
Defines functions .vapply1l .vapply1d .validFilename .translateThermoIdToScanId .topIdx .topDownFileExtRx .targetedMassListToMz .swapFileExt .subsetFiles .subsetByNumeric .subsetByLogical .subsetByCharacter .subset .snippet .scanDescription .resample .nrows .ndigits .msg .massLabelToId .massLabel .makeNames .logmsg .isEqual .hft .groupId .groupByLabels .groupBy .fragmentationMethod .formatNumbers .flatten .fixFilterStringId .fixFilterString .filterStringToId .fileExt .characterToLogical cat0 .camelCase .allIdentical

#' Test whether all values in a vector are identical
#' (all(x[1] == x) is slower than unique)
#' @param x vector
#' @return `logical`, TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
.allIdentical <- function(x) {
    isTRUE(length(unique(x)) == 1L)

#' Create camelCase names.
#' @param x `character`
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.camelCase <- function(x) {
    ## convert dots from `make.names` to space
    x <- gsub("\\.+", " ", x)
    ## remove all the other punctiation like (, ), /
    x <- gsub("[[:punct:]]+", "", x)
    ## split AGCTarget to AGC Target and/or
    ## SupplementalActivationCE to Supplemental Activation CE
    x <- gsub("([A-Z]+)(?=([a-z]|[0-9]|[A-Z]$))", " \\1", x, perl=TRUE)
    ## Don't allow UPVDTime but
    ## don't split TIC/ETD to single letters (that's why [^ ])
    x <- gsub("(?<=[^ ][A-Z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z])", " \\1", x, perl=TRUE)
    ## just capitalize the first letter in a word
    x <- gsub("(?<=\\b)([a-z])", "\\U\\1", tolower(x), perl=TRUE)
    ## remove whitespace
    x <- gsub(" ", "", x)

#' cat0, cat with sep="", similar to paste0
#' @param \ldots arguments passed to cat
#' @noRd
cat0 <- function(...) {
    cat(..., sep="", append=TRUE)

#' Convert character with On/Off, True/False to logical
#' @param x `character`
#' @param na.strings `character`
#' @return `logical`/`character`
#' @noRd
.characterToLogical <- function(x, na.strings=c("NA", "N/A")) {
    if ((!is.character(x) && !is(x, "Rle")) ||
        (is(x, "Rle") && !is.character(runValue(x))))
        stop("'x' has to be a 'character'.")
    y <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*on[[:space:]]*$", "TRUE", decode(x),
    y <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*off[[:space:]]*$", "FALSE", y, ignore.case=TRUE)

    l <- as.logical(y)

    if (all(
        grepl(paste0(na.strings, collapse="|"), y) | is.na(y) == is.na(l))
    ) l else x

#' file extension
#' @param x `character`, file path
#' @param compression `logical`, if TRUE gz, bz2, xz is removed
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.fileExt <- function(x, compression=TRUE) {
    if (compression)
        x <- sub("[.](gz|bz2|xz|zip)$", "", x)

#' The ScanHeadsman output for the header information contains a column
#' FilterString with the format "FTMS + p NSI Full ms2 [0-9]+\.[0-9]+@hcd35.00
#' [xxx-yyy]". This function converts this format to the ID stored in the mass
#' label.
#' @param x `character`
#' @return `double`
#' @noRd
.filterStringToId <- function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x))
        stop("'x' has to be a 'character'.")
    .massLabelToId(gsub("^.*ms2 ([^@]+)\\@.*$", "\\1", x))

#' Ensure unique, increasing ids in FilterStrings
#' The ScanHeadsman output contains some FilterStrings that have wrong IDs (the
#' id from the previous or next run), e.g.:
#' FTMS + p NSI Full ms2 1162.0007@cid28.00 [100.0000-2000.0000]
#' FTMS + p NSI Full ms2 1162.0009@hcd28.00 [100.0000-2000.0000]
#' FTMS + p NSI Full ms2 1162.0009@hcd28.00 [100.0000-2000.0000]
#' FTMS + p NSI Full ms2 1162.0009@cid35.00 [100.0000-2000.0000]
#' pavel-shliaha finds out, that the skip is never larger than 1, never more
#' than 1 in a row and both is possible 1, 2, 2, 4 and 1, 3, 3, 4.
#' In general it seems that the fix is as easy as ensuring that the FilterString
#' ids following a sequence (with some drop-outs).
#' See the following issues for details:
#' - https://github.com/sgibb/topdownr/issues/14
#' - https://github.com/sgibb/topdownr/issues/25
#' TODO: replace this with a better approach if we understand why some ID are
#' skipped.
#' @param x `character`, FilterString
#' @return `character`, fixed FilterString with equal length as `x`
#' @noRd
.fixFilterString <- function(x) {
    ufs <- unique(x)
    ids <- .filterStringToId(ufs)
    pos <- regexpr("[0-9]{3}@", ufs)
    i <- match(x, ufs)
    substr(x, pos[i], pos[i] + 3L) <-
        sprintf("%03d@", .fixFilterStringId(ids))[i]

#' Workhorse function of .fixFilterString
#' There are two patterns possible: 1, 2, 2, 4 and 1, 3, 3, 4
#' @param x `numeric`, id
#' @return `numeric`, fixed id
#' @noRd
.fixFilterStringId <- function(x) {
    d <- diff(x)
    ## 1, 2, 2, 4: d == d(1, 0, 2)
    l <- c(FALSE, d == 0L & c(d[-1L], Inf) == 2L)
    x[l] <- x[l] + 1L
    ## 1, 3, 3, 4: d == d(2, 0, 1)
    l <- c(FALSE, d == 2L & c(d[-1L], Inf) == 0L)
    x[l] <- x[l] - 1L
    ## edge case: 2, 2, 3, 4
    if (all(d[1L:2L] == c(0L, 1L))) {
        x[1L] <- x[1L] - 1L
    ## edge case: 1, 2, 3, 3
    if (all(d[length(d) - 0L:1L] == c(0L, 1L))) {
        x[length(x)] <- x[length(x)] + 1L

#' Flat nested lists to unnested one
#' @param x `list`
#' @return `list`
#' @noRd
.flatten <- function(x) {
    .is.list <- function(x)inherits(x, "list")
    while(any(.vapply1l(x, .is.list))) {
        x <- unlist(
            lapply(x, function(y) { if (.is.list(y)) { y } else { list(y) } }),

#' Convert number to string and prepend zeros
#' @param x `double`
#' @param asInteger `logical`
#' @param nScientific `numeric`
#' @param na2zero `logical`
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.formatNumbers <- function(x, asInteger=NA_integer_, nScientific=5L, na2zero=FALSE) {
    ## sprintf("%02.2f", Rle(c(1.2, 2.2), 2:3)) == "01" instead c("1.20", "1.20",
    ## "2.20", "2.20", "2.20"); so we need to decode
    x <- decode(x)
    n <- .ndigits(max(abs(x), 0, na.rm=TRUE))
    na <- is.na(x)

    if (isTRUE(any(x < 0L))) {
        n <- n + 1

    if (na2zero) {
        x[na] <- 0

    asInteger <- isTRUE(asInteger) ||
        (is.na(asInteger) &&
         all(abs(x[!na] - as.integer(x[!na])) < .Machine$double.eps))

    if (asInteger && n <= nScientific) {
        sprintf(paste0("%0", n, "d"), as.integer(x))
    } else if (asInteger && n > nScientific) {
        sprintf(paste0("%.1e"), as.integer(x))
    } else {
        # + 3L = 2 place after the decimal point + the point itself
        sprintf(paste0("%0", n + 3L, ".2f"), x)

#' Get fragmentation method from {ETD,CID,HCD}Activation
#' @param x `data.frame`/`matrix`, 3 columns (ETD,CID,HCD)
#' @return `character`, fragmentation method
#' @noRd
.fragmentationMethod <- function(x) {
    methods <- c(
        "None", "ETD", "CID", "ETcid", "HCD", "EThcd", "CID/HCD",
        "ETD/CID/HCD", "UVPD", rep(NA_character_, 6), "All"
    v <- c(EtdActivation=1L, CidActivation=2L, HcdActivation=4L,
    if (!all(colnames(x) %in% names(v)))
        stop("Unknown activation in 'x'")
    x <- x[, names(v)]
    apply(x, 1L, function(i)methods[sum(v[as.logical(i)], na.rm=TRUE) + 1L])

#' Split list/data.frame
#' @param x `data.frame`, e.g. from .ms2Experiments
#' @param cols `character`, colnames used to split
#' @return `list`
#' @noRd
.groupBy <- function(x, cols) {
    split(x, .groupByLabels(x, cols))

#' Create group labels from data.frame columns
#' @param x `data.frame`, or `DataFrame` e.g. from .ms2Experiments
#' @param cols `character`, colnames used to split
#' @param sep `character`, separator
#' @return `list`
#' @noRd
.groupByLabels <- function(x, cols=names(x), sep=":") {
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (any(!cols %in% colnames(x))) {
        stop("All 'cols' have to be valid column names of 'x'.")
    if (length(cols) > 1L) {
        ## `interaction` doesn't handle NA values, so use `paste` instead
        do.call(paste, c(x[, cols], sep=sep))
    } else {
        as.character(x[, cols])

#' Create group id
#' @param x `data.frame`
#' @param cols `character`, colnames used for grouping
#' @return `integer`
#' @noRd
.groupId <- function(x, cols) {
    if (!is.data.frame(x) && !inherits(x, "DataFrame"))
        stop("'x' has to be a 'data.frame' or 'DataFrame'")
    groups <- .groupByLabels(x, cols)
    ugroups <- unique(groups)
    match(groups, ugroups)

#' head/fill/tail of vector elements (e.g. for printing)
#' @param x vector
#' @param fill `character`, or NULL
#' @param n `integer`
#' @return vector, `c(head(x, n), fill, tail(x, n))`
#' @noRd
.hft <- function(x, fill="...", n=3) {
    if (length(x) <= 2 * n) {
    } else {
        c(head(x, n), fill, tail(x, n))

#' Test for numeric similarity/equality (similar to all.equal)
#' @param x `numeric`
#' @param y `numeric`
#' @param tolerance `double`
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
.isEqual <- function(x, y, tolerance=1e-3) {
    if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y))
        stop("Both 'x' and 'y' have to be 'numeric'")
    if (length(x) != length(y) && length(x) != 1L && length(y) != 1L)
        stop("Both 'x' and 'y' have to have the same length or length of one.")
    isTRUE(all(abs(y - x) < tolerance))

#' Add log message.
#' @param ... arguments passed to `paste0`
#' @return msg with date string added
#' @noRd
.logmsg <- function(...) {
    paste0("[", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "] ", ...)

#' Make names (similar to base::make.names but start appending with 1)
#' @param x `character` (or must be convertable to `character`)
#' @param prefix `character`, prefix
#' @param sep `character`, separator
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.makeNames <- function(x, prefix, sep=":") {
    x <- as.character(x)
    if (!missing(prefix)) {
        x <- paste0(prefix, x)
    ave(x, x, FUN=function(xx) {
        if (length(xx) == 1L) {
        } else {
                paste0("%s", sep, "%0", .ndigits(length(xx)), "d"),
                xx, seq_along(xx)

#' Create mass label
#' Identifying the experiments by the running time/order is complicated.
#' Sometimes the instrument records a new run with the same settings which moves
#' all indicies. Same is true for the start times.
#' We modify the target mass slightly by rounding to one decimal place and use
#' the second to fourth (default) to encode the id. Subsequently it is possible
#' to find the results by their individual mass.
#' @param x `double`, original mass
#' @param id `double`, run id
#' @param divisor `double`, divisor (determines which decimal place)
#' @return `double`, mass label (id encoded in the second to fourth decimal
#' place)
#' @seealso [.massLabelToId()]
#' @noRd
.massLabel <- function(x, id, divisor=10000L) {
    if (any(log10(divisor) <= log10(id) + 1L)) {
        stop("'divisor' has to be at least two digits more than 'id'")
    round(x, 1L) + id / divisor

#' Extract ID from mass labels
#' @param x `character`, mass label
#' @param idDigits `integer`, number of digits behind the decimal place that
#' store id information (not mass information) from the last one (e.g. 3 if
#' the id is 123 and the mz is 900.0123)
#' @seealso [.massLabel()]
#' @noRd
.massLabelToId <- function(x, idDigits=3L) {
    # was the following before, but results in round errors ("7" becomes 6L)
    # x <- as.double(x)
    # as.integer((x - round(x, 1L)) * multiplicator)
    n <- nchar(x)
    as.integer(substring(x, n - idDigits + 1L, n))

#' verbose output
#' @param \ldots arguments passed to `message`
#' @noRd
.msg <- function(verbose, ...) {
    if (verbose) {

#' number of digits
#' @param x `double`
#' @return `integer`
#' @noRd
.ndigits <- function(x) {
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    if (!length(x) || all(x == 0L)) {
    } else {
        trunc(log10(abs(x)) + 1L)

#' similar to lengths but for rows
#' @param x `list` of `data.frames`/`matrices`
#' @noRd
.nrows <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "list"))
        stop("'x' has to b a 'list'")
    .vapply1d(x, nrow)

#' Resample rows (Experiments) in a data.frame
#' @param x `data.frame`
#' @param fun `function`, to apply on the number of rows, e.g. use `seq` to do
#' nothing.
#' @return reordered `data.frame`
#' @noRd
.resample <- function(x, fun=sample) {
    fun <- match.fun(fun)
    x[fun(nrow(x)), , drop=FALSE]

#' generate valid scan description
#' @param x `data.frame`
#' @param replications `numeric`, number of replications
#' @param prefix `character`, prefix
#' @return unique names
#' @noRd
.scanDescription <- function(n, replications=1L, prefix="C") {
    if (!is.numeric(n) || length(n) != 1L)
        stop("'n' has to be a 'numeric' of length one.")
    if (!is.numeric(replications) || length(replications) != 1L ||
        replications <= 0L)
            "'replications' has to be a 'numeric' of length one and ",
            "greater than 0.")
    if (!is.character(prefix) ||
        (length(prefix) != 1L && length(prefix) != n) ||
            "'prefix' has to be a 'character' of length one or ",
            "equal the length of 'n'."
    desc <- paste0(
        rep.int(.formatNumbers(seq_len(n)), replications)
    if (replications > 1L)
        desc <- paste0(desc, "R", rep(seq_len(replications), each=n))
    if (any(nchar(desc) > 16L))
        stop("Calcium devices accept just 16 characters for 'ScanDescription'.")
    if (anyDuplicated(desc))
        stop("Duplicated 'ScanDescription' are not allowed.")

#' shortend string to width and place "..." in the middle
#' @param x `character`
#' @param width number of letters allowed/width of terminal
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.snippet <- function(x, width=getOption("width")) {
    nc <- nchar(x)
    w <- (width - 2L:3L) %/% 2L

        nc <= width,
            substring(x, 1L, w[1L]), "...", substring(x, nc - w[2L] + 1L, nc)

#' normalize subset (turn `logical`, `numeric` and `character` to `numeric`)
#' @param i ANY, subset
#' @param n `integer`, length of the original object
#' @param nms `character`, names of the orignal object
#' @return `logical`, vector of length n
#' @noRd
.subset <- function(i, n, nms=NULL) {
    ## use decode to turn Rle into native vectors, does nothing if i is
    ## already a native vector
    i <- decode(i)
    if (anyNA(i))
        stop("Subsetting by 'NA' is not supported.")
    if (!is.null(nms) && length(nms) != n)
        stop("If 'nms' is given it has to have the same length as 'n'")
        "character" = .subsetByCharacter(i, nms),
        "logical" = .subsetByLogical(i, n),
        "integer" = ,
        "double" = ,
        "numeric" = .subsetByNumeric(i, n),
        stop("Unknown index class.")

#' subset by `character`
#' @param i `character`, subset
#' @param nms `character`, names of the orignal object
#' @return `numeric`
#' @noRd
.subsetByCharacter <- function(i, nms=NULL) {
    if (is.null(nms))
    if (!is.character(i))
        stop("'i' has to be a 'character'.")
    if (!is.character(nms))
        stop("'nms' has to be a 'character'.")

    ii <- match(i, nms)
    if (anyNA(ii))
        stop("Subscript out of bound: ", paste0("'", i[is.na(ii)], "'",
                                                collapse=", "))

#' subset by `logical`
#' @param i `logical`, subset
#' @param n `integer`, length
#' @return `numeric`
#' @noRd
.subsetByLogical <- function(i, n) {
    if (!is.logical(i))
        stop("'i' has to be a 'logical'.")
    if (!is.numeric(n))
        stop("'n' has to be a 'numeric'.")

    which(rep_len(i, n))

#' subset by `numeric`
#' @param i `numeric`, subset
#' @param n `integer`, length
#' @return `numeric`
#' @noRd
.subsetByNumeric <- function(i, n) {
    if (!is.numeric(i))
        stop("'i' has to be a 'numeric'.")
    if (!is.numeric(n))
        stop("'n' has to be a 'numeric'.")

    if (any(n < i))
        stop("Subscript out of bound: ",
            paste0("'", i[n < i], "'", collapse=", "))

#' subset filenames
#' @param files `character`, filenames
#' @param selFiles `character`, selectedFiles, basename without extension
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.subsetFiles <- function(files, selFiles) {
    gsub(.topDownFileExtRx("cfmt"), "", files) %in% selFiles

#' swap file extensions
#' @param x `character`, file name
#' @param ext `character`, new extension
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.swapFileExt <- function(x, ext="meth") {
    paste(file_path_sans_ext(x), ext, sep=".")

#' The ScanHeadsMan output for the scan conditons contains a column
#' TargetedMassList with the format "(mz=[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ z=[0-9]+ name=)". This
#' function converts this format to truncated (one decimal place) mz values.
#' @param x `character`
#' @return `double`
#' @noRd
.targetedMassListToMz <- function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x))
        stop("'x' has to be a 'character'.")
    trunc(as.double(gsub("^.*mz=([^ ]+) z.*$", "\\1", x)) * 10L) / 10L

#' TopDown file extensions.
#' @param type `character`, which file ext
#' @return `character`, regexp for file extensions
#' @noRd
.topDownFileExtRx <- function(type=c("cfmt", "cmt", "csv", "fasta", "mzml",
                                     "txt", "raw", "all")) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    ext <- c(
    sel <- switch(
        "all" = seq_along(ext),
        "cfmt" = c("csv", "fasta", "mzml", "txt"),
        "cmt" = c("csv", "mzml", "txt"),
    paste0("\\.", ext[sel], "(\\.(gz|bz2|xz|zip))?$", collapse="|")

#' Find indicies of top N values
#' @param x `double`/`character`, value of interest
#' @param groupBy `character`, grouping variable
#' @return `integer`, indices
#' @noRd
.topIdx <- function(x, groupByLabels, n) {
    if (!is.double(x) && !is.numeric(x) && !is.character(x)) {
        stop("'x' has to be of type 'double' or 'character'")
    if (n < 1L) {
        stop("'n' has to be greater or equal than 1.")
    if (length(x) != length(groupByLabels)) {
        stop("'length(x)' and 'length(groupByLabels)' have to be equal.")
    o <- order(x, decreasing=TRUE, na.last=TRUE)
    i <- unlist(
        lapply(split(o, groupByLabels[o]), "[", seq_len(n)), use.names=FALSE

#' Due to changes in ProteomDiscover some mzML files have a different
#' `spectrumId` format that is not supported by proteowizard (and hence by
#' mzR), e.g. "scan=[acquisitionNum], file=[fileId]" vs the supported
#' "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=[acquisitionNum]".
#' As fallback solution proteowizard just use 1:n as acquisitionNum which cause
#' mismatches to the ScanHeadsman output. See
#' https://github.com/sgibb/topdownr/issues/73 for details.
#' @param x `character`
#' @return `double`
#' @noRd
.translateThermoIdToScanId <- function(x) {
    if(!is.character(x) || !length(x) || !all(nzchar(x)))
        stop("'x' has to be a non-empty character vector.")
    as.double(gsub("^.*scan=([0-9]+).*$", "\\1", x))

#' Create a valid filename
#' According to
#' https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/desktop/FileIO/naming-a-file#naming_conventions
#' ":" etc are not allowed in file names on windows
#' @param x `character`
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.validFilename <- function(x) {
    if(!is.character(x) || !length(x) || !all(nzchar(x)))
        stop("'x' has to be a non-empty character vector.")
    gsub("[:;\\<>|\\?\\*]", "-", gsub("\\.+", ".", x))

#' wrapper around vapply for FUN.VALUE=double(1L)
#' @noRd
.vapply1d <- function(X, FUN, ..., USE.NAMES=FALSE) {
    vapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, FUN.VALUE=NA_real_, ..., USE.NAMES=USE.NAMES)

#' wrapper around vapply for FUN.VALUE=logical(1L)
#' @noRd
.vapply1l <- function(X, FUN, ..., USE.NAMES=FALSE) {
sgibb/topdownr documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 12:14 a.m.