
Defines functions plot.annual.SPR.targets plot.SPR.table get_YPR get_SPR plot.maturity plot.waa plot.index.age.comp.bubbles plot.index.input plot.catch.age.comp.bubbles plot.catch.by.fleet plot.M plot.cv plot.fleet.F plot.SARC.R.SSB plot.recr.ssb.yr plot.recruitment.devs plot.NAA plot.SSB.AA plot.SSB.F.trend plot.q.trend plot.index.sel.blocks plot.fleet.sel.blocks plot.index.age.comp.resids plot.catch.age.comp.resids multinomial.pearson.fn plot.index.age.comp plot.catch.age.comp plot.NAA.res plot.NAA.4.panel plot.index.4.panel plot.catch.4.panel plot.fleet.stdresids.fn plot.index.stdresids.fn plot.ecov.stdresids.fn plot.all.stdresids.fn get.wham.results.fn RMSE.table.fn get.RMSEs.fn hi.cor.fn residual.bubbleplot.fn plot.ll.table.fn fit.summary.text.plot.fn mypalette plot.osa.residuals plot.ecov

plot.ecov <- function(mod, plot.pad = FALSE, do.tex=FALSE, do.png=FALSE, fontfam="", res=72, od){
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  years <- seq(from=dat$year1_Ecov, by=1, length.out=dat$n_years_Ecov)
  years_full <- seq(from=dat$year1_Ecov, by=1, length.out=dat$n_years_Ecov+dat$n_years_proj_Ecov)

  ecov.pred = mod$rep$Ecov_x
  ecov.obs = dat$Ecov_obs[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  # ecov.obs.sig = mod$rep$Ecov_obs_sigma # Ecov_obs_sigma now a derived quantity in sdrep
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    sdrep = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    sdrep = mod$sdrep

  ecov.obs.sig = mod$rep$Ecov_obs_sigma # Ecov_obs_sigma is filled with fixed, or estimated values (fe or re) for each covariate depending on the respective options
  # if("Ecov_obs_logsigma" %in% names(mod$env$par)){
  #   ecov.obs.sig = matrix(exp(sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "Ecov_obs_logsigma",1]), ncol=dat$n_Ecov) # all the same bc obs_sig_var --> 0
  #   if(dim(ecov.obs.sig)[1] == 1) ecov.obs.sig = matrix(rep(ecov.obs.sig, dim(ecov.obs)[1]), ncol=dat$n_Ecov, byrow=T)
  # } else {
  #   ecov.obs.sig = exp(mod$input$par$Ecov_obs_logsigma)
  # }
  ecov.use = dat$Ecov_use_obs[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  ecov.obs.sig = ecov.obs.sig[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  ecov.obs.sig[ecov.use == 0] <- NA
  ecov.pred.se = matrix(sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "Ecov_x",2], ncol=dat$n_Ecov)

  # default: don't plot the padded entries that weren't used in ecov likelihood
  if(!plot.pad) ecov.obs[ecov.use == 0] <- NA

  ecov.res = (ecov.obs - ecov.pred[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,]) / ecov.obs.sig # standard residual (obs - pred)

  ecovs <- 1:dat$n_Ecov
  plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_Ecov)
  for (i in ecovs)
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)

    ecov.pred.low <- ecov.pred[,i] - 1.96 * ecov.pred.se[,i]
    ecov.pred.high <- ecov.pred[,i] + 1.96 * ecov.pred.se[,i]
    ecov.low <- ecov.obs[,i] - 1.96 * ecov.obs.sig[,i]
    ecov.high <- ecov.obs[,i] + 1.96 * ecov.obs.sig[,i]
    y.min <- ifelse(min(ecov.low,na.rm=T) < 0, 1.1*min(ecov.low,na.rm=T), 0.9*min(ecov.low,na.rm=T))
    y.max <- ifelse(max(ecov.high,na.rm=T) < 0, 0.9*max(ecov.high,na.rm=T), 1.1*max(ecov.high,na.rm=T))
    if(max(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T) > y.max) y.max <- max(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T)
    if(min(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T) < y.min) y.min <- min(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T)
    plot(years_full, ecov.pred[,i], type='n', xlab="Year", ylab=unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i],
         ylim=c(y.min, y.max))
    polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(ecov.pred.low, rev(ecov.pred.high)), col=adjustcolor(plot.colors[i], alpha.f=0.4), border = "transparent")
    arrows(years, ecov.low, years, ecov.high, length=0)
    points(years, ecov.obs[,i], pch=19)
    lines(years_full, ecov.pred[,i], col=plot.colors[i], lwd=3)
    title (paste0("Ecov ",i, ": ",unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i]), outer=T, line=-1)
    if(dat$n_years_proj_Ecov > 0) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2)

    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  #plot standard deviations if estimated as random effects
  ecov.obs.sigma.cv = as.list(mod$sdrep, "Std")$Ecov_obs_logsigma_re
  for (i in ecovs) if(dat$Ecov_obs_sigma_opt[i]==4)
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,"_sig_re.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,'_sig_re.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    sigmas = ecov.obs.sig[,i]
    sigmas.cv = ecov.obs.sigma.cv[,i]
    sigmas.low <- exp(log(sigmas) - 1.96 * sigmas.cv)
    sigmas.high <- exp(log(sigmas) + 1.96 * sigmas.cv)
    y.min = min(sigmas.low, na.rm =T)
    y.max = max(sigmas.high, na.rm =T)
    plot(years, sigmas, type='n', xlab="Year", ylab=unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i],
         ylim=c(y.min, y.max))
    polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(sigmas.low, rev(sigmas.high)), col=adjustcolor(plot.colors[i], alpha.f=0.4), border = "transparent")
    points(years, sigmas, pch=19)
    lines(years, sigmas, col=plot.colors[i], lwd=3)
    title (paste0("Ecov ",i, ": ",unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i], " SD"), outer=T, line=-1)
    if(dat$n_years_proj_Ecov > 0) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2)

    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

plot.osa.residuals <- function(mod, do.tex=FALSE, do.png=FALSE, fontfam="", res=72, od){
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years <- mod$years
  if("logcatch" %in% mod$osa$type){
    dat <- subset(mod$osa, type == "logcatch")
    dat$fleet <- factor(as.character(dat$fleet))
    n.fleets <- length(table(dat$fleet))
    plot.colors = mypalette(n.fleets)
    for(f in 1:n.fleets){
      tmp <- subset(dat, fleet==names(table(dat$fleet))[f])
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_catch_4panel_fleet_",f,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_catch_4panel_fleet_",f,'.png')), width = 10*res, height = 10*res, res = res, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))

      # set plot lims using max residual for any component (easier to compare if all the same)
      ylim.max <- max(abs(range(dat$residual, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(is.infinite(ylim.max)) {
        cat("Infinite osa residuals for aggregate catch in fleet ", f, ", so using +/-10 for range of y axis \n")
        ylim.max = 10
      ylims <- c(-ylim.max, ylim.max)

      # 1. trend vs. year
      plot(years, tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Year", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 2. trend vs. fitted val
      plot(mod$rep$pred_log_catch[1:length(mod$years),f], tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Log(Predicted Catch)", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 3. histogram
      xfit<-seq(-ylim.max, ylim.max, length=100)
      hist(tmp$residual, ylim=c(0,1.05*max(yfit)), xlim=ylims, plot=T, xlab="OSA Residuals", ylab="Probability Density", col=plot.colors[f], freq=F, main=NULL, breaks="scott")
      lines(xfit, yfit)

      # 4. QQ plot modified from car:::qqPlot.default
      notNA <- tmp$residual[!is.na(tmp$residual)]
      ord.x <- notNA[order(notNA)]
      n <- length(ord.x)
      P <- ppoints(n)
      z <- qnorm(P, mean=0, sd=1)
      plot(z, ord.x, xlab="Std Normal Quantiles", ylab="OSA Residual Quantiles", main="", type = "n")
      grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
      points(z, ord.x, col=plot.colors[f], pch=19)
      abline(0,1, col=plot.colors[f])
      conf = 0.95
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
      SE <- (1/dnorm(z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
      upper <- z + zz * SE
      lower <- z - zz * SE
      lines(z, upper, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])
      lines(z, lower, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])

      title (paste0("OSA residual diagnostics: Fleet ",f), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  if("catchpaa" %in% mod$osa$type) {
    dat <- subset(mod$osa, type == "catchpaa")
    n.fleets <- mod$input$data$n_fleets
    plot.colors = mypalette(n.fleets)
    for(f in 1:n.fleets) if(any(mod$input$data$use_catch_paa[,f]==1)){
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_paa_6panel_fleet_",f,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_paa_6panel_fleet_",f,'.png')), width = 10*res, height = 10*res, res = res, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(3,2))
      yind = which(mod$input$data$use_catch_paa[,f] ==1)
      resids = vals = ages = pyears = cohorts = matrix(NA, nrow = mod$input$data$n_years_model, 
        ncol = mod$input$data$n_ages)
      for(j in yind){
        tmp = subset(dat, year == j & fleet == paste0("fleet_",f))
        resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
        vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
        ages[j,tmp$age] = tmp$age
        pyears[j,tmp$age] = mod$years[tmp$year]
        cohorts[j,tmp$age] = tmp$cohort

      # set plot lims using max residual for any component (easier to compare if all the same)
      ylim.max <- max(abs(range(resids, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(is.infinite(ylim.max)) {
        cat("Infinite osa residuals for catch proportions at age in fleet ", f, ", so using +/-10 for range \n")
        ylim.max = 10
      ylims <- c(-ylim.max, ylim.max)

      #plot_years = rep(years, NCOL(resids))#years[as.integer(tmp$year)]
      # 1. trend vs. year
      plot(as.integer(pyears), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Year", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 2. trend vs. age
      plot(as.integer(ages), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Age", ylab="OSA Residuals",
           ylim=ylims, xaxt ="n")
      axis(1, at = 1:mod$input$data$n_ages, labels = mod$ages.lab)
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 3. trend vs. cohort
      plot(min(years) + as.integer(cohorts), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Cohort", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 4. trend vs. observed val
      plot(vals, resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Observed proportion", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 5. histogram
      xfit<-seq(-ylim.max, ylim.max, length=100)
      hist(resids, ylim=c(0,1.05*max(yfit)), xlim=ylims, plot=T, xlab="OSA Residuals", ylab="Probability Density", col=plot.colors[f], freq=F, main=NULL, breaks="scott")
      lines(xfit, yfit)
      # 6. QQ plot modified from car:::qqPlot.default
      notNA <- resids[!is.na(resids)]
      ord.x <- notNA[order(notNA)]
      n <- length(ord.x)
      P <- ppoints(n)
      z <- qnorm(P, mean=0, sd=1)
      plot(z, ord.x, xlab="Std Normal Quantiles", ylab="OSA Residual Quantiles", main="", type = "n")
      grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
      points(z, ord.x, col=plot.colors[f], pch=19)
      abline(0,1, col=plot.colors[f])
      conf = 0.95
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
      SE <- (1/dnorm(z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
      upper <- z + zz * SE
      lower <- z - zz * SE
      lines(z, upper, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])
      lines(z, lower, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])

      title (paste0("age composition OSA residual diagnostics: Fleet ",f), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  if("logindex" %in% mod$osa$type){
    dat <- subset(mod$osa, type == "logindex")
    dat$fleet <- factor(as.character(dat$fleet))
    n.fleets <- length(table(dat$fleet))
    plot.colors = mypalette(n.fleets)
    for(f in 1:n.fleets){
      tmp <- subset(dat, fleet==names(table(dat$fleet))[f])
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_catch_4panel_index_",f,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_catch_4panel_index_",f,'.png')), width = 10*res, height = 10*res, res = res, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))

      # set plot lims using max residual for any component (easier to compare if all the same)
      ylim.max <- max(abs(range(dat$residual, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(is.infinite(ylim.max)) {
        cat("Infinite osa residuals for aggregate indices in  index ", f, ", so using +/-10 for range of y axis \n")
        ylim.max = 10
      ylims <- c(-ylim.max, ylim.max)

      # make robust to missing years
      tmp$year <- years[tmp$year]
      tmp <- rbind(tmp[c("year","residual")], data.frame(year=years[!(years %in% tmp$year)], residual=rep(NA, length(years[!(years %in% tmp$year)]))))
      tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$year),]
      # 1. trend vs. year
      plot(tmp$year, tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Year", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 2. trend vs. fitted val
      plot(mod$rep$pred_log_indices[1:length(mod$years),f], tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Log(Predicted Index)", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 3. histogram
      xfit<-seq(-ylim.max, ylim.max, length=100)
      hist(tmp$residual, ylim=c(0,1.05*max(yfit)), xlim=ylims, plot=T, xlab="OSA Residuals", ylab="Probability Density", col=plot.colors[f], freq=F, main=NULL, breaks="scott")
      lines(xfit, yfit)

      # 4. QQ plot modified from car:::qqPlot.default
      notNA <- tmp$residual[!is.na(tmp$residual)]
      ord.x <- notNA[order(notNA)]
      n <- length(ord.x)
      P <- ppoints(n)
      z <- qnorm(P, mean=0, sd=1)
      plot(z, ord.x, xlab="Std Normal Quantiles", ylab="OSA Residual Quantiles", main="", type = "n")
      grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
      points(z, ord.x, col=plot.colors[f], pch=19)
      abline(0,1, col=plot.colors[f])
      conf = 0.95
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
      SE <- (1/dnorm(z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
      upper <- z + zz * SE
      lower <- z - zz * SE
      lines(z, upper, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])
      lines(z, lower, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])

      title (paste0("OSA residual diagnostics: Index ",f), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  if("indexpaa" %in% mod$osa$type) {
    dat <- subset(mod$osa, type == "indexpaa")
    dat$fleet <- factor(as.character(dat$fleet))
    dat$residual[which(is.infinite(dat$residual))] = NA #some happen for zeros or last age class
    #dat$residual[which(as.integer(dat$age) == mod$input$data$n_ages)] = NA #remove last age class
    n.indices <- mod$input$data$n_indices
    plot.colors = mypalette(n.indices)

    for(i in 1:n.indices) if(any(mod$input$data$use_index_paa[,i]==1)){
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_paa_6panel_index_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_paa_6panel_index_",i,'.png')), width = 10*res, height = 10*res, res = res, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)

      par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(3,2))
      yind = which(mod$input$data$use_index_paa[,i] ==1)
      resids = vals = ages = pyears = cohorts = matrix(NA, nrow = mod$input$data$n_years_model, 
        ncol = mod$input$data$n_ages)
      for(j in yind){
        tmp = subset(dat, year == j & fleet == paste0("index_",i))
        resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
        vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
        ages[j,tmp$age] = tmp$age
        pyears[j,tmp$age] = mod$years[tmp$year]
        cohorts[j,tmp$age] = tmp$cohort

      # set plot lims using max residual for any component (easier to compare if all the same)
      ylim.max <- max(abs(range(resids, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(is.infinite(ylim.max)) {
        cat("Infinite osa residuals for proportions at age in  index ", f, ", so using +/-10 for range \n")
        ylim.max = 10
      ylims <- c(-ylim.max, ylim.max)

      #plot_years = rep(years, NCOL(resids))#years[as.integer(tmp$year)]
      # 1. trend vs. year
      plot(as.integer(pyears), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=19, xlab="Year", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 2. trend vs. age
      plot(as.integer(ages), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=19, xlab="Age", ylab="OSA Residuals",
           ylim=ylims, xaxt ="n")
      axis(1, at = 1:mod$input$data$n_ages, labels = mod$ages.lab)
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 3. trend vs. cohort
      plot(min(years) + as.integer(cohorts), resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=19, xlab="Cohort", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 4. trend vs. observed val
      plot(vals, resids, type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=19, xlab="Observed proportion", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      grid(lty = 2, col = "grey")
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
      abline(h=-qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      abline(h=qnorm(0.975), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, lty = 2)
      # 5. histogram
      xfit<-seq(-ylim.max, ylim.max, length=100)
      hist(resids, ylim=c(0,1.05*max(yfit)), xlim=ylims, plot=T, xlab="OSA Residuals", ylab="Probability Density", col=plot.colors[i], freq=F, main=NULL, breaks="scott")
      lines(xfit, yfit)
      # 6. QQ plot modified from car:::qqPlot.default
      notNA <- resids[!is.na(resids)]
      ord.x <- notNA[order(notNA)]
      n <- length(ord.x)
      P <- ppoints(n)
      z <- qnorm(P, mean=0, sd=1)
      plot(z, ord.x, xlab="Std Normal Quantiles", ylab="OSA Residual Quantiles", main="", type = "n")
      grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
      points(z, ord.x, col=plot.colors[i], pch=19)
      abline(0,1, col=plot.colors[i])
      conf = 0.95
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
      SE <- (1/dnorm(z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
      upper <- z + zz * SE
      lower <- z - zz * SE
      lines(z, upper, lty=2, col=plot.colors[i])
      lines(z, lower, lty=2, col=plot.colors[i])

      title (paste0("age composition OSA residual diagnostics: Index ",i), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  if(!all(mod$env$data$Ecov_model == 0)){
    dat <- subset(mod$osa, type == "Ecov")
    dat$fleet <- factor(as.character(dat$fleet))
    n.fleets <- length(table(dat$fleet))
    plot.colors = mypalette(n.fleets)
    for(f in 1:n.fleets){
      tmp <- subset(dat, fleet==names(table(dat$fleet))[f])
      ecov_years = mod$env$data$year1_Ecov + 0:(mod$env$data$n_years_Ecov-1)
      tmp$year <- ecov_years[tmp$year+1] # year in osa is MODEL year, not Ecov year
      # tmp$year <- seq(mod$env$data$year1_Ecov, by=1, length.out=mod$env$data$n_years_Ecov)
#      if(mod$env$data$year1_Ecov < mod$env$data$year1_model){
#        tmp <- rbind(data.frame(year=seq(mod$env$data$year1_Ecov, length.out=mod$env$data$year1_model-mod$env$data$year1_Ecov),
#                                fleet=names(table(dat$fleet))[f],
#                                age=NA, type="Ecov", val=NA, ind=NA, residual=NA), tmp)
#      }
#      end_Ecov <- mod$env$data$year1_Ecov + mod$env$data$n_years_Ecov - 1
#      end_model <- mod$env$data$year1_model + mod$env$data$n_years_model - 1
#      if(end_Ecov > end_model){
#        tmp <- rbind(tmp, data.frame(year=seq(end_model+1, length.out=end_Ecov-end_model),
#                                fleet=names(table(dat$fleet))[f],
#                                age=NA, type="Ecov", val=NA, ind=NA, residual=NA))
#      }
      tmp$pred <- mod$rep$Ecov_x[1:dim(tmp)[1],f]
      tmp <- subset(tmp, !is.nan(tmp$residual))
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_ecov_4panel_",f,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("OSA_resid_ecov_4panel_",f,'.png')), width = 10*res, height = 10*res, res = res, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))

      # set plot lims using max residual for any component (easier to compare if all the same)
      ylim.max <- max(abs(range(dat$residual, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(is.infinite(ylim.max)) {
        cat("Infinite osa residuals for Environmental observations in series ", f, ", so using +/-10 for range of y axis \n")
        ylim.max = 10
      ylims <- c(-ylim.max, ylim.max)

      # 1. trend vs. year
      plot(tmp$year, tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab="Year", ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 2. trend vs. fitted val
      plot(tmp$pred, tmp$residual, type='p', col=plot.colors[f], pch=19, xlab=paste0("Predicted ", mod$env$data$Ecov_label[[1]][f]), ylab="OSA Residuals",
      abline(h=0, col=plot.colors[f], lwd=2)

      # 3. histogram
      xfit<-seq(-ylim.max, ylim.max, length=100)
      hist(tmp$residual, ylim=c(0,1.05*max(yfit)), xlim=ylims, plot=T, xlab="OSA Residuals", ylab="Probability Density", col=plot.colors[f], freq=F, main=NULL, breaks="scott")
      lines(xfit, yfit)

      # 4. QQ plot modified from car:::qqPlot.default
      notNA <- tmp$residual[!is.na(tmp$residual)]
      ord.x <- notNA[order(notNA)]
      n <- length(ord.x)
      P <- ppoints(n)
      z <- qnorm(P, mean=0, sd=1)
      plot(z, ord.x, xlab="Std Normal Quantiles", ylab="OSA Residual Quantiles", main="", type = "n")
      grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
      points(z, ord.x, col=plot.colors[f], pch=19)
      abline(0,1, col=plot.colors[f])
      conf = 0.95
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
      SE <- (1/dnorm(z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
      upper <- z + zz * SE
      lower <- z - zz * SE
      lines(z, upper, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])
      lines(z, lower, lty=2, col=plot.colors[f])

      title (paste0("OSA residual diagnostics: Ecov ",f," (",mod$env$data$Ecov_label[[1]][f],")"), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

mypalette = function(n){
  palette.fn <- colorRampPalette(c("dodgerblue","green","red"), space = "Lab")

fit.summary.text.plot.fn <- function(mod){
  acm = c("Multinomial", "Dirichlet-multinomial", "Dirichlet (miss0)", "Dirichlet (pool0)","Logistic normal (miss0)",
    "Logistic normal AR1 corr (miss0)", "Logistic normal (pool0)", "ZI-logistic normal(1)","ZI-logistic normal(2)", "MV Tweedie")
  selmods = c("Age-specific", "Logistic(+)", "Double-Logistic", "Logistic(-)")
  recs <- c("Random walk","Random about mean","Bev-Holt","Ricker")
  env.mod <- c("RW", "AR1")
  # env.where <- c('Recruitment','Growth','Mortality')
  env.where <- c('Recruitment','Mortality',paste0("q for index ", 1:mod$env$data$n_indices))  
  env.how <- c("controlling", "limiting", "lethal", "masking", "directive")
  fleet_selblocks = lapply(1:mod$env$data$n_fleets, function(x) unique(mod$env$data$selblock_pointer_fleets[,x]))
  index_selblocks = lapply(1:mod$env$data$n_indices, function(x) unique(mod$env$data$selblock_pointer_indices[,x]))
  nl = 10
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,mod$model_name)
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Model years: ", min(mod$years), "-", max(mod$years)))
  proj.yrs <- tail(mod$years_full, mod$env$data$n_years_proj)
  proj.txt <- ifelse(mod$env$data$do_proj == 0, "none", paste0(min(proj.yrs), "-", max(proj.yrs)))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Projection years: ", proj.txt))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Number of fleets: ", mod$env$data$n_fleets))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, paste0("Fleet Age Comp Models: ", paste(acm[mod$env$data$age_comp_model_fleets], collapse = ", ")))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Number of indices: ", mod$env$data$n_indices))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, paste0("Index Age Comp Models: ", paste(acm[mod$env$data$age_comp_model_indices], collapse = ", ")))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Recruitment model: ", recs[mod$env$data$recruit_model]))
  if(!all(mod$env$data$Ecov_model == 0)){
    for(ec in 1:mod$env$data$n_Ecov) {
      ec.where = env.where[which(mod$env$data$Ecov_where[ec,]==1)]
      ec.mod = env.mod[mod$env$data$Ecov_model[ec]]
      ec.label = mod$env$data$Ecov_label[[1]][ec]
      if(length(ec.mod)) {
        out = paste0("Environmental covariate ", ec,": ", ec.label," modeled as ",ec.mod,".")
        if(length(ec.where)) out = paste0(out, paste0(" Effects on ", paste(ec.where,collapse = ','), " estimated."))
        else out = paste(out, " No effects estimated.")
        text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, out)
  } else {
    text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, "No Environmental covariates.")
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Number of Selectivity blocks: ", mod$env$data$n_selblocks))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, paste0("Selectivity Block Types: ", paste(selmods[mod$env$data$selblock_models], collapse = ", ")))
  for(i in 1:length(fleet_selblocks)) text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, paste0("Fleet ", i, " Selectivity Blocks: ", paste(fleet_selblocks[i], collapse = ", ")))
  for(i in 1:length(index_selblocks)) text(5,nl <- nl-0.5, paste0("Index ", i, " Selectivity Blocks: ", paste(index_selblocks[i], collapse = ", ")))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Run date: ",format(mod$date, usetz = TRUE)))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Run directory: ",mod$dir))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("WHAM version: ",mod$wham_version)) 
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("TMB version: ",mod$TMB_version)) 

    text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("sdreport() performed",
      ifelse(mod$na_sdrep, ", but with NAs for some variance estimates.", " with all variance estimates provided.")))
    text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,"Warning: run did not provide pos-def Hessian or sdreport() not performed", col="red")
  mgind = which(abs(mod$final_gradient) == max(abs(mod$final_gradient)))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Maximum absolute gradient: ", names(mod$opt$par)[mgind]," ", format(mod$final_gradient[mgind],digits =4)))
  text(5,nl <- nl-0.5,paste0("Number of fixed effects = ",length(mod$opt$par),", Number of random effects = ", length(mod$env$random)))


plot.ll.table.fn <- function(mod,plot.colors){
  par(mfrow=c(1,1) )

  npar <- length(mod$opt$par)
  lls = mod$rep[c(grep("nll",names(mod$rep)), grep("lprior_b", names(mod$rep)))]
  ll.names = names(lls)
  #n.like <- length(lls)
  n_fleets = mod$env$data$n_fleets
  n_indices = mod$env$data$n_indices
  obs.lls = lls[names(lls) %in% c("nll_agg_catch", "nll_catch_acomp", "nll_agg_indices", "nll_index_acomp")]
  obs.lls = lapply(obs.lls, function(x) apply(x,2,sum))
  names(obs.lls$nll_agg_catch) = paste0("Fleet ", 1:n_fleets, " Catch")
  names(obs.lls$nll_catch_acomp) = paste0("Fleet ", 1:n_fleets, " Age Comp")
  names(obs.lls$nll_agg_indices) = paste0("Index ", 1:n_indices, " Catch")
  names(obs.lls$nll_index_acomp) = paste0("Index ", 1:n_indices, " Age Comp")
  names(obs.lls) = NULL
  obs.lls = unlist(obs.lls)
  n.obs.ll = length(obs.lls)
  obs.dists = character(n.obs.ll)
  names(obs.dists) = names(obs.lls)
  obs.dists[grep("Catch", names(obs.lls))] = "log(x) ~ Gaussian"
  acm = c("Multinomial", "Dirichlet-multinomial", "Dirichlet (miss0)", "Dirichlet (pool0)","Logistic normal (miss0)",
    "Logistic normal AR1 corr (miss0)", "Logistic normal (pool0)", "ZI-logistic normal(1)","ZI-logistic normal(2)", "MV Tweedie")
  obs.dists[paste0("Fleet ", 1:n_fleets, " Age Comp")] = paste0("x ~ ", acm[mod$env$data$age_comp_model_fleets])
  obs.dists[paste0("Index ", 1:n_indices, " Age Comp")] = paste0("x ~ ", acm[mod$env$data$age_comp_model_indices])

  proc.lls = lls[names(lls) %in% c("nll_M", "nll_NAA", "nll_recruit", "lprior_b")]
  names(proc.lls) = c("M", "NAA", "recruit", "W_b_M")[match(names(proc.lls),c("nll_M", "nll_NAA", "nll_recruit", "lprior_b"))]
  proc.lls = unlist(lapply(proc.lls, sum))
  n.proc.ll = length(proc.lls)
  proc.dists = rep("log(x) ~ Gaussian", n.proc.ll)
  likes = -c(obs.lls, proc.lls)
  n.likes = length(likes)
  my.range <- 1.2*range(likes)#c(min(likes), 1.2*max(likes))
  par(mar=c(5,10,1,1), oma=c(1,0,0,0))
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n.likes)
  barplot(horiz=TRUE, likes, beside=FALSE, col=plot.colors, xlab="Conditional log-likelihood components",  axisnames=FALSE,  axes=FALSE,  space=0,
  axis(side=1, at=pretty(seq(my.range[1],my.range[2]), n=10), labels=pretty(seq(my.range[1],my.range[2]), n=10), cex=.75 )
  axis(side=2, at=seq(0.5,(n.likes-0.5)), labels= names(likes), las=2)
  axis(side=2, at=seq(0.5,(n.likes-0.5))-0.2, labels = c(obs.dists,proc.dists), las = 2, tick = FALSE)
  text(x= likes, y=seq(0.5,(n.likes-0.5)), labels=round(likes,0), cex=0.8, pos=ifelse(likes>0, 4, 2))
  #title(paste0("Components of Obj. Function (", round(as.numeric(asap$like[1]),0), "), npar=", npar), cex=0.9 )
  title(sub=paste0("Model: ", mod$model_name, "     ", mod$date))

residual.bubbleplot.fn = function(x, x.cats, y.cats, scale.bubble = 0.25*25, ylab = "Pearson Residuals", xlab = "Age"){
  resids <- x  # NOTE obs-pred
  n_y = NCOL(x)
  n_x = NROW(x)
  pos.col = "#ffffffaa"
  neg.col = "#8c8c8caa"
  range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(x))), na.rm=T)
  #scale.resid.bubble <- 25

  z <- x * scale.bubble #* scale.resid.bubble
  resid.col = ifelse(z > 0.0, pos.col, neg.col)

  plot(1:n_x, 1:n_y,  xlim = c(1,n_x), ylim = c(1,n_y), xlab = x_lab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", axes=F)
  axis(1, lab = x.cats, lwd = 2)
  axis(2, lab = y.cats, cex.axis=0.75, las=1, lwd = 2)
  box(lwd = 2)
  abline(h = 1:n_y, col="lightgray")
  segments(x0 = 1:n_x, y0 = rep(1,n_x), x1= 1:n_x, y1 = rep(n_y,n_x), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)
  for (j in 1:n_y)
    points(1:n_x, rep(j, n_x), cex = abs(z[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,],  pch = 21)

  bubble.legend1 = c(0.1, 1, 2)
  #bubble.legend1 <- c(0.01,0.05,0.1)
  bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.bubble#scale.resid.bubble*scale.bubble
  legend("topright", xpd = TRUE, legend = bubble.legend1, pch = rep(1, 3), pt.cex = bubble.legend2, horiz = TRUE, col = 'black')
  legend("topleft", xpd = TRUE, legend = c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch = rep(21, 2), pt.cex = 3, horiz = TRUE,
    pt.bg = c(neg.resid.col, pos.resid.col), col = "black")
  text(x = trunc(n_x/2), y = 0, cex = 0.8, label=paste0("Max(abs(resid)) = ",round(range.resids[2],2)))

hi.cor.fn <- function(mod, out.dir = "", do.tex = FALSE, do.csv = FALSE, cor.limit = 0.99)
  cor = mod$sdrep$cov.fixed
  cor = cor/sqrt(diag(cor) %*% t(diag(cor)))
  npar = NROW(cor)
	which.hi <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
	for(i in 2:npar) for(j in 1:(i-1))  if(cor[i,j]>cor.limit) which.hi = rbind(which.hi, c(i, j))

  hi.cor = cor[which.hi[,1],which.hi[,2]]
    out = cbind.data.frame(
      "Parameter 1" = rownames(cor)[which.hi[,1]], "Parameter 1 value" = round(mod$opt$par[which.hi[,1]],3),
      "Parameter 2" = colnames(cor)[which.hi[,2]], "Parameter 2 value" = round(mod$opt$par[which.hi[,2]],3),
      "Correlation" = round(cor[which.hi],3))

    if(do.tex) x = latex(out, file = paste0(out.dir,"hi_cor.tex"), rowlabel = '', table.env = FALSE)
    if(do.csv) write.csv(out, file = paste0(out.dir,"hi_cor.csv"))
  else cat(paste0("No fixed effects had correlations estimated greater than ", cor.limit, " \n"))

get.RMSEs.fn <- function(model)
  out <- list(RMSE=list(), RMSE_n = list())
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    sdrep = summary(model$sdrep)
  } else {
    sdrep = model$sdrep
  temp = sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "log_catch_resid",]
  catch_stdresid <- matrix(temp[,1]/temp[,2], model$env$data$n_years_model, model$env$data$n_fleets)
  temp = sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "log_index_resid",]
  index_stdresid <- matrix(temp[,1]/temp[,2], model$env$data$n_years_model, model$env$data$n_indices)
  # temp = model$env$data$catch_paa - aperm(model$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:model$env$data$n_years_model,,,drop=FALSE],c(2,1,3))
  #temp = model$env$data$catch_paa - aperm(model$rep$pred_catch_paa,c(2,1,3))

  out$RMSE$catch <- sqrt(apply(catch_stdresid^2,2,mean, na.rm = TRUE))
  out$RMSE_n$catch = apply(catch_stdresid^2,2,function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
  out$RMSE$catch_total = sqrt(mean(catch_stdresid^2, na.rm = TRUE))
  out$RMSE_n$catch_total <- sum(!is.na(catch_stdresid^2))
  out$RMSE$index <- sqrt(apply(index_stdresid^2,2,mean, na.rm = TRUE))
  out$RMSE_n$index = apply(index_stdresid^2,2,function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
  out$RMSE$index_total = sqrt(mean(index_stdresid^2, na.rm = TRUE))
  out$RMSE_n$index_total <- sum(!is.na(index_stdresid^2))
RMSE.table.fn <- function(model)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  RMSEs = get.RMSEs.fn(model)
	par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=rep(2,4), mar=c(0,0,1,0))
	rmses <- which(unlist(RMSEs$RMSE)>0)
	plot(seq(1,15), seq(1,15), type='n', axes=F, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(1,max.txt+2+ 6+2+ 8+2), ylim=c(n.rmses+4, 1))
	text(rep(1, n.rmses), seq(3,n.rmses+2), labels=names(unlist(RMSEs$RMSE)[rmses]), pos=4)
	text(rep(max.txt+2, n.rmses), seq(3,n.rmses+2), labels=unlist(RMSEs$RMSE_n)[rmses], pos=4)
	text(rep(max.txt+2+ 6+2, n.rmses), seq(3,n.rmses+2), labels=signif(as.numeric(unlist(RMSEs$RMSE)[rmses]),3), pos=4)
	text(c(1, max.txt+2, max.txt+2+ 6+2), rep( 2, 3), labels=c("Component","# resids","RMSE"), font=2, pos=4)
	title(main="Root Mean Square Error computed from Standardized Residuals", outer=T, cex=0.85)
	#if (save.plots) savePlot(paste(od, "RMSE_Comp_Table.",plotf, sep=""), type=plotf)

get.wham.results.fn = function(mod, out.dir, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE)
  years = mod$years #not used in cpp
  ages = mod$ages #not used in cpp, assumes last age is a plus group
  ny = length(years)
  na = length(ages)
  ni = mod$env$data$n_indices
  nf = mod$env$data$n_fleets

  res = list()
  res$ll = -mod$opt$obj
  res$np = length(mod$opt$par)
  res$aic = 2*(mod$opt$obj + res$np)
  #rho = mohns_rho(mod) #if no peels, then this will be NULL
  tcol <- col2rgb('black')
  black.poly <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
  tcol <- col2rgb('red')
  red.poly <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
  tcol <- col2rgb('blue')
  blue.poly <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')

  if(do.tex | do.png)
    use_outer = TRUE
    x_line = y_line = 2.5
    use_outer = FALSE
    x_line = -1
    y_line = 3
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mar = c(5,5,1,1), oma = c(1,1,1,1), mfrow = c(3,1))
  if(do.tex | do.png)
    fn = paste0(out.dir, '/SSB')
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(paste0(fn,'.pdf'), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    else png(filename = paste0(fn, '.png'), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(4,4,1,1), mfrow = c(1,1))
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  temp = temp[rownames(temp) == "log_SSB",]
  temp = exp(cbind(temp, temp[,1] + qnorm(0.975)*cbind(-temp[,2],temp[,2])))/1000
  max.y <- max(temp[,4])
  na.lim <- is.na(max.y)
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(temp[,3],rev(temp[,4])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE, line = x_line)
    mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  } else {
    max.y <- max(temp[,1])
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(temp[,3],rev(temp[,4])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE, line = x_line)
    mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  if(do.tex | do.png)
    fn = paste0(out.dir, '/recruits')
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(paste0(fn,'.pdf'), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    else png(filename = paste0(fn, '.png'), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(4,4,1,1), mfrow = c(1,1))
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "log_NAA_rep"
  templo = exp(array(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], dim = c(ny, na)))
  temphi = exp(array(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], dim = c(ny, na)))
  temp = exp(array(temp[ind,1], dim = c(ny, 8)))
  max.y <- max(temphi[,1])
  na.lim <- is.na(max.y)
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(templo[,1],rev(temphi[,1])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    if(use_outer) mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE, line = x_line)
    mtext(side = 2, "Recruits (1000s)", cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  } else {
    max.y <- max(temp[,1])
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(templo[,1],rev(temphi[,1])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    if(use_outer) mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE, line = x_line)
    mtext(side = 2, "Recruits (1000s)", cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  if(do.tex | do.png)
    fn = paste0(out.dir, '/Fbar')
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(paste0(fn,'.pdf'), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    else png(filename = paste0(fn, '.png'), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(4,4,1,1), mfrow = c(1,1))
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  temp = temp[rownames(temp) == "log_Fbar",]
  temp = exp(cbind(temp, temp[,1] + qnorm(0.975)*cbind(-temp[,2],temp[,2])))
  max.y <- max(temp[,4])
  na.lim <- is.na(max.y)
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(temp[,3],rev(temp[,4])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    if(use_outer) mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE,line = x_line)
    ar = c(min(mod$env$data$Fbar_ages), max(mod$env$data$Fbar_ages))
    mtext(side = 2, paste0("Average F (",ar[1],"-",ar[2],")"), cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  } else {
    max.y <- max(temp[,1])
    plot(years,temp[,1], type = 'n', ylim = c(0,max.y), xlab = "", ylab = '', axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    axis(2, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    lines(years,temp[,1], lwd = 2)
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(temp[,3],rev(temp[,4])), col = black.poly, border = "transparent")
    box(lwd = 2)
    if(use_outer) mtext(side = 1, "Year", cex = 2, outer = TRUE,line = x_line)
    ar = c(min(mod$env$data$Fbar_ages), max(mod$env$data$Fbar_ages))
    mtext(side = 2, paste0("Average F (",ar[1],"-",ar[2],")"), cex = 2, outer = use_outer, line = y_line)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.all.stdresids.fn = function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  years = mod$years
  # load Ecov residuals
  xe <- NULL
  if(!all(mod$env$data$Ecov_model == 0)){
    ny = mod$env$data$n_years_Ecov
    ni = mod$env$data$n_Ecov
    if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
      temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
    } else {
      temp = mod$sdrep
    ind = rownames(temp) == "Ecov_resid"
    templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
    temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
    temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
    xe = data.frame(Label = integer(),
      Year = numeric(),
      Stdres = numeric(),
      lo = numeric(),
      hi = numeric())
    for(i in 1:ni)
      ind = which(mod$env$data$Ecov_use_obs[,i] == 1)
      td = data.frame(Label = rep(i,length(ind)),
        Year = mod$input$data$Ecov_year[ind],
        Stdres = temp[ind,i],
        lo = templo[ind,i],
        hi = temphi[ind,i])
      xe <- rbind(xe, td)
    xe$row = xe$Label
    xe$Label = factor(xe$Label)
    levels(xe$Label) = mod$env$data$Ecov_label[[1]]
    xe$type = "Ecov"

  # load Index residuals
  ny = mod$env$data$n_years_model
  ni = mod$env$data$n_indices
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "log_index_resid"
  templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
  xi = data.frame(Label = integer(),
    Year = numeric(),
    Stdres = numeric(),
    lo = numeric(),
    hi = numeric())
  for(i in 1:ni)
    ind = which(mod$env$data$use_indices[,i] == 1)
    td = data.frame(Label = rep(i,length(ind)),
      Year = years[ind],
      Stdres = temp[ind,i],
      lo = templo[ind,i],
      hi = temphi[ind,i])
    xi <- rbind(xi, td)
  xi$row = xi$Label
  xi$Label = factor(xi$Label)
  levels(xi$Label) = paste0("Index ",1:length(table(xi$Label)))
  xi$type = "Index"
  # if(!is.null(index.names)) levels(x$Index) = index.names

  # load catch data (fleet)
  ny = mod$env$data$n_years_model
  ni = mod$env$data$n_fleets
  if(missing(years)) years = mod$years
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "log_catch_resid"
  templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
  xc = data.frame(Label = integer(),
    Year = numeric(),
    Stdres = numeric(),
    lo = numeric(),
    hi = numeric())
  for(i in 1:ni)
    td = data.frame(Label = rep(i,ny),
      Year = years,
      Stdres = temp[,i],
      lo = templo[,i],
      hi = temphi[,i])
    xc <- rbind(xc, td)
  xc$row = xc$Label
  xc$Label = factor(xc$Label)
  levels(xc$Label) = paste0("Fleet ",1:length(table(xc$Label)))
  xc$type = "Catch"
  # if(!is.null(fleet.names)) levels(xc$Fleet) = fleet.names

  x <- rbind(xe, xi, xc)
  x$row = factor(x$row)
  x$type = factor(x$type)

  ggp = ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y = Stdres, color=type, fill=type)) +
    # ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=lo, ymax=hi, fill=type), alpha=0.3, linetype = 0) +
    # ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
    #ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", alpha=0.2) +
    ggplot2::geom_smooth(formula = y ~ x, method = "lm", alpha=0.2) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(size=0.8) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Standardized residual") +
    # expand_limits(y=0) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
    # ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    # ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    # ggplot2::facet_grid(type ~ row)
    # ggplot2::facet_grid(row ~ type)
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_time.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_time.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()
  # return(ggp)

plot.ecov.stdresids.fn = function(mod, years, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, plot.colors, od)
  ny = mod$env$data$n_years_Ecov
  ni = mod$env$data$n_Ecov
  if(missing(years)) years = mod$years
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(ni)
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "Ecov_resid"
  templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
  x = data.frame(Ecov = integer(),
    Year = numeric(),
    Stdres = numeric(),
    lo = numeric(),
    hi = numeric())
  for(i in 1:ni)
    ind = which(mod$env$data$Ecov_use_obs[,i] == 1)
    td = data.frame(Ecov = rep(i,length(ind)),
      Year = years[ind],
      Stdres = temp[ind,i],
      lo = templo[ind,i],
      hi = temphi[ind,i])
    x <- rbind(x, td)
  x$Ecov = factor(x$Ecov)
  levels(x$Ecov) = mod$env$data$Ecov_label[[1]]
  names(plot.colors) = levels(x$Ecov)
  ggp = ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y = Stdres, color=Ecov)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
    ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=lo, ymax=hi, fill=Ecov), alpha=0.3, linetype = 0) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Standardized residual") +
    # expand_limits(y=0) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Ecov, ncol=1)
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_ecov_time.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_ecov_time.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()
  # return(ggp)

plot.index.stdresids.fn = function(mod, years, index.names = NULL, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, plot.colors, od)
  ny = mod$env$data$n_years_model
  ni = mod$env$data$n_indices
  if(missing(years)) years = mod$years
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(ni)
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "log_index_resid"
  templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
  x = data.frame(Index = integer(),
    Year = numeric(),
    Stdres = numeric(),
    lo = numeric(),
    hi = numeric())
  for(i in 1:ni)
    ind = which(mod$env$data$use_indices[,i] == 1)
    td = data.frame(Index = rep(i,length(ind)),
      Year = years[ind],
      Stdres = temp[ind,i],
      lo = templo[ind,i],
      hi = temphi[ind,i])
    x <- rbind(x, td)
  x$Index = factor(x$Index)
  names(plot.colors)= levels(x$Index)
  if(!is.null(index.names)) levels(x$Index) = index.names
  ggp = ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y = Stdres, color=Index)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
    ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=lo, ymax=hi, fill=Index), alpha=0.3, linetype = 0) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Standardized residual") +
    ggplot2::expand_limits(y=0) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Index, ncol=1)
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_log_index_time.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_log_index_time.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()
  # return(ggp)

plot.fleet.stdresids.fn = function(mod, years, fleet.names = NULL, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, plot.colors, od)
  ny = mod$env$data$n_years_model
  ni = mod$env$data$n_fleets
  if(missing(years)) years = mod$years
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(ni)
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    temp = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    temp = mod$sdrep
  ind = rownames(temp) == "log_catch_resid"
  templo = matrix(temp[ind,1] - qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temphi = matrix(temp[ind,1] + qnorm(0.975)*temp[ind,2], ny, ni)
  temp = matrix(temp[ind,1], ny, ni)
  x = data.frame(Fleet = integer(),
    Year = numeric(),
    Stdres = numeric(),
    lo = numeric(),
    hi = numeric())
  for(i in 1:ni)
    td = data.frame(Fleet = rep(i,ny),
      Year = years,
      Stdres = temp[,i],
      lo = templo[,i],
      hi = temphi[,i])
    x <- rbind(x, td)
  x$Fleet = factor(x$Fleet)
  if(!is.null(fleet.names)) levels(x$Fleet) = fleet.names
  names(plot.colors)= levels(x$Fleet)
  ggp = ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y = Stdres, color=Fleet)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=plot.colors) +
    ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=lo, ymax=hi, fill=Fleet), alpha=0.3, linetype = 0) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Standardized residual") +
    ggplot2::expand_limits(y=0) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Fleet, ncol=1)
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_log_catch_time.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Residuals_log_catch_time.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()
  # return(ggp)

plot.catch.4.panel <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years <- mod$years
  dat = mod$env$data
  years_full = mod$years_full
  pred_log_catch = mod$rep$pred_log_catch
  pred_catch = exp(pred_log_catch)
  sigma = dat$agg_catch_sigma %*% diag(exp(mod$parList$log_catch_sig_scale)) # dims: [ny,nf] x [nf]
  catch = dat$agg_catch
  log_stdres = (log(catch) - pred_log_catch[1:length(years),])/sigma # cpp already bias-corrects if bias_correct_oe = 1
  if(!missing(use.i)) fleets <- use.i
  else fleets <- 1:dat$n_fleets
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_fleets)
	for (i in fleets)
		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Catch_4panel_fleet_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Catch_4panel_fleet_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))
		plot(years_full, pred_catch[,i], col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, type='l', xlab="Year", ylab="Total Catch",
			ylim=c(0, 1.1*max(c(catch[,i],pred_catch[,i]))))
    points(years, catch[,i], col=plot.colors[i], pch=1)
    if(mod$env$data$n_fleets == 1){
      if(length(years_full) > length(years)){
        abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
		log.ob.min <- log(catch[,i])-1.96*sigma[,i]
		log.ob.max <- log(catch[,i])+1.96*sigma[,i]
		plot(years_full, log(pred_catch[,i]), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2, type='l', xlab="Year", ylab="Ln(Total Catch)",
			ylim=c(min(log.ob.min,log(pred_catch[,i]), na.rm=T), 1.1*max(log.ob.max,log(pred_catch[,i]), na.rm=T)))
		points(years, log(catch[,i]), pch=1, col=plot.colors[i])
    if(mod$env$data$n_fleets == 1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
		arrows(years, log.ob.min, years, log.ob.max, length=0)
		title (paste0("Fleet ",i, " Catch"), outer=T, line=-1)
		plot(years, log_stdres[,i], type='h', lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i], xlab="Year", ylab="Log-scale Std. Residual")
		hist(log_stdres[,i], plot=T, xlab="Std. Residual", ylab="Probability Density", freq=F, main=NULL)
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

plot.index.4.panel <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years <- mod$years
  dat = mod$env$data
  pred_index = exp(mod$rep$pred_log_indices[1:length(years),,drop=F])
  index = dat$agg_indices
  # index[index < 0] = NA # robustify to missing values entered as negative
  index[dat$use_indices == 0] = NA # don't plot unused values
  sigma = dat$agg_index_sigma %*% diag(exp(mod$parList$log_index_sig_scale)) # dims: [ny,ni] x [ni]
  log_stdres = (log(index)-log(pred_index))/sigma
  if(!missing(use.i)) indices <- use.i
  else indices <- 1:dat$n_indices
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_indices)
	for (i in indices)
		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Index_4panel_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Index_4panel_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))
		plot(years, index[,i], type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="Year", ylab="Index",
			ylim=c(0, 1.1*max(index[,i], na.rm=T)))
		lines(years, pred_index[,i], col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
		log.ob.min <- log(index[,i])-1.96*sigma[,i]
		log.ob.max <- log(index[,i])+1.96*sigma[,i]
    y.min <- min(c(log.ob.min,log(pred_index[,i]))[is.finite(c(log.ob.min,log(pred_index[,i])))], na.rm=T)
    y.max <- 1.1*max(c(log.ob.max,log(pred_index[,i]))[is.finite(c(log.ob.max,log(pred_index[,i])))], na.rm=T)
		plot(years, log(index[,i]), type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="Year", ylab="Ln(Index)", ylim=c(y.min, y.max))
		lines(years, log(pred_index[,i]), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
		arrows(years, log.ob.min, years, log.ob.max, length=0)
		title (paste0("Index ",i), outer=T, line=-1)
		plot(years, log_stdres[,i], type='h', lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i], xlab="Year", ylab="Log-scale Std. Residual")
		hist(log_stdres[,i], plot=T, xlab="Std. Residual", ylab="Probability Density", freq=F, main=NULL)
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.NAA.4.panel <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))
  years <- mod$years
  years_full = mod$years_full
  dat = mod$env$data
  pred_NAA = mod$rep$pred_NAA
  NAA = mod$rep$NAA
  sigma = exp(mod$parList$log_NAA_sigma[mod$env$data$NAA_sigma_pointers])
  sigma = matrix(sigma, length(years_full), dat$n_ages, byrow = TRUE)
  log_stdres = (log(NAA)-log(pred_NAA))/sigma
  if(!missing(use.i)) ages <- use.i
  else ages <- 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_ages)
	for (i in ages)
		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("NAA_4panel_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("NAA_4panel_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2))
		plot(years_full, NAA[,i], type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="Year", ylab="Abundance (1000s)",
			ylim=c(0, 1.1*max(NAA[,i])))
		lines(years_full, pred_NAA[,i], col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
		if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
    log.ob.min <- log(NAA[,i])-1.96*sigma[,i]
		log.ob.max <- log(NAA[,i])+1.96*sigma[,i]
		plot(years_full, log(NAA[,i]), type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="Year", ylab="Ln(Abundance)",
			ylim=c(min(log.ob.min,log(pred_NAA[,i])), 1.1*max(log.ob.max,log(pred_NAA[,i]))))
		lines(years_full, log(pred_NAA[,i]), col=plot.colors[i], lwd=2)
		arrows(years_full, log.ob.min, years_full, log.ob.max, length=0)
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
		title (paste0("Conditional Expected and Posterior Estimates of Age ",i, " Abundance "), outer=T, line=-1)
		plot(years_full, log_stdres[,i], type='h', lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i], xlab="Year", ylab="Log-scale (Conditional) Std. Residual")
		hist(log_stdres[,i], plot=T, xlab="(Conditional) Std. Residual", ylab="Probability Density", freq=F, main=NULL)
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.NAA.res <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  ages = mod$ages
	n.ages <- length(ages)
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n.ages)
  years = mod$years_full
	n.yrs <- length(years)
  pred_NAA = mod$rep$pred_NAA
  NAA = mod$rep$NAA
  sigma = exp(mod$parList$log_NAA_sigma[mod$env$data$NAA_sigma_pointers])
  sigma = matrix(sigma, length(years), n.ages, byrow = TRUE)
  log_stdres = (log(NAA)-log(pred_NAA))/sigma

  ymin <- min(apply(log_stdres,1, function(x) sum(x[which(x<0)])))
  ymax <- max(apply(log_stdres,1, function(x) sum(x[which(x>0)])))
  dat <- as.data.frame.table(log_stdres)
  x.at <- seq(1,n.yrs,5)
  x.lab <- years[x.at]
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("NAA_res_barplot_stacked.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("NAA_res_barplot_stacked.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,1,1), oma = c(0,0,0,0))
	naa_res_plot <- lattice::barchart(Freq ~ Var1, data = dat, groups = Var2, stack = TRUE, col = plot.colors, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Std. Abundance Residuals", box.ratio = 10, reference = TRUE,
	  scales = list(x=list(at = x.at, labels = x.lab), alternating = FALSE),
	  key = list(text = list(lab = as.character(ages)), rectangles = list(col = plot.colors), columns = n.ages, title = "Age"))
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.catch.age.comp <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years = mod$years
  ages = 1:mod$env$data$n_ages
  ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
  if(!missing(use.i)) fleets <- use.i
  else fleets <- 1:mod$env$data$n_fleets
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(mod$env$data$n_fleets)

	for (i in fleets)
    acomp.obs = mod$env$data$catch_paa[i,,]
    acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:mod$env$data$n_years_model,,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,]
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_fleet_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_fleet_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(1,1,2,1), oma=c(4,4,2,1), mfcol=c(5,3))
    my.title <- paste0("Fleet ", i)
    for (j in 1:length(years))
      plot(1:length(ages), acomp.obs[j,], type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="", ylab="",
        ylim=c(0, 1), axes = FALSE)
      if(j %% 15 == 1)
        title(my.title, outer=TRUE, line=0)
        mtext(side = 2, "Proportion", line = 2, outer = TRUE)
        mtext(side = 1, "Age", line = 2, outer = TRUE)
      if(j %% 15 %in% 1:5) axis(2)
      else axis(2, labels = FALSE)
      if(j %in% seq(5,length(years)+1,5)) axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab)
      else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
      lines(1:length(ages), acomp.pred[j,], col=plot.colors[i],  lwd=2)
      title(paste("Year = ", years[j], sep=""), outer = FALSE)

      # if 5x3 multipanel is full, save png and open new one
      if((j %% 15 == 0) & (do.tex | do.png) & (j < length(years))){
        if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_fleet_",i,"_",letters[j/15],".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
        if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_fleet_",i,"_",letters[j/15],".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
        par(mar=c(1,1,2,1), oma=c(4,4,2,1), mfcol=c(5,3))
    }  #end loop on n_years
    if(length(years) %% 15 != 0) frame()
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
	}  #end loop on n_fleets
  # par(origpar)

plot.index.age.comp <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years = mod$years
  ages = 1:mod$env$data$n_ages
  ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
  if(!missing(use.i)) indices <- use.i
  else indices <- 1:mod$env$data$n_indices
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(mod$env$data$n_indices)

	for (i in indices)
    acomp.obs = mod$env$data$index_paa[i,,]
    acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_IAA[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
    acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_index_",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_index_",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(1,1,2,1), oma=c(4,4,2,1), mfcol=c(5,3))
    my.title <- paste0("Index ", i)
    for (j in 1:length(years))
      plot(1:length(ages), acomp.obs[j,], type='p', col=plot.colors[i], pch=1, xlab="", ylab="",
        ylim=c(0, 1), axes = FALSE)
      if(j %% 15 == 1)
        title(my.title, outer=TRUE, line=0)
        mtext(side = 2, "Proportion", line = 2, outer = TRUE)
        mtext(side = 1, "Age", line = 2, outer = TRUE)
      if(j %% 15 %in% 1:5) axis(2)
      else axis(2, labels = FALSE)
      if(j %in% seq(5,length(years)+1,5)) axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab)
      else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
      lines(1:length(ages), acomp.pred[j,], col=plot.colors[i],  lwd=2)
      title(paste("Year = ", years[j], sep=""), outer = FALSE)

      # if 5x3 multipanel is full, save png and open new one
      if((j %% 15 == 0) & (do.tex | do.png) & (j < length(years))){
        if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_index_",i,"_",letters[j/15],".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
        if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Catch_age_comp_index_",i,"_",letters[j/15],".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
        par(mar=c(1,1,2,1), oma=c(4,4,2,1), mfcol=c(5,3))
    }  #end loop on n_years
    if(length(years) %% 15 != 0) frame()
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
	}  #end loop on n_indices
  # par(origpar)

multinomial.pearson.fn = function(mod, ind = 1)
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
  x = dat$index_paa[ind,,] - rep$pred_index_paa[1:dat$n_years_model,ind,]
  temp = dat$index_Neff[,ind]
  temp = rep$pred_index_paa[1:dat$n_years_model,ind,]*(1-rep$pred_index_paa[1:dat$n_years_model,ind,])/temp
  x = x/sqrt(temp)
  x[which(dat$use_index_paa[,ind] == 0),] = NA
#mean(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE)

plot.catch.age.comp.resids <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, scale.catch.bubble2 = 2, pos.resid.col = "#ffffffaa", neg.resid.col = "#8c8c8caa",
                                       do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, osa = FALSE, use.i, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n_ages <- dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
	nyrs <- length(years)
	if(!missing(use.i)) fleets <- use.i
	else fleets <- 1:mod$env$data$n_fleets
  tylab <- "Year"

	for (i in fleets)
    yind = which(dat$use_catch_paa[,i] ==1)
      if(osa & "catchpaa" %in% mod$osa$type){
        df = subset(mod$osa, type == "catchpaa")
        my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Fleet "
        fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_fleet_",i)
        resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
        vals = resids
        for(j in yind){
          tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("fleet_",i))
          resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
          vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
          if(dat$age_comp_model_fleets[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions

        scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
      } else{
        acomp.obs = dat$catch_paa[i,,]
        acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),i,]
        #acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
        #acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
        my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Fleet "
        resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred  # NOTE obs-pred
        resids[dat$use_catch_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for catch paa not fit in model
        fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_fleet_",i)
        scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
      z1 <- resids
      if(any(!is.na(resids))) range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
      else range.resids = c(0,0)

      z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
      resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages)   # set color for residual bubbles
      resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
      plot(ages, rev(ages),  xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
        type = "n", axes=F)
      axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
      axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
      abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
      segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)

      for (j in 1:nyrs) points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,],  pch = 21)

      bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
      bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
      legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
      legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T, pt.bg=c(neg.resid.col, pos.resid.col), col="black")
      legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
      title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
    } #end if any age comp for fleet
	}   #end loop n_fleets
  # par(origpar)

plot.index.age.comp.resids <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, scale.catch.bubble2 = 2, pos.resid.col = "#ffffffaa", neg.resid.col = "#8c8c8caa",
                                       do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, osa=FALSE, use.i, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n_ages <- dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
	nyrs <- length(years)
	if(!missing(use.i)) indices <- use.i
	else indices <- 1:dat$n_indices

	for (i in indices)
    yind = which(dat$use_index_paa[,i] ==1)
      if(osa & "indexpaa" %in% mod$osa$type){
        df = subset(mod$osa, type == "indexpaa")
        my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Index "
        fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_index_",i)
        resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
        vals = resids
        for(j in yind){
          tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("index_",i))
          resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
          vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
          if(dat$age_comp_model_indices[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions
        scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
      } else {
        acomp.obs = dat$index_paa[i,,]
        acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_index_paa[1:length(years),i,]
        #acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_IAA[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
        #acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
        my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Index "
        resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred  # NOTE obs-pred
        resids[dat$use_index_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for index paa not fit in model
        fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_index_",i)
        scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
      tylab <- "Year"
      if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
      if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
      z1 <- resids
      if(any(!is.na(resids))) range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
      else range.resids <- c(0,0)

      z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
      resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages)   # set color for residual bubbles
      resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
      plot(ages, rev(ages),  xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
        type = "n", axes=F)
      axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
      axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
      abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
      segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)

      for (j in 1:nyrs) if(dat$use_index_paa[j,i] == 1)
        points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,],  pch = 21)

      bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
      bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
      legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
      legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T, pt.bg=c(neg.resid.col, pos.resid.col), col="black")
      legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
      title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
      if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
    } #end if any age comp for index
	}   #end loop n_fleets
  # par(origpar)

plot.fleet.sel.blocks <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, plot.colors, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = ages
  sb_p = dat$selblock_pointer_fleets #selblock pointer by year and fleet
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(length(unique(sb_p)))
	years <- mod$years
	if(!missing(use.i)) fleets <- use.i
	else fleets <- 1:mod$env$data$n_fleets

	for (i in fleets)
	  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Selectivity_fleet",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
	  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Selectivity_fleet",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
	  blocks = unique(sb_p[,i])
		n.blocks <- length(blocks)
    # sel = rbind(mod$rep$selblocks[blocks,])
    sel = do.call(rbind, lapply(mod$rep$selAA, function(x) apply(x,2,mean)))[blocks,,drop=FALSE]
		minyr <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		maxyr <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		my.col <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		for (j in 1:n.blocks)
			my.col[j] <- plot.colors[cc]
			minyr[j] <- min(years[sb_p[,i] == blocks[j]])
			maxyr[j] <- max(years[sb_p[,i] == blocks[j]])
			if (j==1)
				plot(ages, sel[j,], type='l', col=my.col[j], xlim=c(min(ages),max(ages)), ylim=c(0,1.1), xlab="Age", ylab="Selectivity",
					lwd=2, axes = FALSE)
				grid(col = gray(0.7), lwd = 2)
				axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab, lwd = 2)
				axis(2, lwd = 2)
			if (j>1) lines(ages, sel[j,], type='l', col=my.col[j], lwd=2)
		title(paste0("Fleet ",i))
		legend("topright", col=my.col, legend=paste0(minyr, " - ", maxyr), lwd=2, bg = "white")
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.index.sel.blocks <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, plot.colors, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, use.i, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = ages
  sb_p = dat$selblock_pointer_indices #selblock pointer by year and index
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(length(unique(sb_p)))
	years <- mod$years
	if(!missing(use.i)) indices <- use.i
	else indices <- 1:mod$env$data$n_indices

	for (i in indices)
	  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Selectivity_index",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
	  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Selectivity_index",i,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
	  blocks = unique(sb_p[,i])
		n.blocks <- length(blocks)
    # sel = rbind(mod$rep$selblocks[blocks,])
    sel = do.call(rbind, lapply(mod$rep$selAA, function(x) apply(x,2,mean)))[blocks,,drop=FALSE]
		minyr <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		maxyr <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		my.col <- rep(NA, n.blocks)
		for (j in 1:n.blocks)
			my.col[j] <- plot.colors[cc]
			minyr[j] <- min(years[sb_p[,i] == blocks[j]])
			maxyr[j] <- max(years[sb_p[,i] == blocks[j]])
			if (j==1)
				plot(ages, sel[j,], type='l', col=my.col[j], xlim=c(min(ages),max(ages)), ylim=c(0,1.1), xlab="Age", ylab="Selectivity",
					lwd=2, axes = FALSE)
				grid(col = gray(0.7), lwd = 2)
				axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab, lwd = 2)
				axis(2, lwd = 2)
			if (j>1) lines(ages, sel[j,], type='l', col=my.col[j], lwd=2)
		title(paste0("Index ",i))
		legend("topright", col=my.col, legend=paste0(minyr, " - ", maxyr), lwd=2, bg = "white")
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  # par(origpar)

plot.q.trend<-function(mod, alpha = 0.05)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years_full <- mod$years_full
  years <- mod$years
  tcol <- col2rgb('black')
  tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    std = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    std = mod$sdrep
  par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(1,1,1,1), oma = c(4,4,0,0))

  ssb.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
  log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
  ssb = exp(log.ssb)/1000
  ssb.cv <- std[ssb.ind,2]
  log.ssb.ci <- log.ssb + cbind(qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ssb.cv, -qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ssb.cv)
  ssb.ci = exp(log.ssb.ci)/1000
  no.ssb.ci <- all(is.na(ssb.ci))
  if(!no.ssb.ci){ # have CI
    plot(years_full, ssb, type='l', lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,max(ssb.ci)), axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, labels = FALSE)
    mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(ssb.ci[,1],rev(ssb.ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
  } else { # no CI but plot SSB trend
    plot(years_full, ssb, type='l', lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,max(ssb)), axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, labels = FALSE)
    mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(ssb.ci[,1],rev(ssb.ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
  if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)

plot.SSB.F.trend<-function(mod, alpha = 0.05)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years_full <- mod$years_full
  years <- mod$years
  tcol <- col2rgb('black')
  tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    std = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    std = mod$sdrep
	par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(1,1,1,1), oma = c(4,4,0,0))

	ssb.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
	log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
  ssb = exp(log.ssb)/1000
	ssb.cv <- std[ssb.ind,2]
  log.ssb.ci <- log.ssb + cbind(qnorm(alpha/2)*ssb.cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ssb.cv)
  ssb.ci = exp(log.ssb.ci)/1000
  no.ssb.ci <- all(is.na(ssb.ci))
  if(!no.ssb.ci){ # have CI
    ymax <- max(ssb.ci[,2][which(!is.na(ssb.ci[,2]) & !is.infinite(ssb.ci[,2]))])
    ssb.ci[which(is.infinite(ssb.ci))] <-1e10
  	plot(years_full, ssb, type='l', lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,ymax), axes = FALSE)
  	axis(1, labels = FALSE)
  	mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
  	grid(col = gray(0.7))
  	polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(ssb.ci[,1],rev(ssb.ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
	} else { # no CI but plot SSB trend
    ymax <- max(ssb[which(!is.na(ssb) & !is.infinite(ssb))])
    plot(years_full, ssb, type='l', lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,ymax), axes = FALSE)
    axis(1, labels = FALSE)
    mtext(side = 2, "SSB (kmt)", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), c(ssb.ci[,1],rev(ssb.ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
  if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
  # F trend
  n_ages = mod$env$data$n_ages
	faa.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
	log.faa <- matrix(std[faa.ind,1], length(years_full), n_ages)
	faa.cv <- matrix(std[faa.ind,2], length(years_full), n_ages)
	age.full.f <- apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x))))
  full.f.ind = cbind(1:length(years_full), age.full.f)
	#full.f.ind <- c(age.full.f[1], n_ages + cumsum(age.full.f[-1]))
  log.full.f <- log.faa[full.f.ind]
  full.f.cv <- faa.cv[full.f.ind]
  log.f.ci <- log.full.f + cbind(qnorm(alpha/2)*full.f.cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*full.f.cv)
  full.f = exp(log.full.f)
  no.f.ci <- all(is.na(log.f.ci))
  if(!no.f.ci){ # have CI
    f.ci <- exp(log.f.ci)
    ymax <- max(f.ci[,2][which(!is.na(f.ci[,2]) & !is.infinite(f.ci[,2]))])
    f.ci[which(is.infinite(f.ci))] <-1e10
  	plot(years_full, full.f, type='l', lwd=2, col='black', xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,ymax), axes = FALSE)
  	mtext(side = 1, "Year", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
  	mtext(side = 2, "Fully-selected F", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
  	grid(col = gray(0.7))
  	polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(f.ci[,1],rev(f.ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
  } else { # CI all NA
    ymax <- max(full.f[,1][which(!is.na(full.f[,1]) & !is.infinite(full.f[,1]))])
    plot(years_full, full.f, type='l', lwd=2, col='black', xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0,ymax), axes = FALSE)
    mtext(side = 1, "Year", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
    mtext(side = 2, "Fully-selected F", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    # polygon(c(years,rev(years)), exp(c(log.f.ci[,1],rev(log.f.ci[,2]))), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
  if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
}  #end function

plot.SSB.AA <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, plot.colors, prop=FALSE)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n.ages <- length(ages)
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n.ages)
	years<-  mod$years
  years_full <-  mod$years_full
	n.yrs <- length(years_full)
  ssbfrac = dat$fracyr_SSB
	ssb.aa <- (mod$rep$NAA * exp(-ssbfrac * (mod$rep$FAA_tot + mod$rep$MAA)) * dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,] * dat$mature)/1000
	ssb.max <- max(apply(ssb.aa,1,sum))

	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,1,1), oma = c(0,0,0,0))
	if(!prop){ # plot SSB at age
  	res <- barplot(t(ssb.aa), beside=F, cex.names=0.75, width=1, space=rep(0,n.yrs), xlab = 'Year', ylab =paste('SSB at age (', "kmt", ')', sep = ''),
  		ylim = c(0,1.15*ssb.max), xlim=c(0.5,n.yrs+1-0.5), col=plot.colors)
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=length(years), lty=2, lwd=2)
  	legend('top', horiz=TRUE, legend=ages.lab, pch=15, col=plot.colors, cex=0.8)
    axis(1, at = seq(5,n.yrs,5)-0.5, labels = years_full[seq(5,n.yrs,5)])
	if(prop){ # plot *proportion* SSB at age
  	barplot(t(ssb.aa/apply(ssb.aa,1,sum)), beside=F, cex.names=0.75, width=1, space=rep(0,n.yrs), xlab = 'Year', ylab ='Proportion SSB at age',
  		ylim = c(0,1.1), xlim=c(0.5,n.yrs+1-0.5), col=plot.colors)
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=length(years), lty=2, lwd=2)
  	legend('top', horiz=TRUE, legend=ages.lab, pch=15, col=plot.colors, cex=0.8)
    axis(1, at = seq(5,n.yrs,5)-0.5, labels = years_full[seq(5,n.yrs,5)])
}  #end funciton

plot.NAA <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, plot.colors, scale = 1000, units = expression(10^6), prop=FALSE)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
	## stacked barplot of NAA
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n.ages <- length(ages)
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n.ages)
  years<-  mod$years
  years_full <-  mod$years_full
  n.yrs <- length(years_full)
	NAA <- mod$rep$NAA

	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,1,1), oma = c(0,0,0,0))
	if(!prop){ # plot numbers at age
  	barplot(t(NAA)/scale, beside=F, cex.names=0.75, width=1, space=rep(0,n.yrs), xlab = 'Year',
  		ylab =as.expression(substitute(paste("January 1 numbers at age (", units, ")", sep = ''), list(units = units[[1]]))),
  		ylim = c(0,1.15*N.max), xlim=c(0.5,n.yrs+1-0.5), col=plot.colors)
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=length(years), lty=2, lwd=2)
  	legend('top', horiz=TRUE, legend=ages.lab, pch=15, col=plot.colors, cex=0.8)
    axis(1, at = seq(5,n.yrs,5)-0.5, labels = years_full[seq(5,n.yrs,5)])
	if(prop){ # plot *proportion* of numbers at age
  	barplot(t(NAA/apply(NAA,1,sum)), beside=F, cex.names=0.75, width=1, space=rep(0,n.yrs), xlab = 'Year',
  		ylab ='January 1 proportions at age', ylim = c(0,1.1), xlim=c(0.5,n.yrs+1-0.5), col=plot.colors)
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=length(years), lty=2, lwd=2)
  	legend('top', horiz=TRUE, legend=ages.lab, pch=15, col=plot.colors, cex=0.8 )
    axis(1, at = seq(5,n.yrs,5)-0.5, labels = years_full[seq(5,n.yrs,5)])
} # end function
#__annual estimates of Recruitment deviations (2 panel plot)____
plot.recruitment.devs <- function(mod, age.recruit = 1, units = expression(10^3), save.plots = FALSE)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(1,5,1,1), oma = c(4,1,1,0))
  dat = mod$env$data
	years <- mod$years
  nyrs = length(years)
	R <- mod$rep$NAA[,1]
	R.pred <- mod$rep$pred_NAA[,1]
	R.resids <- (log(R)-log(R.pred))/exp(mod$parList$log_NAA_sigma)[dat$NAA_sigma_pointers[1]]

	plot(years, R.pred, type='l', col='#114466', lty=1, lwd=2, xlab="",
	ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
		list(age.recruit = age.recruit, units = units[[1]]))), xlim = range(years), ylim=c(0, 1.1*max(R, R.pred)), axes = FALSE)
	lines(years, R, col="grey35", lwd=2, pch = 19, type = 'b')
	axis(1, labels = FALSE)

	plot(years, R.resids, type='h', col='black', xlab="", ylab="Standardized (Log) Residuals", lwd=2,
	  xlim = range(years), ylim=1.1*range(R.resids))
	abline(h=0, lwd=1)
	mtext(side = 1, outer = TRUE, "Year", line = 2)
} # end function

#scatter plot of SSB, R with 2-digit year as symbol (lag by 1 year)
plot.recr.ssb.yr <- function(mod, ssb.units = "kmt", recruits.units = expression(10^6), alpha = 0.05,
  scale.ssb = 1000, scale.recruits = 1000, age.recruit = 1, plot.colors, loglog=FALSE)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(4,5,1,1), oma = c(1,1,1,1))

  std <- summary(mod$sdrep, "report")
  cov <- mod$sdrep$cov
  dat = mod$env$data
  years = mod$years
  nyrs <- length(years)
  nages <- dat$n_ages
  #nstates <- model$dimensions$n_states
  #nprojyrs <- model$dimensions$n_proj_years
	ssb.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
	log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
	ssb.cv <- std[ssb.ind,2]
  log.ssb.ci <- log.ssb + cbind(qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ssb.cv, -qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ssb.cv)
  R.ind = which(rownames(std) == "log_NAA_rep")[1:nyrs]
  log.R = std[R.ind,1]
  R.cv = std[R.ind,2]
	ssb.R.cov <- cov[c(ssb.ind,R.ind),c(ssb.ind,R.ind)]

  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(nyrs-age.recruit)
	SR <- matrix(NA, (nyrs-age.recruit), 3)
	SR[,1] <- years[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)]
	SR[,2] <- exp(log.ssb[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)])/scale.ssb
	SR[,3] <- exp(log.R[age.recruit +1:(nyrs-age.recruit)])/scale.recruits
	yr.text <- substr(years[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)],3,4)
	npts <- nyrs-age.recruit
	ci.regs <- lapply(1:(nyrs-age.recruit), function(x)
	  tcov <- cov[c(ssb.ind[x],R.ind[x+age.recruit]),c(ssb.ind[x],R.ind[x+age.recruit])]
	  tsd <- std[c(ssb.ind[x],R.ind[x+age.recruit]),2]
    tcor = tcov/(tsd %*% t(tsd))
	  el <- exp(ellipse::ellipse(tcor, level = 1-alpha, scale = tsd, centre = c(log(SR[x,2]),log(SR[x,3]))))
  # if(missing(max.y)) max.y <- max(sapply(ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,2])))
  # if(missing(max.x)) max.x <- max(sapply(ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,1])))
  max.y <- max(sapply(ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,2])))
  max.x <- max(sapply(ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,1])))
  na.lims <- any(is.na(c(max.y,max.x))) # check for na lims

	if(!loglog){ # untransformed SSB and Rec
    	plot(SR[,2], SR[,3], type='n', col='black',
    		xlab=as.expression(substitute(paste("SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))),
    		ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
    			list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), ylim=c(0, max.y), xlim=c(0,max.x), axes = FALSE)
    	grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
    	lines(SR[,2], SR[,3], col = gray(0.7), lwd =2)
    	for(i in 1:length(ci.regs))
        tcol <- col2rgb(plot.colors[i])
        poly <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
        polygon(ci.regs[[i]][,1],ci.regs[[i]][,2], border = poly)
      points(SR[npts,2], SR[npts,3], pch=19, col="#ffaa22", cex=2.5)
      text(SR[,2], SR[,3], yr.text, cex=0.9, col=plot.colors)
    } else { # NA lims
      max.y <- max(SR[,3])
      max.x <- max(SR[,2])
      plot(SR[,2], SR[,3], type='n', col='black',
        xlab=as.expression(substitute(paste("SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))),
        ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
          list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), ylim=c(0, max.y), xlim=c(0,max.x), axes = FALSE)
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      lines(SR[,2], SR[,3], col = gray(0.7), lwd =2)
      points(SR[npts,2], SR[npts,3], pch=19, col="#ffaa22", cex=2.5)
      text(SR[,2], SR[,3], yr.text, cex=0.9, col=plot.colors)

	if(loglog){ # log(SSB) and log(Rec)
    	plot(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), type='n', col='black',
    		xlab=as.expression(substitute(paste("Log-SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))),
    		ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Log-Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
    			list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), ylim=c(log(min(SR[,3])), log(max.y)), xlim=c(log(min(SR[,2])),log(max.x)), axes = FALSE)
    	grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
    	lines(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), col = gray(0.7), lwd =2)
    	for(i in 1:length(ci.regs))
        tcol <- col2rgb(plot.colors[i])
        poly <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
        polygon(log(ci.regs[[i]][,1]),log(ci.regs[[i]][,2]), border = poly)
      points(log(SR[npts,2]), log(SR[npts,3]), pch=19, col="#ffaa22", cex=2.5)
      text(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), yr.text, cex=0.9, col=plot.colors)
    } else { # na lims but correct max.x and max.y already calculated for untransformed plot SSB-Rec
      max.y <- max(SR[,3])
      max.x <- max(SR[,2])
      plot(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), type='n', col='black',
        xlab=as.expression(substitute(paste("Log-SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))),
        ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Log-Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
          list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), ylim=c(log(min(SR[,3])), log(max.y)), xlim=c(log(min(SR[,2])),log(max.x)), axes = FALSE)
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      lines(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), col = gray(0.7), lwd =2)
      points(log(SR[npts,2]), log(SR[npts,3]), pch=19, col="#ffaa22", cex=2.5)
      text(log(SR[,2]), log(SR[,3]), yr.text, cex=0.9, col=plot.colors)
}  #end function

plot.SARC.R.SSB <- function(mod, scale.ssb=1, scale.recruits=1, age.recruit = 1, ssb.units = 'mt', recruits.units = expression(10^3))
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mar = c(5,5,1,5), oma = c(0,0,0,1), family='serif')
  years = mod$years
  years_full = mod$years_full
  nyrs <- length(years_full)
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    std = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    std = mod$sdrep
	ssb.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
	log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
	R <- mod$rep$NAA[,1]
	ssb.plot <- exp(log.ssb[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)])/scale.ssb
	recr.plot <- R[age.recruit + 1:(nyrs-age.recruit)]/scale.recruits
	yr.text <- substr(years_full,3,4)

	max.r <- max(recr.plot)
	max.ssb <- max(ssb.plot)
	scale.r <- max(ssb.plot)/max(recr.plot)
	ylimr <- c(0,1.1*max(recr.plot))
	barplot(recr.plot/scale.recruits, axisnames=FALSE, width=1, space=rep(0,nyrs-age.recruit), offset=rep(-0.5,nyrs-age.recruit), axes=FALSE, xpd=FALSE,
		xlab = '', ylab ='', ylim = ylimr, xlim=c(0.5,nyrs-age.recruit - 0.5), col="lightcyan2")
	xr <-pretty(c(0,recr.plot/scale.recruits))
	axis(2, at = xr, lab = xr )
	axis(side=1, las=2, at=seq(0.5,nyrs-age.recruit-0.5, by=2),
	labels=as.character(seq(years_full[1],years_full[nyrs-age.recruit], by=2)), cex=0.75, las=2)

	y.ssb <- (ssb.plot)*max.r/max.ssb
	lines(seq(0.5,nyrs-age.recruit-0.5, by=1), y.ssb, lwd=2, col = 'navyblue')
	x <- pretty(c(0,ssb.plot))
	axis(4, at = c(0,x*max.r/max.ssb), lab = c(0,x), col='navyblue', col.axis="navyblue")
	mtext(side = 1, 'Year', line = 3)
	mtext(side = 4, as.expression(substitute(paste("SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))), line = 3, col='navyblue')
	mtext(side = 2, as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
		list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), line = 3)
  if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=length(years)-age.recruit, lty=2, lwd=2)
}  # end function
#plot.SARC.R.SSB(ssm, ssm.aux)

plot.fleet.F <- function(mod, plot.colors)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years = mod$years
	n_fleets <- mod$env$data$n_fleets
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n_fleets)
	if(n_fleets == 1){ # can calculate full F from FAA_tot in projection years if only one fleet
    years_full = mod$years_full
    nyrs <- length(years_full)
    if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
      std = summary(mod$sdrep)
    } else {
      std = mod$sdrep
    faa.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
    log.faa <- matrix(std[faa.ind,1], nyrs, mod$env$data$n_ages)
    full.f.ind <- cbind(1:nyrs, apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x)))))
    log.full.f <- log.faa[full.f.ind]
    plot(years_full, exp(log.full.f), xlab="Year", ylab="Full F", ylim=c(0,max(exp(log.full.f))), type='l', lty=1, lwd=2, col = plot.colors[1])
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
  } else { # multiple fleets, can't partition F in projection years to fleets
    for(i in 1:n_fleets){
  		  plot(years, mod$rep$F[,i], xlab="Year", ylab="Full F", ylim=c(0,max(mod$rep$F)),	type='l', lty=1, lwd=2, col = plot.colors[i])
  		  grid(col = gray(0.7))
  		} else {
  		  lines(years, mod$rep$F[,i],lty=i, lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i])
	leg.names <- paste0("Fleet ",1:n_fleets)
	legend('topleft', legend=leg.names, col=plot.colors,lwd=rep(2, n_fleets), lty=seq(1, n_fleets), horiz=TRUE, bty='n')
}   # end function

plot.cv <- function(mod)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,2))
  years = mod$years
  years_full = mod$years_full
  nyrs <- length(years_full)
	if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    std = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    std = mod$sdrep
	ssb.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
	log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
	ssb.cv <- std[ssb.ind,2]
	R.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_NAA_rep")[1:nyrs]
	log.R <- std[R.ind,1]
  R.cv <- std[R.ind,2]
	faa.ind <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
	log.faa <- matrix(std[faa.ind,1], nyrs, mod$env$data$n_ages)
	faa.cv <- matrix(std[faa.ind,2], nyrs, mod$env$data$n_ages)

	full.f.ind <- cbind(1:nyrs, apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x)))))
  log.full.f <- log.faa[full.f.ind]
  full.f.cv <- faa.cv[full.f.ind]

  any.na <- any(is.na(c(R.cv, faa.cv, full.f.cv)))

  	plot(years_full, R.cv, type='l', lwd=2, col='black', xlab="Year", ylab="CV", ylim=c(0, 1.1*max(R.cv, ssb.cv, full.f.cv)))
  	lines(years_full, ssb.cv, lwd=2, col="blue")
  	lines(years_full, full.f.cv, lwd=2, col="green3")
    if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
  	legend('top', legend=c("Recruits", "SSB", "Full F"), col=c("black", "blue", "green3"), lty=rep(1,3), lwd=rep(2,3), horiz=T)
}  # end function

plot.M <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, alpha = 0.05, plot.colors)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n_ages <- length(ages)
	meanMAA <- apply(mod$rep$MAA,2,mean)
  years = mod$years
  years_full = mod$years_full
  n_years = length(years_full)
	if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n_years)
	n.M.by.age <- lapply(1:n_ages, function(x) table(mod$rep$MAA[,x]))
	plot(ages,meanMAA,lwd=2,xlab="Age",ylab="Natural Mortality Rate", ylim=c(0,1.1*(max(mod$rep$MAA))), type= 'n', xlim = c(min(ages)-0.5,max(ages)+1),
	grid(col = gray(0.7), lwd = 2)
	axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab, lwd = 2)
	axis(2, lwd = 2)
	box(lwd = 2)
	sapply(1:n_ages, function(x)
		y <- sort(unique(mod$rep$MAA[,x]))
		# ind1 <- sapply(y, function(z) which(mod$rep$MAA[,x] == y)[1])
		segments(x-0.2, y, x+0.2, y, lwd = 2,col = plot.colors[1:length(y)])
		text(x+0.2, y, paste('n =', table(mod$rep$MAA[,x])), pos = 4)

#--------Data Plots------------------
plot.catch.by.fleet <- function(mod, units = "mt", plot.colors)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  dat = mod$env$data
  years = mod$years
  nyrs = length(years)
	catch.obs <- dat$agg_catch
	n_fleets <- dat$n_fleets
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n_fleets)
	barplot(t(catch.obs), xlab="Year", ylab= paste0("Catch (", units, ")"), ylim=c(0,1.1*max(apply(catch.obs,1,sum))), col=plot.colors,space=0)
	axis(side=1, at = seq(2,nyrs,2)-0.5, labels = years[seq(2,nyrs,2)], cex=0.75)
	box(lwd = 2)
	if (n_fleets > 1)
    legend('top', legend=paste0("Fleet ",1:n_fleets), horiz=TRUE, pch=15, col=plot.colors)

    # do proportions only if n_fleets > 1
		catch.prop <- catch.obs/apply(catch.obs,1,sum)
		barplot(t(catch.prop), xlab="Year", ylab="Proportion of Catch", ylim=c(0,1.1), col=plot.colors, space=0)
    axis(side=1, las=2, at = seq(2,nyrs,2)-0.5, labels = years[seq(2,nyrs,2)], cex=0.75, las=2)
    box(lwd = 2)
		legend('top', legend=paste0("Fleet ",1:n_fleets), horiz=TRUE, pch=15, col=plot.colors)

# Bubble plots of catch age comps (set is.catch.flag to False to plot Discard age comps)
plot.catch.age.comp.bubbles <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, bubble.col = "#8c8c8caa", i=1)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  years = mod$years
  nyrs = length(years)
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
  n_ages = length(ages)
	par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
  n_fleets = dat$n_fleets
	# for (i in 1:n_fleets)
	# {
		acomp.obs <- dat$catch_paa[i,,]
		catch.yrs <- which(dat$use_catch_paa[,i] == 1)
		my.title <- "Age Comps for Catch for Fleet "
		if (length(catch.yrs)>0)
			scale.catch.obs <- 5
			z3 <- as.matrix(acomp.obs) * scale.catch.obs

			plot(ages, rev(ages),  xlim = range(ages), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = "", type = "n", axes=FALSE)
			axis(1, at= ages, lab = ages.lab)
			axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
			abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
			segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)
			for (j in 1:nyrs) points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=z3[j,], col="black", bg = bubble.col, pch = 21)

			bubble.legend1 <- c(0.05,0.2,0.4)
			bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.catch.obs
			legend("topright", xpd=TRUE, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(21, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black', pt.bg = bubble.col)
			title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=TRUE, line=-1)
		} # end catch.yrs test
	# }   #end loop n_fleets

plot.index.input <- function(mod, plot.colors)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(1,1,1,1), oma = c(4,4,2,0))
  years = mod$years
  nyrs = length(years)
  dat = mod$env$data
	indvals <- dat$agg_indices
	indvals[which(dat$use_indices!=1)] <- NA
	n_indices = dat$n_indices
	# rescale to mean 1 and stdev 1
	rescaled <- indvals
	my.mean <- apply(indvals,2,mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	my.std <- apply(indvals,2,sd, na.rm=TRUE)
	for (i in 1:n_indices) rescaled[,i] <- (indvals[,i] - my.mean[i]) / my.std[i]

	my.range <- range(rescaled, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(n_indices)
	plot(years,rescaled[,1],xlab="",ylab="", axes = FALSE, xlim = range(years), ylim=my.range,col=plot.colors[1],type='n')
	grid(col = gray(0.7))
	axis(1, labels = FALSE)
	mtext(side = 2, "Rescaled Indices", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
	for (i in 1:n_indices) lines(years,rescaled[,i],col=plot.colors[i])
  legend("top", legend = paste0("Index " , 1:n_indices), col = plot.colors, lty = 1, horiz = TRUE, xpd = NA, inset = c(0,-0.1), bty = "n")

	# now repeat on log scale
	log.indvals <- log(indvals)
	log.rescaled <- log.indvals
	my.log.mean <- apply(log.indvals,2,mean, na.rm=T)
	my.log.std <- apply(log.indvals,2,sd, na.rm=T)
	for (i in 1:n_indices) log.rescaled[,i] <- (log.indvals[,i] - my.log.mean[i]) / my.log.std[i]

	my.log.range <- range(log.rescaled, na.rm=T)
	plot(years,log.rescaled[,1], xlab="",ylab="",ylim=my.log.range,col=plot.colors[1],type='n')
	grid(col = gray(0.7))
	for (i in 1:n_indices) lines(years,log.rescaled[,i],col=plot.colors[i])
	mtext(side = 2, "Rescaled Log(Indices)", outer = FALSE, line = 3)
	mtext(side = 1, "Year", outer = FALSE, line = 3)

# Bubble plots of index age comps
plot.index.age.comp.bubbles <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, bubble.col = "#8c8c8caa", i=1)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
  years = mod$years
  nyrs = length(years)
  dat = mod$env$data
  n_indices = dat$n_indices
  if(missing(ages)) ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	n_ages <- length(ages)

	# for (i in 1:n_indices)
	# {
		acomp.obs <- dat$index_paa[i,,]
		index.yrs <- which(dat$use_index_paa[,i] == 1)
		my.title <- "Age Comps for Index "
		if (length(index.yrs)>0)
			scale.index.obs <- 5
			z3 <- as.matrix(acomp.obs) * scale.index.obs

			plot(ages, rev(ages),  xlim = range(ages), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)),
			xlab = "Age", ylab = "", type = "n", axes=FALSE)
			axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
			axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
			abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
			segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)
			for (j in 1:nyrs) points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=z3[j,], col="black", bg = bubble.col, pch = 21)

			bubble.legend1 <- c(0.05,0.2,0.4)
			bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.index.obs
			legend("topright", xpd=TRUE, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(21, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=TRUE, col='black', pt.bg = bubble.col)
			title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
		} # end index.yrs test
	# }   #end loop n_fleets

plot.waa <- function(mod,type="ssb",plot.colors,ind=1)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years = mod$years_full
  nyrs = length(years)
  dat = mod$env$data
  if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_ages)
  point = switch(type,
    ssb = dat$waa_pointer_ssb,
    jan1 = dat$waa_pointer_jan1,
    fleets = dat$waa_pointer_fleets[ind],
    indices = dat$waa_pointer_indices[ind],
    totcatch = dat$waa_pointer_totcatch
  labs = switch(type,
    ssb = "SSB",
    jan1 = "January 1 Biomass",
    fleets = paste0("Fleet ", ind),
    indices = paste0("Index ", ind),
    # fleets = paste0("Fleet ", 1:dat$n_fleets),
    # indices = paste0("Index ", 1:dat$n_indices),
    totcatch = "Total Catch"
  waa = dat$waa[point,,]
  n = ifelse(length(dim(waa)) == 2, 1, dim(waa)[1])
	for(i in 1:n)
		if(n>1) WAA.plot <- dat$waa[i,,]
    else WAA.plot = waa
		for (a in 1:dat$n_ages)
		title(main = paste0("Annual Weight-at-Age for ", labs[i]))
	}  # end k-loop
}  # end function

plot.maturity <- function(mod, ages.lab, plot.colors)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  if(missing(ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab
	meanmaturity <- apply(dat$mature,2,mean)
	if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors <- mypalette(n_years)

	plot(ages,meanmaturity,type='l',lwd=2,xlab="Age",ylab="Maturity",ylim=c(0,max(dat$mature)), axes = FALSE)
  axis(1, at = ages, labels = ages.lab, lwd = 2)
  axis(2, lwd = 2)
  box(lwd = 2)
	if (length(unique(dat$mature)) > length(ages))
		for (i in 1:n_years) points(jitter(ages, factor=0.4), dat$mature[i,],col=plot.colors[i])
    midi <- floor(n_years/2)
		legend('topleft', horiz=FALSE, legend=c(years[1],years[midi],years[n_years]), pch=c(1,1,1), col=c(plot.colors[1], plot.colors[midi], plot.colors[n_years]))
	title(main="Maturity", outer=FALSE)

#-------SSB/R -----------------------------
get_SPR = function(F, M, sel, mat, waassb, fracyrssb, at.age = FALSE)
  n_ages = length(sel)
  SPR = numeric()
  n = 1
  F = F * sel
  Z = F + M
  for(a in 1:(n_ages-1))
    SPR[a] = n[a] * mat[a] * waassb[a] * exp(-fracyrssb * Z[a])
    n[a+1] = n[a] * exp(-Z[a])
  n[n_ages] = n[n_ages]/(1-exp(-Z[n_ages]))
  SPR[n_ages] = n[n_ages] * mat[n_ages] * waassb[n_ages] * exp(-fracyrssb * Z[n_ages])
  if(at.age) return(SPR)
  else return(sum(SPR))

#-------Y/R -----------------------------
get_YPR = function(F, M, sel, waacatch, at.age = FALSE)
  n_ages = length(sel)
  YPR = numeric()
  n = 1
  F = F * sel
  Z = F + M
  for(a in 1:(n_ages-1))
    YPR[a] = n[a] * F[a] * waacatch[a] * (1.0 - exp(-Z[a]))/Z[a]
    n[a+1] = n[a] * exp(-Z[a])
  n[n_ages] = n[n_ages]/(1 - exp(-Z[n_ages]))
  YPR[n_ages] = n[n_ages] * F[n_ages] * waacatch[n_ages] * (1.0 - exp(-Z[n_ages]))/Z[n_ages]
  if(at.age) return(YPR)
  else return(sum(YPR))

plot.SPR.table <- function(mod, nyrs.ave = 5, plot=TRUE)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  spr.targ.values <- seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.05)
	n.spr <- length(spr.targ.values)
  dat = mod$env$data
	n_ages<- dat$n_ages
	years <- mod$years
	n_years <- length(years)
  avg.ind = (n_years-nyrs.ave+1):n_years
	#fec.age <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	mat.age <- apply(dat$mature[avg.ind,],2,mean)
	ssb.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	catch.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_totcatch,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	M.age <- apply(mod$rep$MAA[avg.ind,],2,mean)
  sel = apply(apply(mod$rep$FAA[avg.ind,,,drop=FALSE], 2:3, mean),2,sum) #sum across fleet averages 
  #sel = apply(mod$rep$FAA_tot[avg.ind,],2,mean) #average FAA, then do selectivity
	sel <- sel/max(sel)
	spawn.time <- mean(dat$fracyr_SSB[avg.ind])
  spr0 = get_SPR(F=0, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time)
	F.start <- 0.11  # starting guess for optimization routine to find F_SPR%

	f.spr.vals <- rep(NA, n.spr)
	ypr.spr.vals <- rep(NA, n.spr)
	conv.vals <- rep(NA, n.spr)

	for (i in 1:n.spr)
		t.spr <- spr.targ.values[i]

		spr.f <- function(F.start)
      spr = get_SPR(F=F.start, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time)
			abs(spr/spr0 - t.spr)
		yyy <- nlminb(start=F.start, objective=spr.f, lower=0, upper=3)
		f.spr.vals[i] <- yyy$par
    ypr.spr.vals[i] = get_YPR(F = f.spr.vals[i], M=M.age, sel = sel, waacatch= catch.waa)
	}  #end i-loop over SPR values

	spr.target.table<- as.data.frame(cbind(spr.targ.values, f.spr.vals, ypr.spr.vals))
	colnames(spr.target.table) <- c("%SPR", "F(%SPR)", "YPR")
	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,4))

	if(plot){ # plot, not table
  	plot(spr.targ.values, ypr.spr.vals, type='n', xlab="% SPR Target", ylab="", lwd=2, col="blue3",
      ylim=c(0,1.2*max(ypr.spr.vals)), axes = FALSE)
    box(lwd = 2)
    axis(1, lwd = 2)
  	abline(v=seq(0.2,0.8, by=0.05), col="grey85")
  	lines(spr.targ.values, ypr.spr.vals, lwd=2, col="blue3" )
  	points(spr.targ.values, ypr.spr.vals, pch=19, col="blue3" )

    scale.f.spr <- max(f.spr.vals)/max(ypr.spr.vals)
  	axis(side=2, #at=seq(0,1,by=0.1)/scale.f.spr, lab=seq(0,1,by=0.1),
      las=2, col='blue3', col.axis="blue3", lwd = 2)
    mtext(side = 2, "Yield per Recruit", line = 3, col = "blue3")

  	lines(spr.targ.values, f.spr.vals/scale.f.spr, lwd = 2, col="red")
  	points(spr.targ.values, f.spr.vals/scale.f.spr, pch = 19, col="red")
  	axis(side=4, at=seq(0,1,by=0.1)/scale.f.spr, lab=seq(0,1,by=0.1), las=2, col='red', col.axis="red", lwd = 2)
  	mtext(side=4, "F (%SPR)", line=3, col="red")

  	title (paste("SPR Target Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")", sep=""), outer=T, line=-1)

	if(!plot){ # table, not plot
  	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
  	plot(seq(1,15), seq(1,15), type='n', axes=F, bty='n',xlab="",ylab="")

  	text(x=2,y=14, labels="% SPR", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=5, y=14, labels="F(%SPR)" , font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=9, y=14, labels="YPR", font=2, pos=4 )
  	for (i in 1:n.spr)
  		text(x=2, y=seq(n.spr,1, by=-1), labels=round(spr.targ.values,2), cex=1.0, pos=4, font=1)
  		text(x=5, y=seq(n.spr,1, by=-1), labels=round(f.spr.vals,4), cex=1.0, pos=4, font=1)
  		text(x=9, y=seq(n.spr,1, by=-1), labels=round(ypr.spr.vals,4), cex=1.0, pos=4, font=1)
  	title (paste("SPR Target Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")", sep=""), outer=TRUE, line=-1)
	#write.csv( spr.target.table, file=paste(od,"SPR_Target_Table.csv", sep=""),  row.names=F)
} # end function

plot.annual.SPR.targets <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, plot.colors, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  spr.targ.values <- seq(0.2, 0.5, by=0.1)
	n.spr <- length(spr.targ.values)
  dat = mod$env$data
  n_ages = dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  years_full = mod$years_full
  n_years_full = length(years_full)

  fec.age <- dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,]
	mat.age <- dat$mature
	wgt.age <- dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_totcatch,,]
	M.age <- mod$rep$MAA
	sel.age <- mod$rep$FAA_tot/apply(mod$rep$FAA_tot,1,max)

	spawn.time <- dat$fracyr_SSB #vector length n_years

	spr0 <- numeric()
	F.start <- 0.11  # starting guess for optimization routine to find F_SPR%

	f.spr <- matrix(NA, n_years_full, n.spr)
	ypr.spr <- matrix(NA, n_years_full, n.spr)
	conv <- matrix(NA, n_years_full, n.spr)

	for (j in 1:n_years_full)
    spr0[j] = get_SPR(F=0, M=M.age[j,], sel=sel.age[j,], mat=mat.age[j,], waassb=fec.age[j,], fracyrssb = spawn.time[j])
    #spr0.vals[j] <- s.per.recr(n_ages=n_ages, fec.age=fec.age[j,], mat.age=mat.age[j,], M.age= M.age[j,], F.mult=0, sel.age=sel.age[j,],
    #  spawn.time=spawn.time)
	  for (i in 1:n.spr)
			t.spr <- spr.targ.values[i]

			spr.f <- function(F.start)
        spr = get_SPR(F=F.start, M=M.age[j,], sel=sel.age[j,], mat=mat.age[j,], waassb=fec.age[j,], fracyrssb = spawn.time[j])
        abs(spr/spr0[j] - t.spr)
				#abs(s.per.recr(n_ages=n_ages, fec.age=fec.age[j,], mat.age=mat.age[j,], M.age= M.age[j,], F.mult=F.start, sel.age=sel.age[j,],
				#	spawn.time=spawn.time)/spr0.vals[j] - t.spr)
			yyy <- nlminb(start=F.start, objective=spr.f, lower=0, upper=3)
			f.spr[j,i] <- yyy$par
			ypr.spr[j,i] = get_YPR(F = f.spr[j,i], M=M.age[j,], sel = sel.age[j,], waacatch= wgt.age[j,])
      #ypr(n_ages, wgt.age=wgt.age[j,], M.age=M.age[j,],  F.mult=f.spr.vals[j,i], sel.age=sel.age[j,])
		}  # end j-loop over n_years
	}  #end i-loop over SPR values

  plot.colors = mypalette(n.spr)
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_annual_time.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_annual_time.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
	par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(4,5,2,1))
	plot(years_full, f.spr[,1], type='n', xlab="Years", ylab=expression(paste("Full ",italic(F)["%SPR"])), lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1.2*max(f.spr)))
	for (i in 1:n.spr) lines(years_full, f.spr[,i], lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i])
  if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
	legend('top', legend= sapply(spr.targ.values, function(x) as.expression(bquote(italic(F)[paste(.(x*100),"%")]))), col=plot.colors, horiz=TRUE, lwd=2, cex=0.9)
	title (main=expression(paste("Annual ", italic(F)["%SPR"], " Reference Points")), line=1)
	#if (save.plots) savePlot(paste(od, "Annual_FSPR.", plotf, sep=''), type=plotf)
	plot(years_full, ypr.spr[,1], type='n', xlab="Years", ylab=expression(paste("YPR(",italic(F)["%SPR"],")")), lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1.2*max(ypr.spr)))
	for (i in 1:n.spr) lines(years_full, ypr.spr[,i], lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i])
	if(length(years_full) > length(years)) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
  #legend('top', legend=c("YPR20%", "YPR30%", "YPR40%", "YPR50%"), col=plot.colors, horiz=TRUE, lwd=2, cex=0.9)
	title (main=expression(paste("Annual YPR(",italic(F)["%SPR"], ") Reference Points")), line=1)
	if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

	if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_freq_annual_F.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
	if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_freq_annual_F.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  f.hist = lapply(1:length(spr.targ.values), function(x) hist(f.spr[1:n_years,x], plot = FALSE))
  par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,1,2,2), oma=c(2,3,2,0))
  for(i in 1:length(spr.targ.values))
    plot(f.hist[[i]]$mids, f.hist[[i]]$counts, xlab=bquote("Full " ~ italic(F)[paste(.(spr.targ.values[i]*100),"%")]), ylab="", type='h', lwd=2, ylim=c(0, max(f.hist[[i]]$counts)), col=plot.colors[i])
    lines(f.hist[[i]]$mids, f.hist[[i]]$counts, lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i])
  mtext(side=2, outer = TRUE, "Frequency", line = 1)
	title (main=expression(paste("Frequencies of Annual ", italic(F)["%SPR"], " Reference Points")), outer=TRUE, line=0, cex.main = 2)
	if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

	if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_freq_annual_YPR.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
	if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_freq_annual_YPR.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
	ypr.hist = lapply(1:length(spr.targ.values), function(x) hist(ypr.spr[1:n_years,x], plot = FALSE))
  par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(4,1,2,2), oma=c(2,3,2,0))
  for(i in 1:length(spr.targ.values))
    plot(ypr.hist[[i]]$mids, ypr.hist[[i]]$counts, xlab=bquote(paste("YPR(", italic(F)[paste(.(spr.targ.values[i]*100),"%")],")")), ylab="", type='h', lwd=2, ylim=c(0, max(ypr.hist[[i]]$counts)), col=plot.colors[i])
    lines(ypr.hist[[i]]$mids, ypr.hist[[i]]$counts, lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i])
  mtext(side=2, outer = TRUE, "Frequency", line = 1)
	title (main=expression(paste("Frequencies of Annual YPR(",italic(F)["%SPR"], ") Reference Points")), outer = TRUE, line=0, cex.main = 2)
	if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

	# par(origpar)
} # end function

plot.SR.pred.line <- function(mod, ssb.units = "mt", SR.par.year, recruits.units = "thousands", scale.ssb = 1,
	scale.recruits = 1, age.recruit = 1, plot.colors)
  if(mod$env$data$recruit_model == 3 & mod$env$data$use_steepness != 1) #B-H stock recruit function with alpha/beta
    if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
      std = summary(mod$sdrep)
    } else {
      std = mod$sdrep
    ssb.ind = which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
    years = mod$years
    nyrs = length(years)
    log.ssb <- std[ssb.ind,1]
    R <- mod$rep$NAA[,1]
    SR <- matrix(NA, (nyrs-age.recruit), 3)
    SR[,1] <- years[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)]/scale.ssb
    SR[,2] <- exp(log.ssb[1:(nyrs-age.recruit)])
    SR[,3] <- R[age.recruit +1:(nyrs-age.recruit)]/scale.recruits
    log_a <- mod$parList$mean_rec_pars[1]
    log_b <- mod$parList$mean_rec_pars[2]
    if(missing(SR.par.year)) SR.par.year = nyrs
    a.b.ind = which(rownames(std) == "mean_rec_pars")
    l.ab <- TMB:::as.list.sdreport(mod$sdrep, what = "Estimate")$mean_rec_pars
    #l.ab = std[a.b.ind,1]
    a.b.cov = mod$sdrep$cov.fixed[a.b.ind,a.b.ind]
    if(length(a.b.ind) == 1 & is.null(mod$input$map$mean_rec_pars)) {
      warning("The number of estimated stock-recruit parameters is less than 2, but input$map$mean_rec_pars is not provided.")
    not.na.ind <- 1:2
    if(!is.null(mod$input$map$mean_rec_pars)) not.na.ind <- which(!is.na(mod$input$map$mean_rec_pars))
    if(length(not.na.ind)<2) {
      a.b.cov <- matrix(0, 2,2)
      if(length(not.na.ind)==1) a.b.cov[not.na.ind,not.na.ind] <- mod$sdrep$cov.fixed[a.b.ind,a.b.ind]
    lR.fn = function(la, lb, S) la  + log(S) - log(1 + exp(lb)*S)
    dlR.dp = Deriv::Deriv(lR.fn, x = c("la","lb"))
    seq.ssb <- seq(0, max(SR[,2]), length.out=300)
    sd.pred.lR = sapply(seq.ssb, function(x)
      d = dlR.dp(l.ab[1], l.ab[2], S= x)
      return(c(sqrt(t(d) %*% a.b.cov %*% d)))
    pred.lR <- lR.fn(l.ab[1], l.ab[2], seq.ssb)
    #exp(log_a) *seq.ssb/(1 + exp(log_b)*seq.ssb)
    ci.pred.lR = pred.lR + qnorm(0.975)*cbind(-sd.pred.lR, sd.pred.lR) - log(scale.recruits)

    if(missing(plot.colors)) plot.colors = mypalette(nyrs-age.recruit)
    tcol <- col2rgb(plot.colors[1])
    tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')

    plot(SR[,2], SR[,3], type='p', col='black', pch=19,
      xlab=as.expression(substitute(paste("SSB (", ssb.units, ")", sep = ""), list(ssb.units = ssb.units[[1]]))),
      ylab= as.expression(substitute(paste("Age-", age.recruit, " Recruits (", units, ")", sep = ''),
        list(age.recruit = age.recruit[[1]], units = recruits.units[[1]]))), ylim=c(0, max(SR[,3])), xlim=c(0,1.1*max(SR[,2])))
    lines(seq.ssb, exp(pred.lR), col=plot.colors[1], lwd=2)
    polygon(c(seq.ssb,rev(seq.ssb)), exp(c(ci.pred.lR[,1],rev(ci.pred.lR[,2]))), col = tcol, border = "transparent")

plot.FXSPR.annual <- function(mod, alpha = 0.05, status.years, max.x, max.y, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  percentSPR = mod$env$data$percentSPR
	n_ages = mod$env$data$n_ages
  years_full = mod$years_full
	n_years_full = length(years_full)
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
    status.years = n_years
    status.lwd = 1
      status.years <- c(status.years, n_years_full)
      status.lwd <- c(2,1)
  } else {
    status.lwd <- rep(1, length(status.years))
  tcol <- col2rgb('black')
  tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
  std <- summary(mod$sdrep, "report")
	inds <- list(Y.t = which(rownames(std) == "log_Y_FXSPR"))
	inds$F.t <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FXSPR")
	inds$SSB.t <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB_FXSPR")
	inds$ssb <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
	inds$faa <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
  log.faa <- matrix(std[inds$faa,1], n_years_full, n_ages)
  age.full.f <- apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x))))
  inds$full.f <- (age.full.f-1)*n_years_full + 1:n_years_full  + min(inds$faa) - 1 #cbind(1:n_years, age.full.f)
  na.sd <- sapply(inds, function(x) any(is.na(std[x,2])))
  ylabs <- c(
    bquote(paste('Yield(',italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR), "%")], ')')),
    bquote(italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR), "%")]),
    bquote(paste('SSB(', italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR), "%")],')')))
	cov <- mod$sdrep$cov
  log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov <- lapply(1:n_years_full, function(x)
    K <- cbind(c(1,-1,0,0),c(0,0,1,-1))
    ind <- c(inds$ssb[x],inds$SSB.t[x],inds$full.f[x],inds$F.t[x])
    tcov <- cov[ind,ind]
    return(t(K) %*% tcov %*% K)

  # FSPR absolute --------------------------------------------------
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_absolute.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_absolute.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  par(mfrow = c(3,1), mar = c(2,5,1,1), oma = c(4,2,1,1))
  for(i in 1:3)
    t.ind <- inds[[i]]
    t.ylab <- ylabs[i]
    vals <- std[t.ind,1][1:n_years_full]
    cv <- std[t.ind,2][1:n_years_full]
    ci <-  vals + cbind(qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, -qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv)
  	  if(!na.sd[i]) plot(years_full, exp(vals), xlab = '', ylab = t.ylab, ylim = c(0,max(exp(ci),na.rm= TRUE)), type = 'l', cex.lab = 2)
      if(na.sd[i]) plot(years_full, exp(vals), xlab = '', ylab = t.ylab, ylim = c(0,max(exp(vals),na.rm= TRUE)), type = 'l', cex.lab = 2)
  	  grid(col = gray(0.7))
      polyy = exp(c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2])))
      polyx = c(years_full,rev(years_full))
      polyx = polyx[!is.na(polyy)]
      polyy = polyy[!is.na(polyy)]
      polygon(polyx, polyy, col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
      if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
      mtext(side = 1, outer = TRUE, "Year", cex = 2, line = 2)
    } else { # all nan, print error message
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
      text(x = 0.5, y = 0.55, paste("Error in plot, all values are NaN"), cex = 1.6, col = "black")
      text(x = 0.5, y = 0.45, ylabs[[i]], cex = 1.6, col = "black")
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  # FSPR relative --------------------------------------------------
  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_relative.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("FSPR_relative.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  log.rel.ssb.vals <- std[inds$ssb,1][1:n_years_full] - std[inds$SSB.t,1][1:n_years_full]
  cv <- sapply(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov, function(x) return(sqrt(x[1,1])))
  ci <-  log.rel.ssb.vals + cbind(-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv)
    plot(years_full, exp(log.rel.ssb.vals), xlab = '', ylab = bquote(paste("SSB/", SSB[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])), ylim = c(0,5), type = 'l')
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    polyy = exp(c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2])))
    polyy[which(is.infinite(polyy))] <-1e10
    polyx = c(years_full,rev(years_full))
    polyx = polyx[!is.na(polyy)]
    polyy = polyy[!is.na(polyy)]
    polygon(polyx, polyy, col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
    abline(h=1, lty = 2)
    abline(h=0.5, lty = 2, col = 'red')
    if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(mod$years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
  } else {
    plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.58, paste("Error in plot, all values are NaN"), cex = 1.6, col = "black")
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.42, bquote(paste("SSB/", SSB[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])), cex = 1.6, col = "black")    

  log.rel.f.vals <- std[inds$full.f,1][1:n_years_full] - std[inds$F.t,1][1:n_years_full]
  cv <- sapply(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov, function(x) return(sqrt(x[2,2])))
  ci <-  log.rel.f.vals + cbind(-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv)
    polyy = exp(c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2])))
    polyy[which(is.infinite(polyy))] <-1e10
    if(!na.sd["full.f"]) plot(years_full, exp(log.rel.f.vals), xlab = '', ylab = bquote(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])),
      ylim = c(0,max(polyy,1, na.rm = TRUE)), type = 'l')
    if(na.sd["full.f"]) plot(years_full, exp(log.rel.f.vals), xlab = '', ylab = bquote(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])),
      ylim = c(0,max(exp(log.rel.f.vals),1, na.rm = TRUE)), type = 'l')
    grid(col = gray(0.7))
    polyx = c(years_full,rev(years_full))
    polyx = polyx[!is.na(polyy)]
    polyy = polyy[!is.na(polyy)]
    polygon(polyx, polyy, col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
    abline(h=1, lty = 2, col = 'red')
    if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
    mtext(side =1, "Year", outer = TRUE, line = 2, cex = 1.5)
  } else {
    plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.58, paste("Error in plot, all values are NaN"), cex = 1.6, col = "black")
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.42, bquote(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])), cex = 1.6, col = "black")      
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

  # Kobe plot - only if sdreport was successful ---------------------------
  do.kobe <- sapply(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[status.years], function(x) !all(!is.finite(x))) # only if some non-infinite values for at least some status years
  # if(!mod$na_sdrep){
    rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs <- lapply(status.years, function(x){
      if(is.na(log.rel.f.vals[x]) | any(diag(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[x]])<0)) return(matrix(NA,100,2))
      else return(exp(ellipse::ellipse(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[x]], centre = c(log.rel.ssb.vals[x],log.rel.f.vals[x]), level = 1-alpha)))
    p.ssb.lo.f.lo <- p.ssb.lo.f.hi <- p.ssb.hi.f.lo <- p.ssb.hi.f.hi <- rep(NA,length(status.years))
    for(i in 1:length(status.years)){
      check.zero.sd <- diag(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]])==0 | diag(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]]) < 0
      if(!any(is.na(check.zero.sd))) if(!any(check.zero.sd)){
        p.ssb.lo.f.lo[i] <- mnormt::sadmvn(lower = c(-Inf,-Inf), upper = c(-log(2), 0), mean = c(log.rel.ssb.vals[status.years[i]],log.rel.f.vals[status.years[i]]), varcov = log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]])
        p.ssb.lo.f.hi[i] <- mnormt::sadmvn(lower = c(-Inf,0), upper = c(-log(2), Inf), mean = c(log.rel.ssb.vals[status.years[i]],log.rel.f.vals[status.years[i]]), varcov = log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]])
        p.ssb.hi.f.lo[i] <- mnormt::sadmvn(lower = c(-log(2),-Inf), upper = c(Inf, 0), mean = c(log.rel.ssb.vals[status.years[i]],log.rel.f.vals[status.years[i]]), varcov = log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]])
        p.ssb.hi.f.hi[i] <- mnormt::sadmvn(lower = c(-log(2),0), upper = c(Inf, Inf), mean = c(log.rel.ssb.vals[status.years[i]],log.rel.f.vals[status.years[i]]), varcov = log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov[[status.years[i]]])

    vals <- exp(cbind(log.rel.ssb.vals, log.rel.f.vals))
    if(missing(max.x)) max.x <- max(sapply(rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,1],na.rm = TRUE)),1.5)
    if(missing(max.y)) max.y <- max(sapply(rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs, function(x) max(x[,2],na.rm = TRUE)),1.5)
    if(is.infinite(max.y)) max.y <- 10
    if(is.infinite(max.x)) max.x <- 10
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Kobe_status.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Kobe_status.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mfrow = c(1,1))
    plot(vals[status.years,1],vals[status.years,2], ylim = c(0,max.y), xlim = c(0,max.x), xlab = bquote(paste("SSB/", SSB[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])),
      ylab = bquote(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[paste(.(percentSPR),"%")])),type = 'n')
    lims = par("usr")
    tcol <- col2rgb('red')
    tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
    polygon(c(lims[1],0.5,0.5,lims[1]),c(1,1,lims[4],lims[4]), border = tcol, col = tcol)
    tcol <- col2rgb('green')
    tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
    polygon(c(0.5,lims[2],lims[2],0.5),c(lims[3],lims[3],1,1), border = tcol, col = tcol)
    tcol <- col2rgb('yellow')
    tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
    polygon(c(lims[1],0.5,0.5,lims[1]),c(lims[3],lims[3],1,1), border = tcol, col = tcol)
    polygon(c(0.5,lims[2],lims[2],0.5),c(1,1,lims[4],lims[4]), border = tcol, col = tcol)
    legend("topleft", legend = paste0("Prob = ", round(p.ssb.lo.f.hi,2)), bty = "n", text.font=status.lwd)
    legend("topright", legend = paste0("Prob = ", round(p.ssb.hi.f.hi,2)), bty = "n", text.font=status.lwd)
    legend("bottomleft", legend = paste0("Prob = ", round(p.ssb.lo.f.lo,2)), bty = "n", text.font=status.lwd)
    legend("bottomright", legend = paste0("Prob = ", round(p.ssb.hi.f.lo,2)), bty = "n", text.font=status.lwd)
    text(vals[status.years,1],vals[status.years,2], substr(years_full[status.years],3,4), font=status.lwd)
    for(i in 1:length(status.years)) if(all(!is.infinite(rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs[[i]]))) { 
      polygon(rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs[[i]][,1], rel.ssb.rel.F.ci.regs[[i]][,2], lwd=status.lwd[i])#, border = gray(0.7))
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
    return(list(p.ssb.lo.f.lo = p.ssb.lo.f.lo, p.ssb.hi.f.lo = p.ssb.hi.f.lo, p.ssb.hi.f.hi = p.ssb.hi.f.hi, p.ssb.lo.f.hi = p.ssb.lo.f.hi))
  } else { return(NULL) }
}  # end function

plot.MSY.annual <- function(mod, alpha = 0.05, max.x, max.y, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  n_ages = dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  years_full = mod$years_full
  n_years_full = length(years_full)
  std = summary(mod$sdrep, "report")
  cov <- mod$sdrep$cov
	if(dat$recruit_model == 3) #Beverton-Holt assumed in model fit
	{ # test to make sure steepness was estimated
    tcol <- col2rgb('black')
    tcol <- paste(rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,], tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255), "55", sep = '')
		inds <- list(MSY = which(rownames(std) == "log_MSY"))
		inds$FMSY <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FMSY")
		inds$SSBMSY <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB_MSY")
		inds$RMSY <- which(rownames(std) == "log_R_MSY")
		inds$ssb <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
  	inds$faa <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
	  log.faa <- matrix(std[inds$faa,1], n_years_full, n_ages)
	  age.full.f <- apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x))))
	  inds$full.f <- (age.full.f-1)*n_years_full + 1:n_years_full  + min(inds$faa) - 1 #cbind(1:n_years, age.full.f)
	  ylabs <- c(expression(MSY),expression(italic(F)[MSY]), expression(SSB[MSY]), expression(italic(R)[MSY]))
	  log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov <- lapply(1:n_years_full, function(x)
	    K <- cbind(c(1,-1,0,0),c(0,0,1,-1))
	    ind <- c(inds$ssb[x],inds$SSBMSY[x],inds$full.f[x],inds$FMSY[x])
	    tcov <- cov[ind,ind]
	    return(t(K) %*% tcov %*% K)

    # 4-panel MSY plot
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("MSY_4panel_F_SSB_R.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("MSY_4panel_F_SSB_R.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    for(i in 1:4)
      t.ind <- inds[[i]]
      t.ylab <- ylabs[i]
      vals <- std[t.ind,1][1:n_years_full]
  	  cv <- std[t.ind,2][1:n_years_full]
      ci <-  vals + cbind(qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, -qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv)
      na.ci <- all(is.na(ci))
      # remove NaN and Inf
      # rm.rows <- which(vals < 0)
      vals[!is.finite(vals)] = NA
      # vals[rm.rows] = NA
      # rm.rows <- which(ci[,2] < 0)
      ci[!is.finite(exp(ci))] = NA
      # ci[rm.rows,] = NA
		  if(!na.ci) plot(years_full, exp(vals), xlab = 'Year', ylab = t.ylab, ylim = c(0,max(exp(ci),na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
      if(na.ci) plot(years_full, exp(vals), xlab = 'Year', ylab = t.ylab, ylim = c(0,max(exp(vals),na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
		  grid(col = gray(0.7))
      not.na.ci <- !is.na(ci[,1])
		  polygon(c(years_full[not.na.ci],rev(years_full[not.na.ci])), exp(c(ci[,1][not.na.ci],rev(ci[,2][not.na.ci]))), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
      # polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), exp(c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2]))), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
      if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

    # 2-panel SSB_MSY and F_MSY
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("MSY_relative_status.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("MSY_relative_status.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    rel.ssb.vals <- exp(std[inds$ssb,1][1:n_years_full] - std[inds$SSBMSY,1][1:n_years_full])
    cv <- sapply(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov, function(x) return(sqrt(x[1,1])))
    ci <-  rel.ssb.vals * exp(cbind(-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv))
    na.ci <- all(is.na(ci))
      # remove NaN and Inf
      # rm.rows <- which(rel.ssb.vals < 0)
      rel.ssb.vals[!is.finite(rel.ssb.vals)] = NA
      # rel.ssb.vals[rm.rows] = NA
      # rm.rows <- which(ci[,2] < 0 | ci[,1] < 0)
      ci[!is.finite(ci)] = NA
      # ci[rm.rows,] = NA    
		if(!na.ci) plot(years_full, rel.ssb.vals, xlab = 'Year', ylab = expression(paste("SSB/", SSB[MSY])), ylim = c(0,max(ci,na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
    if(na.ci) plot(years_full, rel.ssb.vals, xlab = 'Year', ylab = expression(paste("SSB/", SSB[MSY])), ylim = c(0,max(rel.ssb.vals,na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
	  grid(col = gray(0.7))
	  polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), exp(c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2]))), col = tcol, border = "transparent", lwd = 1)
	  abline(h=1, lty = 2)
	  abline(h=0.5, lty = 2, col = 'red')
    if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)

    rel.f.vals <- exp(std[inds$full.f,1][1:n_years_full] - std[inds$FMSY,1][1:n_years_full])
    cv <- sapply(log.rel.ssb.rel.F.cov, function(x) return(sqrt(x[2,2])))
    ci <-  rel.f.vals * exp(cbind(-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv, qnorm(1-alpha/2)*cv))
    na.ci <- all(is.na(ci))
      # remove NaN and Inf
      # rm.rows <- which(rel.f.vals < 0)
      rel.f.vals[!is.finite(rel.f.vals)] = NA
      # rel.f.vals[rm.rows] = NA
      # rm.rows <- which(ci[,2] < 0 | ci[,1] < 0)
      ci[!is.finite(ci)] = NA
      # ci[rm.rows,] = NA    
		if(!na.ci) plot(years_full, rel.f.vals, xlab = 'Year', ylab = expression(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[MSY])),
      ylim = c(0,max(ci,na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
    if(na.ci) plot(years_full, rel.f.vals, xlab = 'Year', ylab = expression(paste(italic(F),"/", italic(F)[MSY])),
      ylim = c(0,max(rel.f.vals,na.rm=TRUE)), type = 'l')
	  grid(col = gray(0.7))
	  polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(ci[,1],rev(ci[,2])), col = tcol, border = tcol, lwd = 1)
	  abline(h=1, lty = 2, col = 'red')
    if(mod$env$data$do_proj==1) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2, lwd=1)
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
}  # end function

plot.yield.curves <- function(mod, nyrs.ave = 5, plot=TRUE, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
	n_ages = dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  avg.ind = (n_years-nyrs.ave+1):n_years
	mat.age <- apply(dat$mature[avg.ind,],2,mean)
	ssb.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	catch.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_totcatch,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	M.age <- apply(mod$rep$MAA[avg.ind,],2,mean)
  sel = apply(apply(mod$rep$FAA[avg.ind,,,drop=FALSE], 2:3, mean),2,sum) #sum across fleet averages 
  #sel = apply(mod$rep$FAA_tot[avg.ind,],2,mean) #average FAA, then do selectivity
	sel <- sel/max(sel)
	spawn.time <- mean(dat$fracyr_SSB[avg.ind])
  spr0 = get_SPR(F=0, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time)

	F.range <- seq(0,2.0, by=0.01)
	nF <- length(F.range)

  spr = sapply(F.range, function(x) get_SPR(F=x, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time))
  ypr = sapply(F.range, function(x) get_YPR(F=x, M=M.age, sel=sel, waacatch=catch.waa))
  pr = spr/spr0

    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("YPR_F_curve_plot.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("YPR_F_curve_plot.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
  	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,4))
  	plot(F.range, ypr, type='n', xlab="Full F", ylab="", lwd=2, col="blue3", ylim=c(0,max(ypr)), axes = FALSE)
    axis(2, col='blue3', col.axis="blue3")
  	abline(v=seq(0.1,2.0, by=0.1), col="grey85")
  	lines(F.range, ypr, lwd=2, col="blue3" )
  	points(F.range, ypr, pch=19, col="blue3")
    mtext(side =2, "Yield per Recruit", col = "blue3", line = 2)
  	scale.pr <- max(pr)/max(ypr)

  	lines(F.range, pr/scale.pr, col="red", lwd=2)
  	points(F.range, pr/scale.pr, pch=19, col="red")
  	axis(side=4, at=seq(0,1,by=0.1)/scale.pr, lab=seq(0,1,by=0.1), las=2, col='red', col.axis="red")
  	mtext(side=4, "% SPR", line=3, col="red")
  	title (paste("YPR-SPR Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")", sep=""), outer=T, line=-1)
  	if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("YPR_F_curve_table.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("YPR_F_curve_table.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)

  	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
  	plot(seq(1,42), seq(-3,38), type='n', axes=F, bty='n',xlab="",ylab="")
  	text(x=0,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=4, y=36, labels="YPR" , font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=9, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=15,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=19, y=36, labels="YPR" , font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=24, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=30,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=34, y=36, labels="YPR" , font=2, pos=4)
  	text(x=39, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)

    text(x=0, y=35:1, labels=F.range[1:35], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=4, y=35:1, labels=round(ypr[1:35],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=9, y=35:1, labels=round(pr[1:35],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

    text(x=15, y=35:1, labels=F.range[36:70], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=19, y=35:1, labels=round(ypr[36:70],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=24, y=35:1, labels=round(pr[36:70],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

    text(x=30, y=35:1, labels=F.range[71:105], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=34, y=35:1, labels=round(ypr[71:105],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
    text(x=39, y=35:1, labels=round(pr[71:105],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

  	title (paste("YPR-SPR Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")", sep=""), outer=T, line=-1)
  	if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
  ypr.table = cbind.data.frame(F.range, ypr, pr)
  colnames(ypr.table) <- c("Full.F", "YPR", "SPR")
	#write.csv(ypr.table, file=paste(od,"YPR_Table.csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
  # par(origpar)
} # end function

plot.exp.spawn <- function(mod, nyrs.ave = 5)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  n_ages = dat$n_ages
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  avg.ind = (n_years-nyrs.ave+1):n_years
	mat.age <- apply(dat$mature[avg.ind,],2,mean)
	ssb.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_ssb,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	catch.waa <- apply(dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_totcatch,,][avg.ind,],2,mean)
	M.age <- apply(mod$rep$MAA[avg.ind,],2,mean)
  sel = apply(apply(mod$rep$FAA[avg.ind,,,drop=FALSE], 2:3, mean),2,sum) #sum across fleet averages 
  #sel = apply(mod$rep$FAA_tot[avg.ind,],2,mean) #average FAA, then do selectivity
	sel <- sel/max(sel)
	spawn.time <- mean(dat$fracyr_SSB[avg.ind])
  spr0 = get_SPR(F=0, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time)

	F.range <- seq(0,2.0, by=0.01)
	nF <- length(F.range)
	# plot maturity vs selectivity based on "nyrs.ave" average

	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,4))
	plot( seq(1,n_ages), mat.age, type='b', pch = 16, col='black', lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1.1), xlab="Age", ylab="Selectivity or Maturity at age")
	lines( seq(1,n_ages), sel, col='orange2', lwd=1)
	points( seq(1,n_ages), sel, col='orange2', pch=16)
	legend('topleft', legend=c("Maturity", "Selectivity"), col=c("black", "orange2"), lwd=c(2,1), pch=c(NA, 16))
  spr = sapply(F.range, function(x) get_SPR(F=x, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=ssb.waa, fracyrssb = spawn.time))
  expected.spawners = sapply(F.range, function(x) get_SPR(F=x, M=M.age, sel=sel, mat=mat.age, waassb=rep(1,n_ages), fracyrssb = spawn.time))
  ypr = sapply(F.range, function(x) get_YPR(F=x, M=M.age, sel=sel, waacatch=catch.waa))
  pr = spr/spr0

	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(4,4,2,4))

	plot(F.range, expected.spawners, type='n', xlab="Full F", ylab="", lwd=2, col="skyblue3", ylim=c(0,max(expected.spawners)), axes = FALSE)
  axis(2, col='skyblue3', col.axis="skyblue3")
  mtext(side = 2, col = "skyblue3", "Expected Spawnings", line = 2)
	abline(v=seq(0.1,2.0, by=0.1), col="grey85")
	abline(h=c(1,2,3), col="skyblue1")
	lines(F.range, expected.spawners, lwd=2, col="skyblue3")
	points(F.range, expected.spawners, pch=19, col="skyblue3")
	scale.pr <- max(pr)/max(expected.spawners)

	lines(F.range, pr/scale.pr, col="red", lwd=2)
	points(F.range, pr/scale.pr, col="red", pch=19)
	axis(side=4, at=seq(0,1,by=0.1)/scale.pr, lab=seq(0,1,by=0.1), las=2, col='red', col.axis="red")
	mtext(side=4, "% SPR", line=3, col="red")
	title (paste("Expected Spawnings and SPR Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")",	sep=""), cex=0.9, outer=T, line=-1)

	par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
	plot(seq(1,42), seq(-3,38), type='n', axes=F, bty='n',xlab="",ylab="")
	text(x=0,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
	text(x=4, y=36, labels="E[Sp]" , font=2, pos=4,cex=0.9)
	text(x=9, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)
	text(x=15,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
	text(x=19, y=36, labels="E[Sp]" , font=2, pos=4,cex=0.9)
	text(x=24, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)
	text(x=30,y=36, labels="F", font=2, pos=4)
	text(x=34, y=36, labels="E[Sp]" , font=2, pos=4,cex=0.9)
	text(x=39, y=36, labels="SPR", font=2, pos=4)

  text(x=0, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=F.range[1:35], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=4, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(expected.spawners[1:35],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=9, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(pr[1:35],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

  text(x=15, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=F.range[36:70], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=19, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(expected.spawners[36:70],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=24, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(pr[36:70],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

  text(x=30, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=F.range[71:105], cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=34, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(expected.spawners[71:105],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)
  text(x=39, y=seq(35,1, by=-1), labels=round(pr[71:105],4), cex=0.82, pos=4, font=1)

	title (paste("Expected Spawnings & SPR Reference Points (Years Avg = ", nyrs.ave,")", sep=""), cex=0.9, outer=T, line=-1)

	exp.spawn.table<- as.data.frame(cbind(F.range, expected.spawners, pr))
	colnames(exp.spawn.table) <- c("Full.F", "Exp.Spawn", "SPR")
	#write.csv(exp.spawn.table, file=paste(od,"Exp.Spawn.Table.csv", sep=""), row.names=F)
} # end function

plot.retro <- function(mod,y.lab,y.range1,y.range2, alpha = 0.05, what = "SSB", age=NULL, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  years = mod$years
	n_years <- length(years) # don't use projections
  npeels = length(mod$peels)
    if(what == "NAA_age") {
      age.ind <- (1:mod$input$data$n_ages)[age] 
      #age.ind <- match(age, mod$ages.lab)
      what.print <- paste0(what, age)
    } else {
      what.print <- what

    # standard retro plot
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(what.print,"_retro.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(what.print,"_retro.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    plot.colors = mypalette(npeels+1)
    tcol = col2rgb(plot.colors)
    tcol = rgb(tcol[1,],tcol[2,],tcol[3,], maxColorValue = 255, alpha = 200)
    if(what == "NAA_age"){
      res = list(head(mod$rep[["NAA"]],n_years))
      res[2:(npeels+1)] = lapply(mod$peels, function(x) x$rep[["NAA"]])
    } else {
      res = list(head(mod$rep[[what]],n_years))
      res[2:(npeels+1)] = lapply(mod$peels, function(x) x$rep[[what]])
    if(what == "NAA")
      par(mfcol = c(ceiling(NCOL(res[[1]])/2),2))
      for(i in 1:NCOL(res[[1]]))
        y.range1 <- range(sapply(res, function(x) range(x[,i])))
        plot(years,res[[1]][,i],lwd=1,col=plot.colors[1],type='l',xlab="Year",ylab=paste0("Numbers at age ", mod$ages.lab[i]),ylim=y.range1)
        grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
        for (j in 1:npeels)
          lines(years[1:(n_years-j)],res[[j+1]][,i], col = tcol[j+1])
    if(what == "NAA_age") # only specified age
      par(mfrow = c(1,1))
      i = age.ind
      y.range1 <- range(sapply(res, function(x) range(x[,i])))
      plot(years,res[[1]][,i],lwd=1,col=plot.colors[1],type='l',xlab="Year",ylab=paste0("Numbers at age ", mod$ages.lab[i]),ylim=y.range1)
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      for (j in 1:npeels)
        lines(years[1:(n_years-j)],res[[j+1]][,i], col = tcol[j+1])
    if(what %in% c("SSB","Fbar"))
      if(missing(y.range1)) y.range1 <- range(sapply(res, function(x) range(x)))
      par(mfrow = c(1,1))
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      for (i in 1:npeels)
        lines(years[1:(n_years-i)],res[[i+1]], col = tcol[i+1])
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

    # relative retro plot
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(what.print,"_retro_relative.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(what.print,"_retro_relative.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    if(missing(y.lab)) y.lab = bquote(paste("Mohn's ", rho, "(",.(what),")"))
    if(what %in% c("NAA","NAA_age")) rel.res = lapply(1:length(res), function(x) res[[x]]/res[[1]][1:(n_years - x + 1),] - 1)
    if(what %in% c("SSB","Fbar")) rel.res = lapply(1:length(res), function(x) res[[x]]/res[[1]][1:(n_years - x + 1)] - 1)
    rho.vals = mohns_rho(mod)

    if(what == "NAA")
      par(mfcol = c(ceiling(NCOL(rel.res[[1]])/2),2))
      for(i in 1:NCOL(res[[1]]))
        y.range2 <- c(-1,max(sapply(rel.res, function(x) range(x[,i]))))
        plot(years,rel.res[[1]][,i],lwd=1,col=plot.colors[1],type='l',xlab="Year",ylab=bquote(paste("Mohn's ", rho, "(Numbers at age ", .(mod$ages.lab[i]), ")")),ylim = y.range2)
        grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
        for (j in 1:npeels)
          lines(years[1:(n_years-j)],rel.res[[j+1]][,i], col = tcol[j+1])
        rho.nm = ifelse(i==1, "R",paste0("N",mod$ages.lab[i]))
        rho.plot <- round(rho.vals[rho.nm],3)
        legend("bottomleft", legend = bquote(rho == .(rho.plot)), bty = "n")
    if(what == "NAA_age")
      par(mfrow = c(1,1))
      i = age.ind
      y.range2 <- c(-1,max(sapply(rel.res, function(x) range(x[,i]))))
      plot(years,rel.res[[1]][,i],lwd=1,col=plot.colors[1],type='l',xlab="Year",ylab=bquote(paste("Mohn's ", rho, "(Numbers at age ", .(mod$ages.lab[i]), ")")),ylim = y.range2)
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      for (j in 1:npeels)
        lines(years[1:(n_years-j)],rel.res[[j+1]][,i], col = tcol[j+1])
      rho.nm = ifelse(i==1, "R",paste0("N",mod$ages.lab[i]))
      rho.plot <- round(rho.vals[rho.nm],3)
      legend("bottomleft", legend = bquote(rho == .(rho.plot)), bty = "n")
    if(what %in% c("SSB","Fbar"))
      if(missing(y.range2)) y.range2 <- c(-1,max(sapply(rel.res, function(x) range(x))))
      par(mfrow = c(1,1))
      grid(col = gray(0.7), lty = 2)
      for (i in 1:npeels)
        lines(years[1:(n_years-i)],rel.res[[i+1]], col = tcol[i+1])
      rho.plot <- round(rho.vals[what],3)
      legend("bottomleft", legend = bquote(rho == .(rho.plot)), bty = "n")
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
    # par(origpar)

#-----Catch curve and cohort correspondence plots-------------------------------
# function to compute catch at age (matrix)
# from proportions at age (matrix), weight at age (matrix) and total weight (vector)
wtprop2caa <- function(fleet)#totwt,waa,props)

  return(paa * totwt/apply(paa*waa,1,sum))
	caa <- mod$rep$pred_caa[,fleet,] * mod$env$data
	for (i in 1:length(totwt))
		if (sum(props[i,]) == 0) caa[i,] <- 0
		if (sum(props[i,]) > 0) caa[i,] <- props[i,] * (totwt[i] / sum(props[i,] * waa[i,]))

# function replace zeros and take log
rep0log <- function(mat)
  mat[mat==0] = NA

# function make cohorts
makecohorts <- function(mat)
	NAmat <- matrix(NA, NCOL(mat), NCOL(mat))
	matcoh1 <- rbind(NAmat,mat,NAmat)
	nr <- NROW(matcoh1)
	nc <- NCOL(mat)
	matcoh <- matrix(NA, nrow=nr, ncol=nc)
	for (i in 1:nc) matcoh[1:(nr-i),i] <- matcoh1[i:(nr-1),i]

# function to plot all ages by all ages of data by cohorts
# assumes matrix has ages as columns and that cohorts are in rows
plotcoh <- function(matcoh,mytitle="",mylabels=NA, save.plots = FALSE, mod)
	origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  nc <- NCOL(matcoh)
	my.cor <- cor(matcoh,use="pairwise.complete.obs")
	my.cor.round <- round(my.cor,2)
	for (i in 1:nc)
		for (j in nc:1)
			if (i == j)
			if (i < j)
				if (!is.na(my.cor[i,j]))
					plot(matcoh[,i],matcoh[,j],axes=FALSE) # make sure have some data to plot
					xx <- matcoh[,i]
					yy <- matcoh[,j]
					my.fit <- lm(yy~xx)
					if (!is.na(my.fit$coefficients[2])) abline(my.fit,col="red")
					xrng <- data.frame(xx = seq(min(xx,na.rm=T),max(xx,na.rm=T),length.out=100))
					zz <- predict(my.fit,xrng,interval="confidence")
				if (is.na(my.cor[i,j]))
				{  # if not data, just make empty box
			if (i > j)
				txt <- format(my.cor.round[i,j], nsmall=2)
	title(mytitle, outer=TRUE)
	# par(origpar)

plot_catch_at_age_consistency <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
	# create plots of ages vs each other (correctly lagged) on log scale for catch by fleet
	cat.corr <- list()
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
  n_years = length(mod$years)
	for (i in 1:dat$n_fleets)
		if (dat$n_fleets == 1) title1 = "Catch"
		if (dat$n_fleets >= 2) title1 = paste("Catch for Fleet ",i, sep="")

		# get catch at age
    catchob = dat$catch_paa[i,,] * dat$agg_catch[,i]/apply(dat$catch_paa[i,,] * dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_fleets[i],1:n_years,],1,sum)
    catchpr = rep$pred_catch_paa[1:n_years,i,] * exp(rep$pred_log_catch[1:n_years,i])/apply(rep$pred_catch_paa[1:n_years,i,] * dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_fleets[i],1:n_years,],1,sum)
		# replace zeros with NA and take logs
		cob <- rep0log(catchob)
		cpr <- rep0log(catchpr)

		# make cohorts
		cob.coh <- makecohorts(cob)
		cpr.coh <- makecohorts(cpr)

		# make the plots
		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_obs_fleet",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
		if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_obs_fleet",i,".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
		cob.cor <- plotcoh(cob.coh,mytitle=paste(title1," Observed", sep=""),mod=mod)
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_pred_fleet",i,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
		if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_pred_fleet",i,".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
		cpr.cor <- plotcoh(cpr.coh,mytitle=paste(title1," Predicted", sep=""),mod=mod)
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

		cat.corr[[i]] <- list(cob.cor,cpr.cor)


convert_survey_to_at_age <- function(mod)
	# takes West Coast style surveys and converts them to catch at age matrices
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
	index.mats <- list(ob = list(), pr = list())
	weight.mat.counter <- 0
	for (i in 1:dat$n_indices)
		if (sum(dat$use_index_paa[,i])>0)
		{  # used age composition for the index
			# get the aggregate index observed and predicted time series
			agg.ob <- dat$agg_indices[which(dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1),i]
			agg.pr <- exp(rep$pred_log_indices[which(dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1),i]) # bias corrected

			# get proportions for correct years and ages only
			props.ob <- dat$index_paa[i,which(dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1),]
			props.pr <- rep$pred_index_paa[which(dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1),i,]

      # figure out units for aggregate and proportions
			agg.units <- dat$units_indices[i]
			prp.units <- dat$units_index_paa[i]

      waa <- dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_indices[i],which(dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1),]
			# get weight (matrix if necessary)
			if (agg.units==1 | prp.units==1)
			{  # either in weight

			# create index.obs and pred based on which of the four possible combinations of units is used for this index
			if (agg.units==1 && prp.units==1)
			{  # both in weight
				index.ob <- agg.ob * props.ob / waa
				index.pr <- agg.pr * props.pr / waa
			if (agg.units==1 && prp.units==2)
			{  # agg in weight, props in numbers
        index.ob = props.ob * agg.ob/apply(props.ob * waa,1,sum)
        index.pr = props.pr * agg.pr/apply(props.pr * waa,1,sum)
				#index.ob <- wtprop2caa(agg.ob,waa,props.ob)  # use catch function
				#index.pr <- wtprop2caa(agg.pr,waa,props.pr)
			if (agg.units==2 && prp.units==1)
			{  # agg in numbers, props in weight
				# need to search for correct agg total in weight to result in observed agg total in number
				# for now just use simple approximation that agg.wt = sum(waa*prop) *ctot and then solve using both in weight approach
				agg.wt.ob <- apply((waa * props.ob),1,sum) * agg.ob
				agg.wt.pr <- apply((waa * props.pr),1,sum) * agg.pr
				index.ob <- agg.wt.ob * props.ob / waa
				index.pr <- agg.wt.pr * props.pr / waa
			if (agg.units==2 && prp.units==2)
			{  # both in numbers
				index.ob <- agg.ob * props.ob
				index.pr <- agg.pr * props.pr

			# put matrices into full year matrix (ages only for selected ages though)
			# need to do this to account for missing years of data interspersed in time series
			index.ob.full <- index.pr.full <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(mod$years), ncol=dat$n_ages)
			index.ob.full[dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1,] <- index.ob
			index.pr.full[dat$use_index_paa[,i]==1,] <- index.pr

			# save the results for this index
			index.mats$ob[[i]] <- index.ob.full
			index.mats$pr[[i]] <- index.pr.full
		{  # cannot use this index
			index.mats$ob[[i]] <- NA
			index.mats$pr[[i]] <- NA

plot_index_at_age_consistency <- function(mod, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
  dat = mod$env$data
  n_years = length(mod$years)
	# now loop through indices, check to make sure actually estimating proportions at age
	# also need to use only the age range selected in the proportions
	index.corr <- list()

	# convert the west coast style indices to catch at age matrices
	index.mats <- convert_survey_to_at_age(mod)

	# loop through all the indices
	for (ind in 1:dat$n_indices)
		if (sum(dat$use_index_paa[,ind]) >0)
		{  # used age composition for the index
			title1 <- paste("Index ",ind, sep="")

			# replace zeros with NA and take logs
			iob <- rep0log(index.mats$ob[[ind]])
			ipr <- rep0log(index.mats$pr[[ind]])

			# make cohorts
			iob.coh <- makecohorts(iob)
			ipr.coh <- makecohorts(ipr)

			# create labels for plot (if necessary)
			mylabels <- paste0("age-",mod$ages.lab, sep="")

			# make the plots
			if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_obs_index",ind,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
			if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_obs_index",ind,".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
			iob.cor <- plotcoh(iob.coh,mytitle=paste(title1," Observed", sep=""),mylabels,mod=mod)
			if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

			if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_pred_index",ind,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
			if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_at_age_consistency_pred_index",ind,".png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
			ipr.cor <- plotcoh(ipr.coh,mytitle=paste(title1," Predicted", sep=""),mylabels,mod=mod)
			if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

			index.corr[[ind]] <- list(iob.cor,ipr.cor)


find_peak_age <- function(cohmat)
	# determines peak age within each cohort and replaces younger ages with NA
	ages <- seq(1,NCOL(cohmat))
	temp.sum <- apply(cohmat,1,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
	for (i in 1:NROW(cohmat))
		if (temp.sum[i] > 0)
		{  # necessary to avoid cohorts that are all NA
			age.peak <- max(ages[cohmat[i,]==max(cohmat[i,],na.rm=TRUE)], na.rm=TRUE)  # find the peak age
			if (age.peak > 1) cohmat[i,1:(age.peak-1)] <- NA  # replace ages < peak.age with NA

calc_Z_cohort <- function(cohmat)
	# calculate Z along cohort using linear regression and return point estimate and 80% confidence interval
	ages <- seq(1,NCOL(cohmat))
	z <- matrix(NA, nrow=NROW(cohmat), ncol=3)
	for (i in 1:NROW(cohmat))
		if (length(cohmat[i,which(!is.na(cohmat[i,]))]) >= 2)
		{  # make sure there are at least 2 data points for point estimate
			z.fit <- lm(cohmat[i,]~ages)  # linear regression of cohort abundance vs age
			z[i,1] <- -1 * z.fit$coefficients[2]  # note change in sign for Z
			if (length(cohmat[i,!is.na(cohmat[i,])]) >= 3)
			{  # need at least 3 data points for CI
				z[i,2:3] <- -1 * rev(confint(z.fit, "ages", level=0.80))  # note change in sign and order for Z CI

plot_catch_curves_for_catch <- function(mod, first.age=-999, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
	# create catch curve plots for catch by fleet
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	lastyr <- max(mod$years)
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
  n_years = length(mod$years)
	cohort <- (min(mod$years) - dat$n_ages-1):(lastyr+dat$n_ages-1)
	ages <- 1:dat$n_ages
  my.col = rep(mypalette(5),50)
	#my.col <- rep(c("blue","red","green","orange","gray50"),50)
	for (i in 1:dat$n_fleets)
		if (dat$n_fleets == 1) title1 = "Catch"
		if (dat$n_fleets >= 2) title1 = paste0("Catch for Fleet ",i)

		# get catch at age
    catchob = dat$catch_paa[i,,] * dat$agg_catch[,i]/apply(dat$catch_paa[i,,] * dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_fleets[i],1:n_years,],1,sum)
    catchpr = rep$pred_catch_paa[1:n_years,i,] * exp(rep$pred_log_catch[1:n_years,i])/apply(rep$pred_catch_paa[1:n_years,i,] * dat$waa[dat$waa_pointer_fleets[i],1:n_years,],1,sum)

		# replace zeros with NA and take logs
		cob <- rep0log(catchob)
		cpr <- rep0log(catchpr)

		# make cohorts
		cob.coh <- makecohorts(cob)
		cpr.coh <- makecohorts(cpr)

		# drop plus group
		cob.coh[,dat$n_ages] <- NA
		cpr.coh[,dat$n_ages] <- NA

		first.age.label <- 1
		if (first.age==1) title1 <- paste(title1," First Age = 1", sep="")

		# determine which ages to use for each cohort (default)
		if (first.age == -999)
      cob.coh <- find_peak_age(cob.coh)
      cpr.coh <- find_peak_age(cpr.coh)
      first.age.label <- "find_peak"
      title1 <- paste0(title1," (Peak Age)")

		# or drop youngest ages based on user control
		if (first.age > 1)
      cob.coh[,1:(first.age-1)] <- NA
      cpr.coh[,1:(first.age-1)] <- NA
      title1 <- paste0(title1," First Age = ",first.age)
      first.age.label <- first.age

		# compute Z by cohort
		z.ob <- calc_Z_cohort(cob.coh)
		z.pr <- calc_Z_cohort(cpr.coh)

		# make the plots
		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_fleet",i,"_obs.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
		if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_fleet",i,"_obs.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
		plot(cohort,cohort,type='n',ylim=range(c(cob.coh,cpr.coh),na.rm=TRUE),xlab="",ylab="Log(Catch)", main=paste0(title1," Observed"))
		grid(col = gray(0.7))
		for (j in 1:NROW(cob.coh))
		Hmisc::errbar(cohort,z.ob[,1],z.ob[,3],z.ob[,2],xlab="Year Class",ylab="Z",ylim=range(c(z.ob,z.pr),na.rm=T))
		grid(col = gray(0.7))
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

		if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_fleet",i,"_pred.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
		if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_fleet",i,"_pred.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
		plot(cohort,cohort,type='n',ylim=range(c(cob.coh,cpr.coh),na.rm=TRUE),xlab="",ylab="Log(Catch)", main=paste0(title1," Predicted"))
		grid(col = gray(0.7))
		for (j in 1:length(cob.coh[,1]))
		Hmisc::errbar(cohort,z.pr[,1],z.pr[,3],z.pr[,2],xlab="Year Class",ylab="Z",ylim=range(c(z.ob,z.pr),na.rm=T))
		grid(col = gray(0.7))
		if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

    # write out .csv files for Z, one file for each fleet
		colnames(z.ob) <-c("Z.obs","low.80%", "high.80%")
		#write.csv(z.ob, file=paste(od,"Z.Ob.Fleet.",i,".csv", sep=""), row.names=cohort)

		colnames(z.pr) <-c("Z.pred","low.80%", "high.80%")
		#write.csv(z.pr, file=paste(od,"Z.Pr.Fleet.",i,".csv", sep=""), row.names=cohort)
  if(!(do.tex | do.png)) par(origpar)


plot_catch_curves_for_index <- function(mod, first.age=-999, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", res = 72, od)
	# create catch curve plots for each west coast style index
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  lastyr <- max(mod$years)
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
  ages = 1:dat$n_ages
  n_ages = dat$n_ages
  cohort <- (min(mod$years)-n_ages-min(ages)):(lastyr+n_ages-min(ages))
	my.col <- rep(c("blue","red","green","orange","gray50"),50)

	# convert the west coast style indices to catch at age matrices
	index.mats <- convert_survey_to_at_age(mod)

	# loop through all the indices
	for (ind in 1:dat$n_indices)
		if (sum(dat$use_index_paa[,ind]) > 0)
		{  # used age composition for the index
			title1 <- paste0("Index ",ind)
			# replace zeros with NA and take logs
			iob <- rep0log(index.mats$ob[[ind]])
			ipr <- rep0log(index.mats$pr[[ind]])

			# make cohorts
			iob.coh <- makecohorts(iob)
			ipr.coh <- makecohorts(ipr)

			# drop plus group
			iob.coh[,NCOL(iob.coh)] <- NA
			ipr.coh[,NCOL(iob.coh)] <- NA

			first.age.label <- 1
			if (first.age==1) title1 <- paste0(title1," First Age = 1")

			# determine which ages to use for each cohort (default)
			if (first.age == -999)
				iob.coh <- find_peak_age(iob.coh)
				ipr.coh <- find_peak_age(ipr.coh)
				first.age.label <- "find_peak"
				title1 <- paste0(title1," (Peak Age)")

			# or drop youngest ages based on user control
			if (first.age > min(ages))
				iob.coh[,1:(first.age-min(ages))] <- NA
				ipr.coh[,1:(first.age-min(ages))] <- NA
				title1 <- paste0(title1," First Age = ",first.age)
				first.age.label <- first.age

			# compute Z by cohort
			z.ob <- calc_Z_cohort(iob.coh)
			z.pr <- calc_Z_cohort(ipr.coh)

			# make the plots
			if(!(all(is.na(iob.coh)) & all(is.na(ipr.coh))))
			  if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_index",ind,"_obs.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
			  if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_index",ind,"_obs.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
          main=paste0(title1," Observed"))
				grid(col = gray(0.7))
				for (i in 1:length(iob.coh[,1]))
				Hmisc::errbar(cohort,z.ob[,1],z.ob[,3],z.ob[,2],xlab="Year Class",ylab="Z",ylim=range(c(z.ob,z.pr),na.rm=TRUE))
				grid(col = gray(0.7))
				if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

				if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_index",ind,"_pred.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
				if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("catch_curves_index",ind,"_pred.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
				plot(cohort,cohort,type='n',ylim=range(c(iob.coh,ipr.coh),na.rm=T),xlab="",ylab="Log(Index)", main=paste0(title1," Predicted"))
				grid(col = gray(0.7))
				for (i in 1:NROW(iob.coh))
				Hmisc::errbar(cohort,z.pr[,1],z.pr[,3],z.pr[,2],xlab="Year Class",ylab="Z",ylim=range(c(z.ob,z.pr),na.rm=TRUE))
				grid(col = gray(0.7))
				if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

			# write out .csv files for Z, one file for each fleet
			colnames(z.ob) <-c("Z.obs","low.80%", "high.80%")
			#write.csv(z.ob, file=paste(od,"Z.Ob.Index.",ind,".csv", sep=""), row.names=cohort)

			colnames(z.pr) <-c("Z.pred","low.80%", "high.80%")
			#write.csv(z.pr, file=paste(od,"Z.Pr.Index.",ind,".csv", sep=""), row.names=cohort)
	}   # end loop over n_indices
	if(!(do.tex | do.png)) par(origpar)

plot.ecov.diagnostic <- function(mod, use.i, plot.pad = FALSE, do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", od){
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  dat = mod$env$data
  years <- seq(from=dat$year1_Ecov, by=1, length.out=dat$n_years_Ecov)
  years_full <- seq(from=dat$year1_Ecov, by=1, length.out=dat$n_years_Ecov+dat$n_years_proj_Ecov)

  ecov.pred = mod$rep$Ecov_x
  ecov.obs = dat$Ecov_obs[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  # ecov.obs.sig = mod$rep$Ecov_obs_sigma # Ecov_obs_sigma now a derived quantity in sdrep
  if(class(mod$sdrep)[1] == "sdreport"){
    sdrep = summary(mod$sdrep)
  } else {
    sdrep = mod$sdrep
  ecov.obs.sig = mod$rep$Ecov_obs_sigma # Ecov_obs_sigma is filled with fixed, or estimated values (fe or re) for each covariate depending on the respective options
  # if("Ecov_obs_logsigma" %in% names(mod$env$par)){
  #   ecov.obs.sig = matrix(exp(sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "Ecov_obs_logsigma",1]), ncol=dat$n_Ecov) # all the same bc obs_sig_var --> 0
  #   if(dim(ecov.obs.sig)[1] == 1) ecov.obs.sig = matrix(rep(ecov.obs.sig, dim(ecov.obs)[1]), ncol=dat$n_Ecov, byrow=T)
  # } else {
  #   ecov.obs.sig = exp(mod$input$par$Ecov_obs_logsigma)
  # }
  ecov.use = dat$Ecov_use_obs[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  ecov.obs.sig = ecov.obs.sig[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,,drop=F]
  ecov.obs.sig[ecov.use == 0] <- NA
  ecov.pred.se = matrix(sdrep[rownames(sdrep) %in% "Ecov_x",2], ncol=dat$n_Ecov)

  # default: don't plot the padded entries that weren't used in ecov likelihood
  if(!plot.pad) ecov.obs[ecov.use == 0] <- NA

  ecov.res = (ecov.obs - ecov.pred[1:dat$n_years_Ecov,]) / ecov.obs.sig # standard residual (obs - pred)

  if(!missing(use.i)) ecovs <- use.i
  else ecovs <- 1:dat$n_Ecov
  plot.colors = mypalette(dat$n_Ecov)
  for (i in ecovs)
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,"_diagnostic.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("Ecov_",i,'_diagnostic.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)

    m <- rbind(c(1,1), c(2,3))
    par(mar=c(4,4,2,0), oma=c(0,0,0.5,0.5))

    ecov.pred.low <- ecov.pred[,i] - 1.96 * ecov.pred.se[,i]
    ecov.pred.high <- ecov.pred[,i] + 1.96 * ecov.pred.se[,i]
    ecov.low <- ecov.obs[,i] - 1.96 * ecov.obs.sig[,i]
    ecov.high <- ecov.obs[,i] + 1.96 * ecov.obs.sig[,i]
    y.min <- ifelse(min(ecov.low,na.rm=T) < 0, 1.1*min(ecov.low,na.rm=T), 0.9*min(ecov.low,na.rm=T))
    y.max <- ifelse(max(ecov.high,na.rm=T) < 0, 0.9*max(ecov.high,na.rm=T), 1.1*max(ecov.high,na.rm=T))
    if(max(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T) > y.max) y.max <- max(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T)
    if(min(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T) < y.min) y.min <- min(ecov.pred[,i],na.rm=T)
    plot(years_full, ecov.pred[,i], type='n', xlab="Year", ylab=unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i],
         ylim=c(y.min, y.max))
    polygon(c(years_full,rev(years_full)), c(ecov.pred.low, rev(ecov.pred.high)), col=adjustcolor(plot.colors[i], alpha.f=0.4), border = "transparent")
    arrows(years, ecov.low, years, ecov.high, length=0)
    points(years, ecov.obs[,i], pch=19)
    lines(years_full, ecov.pred[,i], col=plot.colors[i], lwd=3)
    title (paste0("Ecov ",i, ": ",unlist(dat$Ecov_label)[i]), outer=T, line=-1)
    if(dat$n_years_proj_Ecov > 0) abline(v=tail(years,1), lty=2)

    plot(years, ecov.res[,i], type='h', lwd=2, col=plot.colors[i], xlab="Year", ylab="Std. Residual")

    hist(ecov.res[,i], breaks=10, plot=T, xlab="Std. Residual", ylab="Probability Density", freq=F, main=NULL)
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

# 2D tile plot by age and year (e.g. selAA, MAA)
plot.tile.age.year <- function(mod, type="selAA", do.tex = FALSE, do.png = FALSE, fontfam="", od){
  dat = mod$env$data
  rep = mod$rep
  years = mod$years
  n_years = length(years)
  n_ages = dat$n_ages
  ages <- 1:n_ages
  ages.lab = 1:n_ages
  if(!is.null(mod$ages.lab)) ages.lab = mod$ages.lab

  # selAA for all blocks using facet_wrap
    n_selblocks <- length(rep$selAA)
    sel_mod <- c("age-specific","logistic","double-logistic","decreasing-logistic")[dat$selblock_models]
    sel_re <- c("no","IID","AR1","AR1_y","2D AR1")[dat$selblock_models_re]
    df.selAA <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=n_ages+2))
    colnames(df.selAA) <- c(paste0("Age_",1:n_ages),"Year","Block")
    for(i in 1:n_selblocks){
      tmp = as.data.frame(rep$selAA[[i]])
      tmp$Year <- years
      colnames(tmp) <- c(paste0("Age_",1:n_ages),"Year")
      tmp$Block = paste0("Block ",i,": ", sel_mod[i]," (",sel_re[i]," random effects)")
      df.selAA <- rbind(df.selAA, tmp)
    df.plot <- df.selAA %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-c(Year,Block),
              names_to = "Age", 
              names_prefix = "Age_",
              names_ptypes = list(Age = character()),
              values_to = "Selectivity")
    df.plot$Age <- as.factor(as.integer(df.plot$Age))
    levels(df.plot$Age) = ages.lab
    df.plot$Block <- factor(as.character(df.plot$Block), levels=names(table(df.plot$Block)))

    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("SelAA_tile.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("SelAA_tile.png")), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      print(ggplot2::ggplot(df.plot, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y=Age, fill=Selectivity)) + 
        ggplot2::geom_tile() +
        ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) + #, breaks = function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(x) + 1) * 1.1))))) +        
#        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0), breaks = function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(x) + 1) * 1.1))))) +        
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Block, dir="v") +
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

  # MAA
    if(mod$env$data$do_proj == 1){
      years_full = mod$years_full
    } else {
      years_full = years
    df.MAA <- as.data.frame(rep$MAA)
    df.MAA$Year <- years_full
    colnames(df.MAA) <- c(paste0("Age_",1:n_ages),"Year")
    df.plot <- df.MAA %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-Year,
              names_to = "Age", 
              names_prefix = "Age_",
              names_ptypes = list(Age = character()),
              values_to = "M")
    df.plot$Age <- as.factor(as.integer(df.plot$Age))
    levels(df.plot$Age) = ages.lab

    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0("MAA_tile.pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 5, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0("MAA_tile.png")), width = 10*144, height = 5*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
      print(ggplot2::ggplot(df.plot, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y=Age, fill=M)) + 
        ggplot2::geom_tile() +
        ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) + #, breaks = function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(x) + 1) * 1.1))))) +        
#        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0), breaks = function(x) unique(floor(pretty(seq(0, (max(x) + 1) * 1.1))))) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off()

#pdf of a univariate logit-normal with any min and max
dlogitnorm = function(p,mu,sd,min,max) {
  logitp = log((p-min)/(max-p))
  (exp(-(logitp - mu)^2/(2 * sd^2))/(sd * sqrt(2*pi))) * (max-p)/((p-min) * (max-p))

plot_q_prior_post = function(mod, do.tex = F, do.png = F, fontfam="", od){
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  ind = which(mod$input$data$use_q_prior == 1)
  if(length(ind) & "sdrep" %in% names(mod)){
    logit_q = cbind(as.list(mod$sdrep, "Est")$q_prior_re, as.list(mod$sdrep, "Std")$q_prior_re)
    ht = 10
    wd = 10*length(ind)
    priorq = approx_postq = list()
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, "q_prior_post.pdf"), family = fontfam, height = ht, width = wd)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, "q_prior_post.png"), width = wd*144, height = ht*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,length(ind)))
    pal = viridisLite::viridis(n=2)
    for(i in ind) {
      qmax = mod$input$data$q_upper[i]
      x = seq(0.001,qmax,0.001)
      y = log(x-0) - log((qmax-x))
      approx_postq[[i]] = dnorm(y, logit_q[i,1], logit_q[i,2])
      priorq[[i]] = dlogitnorm(x, mod$parList$logit_q[i], 0.3, 0, 1000) 
      maxx = max(x[which(approx_postq[[i]] > 1e-5)], x[which(priorq[[i]] > 1e-5)], na.rm = T)
      plot(x,priorq[[i]], type = 'l', xlab = "q", ylab = "pdf", col = pal[1], lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,max(approx_postq[[i]],priorq[[i]], na.rm =T)), xlim = c(0,maxx))
      lines(x,approx_postq[[i]], col = pal[2], lwd = 2)
      ci = qmax/(1+ exp(-(logit_q[i,1] + c(-1,1)*qnorm(0.975) * logit_q[i,2])))
      abline(v= ci, lty = 2)
      legend("topright", legend = c("prior", "approx. posterior", "95% CI"), col = c(pal, "black"), lty = c(1,1,2), lwd = 2)
      mtext(paste0("Index ", ind), side = 3, line = 1, outer = F, cex = 1.5)
    if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)

plot_q = function(mod, do.tex = F, do.png = F, fontfam = '', od){
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if("sdrep" %in% names(mod)){
    if("q_re" %in% mod$input$random) se = as.list(mod$sdrep, "Std. Error", report=TRUE)$logit_q_mat
    else se = t(matrix(as.list(mod$sdrep, "Std. Error")$logit_q, nrow = NCOL(mod$rep$logit_q_mat), 
      ncol = NROW(mod$rep$logit_q_mat)))
    logit_q_lo = mod$rep$logit_q_mat - qnorm(0.975)*se
    logit_q_hi = mod$rep$logit_q_mat + qnorm(0.975)*se
    q = t(mod$input$data$q_lower + (mod$input$data$q_upper - mod$input$data$q_lower)/(1+exp(-t(mod$rep$logit_q_mat))))
    q_lo = t(mod$input$data$q_lower + (mod$input$data$q_upper - mod$input$data$q_lower)/(1+exp(-t(logit_q_lo))))
    q_hi = t(mod$input$data$q_lower + (mod$input$data$q_upper - mod$input$data$q_lower)/(1+exp(-t(logit_q_hi))))
    if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, "q_time_series.pdf"), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
    if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, "q_time_series.png"), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
    par(mar=c(4,4,3,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1))
    pal = viridisLite::viridis(n=mod$input$data$n_indices)
    ymax = max(c(q,q_hi), na.rm = TRUE)
    plot(mod$years_full, q[,1], type = 'n', lwd = 2, col = pal[1], ylim = c(0,ymax), ylab = "q", xlab = "Year")
    for( i in 1:mod$input$data$n_indices){
      lines(mod$years_full, q[,i], lwd = 2, col = pal[i])
      polygon(c(mod$years_full,rev(mod$years_full)), c(q_lo[,i],rev(q_hi[,i])), col=adjustcolor(pal[i], alpha.f=0.4), border = "transparent")
    legend("topright", legend = paste0("Index ", 1:mod$input$data$n_indices), lwd = 2, col = pal, lty = 1)
  if(do.tex | do.png) dev.off() else par(origpar)
timjmiller/wham documentation built on April 28, 2024, 5:39 a.m.