
test1 <- function(){
    get.initial.alpha <- function(eps, J){
        if(length(eps) != J)
            stop("wrong eps input")
        k <- (1 - sum(eps))/(J + sqrt(J))
        alpha <- eps + k
    J <- 2
    y <- 1
    z <- matrix(c(2,3),1,2)
    x <- matrix(0, 1,1)
    eps <- rep(0.01/J, J)
    reltol <- 10^-3
    relerr <- 10^-3
    a0 <- get.initial.alpha(rep(0.1/J, J), J)
    e <- penoptpersp( x,y,z, a0 = a0, eps = eps, reltol = reltol, relerr = relerr, rho0 = NULL)
    ## e <- penoptpersp(x, y, z, eps, reltol ,relerr, a0 = get.initial.alpha(rep(0.1/J, J), J))
    ## optimal alpha is c(0, 1)

                                        # This version modifies default starting alpha

test0 = function( n=30, J=10, K=11, eps = .01, seed = 20140422,relerr ){
                                        # zero'th test of optimization

    z = matrix(runif(n*J),ncol=J) # must be positive
    x = matrix(rnorm(n*K),ncol=K)
    y = rnorm(n)


#' penalized optimization of the constrained linearized perspective function
#' @export
#' @param x \eqn{n \times K} matrix
#' @param y length \eqn{n} vector
#' @param z \eqn{n \times J} matrix
#' @param a0 length \eqn{J} vector
#' @param b0 length \eqn{K} vector
#' @param eps length \eqn{J} vector, default to be rep(0.1/J, J)
#' @param reltol relative tolerence for Newton step, between 0 to 1, default to be \eqn{10^{-3}}. For each inner loop, we optimize \eqn{f_0 + \rho \times \mathrm{pen} } for a fixed \eqn{\rho}, we stop when the Newton decrement \eqn{f(x) - inf_y \hat{f}(y) \leq f(x)* \mathrm{reltol}}, where \eqn{\hat{f}} is the second-order approximation of \eqn{f} at \eqn{x}
#' @param relerr stop when within (1+\emph{relerr}) of minimum variance, default to be \eqn{10^{-3}}, between 0 to 1.
#' @param rho0 initial value for \eqn{\rho}, default to be 1
#' @param maxin maximum number of inner iterations
#' @param maxout maximum number of outer iterations
#' @return a list of \describe{
#'   \item{x}{input x}
#'   \item{y}{input y}
#'   \item{z}{input z}
#'   \item{alpha}{optimized alpha}
#'   \item{beta}{optimized beta}
#'   \item{rho}{value of rho}
#'   \item{f}{value of the objective function}
#'   \item{rhopen}{value of rho*pen when returned}
#'   \item{outer}{number of outer loops}
#'   \item{relerr}{relative error}
#'   \item{alphasum}{sum of optimized alpha}
#' }
#' @details To minimize \eqn{\sum_i  \frac{(y_i - x_i^T \beta)^2}{z_i^T\alpha}} over \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\beta},
#'   subject to \eqn{\alpha_j > \epsilon_j} for \eqn{j = 1, \cdots, J} and \eqn{\sum_{j=1}^J \alpha_j < 1},
#' Instead we minimize \eqn{ \sum_i  \frac{(y_i - x_i^T \beta)^2}{z_i^T\alpha} + \rho \times \mathrm{pen}} for a decreasing sequence of \eqn{\rho}
#' where \eqn{ \mathrm{pen} = -( \sum_{j = 1}^J( \log(\alpha_j-\epsilon_j) ) + \log(1-\sum_{j = 1}^J \alpha_j) )}
#' starting values are \eqn{\alpha = a0} and \eqn{\beta = b0}. They can be missing.
#' The optimization stops when within (1+\emph{relerr}) of minimum variance.
penoptpersp = function( x,y,z, a0 = NULL, b0 = NULL, eps = NULL, reltol = NULL, relerr = NULL, rho0 = NULL, maxin= NULL, maxout = NULL){
    J = ncol(z)
    K = ncol(x)

                                        # Verify that inputs are ok and feasible
        eps <- rep(0.1/J, J)
    else if( length(eps)==1 )
        eps = rep(eps,J)
    else if(length(eps) != J)
        stop("Wrong dimension of eps")
    if( min(eps)<0 )stop("Negative epsilon")
    if(sum(eps) >= 1) stop("sum of epsilon >= 1")
    if(is.null(reltol) | reltol > 1 | reltol < 0) reltol <- 10^-3
    if(is.null(relerr) | relerr > 1 | relerr < 0) relerr <- 10^-3
    if(is.null(rho0)) rho0 <- 1
    if(is.null(maxin))    maxin <- 20
    if(is.null(maxout))    maxout <- 30
    if( !is.null(a0) ){
        if( any(a0<eps) )stop("Infeasible start point, any(a0<eps)")
        if( sum(a0)>1 )stop("Infeasible start point, sum(a0)>1")

    if(any(apply(z, 1, function(x) sum(x^2)) == 0)) stop("Some rows of z is zero")
    ## library(Matrix)
    if(rankMatrix(x, tol =  .Machine$double.eps^2) < min(dim(x))) warning("x may be rank deficient")
    delta = (1-sum(eps))/(J+1)
    if( delta < 0 )stop("No feasible alpha")
    if( K==0 )warning("No regression portion")

                                        # main workhorse function
    fgH = function(alpha,beta,rho,do=3){
                                        # do = 3    function, gradient, Hessian
                                        # do = 2    function, gradient
                                        # do = 1    function
                                        # do = 0    feasibility

                                        # The penalty
        if( any(alpha<eps) )
            pen = Inf
        else if( sum(alpha)>1 )
            pen = Inf
            pen = -( sum( log(alpha-eps) ) + log(1-sum(alpha) ) )

        if( do <= 0 )return( pen < Inf )

                                        # The objective function
        res = y - x%*%beta  # n-vector of residuals
        zal = z%*%alpha     # n-vector of mixture probabilities
        ebz = res/zal

        f0   = sum( res^2/zal )
        f   = f0 + rho * pen

        if( is.nan(f) ){
            print("Hit a NaN")

        if( do <=1 )return(list(f=f, f0 = f0))

                                        # The gradient

        gpen  = -(1/(alpha-eps) - 1/(1-sum(alpha)))
        gbeta = -2 * t(x) %*% ebz
        galph = -t(z) %*% ebz^2
        g0 <- c(gbeta, galph)
        gphi <- c(rep(0, K), rho*gpen)
        g     = c( gbeta, galph + rho*gpen )

        if( do <=2 )return(list(f=f,g=g,f0 = f0, g0 = g0, gphi = gphi))

                                        # The Hessian

        xbyrootq = x
        for( j in 1:ncol(x) )
            xbyrootq[,j] = xbyrootq[,j]/sqrt(zal)

        Hbb = 2*t(xbyrootq) %*% xbyrootq

        zebyqrootq = z
        for( j in 1:ncol(z) )
            zebyqrootq[,j] = zebyqrootq[,j] * res /zal^(3/2)
        Haa = 2 * t(zebyqrootq) %*% zebyqrootq

        Hba = 2 * t(xbyrootq) %*% zebyqrootq

        Hpen = diag( (alpha-eps)^-2 ) + 1/(1-sum(alpha))^2

        H = rbind( cbind(    Hbb, Hba ),
            cbind( t(Hba), Haa + rho*Hpen ) )
        return(list(f=f,g=g,H=H, f0 = f0, g0 = g0, gphi = gphi))

    testgradient = function(){
                                        # this function tests whether the gradient
                                        # is really the derivative of the function
                                        # the code passed, but save this function for
                                        # rechecking if necessary.
        alpha = .5*rep(1,J)/J # start at subdistribution
        beta  = rep(0,K)
        ans   = fgH(alpha,beta,rho,do=3)

        del = 0.0001

        print("testing gradient wrt beta")
        for( k in 1:K ){
            bup    = beta
            bup[k] = beta[k]+del
            ansup  = fgH(alpha,bup,rho,do=1)
            bdn    = beta
            bdn[k] = beta[k]-del
            ansdn  = fgH(alpha,bdn,rho,do=1)
            print(c(ans$g[k],(ansup$f-ansdn$f)/(2*del) ))

        print("testing gradient wrt alpha")
        for( j in 1:J ){
            aup    = alpha
            aup[j] = alpha[j]+del
            ansup  = fgH(aup,beta,rho,do=1)
            adn    = alpha
            adn[j] = alpha[j]-del
            ansdn  = fgH(adn,beta,rho,do=1)
            print(c(ans$g[K+j],(ansup$f-ansdn$f)/(2*del) ))


    testhessian = function(){
                                        # this function tests whether the Hessian
                                        # is really the derivative of the gradient
                                        # the code passed, but save this function for
                                        # rechecking if necessary.
                                        # call was test0(J=4,K=3)
        alpha = .5*rep(1,J)/J # start at subdistribution
        beta  = rep(0,K)
        ans   = fgH(alpha,beta,rho,do=3)

        del = 0.0001

        print("testing Hessian wrt beta")
        for( k in 1:K ){
            bup    = beta
            bup[k] = beta[k]+del
            ansup  = fgH(alpha,bup,rho,do=2)
            bdn    = beta
            bdn[k] = beta[k]-del
            ansdn  = fgH(alpha,bdn,rho,do=2)

        print("testing Hessian wrt alpha")
        for( j in 1:J ){
            aup    = alpha
            aup[j] = alpha[j]+del
            ansup  = fgH(aup,beta,rho,do=2)
            adn    = alpha
            adn[j] = alpha[j]-del
            ansdn  = fgH(adn,beta,rho,do=2)


                                        #testgradient() # worked
                                        #testhessian()  # worked

    linesearch = function(alpha,beta,rho,direction,oldf,oldg,LSalpha=.15,LSbeta=0.45){
                                        # backtracking line search, Boyd and Vandenberghe p 464, Alg 9.2
                                        # line search parameters:
                                        #    LSbeta  typically between .1 (crude search) and .8
                                        #    LSalpha typically between .01 and 0.30

                                        #print("in linesearch")
        tval = 1
            newbeta  = beta  + tval * direction[1:K]
            newalpha = alpha + tval * direction[K+(1:J)]
            newfg = fgH(newalpha,newbeta,rho,do=1)
                                        #  print("newfg");print(newfg)
            if( fgH(newalpha,newbeta,rho,do=0) &&
               (newfg$f <= oldf + LSalpha * tval * direction%*%oldg) )
            tval = tval * LSbeta
                                        #  print(tval)
                                        #  print("newalpha");print(newalpha)
                                        #  print("newbeta");print(newbeta)

    svdsolve = function(A,b,epsrel=1e-9,epsabs=1e-100){
                                        # Solve Av = b via SVD
        A.svd <- svd(A)
        d <- A.svd$d
        index1 <- which(d>=(epsrel*d[1] +epsabs))
        index2 <- which(d<(epsrel*d[1] +epsabs))
        d.trun.inv <- d
        d.trun.inv[index1] <- 1/d[index1]
        d.trun.inv[index2] <- 0
        A.inv <- A.svd$v%*%diag(d.trun.inv)%*%t(A.svd$u)

    preconditionsolve = function(A, b, reltol=.Machine$double.eps){
        J <- (dim(A)[1] + 1)/2
        p <- sqrt(median(abs(A[1:(J-1), 1:(J-1)]))/median(abs(A[J:(2*J-1), J:(2*J - 1)])))
        P.vec <- c(rep(1, J - 1), rep(p, J))
        P <- diag(P.vec)
        A.pc <- P%*%A%*%P
        if(kappa(A.pc) < kappa(A)){
            x <- try(as.vector(P %*% svdsolve(A.pc, P%*%b)), silent = TRUE)
            x <- try(as.vector(svdsolve(A, b)), silent = TRUE)

    dampednewton = function(alpha,beta,rho,reltol){
                                        # From Boyd and Vandenberghe p 487, Alg 9.5
        done = FALSE
        inct <- 0
        oldf <- -Inf
        while( 1 ){
            vals  = fgH(alpha,beta,rho,do=3)
                solstatus <- "exact"
            oldf <- vals$f

                                        #  print(vals)
            ## print(svd(vals$H)$d)
                                        #  newtonstep = -solve(vals$H,vals$g,reltol=1e-50) # aggressively small reltol here
            ## print("singular values of vals$H")
            ## print(svd(vals$H)$d)
            ## file <- "../Routput/singularvalH"
            ## sink(file)
            ## print("singular values of vals$H")
            ## print(svd(vals$H)$d)
            ## sink()
            newtonstep = try(-preconditionsolve(vals$H,vals$g), silent = TRUE)
                                        #  print("newtonstep"); print(newtonstep)
            if(class(newtonstep) == "try-error"){
                if(isTRUE(all.equal(vals$g, rep(0, length(vals$g))))){
                    solstatus <- "exact"
                    ## save(alpha, beta, vals, file = "exdata/errorvals.RData")
                    print("returning inexact solution")
                    solstatus <- "inexact"
                    ## H <- vals$H
                    ## save(x, y, z, H, alpha, beta, rho, eps,file = "../errorworkspace/largeconditionerrorH.RData")
                    ## print("largeconditionerrorH.RData saved")
                    ## stop("condition number still too large after preconditioning")

            decrement  = - (vals$g %*% newtonstep)[1,1]/2
            ## print(paste("vals$f", vals$f))
            ## print(paste("vals$f0", vals$f0))
            ## print(paste("decrement", decrement))
            reldecrement = decrement/vals$f
            if( reldecrement <= reltol ){
                solstatus <- "exact"
            tval  = linesearch(alpha,beta,rho,newtonstep,vals$f,vals$g)
                                        #  print("tval from linesearch");print(tval)
            beta  = beta  + tval * newtonstep[1:K]
            alpha = alpha + tval * newtonstep[K+(1:J)]
                                        #  print("alpha");print(alpha)
                                        #  print("beta");print(beta)
            inct = inct + 1
            if(inct >= maxin){
                print("Reaching maximum inner iterations")
                solstatus <- "semiexact"
                print(paste("decrement", decrement))
                print(paste("vals$f", vals$f))
        ## print(paste("inct", inct))
        ## print(paste("sum(alpha)", sum(alpha)))
        list(alpha=alpha,beta=beta, solstatus = solstatus, inct = inct)

        alpha = eps + delta
        alpha = a0
        beta = rep(0,K)
        beta = b0

                                        # Use Boyd and Vandenberghe p 569, Alg 11.1, Barrier method
                                        # with comments on choice of parameters

    ## print("starting alpha")
    ## print(alpha)
    initfgH <- fgH(alpha, beta, rho=1, do=2)
    ## rho0 <-  lm(initfgH$g0 ~ initfgH$gphi - 1)$coef[[1]] # initial value of penalty factor (their 1/t)
    rho <- rho0
    mu  = 10    # penalty increase factor
    outer.ct <- 0
    inct.vec <- c()
        thedn  = dampednewton(alpha,beta,rho,reltol=reltol)
        inct.vec <- c(inct.vec, thedn$inct)
        if(thedn$solstatus == "inexact"){
            warning("cannot achieve required relerr")
            thevar = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=0,do=1)$f
            dual.opt <- thevar - (J+1)*rho*mu
            if(dual.opt > 0){
                relerr <- (J+1)*rho*mu/dual.opt
                print("relative error of the last available exact solution")
                abserr <- (J+1)*rho*mu
                print("absolute error of the last available exact solution")
                print("thevar at last available exact solution, i.e. the value of the unpenalized objective function at the solution")

        alpha  = thedn$alpha
        beta   = thedn$beta
        thevar = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=0,do=1)$f
                                        #  print(thevar)
        dual.opt <- thevar - (J+1)*rho
        if( (J+1)*rho < dual.opt*relerr ){ #Boyd p 242 relerr
            ## print("relative error reached relerr")
            relerr <- (J+1)*rho/thevar
        f      = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=0,do=1)$f
        rhopen = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=rho,do=1)$f-f
        rho = rho/mu
        outer.ct <- outer.ct + 1
        if(outer.ct >= maxout){
            print("Reaching maximum outer iterations")
    ## print("alpha")
    ## print(alpha)
    ## print("sum(alpha)")
    ## print(sum(alpha))
    ## print("number of outer iterations")
    ## print(outer.ct)
    ## print("number of inner iterations")
    ## print(inct.vec)
    ## print("total inner iterations")
    ## print(inner)

    f      = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=0,do=1)$f
    rhopen = fgH(alpha,beta,rho=rho,do=1)$f-f
    ## print(paste("outer loops", log(rho0/rho,mu)))
    list(x=x, y=y, z=z, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,rho=rho,f=f,rhopen=rhopen, outer.count =outer.ct, inner.counts = inct.vec, relerr = relerr, alphasum = sum(alpha))
thq80/Owen_2000_Safe-and-Effective-IS documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:53 a.m.