data_gex) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = raw_data_gex))

    rownames(x = raw_data_gex) <- NULL

  } else {
    # read GEX metrics
    cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field Gene Expression} Metrics")
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Change format to column based and select relevant metrics
    GEX_metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]] == "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "Gene Expression") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    GEX_metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c(c("Median UMI counts per cell", "Median genes per cell", "Median reads per cell", "Total genes detected"))) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_gex <- cbind(GEX_metrics, GEX_metrics2)

    # Change format of numeric columns to due commas in data csv output.
    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    if ("Estimated.number.of.cells" %in% colnames(x = raw_data_gex)) {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Estimated.number.of.cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")
    } else {
      # Rename multi columns to match names from count
      names_to_replace <- c(Reads.Mapped.to.Genome = "Mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Genome = "Confidently.mapped.to.genome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intergenic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intergenic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Intronic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.intronic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Exonic.Regions = "Confidently.mapped.to.exonic.regions",
                            Reads.Mapped.Confidently.to.Transcriptome = "Confidently.mapped.to.transcriptome",
                            Reads.Mapped.Antisense.to.Gene = "Confidently.mapped.antisense",
                            Fraction.Reads.in.Cells = "Confidently.mapped.reads.in.cells",
                            Estimated.Number.of.Cells = "Cells",
                            Mean.Reads.per.Cell = "Mean.reads.per.cell",
                            Median.Genes.per.Cell = "Median.genes.per.cell",
                            Number.of.Reads = "Number.of.reads",
                            Valid.Barcodes = "Valid.barcodes",
                            Sequencing.Saturation = "Sequencing.saturation",
                            Total.Genes.Detected = "Total.genes.detected",
                            Median.UMI.Counts.per.Cell = "Median.UMI.counts.per.cell")

    raw_data_gex <- raw_data_gex %>%

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_gex[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_gex)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_gex[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})

    # Change column nams to use "_" separator instead of "." for readability
    colnames(x = raw_data_gex) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(x = raw_data_gex))

    rownames(x = raw_data_gex) <- NULL

    # Get VDJT metrics
    raw_data <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    VDJ_T_Metrics <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Grouped.By"]]== "Physical library ID" & .data[["Library.Type"]] == "VDJ T") %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    VDJ_T_Metrics2 <- raw_data %>%
      filter(.data[["Metric.Name"]] %in% c("Cells with productive TRA contig", "Cells with productive TRB contig", "Cells with productive V-J spanning (TRA, TRB) pair", "Cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Median TRA UMIs per Cell", "Median TRB UMIs per Cell", "Number of cells with productive V-J spanning pair", "Paired clonotype diversity")
      ) %>%
      select(all_of(c("Metric.Name", "Metric.Value"))) %>%
      column_to_rownames("Metric.Name") %>%
      t() %>%

    raw_data_vdjt <- cbind(VDJ_T_Metrics, VDJ_T_Metrics2)

    column_numbers <- grep(pattern = ",", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers)],function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})

    column_numbers_pct <- grep(pattern = "%", x = raw_data_vdjt[1, ])
    all_columns <- 1:ncol(x = raw_data_vdjt)

    column_numbers_numeric <- setdiff(x = all_columns, y = column_numbers_pct)

    raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)] <- lapply(raw_data_vdjt[,c(column_numbers_numeric)],function(x){as.numeric(x)})

    # combine outputs into a list
    data_list <- list(
      multi_gex_metrics = raw_data_gex,
      multi_vdjt_metrics = raw_data_vdjt

    # return data list

#################### GENE NAME/FILE CACHE HELPERS ####################

#' BiocFileCache Interface
#' Internal function to manage/call BiocFileCache.
#' @return cache
#' @references \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html#cache-to-manage-package-data}
#' @noRd

.get_bioc_cache <- function(
) {
  cache <- tools::R_user_dir(package = "scCustomize", which="cache")

#' Download HGNC Dataset
#' Internal function to download and cache the latest version of HGNC dataset for use with renaming genes.
#' @param update logical, whether to manually override update parameters and download new data.
#' @import cli
#' @return path to data cache
#' @references \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html}
#' @noRd

download_hgnc_data <- function(
    update = NULL
) {
  # Get cache
  bfc <- .get_bioc_cache()

  # URL from https://www.genenames.org/download/statistics-and-files/
  hgnc_ftp_url <- "https://storage.googleapis.com/public-download-files/hgnc/tsv/tsv/hgnc_complete_set.txt"

  # bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(hgnc_ftp_url)

  rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, hgnc_ftp_url, "fpath")$rid
  if (!length(rid)) {               # not in cache, add but do not download
    rid <- names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, hgnc_ftp_url, download = FALSE))

  if (isTRUE(x = update)) {
    update <- update
  } else {
    update <- BiocFileCache::bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rid)  # TRUE if newly added or stale

  # download & process
  if (!isFALSE(x = update)) {
    cli_inform(message = "Downloading HGNC data from: {.field {hgnc_ftp_url}}")
    BiocFileCache::bfcdownload(bfc, rid, ask = FALSE, FUN = process_hgnc_data)

  rpath <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids=rid)    # path to processed result


#' Download HGNC Dataset
#' Internal function to download and cache the latest version of HGNC dataset for use with renaming genes.
#' @param update logical, whether to manually override update parameters and download new data.
#' @import cli
#' @return path to data cache
#' @references \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html}
#' @noRd

download_mgi_data <- function(
    update = NULL
) {
  # Get cache
  bfc <- .get_bioc_cache()

  # URL from https://www.genenames.org/download/statistics-and-files/
  mgi_ftp_url <- "https://www.informatics.jax.org/downloads/reports/MGI_EntrezGene.rpt"

  # bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(mgi_ftp_url)

  rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, mgi_ftp_url, "fpath")$rid
  if (!length(rid)) {               # not in cache, add but do not download
    rid <- names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, mgi_ftp_url, download = FALSE))

  if (isTRUE(x = update)) {
    update <- update
  } else {
    update <- BiocFileCache::bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rid)  # TRUE if newly added or stale

  # download & process
  if (!isFALSE(x = update)) {
    cli_inform(message = "Downloading MGI data from: {.field {mgi_ftp_url}}")
    BiocFileCache::bfcdownload(bfc, rid, ask = FALSE, FUN = process_mgi_data)

  rpath <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids=rid)    # path to processed result


#' Process HGNC Dataset
#' Internal function process/filter and save HGNC dataset during cache process
#' @param from input (cache location).
#' @param to output (cached data).
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select filter any_of contains
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_wider_delim pivot_longer
#' @return path to data cache
#' @references \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html}
#' @noRd

process_hgnc_data <- function(
) {
  # read in data
  hgnc_full_data <- data.table::fread(file = from, data.table = FALSE)

  # filter data: Approved Genes > select relevant categories
  hgnc_filtered_data <- hgnc_full_data %>%
    filter(.data[["status"]] == "Approved") %>%
    select(any_of(c("hgnc_id", "symbol", "status", "alias_symbol", "prev_symbol", "date_symbol_changed", "entrez_id", "ensembl_gene_id")))

  # Select needed for renaming > split prev symbol column by number of additional columns needed > pivot wider without NAs > mutate
  hgnc_long_data <- hgnc_filtered_data %>%
    select(any_of(c("symbol", "prev_symbol"))) %>%
    separate_wider_delim(cols = "prev_symbol", delim = "|", names_sep = "_", names = NULL, too_few = "align_start") %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = contains("_symbol"),
                 names_to = "column",
                 values_to = "prev_symbol",
                 values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
    mutate("prev_symbol" = ifelse(.data[["prev_symbol"]] %in% "", .data[["symbol"]], .data[["prev_symbol"]]))

  # save processed data
  saveRDS(hgnc_long_data, file = to)

#' Process MGI Dataset
#' Internal function process/filter and save MGI dataset during cache process
#' @param from input (cache location).
#' @param to output (cached data).
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select filter any_of contains
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_wider_delim pivot_longer
#' @return path to data cache
#' @references \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html}
#' @noRd

process_mgi_data <- function(
) {
  # read in data
  mgi_full_data <- data.table::fread(file = from, data.table = FALSE)

  # Rename columns
  colnames(mgi_full_data) <- c("MGI Marker Accession ID", "Marker Symbol", "Status", "Marker Name", "cM Position", "Chromosome", "Type", "Secondary", "Entrez Gene ID", "Synonyms", "Feature Types", "Genome Coordinate Start", "Genome Coordinate End", "Strand", "BioTypes")

  # set accepted gene types
  accepted_biotypes <- c("protein coding gene", "lncRNA gene" , "lincRNA gene", "antisense lncRNA gene")

  # filter data: Approved Genes > select relevant categories
  mgi_filtered_data <- mgi_full_data %>%
    filter(.data[["Status"]] == "O" & .data[["Type"]] == "Gene" & .data[["Chromosome"]] != "UN" & .data[["Feature Types"]] %in% accepted_biotypes) %>%
    select(any_of(c("MGI Marker Accession ID", "Marker Symbol", "Status", "Synonyms", "Entrez Gene ID", "Type", "Feature Types")))

  mgi_long_data <- mgi_filtered_data %>%
    select(any_of(c("Marker Symbol", "Synonyms"))) %>%
    separate_wider_delim(cols = "Synonyms", delim = "|", names_sep = "_", names = NULL, too_few = "align_start") %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = contains("Synonyms"),
                 names_to = "column",
                 values_to = "Synonyms",
                 values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
    mutate("Synonyms" = ifelse(.data[["Synonyms"]] %in% "", .data[["Marker Symbol"]], .data[["Synonyms"]]))

  colnames(mgi_long_data) <- c("symbol", "column", "prev_symbol")
  # save processed data
  saveRDS(mgi_long_data, file = to)
samuel-marsh/scCustomize documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m.