
Defines functions createZip pathInsertPostfix pathSimplify absolutePathSingle SplitPath relativePathSingle pathToHome NormalizePath gsubR normalizePath debugOn dprint stopS getRandomSeed Install_local clearWarnings sha256sumPath sha256sumString md5sumString stdOutFromCall compressedConnectionPath compressedConnection compressedConnectionGz compressedConnectionBz2 decompressPath decompressPathBz2 compressPath compressPathBz2 isURL writeFile readFile file.locate SourceLocal Do.call evalCall silence System.SetDoLogOnly System.wait SystemS System handleTriggers getCommandOptions evaluateArgs findNextFile findLastVersion exprInDir .fn.popPrefix .fn.pushPrefix .fn .fn.set fileName Load Save Dir.create File.symlink File.remove File.copy File.copy_raw File.exists list_files_with_base list_files_with_exts dirList tempFileName absolutePath splitPath

Documented in file.locate readFile

#	Rsystem.R
#Mon 27 Jun 2005 10:51:30 AM CEST 

#	<par> file handling

# <!><N> works only on atomic path
# <!> 5.1.2016: trailing slash leads to basename of ""
splitPath = function(path, removeQualifier = TRUE, ssh = FALSE, skipExists = FALSE) {
	if (is.null(path)) return(NULL);
	if (removeQualifier) {
		q = fetchRegexpr('(?<=^\\[).*?(?=\\]:)', path);
		if (length(q) > 0) path = substr(path, nchar(q) + 4, nchar(path));
	sshm = list(user = '', host = '', userhost = '');
	if (ssh) {
		sshm = fetchRegexpr('^(?:(?:([a-z]\\w*)(?:@))?([a-z][\\w.]*):)?(.*)', path,
			ignore.case = TRUE, captureN = c('user', 'host', 'path'))[[1]];
		sshm$userhost = if (sshm$user != '') sprintf('%s@%s', sshm$user, sshm$host) else sshm$host;
		path = sshm$path;

	#path = "abc/def.ext";
	#r.base = basename(path);
	#re = "([^.]*$)";
	#r = gregexpr(re, r.base)[[1]];
	#ext = substr(r.base, r[1], r[1] + attr(r, "match.length")[1] - 1);
	#ext = firstDef(fetchRegexpr('(?<=\\.)[^/.]+\\Z', path), '');
	ext = fetchRegexpr('(?<=\\.)[^/.]+\\Z', path);
	# take everything before ext and handle possible absence of '.'
	#base = substr(r.base, 1, r[1] - 1 - (ifelse(substr(r.base, r[1] - 1, r[1] - 1) == '.', 1, 0)));
	# reduce to file.ext
	Nchar = nchar(path);
	# replace leading '~'
	if (path == '~') {
		path = Sys.getenv('HOME');
	} else if (Nchar > 1 && substr(path, 1, 2) == '~/') {
		path = join(c(Sys.getenv('HOME'), substring(path, 2)), '');
	Nchar = nchar(path);
	if (Nchar != 0 && substr(path, Nchar, Nchar) == '/') {
		base = '';
		dir = substr(path, 1, Nchar - 1);
	} else {
		base = basename(path);
		dir = dirname(path);
	# base as yet still contains the file extension
	file = base;
	# chop off extension if present
	if (length(fetchRegexpr('\\.', base)) > 0) base = fetchRegexpr('\\A.*(?=\\.)', base);
	#pieces = regexpr(re, path, perl = TRUE);
	pieces = fetchRegexpr('([^.]+)', path);
	isAbsolute = Nchar != 0 && substr(path, 1, 1) == '/';
	# <N> disk is accessed
	exists = if (!skipExists) File.exists(path, host = sshm$userhost, ssh = FALSE) else NA;
	nonempty = exists && (file.info(path)$size > 0);
	ret = c(list(
		dir = dir,
		base = base,
		path = path,
		fullbase = sprintf("%s/%s", dir, base),
		ext = ext,
		file = file,
		isAbsolute = isAbsolute,
		absolute = if (isAbsolute) path else sprintf('%s/%s', getwd(), path),
		# fs properties
		exists = exists, nonempty = nonempty,
		# remote
		is.remote = !(sshm$user == '' && sshm$host == ''),
			user = sshm$user, host = sshm$host, userhost = sshm$userhost
	), if (removeQualifier && length(q) > 0)
		list(qualifier = q, qualifierFull = Sprintf('[%{q}s]:')) else
		list(qualifier = NA, qualifierFull = ''));
path.absolute = absolutePath = function(path, home.dir = TRUE, ssh = TRUE) {
	path = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh)$path;
	if (home.dir && nchar(path) >= 2 && substr(path, 1, 2) == "~/")
		path = sprintf("%s/%s", Sys.getenv('HOME'), substr(path, 3, nchar(path)));
	if (nchar(path) > 0 && substr(path, 1, 1) == "/") path else sprintf("%s/%s", getwd(), path)
tempFileName = function(prefix, extension = NULL, digits = 6, retries = 5, inRtmp = FALSE,
	createDir = FALSE, home.dir = TRUE, doNotTouch = FALSE) {
	ext = if (is.null(extension)) '' else sprintf('.%s', extension);
	path = NULL;
	if (inRtmp) prefix = sprintf('%s/%s', tempdir(), prefix);
	if (home.dir) prefix = path.absolute(prefix, home.dir = home.dir);
	for (i in 1:retries) {
		path = sprintf('%s%0*d%s', prefix, digits, floor(runif(1) * 10^digits), ext);
		LogS(5, 'tempFileName trying path: %{path}s');
		if (!File.exists(path)) break;
	if (File.exists(path))
		stop(sprintf('Could not create tempfile with prefix "%s" after %d retries', prefix, retries));
	# potential race condition <N>
	if (createDir)
		Dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE) else
		if (!doNotTouch) writeFile(path, '', mkpath = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
	# # old implementation
	#path = tempfile(prefix);
	#cat('', file = path);	# touch path to lock name
	#path = sprintf("%s%s%s", path, ifelse(is.null(extension), "", "."),
	#	ifelse(is.null(extension), "", extension));
	Log(sprintf('Tempfilename:%s', path), 5);
dirList = function(dir, regex = TRUE, case = TRUE, path = FALSE, absolute = FALSE) {
	base = splitPath(dir)$dir;
	files = list.files(base);
	if (regex) {
		re = splitPath(dir)$file;
		files = files[grep(re, files, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = !case)];
	prefix = if (absolute) splitPath(base)$absolute else base;
	if (absolute || path) files = paste(prefix, files, sep = '/');
list_files_with_exts = function(path, exts, full.names = TRUE)
	list.files(path, pattern = Sprintf('.(%{Exts}s)$', Exts = join(exts, '|')), full.names = full.names);

list_files_with_base = function(path, exts, full.names = TRUE) {
	sp = splitPath(path);
		pattern = Sprintf('^%{base}s.(%{Exts}s)$', base = sp$base, Exts = join(exts, '|')),
		full.names = full.names

#	<p> file manipulation

File.exists = function(path, host = '', agent = 'ssh', ssh = TRUE) {
	if (ssh) {
		sp = splitPath(path, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
		host = sp$userhost;
		path = sp$path;
	r = if (!is.null(host) && host != '') {
		ret = system(sprintf('%s %s stat %s >/dev/null 2>&1', agent, host, qs(path)));
		ret == 0
	} else file.exists(path);

File.copy_raw = function(from, to, ...,
	overwrite = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, agent = 'scp', logLevel = 6, ignore.shell = TRUE,
	symbolicLinkIfLocal = TRUE) {
	spF = splitPath(from, ssh = TRUE);
	spT = splitPath(to, ssh = TRUE);
	is.remote.f = spF$is.remote || spF$host == 'localhost';
	is.remote.t = spT$is.remote || spT$host == 'localhost';

	r = if (!is.remote.f && !is.remote.t) {
		if (symbolicLinkIfLocal) {
			LogS(4, 'Symlinking "%{from}s --> %{to}s', from = spF$path, to = spT$path);
			file.symlink(spF$path, spT$path, ...);
		} else {
			LogS(4, 'Copy "%{from}s --> %{to}s', from = spF$path, to = spT$path);
			file.copy(spF$path, spT$path, recursive = recursive, ..., overwrite = overwrite);
	} else {
		# <A> assume 'to' to be atomic
		cmd = sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s',
			ifelse(recursive, '-r', ''),
			paste(sapply(from, qs), collapse = ' '),
			ifelse(ignore.shell, '>/dev/null', '')
		System(cmd, logLevel);

File.copy = function(from, to, ..., recursive = FALSE, agent = 'scp', logLevel = 6, ignore.shell = TRUE,
	symbolicLinkIfLocal = TRUE) {
	if (is.null(from)) return(NULL);
	pairs = cbind(from, to);
	r = apply(pairs, 1, function(r) {
		File.copy_raw(r[1], r[2], ...,
			recursive = recursive, agent = agent, logLevel = logLevel,
			ignore.shell = ignore.shell, symbolicLinkIfLocal = symbolicLinkIfLocal)

File.remove = function(path, ..., agent = 'ssh', ssh = TRUE, logLevel = 6) {
	r = if (ssh) {
		sp = splitPath(path, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
		host = sp$userhost;
		rpath = sp$path;
		if (File.exists(path, ssh = TRUE))
			System(sprintf('rm %s', join(sapply(rpath, qs))), pattern = agent,
				ssh_host = host, logLevel = logLevel);
	} else if (file.exists(path)) file.remove(path, ...);

# <i> remote operations
File.symlink = function(from, to, replace = TRUE, agent = 'ssh', ssh = FALSE, logLevel = 6) {
	r = if (ssh) {
		sp = splitPath(from, skipExists = TRUE, ssh = TRUE);
		host = sp$userhost;
		rpath = sp$path;
		# <!><i>
		stop('not implmenented');
	} else {
		Log(sprintf('symlink %s -> %s', qs(from), qs(to)), logLevel);
		if (replace && file.exists(to)) file.remove(to);
		file.symlink(from, to);

# <!> only atomic path
#	treatAsFile: causes Dir.create to split off last path-component
Dir.create = function(path, ..., recursive = FALSE, agent = 'ssh', logLevel = 6,
	ignore.shell = TRUE, allow.exists = TRUE, treatPathAsFile = FALSE) {
	sp = splitPath(path, ssh = TRUE);
	# ignore last path-component
	if (treatPathAsFile) {
		sp$path = sp$dir;
		Log(sprintf('creating path %s', sp$path), 4);
	if (sp$is.remote) {
		System(sprintf('ssh %s mkdir %s %s %s',
			if (recursive) '--parents' else '',
			paste(sapply(sp$path, qs), collapse = ' '),
			if (ignore.shell) '2>/dev/null' else ''
		), logLevel);
	} else {
		if (allow.exists && !file.exists(sp$path)) dir.create(sp$path, ..., recursive = recursive);

Save = function(..., file = NULL, symbolsAsVectors = FALSE, mkpath = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(1)) {
	sp = splitPath(file, ssh = TRUE);
	localPath = if (sp$is.remote) tempfile() else file;
	if (mkpath) { Dir.create(file, recursive = TRUE, treatPathAsFile = TRUE); }
	r = if (symbolsAsVectors) {
		do.call('save', c(as.list(c(...)), list(file = localPath)), envir = envir);
	} else save(..., file = localPath, envir = envir);
	if (sp$is.remote) File.copy(localPath, file);
Load = function(..., file = NULL, Load_sleep = 0, Load_retries = 3, envir = parent.frame(1), logLevel = 6) {
	sp = splitPath(file, ssh = TRUE);
	localPath = if (sp$is.remote) tempfile() else file;
	r = NULL;
	for (i in 1:Load_retries) {
		if (sp$is.remote) {
			if (!File.exists(file)) {
			File.copy(file, localPath, logLevel = logLevel);
		r = try(load(..., file = localPath, envir = envir));
		if (class(r) == 'try-error' && Load_sleep > 0) Sys.sleep(Load_sleep) else break;
	if (is.null(r)) stop(sprintf('could not Load %s', file));
	if (class(r) == 'try-error') stop(r[1]);

#	create output file names
# output = list(prefix = "results/pch", extension = "pdf", tag = "20100727");
fileName = function(output, extension = NULL, subtype = NULL) {
	if (is.null(output)) return(NULL);
	if (is.null(output$prefix)) return(NULL);
	subtype = firstDef(subtype, output$subtype, "");
	if (subtype != "") subtype =  sprintf("%s-", subtype);
	r = sprintf("%s-%s%s.%s", output$prefix, subtype, output$tag,
		firstDef(extension, output$extension, ""));
	Log(r, 4);
#.globalOutput = list(prefix = 'results/20120126-');
#save(r, file = .fn('simulation', 'RData'))
.globalOutputDefault = .globalOutput = list(prefix = '', tag = NULL, tagFirst = FALSE);
GlobalOutput_env__ = new.env();
# .fn.set(prefix = 'results/predictionTesting-')
# @par prefix character, start path name with this character string
# @par tag character, add dashed string to all files (defaults to appending to filename)
# @par tagFirst boolean, put tag as a prefix to the file name instead
.fn.set = function(...) {
	.globalOutput = merge.lists(.globalOutputDefault, list(...));
	assign('.globalOutput', .globalOutput, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);
# create output file name on globalOptions
.fn = function(name, extension = '', options = NULL) {
	o = merge.lists(.globalOutputDefault, .globalOutput,
		get('.globalOutput', envir = GlobalOutput_env__), options);
	# construct plain filename
	pathes = sprintf('%s%s%s%s', o$prefix, name, ifelse(extension == '', '', '.'), extension);
	fn = sapply(pathes, function(path) {
		sp = splitPath(path);
		# <p> dir
		if (!file.exists(sp$dir)) dir.create(sp$dir);
		# <p> tag
		ext = firstDef(sp$ext, '');
		fn = if (!is.null(o$tag)) {
			if (o$tagFirst) {
				sprintf('%s/%s-%s%s%s', sp$dir, o$tag, sp$base, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext)
			} else { sprintf('%s/%s-%s%s%s', sp$dir, sp$base, o$tag, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext) };
		} else sprintf('%s/%s%s%s', sp$dir, sp$base, ifelse(ext == '', '', '.'), ext);
.fn.pushPrefix = function(prefix) {
	output = merge.lists(.globalOutput, list(prefix = sprintf('%s%s', .globalOutput$prefix, prefix)));
	assign('.globalOutput', output, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);
.fn.popPrefix = function(prefix) {
	output = merge.lists(.globalOutput, list(prefix = sprintf('%s/', splitPath(.globalOutput$prefix)$dir)));
	assign('.globalOutput', output, envir = GlobalOutput_env__);

exprInDir = function(expr, dir = '.', envir = parent.frame()) {
	prev = setwd(dir);
	return(eval(expr, envir = envir));

#	create consecutive files
# findNextFile = function(path, N = 1e2) {
# 	sp = splitPath(path);
# 	for (i in 0:N) {
# 		path = if (i > 0) with(sp, Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d.%{ext}')) else path;
# 		if (!file.exists(path)) return(path);
# 	}
# 	stop(Sprintf('No path could be crated from base path: %{path}s'));
# }

findLastVersion = function(path, retAll = FALSE) {
	sp = splitPath(path);
	E = if (is.null(sp$ext)) '' else with(sp, Sprintf('.%{ext}s'));
	re = with(sp, Sprintf('^%{base}s-(\\d+)%{E}s$'));
	files = list.files(sp$dir, pattern = re);
	i = max(c(0, as.integer(Regexpr(re, files, captures = TRUE))));
	highest = if (i == 0) path else with(sp, Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d%{E}s'));
	return(if (retAll) list(path = highest, version = i, ext = E) else highest);

findNextFile = function(path, Nmax = 1e2) {
# 	sp = splitPath(path);
# 	re = with(sp, Sprintf('^%{base}s-(\\d+).%{ext}s$'));
# 	files = list.files(sp$dir, pattern = re);
	lv = findLastVersion(path, retAll = TRUE);
	v = lv$version;
	if (v == 0 && !file.exists(path)) return(path);
	if (v >= Nmax)
		stop(Sprintf('No path could be crated from base path: %{path}s [Maximum versions exhausted: %{Nmax}d]'));
	r = with(splitPath(path), Sprintf('%{fullbase}s-%{i}d%{ext}s', i = v + 1, ext = lv$ext));
	LogS(6, 'findNextFile: %{r}s');

#	command argument handling

# default args: command line call minus command
evaluateArgs = function(c = commandArgs()[-1]) {
	is.no.option = is.na(as.integer(sapply(c, function(a)grep("^--", a))));
	#c = c[!(c == "--vanilla")];	# eliminate '--vanilla' arguments
	c = c[is.no.option];
	if (length(c) > 0) {
		eval.parent(parse(text = c[1]));
		argListString = gsub(";", ",", gsub(";$", "", c[1]));
		return(eval(parse(text = sprintf("list(%s)", argListString))));

# default args: command line call minus command
getCommandOptions = function(c = commandArgs()[-1]) {
	is.no.option = is.na(as.integer(sapply(c, function(a)grep("^--", a))));
	#c = c[!(c == "--vanilla")];	# eliminate '--vanilla' arguments
	c = c[is.no.option];
	o = lapply(c, function(e) {
		eval(parse(text = e));
		nlapply(setdiff(ls(), 'e'), function(n)get(n))
	o = unlist.n(o, 1);

# R.pl interface

handleTriggers = function(o, triggerDefinition = NULL) {
	if (is.null(triggerDefinition)) triggerDefinition = rget('.globalTriggers');
	if (!is.list(o) || is.null(triggerDefinition)) return(NULL);
	for (n in names(triggerDefinition)) {
		if (!is.null(o[[n]])) triggerDefinition[[n]](o$args, o);


#	<p> extended system call

# Example of patterns:
# 	System(cmd, 5, patterns = c('cwd', 'qsub', 'ssh'),
# 		cwd = sp$path, ssh_host = sp$userhost,
# 		qsubPath = sprintf('%s/qsub', sp$path), qsubMemory = self@config$qsubRampUpMemory);

.System.fileSystem = list(
	#tempfile = function(prefix, ...)tempfile(splitPath(prefix)$base, tmpdir = splitPath(prefix)$dir, ...),
	tempfile = function(prefix, ...)tempFileName(prefix, ...),
	readFile = function(...)readFile(...)
.System.patterns = list(
	default = list(pre = function(cmd, ...)cmd, post = function(spec, ret, ...)list()	),
	qsub = list(pre = function(cmd, spec,
		jidFile = spec$fs$tempfile(sprintf('/tmp/R_%s/qsub_pattern', Sys.getenv('USER'))),
		qsubOptions = '',
		waitForJids = NULL, ...) {
		Dir.create(jidFile, treatPathAsFile = TRUE);
		waitOption = if (is.null(waitForJids)) '' else
			sprintf('--waitForJids %s', join(waitForJids, sep = ','));
		ncmd = sprintf('qsub.pl --jidReplace %s %s --unquote %s -- %s',
			jidFile, waitOption, qsubOptions, qs(cmd));
		spec = list(cmd = ncmd, jidFile = jidFile);
	post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list(jid = as.integer(spec$fs$readFile(spec$jidFile))) }
	cwd = list(pre = function(cmd, spec, cwd = '.', ...) {
		ncmd = sprintf('cd %s ; %s', qs(cwd), cmd);
		spec = list(cmd = ncmd);
	post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list() }
	# <i> stdout/stderr handling
	ssh = list(pre = function(cmd, spec, ssh_host = 'localhost', ssh_source_file = NULL, ...,
		ssh_single_quote = TRUE) {
		if (!is.null(ssh_source_file)) {
			cmd = sprintf('%s ; %s',
				join(paste('source', qs(ssh_source_file), sep = ' '), ' ; '), cmd);
		fmt = if (ssh_single_quote) 'ssh %{ssh_host}s %{cmd}q' else 'ssh %{ssh_host}s %{cmd}Q';
		spec = list(cmd = Sprintf(fmt));
	fs = function(fs, ..., ssh_host) {
			tempfile = function(prefix, ...) {
				Log(sprintf('tempfile ssh:%s', prefix), 1);
				r = splitPath(tempFileName(sprintf('%s:%s', ssh_host, prefix), ...), ssh = TRUE)$path;
				Log(sprintf('tempfile ssh-remote:%s', r), 1);
			readFile = function(path, ...)readFile(sprintf('%s:%s', ssh_host, path), ..., ssh = TRUE)
	post = function(spec, ret, ...) { list() }
#	a system call (c.f. privatePerl/TempFilenames::System)
System_env__ <- new.env();
assign(".system.doLogOnly", FALSE, envir = System_env__);

System = function(cmd, logLevel = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__),
	doLog = TRUE, printOnly = NULL, return.output = FALSE,
	pattern = NULL, patterns = NULL, ..., return.cmd = FALSE, return.error = FALSE) {
	# prepare
	if (!exists(".system.doLogOnly", envir = System_env__))
		assign(".system.doLogOnly", FALSE, envir = System_env__);
	doLogOnly = ifelse (!is.null(printOnly), printOnly, get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__));

	# pattern mapping
	fs = .System.fileSystem;
	if (!is.null(patterns)) {
		spec = list();
		# map file accesses
		for (pattern in rev(patterns)) {
			fsMapper = .System.patterns[[pattern]]$fs;
			if (!is.null(fsMapper)) fs = fsMapper(fs, ...);
			spec[[length(spec) + 1]] = list(fs = fs);
		# wrap commands into each other
		for (i in 1:length(patterns)) {
			spec[[i]] = merge.lists(spec[[i]], .System.patterns[[patterns[[i]]]]$pre(cmd, spec[[i]], ...));
			cmd = spec[[i]]$cmd;
	} else if (!is.null(pattern)) {
		spec = .System.patterns[[pattern]]$pre(cmd, list(fs = fs), ...);
		spec$fs = fs;	# manually install fs
		cmd = spec$cmd;
	# redirection (after patterns) <A>
	if (return.output & !doLogOnly) {
		tmpOutput = tempfile();
		cmd = sprintf("%s > %s", cmd, tmpOutput);
	if (return.error & !doLogOnly) {
		tmpError = tempfile();
		cmd = sprintf("%s 2> %s", cmd, tmpError);
	# logging
	if (doLog){ Log(sprintf("system: %s", cmd), logLevel); }
	# system call
	ret = NULL;
	if (!doLogOnly) ret = system(cmd);
	# return value
	r = list(error = ret);
	if (return.output & !doLogOnly) {
		r = merge.lists(r, list(output = readFile(tmpOutput)));
	if (return.error & !doLogOnly) {
		r = merge.lists(r, list(output.err = readFile(tmpError)));
	# postprocess
	if (!doLogOnly) if (!is.null(patterns)) {
		for (i in rev(1:length(patterns))) {
			r = merge.lists(r, .System.patterns[[patterns[[i]]]]$post(spec[[i]], ret, ...));
	} else if (!is.null(pattern)) {
		r = merge.lists(r, .System.patterns[[pattern]]$post(spec, ret, ...));
	if (return.cmd) r$command = cmd;
	# simplified output
	if (!return.output && !return.cmd && !return.error && is.null(pattern)) r = r$error;
SystemS = function(cmd, logLevel = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__),
	doLog = TRUE, printOnly = NULL, return.output = FALSE, return.cmd = FALSE, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {

	cmd = Sprintf(cmd, ..., envir = envir);
	System(cmd, logLevel, doLog, printOnly, return.output, return.cmd = return.cmd);

# wait on job submitted by system
.System.wait.patterns = list(
	default = function(r, ...)(NULL),
	qsub = function(r, ...) {
		ids = if (is.list(r[[1]]) & !is.null(r[[1]]$jid)) list.kp(r, 'jid', do.unlist = TRUE) else r$jid;
		idsS = if (length(ids) == 0) '' else paste(ids, collapse = ' ');
		System(sprintf('qwait.pl %s', idsS), ...);
System.wait = function(rsystem, pattern = NULL, ...) {
	r = if (!is.null(pattern)) .System.wait.patterns[[pattern]](rsystem, ...) else NULL;

System.SetDoLogOnly = function(doLogOnly = FALSE) {
	assign(".system.doLogOnly", doLogOnly, envir = System_env__);

#	<p> io

# Capture.ouput(..., type = c('input', 'output', 'merged', 'all', 'none', 'discard'), split = c('input', 'output', 'all', 'none'), append = c('input', 'output', 'all', 'none'), return = TRUE)
silence = function(expr, verbose = FALSE) {
	if (verbose || Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows') eval(expr) else {
		sink('/dev/null', type = 'output');
		sink(stdout(), type = 'message');
		r = eval(expr);
		sink(type = 'message');
		sink(type = 'output');

#	<p> calls

evalCall = function(call) {
	call = callEvalArgs(call);
	do.call(call$f, call$args, envir = call$envir)

# envirArgs: non-functional, depracated
Do.call = function(what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(),
	defaultEnvir = .GlobalEnv, envirArgs = NULL, do_evaluate_args = FALSE) {
	if (is.null(envir)) envir = defaultEnvir;
	if (do_evaluate_args) args = nlapply(args, function(e)eval(args[[e]], envir = envir));
	do.call(what = what, args = args, quote = quote, envir = envir)

#	<p> file operations

# <A> overlap with Source; avoid dependecy with RCurl
SourceLocal = function(file, ...,
	locations = c('', '.', sprintf('%s/src/Rscripts', Sys.getenv('HOME'))),
	envir = NULL) {
	sapply(file, function(file) {
		file0 = file.locate(file, prefixes = locations);
			if (notE(envir)) sys.source(file = file0, envir = envir, ...) else source(file = file0, ...)

#' Return absolute path for name searched in search-pathes
#' Search for pathes.
#' @param path path (segment) to be located in standard locations
#' @param prefixes prefixes to be prepended to path to check existance
#' @param normalize boolean to inidcate whether a normalized path should be returned (absolute)
#' @param home boolean to indicate whether starting prefix '~' should be interpolated to the home folder
#' @param as.dirs assume that prefixes are pathes, i.e. a slash will be put between path and prefix
#' @param force enforces that path and prefix are always joined, otherwise if path is absolute no prefixing is performed
#' @return character vector with path to file or NULL if no file could be located
file.locate = function(path, prefixes = NULL, normalize = TRUE, as.dirs = TRUE, force = FALSE, home = TRUE) {
	if (!force && substr(path, 1, 1) == '/') return(path);
	if (substr(path, 1, 1) == '~' && home) {
		path = path.absolute(path, home.dir = TRUE);
		if (!force) return(path);
	if (is.null(prefixes)) prefixes = if (as.dirs) '.' else '';
	sep = ifelse(as.dirs, '/', '');
	for (prefix in prefixes) {
		npath = sprintf('%s%s%s', prefix, sep, path);
		if (normalize) npath = path.absolute(npath);
		if (file.exists(npath)) return(npath);

#' Read content of file and return as character object.
#' @param path Path to the file to be read.
#' @param prefixes Search for file by prepending character strings from
#' prefixes.
#' @param normalize Standardize pathes.
#' @param ssh Allow pathes to remote files in \code{scp} notation.
#' @author Stefan Böhringer <r-packages@@s-boehringer.org>
#' @return character vector containing the file content
#' @keywords io input
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   parallel8 = function(e) log(1:e) %*% log(1:e);
# #'   cat(readFile(tempcodefile(parallel8)));
# #' }
# prefixes only supported locally <!>
readFile = function(path, prefixes = NULL, normalize = TRUE, ssh = FALSE) {
	s = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh);
	r = if (s$is.remote) {
		tf = tempfile();
		File.copy(path, tf);
		readChar(tf, nchars = as.list(file.info(tf)[1,])$size);
	} else {
		if (!is.null(prefixes)) path = file.locate(path, prefixes, normalize);
		readChar(path, nchars = as.list(file.info(path)[1,])$size);

writeFile = function(path, str, mkpath = FALSE, ssh = FALSE) {
	s = splitPath(path, ssh = ssh);
	if (s$is.remote) {
		Dir.create(sprintf('%s:%s', s$userhost, s$dir), recursive = mkpath);
		tf = tempfile();
		out = file(description = tf, open = 'w', encoding='UTF-8');
			cat(str, file = out, sep = "");
		close(con = out);
		File.copy(tf, path);
	} else {
		if (mkpath) {
			if (!file.exists(s$dir)) dir.create(s$dir, recursive = TRUE);
		out = file(description = path, open = 'w', encoding='UTF-8');
			cat(str, file = out, sep = "");
		close(con = out);

isURL = function(path)(length(grep("^(ftp|http|https|file)://", path)) > 0L)

#	<p> helper functions readTable/writeTable

compressPathBz2 = function(pathRaw, path, doRemoveOrig = TRUE) {
	cmd = Sprintf("cat %{pathRaw}q | bzip2 -9 > %{path}q");
	r = System(cmd, 5);
	if (doRemoveOrig && !get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__)) file.remove(pathRaw);
compressPath = function(pathRaw, path, extension = NULL, doRemoveOrig = TRUE) {
	if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
	compressor = get(Sprintf('compressPath%{extension}u'));
	r = compressor(pathRaw, path, doRemoveOrig = doRemoveOrig);
decompressPathBz2 = function(path, pathTmp, doRemoveOrig = FALSE) {
	cmd = Sprintf("cat %{path}q | bunzip2 > %{pathTmp}q");
	r = System(cmd, 5);
	if (doRemoveOrig && !get('.system.doLogOnly', envir = System_env__)) file.remove(path);
decompressPath = function(path, pathTmp, extension = NULL, doRemoveOrig = FALSE) {
	if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
	decompressor = get(Sprintf('decompressPath%{extension}u'));
	r0 = decompressor(path, pathTmp, doRemoveOrig = doRemoveOrig);
	r = list(destination = pathTmp, pathOrig = path, return = r0);

compressedConnectionBz2 = function(path, mode = '') {
	#r = Sprintf('%{path}s.bz2');
	bzfile(path, open = mode)
compressedConnectionGz = function(path, mode = '') {
	gzfile(path, open = mode)
compressedConnection = function(path, extension = NULL, mode = '') {
	if (is.null(extension)) return(path);
	compressor = get(Sprintf('compressedConnection%{extension}u'));
	compressor(path, mode = mode)
compressedConnectionPath = function(conn) {
	if ('connection' %in% class(conn)) summary(conn)$description else conn

#	<p> readTable

#	<p> print

stdOutFromCall = function(call_) {
	tf = tempfile();
		eval.parent(call_, n = 2);

#	crypotgraphy/checksumming

# md5sumString = function(s, prefix = 'md5generator') {
# 	Require('tools');
# 	path = tempfile('md5generator');
# 	writeFile(path, s);
# 	md5 = avu(md5sum(path));
# 	md5
# }
# same as above, less dpendencies
md5sumString = function(s, ...)substr(SystemS('echo -n %{s}q | md5sum', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 32)
sha256sumString = function(s, ...)substr(SystemS('echo -n %{s}q | sha256sum', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 32)
sha256sumPath = function(path, ...)substr(SystemS('sha256sum %{path}q', return.output = TRUE)$output, 1, 64)

#	<p> package documentation

#	<p> Rcpp helpers

#	<p> sqlite

#	<p> publishing

#	<p> quick pdf generation

#	<p> workarounds

clearWarnings = function()assign('last.warning', NULL, envir = baseenv())

# fix broken install from dir: create tarball -> install_local
Install_local = function(path, ..., tarDir = tempdir()) {
	sp = splitPath(path);
	pkgPath = Sprintf('%{tarDir}s/%{base}s.tar.gz', sp);
	# dir component is containing folder
	System(Sprintf('cd %{dir}Q ; tar czf %{pkgPath}Q %{file}Q', sp), 2);
	#lib = list(...)$lib;
	#libLocation = if (is.null(lib)) 'default location' else lib;
	#LogS(4, 'Installing to lib:%{libLocation}s');
	#print(Sprintf('Installing to lib:%{libLocation}s'));
	install_local(pkgPath, ...);

#	<p> packages

#	<p> misc linux system stuff

#	<p> random numbers

getRandomSeed = function(tag = date()) {
	md5 = md5sumString(join(c(getwd(), tag)));
	is = hex2ints(md5);
	seed = is[1];
	for (i in 2:length(is)) { seed = bitwXor(seed, is[i]); }

#	<p> Reporting

#	<p> stop

stopS = function(str, ...)stop(Sprintf(str, ...));

#	<p> debugging

# r__: return printed values as list
dprint = function(..., r__ = TRUE) {
	vs = as.character(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]);
	ns = names(list(...));
	Ns = if (is.null(ns)) vs else ifelse(ns == '', vs, ns);
	l = listKeyValue(Ns, c(...));
	if (r__) return(l);

debugOn = function()options(error = recover);

#	<p> file system

normalizePath = function(p) {
	p = gsub('^~', Sys.getenv('HOME'), p);
	p = gsub('(?:g)//', '/', p, perl = TRUE);

# recursive version of gsbu
gsubR = function(pattern, replacement, x, ..., Nmax = 1e3) {
	for (i in 1:Nmax) {
		xNew = gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ...);
		if (all(xNew == x)) return(x);
		x = xNew;
	return(NA);	# trigger special case (consider stop) <N>

# <i><!> unify with normalizePath after testing 8/2020
NormalizePath = function(p) {
	p = gsub('^~', Sys.getenv('HOME'), p);
	p = gsub('//+', '/', p, perl = TRUE);
	p = gsubR('(^|/)[^/]+/[.][.]/', '/', p, perl = TRUE);
pathToHome = function(path)
	gsub(Sprintf('^%{home}s((?=/)|$)', home = Sys.getenv('HOME')), '~', path, perl = TRUE)

# how to refer to to from within from
relativePathSingle = function(from, to) {
	from = normalizePath(from);
	to = normalizePath(to);
	spF = splitPath(from);
	spT = splitPath(to);
	if (spT$isAbsolute) return(to);
	join(c(rep('..', length(splitString('/', spF$dir)) + 0), to), '/');
relativePath = Vectorize(relativePathSingle, c('from', 'to'));
SplitPath = function(path, ...)lapply(path, splitPath, ...);
absolutePathSingle = function(path)splitPath(path)$absolute
absolutePath = Vectorize(absolutePathSingle, c('path'));
pathSimplify = function(p)gsub('[:]', '_', p)
pathInsertPostfix = function(path, postfix, sep = '-')
	Sprintf('%{fullbase}s%{sep}s%{postfix}s.%{ext}s', splitPath(path))

# 	createZip(list(results = c('r/ref1.html', 'r/ref2.html')), 'r/myZip.zip', doCopy = TRUE);

createZip = function(input, output, pword, doCopy = FALSE, readmeText, readme, logOnly = FALSE,
	absoluteSymlink = FALSE, simplifyFileNames = FALSE) {
	destDir = splitPath(output)$fullbase;
	nelapply(input, function(n, e) {
		subdir = join(c(destDir, n, ''), '/');
		toFiles = list.kpu(SplitPath(e), 'file');
		if (simplifyFileNames) toFiles = sapply(toFiles, pathSimplify);
		to = paste(subdir, toFiles, sep = '/');
		if (doCopy) file.copy(e, to) else {
			#from = relativePath(subdir, e);
			from = absolutePath(e);
			if (absoluteSymlink) from = NormalizePath(paste(splitPath(subdir)$absolute, from, sep = '/'));
			print(list(from = from, to = to));
			file.symlink(from, to);
	dir = splitPath(output)$dir;
	zip = splitPath(output)$base;
	options = '';
	if (!missing(pword)) options = Sprintf('%{options}s -P %{pword}q');
	SystemS('cd %{dir}q ; zip %{options}s -r %{zip}q.zip %{zip}q', logLevel = 1, printOnly = logOnly);
sboehringer/gwasWeighted documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 10:19 p.m.