# Rsystem.R
#Mon 27 Jun 2005 10:51:30 AM CEST
# <par> file handling
# <!><N> works only on atomic path
# <!> 5.1.2016: trailing slash leads to basename of ""
splitPath = function(path, removeQualifier = TRUE, ssh = FALSE, skipExists = FALSE) {
if (is.null(path)) return(NULL);
if (removeQualifier) {
q = fetchRegexpr('(?<=^\\[).*?(?=\\]:)', path);
if (length(q) > 0) path = substr(path, nchar(q) + 4, nchar(path));
sshm = list(user = '', host = '', userhost = '');
if (ssh) {
sshm = fetchRegexpr('^(?:(?:([a-z]\\w*)(?:@))?([a-z][\\w.]*):)?(.*)', path,
ignore.case = TRUE, captureN = c('user', 'host', 'path'))[[1]];
sshm$userhost = if (sshm$user != '') sprintf('%s@%s', sshm$user, sshm$host) else sshm$host;
path = sshm$path;
#path = "abc/def.ext";
#r.base = basename(path);
#re = "([^.]*$)";
#r = gregexpr(re, r.base)[[1]];
#ext = substr(r.base, r[1], r[1] + attr(r, "match.length")[1] - 1);
#ext = firstDef(fetchRegexpr('(?<=\\.)[^/.]+\\Z', path), '');
ext = fetchRegexpr('(?<=\\.)[^/.]+\\Z', path);
# take everything before ext and handle possible absence of '.'
#base = substr(r.base, 1, r[1] - 1 - (ifelse(substr(r.base, r[1] - 1, r[1] - 1) == '.', 1, 0)));
# reduce to file.ext
Nchar = nchar(path);
# replace leading '~'
if (path == '~') {
path = Sys.getenv('HOME');
} else if (Nchar > 1 && substr(path, 1, 2) == '~/') {
path = join(c(Sys.getenv('HOME'), substring(path, 2)), '');
Nchar = nchar(path);
if (Nchar != 0 && substr(path, Nchar, Nchar) == '/') {
base = '';
dir = substr(path, 1, Nchar - 1);
} else {
base = basename(path);
dir = dirname(path);
# base as yet still contains the file extension
file = base;
# chop off extension if present
if (length(fetchRegexpr('\\.', base)) > 0) base = fetchRegexpr('\\A.*(?=\\.)', base);
#pieces = regexpr(re, path, perl = TRUE);
pieces = fetchRegexpr('([^.]+)', path);
isAbsolute = Nchar != 0 && substr(path, 1, 1) == '/';
# <N> disk is accessed
exists = if (!skipExists) File.exists(path, host = sshm$userhost, ssh = FALSE) else NA;
nonempty = exists && (file.info(path)$size > 0);
ret = c(list(
dir = dir,
base = base,
path = path,
fullbase = sprintf("%s/%s", dir, base),
ext = ext,
file = file,
isAbsolute = isAbsolute,
absolute = if (isAbsolute) path else sprintf('%s/%s', getwd(), path),
# fs properties
exists = exists, nonempty = nonempty,
# remote
is.remote = !(sshm$user == '' && sshm$host == ''),
user = sshm$user, host = sshm$host, userhost = sshm$userhost
), if (removeQualifier && length(q) > 0)
list(qualifier = q, qualifierFull = Sprintf('[%{q}s]:')) else
list(qualifier = NA, qualifierFull = ''));
path.absolute = absolutePath = function(path, home.dir = TRUE, ssh = TRUE) {
path = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh)$path;
if (home.dir && nchar(path) >= 2 && substr(path, 1, 2) == "~/")
path = sprintf("%s/%s", Sys.getenv('HOME'), substr(path, 3, nchar(path)));
if (nchar(path) > 0 && substr(path, 1, 1) == "/") path else sprintf("%s/%s", getwd(), path)
tempFileName = function(prefix, extension = NULL, digits = 6, retries = 5, inRtmp = FALSE,
createDir = FALSE, home.dir = TRUE, doNotTouch = FALSE) {
ext = if (is.null(extension)) '' else sprintf('.%s', extension);
path = NULL;
if (inRtmp) prefix = sprintf('%s/%s', tempdir(), prefix);
if (home.dir) prefix = path.absolute(prefix, home.dir = home.dir);
for (i in 1:retries) {
path = sprintf('%s%0*d%s', prefix, digits, floor(runif(1) * 10^digits), ext);
LogS(5, 'tempFileName trying path: %{path}s');
if (!File.exists(path)) break;
if (File.exists(path))
stop(sprintf('Could not create tempfile with prefix "%s" after %d retries', prefix, retries));
# potential race condition <N>
if (createDir)
Dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE) else
if (!doNotTouch) writeFile(path, '', mkpath = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
# # old implementation
#path = tempfile(prefix);
#cat('', file = path); # touch path to lock name
#path = sprintf("%s%s%s", path, ifelse(is.null(extension), "", "."),
# ifelse(is.null(extension), "", extension));
Log(sprintf('Tempfilename:%s', path), 5);
dirList = function(dir, regex = TRUE, case = TRUE, path = FALSE, absolute = FALSE) {
base = splitPath(dir)$dir;
files = list.files(base);
if (regex) {
re = splitPath(dir)$file;
files = files[grep(re, files, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = !case)];
prefix = if (absolute) splitPath(base)$absolute else base;
if (absolute || path) files = paste(prefix, files, sep = '/');
list_files_with_exts = function(path, exts, full.names = TRUE)
list.files(path, pattern = Sprintf('.(%{Exts}s)$', Exts = join(exts, '|')), full.names = full.names);
list_files_with_base = function(path, exts, full.names = TRUE) {
sp = splitPath(path);
pattern = Sprintf('^%{base}s.(%{Exts}s)$', base = sp$base, Exts = join(exts, '|')),
full.names = full.names
# <p> file manipulation
File.exists = function(path, host = '', agent = 'ssh', ssh = TRUE) {
if (ssh) {
sp = splitPath(path, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
host = sp$userhost;
path = sp$path;
r = if (!is.null(host) && host != '') {
ret = system(sprintf('%s %s stat %s >/dev/null 2>&1', agent, host, qs(path)));
ret == 0
} else file.exists(path);
File.copy_raw = function(from, to, ...,
overwrite = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, agent = 'scp', logLevel = 6, ignore.shell = TRUE,
symbolicLinkIfLocal = TRUE) {
spF = splitPath(from, ssh = TRUE);
spT = splitPath(to, ssh = TRUE);
is.remote.f = spF$is.remote || spF$host == 'localhost';
is.remote.t = spT$is.remote || spT$host == 'localhost';
r = if (!is.remote.f && !is.remote.t) {
if (symbolicLinkIfLocal) {
LogS(4, 'Symlinking "%{from}s --> %{to}s', from = spF$path, to = spT$path);
file.symlink(spF$path, spT$path, ...);
} else {
LogS(4, 'Copy "%{from}s --> %{to}s', from = spF$path, to = spT$path);
file.copy(spF$path, spT$path, recursive = recursive, ..., overwrite = overwrite);
} else {
# <A> assume 'to' to be atomic
cmd = sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s',
ifelse(recursive, '-r', ''),
paste(sapply(from, qs), collapse = ' '),
ifelse(ignore.shell, '>/dev/null', '')
System(cmd, logLevel);
File.copy = function(from, to, ..., recursive = FALSE, agent = 'scp', logLevel = 6, ignore.shell = TRUE,
symbolicLinkIfLocal = TRUE) {
if (is.null(from)) return(NULL);
pairs = cbind(from, to);
r = apply(pairs, 1, function(r) {
File.copy_raw(r[1], r[2], ...,
recursive = recursive, agent = agent, logLevel = logLevel,
ignore.shell = ignore.shell, symbolicLinkIfLocal = symbolicLinkIfLocal)
File.remove = function(path, ..., agent = 'ssh', ssh = TRUE, logLevel = 6) {
r = if (ssh) {
sp = splitPath(path, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
host = sp$userhost;
rpath = sp$path;
if (File.exists(path, ssh = TRUE))
System(sprintf('rm %s', join(sapply(rpath, qs))), pattern = agent,
ssh_host = host, logLevel = logLevel);
} else if (file.exists(path)) file.remove(path, ...);
# <i> remote operations
File.symlink = function(from, to, replace = TRUE, agent = 'ssh', ssh = FALSE, logLevel = 6) {
r = if (ssh) {
sp = splitPath(from, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
host = sp$userhost;
rpath = sp$path;
# <!><i>
stop('not implmenented');
} else {
Log(sprintf('symlink %s -> %s', qs(from), qs(to)), logLevel);
if (replace && file.exists(to)) file.remove(to);
file.symlink(from, to);
# <!> only atomic path
# treatAsFile: causes Dir.create to split off last path-component
Dir.create = function(path, ..., recursive = FALSE, agent = 'ssh', logLevel = 6,
ignore.shell = TRUE, allow.exists = TRUE, treatPathAsFile = FALSE) {
sp = splitPath(path, ssh = TRUE);
# ignore last path-component
if (treatPathAsFile) {
sp$path = sp$dir;
Log(sprintf('creating path %s', sp$path), 4);
if (sp$is.remote) {
System(sprintf('ssh %s mkdir %s %s %s',
if (recursive) '--parents' else '',
paste(sapply(sp$path, qs), collapse = ' '),
if (ignore.shell) '2>/dev/null' else ''
), logLevel);
} else {
if (allow.exists && !file.exists(sp$path)) dir.create(sp$path, ..., recursive = recursive);
Save = function(..., file = NULL, symbolsAsVectors = FALSE, mkpath = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(1)) {
sp = splitPath(file, ssh = TRUE);
localPath = if (sp$is.remote) tempfile() else file;
if (mkpath) { Dir.create(file, recursive = TRUE, treatPathAsFile = TRUE); }
r = if (symbolsAsVectors) {
do.call('save', c(as.list(c(...)), list(file = localPath)), envir = envir);
} else save(..., file = localPath, envir = envir);
if (sp$is.remote) File.copy(localPath, file);
Load = function(..., file = NULL, Load_sleep = 0, Load_retries = 3, envir = parent.frame(1), logLevel = 6) {
sp = splitPath(file, ssh = TRUE);
localPath = if (sp$is.remote) tempfile() else file;
r = NULL;
for (i in 1:Load_retries) {
if (sp$is.remote) {
if (!File.exists(file)) {
File.copy(file, localPath, logLevel = logLevel);
r = try(load(..., file = localPath, envir = envir));
if (class(r) == 'try-error' && Load_sleep > 0) Sys.sleep(Load_sleep) else break;
if (is.null(r)) stop(sprintf('could not Load %s', file));
if (class(r) == 'try-error') stop(r[1]);
# create output file names
# output = list(prefix = "results/pch", extension = "pdf", tag = "20100727");
fileName = function(output, extension = NULL, subtype = NULL) {
if (is.null(output)) return(NULL);
if (is.null(output$prefix)) return(NULL);
subtype = firstDef(subtype, output$subtype, "");
if (subtype != "") subtype = sprintf("%s-", subtype);
r = sprintf("%s-%s%s.%s", output$prefix, subtype, output$tag,
firstDef(extension, output$extension, ""));
Log(r, 4);
#.globalOutput = list(prefix = 'results/20120126-');
#save(r, file = .fn('simulation', 'RData'))
.globalOutputDefault = .globalOutput = list(prefix = '', tag = NULL, tagFirst = FALSE);
GlobalOutput_env__ = new.env();
# .fn.set(prefix = 'results/predictionTesting-')
# @par prefix character, start path name with this character string
# @par tag character, add dashed string to all files (defaults to appending to filename)
# @par tagFirst boolean, put tag as a prefix to the file name instead
.fn.set = function(...) {
.globalOutput = merge.lists(.globalOutputDefault, list(...));
assign('.globalOutput', .globalOutput, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);
# create output file name on globalOptions
.fn = function(name, extension = '', options = NULL) {
o = merge.lists(.globalOutputDefault, .globalOutput,
get('.globalOutput', envir = GlobalOutput_env__), options);
# construct plain filename
pathes = sprintf('%s%s%s%s', o$prefix, name, ifelse(extension == '', '', '.'), extension);
fn = sapply(pathes, function(path) {
sp = splitPath(path);
# <p> dir
if (!file.exists(sp$dir)) dir.create(sp$dir);
# <p> tag
ext = firstDef(sp$ext, '');
fn = if (!is.null(o$tag)) {
if (o$tagFirst) {
sprintf('%s/%s-%s%s%s', sp$dir, o$tag, sp$base, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext)
} else { sprintf('%s/%s-%s%s%s', sp$dir, sp$base, o$tag, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext) };
} else sprintf('%s/%s%s%s', sp$dir, sp$base, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext);
.fn.pushPrefix = function(prefix) {
output = merge.lists(.globalOutput, list(prefix = sprintf('%s%s', .globalOutput$prefix, prefix)));
assign('.globalOutput', output, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);
.fn.popPrefix = function(prefix) {
output = merge.lists(.globalOutput, list(prefix = sprintf('%s/', splitPath(.globalOutput$prefix)$dir)));
assign('.globalOutput', output, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);
exprInDir = function(expr, dir = '.', envir = parent.frame()) {
prev = setwd(dir);
return(eval(expr, envir = envir));
# create consecutive files
# findNextFile = function(path, N = 1e2) {
# sp = splitPath(path);
# for (i in 0:N) {
# path = if (i > 0) with(sp, Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d.%{ext}')) else path;
# if (!file.exists(path)) return(path);
# }
# stop(Sprintf('No path could be crated from base path: %{path}s'));
# }
findLastVersion = function(path, retAll = FALSE) {
sp = splitPath(path);
E = if (is.null(sp$ext)) '' else with(sp, Sprintf('.%{ext}s'));
re = with(sp, Sprintf('^%{base}s-(\\d+)%{E}s$'));
files = list.files(sp$dir, pattern = re);
i = max(c(0, as.integer(Regexpr(re, files, captures = TRUE))));
highest = if (i == 0) path else with(sp, Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d%{E}s'));
return(if (retAll) list(path = highest, version = i, ext = E) else highest);
findNextFile = function(path, Nmax = 1e2) {
# sp = splitPath(path);
# re = with(sp, Sprintf('^%{base}s-(\\d+).%{ext}s$'));
# files = list.files(sp$dir, pattern = re);
lv = findLastVersion(path, retAll = TRUE);
v = lv$version;
if (v == 0 && !file.exists(path)) return(path);
if (v >= Nmax)
stop(Sprintf('No path could be crated from base path: %{path}s [Maximum versions exhausted: %{Nmax}d]'));
r = with(splitPath(path), Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d%{ext}s', i = v + 1, ext = lv$ext));
LogS(6, 'findNextFile: %{r}s');
# command argument handling
# default args: command line call minus command
evaluateArgs = function(c = commandArgs()[-1]) {
is.no.option = is.na(as.integer(sapply(c, function(a)grep("^--", a))));
#c = c[!(c == "--vanilla")]; # eliminate '--vanilla' arguments
c = c[is.no.option];
if (length(c) > 0) {
eval.parent(parse(text = c[1]));
argListString = gsub(";", ",", gsub(";$", "", c[1]));
return(eval(parse(text = sprintf("list(%s)", argListString))));
# default args: command line call minus command
getCommandOptions = function(c = commandArgs()[-1]) {
is.no.option = is.na(as.integer(sapply(c, function(a)grep("^--", a))));
#c = c[!(c == "--vanilla")]; # eliminate '--vanilla' arguments
c = c[is.no.option];
o = lapply(c, function(e) {
eval(parse(text = e));
nlapply(setdiff(ls(), 'e'), function(n)get(n))
o = unlist.n(o, 1);
# R.pl interface
handleTriggers = function(o, triggerDefinition = NULL) {
if (is.null(triggerDefinition)) triggerDefinition = rget('.globalTriggers');
if (!is.list(o) || is.null(triggerDefinition)) return(NULL);
for (n in names(triggerDefinition)) {
if (!is.null(o[[n]])) triggerDefinition[[n]](o$args, o);
# <p> extended system call
# Example of patterns:
# System(cmd, 5, patterns = c('cwd', 'qsub', 'ssh'),
# cwd = sp$path, ssh_host = sp$userhost,
# qsubPath = sprintf('%s/qsub', sp$path), qsubMemory = self@config$qsubRampUpMemory);
.System.fileSystem = list(
#tempfile = function(prefix, ...)tempfile(splitPath(prefix)$base, tmpdir = splitPath(prefix)$dir, ...),
tempfile = function(prefix, ...)tempFileName(prefix, ...),
readFile = function(...)readFile(...)
.System.patterns = list(
default = list(pre = function(cmd, ...)cmd, post = function(spec, ret, ...)list() ),
qsub = list(pre = function(cmd, spec,
jidFile = spec$fs$tempfile(sprintf('/tmp/R_%s/qsub_pattern', Sys.getenv('USER'))),
qsubOptions = '',
waitForJids = NULL, ...) {
Dir.create(jidFile, treatPathAsFile = TRUE);
waitOption = if (is.null(waitForJids)) '' else
sprintf('--waitForJids %s', join(waitForJids, sep = ','));
ncmd = sprintf('qsub.pl --jidReplace %s %s --unquote %s -- %s',
jidFile, waitOption, qsubOptions, qs(cmd));
spec = list(cmd = ncmd, jidFile = jidFile);
post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list(jid = as.integer(spec$fs$readFile(spec$jidFile))) }
cwd = list(pre = function(cmd, spec, cwd = '.', ...) {
ncmd = sprintf('cd %s ; %s', qs(cwd), cmd);
spec = list(cmd = ncmd);
post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list() }
# <i> stdout/stderr handling
ssh = list(pre = function(cmd, spec, ssh_host = 'localhost', ssh_source_file = NULL, ...,
ssh_single_quote = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(ssh_source_file)) {
cmd = sprintf('%s ; %s',
join(paste('source', qs(ssh_source_file), sep = ' '), ' ; '), cmd);
fmt = if (ssh_single_quote) 'ssh %{ssh_host}s %{cmd}q' else 'ssh %{ssh_host}s %{cmd}Q';
spec = list(cmd = Sprintf(fmt));
fs = function(fs, ..., ssh_host) {
tempfile = function(prefix, ...) {
Log(sprintf('tempfile ssh:%s', prefix), 1);
r = splitPath(tempFileName(sprintf('%s:%s', ssh_host, prefix), ...), ssh = TRUE)$path;
Log(sprintf('tempfile ssh-remote:%s', r), 1);
readFile = function(path, ...)readFile(sprintf('%s:%s', ssh_host, path), ..., ssh = TRUE)
post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list() }
# a system call (c.f. privatePerl/TempFilenames::System)
System_env__ <- new.env();
assign(".system.doLogOnly", FALSE, envir = System_env__);
System = function(cmd, logLevel = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__),
doLog = TRUE, printOnly = NULL, return.output = FALSE,
pattern = NULL, patterns = NULL, ..., return.cmd = FALSE, return.error = FALSE) {
# prepare
if (!exists(".system.doLogOnly", envir = System_env__))
assign(".system.doLogOnly", FALSE, envir = System_env__);
doLogOnly = ifelse (!is.null(printOnly), printOnly, get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__));
# pattern mapping
fs = .System.fileSystem;
if (!is.null(patterns)) {
spec = list();
# map file accesses
for (pattern in rev(patterns)) {
fsMapper = .System.patterns[[pattern]]$fs;
if (!is.null(fsMapper)) fs = fsMapper(fs, ...);
spec[[length(spec) + 1]] = list(fs = fs);
# wrap commands into each other
for (i in 1:length(patterns)) {
spec[[i]] = merge.lists(spec[[i]], .System.patterns[[patterns[[i]]]]$pre(cmd, spec[[i]], ...));
cmd = spec[[i]]$cmd;
} else if (!is.null(pattern)) {
spec = .System.patterns[[pattern]]$pre(cmd, list(fs = fs), ...);
spec$fs = fs; # manually install fs
cmd = spec$cmd;
# redirection (after patterns) <A>
if (return.output & !doLogOnly) {
tmpOutput = tempfile();
cmd = sprintf("%s > %s", cmd, tmpOutput);
if (return.error & !doLogOnly) {
tmpError = tempfile();
cmd = sprintf("%s 2> %s", cmd, tmpError);
# logging
if (doLog){ Log(sprintf("system: %s", cmd), logLevel); }
# system call
ret = NULL;
if (!doLogOnly) ret = system(cmd);
# return value
r = list(error = ret);
if (return.output & !doLogOnly) {
r = merge.lists(r, list(output = readFile(tmpOutput)));
if (return.error & !doLogOnly) {
r = merge.lists(r, list(output.err = readFile(tmpError)));
# postprocess
if (!doLogOnly) if (!is.null(patterns)) {
for (i in rev(1:length(patterns))) {
r = merge.lists(r, .System.patterns[[patterns[[i]]]]$post(spec[[i]], ret, ...));
} else if (!is.null(pattern)) {
r = merge.lists(r, .System.patterns[[pattern]]$post(spec, ret, ...));
if (return.cmd) r$command = cmd;
# simplified output
if (!return.output && !return.cmd && !return.error && is.null(pattern)) r = r$error;
SystemS = function(cmd, logLevel = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__),
doLog = TRUE, printOnly = NULL, return.output = FALSE, return.cmd = FALSE, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
cmd = Sprintf(cmd, ..., envir = envir);
System(cmd, logLevel, doLog, printOnly, return.output, return.cmd = return.cmd);
# wait on job submitted by system
.System.wait.patterns = list(
default = function(r, ...)(NULL),
qsub = function(r, ...) {
ids = if (is.list(r[[1]]) & !is.null(r[[1]]$jid)) list.kp(r, 'jid', do.unlist = TRUE) else r$jid;
idsS = if (length(ids) == 0) '' else paste(ids, collapse = ' ');
System(sprintf('qwait.pl %s', idsS), ...);
System.wait = function(rsystem, pattern = NULL, ...) {
r = if (!is.null(pattern)) .System.wait.patterns[[pattern]](rsystem, ...) else NULL;
System.SetDoLogOnly = function(doLogOnly = FALSE) {
assign(".system.doLogOnly", doLogOnly, envir = System_env__);
# <p> io
# Capture.ouput(..., type = c('input', 'output', 'merged', 'all', 'none', 'discard'), split = c('input', 'output', 'all', 'none'), append = c('input', 'output', 'all', 'none'), return = TRUE)
silence = function(expr, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose || Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows') eval(expr) else {
sink('/dev/null', type = 'output');
sink(stdout(), type = 'message');
r = eval(expr);
sink(type = 'message');
sink(type = 'output');
# <p> calls
evalCall = function(call) {
call = callEvalArgs(call);
do.call(call$f, call$args, envir = call$envir)
# envirArgs: non-functional, depracated
Do.call = function(what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(),
defaultEnvir = .GlobalEnv, envirArgs = NULL, do_evaluate_args = FALSE) {
if (is.null(envir)) envir = defaultEnvir;
if (do_evaluate_args) args = nlapply(args, function(e)eval(args[[e]], envir = envir));
do.call(what = what, args = args, quote = quote, envir = envir)
# <p> file operations
# <A> overlap with Source; avoid dependecy with RCurl
SourceLocal = function(file, ...,
locations = c('', '.', sprintf('%s/src/Rscripts', Sys.getenv('HOME'))),
envir = NULL) {
sapply(file, function(file) {
file0 = file.locate(file, prefixes = locations);
if (notE(envir)) sys.source(file = file0, envir = envir, ...) else source(file = file0, ...)
#' Return absolute path for name searched in search-pathes
#' Search for pathes.
#' @param path path (segment) to be located in standard locations
#' @param prefixes prefixes to be prepended to path to check existance
#' @param normalize boolean to inidcate whether a normalized path should be returned (absolute)
#' @param home boolean to indicate whether starting prefix '~' should be interpolated to the home folder
#' @param as.dirs assume that prefixes are pathes, i.e. a slash will be put between path and prefix
#' @param force enforces that path and prefix are always joined, otherwise if path is absolute no prefixing is performed
#' @return character vector with path to file or NULL if no file could be located
file.locate = function(path, prefixes = NULL, normalize = TRUE, as.dirs = TRUE, force = FALSE, home = TRUE) {
if (!force && substr(path, 1, 1) == '/') return(path);
if (substr(path, 1, 1) == '~' && home) {
path = path.absolute(path, home.dir = TRUE);
if (!force) return(path);
if (is.null(prefixes)) prefixes = if (as.dirs) '.' else '';
sep = ifelse(as.dirs, '/', '');
for (prefix in prefixes) {
npath = sprintf('%s%s%s', prefix, sep, path);
if (normalize) npath = path.absolute(npath);
if (file.exists(npath)) return(npath);
#' Read content of file and return as character object.
#' @param path Path to the file to be read.
#' @param prefixes Search for file by prepending character strings from
#' prefixes.
#' @param normalize Standardize pathes.
#' @param ssh Allow pathes to remote files in \code{scp} notation.
#' @author Stefan Böhringer <r-packages@@s-boehringer.org>
#' @return character vector containing the file content
#' @keywords io input
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' parallel8 = function(e) log(1:e) %*% log(1:e);
# #' cat(readFile(tempcodefile(parallel8)));
# #' }
# prefixes only supported locally <!>
readFile = function(path, prefixes = NULL, normalize = TRUE, ssh = FALSE) {
s = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh);
r = if (s$is.remote) {
tf = tempfile();
File.copy(path, tf);
readChar(tf, nchars = as.list(file.info(tf)[1,])$size);
} else {
if (!is.null(prefixes)) path = file.locate(path, prefixes, normalize);
readChar(path, nchars = as.list(file.info(path)[1,])$size);
writeFile = function(path, str, mkpath = FALSE, ssh = FALSE) {
s = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh);
if (s$is.remote) {
Dir.create(sprintf('%s:%s', s$userhost, s$dir), recursive = mkpath);
tf = tempfile();
out = file(description = tf, open = 'w', encoding='UTF-8');
cat(str, file = out, sep = "");
close(con = out);
File.copy(tf, path);
} else {
if (mkpath) {
if (!file.exists(s$dir)) dir.create(s$dir, recursive = TRUE);
out = file(description = path, open = 'w', encoding='UTF-8');
cat(str, file = out, sep = "");
close(con = out);
isURL = function(path)(length(grep("^(ftp|http|https|file)://", path)) > 0L)
# <p> helper functions readTable/writeTable
compressPathBz2 = function(pathRaw, path, doRemoveOrig = TRUE) {
cmd = Sprintf("cat %{pathRaw}q | bzip2 -9 > %{path}q");
r = System(cmd, 5);
if (doRemoveOrig && !get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__)) file.remove(pathRaw);
compressPath = function(pathRaw, path, extension = NULL, doRemoveOrig = TRUE) {
if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
compressor = get(Sprintf('compressPath%{extension}u'));
r = compressor(pathRaw, path, doRemoveOrig = doRemoveOrig);
decompressPathBz2 = function(path, pathTmp, doRemoveOrig = FALSE) {
cmd = Sprintf("cat %{path}q | bunzip2 > %{pathTmp}q");
r = System(cmd, 5);
if (doRemoveOrig && !get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__)) file.remove(path);
decompressPath = function(path, pathTmp, extension = NULL, doRemoveOrig = FALSE) {
if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
decompressor = get(Sprintf('decompressPath%{extension}u'));
r0 = decompressor(path, pathTmp, doRemoveOrig = doRemoveOrig);
r = list(destination = pathTmp, pathOrig = path, return = r0);
compressedConnectionBz2 = function(path, mode = '') {
#r = Sprintf('%{path}s.bz2');
bzfile(path, open = mode)
compressedConnectionGz = function(path, mode = '') {
gzfile(path, open = mode)
compressedConnection = function(path, extension = NULL, mode = '') {
if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
compressor = get(Sprintf('compressedConnection%{extension}u'));
compressor(path, mode = mode)
compressedConnectionPath = function(conn) {
if ('connection' %in% class(conn)) summary(conn)$description else conn
# <p> readTable
# <p> print
stdOutFromCall = function(call_) {
tf = tempfile();
eval.parent(call_, n = 2);
# crypotgraphy/checksumming
# md5sumString = function(s, prefix = 'md5generator') {
# Require('tools');
# path = tempfile('md5generator');
# writeFile(path, s);
# md5 = avu(md5sum(path));
# md5
# }
# same as above, less dpendencies
md5sumString = function(s, ...)substr(SystemS('echo -n %{s}q | md5sum', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 32)
sha256sumString = function(s, ...)substr(SystemS('echo -n %{s}q | sha256sum', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 32)
sha256sumPath = function(path, ...)substr(SystemS('sha256sum %{path}q', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 64)
# <p> package documentation
# <p> Rcpp helpers
# <p> sqlite
# <p> publishing
# <p> quick pdf generation
# <p> workarounds
clearWarnings = function()assign('last.warning', NULL, envir = baseenv())
# fix broken install from dir: create tarball -> install_local
Install_local = function(path, ..., tarDir = tempdir()) {
sp = splitPath(path);
pkgPath = Sprintf('%{tarDir}s/%{base}s.tar.gz', sp);
# dir component is containing folder
System(Sprintf('cd %{dir}Q ; tar czf %{pkgPath}Q %{file}Q', sp), 2);
#lib = list(...)$lib;
#libLocation = if (is.null(lib)) 'default location' else lib;
#LogS(4, 'Installing to lib:%{libLocation}s');
#print(Sprintf('Installing to lib:%{libLocation}s'));
install_local(pkgPath, ...);
# <p> packages
# <p> misc linux system stuff
# <p> random numbers
getRandomSeed = function(tag = date()) {
md5 = md5sumString(join(c(getwd(), tag)));
is = hex2ints(md5);
seed = is[1];
for (i in 2:length(is)) { seed = bitwXor(seed, is[i]); }
# <p> Reporting
# <p> stop
stopS = function(str, ...)stop(Sprintf(str, ...));
# <p> debugging
# r__: return printed values as list
dprint = function(..., r__ = TRUE) {
vs = as.character(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]);
ns = names(list(...));
Ns = if (is.null(ns)) vs else ifelse(ns == '', vs, ns);
l = listKeyValue(Ns, c(...));
if (r__) return(l);
debugOn = function()options(error = recover);
# <p> file system
normalizePath = function(p) {
p = gsub('^~', Sys.getenv('HOME'), p);
p = gsub('(?:g)//', '/', p, perl = TRUE);
# recursive version of gsbu
gsubR = function(pattern, replacement, x, ..., Nmax = 1e3) {
for (i in 1:Nmax) {
xNew = gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ...);
if (all(xNew == x)) return(x);
x = xNew;
return(NA); # trigger special case (consider stop) <N>
# <i><!> unify with normalizePath after testing 8/2020
NormalizePath = function(p) {
p = gsub('^~', Sys.getenv('HOME'), p);
p = gsub('//+', '/', p, perl = TRUE);
p = gsubR('(^|/)[^/]+/[.][.]/', '/', p, perl = TRUE);
pathToHome = function(path)
gsub(Sprintf('^%{home}s((?=/)|$)', home = Sys.getenv('HOME')), '~', path, perl = TRUE)
# how to refer to to from within from
relativePathSingle = function(from, to) {
from = normalizePath(from);
to = normalizePath(to);
spF = splitPath(from);
spT = splitPath(to);
if (spT$isAbsolute) return(to);
join(c(rep('..', length(splitString('/', spF$dir)) + 0), to), '/');
relativePath = Vectorize(relativePathSingle, c('from', 'to'));
SplitPath = function(path, ...)lapply(path, splitPath, ...);
absolutePathSingle = function(path)splitPath(path)$absolute
absolutePath = Vectorize(absolutePathSingle, c('path'));
pathSimplify = function(p)gsub('[:]', '_', p)
pathInsertPostfix = function(path, postfix, sep = '-')
Sprintf('%{fullbase}s%{sep}s%{postfix}s.%{ext}s', splitPath(path))
# createZip(list(results = c('r/ref1.html', 'r/ref2.html')), 'r/myZip.zip', doCopy = TRUE);
createZip = function(input, output, pword, doCopy = FALSE, readmeText, readme, logOnly = FALSE,
absoluteSymlink = FALSE, simplifyFileNames = FALSE) {
destDir = splitPath(output)$fullbase;
nelapply(input, function(n, e) {
subdir = join(c(destDir, n, ''), '/');
toFiles = list.kpu(SplitPath(e), 'file');
if (simplifyFileNames) toFiles = sapply(toFiles, pathSimplify);
to = paste(subdir, toFiles, sep = '/');
if (doCopy) file.copy(e, to) else {
#from = relativePath(subdir, e);
from = absolutePath(e);
if (absoluteSymlink) from = NormalizePath(paste(splitPath(subdir)$absolute, from, sep = '/'));
print(list(from = from, to = to));
file.symlink(from, to);
dir = splitPath(output)$dir;
zip = splitPath(output)$base;
options = '';
if (!missing(pword)) options = Sprintf('%{options}s -P %{pword}q');
SystemS('cd %{dir}q ; zip %{options}s -r %{zip}q.zip %{zip}q', logLevel = 1, printOnly = logOnly);
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