
Defines functions shaman_shuffle_hic_track

Documented in shaman_shuffle_hic_track

#'  generate an expected hic track based on observed hic data
#' \code{shaman_shuffle_hic_track}
#' This function generates an expected 2D hic track based on observed hic data.
#' Each chromosome is shuffled seperately, to generate an expected shuffled contact matrix
#' Note that this function requires sge (qsub) or multicore to be enabled.
#' Parameter can be set via shaman.sge_support or shaman.mc_support in shaman.conf file.
#' Reshuffling of an entire dataset will require 7 hours per 1 billion reads on a machine
#' with one core per chromosome.
#' Each step creates temporary files of the shuffled matrices which are then joined to a track.
#' Temporary files are deleted upon track creation.
#' @param track_db Directory of the misha database.
#' @param obs_track_nm Name of observed 2D genomic track for the hic data.
#' @param work_dir Centralized directory to store temporary files.
#' @param exp_track_nm Name of expected 2D genomic track.
#' @param max_jobs Maximal number of qsub or local jobs - for optimal performance provide the number of chromosomes.
#' @param shuffle Average number of shuffling transitions for each observed point in the chromosomal contact matrix.
#' @param grid_small Initial size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_high Final size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_step_iter Number of iterations in each grid size
#' @param dist_resolution Number of bins in each log2 distance unit. If NA, value is determined
#' based on observed data (recommended).
#' @param smooth Number of bins to use for smoothing the MCMC target function: the decay curve.
#' If NA, value is determined based on observed data (recommended).
#' @examples
#' # The example below runs on the test misha db provided with shaman.
#' # Note that this is a toy db sampled from K562 ela data - shuffling the observed track will not produce the expected track.
#' # options(shaman.sge_support=1) #configuring sge engine mode - preferred
#' options(shaman.mc_support = 1) # configuring multi-core mode
#' if (gtrack.exists("hic_obs_shuffle")) {
#'     gtrack.rm("hic_obs_shuffle", force = TRUE)
#'     gdb.reload()
#' }
#' ret <- shaman_shuffle_hic_track(shaman::shaman_get_test_track_db(),
#'     obs_track_nm = "hic_obs",
#'     work_dir = tempdir(), # this can be set only in multi-core mode. For sge mode, work_dir must be accessible by all jobs.
#'     shuffle = 1, # default is set to 80
#'     grid_step_iter = 1, # default is set to 40
#'     max_jobs = parallel::detectCores()
#' ) # optimally set to number of chromosomes
#' gdb.reload()
#' gtrack.ls("hic_obs_shuffle") # new shuffled track that was created
#' @export
shaman_shuffle_hic_track <- function(track_db, obs_track_nm, work_dir,
                                     exp_track_nm = paste0(obs_track_nm, "_shuffle"), max_jobs = 25,
                                     shuffle = 80, grid_small = 500000, grid_high = 1000000, grid_step_iter = 40,
                                     dist_resolution = NA, smooth = NA) {
    # check tracks
    if (!gtrack.exists(obs_track_nm)) {
        stop(paste("Missing obs_track_nm (", obs_track_nm, ") in track db"))
    if (gtrack.exists(exp_track_nm)) {
        stop(paste("exp_track_nm (", exp_track_nm, ") already exists in track db"))
    # check sge
    sge_support <- getOption("shaman.sge_support")
    mc_support <- getOption("shaman.mc_support")
    if (!sge_support & !mc_support) {
        stop(paste("shuffle_hic_track function requires SGE or multicore support. If available, set configuration parameter shaman.sge_support or shaman.mc_support to 1"))
    sge_flags <- getOption("shaman.sge_flags")

    # check work_dir
    if (substr(work_dir, nchar(work_dir), nchar(work_dir)) != "/") {
        work_dir <- paste0(work_dir, "/")
    if (!dir.exists(work_dir)) {
        stop(paste("work_dir (", work_dir, ") does not exists"))

    intervals <- gintervals.all()

    if (sge_support) {
        commands <- paste0(
            "{library(shaman); shaman_shuffle_hic_mat_for_track(\"", track_db, "\",\"", obs_track_nm, "\",\"",
            work_dir, "\", \"", intervals$chrom, "\", ", intervals$start, ", ",
            intervals$end, ", ", intervals$start, ", ", intervals$end,
            ", min_dist=1024, dist_resolution=", dist_resolution, ", decay_smooth=",
            smooth, ", shuffle=", shuffle, ", grid_small=", grid_small, ", grid_high=", grid_high,
            ", grid_step_iter=", grid_step_iter,
            ", raw_ext=\"full_chrom_raw\", shuffled_ext=\"full_chrom_shuffled\", sort_uniq=TRUE)}"
        res <- .gcluster.run2(command.list = commands, opt.flags = sge_flags, max.jobs = max_jobs)
    } else {
        doMC::registerDoMC(cores = max_jobs)
        res <- plyr::ddply(intervals, plyr::.(chrom, start), function(x) {
            shaman_shuffle_hic_mat_for_track(track_db, obs_track_nm, work_dir, x$chrom[1],
                x$start[1], x$end[1], x$start[1], x$end[1],
                min_dist = 1024,
                dist_resolution = dist_resolution, decay_smooth = smooth, shuffle = shuffle,
                grid_small = grid_small, grid_high = grid_high, grid_step_iter = grid_step_iter,
                raw_ext = "full_chrom_raw", shuffled_ext = "full_chrom_shuffled", sort_uniq = TRUE
        }, .parallel = TRUE)
    exp_shuf_files <- paste0(obs_track_nm, "_", intervals$chrom, "_0_0.full_chrom_shuffled.uniq")
    obs_shuf_files <- list.files(work_dir, pattern = paste0(obs_track_nm, ".*full_chrom_shuffled.uniq"))
    missing_files <- exp_shuf_files[!exp_shuf_files %in% obs_shuf_files]
    if (length(missing_files) > 0) {
        warning(paste(length(missing_files), "full chrom files were not shuffled:\n", paste(missing_files, collapse = ",")))

    # reaching this point means that all matrices should be in work_dir --> creating track this section
    # should be replaced after misha generates a proper import for overlapping contacts
    files <- c()
    for (chrom in intervals$chrom) {
        fn <- paste0(work_dir, obs_track_nm, "_", chrom, "_0_0.full_chrom_shuffled.uniq")
        if (file.exists(fn)) {
            files <- c(files, fn)
        } else {
            message("missing file")
    gtrack.2d.import(exp_track_nm, paste(
        "shuffled 2d track with shuffle factor =",
        shuffle, ", based on", obs_track_nm
    ), files)

    # cleanup work dir from all temporary files
    debug <- getOption("shaman.debug")
    if (!debug) {
        try(system(sprintf("rm %s%s*", work_dir, obs_track_nm)))

#' Generate an expected matrix from observed data as a process for generating an expected track
#' \code{shuffle_hic_mat_for_track}
#' This function generates an expected 2D hic matrix from observed hic data. Should not be called externally,
#  but rather as jobs when creating a 2D shuffled track.
#' The observed data is a combination of observed contacts in scope plus already shuffled
#' near-cis contacts (stored in work_dir) which we sample from to maintain the decay probability curve.
#' Each step creates temporary files of the shuffled matrices which are then joined to a track.
#' Temporary files are deleted upon track creation.
#' @param track_db Directory of the misha database.
#' @param track Name of observed 2D genomic track for the hic data.
#' @param work_dir Centralized directory to store temporary files.
#' @param chrom The chormosome of the matrix.
#' @param start1 The start coordinate of the first dimension.
#' @param end1 The end coordinate of the first dimension.
#' @param start2 The start coordinate of the second dimension.
#' @param end2 The end coordinate of the second dimension.
#' @param min_dist The minimum distance between contact end points.
#' @param max_dist The maximum distance between contact end points.
#' @param dist_resolution Number of bins in each log2 distance unit. If NA, value is determined
#' based on observed data (recommended).
#' @param decay_smooth Number of bins to use for smoothing the MCMC target function: the decay curve.
#' If NA, value is determined based on observed data (recommended).
#' @param proposal_iterations Number of MCMC sampling iterations between proposal corrections.
#' @param shuffle Number of shuffling rounds for each observed point.
#' @param hic_mcmc_max_resolution Maximum number of bins for each log2 unit
#' @param raw_ext File extension of the observed data.
#' @param shuffled_ext File extension of the shuffled data.
#' @param grid_small Initial size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_high Final size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_increase Grid increase size
#' @param grid_step_iter Number of iterations in each grid size
#' @param sort_uniq Binary flag, indicating whether the shuffled matrix file should be sorted and
#' contacts combined. This is required prior to importing the track to misha, and should be applied
#' to full chromosomes only.
#' @export
shaman_shuffle_hic_mat_for_track <- function(track_db, track, work_dir, chrom, start1, end1, start2, end2,
                                             min_dist = 1024, max_dist = max(gintervals.all()$end), dist_resolution = NA,
                                             decay_smooth = NA, proposal_iterations = 1e+07, shuffle = 80, hic_mcmc_max_resolution = 400,
                                             raw_ext = "raw", shuffled_ext = "shuffled", grid_small = 500000, grid_high = 1000000, grid_increase = 500000,
                                             grid_step_iter = 40, sort_uniq = FALSE) {
    raw_fn <- paste0(work_dir, "/", track, "_", chrom, "_", start1, "_", start2, ".", raw_ext)
    shuf_fn <- paste0(work_dir, "/", track, "_", chrom, "_", start1, "_", start2, ".", shuffled_ext)
    if (!file.exists(shuf_fn)) {
        x <- sample(1:10, 1)
        system(paste("sleep", x))
        options(gmultitasking = FALSE)
        options(gmax.data.size = 1e+09)
        scope <- gintervals.2d(chrom, start1, end1, chrom, start2, end2)
        a <- gextract(track, scope, band = c(-max_dist, -min_dist + 1), colnames = "contact")
        if (is.null(nrow(a))) {
            message("not shuffling, no data")
            system(paste("echo 'start1\tstart2' > ", shuf_fn))
        # multiply each line according to the number of observed counts
        a <- plyr::ddply(a, c("contact"), function(x) {
            return(x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), each = x$contact[1]), c("start1", "start2")])
        })[, 2:3]

        # automatic decision on resolution, smoothing and samples per correction
        if (is.na(dist_resolution)) {
            dist_resolution <- min(floor((nrow(a) / 200) / (log2(max_dist) - log2(min_dist))), hic_mcmc_max_resolution)

        message(paste("writing", nrow(a), "raw data, dist resolution=", dist_resolution))
        if (nrow(a) < 2000 | dist_resolution == 0) {
            message("not shuffling, leaving raw")
            data.table::fwrite(format(rbind(a, setNames(rev(a), names(a))), scientific = FALSE), shuf_fn,
                quote = FALSE, row.names = F,
                sep = "\t"
        } else {
            if (is.na(decay_smooth)) {
                decay_smooth <- min(floor(dist_resolution / 10), 20)

            ret <- shaman_hic_matrix_shuffler_cpp(
                t(a[, c("start1", "start2")]),
                shuf_fn, shuffle, 1, 0.5, dist_resolution, decay_smooth, 5, 0.25,
                max_dist, 1024, 1, grid_small, grid_high, grid_increase, grid_step_iter, 0, 1
    if (sort_uniq) {
        ret <- 1
        system(sprintf("echo 'chrom1\tstart1\tend1\tchrom2\tstart2\tend2\tobs' > %s.uniq", shuf_fn))
            "cat %s | grep -v start | sort -T %s | uniq -c | awk '{ print \"%s\" \"\t\" $2 \"\t\" ($2+1) \"\t\" \"%s\" \"\t\" $3 \"\t\" ($3+1) \"\t\" $1}' >> %s.uniq",
            shuf_fn, work_dir, chrom, chrom, shuf_fn

#'  generate a score hic track based on observed and expected (shuffled) hic data
#' \code{shaman_score_hic_track}
#' This function generates a 2D score track based on observed and expected hic data.
#' The score is computed by generating a grid of small matrices spanning all chromosomes
#' and computing the score of each matrix independantly.
#' The model for computing the score relies on the KS D statistic computed for each observed point,
#' over the distances of the k-nearest neighbors in the observed compared to the expected.
#' High scores represent contact enrichment while low scores depict insulation.
#' Note that this function requires either sge (qsub) or multicore to compute in a timely manner.
#' Parameters can be set via shaman.sge_support or shaman.mc_support in shaman.conf file.
#' Score computation on 1 billion reads on a distributed system may take 4-10 hours (with default parameters),
#' depending on the number of cores available.
#' Each step creates temporary files of the matrix scores which are then joined to a track.
#' Temporary files are deleted upon track creation.
#' @param track_db Directory of the misha database.
#' @param work_dir Centralized directory to store temporary files.
#' @param score_track_nm Score track that will be created.
#' @param obs_track_nms Names of observed 2D genomic tracks for the hic data. Pooling of multiple
#' observed tracks is supported.
#' @param exp_track_nms Names of expected (shuffled) 2D genomic tracks. Pooling of multiple expected
#' tracks is supported.
#' @param points_track_nms Names of 2D genomic tracks that contain points on which to compute
#' normalized score. Pooling points from multiple tracks is supported.
#' @param near_cis Size of matrix in grid.
#' @param expand Size of expansion, points to include outside the matrix for accurate computing of the score.
#' Note that for each observed point, its k-nearest neighbors must be included in the expanded matrix.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score. For higher resolution maps, increase k. For
#' lower resolution maps, decrease k.
#' @param max_jobs Maximal number of qsub jobs.
#' @examples
#' # The example below runs on the test misha db provided with shaman.
#' # Note that this is a toy db sampled from K562 ela data -
#' # scoring based on the observed and expected tracks will not produce the score track,
#' # as most of the genome is missing (you will see message: number of points in focus interval < 1000)
#' # options(shaman.sge_support=1) #configuring sge engine mode - preferred
#' options(shaman.mc_support = 1) # configuring multi-core mode
#' if (gtrack.exists("hic_score_new")) {
#'     gtrack.rm("hic_score_new", force = TRUE)
#'     gdb.reload()
#' }
#' ret <- shaman_score_hic_track(shaman_get_test_track_db(),
#'     work_dir = tempdir(), # this can be set only in multi-core mode. For sge mode, work_dir must be accessible by all jobs.
#'     score_track_nm = "hic_score_new",
#'     obs_track_nms = "hic_obs",
#'     exp_track_nms = "hic_exp",
#'     near_cis = 1e09, # this test db contains very little data, can increase the size of each job
#'     max_jobs = parallel::detectCores()
#' ) # increase number of jobs for optimal runtime when running in sge mode
#' gdb.reload()
#' gtrack.ls("hic_score_new") # new shuffled track that was created
#' @export
shaman_score_hic_track <- function(track_db, work_dir, score_track_nm, obs_track_nms,
                                   exp_track_nms = paste0(obs_track_nms, "_shuffle"), points_track_nms = obs_track_nms,
                                   near_cis = 5e06, expand = 2e06, k = 100, max_jobs = 100) {
    # check tracks
    if (sum(gtrack.exists(obs_track_nms)) < length(obs_track_nms)) {
        stop(paste("Missing obs_track_nm (", obs_track_nm[!gtrack.exists(obs_track_nms)], ") in track db"))
    if (sum(gtrack.exists(exp_track_nms)) < length(exp_track_nms)) {
        stop(paste("Missing exp_track_nm (", exp_track_nm[!gtrack.exists(exp_track_nms)], ") in track db"))
    if (gtrack.exists(score_track_nm)) {
        stop(paste("score_track_nm (", score_track_nm, ") already exists in track db"))
    # check sge
    sge_support <- getOption("shaman.sge_support")
    mc_support <- getOption("shaman.mc_support")
    if (!sge_support & !mc_support) {
        stop(paste("score_hic_track function requires SGE or multicore support. If available, set configuration parameter shaman.sge_support or shaman.mc_support to 1"))
    sge_flags <- getOption("shaman.sge_flags")

    # split all chromosomes to rectangles of size near_cis*near_cis
    band <- c(-max(gintervals.all()$end), 0)
    near_cis_intervals <- gintervals.force_range(plyr::ddply(gintervals.all(), c("chrom"), function(x) {
            chrom = rep(x$chrom[1], nrow(x)),
            start = seq(0, floor(x$end / near_cis) * near_cis, by = near_cis),
            end = seq(near_cis, ceiling(x$end / near_cis) * near_cis, by = near_cis)
    g <- expand.grid(1:nrow(near_cis_intervals), 1:nrow(near_cis_intervals))
    g <- g[near_cis_intervals$chrom[g$Var1] == near_cis_intervals$chrom[g$Var2], ]
    near_cis_2d <- gintervals.2d(
        near_cis_intervals$chrom[g$Var1], near_cis_intervals$start[g$Var1], near_cis_intervals$end[g$Var1],
        near_cis_intervals$chrom[g$Var2], near_cis_intervals$start[g$Var2], near_cis_intervals$end[g$Var2]

    # selecting only the upper half of the matrix
    near_cis_2d_upper_mat <- gintervals.2d.band_intersect(near_cis_2d, band)
    expected_files <- paste0(
        work_dir, "/", paste0(obs_track_nms, collapse = "."), ".",
        near_cis_2d_upper_mat$chrom1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start2, ".score"

    existing_files <- file.exists(expected_files)
    missing_files <- expected_files[!existing_files]
    message(paste("missing", length(missing_files), "score files"))
    near_cis_2d_upper_mat <- near_cis_2d_upper_mat[!existing_files, ]
    expected_files <- paste0(
        work_dir, "/", paste0(obs_track_nms, collapse = "."), ".",
        near_cis_2d_upper_mat$chrom1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start2, ".score"
    while (nrow(near_cis_2d_upper_mat) > 0) {
        # compute scores for each of the small matrices
        if (sge_support) {
            commands <- paste0(
                "{library(shaman); shaman_score_hic_mat_for_track(track_db, work_dir, obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, points_track_nms, \"",
                near_cis_2d_upper_mat$chrom1, "\", ", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start1, ", ",
                near_cis_2d_upper_mat$end1, ",", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start2, ", ",
                near_cis_2d_upper_mat$end2, ", ", expand, ", ", k, ")}"
            # commands <- paste(commands, collapse=",")

            res <- .gcluster.run2(command.list = commands, opt.flags = sge_flags, max.jobs = max_jobs)
        } else {
            doMC::registerDoMC(cores = max_jobs)
            res <- plyr::ddply(near_cis_2d_upper_mat, plyr::.(chrom1, start1, start2), function(x) {
                    track_db, work_dir, obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, points_track_nms,
                    x$chrom1[1], x$start1[1], x$end1[1], x$start2[1], x$end2[1], expand, k
            .parallel = TRUE
        # res <- eval(parse(text=paste("gcluster.run(", commands, ",opt.flags=\"", sge_flags,  "\" ,max.jobs=", max_jobs, ")")))
        # check to see if there are any missing files
        existing_files <- file.exists(expected_files)
        missing_files <- expected_files[!existing_files]
        message(paste("missing", length(missing_files), "score files"))
        near_cis_2d_upper_mat <- near_cis_2d_upper_mat[!existing_files, ]
        expected_files <- paste0(
            work_dir, "/", paste0(obs_track_nms, collapse = "."), ".",
            near_cis_2d_upper_mat$chrom1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start1, ".", near_cis_2d_upper_mat$start2, ".score"
    # reaching this point means that all points have a score - need to create track
    score_files <- list.files(work_dir, paste0(obs_track_nms, ".*.score$"), full.names = TRUE)

    gtrack.2d.import_contacts(score_track_nm, paste(
        "normalized score of 2d track with k =", k, "based on",
        paste(obs_track_nms, collapse = ", "), "and",
        paste(exp_track_nms, collapse = ", ")
    ), score_files, allow.duplicates = FALSE)

    # cleanup work dir from all temporary files
    for (track in obs_track_nms) {
        try(system(sprintf("rm %s/%s*", work_dir, track)))

#'  generate a score matrix for observed data based on the expected
#' \code{shaman_score_hic_mat_for_track}
#' This function extracts observed data and expected data in an expanded matrix and computes
#  the score for each observed point.
#' The score for a point is the KS D-statistic of the distances to the points k-nearest-neighbors
#  in the observed data compared the the expected data.
#' @param track_db Directory of the misha database.
#' @param work_dir Centralized directory to store temporary files.
#' @param obs_track_nms Names of observed 2D genomic tracks for the hic data. Pooling of multiple
#' observed tracks is supported.
#' @param exp_track_nms Names of expected (shuffled) 2D genomic tracks. Pooling of multiple expected
#' tracks is supported.
#' @param points_track_nms Names of 2D genomic tracks that contain points on which to compute
#' normalized score. Pooling points from multiple tracks is supported.
#' @param chrom The chormosome of the matrix.
#' @param start1 The start coordinate of the first dimension.
#' @param end1 The end coordinate of the first dimension.
#' @param start2 The start coordinate of the second dimension.
#' @param end2 The end coordinate of the second dimension.
#' @param expand Size of expansion, points to include outside the matrix for accurate computing of the score.
#' Note that for each observed point, its k-nearest neighbors must be included in the expanded matrix.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score. For higher resolution maps, increase k. For
#' lower resolution maps, decrease k.
#' @param min_dist The minimum distance between points.
#' @export
shaman_score_hic_mat_for_track <- function(track_db, work_dir, obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, points_track_nms,
                                           chrom, start1, end1, start2, end2, expand = 2e06, k = 100, min_dist = 1024) {
    fn <- paste0(work_dir, "/", paste0(obs_track_nms, collapse = "."), ".", chrom, ".", start1, ".", start2, ".score")
    if (file.exists(fn)) {
    options(gmax.data.size = 1e09)
    regional_interval <- gintervals.force_range(data.frame(
        chrom1 = chrom, start1 = start1 - expand, end1 = end1 + expand,
        chrom2 = chrom, start2 = start2 - expand, end2 = end2 + expand
    focus_interval <- gintervals.2d(chrom, start1, end1, chrom, start2, end2)
    n <- shaman_score_hic_mat(obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, focus_interval, regional_interval, points_track_nms = points_track_nms, min_dist = min_dist, k = k)
    if (is.null(n)) {
        system(paste("echo 'chrom1\tstart1\tend1\tchrom2\tstart2\tend2\tscore' > ", fn))
        # insufficient data in region - not writing region file
    if (length(n) < 1) {
        # knn did not complete
    p <- n$points
        p$start1 <= p$start2,
        c("chrom1", "start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end2", "score")
    scientific = FALSE
    row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t"

#'  generate a score matrix for observed data based on the expected for a given 2D focus interval
#' \code{shaman_score_hic_mat}
#' This function extracts observed data and expected data in an expanded matrix and computes
#  the score for each observed point.
#' The score for a point is the KS D-statistic of the distances to the points k-nearest-neighbors
#  in the observed data compared the the expected data.
#' @param obs_track_nms Names of observed 2D genomic tracks for the hic data. Pooling of multiple
#' observed tracks is supported.
#' @param exp_track_nms Names of expected (shuffled) 2D genomic tracks. Pooling of multiple expected
#' tracks is supported.
#' @param focus_interval 2D interval on which to compute the scores.
#' @param regional_interval An expansion of the focus interval, inclusing  points outside the focus matrix
#' for accurate computing of the score. Note that for each observed point, its k-nearest neighbors must be
#' included in the expanded matrix.
#' @param points_track_nms Names of 2D genomic tracks that contain points on which to compute
#' normalized score. Pooling points from multiple tracks is supported.
#' @param min_dist The minimum distance between points.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score. For higher resolution maps, increase k. For
#' lower resolution maps, decrease k.
#' @param k_exp The number of neighbor distances used for the score on the expected tracks. Note, that when
#' comparing expected generated by shuffling the observed, k_exp should be 2*k as the number of contacts in
#' the expected track will always be twice the observed. However, if comparing between two datasets that are
#' independent, k_exp should be set to NA and the will be determined by the ratio between the total number
#' of contacts in this region.
#' @return NULL if insufficient observed data, otherwise resturns a list containing 3 elements:
#' 1) points - start1, start2 and score for all observed points.
#' 2) obs - the observed points.
#' 3) exp - the expected points.
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' mat_score <- shaman_score_hic_mat(
#'     obs_track_nms = "hic_obs", exp_track_nms = "hic_exp",
#'     focus_interval = gintervals.2d(2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06, 2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06),
#'     regional_interval = gintervals.2d(2, 175e06, 178e06, 2, 175e06, 178e06)
#' )
#' shaman_gplot_map_score(mat_score$points)
#' @export
shaman_score_hic_mat <- function(obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, focus_interval, regional_interval,
                                 points_track_nms = obs_track_nms, min_dist = 1024, k = 100, k_exp = 2 * k) {
    points <- .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks(points_track_nms, focus_interval, min_dist)
    if (is.null(points)) {
        message("number of points in focus interval = 0")
    if (nrow(points) < 1000) {
        message("number of points in focus interval < 1000")

    points <- unique(points[, c("chrom1", "start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end2")])
    message(paste0("kk norm on ", nrow(points), " points"))
    return(shaman_score_hic_points(obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, points, regional_interval, min_dist, k = k, k_exp = k_exp))

#'  generate a score matrix for observed data based on the expected for a given set of points
#' \code{shaman_score_hic_points}
#' This function extracts observed data and expected data in an expanded matrix and computes
#  the score for each observed point.
#' The score for a point is the KS D-statistic of the distances to the points k-nearest-neighbors
#  in the observed data compared the the expected data.
#' @param obs_track_nms Names of observed 2D genomic tracks for the hic data. Pooling of multiple
#' observed tracks is supported.
#' @param exp_track_nms Names of expected (shuffled) 2D genomic tracks. Pooling of multiple expected
#' tracks is supported.
#' @param points A score will be computed for each of the points.
#' @param regional_interval An expansion of the focus interval, inclusing  points outside the focus matrix
#' for accurate computing of the score. Note that for each observed point, its k-nearest neighbors must be
#' included in the expanded matrix.
#' @param min_dist The minimum distance between points.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score. For higher resolution maps, increase k. For
#' lower resolution maps, decrease k.
#' @return NULL if insufficient observed data, otherwise resturns a list containing 3 elements:
#' 1) points - start1, start2 and score for all observed points.
#' 2) obs - the observed points.
#' 3) exp - the expected points.
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' points <- gextract("hic_obs", gintervals.2d(2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06, 2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06), band = c(-2e06, -1024))
#' mat_score <- shaman_score_hic_points(
#'     obs_track_nms = "hic_obs", exp_track_nms = "hic_exp",
#'     points = points, regional_interval = gintervals.2d(2, 175e06, 178e06, 2, 175e06, 178e06)
#' )
#' shaman_gplot_map_score(mat_score$points)
#' @export
shaman_score_hic_points <- function(obs_track_nms, exp_track_nms, points, regional_interval, min_dist = 1024, k = 100, k_exp = 2 * k) {
    knn_pl <- sprintf("%s/%s", system.file("perl", package = "shaman"), getOption("shaman.ks_pl"))
    o_knn.tmp <- tempfile("knn_o_")
    e_knn.tmp <- gsub("knn_o_", "knn_e_", o_knn.tmp)
    ks_knn.tmp <- gsub("knn_o_", "knn_ks_", o_knn.tmp)
    message(paste("obs = ", paste(obs_track_nms, collapse = ",")))
    obs <- .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks(obs_track_nms, regional_interval, min_dist)
    if (is.null(obs) | nrow(points) == 0) {
        message(paste("0 data found in intervals, focus interval=", nrow(points)))
    obs <- plyr::ddply(obs, c("contacts"), function(x) {
        return(x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), each = x$contact[1]), ])
    if (nrow(obs) < k) {
        message(paste("insufficient data found in intervals: obs=", nrow(obs)))
    n_obs <- nrow(obs)
    o_knn <- RANN::nn2(obs[, c("start1", "start2")], points[, c("start1", "start2")], k = k)
    message("write tab 1")
    data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(round(o_knn$nn.dist)), o_knn.tmp, sep = "\t", col.names = F, quote = F, row.names = F)
    if (!file.exists(o_knn.tmp)) {
        message(paste0("problem writing ", o_knn.tmp))

    exp <- .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks(exp_track_nms, regional_interval, min_dist)
    if (is.null(exp)) {
        message(paste("0 data found in intervals: exp"))
    exp <- plyr::ddply(exp, c("contacts"), function(x) {
        return(x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), each = x$contact[1]), ])
    if (nrow(exp) < k) {
        message(paste("insufficient data found in intervals: exp=", nrow(exp)))
    n_exp <- nrow(exp)
    if (is.na(k_exp)) {
        # computing k_exp by number of points
        k_exp <- round(k * n_exp / n_obs)
    message(paste0("n_obs = ", n_obs, ", n_exp = ", n_exp, ", k_exp = ", k_exp))
    e_knn <- RANN::nn2(exp[, c("start1", "start2")], points[, c("start1", "start2")], k = k_exp)
    message("write tab 2")
    data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(round(e_knn$nn.dist)), e_knn.tmp, sep = "\t", col.names = F, quote = F, row.names = F)
    if (!file.exists(e_knn.tmp)) {
        message(paste0("problem writing ", e_knn.tmp))
    system(sprintf("perl %s %s %s >%s", knn_pl, o_knn.tmp, e_knn.tmp, ks_knn.tmp))
    s_ks <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(ks_knn.tmp))

    points$score <- 100 * ifelse(-s_ks$V1 < s_ks$V2, s_ks$V2, s_ks$V1)
    try(system(sprintf("rm %s %s %s", o_knn.tmp, e_knn.tmp, ks_knn.tmp)))

    return(list(points = points))

#'  Inline function for generating an expected matrix and computing the score for a given interval
#' \code{shaman_shuffle_and_score_hic_mat}
#' This function generates an expected 2D hic matrix based on observed hic data, and computes its score.
#' @param obs_track_nms Name of observed 2D genomic tracks for the hic data.
#' @param interval 2D interval on which to compute the scores.
#' @param work_dir Centralized directory to store temporary files.
#' @param expand Size of expansion, points to include outside the matrix for accurate computing of the score.
#' Note that for each observed point, its k-nearest neighbors must be included in the expanded matrix.
#' @param min_dist The minimum distance between points.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score. For higher resolution maps, increase k. For
#' @param dist_resolution Number of bins in each log2 distance unit. If NA, value is determined
#' based on observed data (recommended).
#' @param decay_smooth Number of bins to use for smoothing the MCMC target function: the decay curve.
#' If NA, value is determined based on observed data (recommended).
#' @param hic_mcmc_max_resolution Maximum number of bins for each log2 unit.
#' @param shuffle Number of shuffling rounds for each observed point.
#' @param grid_small Initial size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_high Final size of maximum distance between contact pairs consdered for switching
#' @param grid_increase Grid increase size
#' @param grid_step_iter Number of iterations in each grid size

#' @return NULL if insufficient observed data, otherwise resturns a list containing 3 elements:
#' 1) points - start1, start2 and score for all observed points.
#' 2) obs - the observed points.
#' 3) exp - the expected points.
#' 4) exp_fn - the name of the expected (shuffled) data file
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' mat_score <- shaman_shuffle_and_score_hic_mat(
#'     obs_track_nms = "hic_obs",
#'     interval = gintervals.2d(2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06, 2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06),
#'     expand = 5e05,
#'     work_dir = tempdir()
#' )
#' shaman_gplot_map_score(mat_score$points)
#' @export

shaman_shuffle_and_score_hic_mat <- function(obs_track_nms, interval, work_dir, expand = 1e06, min_dist = 1024, k = 100,
                                             dist_resolution = NA, decay_smooth = NA, hic_mcmc_max_resolution = 400, shuffle = 80,
                                             grid_small = 500000, grid_high = 1000000, grid_increase = 500000,
                                             grid_step_iter = 40) {
    if (interval$chrom1 != interval$chrom2) {
        stop("Only cis intervals supported")
    points <- .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks(obs_track_nms, interval, min_dist)
    points <- points[points$start2 > points$start1, ]
    if (is.null(points)) {
        message("number of points in interval = 0")
    message(paste("working on ", nrow(points), "points"))
    if (is.na(dist_resolution)) {
        dist_resolution <- min(floor((nrow(points) / 200) / (log2(max(points$start2 - points$start1)) -
            log2(1024))), hic_mcmc_max_resolution)
    # adjust expand such that first and last dist bins are complete
    message(paste("adjusting expand"))
    max_d <- interval$end2 - interval$start1
    expand <- (2**(ceiling(log2(max_d + 2 * expand) * dist_resolution) / dist_resolution) - max_d) / 2
    regional_interval <- gintervals.force_range(data.frame(
        chrom1 = interval$chrom1,
        start1 = interval$start1 - expand, end1 = interval$end1 + expand,
        chrom2 = interval$chrom2, start2 = interval$start2 - expand,
        end2 = interval$end2 + expand
    message(paste("combining multi tracks"))
    obs <- .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks(obs_track_nms, regional_interval, min_dist)
    message(paste("replicating multi-contacts"))
    obs <- plyr::ddply(obs, c("contacts"), function(x) {
        return(x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), each = x$contact[1]), ])
    if (nrow(obs) < 1000) {
        message(paste("insufficient data found in intervals: obs=", nrow(obs)))

    # shuffle contacts in expanded interval
    message(paste0("shuffling ", nrow(obs), " observed points"))
    shuf_fn <- paste0(work_dir, "/", interval$chrom1, "_", interval$start1, "_", interval$start2, "_", expand, ".shuffled")

    if (is.na(decay_smooth)) {
        decay_smooth <- min(floor(dist_resolution / 10), 20)
    samples_per_proposal_correction <- floor(nrow(obs) / 20)
        t(obs[, c("start1", "start2")]), shuf_fn, shuffle, 1, 0.5, dist_resolution, decay_smooth, 5, 0.25,
        max(obs$start2 - obs$start1), 1024, 1, grid_small, grid_high, grid_increase, grid_step_iter, 1, 1

    exp <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(shuf_fn, header = T))

    ret <- shaman_kk_norm(obs, exp, points, k = k, k_exp = 2 * k)
    ret$exp_fn <- shuf_fn

#'  Compute a score matrix for observed data based on the expected for a given set of points
#' \code{shaman_kk_norm}
#' This function receives observed and expected data and compute the score on a given set of points.
#' The score for a point is the KS D-statistic of the distances to the points k-nearest-neighbors
#  in the observed data compared the the expected data.
#' @param obs Dataframe containing the observed points
#' @param exp Dataframe containing the expected (shuffled) points.
#' @param points A score will be computed for each of the points.
#' @param k The number of neighbor distances used for the score on observed data.
#' For higher resolution maps, increase k. For lower resolution maps, decrease k.
#' @param k_exp The number of neighbor distances used for the score on expected data. Should reflect
#' the ratio between the total number of observed and expected over the entire chromosome.
#' @return NULL if insufficient observed data, otherwise resturns a list containing 3 elements:
#' 1) points - start1, start2 and score for all observed points.
#' 2) obs - the observed points.
#' 3) exp - the expected points.
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' points <- gextract("hic_obs", gintervals.2d(2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06, 2, 175.5e06, 177.5e06), band = c(-2e06, -1024))
#' obs <- gextract("hic_obs", gintervals.2d(2, 175e06, 178e06, 2, 175e06, 178e06), band = c(-2e06, -1024))
#' exp <- gextract("hic_exp", gintervals.2d(2, 175e06, 178e06, 2, 175e06, 178e06), band = c(-2e06, -1024))
#' mat_score <- shaman_kk_norm(obs, exp, points, k = 100, k_exp = 200)
#' shaman_gplot_map_score(mat_score$points)
#' @export
shaman_kk_norm <- function(obs, exp, points, k = 100, k_exp = 100) {
    knn_pl <- sprintf("%s/%s", system.file("perl", package = "shaman"), getOption("shaman.ks_pl"))
    message(paste0("going into knn witn ", nrow(obs), " observed and ", nrow(exp), " expected"))
    o_knn <- RANN::nn2(obs[, c("start1", "start2")], points[, c("start1", "start2")], k = k)
    message("going into shuffled knn")
    e_knn <- RANN::nn2(exp[, c("start1", "start2")], points[, c("start1", "start2")], k = k_exp)

    o_knn.tmp <- tempfile("knn_o_")
    e_knn.tmp <- gsub("knn_o_", "knn_e_", o_knn.tmp)
    ks_knn.tmp <- gsub("knn_o_", "knn_ks_", o_knn.tmp)
    message("write tab 1")
    data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(round(o_knn$nn.dist)), o_knn.tmp, sep = "\t", col.names = F, quote = F, row.names = F)
    if (!file.exists(o_knn.tmp)) {
        message(paste0("problem writing ", o_knn.tmp))
    message("write tab 2")
    data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(round(e_knn$nn.dist)), e_knn.tmp, sep = "\t", col.names = F, quote = F, row.names = F)
    if (!file.exists(e_knn.tmp)) {
        message(paste0("problem writing ", e_knn.tmp))

    system(sprintf("perl %s %s %s >%s", knn_pl, o_knn.tmp, e_knn.tmp, ks_knn.tmp))

    s_ks <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(ks_knn.tmp))

    points$score <- 100 * ifelse(-s_ks$V1 < s_ks$V2, s_ks$V2, s_ks$V1)
    try(system(sprintf("rm %s %s %s", o_knn.tmp, e_knn.tmp, ks_knn.tmp)))

    return(list(points = points, obs = obs, exp = exp))

#  .shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks
.shaman_combine_points_multi_tracks <- function(tracks, interval, min_dist) {
    points <- plyr::adply(tracks, 1, function(x) {
        p <- gextract(x, interval, colnames = c("contacts"))
        return(p[abs(p$start1 - p$start2) > min_dist, ])
    return(points[, -1])

.shaman_compute_marginal_multi_tracks <- function(tracks, interval, min_dist) {
    total <- plyr::adply(tracks, 1, function(x) {
        gvtrack.create("v_sum", x, "weighted.sum")
        return(sum(gextract("v_sum", interval, iterator = interval, band = c(-max(gintervals.all()$end), -min_dist))$v_sum))
    })[, -1]

.gcluster.run2 <- function(..., command.list = NULL, opt.flags = "", max.jobs = 400, debug = FALSE, R = "R") {
    if (!is.null(command.list)) {
        commands <- plyr::llply(command.list, function(x) parse(text = x))
    } else {
        commands <- as.list(substitute(list(...))[-1L])

    if (length(commands) < 1) {
          stop("Usage: gculster.run(..., command.list=NULL, opt.flags = \"\" max.jobs = 400, debug = FALSE)",
              call. = F
    if (!length(system("which qsub", ignore.stderr = T, intern = T))) {
          stop("gcluster.run must run on a host that supports Sun Grid Engine (qsub)",
              call. = F
    tmp.dirname <- ""
    submitted.jobs <- c()
            tmp.dirname <- tempfile(pattern = "", tmpdir = paste(get("GROOT"),
                sep = ""
            if (!dir.create(tmp.dirname, recursive = T, mode = "0777")) {
                  stop(sprintf("Failed to create a directory %s", tmp.dirname),
                      call. = F
            cat("Preparing for distribution...\n")
            save(.GLIBDIR, file = paste(tmp.dirname, "libdir", sep = "/"))
            vars <- ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = parent.frame())
            envir <- parent.frame()
            while (!identical(envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
                envir <- parent.env(envir)
                vars <- union(vars, ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = envir))
            save(list = vars, file = paste(tmp.dirname, "envir",
                sep = "/"
            ), envir = parent.frame())
            .GSGECMD <- commands
            save(.GSGECMD, file = paste(tmp.dirname, "commands",
                sep = "/"
            opts <- options()
            save(opts, file = paste(tmp.dirname, "opts", sep = "/"))
            cat("Running the commands...\n")
            completed.jobs <- c()
            progress <- -1
            repeat {
                num.running.jobs <- length(submitted.jobs) - length(completed.jobs)
                if (length(submitted.jobs) < length(commands) &&
                    num.running.jobs < max.jobs) {
                    istart <- length(submitted.jobs) + 1
                    iend <- min(length(commands), istart + (max.jobs -
                        num.running.jobs) - 1)
                    for (i in istart:iend) {
                        out.file <- sprintf(
                            "%s/%d.out", tmp.dirname,
                        err.file <- sprintf(
                            "%s/%d.err", tmp.dirname,
                        script <- paste(get(".GLIBDIR"), "exec", "sgjob.sh",
                            sep = "/"
                        command <- sprintf(
                            "unset module; qsub -terse -S /bin/bash -o %s -e %s -V %s %s %d '%s' '%s'",
                            out.file, err.file, opt.flags, script, i,
                            tmp.dirname, R
                        jobid <- system(command, intern = TRUE)
                        if (length(jobid) != 1) {
                              stop("Failed to run qsub", call. = FALSE)
                        if (debug) {
                                  "\tSubmitted job %d (id: %s)\n",
                                  i, jobid
                        submitted.jobs <- c(submitted.jobs, jobid)
                running.jobs <- .gcluster.running.jobs(submitted.jobs)
                old.completed.jobs <- completed.jobs
                completed.jobs <- setdiff(submitted.jobs, running.jobs)
                if (debug) {
                    delta.jobs <- setdiff(completed.jobs, old.completed.jobs)
                    if (length(delta.jobs) > 0) {
                        for (jobid in delta.jobs) {
                                "\tJob %d (id: %s) completed\n",
                                match(jobid, submitted.jobs), jobid
                    if (!length(running.jobs) && length(submitted.jobs) ==
                        length(commands)) {
                    new.progress <- length(completed.jobs)
                    if (new.progress != progress) {
                        progress <- new.progress
                            "\t%d job(s) still in progress\n",
                            length(commands) - progress
                } else {
                    if (!length(running.jobs) && length(submitted.jobs) ==
                        length(commands)) {
                    new.progress <- as.integer(100 * length(completed.jobs) / length(commands))
                    if (new.progress != progress) {
                        progress <- new.progress
                        cat(sprintf("%d%%...", progress))
                    } else {
            if (!debug && progress != -1 && progress != 100) {
        interrupt = function(interrupt) {
            stop("Command interrupted!", call. = FALSE)
        finally = {
            cleanup.finished <- FALSE
            while (!cleanup.finished) {
                        if (length(submitted.jobs) > 0) {
                            running.jobs <- .gcluster.running.jobs(submitted.jobs)
                            answer <- c()
                            for (i in 1:length(commands)) {
                                res <- list()
                                res$exit.status <- NA
                                res$retv <- NA
                                res$stdout <- NA
                                res$stderr <- NA
                                if (submitted.jobs[i] %in% running.jobs) {
                                      res$exit.status <- "interrupted"
                                  } else {
                                    fname <- sprintf(
                                        "%s/%d.retv", tmp.dirname,
                                    if (file.exists(fname)) {
                                        res$exit.status <- "success"
                                        res$retv <- retv
                                    } else {
                                        res$exit.status <- "failure"
                                out.file <- sprintf(
                                    "%s/%d.out", tmp.dirname,
                                if (file.exists(out.file)) {
                                    f <- file(out.file, "rc")
                                    res$stdout <- readChar(f, 1000000)
                                err.file <- sprintf(
                                    "%s/%d.err", tmp.dirname,
                                if (file.exists(err.file)) {
                                    f <- file(err.file, "rc")
                                    res$stderr <- readChar(f, 1000000)
                                answer[[i]] <- res
                            for (job in running.jobs) {
                                    "qdel %s",
                                ), ignore.stderr = T, intern = T)
                            unlink(tmp.dirname, recursive = TRUE)
                        unlink(tmp.dirname, recursive = TRUE)
                        cleanup.finished <- TRUE
                    interrupt = function(interrupt) {
tanaylab/shaman documentation built on April 2, 2022, 1:32 a.m.