
Defines functions eha_calc area2catena

Documented in area2catena

# lumpR/area2catena.R
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Tobias Pilz, Till Francke
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Calculates mean catena from spatial data
#' Takes raster data from a GRASS location and calculates catena properties.
#' @param mask Raster file to be used as MASK in the GRASS location defining the
#'      area of interest. E.g. \code{basin_out} of \code{\link[lumpR]{calc_subbas}}.
#' @param flowacc Name of flow accumulation raster map in GRASS location. Can
#'      be created with \code{\link[lumpR]{lump_grass_prep}}.
#' @param eha Name of elementary hillslope area raster map in GRASS location.
#'      Can be created with \code{\link[lumpR]{lump_grass_prep}}.
#' @param distriv Name of distance to river raster map in GRASS location. Can
#'      be created with \code{\link[lumpR]{lump_grass_prep}}.
#' @param elevriv Name of relative elevation raster map in GRASS location. Can
#'      be created with \code{\link[lumpR]{lump_grass_prep}}.
#' @param supp_quant Character vector containing names of quantitative
#'      supplemental raster maps in GRASS location; leave empty if you have none.
#' @param supp_qual Character vector containing names of qualitative
#'      supplemental raster maps in GRASS location; leave empty if you have none.
#' @param dir_out Character string specifying output directory (will be created;
#'      nothing will be overwritten).
#' @param catena_out Output: Name of output file containing mean catena information
#'      as input for \code{\link[lumpR]{prof_class}}. To save computation time and
#'      memory in cases of large catchments and/or high resolution, specify a file
#'      name with ending \code{*.RData}. In such a case, a compressed RData file will be
#'      written instead of a text file. 
#' @param catena_head_out Output: Name of output header file containing meta-information
#'      as input for \code{\link[lumpR]{prof_class}}; manual adjustment necessary.
#' @param ridge_thresh Integer specifying threshold of flow accumulation, below
#'      which a cell is considered a start of a flowpath (usually 1 for D8
#'      flowaccumulation grids, DEFAULT).
#' @param min_cell_in_slope Integer specifying minimum number of cells a hillslope
#'      area must have, all smaller ones are skipped. Default: 30.
#' @param min_catena_length Integer specifying minimum number of sampling points
#'      (cells) a catena should have. If there are less, the catena is not saved.
#'      Default: 3.
#' @param max_riv_dist Integer specifying maximum distance to river [in cells]:
#'      if the closest cell of an EHA is farther than \code{max_riv_dist}, the EHA
#'      is skipped, otherwise all distances within the EHA are redurced by the
#'      distance of the closest cell to river. Default: 10.
#' @param plot_catena logical; produce plots (scatter, mean catena, etc.) for
#'      each area / class (written into sub-directory \emph{plots_area2catena}).
#' @param grass_files logical; produce GRASS reclassification files for qualitative
#'      raster data. If an attribute name starting with 'svc' is found, the respective reclass file is produced anyway.
#' @param ncores Integer specifying number of cores that should be used for computation - allows faster parallel computations (see Details).
#' @param eha_subset NULL or integer vector with subset of EHA ids that shall
#'      be processed (for debugging and testing).
#' @param overwrite \code{logical}. Shall output of previous calls of this function be
#'      deleted? If \code{FALSE} the function returns an error if output already exists.
#'      Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param silent \code{logical}. Shall the function be silent (also suppressing summary
#'      after function execution)? Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Function returns nothing. Output files are written into output directory
#'      as specified in arguments.
#' @note Prepare GRASS location and necessary raster files in advance (e.g. using
#'      \code{\link[lumpR]{lump_grass_prep}}) and start GRASS session in R using 
#'      \code{\link[rgrass7]{initGRASS}}.
#'      \bold{IMPORTANT:} Herein, when specifying the GRASS input maps, please do
#'      explicitly refer to the mapset if it is different from the mapset given in
#'      initGRASS() (even PERMANENT!), as otherwise internally used readRAST() command
#'      resulted in errors under Windows.
#'      In case of \bold{long computation times or memory issues}, try \code{plot_catena = FALSE}
#'      and specify an RData file as \code{catena_out}. Furthermore, make sure your
#'      raster maps are not overly large (i.e. containing lots of NULL values around
#'      the region of interest) and are of type \code{CELL} (i.e. integer) where it makes
#'      sense (check with \code{r.info} in GRASS).
#'      Parallel option (\code{ncores}>1) may speed-up computations. It requires the packages 
#'      \code{doMC} and \code{doParallel}. Set \code{ncores} to a value less than the number of cores
#'      your computer has; larger values will decrease performance.
#'      GUIs such as RStudio may not produce some runtime messages (within parallel
#'      foreach loop).
#'      File \code{catena_out} contains information about the representative catena
#'      for each hillslope (EHA). For meaning of columns see file \code{catena_head_out}.
#'      It usually contains the catena ID, the catena's profile point IDs, relative
#'      vertical elevation above hillside toe, and supplemental information averaged
#'      over all raster cells associated with a specific catena profile point. For
#'      qualitative data the latter means the areal fraction of a specific attribute
#'      class (sum over all classes of an attribute should be equal to one for a profile
#'      point), for quantitative data it is a numerical value. Averages over raster
#'      cells are weighted by relative flow path densities of the raster cells. For
#'      more details on the algorithm see the reference below.
#' @references Source code based on \code{SHELL} and \code{MATLAB} scripts of Till Francke.
#'      lumpR package introduction with literature study and sensitivity analysis:\cr
#'      Pilz, T.; Francke, T.; Bronstert, A. (2017): lumpR 2.0.0: an R package facilitating
#'      landscape discretisation for hillslope-based hydrological models.
#'      \emph{Geosci. Model Dev.}, 10, 3001-3023, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3001-2017
#'      Theory of LUMP:\cr
#'      Francke, T.; Guentner, A.; Mamede, G.; Mueller, E. N. and Bronstert, A (2008):
#'      Automated catena-based discretization of landscapes for the derivation of
#'      hydrological modelling units. \emph{International Journal of Geographical
#'      Information Science, Informa UK Limited}, 22(2), 111-132, DOI: 10.1080/13658810701300873
#' @author Tobias Pilz \email{tpilz@@uni-potsdam.de}, Till Francke \email{francke@@uni-potsdam.de}
area2catena <- function(
  ### INPUT ###
  # GRASS raster #
  # OUTPUT #
) {
### PREPROCESSING ###----------------------------------------------------------
  if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
  if(!silent) message("% START area2catena()")
  if(!silent) message("%")
  if(!silent) message("% Initialise function...")
# checks #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  tryCatch(gmeta(), error = function(e) stop("Cannot execute GRASS commands. Maybe you forgot to run initGRASS()?"))
  # check output directory
  if (!overwrite & ( file.exists(paste(dir_out,catena_out,sep="/")) | file.exists(paste(dir_out,catena_head_out,sep="/")) ) ) 
    stop(paste0("In output directory '", dir_out, "' the files '", catena_out, "' and/or '", catena_head_out, "' already exist!"))
  if (plot_catena) {
    if(length(dir(paste(dir_out, "plots_area2catena", sep="/"))) != 0)
      if (overwrite)
        file.remove(dir(paste(dir_out, "plots_area2catena", sep="/"), full.names = T))
        stop(paste0("Output directory for plots '", dir_out, "/plots_area2catena/' is not empty!"))
    dir.create(paste(dir_out, "plots_area2catena", sep="/"), recursive=T, showWarnings = F)
  # create output directory
  dir.create(dir_out, recursive=T, showWarnings = F)
  # argument checks
    stop("The name of a raster used as mask within the GRASS region has to be given to make sure calculations are done in the expected area!")
    stop("The name of a flow accumulation raster map within the mapset of your initialised GRASS session has to be given!")
    stop("The name of a elementary hillslope area raster map within the mapset of your initialised GRASS session has to be given!")
    stop("The name of a distance to river raster map within the mapset of your initialised GRASS session has to be given!")
    stop("The name of a relative elevation raster map within the mapset of your initialised GRASS session has to be given!")
    stop("A name for the file containing mean catena information has to be given!")
    stop("A name for the meta-information file has to be given!")
  #check existence of supplementary information maps
   if (length(supp_qual)==0) supp_qual=NULL else
     for (i in supp_qual) 
        check_raster(i, paste0("supp_qual[",i,"]"))
  if (length(supp_quant)==0) supp_quant=NULL else
    for (i in supp_quant) 

  # suppress annoying GRASS outputs
  tmp_file <- file(tempfile(), open="wt")
  sink(tmp_file, type="output")
  # supress warnings in silent mode
    tmp_file2 <- file(tempfile(), open="wt")
    sink(tmp_file2, type="message")
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
  if(!silent) message("% OK")
### CALCULATIONS ###-----------------------------------------------------------
# load files from grass #------------------------------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Load data from GRASS...")

    # set mask to make sure calculations are done exactly within expected area
    cmd_out <- execGRASS("g.copy", raster=paste0(mask,",MASK"), flags = "overwrite", intern = T)
    # load flow accumulation
    flowaccum <- readRAST(flowacc)
    flowaccum_rast <- raster(flowaccum)
    # load relative elevation
    relelev <- readRAST(elevriv)
    relelev_rast <- raster(relelev)
    # load distance to river
    dist2river <- readRAST(distriv)
    dist2river_rast <- raster(dist2river)
    # load EHAs
    eha_in <- readRAST(eha)
    eha_rast <- raster(eha_in)
    # load qualitative supplemental data
    qual_rast <- NULL # initialise object containing all qualitative raster layers
    supp_data_classnames <- NULL # initialise object containing different classnames per attribute
    n_supp_data_qual_classes <- NULL # initialise object containing number of classes per attribute
    if (!is.null(supp_qual)) 
    if (!is.null(supp_qual)) 
      for (i in supp_qual) {
        tmp <- read_raster(i)
        qual_rast <- raster::stack(tmp, qual_rast)
        supp_data_classnames[[i]] <- raster::unique(tmp)
        n_supp_data_qual_classes <- c(n_supp_data_qual_classes, length(raster::unique(tmp)))
      # convert (at) symbol to point (in case input comes from another GRASS mapset; readRAST6() converts it to point implicitly which causes errors during later processing)
      supp_qual <- gsub("[-+*/@.?!]", ".", supp_qual)
      names(n_supp_data_qual_classes) <- supp_qual
      names(supp_data_classnames) <- supp_qual
    # load quantitative supplemental data
    quant_rast <- NULL # initialise object containing all quantitative raster layers
    for (i in rev(supp_quant)) {
      tmp <- read_raster(i)
      quant_rast <- raster::stack(tmp, quant_rast)
    # convert (at) symbol to point (in case input comes from another GRASS mapset; readRAST6() converts it to point implicitly which causes errors during later processing)
    supp_quant <- gsub("[-+*/@.?!]", ".", supp_quant)
    # compare Rasters for extent, no. of rows and cols, CRS, resolution and origin
    if (!is.null(qual_rast) & !is.null(quant_rast)) {
      comp_val <- compareRaster(flowaccum_rast, relelev_rast, dist2river_rast, eha_rast, 
                                qual_rast, quant_rast, res=T, orig=T)
    } else if(is.null(qual_rast) & !is.null(quant_rast)) {
      comp_val <- compareRaster(flowaccum_rast, relelev_rast, dist2river_rast, eha_rast, 
                                quant_rast, res=T, orig=T)
    } else if(!is.null(qual_rast) & is.null(quant_rast)) {
      comp_val <- compareRaster(flowaccum_rast, relelev_rast, dist2river_rast, eha_rast, 
                                qual_rast, res=T, orig=T)
    } else if(is.null(qual_rast) & is.null(quant_rast)) {
      comp_val <- compareRaster(flowaccum_rast, relelev_rast, dist2river_rast, eha_rast, 
                                res=T, orig=T)
    if (comp_val) {
      if(!silent) message("% -> All input data loaded and checked for extent, CRS and resolution successfully.")
      if(plot_catena & !silent) {
        message(paste0("% -> Plots will be produced and written to '", dir_out, "/plots_area2catena/'."))
    } else {
      stop("ERROR: Loaded input rasters are not of the same extent, no. of rows/cols, CRS, resolution and/or origin!")
    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
# process ehas #---------------------------------------------------------------
    # get resolution of spatial data
    xres <- xres(eha_rast)
    # identify EHAs
    eha_ids <- raster::unique(eha_rast)
    if (!is.null(eha_subset)) eha_ids <- eha_subset
    # LOOP over EHAs
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message(paste("% Processing ", length(eha_ids), " EHAs. This might take a while depending on catchment size and number of cpu cores.", sep=""))
    if (!is.null(eha_subset) & !silent) message("% -> Note that this is just a subset as specified in the argument 'eha_subset'.")
    id <- NULL # to remove "R CMD CHECK ..." Note of "no visible binding for global variable 'id'"
    ##initialize parallelism
    if (ncores>1)
        # register cores
        registerDoMC(cores=ncores) else
          if (suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(doParallel)))
            cl <- makePSOCKcluster(ncores) #make cluster, so we can explicitly close it later
          } else
            warning("No package for parallel backend (doMC, doParallel) found, reverting to single-core mode")
    if (ncores==1) registerDoSEQ() # specify that %dopar% should run sequentially
    #parallel call using dopar (if no parallel backend is registered, this falls back to serial execution) 
    # NOTE: in case of problems within the foreach-loop set foreach argument .errorhandling="pass" and execute str(logdata) after the loop to show error messages
    logdata <- foreach (id = eha_ids, .combine=rbind, .errorhandling='remove', .options.multicore=list(silent=FALSE),
                        .inorder=FALSE, .export="eha_calc") %dopar% {
      eha_calc(id, eha_rast, flowaccum_rast, dist2river_rast, relelev_rast, supp_quant, supp_qual,
               n_supp_data_qual_classes, quant_rast, qual_rast, supp_data_classnames,
               min_cell_in_slope, max_riv_dist, plot_catena, ridge_thresh, min_catena_length,
    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
# check output #---------------------------------------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Check and write output...")
    if (exists("cl")) #close cluster, if existing
    # check if anything was produced (if NULL an unexpected error might have occured)
    if(is.null(logdata) || (nrow(logdata)==0))
      stop("Error: No valid EHAs remaining after processing. Something's fishy, check the warnings, eha_subset and coverage of the layers.")
    # check for severe errors
    if(any(logdata$error == 666))
      stop("Error: A problem occurred when averaging qualitative supplemental information. Check your data and contact the package author(s) if the problem remains.")
    if(any(logdata$error == 999))
      stop("Error: An unexpected error occurred in the EHA processing loop. Check your data and contact the package author(s) if the problem remains.")
    logdata = logdata[order(logdata[,1],logdata[,2]),] #sort by ID and distance (ensures consistent ordering even with .inorder=FALSE)
    # sort out erroneous values and store for diagnostics
    warn_ehas  <- unique(logdata[logdata$error == 5 | logdata$error == 6 | logdata$error == 7, c(1,ncol(logdata))])
    erroneous <- (logdata$error > 0 & logdata$error < 5)
    error_ehas <- logdata[erroneous, c(1,ncol(logdata))]
    logdata <- logdata[(logdata$error %in% c(0, warn_ehas$error)), -ncol(logdata)] #keep only valid rows and those with warnings
    # check for NAs
    if(any(is.na(logdata))) {
      warning(paste("NA values in the output which may crash function 'prof_class'! 
           This might be caused by NAs in the input rasters. Check file", catena_out))
# write output #---------------------------------------------------------------
    #out_pre <- mapply(logdata[,c(3:length(logdata))], FUN=function(x) formatC(x, format="f", digits=3))
    #out_fmt <- cbind(logdata[,c(1,2)], out_pre)
    #format output to reasonable number of digits
    logdata <- round(logdata,3)
    if(grepl(".RData$", catena_out)) {
      save(logdata, file=paste(dir_out,catena_out, sep="/"))
    } else {
      write.table(logdata, paste(dir_out,catena_out, sep="/"), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
    # write header file
    write("#This file works as a header to the output of area2catena. Don't add additional headerlines.",
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), append=F)
    write('#1. line after header: description/field names of the data columns contained in file catena_out',
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), append=T)
    write('#2. line after header: specifies, how many columns of data belong to the respective data-field given in line 1',
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), append=T)
    write('#3. line after header: number of classes/ weighting factors for classification process',
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), append=T)
    write('#4. line after header: factors used for weighting in partition process (column: 1: number of TC to create; 2.: partition method (not yet used); 3.: not used; 4-nn: weighting of supplemental data in TC-partitioning)',
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), append=T)
    # write attribute names
    att_names <- c("id", "p_no", "elevation", supp_quant, supp_qual, "slope_width")
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), ncolumns=length(att_names), append=T, sep="\t")
    #write number of columns occupied by each attribute
    col_no <- c(rep(1,3), rep(1,length(supp_quant)), n_supp_data_qual_classes, 1)
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), ncolumns=length(col_no), append=T, sep="\t")
    #write dummy weighting factors
    w_no <- rep(0, 3+length(supp_quant)+length(n_supp_data_qual_classes)+1)
    write(c(w_no, "[adjust weighting factors here and remove this comment]"),
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), ncolumns=length(w_no)+1, append=T, sep="\t")
    write(c(w_no, "[adjust weighting factors here and remove this comment]"),
          file=paste(dir_out,catena_head_out, sep="/"), ncolumns=length(w_no)+1, append=T, sep="\t")
    #generate qualitative-data reclassification file
    #Generate output files for reclassification (input class-IDs vs. internally used IDs)
    #(area2catena creates continuous class numbering; restoring the orginal classes will require these files)

    for (i in 1:length(supp_qual)) {
      if (grass_files | grepl("^svc", supp_qual[i])) {
        filename=paste0(dir_out, "/reclass_", supp_qual[i], ".txt")
        write(c("new_id", "original_id"),
              file=filename, ncolumns=2, append=F, sep="\t")
        for (n in 1:n_supp_data_qual_classes[i]) {
          write(c(n, supp_data_classnames[[i]][n]),
                file=filename, ncolumns=2, append=T, sep="\t")

    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Final report:")
    if(!silent) message('% -> All outputs produced.')
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", length(eha_ids)-length(which(logdata$error == 2))-length(which(logdata$error == 1)), ' slopes treated', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(error_ehas$error == 1), ' slopes skipped that have less than ', min_cell_in_slope, ' cells', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(error_ehas$error == 2), ' slopes skipped that are not adjacent to river', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(error_ehas$error == 4), ' slopes skipped that have a mean length shorter than ', min_catena_length, sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(error_ehas$error == 3), ' slopes skipped that have only cells with dist2river=0.', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(warn_ehas$error  == 5), ' warnings due to slopes with no flow_accum less than ', ridge_thresh, sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(warn_ehas$error  == 6), ' warnings due to slopes with NAs in topographics grids', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message(paste("% -> ", sum(warn_ehas$error  == 7), ' warnings due to slopes with NAs in auxiliary grids', sep=""))
    if(!silent) message('%')
    if(!silent) message("% DONE!")
    if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
    # stop sinking
    # restore original warning mode
      options(warn = oldw)
  # if an error occurs delete all temporary output
  }, error = function(e) {
    # stop sinking
    # restore original warning mode
      options(warn = oldw)
} # EOF

### INTERNAL FUNCTION: processing EHA ###--------------------------------------

# this function contains the algorithm for the derivation of a representative catena for each EHA
# as described in Francke et al. (2008)
eha_calc <- function(curr_id, eha_rast, flowaccum_rast, dist2river_rast, relelev_rast, supp_quant, supp_qual,
                     n_supp_data_qual_classes, quant_rast, qual_rast, supp_data_classnames,
                     min_cell_in_slope, max_riv_dist, plot_catena, ridge_thresh, min_catena_length,
                     xres,dir_out, supp_quant_maxflow=NULL) {
  errcode <- 0
res = try( #catch unexpected errors

    # EHA: CHECKS and PREPARATIONS #-----------------------------------------------
  # determine cell indices of curr_id
  curr_cells <- which(eha_rast@data@values == curr_id)
  # determine number of cells in eha and skip processing if less than min_cell_in_slope
  if (length(curr_cells) < min_cell_in_slope) {
    message(paste('% -> WARNING: EHA ', curr_id, ' skipped because of low number of cells (', length(curr_cells), ')', sep=""))
    errcode <- 1
    return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=errcode))
  # extract values out of raster objects into ordinary vectors to save time (internal calls to raster objects take time)
  flowaccum_vals  <- flowaccum_rast [curr_cells] #?Till: in parallel mode, this requires all the large rasters to be available to each thread. I wonder is this consumes too much replicates and overhead. Passing just the area of the current curr_cells may save ressources
  dist2river_vals <- dist2river_rast[curr_cells]
  relelev_vals    <- relelev_rast   [curr_cells]
  if(!is.null(quant_rast)) quant_vals <- raster::extract(quant_rast, curr_cells)
  if(!is.null(qual_rast))  qual_vals  <- raster::extract(qual_rast,  curr_cells)
  na_vals = is.na(flowaccum_vals) | is.na(dist2river_vals) | is.na(relelev_vals) #detect NA values
  if (any(na_vals)) {  # cells found with NAs in the mandatory grids
    message(paste('% -> WARNING: EHA ', curr_id, " has NA cells in rasters 'flowacc', 'distriv' or 'elevriv'. May be OK for EHAs at divide. Cells ignored.", sep=""))
    curr_cells <- curr_cells[!na_vals]
    flowaccum_vals  <- flowaccum_vals [!na_vals]
    dist2river_vals <- dist2river_vals[!na_vals]
    relelev_vals    <- relelev_vals   [!na_vals]
    errcode <- 6
  na_vals <- NULL
    na_vals <-            apply(!is.finite(quant_vals), MARGIN=2, sum)
    na_vals <- c(na_vals, apply(!is.finite(qual_vals), MARGIN=2, sum))
  if (any(na_vals>0)) {  # cells found with NAs in auxiliary grids
    message(paste('% -> WARNING: EHA ', curr_id, ': NAs or zeros in the grid(s) ', paste(names(na_vals[na_vals]), collapse=', ') ,' (max. ', max(na_vals), ' values).', sep=""))
    errcode <- 7
  # determine closest distance to river and skip processing if more than max_riv_dist
  if(min(dist2river_vals) > max_riv_dist) {
    message(paste("% -> WARNING: EHA ", curr_id, ' skipped, not adjacent to channel / farther than ', max_riv_dist, ' cells (',min(dist2river_vals),')', sep=""))
    return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=2))
  } else {
    dist2river_vals <- dist2river_vals - min(dist2river_vals)
  # test whether only river cells available (all dist2river = 0) and skip eha_clumped if so
  if(max(dist2river_vals) == 0) {
    message(paste("% -> WARNING: EHA ", curr_id, ' skipped because for all cells dist2river=0.', sep=""))
    return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=3))
# EHA: compute MEAN CATENA LENGTH #--------------------------------------------
  # find all cells that are the beginning of a flowpath
  curr_entries <- which(flowaccum_vals<=ridge_thresh)
  if (!any(curr_entries)) {  # no cells found, strange, but try to fix this problem
    message(paste('% -> WARNING: EHA ', curr_id, ' has no cells with flowpath start (below ', ridge_thresh, ')', sep=""))
    # reduce threshold to minimum flow accumulation found in current slope
    curr_entries <- which(flowaccum_vals <= min(flowaccum_vals))
    errcode <- 5

  # compute mean of flowpaths as average catena length (calclength-method, Chochrane & Flanagan, 2003) #
  mean_length <- sum(dist2river_vals[curr_entries]^2)/sum(dist2river_vals[curr_entries])
  # skip very short catenas
  if (mean_length < min_catena_length) {
    message(paste("% -> WARNING: EHA ", curr_id, ' skipped because of low length (', mean_length, ')', sep=""))
    return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=4))
  # PLOT #
  if (plot_catena) {
    png(filename=paste0(dir_out, "/plots_area2catena/plots_area2catena_", curr_id, ".png"))
    # scatterplot
    plot(dist2river_vals*xres, relelev_vals, 
         pch=20, ylab="rel. elevation [m]", xlab="flowpath length [m]", cex=.5,
         main=paste("id: ", curr_id, ", ", length(curr_cells), " cells", sep=""))
    # plot mean length
    abline(v=mean_length*xres, lty=5)
# EHA: calculate properties (loop over reference points) #---------------------
  # resolution, number of data points describing the mean catena
  res <- ceiling(mean_length)
  # minimum number of cells necessary for averaging one point of the mean catena
  min_no_cells <- 1
  # initialisations
  out_x <- NULL # initialise vector of point numbers for current EHA
  out_y <- NULL # initialise vector of average rel. elevation for current point in EHA
  supp_attrib_mean <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(supp_quant)+sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes), ncol=res+1) # init. matrix of mean supplemental information
  density <- array(NA, res+1) # initialise vector for density values
  entry_missing <- 0 # flag indicating that the value for the previous point in the mean catena could not be computed
  out_combined <- NULL # combined output of one catena 
  # loop over data points of mean catena
  for (j in 0:res) {
    # point number in catena output
    out_x[j+1] <- j
    # initial search range used for averaging the current point of the mean catena
    search_range <- 0.5
    # seek all entries within the "spacing" range that will be averaged to one point in the output catena
    while (1) {
      curr_entries <- which(dist2river_vals>=(j-search_range) & dist2river_vals<(j+search_range))

      # check, if enough cells have been found to be used for averaging this point of the catena
      if (j==0 || length(curr_entries)>=min_no_cells || search_range==100) {     
      # otherwise, increase search radius
      search_range <- search_range+0.5
    # calculate averages
    if (any(curr_entries)) {
      # compute density of mean catena
      density[j+1] <- length(curr_entries) / length(curr_cells)
      # square root of flowaccumulation (~flow path density)
      flowaccum_sqrt <- sqrt(flowaccum_vals[curr_entries])
      sum_flowaccum_sqrt <- sum(flowaccum_sqrt) #safe some calculation time
      # averaging of elevations of all points
      # mean weighted with square root of flowaccumulation (~flow path density)
      out_y[j+1] <- sum(relelev_vals[curr_entries]*flowaccum_sqrt)/sum(flowaccum_sqrt)
      # compute average quantitative supplemental data
      if (!is.null(quant_rast)) {
        for (k in 1:length(supp_quant)) {
          supp_attrib_mean[k,j+1] <- weighted.mean(x=quant_vals[curr_entries,k], w=flowaccum_sqrt/sum_flowaccum_sqrt, na.rm=TRUE)  #weighted mean, weighted with sqrt(flow_accum) and NAs removed
      # for summing up the number of classes needed by the successive qualitative attributes
      col_counter <- 0
      # to ensure that the qualitative attributes are inserted after the quantitative ones
      quant_columns <- length(supp_quant)
      # compute average qualitative supplemental data
      if (!is.null(qual_rast)) {
        for (k in supp_qual) { # loop over attributes
          # select attribute values
          curr_att_val <- qual_vals[curr_entries,k]
          # do averaging for each class of each attribute separately
          for (kk in 1:n_supp_data_qual_classes[k]) { # loop over attribute's classes
            supp_attrib_mean[quant_columns+kk+col_counter,j+1] <- sum((curr_att_val==supp_data_classnames[[k]][kk])*flowaccum_sqrt)/sum(flowaccum_sqrt) 

          # check averages (should sum up to one for each attribute), SEVERE ERROR CODE 666
          if(sum(supp_attrib_mean[(quant_columns+col_counter+1):(quant_columns+col_counter+n_supp_data_qual_classes[k]),j+1]) < 0.999) {
            message(paste('% -> WARNING: For EHA ', curr_id, ' areal fractions of qualitative supplemental attribute ', k, ' does not sum to one for profile point ', j+1, sep=""))
            if (plot_catena) dev.off()
            return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=666))
          # update counter
          col_counter <- col_counter+n_supp_data_qual_classes[k]
      if (entry_missing) {
        # use the values of the current point to assign the previous point, which had problems in the calculation 
        supp_attrib_mean[,j] <- supp_attrib_mean[,j+1]
        entry_missing <- 0
      # if no curr_entries
    } else {
      message(paste('% -> WARNING: problems calculating mean catena for ', curr_id, sep=""))
      # flag indicating that the value for the previous point in the mean catena could not be computed
      if (j!=0) entry_missing <- 1
    } # end if curr_entries
# OUTPUT #---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # collect logdata, '.combine' arg in 'foreach' command
    out_combined <- rbind(out_combined, 
                          c(c(curr_id, out_x[j+1]+1), 
  } # end of reference points loop
  # PLOT mean catena + cumulated density
  if (plot_catena) {
    #close graphic device
  # output aggregation by foreach loop via .combine method
  return(data.frame(output=out_combined, error=errcode))
}, silent=TRUE) #end of try

if (class(res)=="try-error")  #unexpected error
  print(paste0("Unexpected error: ", attr(res, "condition")))
  return(data.frame(output=t(c(curr_id, rep(NA, sum(n_supp_data_qual_classes) + length(supp_quant) + 4 - 1))), error=999))
} # EOF
tpilz/lumpR documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 1:31 a.m.