Man pages for shijianasdf/BasicBioinformaticsAnalysisFromZhongShan
Launch Usual Clinical tool for Kind Yield

AnnoEsetAnnotate EsetList via bioconductor
AnnotateJournalAnnotate journal id via crawler
AnnotateStringPPIRe-annotation for ppi network from STRING web
base_common.annotlatest annotation contains ENSEMBL and other information of...
base_Fastcornetfast way to create a network plot and edge/node data based on...
base_Fastcornet2fast way to create a network plot and edge/node data based on...
base_Fastcorrplothelp fast to draw a corrplot with multiple styles available...
base_Fastcorrplot2.1correlation analysis limited one control marker
base_Fastextraa fast way to extra part of elements in a vetor.
base_FastgrepA Fast grep when lots of pattern used
base_FastMINEa fast way to do MINE correlation analysis.
base_FastPearsonGet correlation index from expression matrix
base_Fastpoint1fast way to make a point plot based on ggplot2
base_FastUpsetGive a fast way to draw an Upset plot base on upsetR
base_filter.lowfiltering lots of different dataset via lots of condition...
base_is.all.naTest whether a vector consists with NA values only whether a vector consists with at least one NA values.
base_load1load local .rda files by a pattern
base_Make.cormatrixtranslation between cormatirx and related long data frame
base_MINEplota corrplot based on MINE cor matrix
base_Plus.orderrun order() for lots of cols in a matrix
base_QuickStartRun series R script automatically
base_saveFastcornetSave the result of Fastcornet series function
base_set.defaulthelp self-defined function to set default values
base_show.colorpreview color vector
base_stringpositionfind the position of a specified string pattern
base_subset2get a subset of a data frame
BI_BalanceSplitsplit a data frame into balanced parts according to specified...
BI_bootstrap.lassobulid a bootstrap lasso model via exprs and design objects
BI_boxplot.genedata2quick way to draw boxplot for multiple markers.
BI_cox.optimizedhelp get a best model based on prognosis information via Cox...
BI_cox.optimized3select prognosis-predictive genes
BI_cox.optimized4get survival significant markers based on KM-Curve data
BI_cox.threshold3Get a comprimized cut-off for survival analysis among mutiple...
BI_edgeR1Differencially expression analysis via edgeR package
BI_ensemblGoAnnotate the ENSG id with GO terms via ensembl online
BI_ensemblGoEnrichGo annotation based on lucky::ensemblGo
BI_extra.survGet survival data of a gene based on expression and design...
BI_FastCoxlassoPenalized Cox regression model via lasso algrithm
BI_FPKMtoTPMFPKM value converted to TPM value
BI_genename.stadgene names from TCGA-STAD with available annotation.
BI_getexprget long data frame from a gene expression matrix.
BI_heatmap.dds2a quick way to draw heatmap
BI_result.DEGGet a summary result from multiple DEGList
BI_result.lassoModelGet results from lasso model function
BI_result.ROCListshow the progonis value of multiple model genes from ROCList...
BI_ROC.lassoBulid a binomial lasso model via exprs and design objects
BI_ROC.optimizedCommon ROC optimized via AUC
BI_sametrendfind out genes that can be plot appropriately in boxplot with...
BI_select.esetfast way to select eset
boxplot_genedataFast way to draw boxplot for gene expression
ceRNADataGet lnRNA-miRNA/mRNA-miRNA interaction from starBase
ceRNANetGet ceRNA network from starBase 3.0 by giving miRNAs symbol
classifyClassify a vector by specified classifier
clinic_CreateTableOne2Optimized baselined information production from tableone...
clinic_getCoxTableget a model result of univariate and multivariate Cox...
combn2get all arrage for given n and k
compareROCProduce time dependent KM-ROC curves
compareROC2get ROC Curve of one or more variates for a binary status
convertmultiple annotation based on dataset common.annot.
CorrectTNMVersion control for TCGA TNM stage
cox.optimized2A pipline of lasso cox modeling
CreateBioProjectCreate a bioproject with constant format
cut_vectorcut a vector into lots of parts
data_fpkma simple dataset of fpkm values
data_journalsSCI journals dataset
DESeq1Standard process for DESeq2 RNA-Seq differencial expression...
exampleLassoCoxVisualize and analysis of cox.optimized2 result by giving a...
fa.annotateannotate probe sequence via fasta object
FastBarFast Way to Get a Bar plot based on ggpubr
Fastboxplotfast way to draw a boxplot based on ggplot2
FastCeRNAeasy ceRNA network via GDCRNATools::gdcCEAnalysis
FastCeRNA_edgeGet miRNA-lncRNA-mRNA edge data after FastCeRNA
FastCeRNA_edge2a simple method for ceRNA network edge/node selection
Fastcornet2Draw Network plot of D3 style
FastEnrichPlotFast way to draw enrich plot after clusterProfilter...
FastGOGO analysis via clusterProfiler package
FastGSEAFast way to do GSEA for a geneList object
FastKEGGKEGG analysis via clusterProfiler package
FastMSFast Molecular Signatures Analysis via clusterProfilter
FastQPCRFast way to deal with results of qRT-PCR
FastScoreFast way to calculate scores for multiple markers
FastSurvplotFast way to draw a KM plot of ggplot style
FastWGCNAStandard pipeline for WGCNA
FastWGCNA_networkVisualize specified module Network after FastWGCNA pipeline
GEO_boxplot.DEquick way to draw a boxplot for specified contrast via...
GEO_boxplot.MAquick way to draw a boxplot for specified contrast via MAList...
GEO_getOneDesignEsetget one DesignEset
GEO_MApipelinetransform a raw MA object to a comparable MA which is needed...
getAnnotationGet annotation from a gtf annotation file
getAnnotation2Get further annotation after getAnnotation()
get.fa.annoatationcreate a powerful annotation object for chips containing...
get.ISSNafter get.journal.ISSN
get.ISSN2After get.ISSN
GetMEsGet new module eigengenes matrix from a given dataset
getNomogramGet nomogram,standard curves and return related data and...
getsearchget search formula with specified journal names or ISSN
getTimeROCtime-dependent ROC curve base on timeROC package
GetWGCNATraitcreate trait matrix for WGCNA
LuckyVerboseeasy report system in function building
MakeENlistcreate ENote journal list .txt to help annotation in ENote...
ModuleHubEnhanced hub genes exploration after FastWGCNA pipeline
ModulePreservationa easy method for Module Preservation in FastWGCNA pipeline
ModuleSurvExplore relationship between Modules and survival in...
ModuleSurvValidGet module-Survival relationship given new validation cohorts
ModuleTraitEnhanced Module-Trait Relationships Plot after FastWGCNA...
ModuleTraitValidGet module-trait relationship given new validation cohorts
mymusicplay music via tuneR
Plus.libraryAutomatically install and library package
ProteinAnnotationGet protein annotation from gpl file
round2publish-level round
ScreenGenesDEGs screening via common t-test
SearchIF2SearchIF2:get journal list with specified strings of journal...
SeqmanAfterextra information from match_probe.txt from Seqman software
SeqmanBeforeprepare chip probe information(.txt) before seqman pipelin
SequenceMotifco-motif exploration for sequence
starBase1Data Clean for starBase
Survplot_genedataSurvival K-M plot base on expression matrix and design object
testBatchEffecttest and remove potencial batch effects
testFastBarFast Way to Get a Bar plot based on ggpubr
testPrimerGive Mutiple primers,test the amplication sequence and...
testPrimer1Give a primer,test the amplication sequence and whether cross...
WesternBlotQuantityTool for protein quantity in Western Blot
shijianasdf/BasicBioinformaticsAnalysisFromZhongShan documentation built on Jan. 3, 2020, 10:08 p.m.