
Defines functions AnnotateJournal MakeENlist

Documented in AnnotateJournal MakeENlist

#' @title Annotate journal id via crawler
#' @description AnnotateJournal help annotate journal id via letpub website.AnnotateJournal is more powerful than get.ISSN series and is recommanded to get information of journals like ISSN or IF.
#' @keywords AnnotateJournal
#' @param journal.id a vector of journal id
#' @param source the data source.Default is letpub.
#' @param report whether report working information
#' @details The meaning of results from \code{AnnoteJournal} is as following: \cr journal.id: the ids of journals in letpub\cr journals:the names of journals\cr abbr: the abbreviation of journal names \cr issn:the ISSN code of journals \cr IF: the impact factor of journals \cr IF5: the merge impact factor of journals in recent 5 years \cr selfcited: self-cited ratio \cr website: the website of the journal \cr OA: whether a OA journal \cr research: the research direction \cr area: the area of the journal like "USA" \cr regular: the period of article checking \cr BasicSubject: the basic subject of the journal \cr SecondSubject: the second subject of the journal \cr TopJournal: whether a top journal \cr ReviewJournal: whether a review journal \cr speed: the speed of article checking \cr recieve: the ratio of article recieved
#' @author Weibin Huang<\email{654751191@@qq.com}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{MakeENlist}}
#' @examples
#' AnnotateJournal(journal.id=1:13000,
#'                 source = "letpub")
#' @export
AnnotateJournal <- function(journal.id=1:13000,
                           source = "letpub",
                           report = T){

  need <- c("rvest","stringr","plyr")

  ## 防止无值产生
  real <- function(x) {
      x <- NA
    } else {
      x <- x

  ano1 <- function(journal.id,
                   source = "letpub",
                   report = T){
    # journal.id = 2

    ## source
    if(source == "letpub"){
      gurl <- str_c("http://www.letpub.com.cn/index.php?journalid=",journal.id,"&page=journalapp&view=detail")

      ## 错误控制
      a <- tryCatch(md <- gurl %>%  read_html(encoding="UTF-8"), error = function(e)e, finally = NULL)

        text <- md %>% html_nodes("td") %>% html_text()

        ## 获取杂志名
        title <- md %>%
          html_nodes("td") %>%
          html_nodes("span") %>%
        title <- title[1];title

        ## 缩写
        subtitle <-md %>%
          html_nodes("td") %>%
          html_nodes("span") %>%
          html_nodes("font") %>%
        subtitle <- subtitle[1];subtitle

        ## ISSN号
        issn <- text
        logic1 <- str_extract(issn,"[0-9]{4}[-][0-9|A-Z]{4}\\b")
        logic2 <- str_extract(issn,"^[0-9]{4}[-][0-9|A-Z]{4}")
        logic <- apply(cbind(logic1,logic2),1,is.one.na)
        issn <- issn[logic==F];issn

        ## IF
        IF <- text
        p1 <- grep("最新IF",IF)[1] #p1 <- grep("最新影响因子",IF)
        p2 <- str_detect(IF,"[0-9][.][0-9]{3}\\b|[0-9]{2}[.][0-9]{3}\\b|[0-9]{3}[.][0-9]{3}\\b")
        p2 <- grep(T,p2)
        if((p1+1) %in% p2){
          a <- str_extract(IF,"[0-9][.][0-9]{3}\\b|[0-9]{2}[.][0-9]{3}\\b|[0-9]{3}[.][0-9]{3}\\b")
          IF<- a[p1+1]
        } else {
          IF <- "Not Available"

        IF5 <- text
        p1 <- grep("五年IF",IF5)+1 #p1 <- grep("五年影响因子",IF5)+1
        IF5 <- IF5[p1];IF5

        ## 自引率
        selfuse <- text
        p1 <- grep("自引率",selfuse)
        selfuse <- selfuse[p1+1]
        selfuse <- selfuse[grep("%",selfuse)[1]];selfuse

        ## h-index
        h_index <- text
        p1 <- grep("h-index",h_index)
        h_index <- h_index[p1+1][1];h_index

        ## cite score
        cite_score <- text
        p1 <- grep("CiteScore", cite_score)
        cite.score <- cite_score[p1[1]+1]
        cite.score1 <- Fastextra(cite.score,"CiteScore排名",2)
        cite.score2 <- Fastextra(cite.score1,"学科排名百分位")
        score <- str_extract(cite.score2[1],"[0-9]{1,6}[.][0-9]{1,6}");score
        q4 <- Fastextra(cite.score2[1],score,2);q4
        rank <- str_extract(cite.score2[2],"[0-9]{1,6}[ ][/][ ][0-9]{1,6}");rank
        superior <- Fastextra(Fastextra(cite.score2[2],"小类:",1),"大类:")[2];superior
        inferior <- Fastextra(Fastextra(cite.score2[2],rank,1),"小类:")[2];inferior

        ## 期刊官方网站
        http <- text
        p1 <- grep("期刊官方网站",http)
        http <- http[ p1+1];http

        ## 是否OA开放访问
        oa <- text
        p1 <- grep("是否OA开放访问",oa)
        oa <- oa[p1+1];oa

        ## 研究方向
        r <- text
        p1 <- grep("涉及的研究方向",r)
        r <- r[p1+1];r

        ## 出版国家或地区
        area <- text
        p1 <- grep("出版国家或地区",area)
        area <- area[p1+1];area

        regular <- text
        p1 <- grep("出版周期",regular)
        regular <- regular[p1+1][1];regular

        yearpublish <- text
        p1 <- grep("年文章数",yearpublish)
        yearpublish <- yearpublish[p1+1][2];yearpublish

        ## 中科院SCI期刊分区:"大类学科" "小类学科" "Top期刊"  "综述期刊"
        category.status <- md %>%
          html_nodes("td") %>%
          html_nodes("tr") %>%
        category.status <- category.status[grep("区",category.status)][1]
        a <- Fastextra(category.status,"区",3)
        a <- Fastextra(a,"")
        b <- Fastextra(category.status,"区",1:2)
        b <- paste(b,"区",sep="")
        category.status <- c(b,a);category.status

        speed <- text
        p1 <- grep("平均审稿速度",speed)
        speed <- speed[p1+1]
        speed <- Fastextra(speed,":",2);speed

        ## 平均录用比例
        recieve <- text
        p1 <- grep("平均录用比例",recieve)
        recieve <- recieve[p1+1]
          recieve <- ""
        } else {
          recieve <- Fastextra(recieve,"经验:",2);
          recieve1 <- Fastextra(recieve,"来源Elsevier官网:",1)
          recieve2 <- Fastextra(recieve,"来源Elsevier官网:",2)
          recieve <- paste(recieve1,recieve2,sep = ";");
          if(is.na(recieve2)){recieve <- recieve1}

        ## 组合成数据框
          LuckyVerbose(paste0("Error State:Not Such ID:",journal.id,"!"))
          df1 <- data.frame(
            journals="NOT SUCH ID",
            abbr = "NOT SUCH ID",
            issn = "NOT SUCH ID",
            IF = "NOT SUCH ID",
            IF5 = "NOT SUCH ID",
            selfcited = "NOT SUCH ID",
            h.index = "NOT SUCH ID",
            CiteScore = "NOT SUCH ID",
            disciplinary.quartile = "NOT SUCH ID",
            CiteScore.rank = "NOT SUCH ID",
            superior = "NOT SUCH ID",
            inferior = "NOT SUCH ID",
            website = "NOT SUCH ID",
            OA = "NOT SUCH ID",
            research = "NOT SUCH ID",
            area  = "NOT SUCH ID" ,
            regular = "NOT SUCH ID",
            yearpublish = "NOT SUCH ID",
            BasicSubject = "NOT SUCH ID",
            SecondSubject = "NOT SUCH ID",
            TopJournal = "NOT SUCH ID",
            # ReviewJournal = "NOT SUCH ID",
            speed = "NOT SUCH ID",
            recieve = "NOT SUCH ID"
        } else {
          df1 <- data.frame(
            abbr = real(subtitle),
            issn = real(issn),
            IF = real(IF),
            IF5 = real(IF5),
            selfcited = real(selfuse),
            h.index = real(h_index),
            CiteScore = real(score),
            disciplinary.quartile = real(q4),
            CiteScore.rank = real(rank),
            superior = real(superior),
            inferior = real(inferior),
            website = real(http),
            OA = real(oa),
            research = real(r),
            area  = real(area) ,
            regular = real(regular),
            yearpublish = real(yearpublish),
            BasicSubject = real(category.status[1]),
            SecondSubject = real(category.status[2]),
            TopJournal = real(category.status[3]),
           # ReviewJournal = real(category.status[4]),
            speed = real(speed),
            recieve = real(recieve)

      } else {
        df1 <- data.frame(
          abbr = "Error",
          issn = "Error",
          IF = "Error",
          IF5 = "Error",
          selfcited = "Error",
          h.index = "Error",
          CiteScore = "Error",
          disciplinary.quartile = "Error",
          CiteScore.rank = "Error",
          superior = "Error",
          inferior = "Error",
          website = "Error",
          OA = "Error",
          research = "Error",
          area  = "Error" ,
          regular = "Error",
          yearpublish = "Error",
          BasicSubject = "Error",
          SecondSubject = "Error",
          TopJournal = "Error",
          #ReviewJournal = "Error",
          speed = "Error",
          recieve = "Error"

    } else {
      df1 <- data.frame(
        abbr = "Error",
        issn = "Error",
        IF = "Error",
        IF5 = "Error",
        selfcited = "Error",
        h.index = "Error",
        CiteScore = "Error",
        disciplinary.quartile = "Error",
        CiteScore.rank = "Error",
        superior = "Error",
        inferior = "Error",
        website = "Error",
        OA = "Error",
        research = "Error",
        area  = "Error" ,
        regular = "Error",
        yearpublish = "Error",
        BasicSubject = "Error",
        SecondSubject = "Error",
        TopJournal = "Error",
        #ReviewJournal = "Error",
        speed = "Error",
        recieve = "Error"
      LuckyVerbose("Error:Not Available source!")
  ano <- function(x)ano1(x,source,report)

  df1 <- adply(as.matrix(journal.id),1,ano)
  df1 <- df1[,-1]
  colnames(df1)[match("journal.id",colnames(df1))] <- paste0(source,"id")

  if(report == T){LuckyVerbose("All done!")}

# MakeENlist create ENote journal list .txt to help annotation in ENote software.

#' @title create ENote journal list .txt to help annotation in ENote software
#' @description MakeENlist create ENote journal list .txt to help annotation in ENote software.
#' @keywords MakeENlist
#' @param data data frame or a matrix
#' @param journal.name.col the colname of journal full name
#' @param abbr.col the colname of journal abbreviation names
#' @param ISSN.col the colname of ISSN code
#' @param IF.col the colname of IF
#' @param names  part of saved file name
#' @author Weibin Huang<\email{654751191@@qq.com}>
#' @examples
#' ## Use a journals data
#' MakeENlist(data = journals,
#'           journal.name.col="journals",
#'           abbr.col = "abbr",
#'           ISSN.col="issn",
#'           IF.col = "IF",
#'           IF.interval = "-",
#'           names = "love")
#' @export
MakeENlist <- function(data = journals,
                       abbr.col = "abbr",
                       IF.col = "IF",
                       IF.interval = "-",
                       names = "love"){
  ## 矩阵化
  data <- as.matrix(data)

  ## IF interval
  IF1 <- data[,IF.col]
  IF1 <- as.character(IF1)
  IF1 <- gsub("\\.",IF.interval,IF1)

  ## abbr首字母大写,其余小写
  #abbr1 = "abc"; convert.abbr(abbr1)
  #abbr1 = "abc def"; convert.abbr(abbr1)
  convert.abbr <- function(abbr1){
    a1 <- Fastextra(abbr1,"")
    p1 <- Fastgrep(c(" ","-"),a1)
    p1 <- p1[!is.na(p1)]
      a1[1] <- toupper(a1[1])
      a1[2:length(a1)] <- tolower(a1[2:length(a1)])
      a2 <- paste(a1,collapse = "")
    } else {
      a1[c(1,p1+1)] <- toupper(a1[c(1,p1+1)])
      a1[setdiff(1:length(a1),c(1,p1+1))] <- tolower(a1[setdiff(1:length(a1),c(1,p1+1))])
      a2 <- paste(a1,collapse = "")
  abbr <- apply(as.matrix(data[,abbr.col]),1,convert.abbr)

  ## multiple names
  fu.abbr <- abbr;
  fullnames <- as.character(data[,journal.name.col])
  fullnames1 <- paste(fu.abbr,as.character(data[,journal.name.col]),sep = ";  ")
  fn.if <-paste(fullnames1,IF1,sep = ";  IF:")
  fn.issn <- paste(fn.if,data[,ISSN.col],sep = ";  ISSN:")

  ## output
  df <- cbind(fullnames,fu.abbr,fn.if,fn.issn)
  write.table(df,paste0(names,"_Endnote.Journals.List.txt"),sep = "\t",row.names = F,col.names = F,quote = F)
  LuckyVerbose("Files have been saved!")

  ## End
shijianasdf/BasicBioinformaticsAnalysisFromZhongShan documentation built on Jan. 3, 2020, 10:08 p.m.