#' the weightMatrix function
#' @title weightMatrix
#' @param n the number of samples, same as number of columns of data
#' @param type one of "harmonic", "triangular" or "block"
#' @param span proportion of samples to include on either side, default is 0.5
#' @param plot if TRUE, a heatmap of weight matrix will be generated
#' @return \code{matrix} an n*n matrix is generated corresponding to the weights for each sample
#' @examples
#' weightMatrix(100)
#' weightMatrix(100, plot = TRUE)
#' weightMatrix(100, type = "triangular", span = 0.1, plot = TRUE)
#' weightMatrix(100, type = "block", plot = TRUE)
#' weightMatrix(100, type = "harmonic", plot = TRUE)
#' @export
weightMatrix = function(n,
type = "triangular",
span = NULL,
plot = FALSE) {
# for the number of samples, a n*n matrix is generated
# corresponding to the weights for each sample
# n is the number of samples
# type can be one of "harmonic", "triangular" or "block"
# default type is "triangular"
# span is the proportion of samples to include on either side
# default is 0.5
if (is.null(type)) {
type = "triangular"
message("type not specified, defaulting to triangular")
if (!type%in%(c("harmonic","triangular","block"))) {
type = "triangular"
message("type given is not one of \"harmonic\",\"triangular\", or \"block\", defaulting to \"triangular\"")
if (type!="harmonic") {
if (is.null(span)) {
span = 0.5
message("span not specified, defaulting to 0.5")
if (span<0 | span>1) {
span = 0.5
message("span specified not between 0 and 1, defaulting to 0.5")
W = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n)
spanSamples = ceiling(span*n)
if (type=="harmonic") {
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
W[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + abs(i - j))
if (type=="triangular") {
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
W[i,j] <- (abs(j - i)<=spanSamples)*((spanSamples + 1) - abs(j - i))/(spanSamples + 1)
if (type=="block") {
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
W[i,j] <- (abs(j - i)<=spanSamples)*1
if (plot) {
Colv = FALSE,
col = colorRampPalette(c("black","yellow")),
main = paste(type,"weight matrix with span", span)))
#' The DCARS function performs testing for differential correlation across ranked samples.
#' @title DCARS
#' @param dat a genes x samples gene expression rank matrix, should be already converted to ranks with first column lowest survival and last column highest survival
#' @param xname name of row of dat to test together with yname
#' @param yname name of row of dat to test together with xname
#' @param W weight matrix for weighted correlations,
#' @param rangeMin minimum range of weighted correlation vector to include for permutation testing
#' @param wcormin minimum absolute value weighted correlation vector to include for permutation testing
#' @param statmin minimum value DCARS test statistic to include for permutation testing
#' @param weightedConcordanceFunction concordance function to use, defaults to weighted Pearson correlation. User can provide their own function, with arguments fun(x,y,w).
#' @param weightedConcordanceFunctionW either "vector" or "matrix", determining if the function given in weightedConcordanceFunction argument takes in a single vector as input for w, or a matrix.
#' @param plot if TRUE plot observed weighted correlatin vector
#' @param niter number of iterations for permutation testing
#' @param extractTestStatisticOnly if TRUE, extract only the DCARS test statistic without permutation testing
#' @param extractWcorSequence if TRUE, extract only the weighted correlation vector without permutation testing
#' @param extractPermutationTestStatistics if TRUE, extract only the DCARS test statistic without permutation testing
#' @param forceBlock if TRUE, this converts all positive values in weight matrix W to 1, and calculates weighted correlation on the resulting subset. Default FALSE
#' @param WcorSequenceSummaryFun Function that defines how the local weighted correlations are summarised, default is the function sd for standard deviation.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, print updates
#' @param ... additional arguments passing on to weightMatrix()
#' @return either single value (p-value or test statistic), vector (local weighted correlation), or list (combination of above) depending on the input parameters.
#' @examples
#' data(STRING)
#' data(SKCM)
#' SKCM_rank = t(apply(SKCM,1,rank))
#' # highly significantly DCARS gene pair: SKP1 and SKP2
#' # calculates p-value based on permutation
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"SKP1","SKP2",plot=TRUE)
#' # extract only the test statistic
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"SKP1","SKP2", extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE)
#' # not significantly DCARS gene pair: EIF3C and EIF5B
#' # calculates p-value based on permutation
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"EIF3C","EIF5B",plot=TRUE)
#' # extract only the test statistic
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"EIF3C","EIF5B", extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE)
#' # build weight matrix
#' W = weightMatrix(ncol(SKCM_rank), type = "triangular", span = 0.5, plot = TRUE)
#' # extract DCARS test statistics
#' SKCM_stats = DCARSacrossNetwork(SKCM_rank,edgelist = STRING,
#' W = W, extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' sort(SKCM_stats,decreasing=TRUE)[1:10]
#' @export
DCARS = function(dat, xname, yname, W = NULL, rangeMin = 0, wcormin = 0,
statmin = 0,
weightedConcordanceFunction = weightedPearson,
weightedConcordanceFunctionW = "vector",
extractTestStatisticOnly = FALSE, extractWcorSequenceOnly = FALSE,
plot = FALSE, niter = 100, extractPermutationTestStatistics = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE, forceBlock = FALSE, WcorSequenceSummaryFun = sd,
# weightedcor = weightedConcordanceFunction
if (any(!c(xname, yname) %in% rownames(dat))) {
message("xname and/or yname are not found in rownames(dat), returning NA")
if (verbose) {
print(paste(xname, yname))
if (is.null(W)) {
message("weight matrix not specified, generating weight matrix now")
W = weightMatrix(ncol(dat), ...)
if (!weightedConcordanceFunctionW %in% c("vector","matrix")) {
stop("Please specify either \"vector\" or \"matrix\" for the weightedConcordanceFunction")
if (all(unique(c(W)) %in% c(0,1))) {
message("weight matrix contains binary values, implementing weightedConcordanceFunction by subsetting samples instead")
forceBlock = TRUE
if (forceBlock & weightedConcordanceFunctionW != "matrix") {
# unsure of the behaviour if matrix is used
# treat the weight matrix now as binary and calculate using the samples
# without the w
weightedcor = function(x,y,w) {
weightedConcordanceFunction(x[w > 0],y[w > 0])
} else {
weightedcor = weightedConcordanceFunction
x = dat[xname, ]
y = dat[yname, ]
if (weightedConcordanceFunctionW == "vector") {
wcor = sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i) weightedcor(x, y, W[i, ]))
} else {
wcor = weightedcor(x, y, W)
if (any(!is.finite(wcor))) {
i = which(!is.finite(wcor))
wcor[i] <- mean(c(wcor[c(i - 1, i + 1)]))
if (plot) {
plot(wcor, type = "l", ylim = c(-1, 1), lwd = 3, col = "blue")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
stat = WcorSequenceSummaryFun(wcor)
if (extractWcorSequenceOnly & extractTestStatisticOnly) {
message("both extractWcorSequenceOnly and extractTestStatisticOnly have been specified as TRUE, returning both as a list")
return(list(wcorSequence = wcor, TestStatistic = stat))
if (extractWcorSequenceOnly)
if (extractTestStatisticOnly)
if (stat < statmin)
if (diff(range(wcor)) < rangeMin)
if (max(abs(wcor)) < wcormin)
if (verbose) {
message("Calculating permutation weighted correlation vectors")
sds = replicate(niter, {
o = sample(1:length(x))
xo = x[o]
yo = y[o]
if (weightedConcordanceFunctionW == "vector") {
wcor = sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i) weightedcor(xo, yo, W[i, ]))
} else {
wcor = weightedcor(xo, yo, W)
# interpolate points if missing/infinite
if (any(!is.finite(wcor))) {
i = which(!is.finite(wcor))
wcor[i] <- mean(c(wcor[c(i - 1, i + 1)]))
if (extractPermutationTestStatistics) {
if (verbose) {
print("extract permuted test statistics")
return(list(PermutedTestStatistics = sds))
return(mean(sds >= stat))
#' performs DCARS method across all edges listed in the network for the (already ranked) genes x samples matrix dat
#' @title DCARSacrossNetwork
#' @param dat a genes x samples gene expression rank matrix, should be already converted to ranks with first column lowest survival and last column highest survival
#' @param edgelist is a 2 column character matrix with the genes to test for DCARS. if edgelist has more than 2 columns then the first two are taken
#' @param edgeNames is the name to assign to each edge, defaults to rownames(edgelist). if edgelist has no rownames then defaults to two gene names pasted with "_" in alphabetical order
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to DCARS()
#' @return value of this function depends on arguments passed into the DCARS() function (e.g. if extractTestStatisticOnly is set as TRUE)
#' @examples
#' data(STRING)
#' data(SKCM)
#' SKCM_rank = t(apply(SKCM,1,rank))
#' # highly significantly DCARS gene pair: SKP1 and SKP2
#' # calculates p-value based on permutation
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"SKP1","SKP2",plot=TRUE)
#' # extract only the test statistic
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"SKP1","SKP2", extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE)
#' # not significantly DCARS gene pair: EIF3C and EIF5B
#' # calculates p-value based on permutation
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"EIF3C","EIF5B",plot=TRUE)
#' # extract only the test statistic
#' DCARS(SKCM_rank,"EIF3C","EIF5B", extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE)
#' # build weight matrix
#' W = weightMatrix(ncol(SKCM_rank), type = "triangular", span = 0.5, plot = TRUE)
#' # extract DCARS test statistics
#' SKCM_stats = DCARSacrossNetwork(SKCM_rank,edgelist = STRING,
#' W = W, extractTestStatisticOnly = TRUE,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' sort(SKCM_stats,decreasing=TRUE)[1:10]
#' @export
DCARSacrossNetwork = function(dat,edgelist,edgeNames = rownames(edgelist),...) {
# performs DCARS method across all edges listed in the network
# for the (already ranked) genes x samples matrix dat
# value of this function depends on arguments passed into the DCARS() function
# (e.g. if extractTestStatisticOnly is set as TRUE)
# dat: is a genes x samples gene expression rank matrix, should be already converted to ranks
# with first column lowest survival and last column highest survival
# edgelist: is a 2 column character matrix with the genes to test for DCARS
# if edgelist has more than 2 columns then the first two are taken
# edgeNames: is the name to assign to each edge, defaults to rownames(edgelist)
# if edgelist has no rownames then defaults to two gene names pasted with "_" in alphabetical order
if (is.null(edgeNames)) {
if (is.null(rownames(edgelist))) {
edgeNames = apply(edgelist, 1, function(x) paste0(sort(x[1:2]),
collapse = "_"))
else {
edgeNames = rownames(edgelist)
DCARSresult = apply(edgelist[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) DCARS(dat = dat,
xname = x[1], yname = x[2], ...))
if (is.matrix(DCARSresult)) {
colnames(DCARSresult) <- edgeNames
else {
names(DCARSresult) <- edgeNames
#' The pospos function calculates the number of observations that are positive in both x and y. Used for calculating weighted Kendall tau measure of association
#' @title pospos
#' @param x numeric vector of non-negative data x
#' @param y numeric vector of non-negative data y
#' @param offset should 1 be added when pospos is 0 or all
#' @return \code{numeric} of weighted correlations for the sequence of weights given
#' @examples
#' x = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' pospos(x,y,offset = TRUE)
#' @export
pospos = function(x,y, offset = TRUE) {
# offset means either adding or subtracting 1 so that the proportion is not 0 or 1.
pospos = x > 0 & y > 0
if (offset) {
if (sum(pospos) == length(pospos)) pospos[1] <- FALSE
if (sum(pospos) == 0) pospos[1] <- TRUE
return(mean(pospos)) # small pospos means many zeros
#' The logistic function calculates the (inverse) logistic for a given p, where p lies between 0 and 1. Large values indicates many zeros.
#' @title logistic
#' @param x numeric vector of non-negative data x
#' @param y numeric vector of non-negative data y
#' @param offset should 1 be added when pospos is 0 or all
#' @return \code{numeric} of weighted correlations for the sequence of weights given
#' @examples
#' p = seq(0.1,0.9, length.out = 100)
#' l = logistic(p)
#' plot(p,l)
#' @export
logistic = function(p) log((1-p)/(p))
#' The prop_nonzero_matrix function calculates the proportion of observations with nonzero values in both variables across a number of pairs of variables, gived in PPI
#' @title prop_nonzero_matrix
#' @param dat matrix with rownames appearing in PPI
#' @param PPI two column matrix with entries that should appear in rownames of dat
#' @param offset should 1 be added when pospos is 0 or all
#' @return \code{numeric} of weighted correlations for the sequence of weights given
#' @examples
#' @export
prop_nonzero_matrix = function(dat, PPI, offset = TRUE) {
n = ncol(dat)
xmat = dat[PPI[,1],]
ymat = dat[PPI[,2],]
xymat = xmat*ymat
posprop = Matrix::rowMeans(1*(xymat > 0))
if (offset) {
posprop[posprop == 0] <- 1/n
posprop[posprop == 1] <- (n-1)/n
names(posprop) <- rownames(PPI)
#' the estimatePvaluesSpearman function more accurately estimates p-values by taking into account the relationship between the global correlation and the distribution of the permuted Spearman-based DCARS test statistics.
#' @title estimatePvaluesSpearman
#' @param stats a named vector of observed DCARS test statistics, names should appear in names of globalCor
#' @param globalCors a named vector containing global spearman correlation for each gene pair
#' @param permstats a named list containing permuted test statistics, names should appear in names of globalCor
#' @param usenperm logical to use number of permutations to select nearest genepairs
#' @param nperm number of permutations, used is usenperm = TRUE
#' @param maxDist numeric maximum difference in globalCor to consider for permutations, only used if usenperm = FALSE
#' @param plot logical default FALSE, if TRUE plots the globalCor against mean of permuted test statistics, and shows fitted polynomial
#' @param verbose logical default FALSE, if TRUE prints genepair names
#' @return \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' @export
estimatePvaluesSpearman = function(stats, globalCors, permstats,usenperm = FALSE, nperm = 10000, maxDist = 0.1, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
# this function more accurately estimates p-values by taking into account the relationship between the global correlation and the distribution of the permuted Spearman-based DCARS test statistics.
# permstats is a named list containing permuted test statistics, names should appear in names of globalCor
# globalCor is a named vector containing global spearman correlation for each gene pair
# stats is a named vector of observed DCARS test statistics, names should appear in names of globalCor
# usenperm logical to use number of permutations to select nearest genepairs
# maxDist numeric maximum difference in globalCor to consider for permutations
# plot logical default FALSE, if TRUE plots the globalCor against mean of permuted test statistics, and shows fitted polynomial
# verbose logical default FALSE, if TRUE prints genepair names
if (plot) {
plot(globalCors[names(permstats)], unlist(lapply(permstats, function(x)mean(unlist(x)))),
xlab = "Global Spearman correlation",
ylab = "Mean of permuted statistics")
# must contain "stat" and "globalCor"
permstatsDF = data.frame(genepair = rep(names(permstats), times = unlist(lapply(permstats,function(x)length(unlist(x))))),
stat = unlist(permstats))
permstatsDF$globalCor = globalCors[as.character(permstatsDF$genepair)]
results = sapply(names(stats), function(genepair) {
if (verbose) {
# gene pair specific values
stat = stats[genepair]
globalCor = globalCors[genepair]
# start calculating
permstatsDF$dist = abs(permstatsDF$globalCor - globalCor)
# either take top nperm, or specify a distance allowed
if (usenperm) {
if (nperm >= nrow(permstatsDF)) {
message("nperm given is larger than or equal to total number of permutations... using all permutations")
permstatsDF_sorted_sub = permstatsDF
} else {
permstatsDF_sorted = sort_df(permstatsDF, "dist")
permstatsDF_sorted_sub = permstatsDF_sorted[1:nperm,]
} else {
if (is.null(maxDist)) {
message("usenperm set as FALSE, but maxDist not given... defaulting to maxDist = 0.1")
maxDist = 0.1
permstatsDF_sorted_sub = subset(permstatsDF, dist < maxDist)
if (nrow(permstatsDF_sorted_sub) == 0) {
message("no permutations found within given maxDist... using all permutations instead")
permstatsDF_sorted_sub = permstatsDF
permstats_sub = permstatsDF_sorted_sub$stat
if (length(permstats_sub) == 0) error("please set a larger maxDist, or set a larger usenperm")
pval = mean(permstats_sub >= stat)
if (pval == 0) pval = 0.5/length(permstats_sub)
nperm = nrow(permstatsDF_sorted_sub)
globalCorMin = min(permstatsDF_sorted_sub$globalCor)
globalCorMax = max(permstatsDF_sorted_sub$globalCor)
return(data.frame(genepair = genepair,
stat = stat,
globalCor = globalCor,
pval = pval,
nperm = nperm,
globalCorMin = globalCorMin,
globalCorMax = globalCorMax
}, simplify = FALSE)
resultsDF = do.call(rbind, results)
#' Performs Fisher's Z Transformation test for differential correlation.
#' @title fisherZtransformTest
#' @param dat dat is a gene expression matrix (rows genes columns samples)
#' @param xname the name of the first gene
#' @param yname name of the second gene
#' @param classLabels a vector of two class labels, if NULL then split into 50/50. odd number of samples will ignore the middle sample
#' @return single value for p-value
#' @examples
#' data(STRING)
#' data(SKCM)
#' fisherZtransformTest(dat = SKCM,xname = "EIF3C",yname = "EIF5B")
#' @export
fisherZtransformTest = function(dat,xname,yname,classLabels=NULL) {
# Fisher Z-transformation test
# dat is a gene expression matrix
# xname is the name of the first gene
# yname is name of the second gene
# classLabels is a vector of two class labels, if NULL then split into 50/50
# odd number of samples will ignore the middle sample
if (any(!c(xname,yname) %in% rownames(dat))) {
message("xname and/or yname are not found in rownames(dat), returning NA")
classLabelsGiven = !is.null(classLabels)
if (!classLabelsGiven) {
classLabels = rep("None",ncol(dat))
nsamp = floor(ncol(dat)/2)
classLabels[1:nsamp] <- "Low"
classLabels[length(classLabels):(length(classLabels)-nsamp+1)] <- "High"
classes = c("Low","High")
} else {
if (length(classLabels)!=ncol(dat)) {
warning("length of classLabels is not equal to number of columns in dat, returning NA")
if (length(unique(classLabels))==1) {
warning("there is only one class label present, two are needed, returning NA")
if (length(unique(classLabels))!=2) {
warning("there are more than 2 class labels present, taking only the first two of unique class labels")
classes = unique(classLabels)[1:2]
classes = unique(classLabels)
x = dat[xname,]
y = dat[yname,]
x1 = x[classLabels==classes[1]]
y1 = y[classLabels==classes[1]]
x2 = x[classLabels==classes[2]]
y2 = y[classLabels==classes[2]]
n1 = length(x1)
n2 = length(x2)
rc1 = cor(x1,y1)
rc2 = cor(x2,y2)
z1 = 0.5*log((1+rc1)/(1-rc1))
z2 = 0.5*log((1+rc2)/(1-rc2))
SEdiff = sqrt(1/(n1-3) + 1/(n2-3))
dz = abs(z1-z2)/SEdiff
#' Fits a linear model with interaction term and tests for significance of the interaction term.
#' @title LinearModelInteractionTest
#' @param dat dat is a gene expression matrix (rows genes columns samples)
#' @param xname the name of the first gene
#' @param yname name of the second gene
#' @param response a vector of two class labels, if NULL then split into 50/50. odd number of samples will ignore the middle sample
#' @return single value for p-value
#' @examples
#' data(STRING)
#' data(SKCM)
#' LinearModelInteractionTest(dat = SKCM,xname = "EIF3C",yname = "EIF5B")
#' @export
LinearModelInteractionTest = function(dat,xname,yname, response = NULL) {
# Fitting linear model and testing for interaction effect
# dat is a gene expression matrix. rows are genes and columns samples
# xname is the name of the first gene
# yname is name of the second gene
# response = continuous response, e.g. survival information (assuming all are uncensored)
# returns the p-value from this test
if (any(!c(xname,yname) %in% rownames(dat))) {
message("xname and/or yname are not found in rownames(dat), returning NA")
x = dat[xname,]
y = dat[yname,]
if (is.null(response)) {
response = 1:length(x)
fit = lm(response ~ x*y) # this tests the interaction effect between x and y
#' Calculates weighted Pearson correlation between x and y.
#' This function has been superceded by weightedPearson() and
#' similar matrix function weightedPearson_matrix()
#' @title weightedcor
#' @param x x and y are data vectors
#' @param y x and y are data vectors
#' @param w weight vector
#' @return weighted correlation value between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedcor(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedcor = function(x,y,w) {
# calculates weighted Pearson correlation between x and y
# x and y are data vectors
# w is a weight vector
nw = sum(w)
wssx = nw*sum(w*(x^2)) - sum(w*x)^2
wssy = nw*sum(w*(y^2)) - sum(w*y)^2
wssxy = nw*sum(w*x*y) - sum(w*x)*sum(w*y)
wcor = wssxy/sqrt(wssx*wssy)
#' the weightedPearson function
#' @title weightedPearson
#' @param x x and y are data vectors
#' @param y x and y are data vectors
#' @param w weight vector, values should be between 0 and 1
#' @return \code{numeric} weighted correlation value between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedPearson(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedPearson = function(x, y, w = 1) {
if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("data must be the same length")
if (length(w) == 1) {
w <- rep(w, length(x))
nw = sum(w)
wssx = nw * sum(w * (x^2)) - sum(w * x)^2
wssy = nw * sum(w * (y^2)) - sum(w * y)^2
wssxy = nw * sum(w * x * y) - sum(w * x) * sum(w * y)
wcor = wssxy/sqrt(wssx * wssy)
#' The weightedPearson_matrix function calculates a vector of weighted correlations for two given data vectors, for a matrix of given weights.
#' @title weightedPearson_matrix
#' @param x x and y are data vectors
#' @param y x and y are data vectors
#' @param W weight matrix, values should be between 0 and 1, number of columns should be the same as length(x) and length(y)
#' @return \code{vector} weighted correlation values between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' W = weightMatrix(100)
#' weightedPearson_matrix(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedPearson_matrix = function(x, y, W) {
x2 = x^2
y2 = y^2
xy = x*y
wcorVec = rep(0,nrow(W))
for (i in 1:nrow(W)) {
w = W[i,]
wx = w*x
wy = w*y
nw = sum(w)
wssx = nw * sum(w * x2) - sum(wx)^2
wssy = nw * sum(w * y2) - sum(wy)^2
wssxy = nw * sum(w * xy) - sum(wx) * sum(wy)
wcor = wssxy/sqrt(wssx * wssy)
wcorVec[i] <- wcor
#' the weightedSpearman function
#' @title weightedSpearman
#' @param x x and y are data vectors
#' @param y x and y are data vectors
#' @param w weight vector, values should be between 0 and 1
#' @return \code{numeric} weighted correlation value between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedSpearman(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedSpearman = function(x,y,w = 1) {
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("x and y should have the same length")
if (length(w) == 1) {
w <- rep(w, length(x))
keep = w > 0
xr = rank(x[keep])
yr = rank(y[keep])
return(weightedPearson(xr, yr, w[keep]))
#' The weightedSpearman_matrix function calculates a vector of weighted correlations for two given data vectors, for a matrix of given weights.
#' @title weightedSpearman_matrix (not recommended to run, use weightedSpearman() instead)
#' @param x x and y are data vectors
#' @param y x and y are data vectors
#' @param W weight matrix, values should be between 0 and 1, number of columns should be the same as length(x) and length(y)
#' @return \code{vector} weighted correlation values between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' W = weightMatrix(100)
#' weightedSpearman_matrix(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedSpearman_matrix = function(x,y,W) {
# not recommended to run
xr = rank(x)
yr = rank(y)
#' the weightedZISpearman function calculates weighted rho\*, where rho\* is described in Pimentel et al (2009). This association measure is defined for zero-inflated, non-negative random variables.
#' @title weightedZISpearman
#' @param x x and y are non-negative data vectors
#' @param y x and y are non-negative data vectors
#' @param w weight vector, values should be between 0 and 1
#' @return \code{numeric} weighted rho* association value between x and y
#' Pimentel, Ronald Silva, "Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rho for Zero-Inflated Data" (2009). Dissertations. 721. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/dissertations/721
#' @examples
#' x = pmin(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmin(0,rnorm(100))
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedZISpearman(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedZISpearman <- function(x, y, w = 1) {
# needs the original values, not the ranks
if (any(x < 0 | y < 0)) {
stop("x and/or y values have negative values")
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("x and y should have the same length")
if (length(w) == 1) {
w <- rep(w, length(x))
posx = x > 0
posy = y > 0
pospos = posx & posy
p_11 = sum(w * pospos)/sum(w)
p_00 = sum(w * (!posx & !posy))/sum(w)
p_01 = sum(w * (!posx & posy))/sum(w)
p_10 = sum(w * (posx & !posy))/sum(w)
rho_11 = weightedSpearman(x[pospos], y[pospos], w = w[pospos])
rho_star = p_11 * (p_01 + p_11) * (p_10 + p_11) * rho_11 + 3*(p_00 * p_11 - p_10 * p_01)
if (is.na(rho_star)) {
print("Zero inflated Spearman correlation is undefined, returning Spearman correlation")
rho = weightedSpearman(x, y, w = w)
#' the weightedKendallStar function calculates weighted Tau*, where Tau* is described in Pimentel et al (2015) doi:10.1016/j.spl.2014.09.002. This association measure is defined for zero-inflated, non-negative random variables.
#' @title weightedKendallStar
#' @param x x and y are non-negative data vectors
#' @param y x and y are non-negative data vectors
#' @param w weight vector, values should be between 0 and 1
#' @return \code{numeric} weighted Tau* association value between x and y
#' @examples
#' x = pmin(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmin(0,rnorm(100))
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedKendallStar = function(x, y, w = 1) {
if (any(x < 0 | y < 0)) stop("x and/or y values have negative values")
if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("x and y should have the same length")
if (length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, length(x))
posx = x > 0
posy = y > 0
pospos = posx & posy
x_diff = outer(x[pospos],x[pospos], FUN = "-")
y_diff = outer(y[pospos],y[pospos], FUN = "-")
w_diff = outer(w[pospos],w[pospos])
w_diff[lower.tri(w_diff, diag = TRUE)] <- 0
p_conc = sum((x_diff*y_diff*upper.tri(x_diff) > 0)*w_diff)/sum(w_diff)
p_disc = sum((x_diff*y_diff*upper.tri(x_diff) < 0)*w_diff)/sum(w_diff)
tau_11 = p_conc - p_disc
p_11 = sum(w*pospos)/sum(w)
p_00 = sum(w*(!posx & !posy))/sum(w)
p_01 = sum(w*(!posx & posy))/sum(w)
p_10 = sum(w*(posx & !posy))/sum(w)
# define p_1 and p_2
# p_1 (weighted) proportion of times the x-values with y = 0 is greater than
# the x-values with y > 0
x_10 = x[!posy]
x_11 = x[posy]
w_x_10 = w[!posy]
w_x_11 = w[posy]
w_x_outer = outer(w_x_10, w_x_11)
if (sum(w_x_outer) == 0) {
p_1 <- 0
} else {
p_1 = sum(outer(x_10, x_11, FUN = ">")*w_x_outer) / sum(w_x_outer)
# analogous for y
y_10 = y[!posx]
y_11 = y[posx]
w_y_10 = w[!posx]
w_y_11 = w[posx]
w_y_outer = outer(w_y_10, w_y_11)
if (sum(w_y_outer) == 0) {
p_2 <- 0
} else {
p_2 = sum(outer(y_10, y_11, FUN = ">")*w_y_outer) / sum(w_y_outer)
tauStar = (p_11^2)*tau_11 +
2*(p_00*p_11 - p_01*p_10) +
2*p_11*(p_10*(1-2*p_1) + p_01*(1-2*p_2))
#' the weightedVariance function
#' @title weightedVariance
#' @param x x is a data vector
#' @param y default to NULL, if given it is ignored
#' @param w weight vector, values should be between 0 and 1
#' @return \code{numeric} weighted variance value for x
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' w = runif(100)
#' weightedVariance(x,w)
#' @export
weightedVariance = function(x, y = NULL, w) {
# args x,w (if y given, it is ignored)
w <- w/sum(w)
nw = sum(w)
wssx = nw * sum(w * (x^2)) - sum(w * x)^2
#' The weightedVariance_matrix function calculates a vector of weighted variances for a given data vector, for a matrix of given weights.
#' @title weightedVariance_matrix
#' @param x x is a data vector
#' @param y default to NULL, if given, it is ignored
#' @param W weight matrix, values should be between 0 and 1, number of columns should be the same as length(x) and length(y)
#' @return \code{vector} weighted variances of x for the weights
#' @examples
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' W = weightMatrix(100)
#' weightedVariance_matrix(x,y,w)
#' @export
weightedVariance_matrix = function(x, y = NULL, W) {
# args x,w (if y given, it is ignored)
x2 = x^2
wssxVec = rep(0,nrow(W))
for (i in 1:nrow(W)) {
w = W[i,]
nw = sum(w)
wssx = nw * sum(w * (x2)) - sum(w * x)^2
wssxVec[i] <- wssx
#' The stretch function calculates a 'stretched'/standardised vector of weighted correlations, using previously calculated upper and lower bounds of the statistic (same length vectors). Values are stretched higher or lower symmetrically around 0.
#' @title stretch
#' @param wcor weighted correlation vector
#' @param upper either single numeric or vector of same length as wcor for upper bound of correlation. Default 1
#' @param lower either single numeric or vector of same length as wcor for lower bound of correlation. Default -1
#' @return \code{vector} standardised weighted correlation vector
#' @examples
#' x = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' w = runif(100)
#' wcor = weightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' stretch(wcor, upper = 0.8, lower = -0.3)
#' @export
stretch = function(wcor,upper = 1,lower = -1) {
# given a vector of observed weighted correlations,
# and previously calculated upper and lower bounds of the statistic (same length vectors)
# calculate a 'stretched'/standardised vector of weighted correlations
if (length(upper) == 1 & length(lower) == 1 & upper[1] == 1 & lower[1] == -1) return(wcor)
if (length(wcor) != length(upper) | length(wcor) != length(lower)) stop("Need upper and lower bounds to have same length as weighted correlation")
swcor = rep(0,length(wcor))
pos = wcor > 0 # logical vector of positive wcors
neg = wcor < 0 # logical vector of negative wcors
swcor[pos] <- wcor[pos]/upper[pos] # stretch upwards
swcor[neg] <- wcor[neg]/(-lower[neg]) # stretch downwards, retaining sign
#' The boundsKendallStar function calculates the upper and lower bounds the weighted zero-inflated Kendall's tau star association measure, given a matrix containing a number of weights.
#' @title boundsKendallStar
#' @param x data vector
#' @param y data vector
#' @param W weight matrix, number of columns correspond to length of x and y.
#' @return \code{list} list with two objects named "upper" and "lower", vectors of upper and lower bounds on the association measure
#' @examples
#' x = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' w = runif(100)
#' wcor = weightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' boundsKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' @export
boundsKendallStar = function(x,y,W = 1) {
# for data vectors x and y, calculate the upper and lower bounds
# on the weighted zero-inflated Kendall's tau star association measure
# given a matrix containing a number of weights
# output is a list containing vectors of upper and lower bounds
# on the association measure
# note this only depends on the weighted proportion of
# samples with zero values
if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("x and y should have the same length")
if (identical(W,1)) W <- rep(W, length(x))
if (!is.matrix(W)) {
W <- t(as.matrix(W))
x_zero = 1*(x == 0)
y_zero = 1*(y == 0)
rowSums_W = Matrix::rowSums(W)
p_x_weighted = ( W %*% x_zero ) / rowSums_W
p_y_weighted = ( W %*% y_zero ) / rowSums_W
bound_upper = 1 - pmax(p_x_weighted^2, p_y_weighted^2)
bound_lower = pmax(0, (1 - p_x_weighted - p_y_weighted))^2 - 2*(1-p_x_weighted)*(1-p_y_weighted)
return(list(lower = c(bound_lower),
upper = c(bound_upper)
#' The sweightedKendallStar function is a convenience function to get swcor for weighted zero-inflated kendall's tau
#' @title sweightedKendallStar
#' @param x data vector
#' @param y data vector
#' @param w weights vector
#' @return \code{vector} of stretched weighted correlations using zero-inflated kendall's tau association measure
#' @examples
#' x = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' w = runif(100)
#' wcor = weightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' bounds = boundsKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' stretch(wcor, upper = bounds[["upper"]], lower = bounds[["lower"]]
#' sweightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
#' @export
sweightedKendallStar = function(x,y,w = 1) {
# convenience function to get swcor for weighted zero-inflated kendall's tau
wcor = weightedKendallStar(x,y,w)
bounds = boundsKendallStar(x,y,w)
swcor = stretch(wcor,upper = bounds[["upper"]], lower = bounds[["lower"]])
#' The thin function extracts the rows of a matrix evenly so that roughly n number of rows remain. Used for thinning down the weight matrix to speed up overall computation.
#' @title thin
#' @param W matrix
#' @param n rough number of rows to keep
#' @return \code{matrix} of thinned matrix keeping only roughly n rows.
#' @examples
#' W = weightMatrix(500)
#' W_small = thin(W, n = 100)
#' @export
thin = function(W, n = 100) {
# given a matrix W, extract the rows so that
# the total number of rows is roughly n
N = nrow(W)
if (n == N) return(W)
if (n > N) stop("need to set n to less than nrow(W)")
new_n = floor(N/n)
index = seq(from = 1, to = N, by = new_n)
#' The weightedStretchedKendallStar_matrix function calculates the stretched weighted Tau*, where where Tau* is described in Pimentel et al (2015) doi: 10.1016/j.spl.2014.09.002, and upper and lower bounds given in Denuit et al (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.spl.2017.03.005
#' @title weightedStretchedKendallStar_matrix
#' @param x numeric vector of non-negative data x
#' @param y numeric vector of non-negative data y
#' @param W weight matrix, same columns as length x and y
#' @param stretch logical default TRUE, whether to stretch based on calculated upper and lower bounds
#' @return \code{vector} of weighted correlations for the sequence of weights given
#' @examples
#' x = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' y = pmax(0,rnorm(100))
#' W = weightMatrix(100)
#' wcor = weightedStretchedKendallStar_matrix(x, y, W)
#' @export
weightedStretchedKendallStar_matrix = function(x, y, W, stretch = TRUE) {
# function to calculate (stretched) weighted Tau*, where Tau* is described in
# Pimentel et al (2015)
# this association measure is defined on zero-inflated, non-negative random variables.
# W is a weight matrix with columns equal to the number of samples
if (any(x < 0 | y < 0)) stop("x and/or y values have negative values")
posx = x > 0
posy = y > 0
pospos = posx & posy
# look into calculating weighted tau from the positive values
# tau_11 = cor(x[pospos], y[pospos], method = "kendall")
x_diff = outer(x[pospos],x[pospos], FUN = "-")
y_diff = outer(y[pospos],y[pospos], FUN = "-")
xy_diff_upper_tri_x_diff = x_diff*y_diff*upper.tri(x_diff)
x_10 = x[!posy]
x_11 = x[posy]
y_10 = y[!posx]
y_11 = y[posx]
# weight specific quantities
tauStarVec = rep(0,nrow(W))
for (i in 1:nrow(W)) {
w = W[i,]
w_diff = outer(w[pospos],w[pospos])
w_diff[lower.tri(w_diff, diag = TRUE)] <- 0
sum_w = sum(w)
sum_w_diff = sum(w_diff)
if (sum_w_diff != 0) {
p_conc = sum((xy_diff_upper_tri_x_diff > 0)*w_diff)/sum_w_diff
p_disc = sum((xy_diff_upper_tri_x_diff < 0)*w_diff)/sum_w_diff
tau_11 = p_conc - p_disc
} else {
tau_11 = 0
p_11 = sum(w*pospos)/sum_w
p_00 = sum(w*(!posx & !posy))/sum_w
p_01 = sum(w*(!posx & posy))/sum_w
p_10 = sum(w*(posx & !posy))/sum_w
# define p_1 and p_2
# p_1 (weighted) proportion of times the x-values with y = 0 is greater than
# the x-values with y > 0
w_x_10 = w[!posy]
w_x_11 = w[posy]
w_x_outer = outer(w_x_10, w_x_11)
if (sum(w_x_outer) == 0) {
p_1 <- 0
} else {
p_1 = sum(outer(x_10, x_11, FUN = ">")*w_x_outer) / sum(w_x_outer)
# analogous for y
w_y_10 = w[!posx]
w_y_11 = w[posx]
w_y_outer = outer(w_y_10, w_y_11)
if (sum(w_y_outer) == 0) {
p_2 <- 0
} else {
p_2 = sum(outer(y_10, y_11, FUN = ">")*w_y_outer) / sum(w_y_outer)
tauStar = (p_11^2)*tau_11 +
2*(p_00*p_11 - p_01*p_10) +
2*p_11*(p_10*(1-2*p_1) + p_01*(1-2*p_2))
tauStarVec[i] <- tauStar
if (stretch) {
bounds = boundsKendallStar(x,y,W)
tauStarVec = stretch(tauStarVec,upper = bounds[["upper"]], lower = bounds[["lower"]])
#' the stratifiedSample function takes in a vector of statistics, and returns a vector of indices for the statistics that should be used for permutation testing
#' @title stratifiedSample
#' @param stats a vector of statistics
#' @param length rough number of indices to extract
#' @return \code{vector} a vector of indices for the statistics that should be used for permutation testing
#' @examples
#'stats = rnorm(5000)
#'sampleindices = stratifiedSample(stats)
#' @export
stratifiedSample = function(stats, length = 100) {
nsamps = 3
ranges = range(stats[is.finite(stats)])
fac = cut(stats, seq(from = ranges[1] - 1e-4, to = ranges[2], length.out = ceiling(length/nsamps)))
sampleindices = unlist(tapply(1:length(stats), fac, function(x) {
if (length(x) < nsamps)
sample(x, nsamps, replace = FALSE)
sampleindices = unique(sampleindices[!is.na(sampleindices)])
#' the getLoessCriticalValue function
#' @title getLoessCriticalValue
#' @param stats a vector of DCARS test statistics for which permutation testing has been done
#' @param pvals a vector of pvals for DCARS test
#' @param signifValue significance value (default 0.05)
#' @param plot logical (default FALSE)
#' @return \code{numeric} a critical value for the unadjusted significance value
#' @examples
#'stats = rchisq(100,1)
#'pvals = 1 - pchisq(stats,1)
#'criticalValue = getLoessCriticalValue(stats, pvals, plot = TRUE)
#' @export
getLoessCriticalValue = function(stats, pvals, signifValue = 0.05, plot = FALSE) {
if (length(stats) != length(pvals)) stop("stats and pvals vectors should be equal in length!")
lw = loess(pvals~stats)
# points(x[1:ceiling(0.9*nrow(x)),1],lw$fitted[1:ceiling(0.9*nrow(x))], type = "l", col = "red")
lwval = which(sapply(1:(length(stats)-1),function(i)lw$fitted[i]>signifValue & lw$fitted[i+1]<signifValue))[1]
criticalValue = as.numeric(stats[lwval])
if (plot) {
plot(stats, pvals)
points(stats[1:ceiling(0.9*length(stats))],lw$fitted[1:ceiling(0.9*length(stats))], type = "l", col = "red")
abline(v = criticalValue, h = signifValue, col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", bty = "n", legend = paste0("Critical value for P = ",signifValue, ": ", signif(criticalValue, 3)))
#' the plotColouredExpression function plots an n-panel scatterplot of the gene pairs split by early, mid, and late in the sample ordering.
#' @title plotColouredExpression
#' @param branchData is a list containing matrices of the cell expression per branch, assumed that the columns of each matrix in branchData is ordered by pseudotime. If branchData is not given as a list, it will be converted into a list containing branchData.
#' @param genepair is either a single character string with an underscore, or a two length character vector
#' @param subsetBranch subsetBranch is a character vector containing the names of the branches to be plotted. If NULL it will plot all branches
#' @param n number of panels to split ranked samples into, default 3.
#' @param fittedline logical default TRUE, add a lm straight line to the plot
#' @return \code{ggplot} a ggplot object of scatterplots of expression split by sample ordering
#' @examples
#' @export
plotColouredExpression = function(branchData, genepair, subsetBranch = NULL, n = 3, fittedline = TRUE) {
if (length(genepair) == 1) {
genepair = unlist(strsplit(genepair, "_"))
else {
genepair = genepair[1:2]
if (!is.list(branchData)) {
branchData = list(Branch = branchData)
if (is.null(names(branchData))) {
names(branchData) <- paste0("Branch_", 1:length(branchData))
gdf = do.call(rbind, lapply(branchData, function(branch) {
gdf_list_1 = data.frame(Sample = colnames(branch), order = 1:ncol(branch),
ExpressionGene1 = branch[genepair[1], ], ExpressionGene2 = branch[genepair[2],
if (n > 1) {
gdf_list_1$ordercut = cut(gdf_list_1$order, n, labels = unlist(ifelse(n == 3, list(c("Early",
"Middle", "Late")), list(paste0("Group ", 1:n)))))
} else {
gdf_list_1$ordercut = rep("All cells", times = nrow(gdf_list_1))
gdf$branch = rep(names(branchData), times = unlist(lapply(branchData,
if (!is.null(subsetBranch)) {
gdf_sub = subset(gdf, branch %in% subsetBranch)
if (nrow(gdf_sub) == 0)
stop("no branches with names in subsetBranch, please re-run with correct names (should match names of branchData)")
else {
gdf_sub = gdf
g = ggplot(gdf_sub, aes(x = ExpressionGene1, y = ExpressionGene2,
color = order)) +
geom_point(show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.7) +
facet_grid(branch ~ ordercut, scales = "free_y") +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = c("orange", "blue")) +
xlab(genepair[1]) + ylab(genepair[2]) + theme_minimal() +
if (fittedline) {
g = g +
geom_smooth(colour = "black", fill = NA, linetype = "dashed",
method = "lm") +
#' the plotEgoNetwork function plots network graphs with edges coloured by weights in the network
#' @title plotEgoNetwork
#' @param hubnode is a character vector of node(s) to include as hub nodes
#' @param g is an igraph network, with E(g)[[weight]] given as DCARS test statistics
#' @param subset is a logical asking if you should subset based on the weight (default FALSE)
#' @param thresh is the subset weight threshold
#' @return \code{igraph} object containing the network graphed. Produces an igraph plot
#' @examples
#' @export
plotEgoNetwork = function(hubnode, network, weight = "weight", subset = FALSE, thresh = NULL) {
# hubnode is a character vector of node(s) to include as hub nodes
# g is an igraph network, with E(g)[[weight]] given as DCARS test statistics
# weight is a character vector containing edge weights, associated with different branches
# subset is a logical asking if you should subset based on the weight
# thresh is the subset weight threshold
nodes = unique(names(unlist(neighborhood(network, nodes = hubnode))))
subego = induced.subgraph(network, vids = nodes)
subego = simplify(subego, edge.attr.comb="mean")
if (subset) {
if (!all(weight %in% names(edge_attr(subego)))) {
stop("at least one weight missing from edge attributes, either re-specify weights or rerun with subset = FALSE")
if (is.null(thresh)) {
message("no threshold given, using 0 as default")
thresh = 0
keepedges = apply(sapply(weight, function(w) edge_attr(subego)[[w]] > thresh,
simplify = TRUE),1,any)
subego = subgraph.edges(subego, which(keepedges))
V(subego)$color = "beige"
V(subego)$label.color = "black"
V(subego)$label.family = "sans"
V(subego)$label.cex = 0.7
V(subego)$size = 20
V(subego)$frame.color = "black"
V(subego)$frame.size = 5
lyout = layout.davidson.harel(subego)
width = 5
maxval = ceiling(max(50*unlist(edge_attr(subego)[weight])))
colvals = colorRampPalette(c("grey","red"))(maxval)
for (i in weight) {
plot(subego, layout = lyout,
edge.color = colvals[ceiling(50*edge_attr(subego)[[i]])],
edge.width = width,
xlab = i,
main = hubnode)
#' the plotWCorLine function plots weighted correlation vectors as line plots
#' @title plotWCorLine
#' @param wcorsList is a list of matrices, with each matrix gene pair x samples weighted correlation vectors, assumed that they have same number of rows
#' @param gene is either a logical vector matching rows of entries in wcorsList, or a character of a gene
#' @return \code{ggplot} object with line plots
#' @examples
#' @export
plotWCorLine = function(wcorsList, gene) {
# wcorsList is a list of matrices, with each matrix gene pair x samples weighted correlation vectors, assumed that they have same number of rows
# gene is either a logical vector matching rows of entries in wcorsList, or a character of a gene
# matchExact matches gene names by splitting instead of using grep, but is slower
if (class(wcorsList) != "list") {
wcorsList = list(Branch = wcorsList)
if (is.null(names(wcorsList))) {
names(wcorsList) <- paste0("Branch_",1:length(wcorsList))
if (is.logical(gene[1])) {
if (length(unique(unlist(lapply(wcorsList,nrow)))) > 1) {
stop("cannot use logical subset when weighted correlation matrices have differing rows")
if (length(gene) != nrow(wcorsList[[1]])) {
stop("cannot use logical subset when length of gene doesn't match nrow of wcorsList matrices")
wcors_longList = lapply(wcorsList,function(branch){
gene = ""
} else {
gene = paste0(sort(gene), collapse = "|")
wcors_longList = lapply(wcorsList,function(branch){
branch_long = do.call(rbind,wcors_longList)
branch_long = cbind(
rep(names(wcors_longList), unlist(lapply(wcors_longList,nrow))),
colnames(branch_long) = c("branch","SampleOrder", "GenePair","WeightedCorrelation")
g = ggplot(branch_long,
aes(x = SampleOrder, y = WeightedCorrelation, group = GenePair, col = GenePair)) +
geom_line(size = 2, alpha = 0.6) +
facet_grid(~branch, scales = "free_x") +
theme_minimal() +
ylim(c(-1,1)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 1, colour = "grey") +
ggtitle(gene) +
#' the plotOrderedExpression function plots expression vectors along branches and genes as ribbon plots
#' @title plotOrderedExpression
#' @param branchData is a list containing matrices of the cell expression per branch, assumed that the columns of each matrix in branchData is ordered by pseudotime. If branchData is not given as a list, it will be converted into a list containing branchData.
#' @param gene is either a single character string with an underscore, or a two length character vector
#' @param xvals is a list containing the x-values associated with the samples in branchData (if NULL, samples will just be plotted against their rank)
#' @param subsetBranch subsetBranch is a character vector containing the names of the branches to be plotted. If NULL it will plot all branches
#' @param facet can either be FALSE, "branch", "gene", or "both"
#' @return \code{ggplot} a ggplot object for ribbon plot with points
#' @examples
#' @export
plotOrderedExpression = function(branchData, gene, xvals = NULL, subsetBranch = NULL, facet = FALSE) {
# branchData is a list containing matrices of the cell expression per branch
# assumed that the columns of each matrix in branchData is ordered by pseudotime
# if branchData is not given as a list, it will be converted into a list containing branchData
# gene is either a single character string with an underscore, or a two length character vector
# xvals is a list containing the x-values associated with the samples in branchData (if NULL, samples will just be plotted against their rank)
# subsetBranch is a character vector containing the names of the branches to be plotted. If NULL it will plot all branches
# facet can either be FALSE, "branch", "gene", or "both"
if (!is.list(branchData)) {
branchData = list(Branch = branchData)
if (is.null(names(branchData))) {
names(branchData) <- paste0("Branch_",1:length(branchData))
gdf_list = sapply(gene, function(g) {
gdf = do.call(rbind,lapply(branchData, function(branch){
gdf_list_1 = data.frame(
Sample = colnames(branch),
order = 1:ncol(branch),
ExpressionGene = branch[g,],
gene = g
gdf$branch = rep(names(branchData), times = unlist(lapply(branchData, ncol)))
}, simplify = FALSE)
gdf = do.call(rbind,gdf_list)
if (!is.null(subsetBranch)) {
gdf_sub = subset(gdf, branch %in% subsetBranch)
if (nrow(gdf_sub) == 0) stop("no branches with names in subsetBranch, please re-run with correct names (should match names of branchData)")
} else {
gdf_sub = gdf
if (!is.null(xvals)) {
xval = apply(as.matrix(gdf_sub), 1, function(x)xvals[[x["branch"]]][as.numeric(x["order"])])
gdf_sub$order <- xval
g = ggplot(gdf_sub, aes(x = order, y = ExpressionGene, colour = gene, fill = gene, linetype = branch, shape = branch)) +
geom_point() +
labs(fill = "Gene", col = "Branch") +
theme_minimal() + geom_smooth() +
ggtitle(paste0(gene, collapse = ", ")) +
if (facet == "branch") {
g = g + facet_grid(~branch)
if (facet == "gene") {
g = g + facet_grid(gene~.)
if (facet == "both") {
g = g + facet_grid(gene~branch)
#' the plotNetworkPathway function plots network graphs with most represented pathways labelled
#' @title plotNetworkPathway
#' @param sigPairsList list of significant pairs for branches, in igraph network form
#' @param minCommunity minimum number of genes in community to annotate most represented
#' @param pathways is a named list containing gene sets for querying, if left NULL defaults to REACTOME c2.all.v6.1.symbols.gmt downloaded from MSigDB
#' @param geneUniverse is the universe of genes measured, if null its taken as all the sigpairs
#' @return \code{plot} plots of igraph objects
#' @examples
#' @export
plotNetworkPathway = function(sigPairsList, minCommunity = 10, pathways = NULL, geneUniverse = NULL) {
# sigPairsList list of significant pairs for branches, in igraph network form
# minCommunity minimum number of genes in community to annotate most represented
# pathways is a named list containing gene sets for querying, if left NULL defaults to REACTOME c2.all.v6.1.symbols.gmt downloaded from MSigDB
# geneUniverse is the universe of genes measured, if null its taken as all the sigpairs
if (is.null(pathways)) {
} else {
hallmarks = pathways
allhallmarks = unique(unlist(hallmarks))
if (class(sigPairsList) != "list") {
sigPairsList = list(Branch = sigPairsList)
if (is.null(geneUniverse)) {
geneUniverse = unique(unlist(lapply(sigPairsList, function(net) V(net)$name)))
lyList = lapply(sigPairsList, function(net) {
ly = layout.auto(net)
ly = apply(ly,2,function(x) {
2*(-0.5 + (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)))
cmList = lapply(sigPairsList, walktrap.community)
cmmembershipList = lapply(cmList,membership)
cm_coordsList = sapply(names(cmList), function(branch) {
}, simplify = FALSE)
cm_nList = sapply(names(cmList), function(branch) {
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Calculating most highly represented pathways")
cm_mostrepresentedList = sapply(names(cmList), function(branch) {
cm_mostrepresented = sapply(unique(cmmembershipList[[branch]]), function(i){
# print(i)
genes = intersect(allhallmarks,
toupper(names(cmmembershipList[[branch]][cmmembershipList[[branch]] == i])))
if (length(genes) == 0) return("")
allgenes = intersect(allhallmarks, toupper(geneUniverse))
# calculate the smallest set with the highest membership proportion
hallmarksn = unlist(lapply(hallmarks, function(x)length(intersect(x,allgenes))))
hallmarksmembership = unlist(lapply(hallmarks,function(hallmark){
mean(genes %in% intersect(hallmark,allgenes))
if (sum(hallmarksmembership == max(hallmarksmembership)) == 1) {
return(names(sort(hallmarksmembership, decreasing = TRUE)[1]))
} else {
# hallmarksmembershipmax = hallmarksmembership[hallmarksmembership == max(hallmarksmembership)]
hallmarksnmax = hallmarksn[hallmarksmembership == max(hallmarksmembership)]
names(cm_mostrepresented) <- unique(cmmembershipList[[branch]])
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Plotting network graphs")
for (i in names(cmList)) {
plot(sigPairsList[[i]],vertex.size = 0, vertex.label.cex = 0.8, vertex.color = "grey",
edge.width = 2, layout = lyList[[i]], ylab = i,
vertex.label.color = "black")
plot(sigPairsList[[i]],vertex.size = 2, vertex.label.cex = 0.01, vertex.color = "grey",
edge.width = 2, layout = lyList[[i]],
vertex.label.color = "black")
text(cm_coordsList[[i]][cm_nList[[i]] >= minCommunity,1],
cm_coordsList[[i]][cm_nList[[i]] >= minCommunity,2],
cm_mostrepresentedList[[i]][cm_nList[[i]] >= minCommunity],
cex = 0.7)
#' the plotWcorsClusterPathway function plots network graphs with most represented pathways labelled
#' @title plotWcorsClusterPathway
#' @param sigWcorsList named list of weighted correlation matrices per branch, rows are gene pairs and columns are ordered samples, if it is not a list it will be converted into a list
#' @param pathways is a named list containing gene sets for querying, if left NULL defaults to REACTOME c2.all.v6.1.symbols.gmt downloaded from MSigDB
#' @param geneUniverse is the universe of genes measured, if null its taken as all the genes in the sigWcorsList
#' @param cutk number of weighted correlation clusters to cut hclust
#' @param topPathways is the top number of pathways to plot
#' @param cluster is a logical if pathway and weighted correlation clustering should be performed
#' @param label_wrap_cut number of letters to wrap for labelling heatmap
#' @return \code{plot} plots of igraph objects
#' @examples
#' @export
plotWcorsClusterPathway = function(sigWcorsList,pathways = hallmarks,geneUniverse = NULL,cutk = 15,topPathways = 2,cluster = FALSE,label_wrap_cut = 20) {
# sigWcorsList named list of weighted correlation matrices per branch, rows are gene pairs and columns are ordered samples
# pathways named list of pathways containing gene names
# geneUniverse genes in the universe for pathway analysis
# cutk number of weighted correlation clusters to cut hclust
# topPathways is the top number of pathways to plot
# cluster = FALSE
# label_wrap_cut number of letters to wrap
if (is.null(pathways)) {
} else {
hallmarks = pathways
allhallmarks = unique(unlist(hallmarks))
if (class(sigWcorsList) != "list") {
sigWcorsList = list(Branch = sigWcorsList)
if (is.null(geneUniverse)) {
geneUniverse = toupper(unique(unlist(lapply(sigWcorsList, function(wcors) strsplit(rownames(wcors),"_")))))
# make list of significant wcors matrix
sig_wcors_hc = lapply(sigWcorsList,function(wcors) {
cutree(hclust(dist(wcors, method = "euclidean")),cutk)
message("Extracted weighted correlation clusters")
# extract genes from the cutk clusters
clusterGenes = lapply(sig_wcors_hc,function(wcors_hc) {
sapply(1:cutk, function(i){
pairs = names(wcors_hc[wcors_hc == i])
genes = sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(pairs,"_"))))
}, simplify = FALSE)
# perform pathway testing per cluster
# want a list of dataframes, with column for cluster, pathway, p-value, numbergenes
pathwayDF = sapply(names(sigWcorsList), function(branch) {
dfBranch = sapply(1:length(clusterGenes[[branch]]),function(i){
# print(i)
# perfrom pathway test for this set of genes
genes = clusterGenes[[branch]][[i]]
hallmarks_pval = unlist(lapply(hallmarks, function(hallmark){
if (!any(geneUniverse %in% hallmark)) return(1)
if (!any(geneUniverse %in% genes)) return(1)
fisher.test(table(geneUniverse %in% hallmark,geneUniverse %in% genes), alt = "g")$p.value
df = data.frame(cluster = i,
pathway = names(hallmarks_pval),
pvalue = hallmarks_pval)
}, simplify = FALSE)
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Performed pathway analysis for branches")
# calculate average wcor per cluster
wcorAverage = sapply(names(sigWcorsList),function(branch) {
t(sapply(unique(sig_wcors_hc[[branch]]), function(i){
colMeans(sigWcorsList[[branch]][sig_wcors_hc[[branch]] == i,, drop = FALSE])
}, simplify = TRUE))
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Built pathway and average weighted correlation data frame")
pathwaysToDisplay = lapply(pathwayDF, function(pathwaydf) {
unique(unlist(sapply(unique(pathwaydf$cluster), function(i){
# print(i)
subdf = subset(pathwaydf, cluster == i)
subdfp = subdf[,"pvalue"]
names(subdfp) <- subdf[,"pathway"]
}, simplify = FALSE)))
message("Extracted top pathways to display")
pathwayDFsub = sapply(names(sigWcorsList), function(branch) {
subset(pathwayDF[[branch]], pathway %in% pathwaysToDisplay[[branch]])
}, simplify = FALSE)
if (cluster) {
hList = sapply(names(sigWcorsList), function(branch) {
mat = cast(pathwayDFsub[[branch]], cluster ~ pathway)[,-1]
h = Heatmap(-log10(mat),
cluster_rows = TRUE,
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
col = c("white","red","red"),
# name = "-log(P-value)",
heatmap_legend_param = list(legend_direction = "horizontal"),
rect_gp = gpar(col = "grey", lty = 1, lwd = 1),
row_names_max_width = unit(200,"mm")
message("Completed clustering of weighted correlation types")
message("Extracted pathway clusters")
pathway_gList = sapply(names(pathwayDFsub), function(branch) {
pdf = pathwayDFsub[[branch]]
# wrap the labels
if (cluster) {
pdf$cluster = factor(pdf$cluster, levels = row_order(hList[[branch]])[[1]])
pdf$pathway = factor(pdf$pathway, levels = unique(pdf$pathway)[column_order(hList[[branch]])])
pdf$newpathway = factor(stringr::str_wrap(gsub("_"," ",pdf$pathway), width = label_wrap_cut),
levels = stringr::str_wrap(gsub("_"," ",levels(pdf$pathway)), width = label_wrap_cut))
g = ggplot(pdf,aes(x = cluster, y = newpathway,
fill = -log10(pvalue), size = -log10(pvalue),
color = -log10(pvalue))) +
geom_point() +
theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey",high = "red") +
scale_color_gradient(low = "grey",high = "red") +
xlab("") +
ylab("") +
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Built pathway graphs")
# weighted correlation graph
wcor_gList = sapply(names(wcorAverage), function(branch){
groupmeansdf = melt(wcorAverage[[branch]])
colnames(groupmeansdf) <- c("X1","X2","value")
if (cluster) {
groupmeansdf$X1 = factor(groupmeansdf$X1,levels = row_order(hList[[branch]])[[1]])
h_split = cutree(as.hclust(row_dend(hList[[branch]])[[1]]),min(6, cutk))
groupmeansdf$split = factor(h_split[as.character(groupmeansdf$X1)])
} else {
groupmeansdf$X1 = factor(groupmeansdf$X1)
groupmeansdf$split = groupmeansdf$X1
g = ggplot(groupmeansdf,
aes(x = X2, y = value, group = X1, col = split)) +
geom_line(size = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
theme_minimal() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
xlab("Pseudotime") +
ylab("Local correlation") +
facet_grid(~X1) +
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("Built average weighted correlation graphs")
patch_gList = sapply(names(pathwayDFsub),function(branch){
pathway_gList[[branch]] + ggtitle(branch) +
wcor_gList[[branch]] + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
plot_layout(ncol = 1, heights = c(2,1))
}, simplify = FALSE)
message("combined all graphs")
final_g = patchwork::wrap_plots(patch_gList, nrow = 1)
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