
Defines functions fit_to_counts_rng vb_iterative as_matrix ifelse_pipe parse_formula_random_intercept formula_to_random_effect_formulae parse_formula add_attr not st gt

# Greater than
gt = function(a, b){	a > b }

# Smaller than
st = function(a, b){	a < b }

# Negation
not = function(is){	!is }

#' Add attribute to abject
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param var A tibble
#' @param attribute An object
#' @param name A character name of the attribute
#' @return A tibble with an additional attribute
add_attr = function(var, attribute, name) {
  attr(var, name) <- attribute

#' Formula parser
#' @param fm A formula
#' @importFrom stringr str_subset
#' @importFrom magrittr extract2
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @return A character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_formula <- function(fm) {
  stopifnot("The formula must be of the kind \"~ factors\" " = attr(terms(fm), "response") == 0)

    as.character(attr(terms(fm), "variables")) |>
    str_subset("\\|", negate = TRUE) %>%

      # Does not work the following
      # |>
      # extract2(-1)

#' Formula parser
#' @param fm A formula
#' @importFrom stringr str_subset
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom magrittr extract2
#' @return A character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
formula_to_random_effect_formulae <- function(fm) {

  stopifnot("The formula must be of the kind \"~ factors\" " = attr(terms(fm), "response") == 0)

  random_intercept_elements =
    as.character(attr(terms(fm), "variables")) |>

    # Select random intercept part

  if(length(random_intercept_elements) > 0){

    random_intercept_elements |>

      # Divide grouping from factors
      str_split("\\|") |>

      # Set name
      map_dfr(~ .x |> set_names(c("formula", "grouping"))) |>

      # Create formula
      mutate(formula = map(formula, ~ formula(glue("~ {.x}")))) |>
      mutate(grouping = grouping |> str_trim())


    tibble(`formula` = list(), grouping = character())


#' Formula parser
#' @param fm A formula
#' @importFrom stringr str_subset
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom magrittr extract2
#' @return A character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_formula_random_intercept <- function(fm) {

  stopifnot("The formula must be of the kind \"~ factors\" " = attr(terms(fm), "response") == 0)

  random_intercept_elements =
    as.character(attr(terms(fm), "variables")) |>

    # Select random intercept part

  if(length(random_intercept_elements) > 0){

    formula_to_random_effect_formulae(fm) |>

      # Divide factors
      mutate(factor = map(
          # Attach intercept
          .x |>
          terms() |>
          attr("intercept") |>
          str_replace("^1$", "(Intercept)") |>
          str_subset("0", negate = TRUE) |>

          # Attach variables
            .x |>
            terms() |>
            attr("variables") |>
            as.character() |>
            str_split("\\+") |>
            as.character() %>%
      )) |>


    tibble(factor = character(), grouping = character())


#' Get matrix from tibble
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr as_mapper
#' @param .x A tibble
#' @param .p A boolean
#' @param .f1 A function
#' @param .f2 A function
#' @return A tibble
ifelse_pipe = function(.x, .p, .f1, .f2 = NULL) {
  switch(.p %>% `!` %>% sum(1),
         if (.f2 %>% is.null %>% `!`)


#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom magrittr set_rownames
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param tbl A tibble
#' @param rownames A character string of the rownames
#' @return A matrix
as_matrix <- function(tbl, rownames = NULL) {
  tbl %>%

      tbl %>%
        ifelse_pipe(!is.null(rownames),		~ .x %>% dplyr::select(-contains(rownames))) %>%
        summarise_all(class) %>%
        gather(variable, class) %>%
        pull(class) %>%
        unique() %>%
        `%in%`(c("numeric", "integer")) %>% not() %>% any(),
      ~ {
        warning("to_matrix says: there are NON-numerical columns, the matrix will NOT be numerical")
    ) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%

    # Deal with rownames column if present
                ~ .x  %>%
                  set_rownames(tbl %>% pull(!!rownames)) %>%
                  select(-!!rownames)) %>%

    # Convert to matrix

#' vb_iterative
#' @description Runs iteratively variational bayes until it suceeds
#' @importFrom rstan vb
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param model A Stan model
#' @param output_samples An integer of how many samples from posteriors
#' @param iter An integer of how many max iterations
#' @param tol_rel_obj A real
#' @param additional_parameters_to_save A character vector
#' @param data A data frame
#' @param seed An integer
#' @param ... List of paramaters for vb function of Stan
#' @return A Stan fit object
vb_iterative = function(model,
                        additional_parameters_to_save = c(),
                        init = "random",
                        pars = NA,
                        ...) {
  res = NULL
  i = 0
  while  (is.null(res) & i < 5) {
    res = tryCatch({
      my_res = vb(
        data = data,
        output_samples = output_samples,
        iter = iter,
        tol_rel_obj = tol_rel_obj,
        seed = seed+i,
        init = init,
      boolFalse <- TRUE
    error = function(e) {
      writeLines(sprintf("Further attempt with Variational Bayes: %s", e))
    finally = {
    i = i + 1

  if(is.null(res)) stop(sprintf("sccomp says: variational Bayes did not converge after %s attempts. Please use variational_inference = FALSE for a HMC fitting.", i))

#' fit_to_counts_rng
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom rstan summary
#' @param fit A fit object
#' @param adj_prob_theshold fit real
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
fit_to_counts_rng = function(fit, adj_prob_theshold){

  writeLines(sprintf("executing %s", "fit_to_counts_rng"))

  fit %>%
                   prob = c(adj_prob_theshold, 1 - adj_prob_theshold)) %$%
    summary %>%
    as_tibble(rownames = ".variable") %>%
             c(".variable", "S", "G"),
             sep = "[\\[,\\]]",
             extra = "drop") %>%
    mutate(S = S %>% as.integer, G = G %>% as.integer) %>%
    select(-any_of(c("n_eff", "Rhat", "khat"))) %>%
    rename(`.lower` = (.) %>% ncol - 1,
           `.upper` = (.) %>% ncol)

#' draws_to_tibble_x_y
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @param fit A fit object
#' @param par A character vector. The parameters to extract.
#' @param x A character. The first index.
#' @param y A character. The first index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
draws_to_tibble_x_y = function(fit, par, x, y, number_of_draws = NULL) {

  par_names =
    names(fit) %>% grep(sprintf("%s", par), ., value = TRUE)

  fit %>%
    extract(par, permuted=FALSE) %>%
    as.data.frame %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(.iteration = seq_len(n())) %>%

      names_to = c("dummy", ".chain", ".variable", x, y),
      cols = contains(par),
      names_sep = "\\.|\\[|,|\\]|:",
      names_ptypes = list(
        ".variable" = character()),
      values_to = ".value"
    ) %>%

    # Warning message:
    # Expected 5 pieces. Additional pieces discarded
    suppressWarnings() %>%

      !!as.symbol(x) := as.integer(!!as.symbol(x)),
      !!as.symbol(y) := as.integer(!!as.symbol(y))
    ) %>%
    select(-dummy) %>%
    arrange(.variable, !!as.symbol(x), !!as.symbol(y), .chain) %>%
    group_by(.variable, !!as.symbol(x), !!as.symbol(y)) %>%
    mutate(.draw = seq_len(n())) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(!!as.symbol(x), !!as.symbol(y), .chain, .iteration, .draw ,.variable ,     .value) %>%
    filter(.variable == par)


draws_to_tibble_x = function(fit, par, x, number_of_draws = NULL) {

  par_names = names(fit) %>% grep(sprintf("%s", par), ., value = TRUE)

  fit %>%
    rstan::extract(par_names, permuted=FALSE) %>%
    as.data.frame %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(.iteration = seq_len(n())) %>%
    pivot_longer(names_to = c("dummy", ".chain", ".variable", x),  cols = contains(par), names_sep = "\\.|\\[|,|\\]|:", values_to = ".value") %>%

      !!as.symbol(x) := as.integer(!!as.symbol(x)),
    ) %>%

    select(-dummy) %>%
    arrange(.variable, !!as.symbol(x), .chain) %>%
    group_by(.variable, !!as.symbol(x)) %>%
    mutate(.draw = seq_len(n())) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(!!as.symbol(x), .chain, .iteration, .draw ,.variable ,     .value)


# Import necessary functions from other packages
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom rstan summary
#' @param fit A fit object from a statistical model, from the 'rstan' package.
#' @param par A character vector specifying the parameters to extract from the fit object.
#' @param x A character string specifying the first index in the parameter names.
#' @param y A character string specifying the second index in the parameter names (optional).
#' @param probs A numerical vector specifying the quantiles to extract.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
summary_to_tibble = function(fit, par, x, y = NULL, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.975)) {
  # Extract parameter names from the fit object that match the 'par' argument
  par_names = names(fit) %>% grep(sprintf("%s", par), ., value = TRUE)
  # Handling potential null value in the fit object's method attribute
  # Avoiding a bug by setting a default method if none is specified
  if(fit@stan_args[[1]]$method %>% is.null) fit@stan_args[[1]]$method = "hmc"
  # Extracting the summary of the specified parameters with the given probabilities
  summary = 
    fit %>%
    rstan::summary(par_names, probs = probs) %$%
    summary %>%
    as_tibble(rownames = ".variable") # Convert the summary to a tibble for easier handling
  # Separate the variable names in the summary based on the presence of 'y'
  # This process involves splitting the variable names into different columns
  if(is.null(y)) {
    summary = summary |> 
      tidyr::separate(col = .variable,  into = c(".variable", x, y), sep="\\[|,|\\]", convert = TRUE, extra="drop")
  } else {
    summary = summary |> 
      tidyr::separate(col = .variable,  into = c(".variable", x, y), sep="\\[|,|\\]", convert = TRUE, extra="drop")
  # Filter the summary to only include rows where the variable matches 'par'
  summary |> filter(.variable == par)

#' @importFrom rlang :=
label_deleterious_outliers = function(.my_data){

  .my_data %>%

    # join CI
    mutate(outlier_above = !!.count > `95%`) %>%
    mutate(outlier_below = !!.count < `5%`) %>%

    # Mark if on the right of the factor scale
    mutate(is_group_right = !!as.symbol(colnames(X)[2]) > mean( !!as.symbol(colnames(X)[2]) )) %>%

    # Check if outlier might be deleterious for the statistics
      !!as.symbol(sprintf("deleterious_outlier_%s", iteration)) :=
        (outlier_above & slope > 0 & is_group_right)  |
        (outlier_below & slope > 0 & !is_group_right) |
        (outlier_above & slope < 0 & !is_group_right) |
        (outlier_below & slope < 0 & is_group_right)
    ) %>%

    select(-outlier_above, -outlier_below, -is_group_right)


fit_model = function(
  data_for_model, model, censoring_iteration = 1, cores = detectCores(), quantile = 0.95,
  warmup_samples = 300, approximate_posterior_inference = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
  seed , pars = c("beta", "alpha", "prec_coeff","prec_sd"), output_samples = NULL, chains=NULL, max_sampling_iterations = 20000

  # # if analysis approximated
  # # If posterior analysis is approximated I just need enough
  # how_many_posterior_draws_practical = ifelse(approximate_posterior_analysis, 1000, how_many_posterior_draws)
  # additional_parameters_to_save = additional_parameters_to_save %>% c("lambda_log_param", "sigma_raw") %>% unique

  # Find number of draws
  draws_supporting_quantile = 50
    output_samples =
      (draws_supporting_quantile/((1-quantile)/2)) %>% # /2 because I have two tails
    if(output_samples > max_sampling_iterations) {
      # message("sccomp says: the number of draws used to defined quantiles of the posterior distribution is capped to 20K.") # This means that for very low probability threshold the quantile could become unreliable. We suggest to limit the probability threshold between 0.1 and 0.01")
      output_samples = max_sampling_iterations

  # Find optimal number of chains
    chains =
        how_many_posterior_draws = output_samples,
        warmup = warmup_samples
      ) %>%

    prec_coeff = c(5,0),
    prec_sd = 1,
    alpha = matrix(c(rep(5, data_for_model$M), rep(0, (data_for_model$A-1) *data_for_model$M)), nrow = data_for_model$A, byrow = TRUE),
    beta_raw_raw = matrix(rep(0, data_for_model$C * (data_for_model$M-1)), nrow = data_for_model$C, byrow = TRUE)

  init = map(1:chains, ~ init_list) %>%
  # Fit
      data = data_for_model,
      chains = chains,
      cores = chains,
      iter = as.integer(output_samples /chains) + warmup_samples,
      warmup = warmup_samples,
      refresh = ifelse(verbose, 1000, 0),
      seed = seed,
      pars = pars,
      save_warmup = FALSE,
      init = map(1:chains, ~ init_list)  |> 
    ) %>%

      output_samples = 1000 ,
      iter = 10000,
      tol_rel_obj = 0.01,
      data = data_for_model, refresh = ifelse(verbose, 1000, 0),
      seed = seed,
      init = init_list,
      pars = pars
    ) %>%


#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_fit = function(data_for_model, fit, censoring_iteration = 1, chains){

  fit %>%
    draws_to_tibble_x_y("beta", "C", "M") %>%
    left_join(tibble(C=seq_len(ncol(data_for_model$X)), C_name = colnames(data_for_model$X)), by = "C") %>%
    nest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", censoring_iteration)) := -M)


#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom stats C
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
beta_to_CI = function(fitted, censoring_iteration = 1, false_positive_rate, factor_of_interest){

  effect_column_name = sprintf("composition_effect_%s", factor_of_interest) %>% as.symbol()

  CI = fitted %>%
    unnest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", censoring_iteration))) %>%
    nest(data = -c(M, C, C_name)) %>%
    # Attach beta
    mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_quantiles_%s", censoring_iteration)) := map(
      ~ quantile(
        probs = c(false_positive_rate/2,  0.5,  1-(false_positive_rate/2))
      ) %>%
        enframe() %>%
        mutate(name = c(".lower", ".median", ".upper")) %>%
        spread(name, value)
    )) %>%
    unnest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_quantiles_%s", censoring_iteration))) %>%
    select(-data, -C) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = C_name, values_from=c(.lower , .median ,  .upper)) 
  # Create main effect if exists
  if(!is.na(factor_of_interest) )
    CI |>
    mutate(!!effect_column_name := !!as.symbol(sprintf(".median_%s", factor_of_interest))) %>%
    nest(composition_CI = -c(M, !!effect_column_name))
    CI |> nest(composition_CI = -c(M))


#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom stats C
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
alpha_to_CI = function(fitted, censoring_iteration = 1, false_positive_rate, factor_of_interest){

  effect_column_name = sprintf("variability_effect_%s", factor_of_interest) %>% as.symbol()

  fitted %>%
    unnest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("alpha_%s", censoring_iteration))) %>%
    nest(data = -c(M, C, C_name)) %>%
    # Attach beta
    mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("alpha_quantiles_%s", censoring_iteration)) := map(
      ~ quantile(
        probs = c(false_positive_rate/2,  0.5,  1-(false_positive_rate/2))
      ) %>%
        enframe() %>%
        mutate(name = c(".lower", ".median", ".upper")) %>%
        spread(name, value)
    )) %>%
    unnest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("alpha_quantiles_%s", censoring_iteration))) %>%
    select(-data, -C) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = C_name, values_from=c(.lower , .median ,  .upper)) %>%
    mutate(!!effect_column_name := !!as.symbol(sprintf(".median_%s", factor_of_interest))) %>%
    nest(variability_CI = -c(M, !!effect_column_name))


#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom magrittr subtract
#' @noRd
get_random_intercept_design2 = function(.data_, .sample, formula_composition ){

  .sample = enquo(.sample)

 grouping_table =
   formula_composition |>
   formula_to_random_effect_formulae() |>

   mutate(design = map2(
     formula, grouping,
     ~ {

       mydesign = .data_ |> get_design_matrix(.x, !!.sample)

       mydesign_grouping = .data_ |> select(all_of(.y)) |> pull(1) |> rep(ncol(mydesign)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mydesign))
       mydesign_grouping[mydesign==0L] = NA
       colnames(mydesign_grouping) = colnames(mydesign)
       rownames(mydesign_grouping) = rownames(mydesign)

       mydesign_grouping |>
         as_tibble(rownames = quo_name(.sample)) |>
         pivot_longer(-!!.sample, names_to = "factor", values_to = "grouping") |>
         filter(!is.na(grouping)) |>

          mutate("mean_idx" = glue("{factor}___{grouping}") |> as.factor() |> as.integer() )|>
          with_groups(factor, ~ ..1 |> mutate(mean_idx = if_else(mean_idx == max(mean_idx), 0L, mean_idx))) |>
         mutate(minus_sum = if_else(mean_idx==0, factor |> as.factor() |> as.integer(), 0L)) |>

         # Make right rank
         mutate(mean_idx = mean_idx |> as.factor() |> as.integer() |> subtract(1)) |>

         # drop minus_sum if we just have one grouping per factor
         with_groups(factor, ~ {
           if(length(unique(..1$grouping)) == 1) ..1 |> mutate(., minus_sum = 0)
             else ..1
         }) |>

         # Add value

          mydesign |>
            as_tibble(rownames = quo_name(.sample)) |>
            mutate_all(as.character) |>
            readr::type_convert(guess_integer = TRUE ) |>
            suppressMessages() |>
            mutate_if(is.integer, ~1) |>
            pivot_longer(-!!.sample, names_to = "factor"),

          by = join_by(!!.sample, factor)
        ) |>

         # Create unique name
         mutate(group___label = glue("{factor}___{grouping}")) |>
         mutate(group___numeric = group___label |> as.factor() |> as.integer()) |>
         mutate(factor___numeric = `factor` |> as.factor() |> as.integer())



#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom magrittr subtract
#' @noRd
get_random_intercept_design = function(.data_, .sample, random_intercept_elements ){

  .sample = enquo(.sample)

  # If intercept is not defined create it
  if(nrow(random_intercept_elements) == 0 )
      random_intercept_elements |>
          design = list(),
          is_factor_continuous = logical()

  # Otherwise process
  random_intercept_elements |>
    mutate(is_factor_continuous = map_lgl(
      ~ .x != "(Intercept)" && .data_ |> select(all_of(.x)) |> pull(1) |> is("numeric")
    )) |>
    mutate(design = pmap(
      list(grouping, `factor`, is_factor_continuous),
      ~ {

        # Make exception for random intercept
        if(..2 == "(Intercept)")
          .data_ = .data_ |> mutate(`(Intercept)` = 1)

        .data_ =
          .data_ |>
          select(!!.sample, ..1, ..2) |>
          set_names(c(quo_name(.sample), "group___", "factor___")) |>
          mutate(group___numeric = group___, factor___numeric = factor___) |>

          mutate(group___label := glue("{group___}___{.y}")) |>
          mutate(factor___ = ..2)

        # If factor is continuous
          .data_ %>%

          # Mutate random intercept grouping to number
          mutate(group___numeric = factor(group___numeric) |> as.integer()) |>

          # If intercept is not defined create it
          mutate(., factor___numeric = 1L) |>

          # If categorical make sure the group is independent for factors
          mutate(mean_idx = glue("{group___numeric}") |> as.factor() |> as.integer()) |>
          mutate(mean_idx = if_else(mean_idx == max(mean_idx), 0L, mean_idx)) |>
          mutate(mean_idx = as.factor(mean_idx) |> as.integer() |> subtract(1L)) |>
          mutate(minus_sum = if_else(mean_idx==0, 1L, 0L))

        #  distinct()

        # If factor is discrete
          .data_ %>%

          # Mutate random intercept grouping to number
          mutate(group___numeric = factor(group___numeric) |> as.integer()) |>

          # If categorical make sure the group is independent for factors
          mutate(mean_idx = glue("{factor___numeric}{group___numeric}") |> as.factor() |> as.integer()) |>
          with_groups(factor___numeric, ~ ..1 |> mutate(mean_idx = if_else(mean_idx == max(mean_idx), 0L, mean_idx))) |>
          mutate(mean_idx = as.factor(mean_idx) |> as.integer() |> subtract(1L)) |>
          mutate(minus_sum = if_else(mean_idx==0, as.factor(factor___numeric) |> as.integer(), 0L)) |>

          # drop minus_sum if we just have one group___numeric per factor
          with_groups(factor___numeric, ~ {
            if(length(unique(..1$group___numeric)) == 1) ..1 |> mutate(., minus_sum = 0)
            else ..1
          }) |>
          mutate(factor___numeric = as.factor(factor___numeric) |> as.integer())

        #  distinct()
    )) |>

    # Make indexes unique across parameters
      max_mean_idx = map_int(design, ~ ..1 |> pull(mean_idx) |> max()),
      max_minus_sum = map_int(design, ~ ..1 |> pull(minus_sum) |> max()),
      max_factor_numeric = map_int(design, ~ ..1 |> pull(factor___numeric) |> max()),
      max_group_numeric = map_int(design, ~ ..1 |> pull(group___numeric) |> max())
    ) |>
      min_mean_idx = cumsum(max_mean_idx) - max_mean_idx ,
      min_minus_sum = cumsum(max_minus_sum) - max_minus_sum,
      max_factor_numeric = cumsum(max_factor_numeric) - max_factor_numeric,
      max_group_numeric = cumsum(max_group_numeric) - max_group_numeric
    ) |>
    mutate(design = pmap(
      list(design, min_mean_idx, min_minus_sum, max_factor_numeric, max_group_numeric),
      ~ ..1 |>
          mean_idx = if_else(mean_idx>0, mean_idx + ..2, mean_idx),
          minus_sum = if_else(minus_sum>0, minus_sum + ..3, minus_sum),
          factor___numeric = factor___numeric + ..4,
          group___numeric = group___numeric + ..5



#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @noRd
get_design_matrix = function(.data_spread, formula, .sample){

  .sample = enquo(.sample)

  design_matrix =
  	.data_spread %>%

    select(!!.sample, parse_formula(formula)) |>
  	mutate(across(where(is.numeric),  scale)) |>
    model.matrix(formula, data=_)

  rownames(design_matrix) = .data_spread |> pull(!!.sample)


check_random_intercept_design = function(.data, factor_names, random_intercept_elements, formula, X){

  .data_ = .data

  # Loop across groupings
  random_intercept_elements |>
    nest(factors = `factor` ) |>
    mutate(checked = map2(
      grouping, factors,
      ~ {

        .y = unlist(.y)

        # Check that the group column is categorical
        stopifnot("sccomp says: the grouping column should be categorical (not numeric)" =
                    .data_ |>
                    select(all_of(.x)) |>
                    pull(1) |>
                    class() %in%
                    c("factor", "logical", "character")

        # # Check sanity of the grouping if only random intercept
        # stopifnot(
        #   "sccomp says: the random intercept completely confounded with one or more discrete factors" =
        #     !(
        #       !.y |> equals("(Intercept)") &&
        #         .data_ |> select(any_of(.y)) |> suppressWarnings() |>  pull(1) |> class() %in% c("factor", "character") |> any() &&
        #         .data_ |>
        #         select(.x, any_of(.y)) |>
        #         select_if(\(x) is.character(x) | is.factor(x) | is.logical(x)) |>
        #         distinct() %>%
        #         # TEMPORARY FIX
        #         set_names(c(colnames(.)[1], 'factor___temp')) |>
        #         count(factor___temp) |>
        #         pull(n) |>
        #         equals(1) |>
        #         any()
        #     )
        # )

        # # Check if random intercept with random continuous slope. At the moment is not possible
        # # Because it would require I believe a multivariate prior
        # stopifnot(
        #   "sccomp says: continuous random slope is not supported yet" =
        #     !(
        #       .y |> str_subset("1", negate = TRUE) |> length() |> gt(0) &&
        #         .data_ |>
        #         select(
        #           .y |> str_subset("1", negate = TRUE)
        #         ) |>
        #         map_chr(class) %in%
        #         c("integer", "numeric")
        #     )
        # )

        # Check if random intercept with random continuous slope. At the moment is not possible
        # Because it would require I believe a multivariate prior
          "sccomp says: currently, discrete random slope is only supported in a intercept-free model. For example ~ 0 + treatment + (treatment | group)" =
              # If I have both random intercept and random discrete slope

                .y |> equals("(Intercept)") |> any() &&
                  length(.y) > 1 &&
                # If I have random slope and non-intercept-free model
                .data_ |> select(any_of(.y)) |> suppressWarnings() |>  pull(1) |> class() %in% c("factor", "character") |> any()


        #  stopifnot(
        #   "sccomp says: the groups in the formula (factor | group) should not be shared across factor groups" =
        #     !(
        #       # If I duplicated groups
        #       .y  |> identical("(Intercept)") |> not() &&
        #       .data_ |> select(.y |> setdiff("(Intercept)")) |> lapply(class) != "numeric" &&
        #         .data_ |>
        #         select(.x, .y |> setdiff("(Intercept)")) |>
        #         # Drop the factor represented by the intercept if any
        #         mutate(`parameter` = .y |> setdiff("(Intercept)")) |>
        #         unite("factor_name", c(parameter, factor), sep = "", remove = FALSE) |>
        #         filter(factor_name %in% colnames(X)) |>
        #         # Count
        #         distinct() %>%
        #         set_names(as.character(1:ncol(.))) |>
        #         count(`1`) |>
        #         filter(n>1) |>
        #         nrow() |>
        #         gt(1)
        #     )
        # )


  random_intercept_elements |>
    nest(groupings = grouping ) |>
    mutate(checked = map2(`factor`, groupings, ~{
      # Check the same group spans multiple factors
        "sccomp says: the groups in the formula (factor | group) should be present in only one factor, including the intercept" =
              # If I duplicated groups
            .y |> unlist() |> length() |> gt(1)




#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
data_spread_to_model_input =
    .data_spread, formula, .sample, .cell_type, .count,
    truncation_ajustment = 1, approximate_posterior_inference ,
    formula_variability = ~ 1,
    contrasts = NULL,
    bimodal_mean_variability_association = FALSE,
    use_data = TRUE,

    # Prepare column same enquo
    .sample = enquo(.sample)
    .cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
    .count = enquo(.count)
    .grouping_for_random_intercept =
      random_intercept_elements |>
      pull(grouping) |>
    if (length(.grouping_for_random_intercept)==0 ) .grouping_for_random_intercept = "random_intercept"

    X  =

    .data_spread |>
      # Drop random intercept
      formula |>
      as.character() |>
      str_remove_all("\\+ ?\\(.+\\|.+\\)") |>
      paste(collapse="") |>

    Xa  =
      .data_spread |>
      # Drop random intercept
      formula_variability |>
      as.character() |>
      str_remove_all("\\+ ?\\(.+\\|.+\\)") |>
      paste(collapse="") |>
      as.formula() ,

    XA = Xa %>%
      as_tibble() %>%

    A = ncol(XA);
    Ar = nrow(XA);

    factor_names = parse_formula(formula)
    factor_names_variability = parse_formula(formula_variability)
    cell_cluster_names = .data_spread %>% select(-!!.sample, -any_of(factor_names), -exposure, -!!.grouping_for_random_intercept) %>% colnames()

    # Random intercept
    if(nrow(random_intercept_elements)>0 ) {

      #check_random_intercept_design(.data_spread, any_of(factor_names), random_intercept_elements, formula, X)
      random_intercept_grouping = get_random_intercept_design2(.data_spread, !!.sample,  formula )

      # Actual parameters, excluding for the sum to one parameters
      N_random_intercepts = random_intercept_grouping |> mutate(n = map_int(design, ~ .x |> filter(mean_idx>0) |> distinct(mean_idx) |> nrow())) |> pull(n) |> sum()

      # Number of sum to one
      N_minus_sum = random_intercept_grouping |> mutate(n = map_int(design, ~ .x |> filter(minus_sum>0) |> distinct(minus_sum) |> nrow())) |> pull(n) |> sum()

      paring_cov_random_intercept =
        random_intercept_grouping |>
        mutate(mat = map(design, ~ .x |> distinct(factor___numeric, mean_idx) |> filter(mean_idx>0) )) |>
        select(mat) |>
        unnest(mat) |>
        arrange(factor___numeric, mean_idx) |>

      X_random_intercept =
        random_intercept_grouping |>
        mutate(design_matrix = map(
          ~ ..1 |>
            select(!!.sample, group___label, value) |>
            pivot_wider(names_from = group___label, values_from = value) |>
            mutate(across(everything(), ~ .x |> replace_na(0)))
        )) |>

        # Merge
        pull(design_matrix) |>
      	reduce(left_join, by = join_by(!!.sample)) |>
        as_matrix(rownames = quo_name(.sample))

    idx_group_random_intercepts =
      random_intercept_grouping |>
      mutate(design = map(design, ~ .x |> select(mean_idx, minus_sum, group___numeric, group___label))) |>
      select(design) |>
      unnest(design) |>

      mutate(minus_sum = -minus_sum) |>
      mutate(idx = mean_idx + minus_sum) |>
      distinct(group___numeric, idx, group___label) |>
      as_matrix(rownames = "group___label")

    N_grouping =
      random_intercept_grouping |>
      mutate(n = map_int(design, ~.x |> distinct(group___numeric) |> nrow())) |>
      pull(n) |> sum()

    group_factor_indexes_for_covariance = 
    	X_random_intercept |> 
    	colnames() |> 
    	enframe(value = "parameter", name = "order")  |> 
    	separate(parameter, c("factor", "group"), "___", remove = FALSE) |> 
    	complete(factor, group, fill = list(order=0)) |> 
    	select(-parameter) |> 
    	pivot_wider(names_from = group, values_from = order)  |> 
    	as_matrix(rownames = "factor")
    how_many_groups = ncol(group_factor_indexes_for_covariance )
    how_many_factors_in_random_design = nrow(group_factor_indexes_for_covariance )
    } else {
      X_random_intercept = matrix(rep(1, nrow(.data_spread)))[,0]
      N_random_intercepts = 0
      N_minus_sum = 0
      N_grouping =0
      paring_cov_random_intercept = matrix(c(1, 1), ncol = 2)[0,]
      idx_group_random_intercepts = matrix(c(1, 1), ncol = 2)[0,]
      how_many_groups = 0
      how_many_factors_in_random_design = 0
      group_factor_indexes_for_covariance = matrix()[0,0]
    data_for_model =
        N = .data_spread %>% nrow(),
        M = .data_spread %>% select(-!!.sample, -any_of(factor_names), -exposure, -!!.grouping_for_random_intercept) %>% ncol(),
        exposure = .data_spread$exposure,
        y = .data_spread %>% select(-any_of(factor_names), -exposure, -!!.grouping_for_random_intercept) %>% as_matrix(rownames = quo_name(.sample)),
        X = X,
        XA = XA,
        Xa = Xa,
        C = ncol(X),
        A = A,
        Ar = Ar,
        truncation_ajustment = truncation_ajustment,
        is_vb = as.integer(approximate_posterior_inference),
        bimodal_mean_variability_association = bimodal_mean_variability_association,
        use_data = use_data,

        # Random intercept
        N_random_intercepts = N_random_intercepts,
        N_minus_sum = N_minus_sum,
        paring_cov_random_intercept = paring_cov_random_intercept,
        N_grouping = N_grouping,
        X_random_intercept = X_random_intercept,
        idx_group_random_intercepts = idx_group_random_intercepts,
        group_factor_indexes_for_covariance = group_factor_indexes_for_covariance,
        how_many_groups = how_many_groups,
        how_many_factors_in_random_design = how_many_factors_in_random_design,
        ## LOO
        enable_loo = FALSE

    # Add censoring
    data_for_model$is_truncated = 0
    data_for_model$truncation_up = matrix(rep(-1, data_for_model$M * data_for_model$N), ncol = data_for_model$M)
    data_for_model$truncation_down = matrix(rep(-1, data_for_model$M * data_for_model$N), ncol = data_for_model$M)
    data_for_model$truncation_not_idx = seq_len(data_for_model$M*data_for_model$N)
    data_for_model$TNS = length(data_for_model$truncation_not_idx)

    # Add parameter factor dictionary
    data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary = tibble()

    if(.data_spread  |> select(any_of(parse_formula(formula))) |> lapply(class) %in% c("factor", "character") |> any())
      data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary =
      data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary |> bind_rows(
        # For discrete
        .data_spread  |>
          select(any_of(parse_formula(formula)))  |>
          distinct()  |>

          # Drop numerical
          select_if(function(x) !is.numeric(x)) |>
          pivot_longer(everything(), names_to =  "factor", values_to = "parameter") %>%
          unite("design_matrix_col", c(`factor`, parameter), sep="", remove = FALSE)  |>
          select(-parameter) |>
          filter(design_matrix_col %in% colnames(data_for_model$X)) %>%


 # For continuous
    if(.data_spread  |> select(all_of(parse_formula(formula))) |> lapply(class) |> equals("numeric") |> any())
      data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary =
      data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary |>
              design_matrix_col =  .data_spread  |>
                select(all_of(parse_formula(formula)))  |>
                distinct()  |>

                # Drop numerical
                select_if(function(x) is.numeric(x)) |>
            ) |>
              mutate(`factor` = design_matrix_col)

    # If constrasts is set it is a bit more complicated
    if(! is.null(contrasts))
      data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary =
        data_for_model$factor_parameter_dictionary |>
        distinct() |>
        expand_grid(parameter=contrasts) |>
        filter(str_detect(parameter, design_matrix_col )) |>
        select(-design_matrix_col) |>
        rename(design_matrix_col = parameter) |>

    data_for_model$intercept_in_design = X[,1] |> unique() |> identical(1)

    if (data_for_model$intercept_in_design | length(factor_names_variability) == 0) {
      data_for_model$A_intercept_columns = 1
    } else {
      data_for_model$A_intercept_columns = 
        .data_spread |> 
        select(any_of(factor_names[1])) |> 
        distinct() |> 
    if (data_for_model$intercept_in_design ) {
      data_for_model$B_intercept_columns = 1
    } else {
      data_for_model$B_intercept_columns = 
        .data_spread |> 
        select(any_of(factor_names[1])) |> 
        distinct() |> 
    # Return

data_to_spread = function(.data, formula, .sample, .cell_type, .count, .grouping_for_random_intercept){

  .sample = enquo(.sample)
  .cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
  .count = enquo(.count)
  .grouping_for_random_intercept = .grouping_for_random_intercept |> map(~ .x |> quo_name() ) |> unlist()

  .data %>%
    nest(data = -!!.sample) %>%
    mutate(exposure = map_int(data, ~ .x %>% pull(!!.count) %>% sum() )) %>%
    unnest(data) %>%
    select(!!.sample, !!.cell_type, exposure, !!.count, parse_formula(formula), any_of(.grouping_for_random_intercept)) %>%
    spread(!!.cell_type, !!.count)


#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
data_simulation_to_model_input =
  function(.data, formula, .sample, .cell_type, .exposure, .coefficients, truncation_ajustment = 1, approximate_posterior_inference ){

    # Prepare column same enquo
    .sample = enquo(.sample)
    .cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
    .exposure = enquo(.exposure)
    .coefficients = enquo(.coefficients)

    factor_names = parse_formula(formula)

    sample_data =
      .data %>%
      select(!!.sample, any_of(factor_names)) %>%
      distinct() %>%
    X =
      sample_data %>%
      model.matrix(formula, data=.) %>%
      apply(2, function(x) {
        if(sd(x)==0 ) x
        else x |> scale(scale=FALSE)
      } ) %>%
        .x = (.)
        rownames(.x) = sample_data %>% pull(!!.sample)

    if(factor_names == "1") XA = X[,1, drop=FALSE]
    else XA = X[,c(1,2), drop=FALSE]
    XA = XA |> 
      as_tibble()  |> 

    cell_cluster_names =
      .data %>%
      distinct(!!.cell_type) %>%
      arrange(!!.cell_type) %>%

    coefficients =
      .data %>%
      select(!!.cell_type, !!.coefficients) %>%
      unnest(!!.coefficients) %>%
      distinct() %>%
      arrange(!!.cell_type) %>%
      as_matrix(rownames = quo_name(.cell_type)) %>%

      N = .data %>% distinct(!!.sample) %>% nrow(),
      M = .data %>% distinct(!!.cell_type) %>% nrow(),
      exposure = .data %>% distinct(!!.sample, !!.exposure) %>% arrange(!!.sample) %>% pull(!!.exposure),
      X = X,
      XA = XA,
      C = ncol(X),
      A =  ncol(XA),
      beta = coefficients


#' Choose the number of chains baed on how many draws we need from the posterior distribution
#' Because there is a fix cost (warmup) to starting a new chain,
#' we need to use the minimum amount that we can parallelise
#' @param how_many_posterior_draws A real number of posterior draws needed
#' @param max_number_to_check A sane upper plateau
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return A Stan fit object
find_optimal_number_of_chains = function(how_many_posterior_draws = 100,
                                         max_number_to_check = 100, warmup = 200, parallelisation_start_penalty = 100) {

  chains_df =
    tibble(chains = seq_len(max_number_to_check)) %>%
    mutate(tot = (how_many_posterior_draws / chains) + warmup + (parallelisation_start_penalty * chains))

  d1 <- diff(chains_df$tot) / diff(seq_len(nrow(chains_df))) # first derivative
  abs(d1) %>% order() %>% .[1] # Find derivative == 0


get.elbow.points.indices <- function(x, y, threshold) {
  # From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41518870/finding-the-elbow-knee-in-a-curve
  d1 <- diff(y) / diff(x) # first derivative
  d2 <- diff(d1) / diff(x[-1]) # second derivative
  indices <- which(abs(d2) > threshold)

#' @importFrom magrittr divide_by
#' @importFrom magrittr multiply_by
#' @importFrom stats C
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_probability_non_zero_OLD = function(.data, prefix = "", test_above_logit_fold_change = 0){

  probability_column_name = sprintf("%s_prob_H0", prefix) %>% as.symbol()

  total_draws = .data %>% pull(2) %>% .[[1]] %>% distinct(.draw) %>% nrow()

  .data %>%
    unnest(2 ) %>%
    filter(C ==2) %>%
    nest(data = -c(M, C_name)) %>%
      bigger_zero = map_int(data, ~ .x %>% filter(.value>test_above_logit_fold_change) %>% nrow),
      smaller_zero = map_int(data, ~ .x %>% filter(.value< -test_above_logit_fold_change) %>% nrow)
    ) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
      !!probability_column_name :=
        1 - (
          max(bigger_zero, smaller_zero) %>%
            #max(1) %>%
    )  %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(M, !!probability_column_name)
  # %>%
  # mutate(false_discovery_rate = cummean(prob_non_zero))


#' @importFrom magrittr divide_by
#' @importFrom magrittr multiply_by
#' @importFrom stats C
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_probability_non_zero_ = function(fit, parameter, prefix = "", test_above_logit_fold_change = 0){

  draws = rstan::extract(fit, parameter)[[1]]

  total_draws = dim(draws)[1]

  bigger_zero =
    draws %>%
    apply(2, function(y){
      y %>%
        apply(2, function(x) (x>test_above_logit_fold_change) %>% which %>% length)

  smaller_zero =
    draws %>%
    apply(2, function(y){
      y %>%
        apply(2, function(x) (x< -test_above_logit_fold_change) %>% which %>% length)

  (1 - (pmax(bigger_zero, smaller_zero) / total_draws)) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = "M")


get_probability_non_zero = function(draws, test_above_logit_fold_change = 0, probability_column_name){

  draws %>%
    with_groups(c(M, C_name), ~ .x |> summarise(
      bigger_zero = which(.value>test_above_logit_fold_change) |> length(),
      smaller_zero = which(.value< -test_above_logit_fold_change) |> length(),
    )) |>
    mutate(!!as.symbol(probability_column_name) :=  (1 - (pmax(bigger_zero, smaller_zero) / n)))


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_generated_quantities = function(rng, number_of_draws = 1){

  draws_to_tibble_x_y(rng, "counts", "N", "M", number_of_draws) %>%
    with_groups(c(.draw, N), ~ .x %>% mutate(generated_proportions = .value/max(1, sum(.value)))) %>%
    filter(.draw<= number_of_draws) %>%
    rename(generated_counts = .value, replicate = .draw) %>%

    mutate(generated_counts = as.integer(generated_counts)) %>%
    select(M, N, generated_proportions, generated_counts, replicate)


#' design_matrix_and_coefficients_to_simulation
#' @description Create simulation from design matrix and coefficient matrix
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param design_matrix A matrix
#' @param coefficient_matrix A matrix
#' @return A data frame
design_matrix_and_coefficients_to_simulation = function(

  design_matrix, coefficient_matrix, .estimate_object


  design_df = as.data.frame(design_matrix)
  coefficient_df = as.data.frame(coefficient_matrix)

  rownames(design_df) = sprintf("sample_%s", seq_len(nrow(design_df)))
  colnames(design_df) = sprintf("factor_%s", seq_len(ncol(design_df)))

  rownames(coefficient_df) = sprintf("cell_type_%s", seq_len(nrow(coefficient_df)))
  colnames(coefficient_df) = sprintf("beta_%s", seq_len(ncol(coefficient_df)))

  input_data =
      sample = rownames(design_df),
      cell_type = rownames(coefficient_df)
    ) |>
    left_join(design_df |> as_tibble(rownames = "sample") , by = "sample") |>
    left_join(coefficient_df |>as_tibble(rownames = "cell_type"), by = "cell_type")

  simulate_data(.data = input_data,

                .estimate_object = .estimate_object,

                formula_composition = ~ factor_1 ,
                .sample = sample,
                .cell_group = cell_type,
                .coefficients = c(beta_1, beta_2),
                mcmc_seed = sample(1e5, 1)


design_matrix_and_coefficients_to_dir_mult_simulation =function(design_matrix, coefficient_matrix, precision = 100, seed = sample(1:100000, size = 1)){

  # design_df = as.data.frame(design_matrix)
  # coefficient_df = as.data.frame(coefficient_matrix)
  # rownames(design_df) = sprintf("sample_%s", 1:nrow(design_df))
  # colnames(design_df) = sprintf("factor_%s", 1:ncol(design_df))
  # rownames(coefficient_df) = sprintf("cell_type_%s", 1:nrow(coefficient_df))
  # colnames(coefficient_df) = sprintf("beta_%s", 1:ncol(coefficient_df))

  exposure = 500

  prop.means =
    design_matrix %*%
    t(coefficient_matrix) %>%

  extraDistr::rdirmnom(length(design_matrix), exposure, prop.means * precision) %>%
    as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique", rownames = "sample") %>%
    mutate(factor_1= design_matrix) %>%
    gather(cell_type, generated_counts, -sample, -factor_1) %>%
    mutate(generated_counts = as.integer(generated_counts))


#' @importFrom rlang ensym
#' @noRd
class_list_to_counts = function(.data, .sample, .cell_group){

  .sample_for_tidyr = ensym(.sample)
  .cell_group_for_tidyr = ensym(.cell_group)

  .sample = enquo(.sample)
  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)

  .data %>%
          name = "count") %>%

      fill = list(count = 0)
    ) %>%
    mutate(count = as.integer(count))

#' @importFrom dplyr cummean
#' @noRd
get_FDR = function(x){
  enframe(x) %>%
    arrange(value) %>%
    mutate(FDR = cummean(value)) %>%
    arrange(name) %>%

#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom forcats fct_reorder
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @noRd
plot_1d_intervals = function(.data, .cell_group, significance_threshold= 0.025, my_theme){

  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)

  plot_list = 
    .data |>
    filter(parameter != "(Intercept)") |>

    # Reshape
    select(-contains("n_eff"), -contains("R_k_hat")) |> 
    pivot_longer(c(contains("c_"), contains("v_")),names_sep = "_" , names_to=c("which", "estimate") ) |>
    pivot_wider(names_from = estimate, values_from = value) |>

    nest(data = -c(parameter, which)) |>
    mutate(plot = pmap(
      list(data, which, parameter),
      ~  {
        # if I don't have any statistics, for example, for variability, where has not been modelled
        if(..1 |> filter(!effect |> is.na()) |> nrow() |> equals(0))
            # ggplot() +
            #   annotate("text", x = 0, y = 1, label = "Variability was not estimated for this contrast", angle = 90) +
            #   ggtitle(sprintf("%s %s", ..2, ..3)) +
            #   my_theme +
            #   theme(
            #     axis.title.x = element_blank(), 
            #     axis.title.y = element_blank(), 
            #     axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            #     axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
            #     axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            #     axis.text.y = element_blank(),
            #     axis.line.x = element_blank(),
            #     axis.line.y = element_blank()
            #   ) 
          ggplot(..1, aes(x=effect, y=fct_reorder(!!.cell_group, effect))) +
          geom_vline(xintercept = 0.2, colour="grey") +
          geom_vline(xintercept = -0.2, colour="grey") +
          geom_errorbar(aes(xmin=lower, xmax=upper, color=FDR<significance_threshold)) +
          geom_point() +
          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
          xlab("Credible interval of the slope") +
          ylab("Cell group") +
          ggtitle(sprintf("%s %s", ..2, ..3)) +
          my_theme +
          theme(legend.position = "bottom") 
    )) %>%
    filter(!plot |> is.na()) |> 
  plot_list  |>
    wrap_plots(ncol= plot_list |> length() |> sqrt() |> ceiling())


plot_2d_intervals = function(.data, .cell_group, my_theme, significance_threshold = 0.025){

  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)

  # mean-variance association
  .data %>%

    # Filter where I did not inferred the variance
    filter(!is.na(v_effect)) %>%

    # Add labels
      ~ .x %>%
        arrange(c_FDR) %>%
        mutate(cell_type_label = if_else(row_number()<=3 & c_FDR < significance_threshold & parameter!="(Intercept)", !!.cell_group, ""))
    ) %>%
      ~ .x %>%
        arrange(v_FDR) %>%
        mutate(cell_type_label = if_else((row_number()<=3 & v_FDR < significance_threshold & parameter!="(Intercept)"), !!.cell_group, cell_type_label))
    ) %>%

      .x = (.)
      # Plot
      ggplot(.x, aes(c_effect, v_effect)) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = c(-0.2, 0.2), colour="grey", linetype="dashed", linewidth=0.3) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = c(-0.2, 0.2), colour="grey", linetype="dashed", linewidth=0.3) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(xmin=`c_lower`, xmax=`c_upper`, color=`c_FDR`<significance_threshold, alpha=`c_FDR`<significance_threshold), linewidth=0.2) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=v_lower, ymax=v_upper, color=`v_FDR`<significance_threshold, alpha=`v_FDR`<significance_threshold), linewidth=0.2) +

        geom_point(size=0.2)  +
        annotate("text", x = 0, y = 3.5, label = "Variable", size=2) +
        annotate("text", x = 5, y = 0, label = "Abundant", size=2, angle=270) +

        geom_text_repel(aes(c_effect, -v_effect, label = cell_type_label), size = 2.5, data = .x %>% filter(cell_type_label!="") ) +

        scale_color_manual(values = c("#D3D3D3", "#E41A1C")) +
        scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.4, 1)) +
        facet_wrap(~parameter, scales="free") +
        my_theme +
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank()


#' @importFrom scales trans_new
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @noRd
plot_boxplot = function(
    .data, data_proportion, factor_of_interest, .cell_group,
    .sample, significance_threshold = 0.025, my_theme

  calc_boxplot_stat <- function(x) {
    coef <- 1.5
    n <- sum(!is.na(x))
    # calculate quantiles
    stats <- quantile(x, probs = c(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0))
    names(stats) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
    iqr <- diff(stats[c(2, 4)])
    # set whiskers
    outliers <- x < (stats[2] - coef * iqr) | x > (stats[4] + coef * iqr)
    if (any(outliers)) {
      stats[c(1, 5)] <- range(c(stats[2:4], x[!outliers]), na.rm = TRUE)

  dropLeadingZero <- function(l){  stringr::str_replace(l, '0(?=.)', '') }

  S_sqrt <- function(x){sign(x)*sqrt(abs(x))}
  IS_sqrt <- function(x){x^2*sign(x)}
  S_sqrt_trans <- function() scales::trans_new("S_sqrt",S_sqrt,IS_sqrt)

  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)
  .sample = enquo(.sample)

  significance_colors =
    .data %>%
      c(contains("c_"), contains("v_")),
      names_pattern = "([cv])_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)",
      names_to = c("which", "stats_name"),
      values_to = "stats_value"
    ) %>%
    filter(stats_name == "FDR") %>%
    filter(parameter != "(Intercept)") %>%
    filter(stats_value < significance_threshold) %>%
    filter(`factor` == factor_of_interest) 
  if(nrow(significance_colors) > 0){
    if(.data |> attr("contrasts") |> is.null())
      significance_colors =
        significance_colors %>%
        unite("name", c(which, parameter), remove = FALSE) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        # Get clean parameter
        mutate(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := str_replace(parameter, sprintf("^%s", `factor`), "")) %>%
        with_groups(c(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)), ~ .x %>% summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ", ")))
      significance_colors =
        significance_colors |>
        mutate(count_data = map(count_data, ~ .x |> select(all_of(factor_of_interest)) |> distinct())) |>
        unnest(count_data) |>
        # Filter relevant parameters
        mutate( !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := as.character(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) ) ) |>
        filter(str_detect(parameter, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) )) |>
        # Rename
        select(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), name = parameter) |>
        # Merge contrasts
        with_groups(c(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)), ~ .x %>% summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ", ")))

  my_boxplot =  ggplot()

  if("fit" %in% names(attributes(.data))){

    simulated_proportion =
      .data |>
      sccomp_replicate(number_of_draws = 100) |>
      left_join(data_proportion %>% distinct(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), !!.sample, !!.cell_group))

    my_boxplot = my_boxplot +

        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), (generated_proportions)),
        fun.data = calc_boxplot_stat, geom="boxplot",
        outlier.shape = NA, outlier.color = NA,outlier.size = 0,
        fatten = 0.5, lwd=0.2,
        data =
          simulated_proportion %>%

          # Filter uanitles because of limits
          inner_join( data_proportion %>% distinct(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), !!.cell_group)) ,

    # hideOutliers <- function(x) {
    #   if (x$hoverinfo == 'y') {
    #     x$marker = list(opacity = 0)
    #     x$hoverinfo = NA
    #   }
    #   return(x)
    # }
    # my_boxplot[["x"]][["data"]] <- map(my_boxplot[["x"]][["data"]], ~ hideOutliers(.))


  # Get the exception if no significant cell types. This is not elegant
  if(nrow(significance_colors)==0 |

     # This is needed in case of contrasts
    significance_colors |> pull(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)),
    data_proportion |> pull(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest))
    )) == 0){
      my_boxplot +

        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion,  group=!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), fill = NULL), # fill=Effect),
        outlier.shape = NA, outlier.color = NA,outlier.size = 0,
        data =
          data_proportion |>
          mutate(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := as.character(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest))) %>%
          left_join(significance_colors, by = c(quo_name(.cell_group), factor_of_interest)),
        fatten = 0.5,

  # If I have significance
  else {
      my_boxplot +

        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion,  group=!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), fill = name), # fill=Effect),
        outlier.shape = NA, outlier.color = NA,outlier.size = 0,
        data =
          data_proportion |>
          mutate(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := as.character(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest))) %>%
          left_join(significance_colors, by = c(quo_name(.cell_group), factor_of_interest)),
        fatten = 0.5,

  my_boxplot +
      aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion, shape=outlier, color=outlier,  group=!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)),
      data = data_proportion,
      position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.height = 0, jitter.width = 0.2),
      size = 0.5
    ) +

    # geom_boxplot(
    #   aes(Condition, generated_proportions),
    #   outlier.shape = NA, alpha=0.2,
    #   data = simulated_proportion, fatten = 0.5, size=0.5,
    # ) +
    # geom_jitter(aes(Condition, generated_proportions), color="black" ,alpha=0.2, size = 0.2, data = simulated_proportion) +

      vars(!!.cell_group) ,# forcats::fct_reorder(!!.cell_group, abs(Effect), .desc = TRUE, na.rm=TRUE),
      scales = "free_y",
      nrow = 4
    ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#e11f28")) +
    #scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", "#E2D379")) +
    #scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", na.value = "white") +
    #scale_color_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +

    scale_y_continuous(trans=S_sqrt_trans(), labels = dropLeadingZero) +
    scale_fill_discrete(na.value = "white") +
    #scale_y_continuous(labels = dropLeadingZero, trans="logit") +
    xlab("Biological condition") +
    ylab("Cell-group proportion") +
    guides(color="none", alpha="none", size="none") +
    labs(fill="Significant difference") +
    ggtitle("Note: Be careful judging significance (or outliers) visually for lowly abundant cell groups. \nVisualising proportion hides the uncertainty characteristic of count data, that a count-based statistical model can estimate.") +
    my_theme +
    theme(axis.text.x =  element_text(angle=20, hjust = 1), title = element_text(size = 3))


#' @importFrom scales trans_new
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @noRd
plot_scatterplot = function(
    .data, data_proportion, factor_of_interest, .cell_group,
    .sample, significance_threshold = 0.025, my_theme
  dropLeadingZero <- function(l){  stringr::str_replace(l, '0(?=.)', '') }
  S_sqrt <- function(x){sign(x)*sqrt(abs(x))}
  IS_sqrt <- function(x){x^2*sign(x)}
  S_sqrt_trans <- function() scales::trans_new("S_sqrt",S_sqrt,IS_sqrt)
  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)
  .sample = enquo(.sample)
  significance_colors =
    .data %>%
      c(contains("c_"), contains("v_")),
      names_pattern = "([cv])_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)",
      names_to = c("which", "stats_name"),
      values_to = "stats_value"
    ) %>%
    filter(stats_name == "FDR") %>%
    filter(parameter != "(Intercept)") %>%
    filter(stats_value < significance_threshold) %>%
    filter(`factor` == factor_of_interest) 
  if(nrow(significance_colors) > 0){
    if(.data |> attr("contrasts") |> is.null())
      significance_colors =
        significance_colors %>%
        unite("name", c(which, parameter), remove = FALSE) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        # Get clean parameter
        mutate(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := str_replace(parameter, sprintf("^%s", `factor`), "")) %>%
        with_groups(c(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)), ~ .x %>% summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ", ")))
      significance_colors =
        significance_colors |>
        mutate(count_data = map(count_data, ~ .x |> select(all_of(factor_of_interest)) |> distinct())) |>
        unnest(count_data) |>
        # Filter relevant parameters
        mutate( !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) := as.character(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) ) ) |>
        filter(str_detect(parameter, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest) )) |>
        # Rename
        select(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), name = parameter) |>
        # Merge contrasts
        with_groups(c(!!.cell_group, !!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)), ~ .x %>% summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ", ")))

  my_scatterplot =  ggplot()
  if("fit" %in% names(attributes(.data))){
    simulated_proportion =
      .data |>
      sccomp_replicate(number_of_draws = 1000) |>
      left_join(data_proportion %>% distinct(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), !!.sample, !!.cell_group))
    my_scatterplot = 
      my_scatterplot +
        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), (generated_proportions)),
        data =
          simulated_proportion %>%
          # Filter uanitles because of limits
          inner_join( data_proportion %>% distinct(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), !!.cell_group, !!.sample)) ,
        color="blue", fill="blue",
        span = 1
    # hideOutliers <- function(x) {
    #   if (x$hoverinfo == 'y') {
    #     x$marker = list(opacity = 0)
    #     x$hoverinfo = NA
    #   }
    #   return(x)
    # }
    # my_scatterplot[["x"]][["data"]] <- map(my_scatterplot[["x"]][["data"]], ~ hideOutliers(.))
  # Get the exception if no significant cell types. This is not elegant
    nrow(significance_colors)==0 ||
     # This is needed in case of contrasts
     significance_colors |> 
     pull(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest)) |> 
       data_proportion |> 
     ) |> 
     length() |> 
     ) {
      my_scatterplot +
        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion, fill = NULL), # fill=Effect),
        data =
          data_proportion ,
        color = "black",
        span = 1
  # If I have significance
  else {
      my_scatterplot +
        aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion, fill = name), # fill=Effect),
        outlier.shape = NA, outlier.color = NA,outlier.size = 0,
        data =  data_proportion ,
        fatten = 0.5,
        color = "black",
        span = 1
  my_scatterplot +
      aes(!!as.symbol(factor_of_interest), proportion, shape=outlier, color=outlier),
      data = data_proportion,
      position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.height = 0, jitter.width = 0.2),
      size = 0.5
    ) +
    # geom_boxplot(
    #   aes(Condition, generated_proportions),
    #   outlier.shape = NA, alpha=0.2,
    #   data = simulated_proportion, fatten = 0.5, size=0.5,
    # ) +
    # geom_point(aes(Condition, generated_proportions), color="black" ,alpha=0.2, size = 0.2, data = simulated_proportion) +
      vars(!!.cell_group) ,# forcats::fct_reorder(!!.cell_group, abs(Effect), .desc = TRUE, na.rm=TRUE),
      scales = "free_y",
      nrow = 4
    ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#e11f28")) +
    #scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", "#E2D379")) +
    #scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", na.value = "white") +
    #scale_color_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +
    scale_y_continuous(trans=S_sqrt_trans(), labels = dropLeadingZero) +
    scale_fill_discrete(na.value = "white") +
    #scale_y_continuous(labels = dropLeadingZero, trans="logit") +
    xlab("Biological condition") +
    ylab("Cell-group proportion") +
    guides(color="none", alpha="none", size="none") +
    labs(fill="Significant difference") +
    ggtitle("Note: Be careful judging significance (or outliers) visually for lowly abundant cell groups. \nVisualising proportion hides the uncertainty characteristic of count data, that a count-based statistical model can estimate.") +
    my_theme +
    theme(axis.text.x =  element_text(angle=20, hjust = 1), title = element_text(size = 3))

draws_to_statistics = function(draws, false_positive_rate, test_composition_above_logit_fold_change, .cell_group, prefix = ""){

  .cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)

  draws =
    draws |>
    with_groups(c(!!.cell_group, M, parameter), ~ .x |> summarise(
      lower = quantile(.value, false_positive_rate/2),
      effect = quantile(.value, 0.5),
      upper = quantile(.value, 1-(false_positive_rate/2)),
      bigger_zero = which(.value>test_composition_above_logit_fold_change) |> length(),
      smaller_zero = which(.value< -test_composition_above_logit_fold_change) |> length(),
      R_k_hat = unique(R_k_hat),
      n_eff = unique(n_eff),
    )) |>

    # Calculate probability non 0
    mutate(pH0 =  (1 - (pmax(bigger_zero, smaller_zero) / n))) |>
    with_groups(parameter, ~ mutate(.x, FDR = get_FDR(pH0))) |>

    select(!!.cell_group, M, parameter, lower, effect, upper, pH0, FDR, n_eff, R_k_hat) |>

  # Setting up names separately because |> is not flexible enough
  draws |>
    setNames(c(colnames(draws)[1:3], sprintf("%s%s", prefix, colnames(draws)[4:ncol(draws)])))

enquos_from_list_of_symbols <- function(...) {

contrasts_to_enquos = function(contrasts){
  contrasts |> enquo() |> quo_names() |> syms() %>% do.call(enquos_from_list_of_symbols, .)

#' Mutate Data Frame Based on Expression List
#' @description
#' `mutate_from_expr_list` takes a data frame and a list of formula expressions, 
#' and mutates the data frame based on these expressions. It allows for ignoring 
#' errors during the mutation process.
#' @param x A data frame to be mutated.
#' @param formula_expr A named list of formula expressions used for mutation.
#' @param ignore_errors Logical flag indicating whether to ignore errors during mutation.
#' @return A mutated data frame with added or modified columns based on `formula_expr`.
#' @details
#' The function performs various checks and transformations on the formula expressions,
#' ensuring that the specified transformations are valid and can be applied to the data frame.
#' It supports advanced features like handling special characters in column names and intelligent
#' parsing of formulas.
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dfc
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @importFrom tidyselect last_col
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom stringr str_subset
#' @noRd
mutate_from_expr_list = function(x, formula_expr, ignore_errors = TRUE){

  if(formula_expr |> names() |> is.null())
    names(formula_expr) = formula_expr

  # Check if all elements of contrasts are in the parameter
  parameter_names = x |> colnames()

  # Creating a named vector where the names are the strings to be replaced
  # and the values are empty strings
  # Using str_replace_all to replace each instance of the strings in A with an empty string in B
  contrasts_elements <- 
    formula_expr |> 
    # Remove fractions
    str_remove_all_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes("[0-9]+/[0-9]+ ?\\*") |>  
    # Remove decimals
    str_remove_all_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes("[-+]?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ ?\\*") |> 
    str_split_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes("\\+|-|\\*") |> 
    unlist() |> 
    str_remove_all_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes("[\\(\\) ]") 
  # Check is backquoted are not used
  require_back_quotes = !contrasts_elements |>  str_remove_all("`") |> contains_only_valid_chars_for_column() 
  has_left_back_quotes = contrasts_elements |>  str_detect("^`") 
  has_right_back_quotes = contrasts_elements |>  str_detect("`$") 
  if_true_not_good = require_back_quotes & !(has_left_back_quotes & has_right_back_quotes)
    warning(sprintf("sccomp says: for columns which have special characters e.g. %s, you need to use surrounding backquotes ``.", paste(contrasts_elements[!if_true_not_good], sep=", ")))
  # Check if columns exist
  contrasts_not_in_the_model = 
    contrasts_elements |> 
    str_remove_all("`") |> 
  contrasts_not_in_the_model = contrasts_not_in_the_model[contrasts_not_in_the_model!=""]
  if(length(contrasts_not_in_the_model) > 0 & !ignore_errors)
    warning(sprintf("sccomp says: These components of your contrasts are not present in the model as parameters: %s. Factors including special characters, e.g. \"(Intercept)\" require backquotes e.g. \"`(Intercept)`\" ", paste(contrasts_not_in_the_model, sep = ", ")))
  # Calculate
  if(ignore_errors) my_mutate = mutate_ignore_error
  else my_mutate = mutate
    ~  x |>
      my_mutate(!!.y := eval(rlang::parse_expr(.x))) |>
        # mutate(!!column_name := eval(rlang::parse_expr(.x))) |>
  ) |>

  	# I could drop this to just result contrasts
    add_column(x |> select(-any_of(names(formula_expr))), .before = 1)


mutate_ignore_error = function(x, ...){
    {  x |> mutate(...) },
    error=function(cond) {  x  }

simulate_multinomial_logit_linear = function(model_input, sd = 0.51){

  mu = model_input$X %*% model_input$beta

  proportions =
    rnorm(length(mu), mu, sd) %>%
    matrix(nrow = nrow(model_input$X)) %>%
  apply(1, function(x) x/sum(x)) %>%

  rownames(proportions) = rownames(model_input$X)
  colnames(proportions) = colnames(model_input$beta )

compress_zero_one = function(y){
  # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/48028/beta-regression-of-proportion-data-including-1-and-0

  n = length(y)
  (y * (n-1) + 0.5) / n

# this can be helpful if we want to draw PCA with uncertainty
get_abundance_contrast_draws = function(.data, contrasts){

  .cell_group = .data |>  attr(".cell_group")

  # Beta
  beta_factor_of_interest = .data |> attr("model_input") %$% X |> colnames()
  beta =
    .data |>
    attr("fit") %>%
    draws_to_tibble_x_y("beta", "C", "M") |>
    pivot_wider(names_from = C, values_from = .value) %>%
    setNames(colnames(.)[1:5] |> c(beta_factor_of_interest))

  # Random intercept
  is_random_intercept =
    .data |>
    attr("model_input") %$%
    N_random_intercepts |>
    equals(0) |>

    beta_random_intercept_factor_of_interest = .data |> attr("model_input") %$% X_random_intercept |> colnames()
    beta_random_intercept =
      .data |>
      attr("fit") %>%
      draws_to_tibble_x_y("beta_random_intercept", "C", "M") |>
      pivot_wider(names_from = C, values_from = .value) %>%
      setNames(colnames(.)[1:5] |> c(beta_random_intercept_factor_of_interest))
  } else {
    beta_random_intercept_factor_of_interest = ""

  # Abundance
  draws = select(beta, -.variable)
  # Random intercept
    draws = draws |> 
    left_join(select(beta_random_intercept, -.variable),
              by = c("M", ".chain", ".iteration", ".draw")
  # If I have constrasts calculate
    draws = 
      draws |> 
      mutate_from_expr_list(contrasts, ignore_errors = FALSE) |>
      select(- any_of(c(beta_factor_of_interest, beta_random_intercept_factor_of_interest) |> setdiff(contrasts)) ) 
  # Add cell name
  draws = draws |> 
      .data |>
        attr("model_input") %$%
        y %>%
        colnames() |>
        enframe(name = "M", value  = quo_name(.cell_group)),
      by = "M"
    ) %>%
    select(!!.cell_group, everything())

  # If no contrasts of interest just return an empty data frame
  if(ncol(draws)==5) return(draws |> distinct(M, !!.cell_group))

  # Get convergence
  convergence_df =
    .data |>
      attr("fit") |>
      summary_to_tibble("beta", "C", "M") |>

      # Add cell name
        .data |>
          attr("model_input") %$%
          y %>%
          colnames() |>
          enframe(name = "M", value  = quo_name(.cell_group)),
        by = "M"
      ) |>

      # factor names
        beta_factor_of_interest |>
          enframe(name = "C", value = "parameter"),
        by = "C"

  if ("Rhat" %in% colnames(convergence_df)) {
    convergence_df <- rename(convergence_df, R_k_hat = Rhat)
  } else if ("khat" %in% colnames(convergence_df)) {
    convergence_df <- rename(convergence_df, R_k_hat = khat)

    convergence_df =
      convergence_df |> 
      select(!!.cell_group, parameter, n_eff, R_k_hat) |>

  draws |>
    pivot_longer(-c(1:5), names_to = "parameter", values_to = ".value") |>

    # Attach convergence if I have no contrasts
    left_join(convergence_df, by = c(quo_name(.cell_group), "parameter")) |>

    # Reorder because pivot long is bad
    mutate(parameter = parameter |> fct_relevel(colnames(draws)[-c(1:5)])) |>


#' @importFrom forcats fct_relevel
#' @noRd
get_variability_contrast_draws = function(.data, contrasts){

  .cell_group = .data |>  attr(".cell_group")

  variability_factor_of_interest = .data |> attr("model_input") %$% XA |> colnames()

  draws =

  .data |>
    attr("fit") %>%
    draws_to_tibble_x_y("alpha_normalised", "C", "M") |>

    # We want variability, not concentration
    mutate(.value = -.value) |>

    pivot_wider(names_from = C, values_from = .value) %>%
    setNames(colnames(.)[1:5] |> c(variability_factor_of_interest)) |>

    select( -.variable) 
  # If I have constrasts calculate
  if (!is.null(contrasts)) 
    draws <- mutate_from_expr_list(draws, contrasts, ignore_errors = TRUE)
  draws =  draws |>

    # Add cell name
      .data |> attr("model_input") %$%
        y %>%
        colnames() |>
        enframe(name = "M", value  = quo_name(.cell_group)),
      by = "M"
    ) %>%
    select(!!.cell_group, everything())

  # If no contrasts of interest just return an empty data frame
  if(ncol(draws)==5) return(draws |> distinct(M))

  # Get convergence
  convergence_df =
    .data |>
    attr("fit") |>
    summary_to_tibble("alpha_normalised", "C", "M") |>

    # Add cell name
      .data |>
        attr("model_input") %$%
        y %>%
        colnames() |>
        enframe(name = "M", value  = quo_name(.cell_group)),
      by = "M"
    ) |>

    # factor names
      variability_factor_of_interest |>
        enframe(name = "C", value = "parameter"),
      by = "C"

  if ("Rhat" %in% colnames(convergence_df)) {
    convergence_df <- rename(convergence_df, R_k_hat = Rhat)
  } else if ("khat" %in% colnames(convergence_df)) {
    convergence_df <- rename(convergence_df, R_k_hat = khat)

    convergence_df =
    convergence_df |> 
      select(!!.cell_group, parameter, n_eff, R_k_hat) |>

  draws |>
    pivot_longer(-c(1:5), names_to = "parameter", values_to = ".value") |>

    # Attach convergence if I have no contrasts
    left_join(convergence_df, by = c(quo_name(.cell_group), "parameter")) |>

    # Reorder because pivot long is bad
    mutate(parameter = parameter |> fct_relevel(colnames(draws)[-c(1:5)])) |>


#' @importFrom tibble deframe
#' @noRd
replicate_data = function(.data,
          formula_composition = NULL,
          formula_variability = NULL,
          new_data = NULL,
          number_of_draws = 1,
          mcmc_seed = sample(1e5, 1)){

  # Select model based on noise model
  noise_model = attr(.data, "noise_model")
  if (noise_model == "multi_beta_binomial") {
    my_model = stanmodels$glm_multi_beta_binomial_generate_date
  } else if (noise_model == "dirichlet_multinomial") {
    my_model = get_model_from_data("model_glm_dirichlet_multinomial_generate_quantities.rds", glm_dirichlet_multinomial_generate_quantities)

  model_input = attr(.data, "model_input")
  .sample = attr(.data, ".sample")
  .cell_group = attr(.data, ".cell_group")

  fit_matrix = as.matrix(attr(.data, "fit") )

  # Composition
  if(is.null(formula_composition)) formula_composition =  .data |> attr("formula_composition")

  # New data
  if(new_data |> is.null())
    new_data =
    .data |>
    select(count_data) |>
    unnest(count_data) |>

  # If seurat
  else if(new_data |> is("Seurat")) new_data = new_data[[]]

  # Just subset
  new_data = new_data |> .subset(!!.sample)

  # Check if the input new data is not suitable
  if(!parse_formula(formula_composition) %in% colnames(new_data) |> all())
    stop("sccomp says: your `new_data` might be malformed. It might have the covariate columns with multiple values for some element of the \"%s\" column. As a generic example, a sample identifier (\"Sample_123\") might be associated with multiple treatment values, or age values.")

  # Match factors with old data
  nrow_new_data = nrow(new_data)
  new_exposure = new_data |>
    nest(data = -!!.sample) |>
    mutate(exposure = map_dbl(
        if ("count" %in% colnames(.x))  sum(.x$count)
        else 5000
      })) |>
    select(!!.sample, exposure) |>
    deframe() |>

  # Update data, merge with old data because
  # I need the same ordering of the design matrix
  new_data =

    # Old data
    .data |>
    select(count_data) |>
    unnest(count_data) |>
    select(-count) |>
    select(new_data |> as_tibble() |> colnames() |>  any_of()) |>
    distinct() |>

    # Change sample names to make unique
    mutate(dummy = "OLD") |>
    tidyr::unite(!!.sample, c(!!.sample, dummy), sep="___") |>

    # New data
      new_data |> as_tibble()

  new_X =
    new_data |>

      # Drop random intercept
      formula_composition |>
        as.character() |>
        str_remove_all("\\+ ?\\(.+\\|.+\\)") |>
        paste(collapse="") |>
    ) |>
    tail(nrow_new_data) %>%

    # Remove columns that are not in the original design matrix
    .[,colnames(.) %in% colnames(model_input$X), drop=FALSE]

  X_which =
    colnames(new_X) |>
      model_input$X %>%
    ) |>
    na.omit() |>

  # Variability
  if(is.null(formula_variability)) formula_variability =  .data |> attr("formula_variability")

  new_Xa =
    new_data |>

      # Drop random intercept
      formula_variability |>
        as.character() |>
        str_remove_all("\\+ ?\\(.+\\|.+\\)") |>
        paste(collapse="") |>
    ) |>
    tail(nrow_new_data) %>%

    # Remove columns that are not in the original design matrix
    .[,colnames(.) %in% colnames(model_input$Xa), drop=FALSE]

  XA_which =
    colnames(new_Xa) |>
      model_input %$%
        Xa %>%
    ) |>
    na.omit() |>

  # If I want to replicate data with intercept and I don't have intercept in my fit
  create_intercept =
    model_input %$% intercept_in_design |> not() &
    "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(new_X)
  if(create_intercept) warning("sccomp says: your estimated model is intercept free, while your desired replicated data do have an intercept term. The intercept estimate will be calculated averaging your first factor in your formula ~ 0 + <factor>. If you don't know the meaning of this warning, this is likely undesired, and please reconsider your formula for replicate_data()")

  # Random intercept
  random_intercept_elements = parse_formula_random_intercept(formula_composition)
  if(random_intercept_elements |> nrow() |> equals(0)) {
    X_random_intercept_which = array()[0]
    new_X_random_intercept = matrix(rep(0, nrow_new_data))[,0, drop=FALSE]

  else {

    random_intercept_grouping =
      new_data %>%


    new_X_random_intercept =
      random_intercept_grouping |>
      mutate(design_matrix = map(
        ~ ..1 |>
          select(!!.sample, group___label, value) |>
          pivot_wider(names_from = group___label, values_from = value) |>
          mutate(across(everything(), ~ .x |> replace_na(0)))
      )) |>

      # Merge
      pull(design_matrix) |>
      bind_cols() |>
      as_matrix(rownames = quo_name(.sample))  |>


    # Check if I have column in the new design that are not in the old one
    missing_columns = new_X_random_intercept |> colnames() |> setdiff(colnames(model_input$X_random_intercept))
    if(missing_columns |> length() > 0)
    	stop(glue("sccomp says: the columns in the design matrix {paste(missing_columns, collapse= ' ,')} are missing from the design matrix of the estimate-input object. Please make sure your new model is a sub-model of your estimated one."))

    X_random_intercept_which =
      colnames(new_X_random_intercept) |>
        model_input %$%
          X_random_intercept %>%
      ) |>

  # New X
  model_input$X = new_X
  model_input$Xa = new_Xa
  model_input$N = nrow_new_data
  model_input$exposure = new_exposure

  model_input$X_random_intercept = new_X_random_intercept
  model_input$N_grouping_new = ncol(new_X_random_intercept)

  # To avoid error in case of a NULL posterior sample
  number_of_draws = min(number_of_draws, nrow(fit_matrix))
  # Generate quantities
    draws =  fit_matrix[sample(seq_len(nrow(fit_matrix)), size=number_of_draws),, drop=FALSE],
    data = model_input |> c(

      # Add subset of coefficients
      length_X_which = length(X_which),
      length_XA_which = length(XA_which),

      # Random intercept
      X_random_intercept_which = X_random_intercept_which,
      length_X_random_intercept_which = length(X_random_intercept_which),

      # Should I create intercept for generate quantities
      create_intercept = create_intercept

    seed = mcmc_seed


get_model_from_data = function(file_compiled_model, model_code){
  else {
    model_generate = stan_model(model_code = model_code)
    model_generate  %>% saveRDS(file_compiled_model)


add_formula_columns = function(.data, .original_data, .sample,  formula_composition){

  .sample = enquo(.sample)

  formula_elements = parse_formula(formula_composition)

  # If no formula return the input
  if(length(formula_elements) == 0) return(.data)

  # Get random intercept
  .grouping_for_random_intercept = parse_formula_random_intercept(formula_composition) |> pull(grouping) |> unique()

  data_frame_formula =
    .original_data %>%
    as_tibble() |>
    select( !!.sample, formula_elements, any_of(.grouping_for_random_intercept) ) %>%

  .data |>
    left_join(data_frame_formula, by = quo_name(.sample) )


#' chatGPT - Remove Specified Regex Pattern from Each String in a Vector
#' This function takes a vector of strings and a regular expression pattern.
#' It removes occurrences of the pattern from each string, except where the pattern
#' is found inside backticks. The function returns a vector of cleaned strings.
#' @param text_vector A character vector with the strings to be processed.
#' @param regex A character string containing a regular expression pattern to be removed
#' from the text.
#' @return A character vector with the regex pattern removed from each string.
#' Occurrences of the pattern inside backticks are not removed.
#' @examples
#' texts <- c("A string with (some) parentheses and `a (parenthesis) inside` backticks",
#'            "Another string with (extra) parentheses")
#' cleaned_texts <- str_remove_all_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes(texts, "\\(")
#' print(cleaned_texts)
#' @noRd
str_remove_all_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes <- function(text_vector, regex) {
  # Nested function to handle regex removal for a single string
  remove_regex_chars <- function(text, regex) {
    inside_backticks <- FALSE
    result <- ""
    skip <- 0
    chars <- strsplit(text, "")[[1]]
    for (i in seq_along(chars)) {
      if (skip > 0) {
        skip <- skip - 1
      char <- chars[i]
      if (char == "`") {
        inside_backticks <- !inside_backticks
        result <- paste0(result, char)
      } else if (!inside_backticks) {
        # Check the remaining text against the regex
        remaining_text <- paste(chars[i:length(chars)], collapse = "")
        match <- regexpr(regex, remaining_text)
        if (attr(match, "match.length") > 0 && match[1] == 1) {
          # Skip the length of the matched text
          skip <- attr(match, "match.length") - 1
        } else {
          result <- paste0(result, char)
      } else {
        result <- paste0(result, char)
  # Apply the function to each element in the vector
  sapply(text_vector, remove_regex_chars, regex)

#' chatGPT - Split Each String in a Vector by a Specified Regex Pattern
#' This function takes a vector of strings and a regular expression pattern. It splits
#' each string based on the pattern, except where the pattern is found inside backticks.
#' The function returns a list, with each element being a vector of the split segments
#' of the corresponding input string.
#' @param text_vector A character vector with the strings to be processed.
#' @param regex A character string containing a regular expression pattern used for splitting
#' the text.
#' @return A list of character vectors. Each list element corresponds to an input string
#' from `text_vector`, split according to `regex`, excluding occurrences inside backticks.
#' @examples
#' texts <- c("A string with, some, commas, and `a, comma, inside` backticks",
#'            "Another string, with, commas")
#' split_texts <- split_regex_chars_from_vector(texts, ",")
#' print(split_texts)
#' @noRd
str_split_ignoring_if_inside_backquotes <- function(text_vector, regex) {
  # Nested function to handle regex split for a single string
  split_regex_chars <- function(text, regex) {
    inside_backticks <- FALSE
    result <- c()
    current_segment <- ""
    chars <- strsplit(text, "")[[1]]
    for (i in seq_along(chars)) {
      char <- chars[i]
      if (char == "`") {
        inside_backticks <- !inside_backticks
        current_segment <- paste0(current_segment, char)
      } else if (!inside_backticks) {
        # Check the remaining text against the regex
        remaining_text <- paste(chars[i:length(chars)], collapse = "")
        match <- regexpr(regex, remaining_text)
        if (attr(match, "match.length") > 0 && match[1] == 1) {
          # Add current segment to result and start a new segment
          result <- c(result, current_segment)
          current_segment <- ""
          # Skip the length of the matched text
          skip <- attr(match, "match.length") - 1
          i <- i + skip
        } else {
          current_segment <- paste0(current_segment, char)
      } else {
        current_segment <- paste0(current_segment, char)
    # Add the last segment to the result
    result <- c(result, current_segment)
  # Apply the function to each element in the vector
  lapply(text_vector, split_regex_chars, regex)

#' chatGPT - Check for Valid Column Names in Tidyverse Context
#' This function checks if each given column name in a vector contains only valid characters 
#' (letters, numbers, periods, and underscores) and does not start with a digit 
#' or an underscore, which are the conditions for a valid column name in `tidyverse`.
#' @param column_names A character vector representing the column names to be checked.
#' @return A logical vector: `TRUE` for each column name that contains only valid characters 
#' and does not start with a digit or an underscore; `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @examples
#' contains_only_valid_chars_for_column(c("valid_column", "invalid column", "valid123", 
#' "123startWithNumber", "_startWithUnderscore"))
#' @noRd
contains_only_valid_chars_for_column <- function(column_names) {
  # Function to check a single column name
  check_validity <- function(column_name) {
    # Regex pattern for valid characters (letters, numbers, periods, underscores)
    valid_char_pattern <- "[A-Za-z0-9._]"
    # Check if all characters in the string match the valid pattern
    all_chars_valid <- stringr::str_detect(column_name, paste0("^", valid_char_pattern, "+$"))
    # Check for leading digits or underscores
    starts_with_digit_or_underscore <- stringr::str_detect(column_name, "^[0-9_]")
    return(all_chars_valid && !starts_with_digit_or_underscore)
  # Apply the check to each element of the vector
  sapply(column_names, check_validity)

#' chatGPT - Intelligently Remove Surrounding Brackets from Each String in a Vector
#' This function processes each string in a vector and removes surrounding brackets if the content
#' within the brackets includes any of '+', '-', or '*', and if the brackets are not 
#' within backticks. This is particularly useful for handling formula-like strings.
#' @param text A character vector with strings from which the brackets will be removed based on
#' specific conditions.
#' @return A character vector with the specified brackets removed from each string.
#' @examples
#' str_remove_brackets_from_formula_intelligently(c("This is a test (with + brackets)", "`a (test) inside` backticks", "(another test)"))
#' @noRd
str_remove_brackets_from_formula_intelligently <- function(text) {
  # Function to remove brackets from a single string
  remove_brackets_single <- function(s) {
    inside_backticks <- FALSE
    bracket_depth <- 0
    valid_bracket_content <- FALSE
    result <- ""
    bracket_content <- ""
    chars <- strsplit(s, "")[[1]]
    for (i in seq_along(chars)) {
      char <- chars[i]
      if (char == "`") {
        inside_backticks <- !inside_backticks
      if (!inside_backticks) {
        if (char == "(") {
          bracket_depth <- bracket_depth + 1
          if (bracket_depth > 1) {
            bracket_content <- paste0(bracket_content, char)
        } else if (char == ")") {
          bracket_depth <- bracket_depth - 1
          if (bracket_depth == 0) {
            if (grepl("[\\+\\-\\*]", bracket_content)) {
              result <- paste0(result, bracket_content)
            } else {
              result <- paste0(result, "(", bracket_content, ")")
            bracket_content <- ""
        if (bracket_depth >= 1) {
          bracket_content <- paste0(bracket_content, char)
        } else {
          result <- paste0(result, char)
      } else {
        result <- paste0(result, char)
  # Apply the function to each element in the vector
  sapply(text, remove_brackets_single)

# Negation
not = function(is){	!is }

#' Convert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom rlang quo_name
#' @importFrom rlang quo_squash
#' @param v A array of quosures (e.g. c(col_a, col_b))
#' @return A character vector
quo_names <- function(v) {

	v = quo_name(quo_squash(v))
	gsub('^c\\(|`|\\)$', '', v) |>
		strsplit(', ') |>

#' Add class to abject
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param var A tibble
#' @param name A character name of the attribute
#' @return A tibble with an additional attribute
add_class = function(var, name) {

  if(!name %in% class(var)) class(var) <- append(class(var),name, after = 0)

stemangiola/sccomp documentation built on May 17, 2024, 6:24 a.m.