smokp: Smoking Prediction from methylomic expression data

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smokpR Documentation

Smoking Prediction from methylomic expression data


Predict smoking from samples using various methods


  smokp(betas, method, sst)



Matrix of betas or MethyLumiSet or MethylSet object. Rows are Illumina IDs referring to CpG sites and Columns refer to samples or participants.


Currently: 'AHRR', 'McCartney', 'Maas', 'Sugden', 'Teschendorff', 'Yu', 'Gao', 'Yang', 'Zhang', 'Wen', 'Langdon', 'SSt', 'Packyears', 'Cessation', and 'All'. If "All" smokp will seek to predict smoking using all methods else will use the method specified. Default is "SSt". If 'Teschendorff', 'Yu', 'Gao', 'Yang' or 'Langdon' specified then smoking status is required.


Named vector describing smoking status, coded as 'Current', 'Former', or 'Never', of participant for each sample (where names match rownames of betas).


Returns data frame of predicted smoking per sample.


Original Functions: See References.

wateRmelon: Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Leo Schalkwyk, Louis El Khoury

smokp: Alexandria Andrayas


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Langdon, R.J., Yousefi, P., Relton, C.L. and Suderman, M.J. Epigenetic modelling of former, current and never smokers. Clinical Epigenetics, 2021, 13, 1-13.

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    # note, melon is not a complete dataset, does not work with all methods
    smokp(melon, method="McCartney", sst=NULL)

schalkwyk/wateRmelon documentation built on June 30, 2024, 7:37 a.m.