
Defines functions .fork

#' @noRd
.fork <- function(node, x, lineages, refine = "Viterbi", nstart = 20,
                 iterations = 50, minK = 2, maxK = 2, minscore = 0.95,
                 probs = 0.5, retry = FALSE, resize = TRUE, maxsize = 1000,
                 kmers = NULL, ksize = NULL, seqweights = "Henikoff",
                 cores = 1, quiet = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...){
  indices <- attr(node, "sequences")
  nseq <- length(indices)
  lineages <- lineages[indices]
  if(!is.list(node) & is.null(attr(node, "lock")) & !all(lineages == lineages[1])){
    # fork leaves only
    if(minK == 1 | nseq < minK) return(node) # 'expand' will encode model later
    # {
    #   if(!is.null(attr(node, "model"))) attr(node, "model")$alignment <- NULL
    #   return(node)
    # }
    if(nseq < maxK) maxK <- nseq
      seqweights <- rep(1, nseq)
    }else if(identical(seqweights, "Henikoff")){
      seqweights <- aphid::weight(x[indices], method = "Henikoff", k = 5)
    }else if(identical(seqweights, "Gerstein")){
      seqweights <- aphid::weight(x[indices], method = "Gerstein", k = 5)
    }else if(length(seqweights) == length(x)){
      seqweights <- seqweights[indices]
      #seqweights <- seqweights/mean(seqweights) ##scale weights to average 1
    }else stop("Invalid seqweights argument")

    ## uncommented following 20180828 due to fail at retry line 128
    dots <- list(...)
    if(is.null(kmers) | is.null(ksize)){# generally will not be NULL
      if(!quiet & verbose) cat("\nCounting kmers\n")
      ksize <- if(is.null(dots$k)) 4 else dots$k
      suppressMessages(kmers <- .encodekc(kmer::kcount(x[indices], k = ksize)))
      if(nrow(kmers) == length(x)) kmers <- kmers[indices, , drop = FALSE]

    if(!is.null(kmers)) {
      if(nrow(kmers) == length(x)) kmers <- kmers[indices, , drop = FALSE]
      stopifnot(nrow(kmers) == length(indices))

    ## set up multithread
    if(inherits(cores, "cluster") | identical(cores, 1)){
      stopclustr <- FALSE
    }else{ # create cluster object
      navailcores <- parallel::detectCores()
      if(identical(cores, "autodetect")) cores <- navailcores - 1
      if(!(mode(cores) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) stop("Invalid 'cores' object")
      # if(cores > navailcores) stop("Number of cores is more than number available")
      # if(!quiet) cat("Multithreading over", cores, "cores\n")
      if(cores == 1){
        stopclustr <- FALSE
        if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Initializing cluster with", cores, "cores\n")
        cores <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
        stopclustr <- TRUE
    ## Split clade
    if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Attempting to split node", attr(node, "clade"), "\n")
    if(is.null(attr(node, "model"))){
      # should only happen at top level and if a PHMM is not provided
      mod <- NULL
      mod <- attr(node, "model")
      ## usually models will not be encoded here
      ## grab a copy of the model and encode the one at the node
      if(mode(mod) == "raw"){
        mod <- decodePHMM(mod)
        attr(node, "model") <- encodePHMM(attr(node, "model"))
      # attr(node, "model")$alignment <- NULL ## save on memory
      ins <- mod$inserts
      toosparse <- if(is.null(ins)) TRUE else sum(ins)/length(ins) >= 0.5
      if(resize & toosparse & !quiet & verbose) cat("Skipping resize step\n")
      if(resize & attr(node, "clade") != "" & !toosparse){
        ## don't need to retrain top level model
        ## if mod was truncated then no need to resize
        if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Resizing parent model\n")
        alig <- mod$alignment
        if(is.null(alig)) alig <- aphid::align(x[indices], model = mod, cores = cores)
        mod <- aphid::derivePHMM.default(alig, seqweights = seqweights,
                                         inserts = if(nseq < 1000) "map" else "threshold",
                                         maxsize = maxsize)
        if(!quiet & verbose) cat("New model size :", mod$size, "\n")
    split_node <- FALSE
    nclades <- minK
    alternative <- FALSE
      seqsplit <- .partition(x[indices], model = mod, refine = refine, K = nclades,
                            allocation = "cluster", nstart = nstart,
                            iterations = iterations, kmers = kmers, ksize = ksize,
                            seqweights = seqweights,
                            cores = cores, quiet = quiet,
                            verbose = verbose, ... = ...)
        if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Sequence splitting failed, returning unsplit node\n\n")
        if(stopclustr) parallel::stopCluster(cores)
        #if(!is.null(attr(node, "model"))) attr(node, "model")$alignment <- NULL
        ## already done in previous block
      membership <- seqsplit$membership
      scores <- seqsplit$scores
      total_scores <- apply(scores, 2, aphid::logsum)
      akwgts <- t(exp(t(scores) - total_scores))
      performances <- numeric(nseq)
      for(i in 1:nseq) performances[i] <- akwgts[membership[i], i]
      minperfs <- numeric(nclades)
      for(i in 1:nclades){
        minperfs[i] <- quantile(performances[membership == i], probs = probs)
        if(!quiet & verbose){
          #if(i == 1) cat("Akaike weights:", performances, "\n")
          cat("Group", i, "size =", sum(membership == i), "\n")
          cat(sum(performances[membership == i] > minscore), "of",
              sum(membership == i), "correctly predicted with Akaike weight >",
              minscore, "\n")
          # cat(sum(performances[membership == i] > 0.5), "of",
          #     sum(membership == i), "correctly predicted with Akaike weight > 0.5\n")
          cat("Lower", probs, "quantile of Akaike weights:", minperfs[i], "\n")
          cat("Minimum Akaike weight:", min(performances[membership == i]), "\n")
      if(nclades == 2 & retry & min(minperfs) < 0.99){
        kmers <- .decodekc(kmers)
        infocols <- apply(kmers, 2, function(v) length(unique(v))) == 2
        if(sum(infocols) > 50){
          if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Comparing result with alternative grouping method\n")
          hash1 <- function(v) paste(openssl::md5(as.raw(v == v[1])))
          hashes <- apply(kmers[, infocols], 2, hash1)
          hfac <- factor(hashes)
          infocol <- match(levels(hfac)[which.max(tabulate(hfac))], hashes)
          alloc2 <- kmers[, infocols][, infocol]
          ## convert from logical to integer
          alloc2 <- unname(alloc2 == alloc2[1]) + 1
          if(!all(alloc2 == membership) & !all(alloc2 == seqsplit$init_membership)){
            seqsplit2 <- .partition(x[indices], model = mod, refine = refine, K = 2,
                                   allocation = alloc2, nstart = nstart,
                                   iterations = iterations, kmers = NULL, ksize = NULL,
                                   seqweights = seqweights,
                                   cores = cores,
                                   quiet = quiet, verbose = verbose, ... = ...)
              membership2 <- seqsplit2$membership
              if(!all(membership2 == membership)){
                scores2 <- seqsplit2$scores
                total_scores2 <- apply(scores2, 2, aphid::logsum)
                akwgts2 <- t(exp(t(scores2) - total_scores2))
                performances2 <- numeric(nseq)
                for(i in 1:nseq) performances2[i] <- akwgts2[membership2[i], i]
                minperfs2 <- numeric(nclades)
                for(i in 1:nclades){
                  minperfs2[i] <- quantile(performances2[membership2 == i], probs = probs)
                  if(!quiet & verbose){
                    #if(i == 1) cat("Akaike weights:", performances2, "\n")
                    cat("Group", i, "size =", sum(membership == i), "\n")
                    cat(sum(performances[membership == i] > minscore), "of",
                        sum(membership == i), "correctly predicted with Akaike weight >",
                        minscore, "\n")
                    cat(sum(performances[membership == i] > 0.5), "of",
                        sum(membership == i), "correctly predicted with Akaike weight > 0.5\n")
                    cat("Lower", probs, "quantile of Akaike weights:", minperfs[i], "\n")
                    cat("Minimum Akaike weight:", min(performances[membership == i]), "\n")
                if(quantile(performances2, probs = probs) > quantile(performances, probs = probs)){
                  if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Improvement found using alternative grouping\n")
                  seqsplit <- seqsplit2
                  membership <- membership2
                  scores <- scores2
                  total_scores <- total_scores2
                  akwgts <- akwgts2
                  performances <- performances2
                  minperfs <- minperfs2
                  alternative <- TRUE
                }else if(!quiet & verbose) cat("No improvement found using alternative grouping\n")
              }else if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Alternative grouping method gave same clusters\n")
            }else if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Alternative grouping gave null result\n")
          }else if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Alternative grouping method duplicated k-means\n")
        }else if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Insufficient informative columns for alternative grouping\n")
      if(all(minperfs > minscore)){
        split_node <- TRUE
      }else if(nclades == maxK){
        if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Minimum performance criteria not reached, unable to split clade\n\n")
        split_node <- FALSE
        nclades <- nclades + 1
        if(!quiet & verbose){
          cat("Minimum performance criteria not reached\n")
          cat("Attempting", nclades, "way split\n")
    if(stopclustr) parallel::stopCluster(cores) # not used if called from 'learn'
    # Akaike weights should all be close to 1
    # now decorate the node (if disc ability is > a certain threshold?)
    # splitfun <- function(s) strsplit(s, split = ";")[[1]]
    if(split_node){# placeholder for discriminant thresholding
      # change from leaf to inner node
      if(!quiet & verbose) cat("Splitting node", attr(node, "clade"), "\n\n")
      tmpattr <- attributes(node)
      node <- vector(mode = "list", length = nclades)
      attributes(node) <- tmpattr
      attr(node, "leaf") <- NULL
      attr(node, "alternative") <- alternative
      # onespecies <- all(lineages[indices] == lineages[indices[1]])
      for(i in 1:nclades){
        node[[i]] <- 1
        attr(node[[i]], "height") <- attr(node, "height") - 1
        attr(node[[i]], "leaf") <- TRUE
        #attr(node[[i]], "label") <- paste0(attr(node, "label"), i)
        attr(node[[i]], "clade") <- paste0(attr(node, "clade"), i)
        attr(node[[i]], "sequences") <- indices[membership == i]
        attr(node[[i]], "minscore") <- min(scores[i, membership == i])
        seqlengths <- sapply(x[attr(node[[i]], "sequences")], length)
        attr(node[[i]], "minlength") <- min(seqlengths)
        attr(node[[i]], "maxlength") <- max(seqlengths)
        # above nominal amount just to ensure equality
        # attr(node[[i]], "Akweights") <- performances[membership == i]
        attr(node[[i]], "model") <- seqsplit[[paste0("model", i)]]
        attr(node[[i]], "lineage") <- .ancestor(lineages[membership == i])
        ## prevents unnecessary recursion, but should have at least one split
        ## within each species
    } # else{
    #   attr(node, "model")$alignment <- NULL
    # }
    # attr(node, "model")$alignment <- NULL
  if(exists("seqsplit")) rm(seqsplit)
  if(exists("seqsplit2")) rm(seqsplit2)
shaunpwilkinson/insect documentation built on Aug. 9, 2021, 5 a.m.