
Defines functions best_partition_new best_partition get_part_quality prof_class

Documented in prof_class

# lumpR/prof_class.R
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Tobias Pilz, Till Francke
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Classification of mean catenas
#' Classifies mean catenas derived from \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}} into \emph{Landscape
#' Units} and \emph{Terrain Components}.
#' @param catena_file Name of file containing mean catena information derived from
#'      \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}}.
#' @param catena_head_file Name of file containing meta-information for classification
#'      derived from \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}} and adjusted manually (see \code{Notes}).
#' @param svc_column Field name in \code{catena_head_file} that holds the information
#'      of SVCs for generating \code{tccontainssvcoutfile}. Default: 'svc'.
#' @param dir_out Character string specifying output directory (will be created;
#'      nothing will be overwritten).
#' @param luoutfile Output: Name of file containing the average properties of
#'      \emph{Landscape Units}.
#' @param tcoutfile Output: Name of file containing the average properties of
#'      \emph{Terrain Components}.
#' @param lucontainstcoutfile Output: Name of file containing information wich
#'      LU contains which TCs.
#' @param tccontainssvcoutfile Output: Name of file containing information wich
#'      TC contains which SVCs.
#' @param terraincomponentsoutfile Output: Name of file containing general
#'      properties of TCs.
#' @param recl_lu Output: Name of GRASS reclassification file: EHA -> LU.
#' @param saved_clusters Output: Name of R file that can be used to store LU
#'      characteristics for later re-use; set to NULL to omit output (default).
#' @param classify_type Type of classification:\cr
#'      ' ': (default) unsupervised classification, no \code{saved_clusters} will be produced\cr
#'      'save': do unsupervised classification and save cluster centers to \code{saved_clusters}
#'              for future supervised classification\cr
#'      'load': load cluster centers from existing file and classify according
#'              to these clusters (e.g. supervised classification). CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED!
#' @param seed Integer specifying seed for random processes in cluster analysis.
#' @param resolution Integer specifying resolution of profiles/spacing of samples.
#'      Typically the resolution of your GRASS location used for \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}}.
#' @param max_com_length Integer defining the maximum common length of profiles,
#'      i.e. the maximum number of support points representing each catena during the
#'      classification procedure. Too large values consume more memory and computational
#'      effort.
#' @param com_length Integer giving common length of profiles, i.e. the number of
#'      support points representing each catena during the classification procedure.
#'      Too large values consume more memory and computational effort. Overwrites
#'      max_com_length.
#' @param make_plots logical; visualisation of classification results written into
#'      sub-directory \emph{plots_prof_class}. WARNING: Consumes a lot of processing
#'      time and memory. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param eha_subset NULL or integer vector with subset of EHA ids that shall
#'      be processed (for debugging and testing).
#' @param eha_blacklist NULL or integer vector with subset of EHA ids that will
#'      be excluded (use this for manual exclusion of strange profiles).
#' @param overwrite \code{logical}. Shall output of previous calls of this function be
#'      deleted? If \code{FALSE} the function returns an error if output already exists.
#'      Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param silent \code{logical}. Shall the function be silent (also suppressing warnings)?
#'      Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param plot_silhouette \code{logical}. Shall a silhouette plot (illustrating the clustering
#'      process) be generated? Consumes much memory and processing time and should be disabled,
#'      if a memory error is thrown. Will be \code{FALSE} if \code{make_plots = FALSE}.
#'      Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Function returns nothing. Output files are written into output directory
#'      as specified in arguments.
#' @note Function uses output of \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}}. However, no GRASS
#'      session needs to be started in this case.
#'      After applying \code{recl_lu}, the resulting landscape units raster map in your GRASS
#'      location might show gaps depending on the number of generated landscape units
#'      as each landscape unit refers to the representative EHA. The gaps can be filled
#'      with GRASS function \code{r.grow}.
#'      In case of \bold{long computation times or memory issues}, try \code{make_plots = FALSE}
#'      and specify an RData file as \code{catena_file} (already in \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}}).
#' @details This function first resamples the catenas derived from \code{\link[lumpR]{area2catena}}
#'      to a common length (\code{com_length} or the median number of support points
#'      of all catenas but not more than \code{max_com_length}). Second, k-means clustering
#'      is employed to group the catenas into representative \emph{Landscape Units}
#'      according to parameters given via \code{catena_head_file} taking into account
#'      hillslope length, shape, and supplemental properties. Third, each group is further
#'      partitioned into a given number of \emph{Terrain Components} in a way that the
#'      variance within each TC is minimized considering slope gradient and supplemental
#'      information.
#' @references Source code based on \code{SHELL} and \code{MATLAB} scripts of Till Francke.
#'      lumpR package introduction with literature study and sensitivity analysis:\cr
#'      Pilz, T.; Francke, T.; Bronstert, A. (2017): lumpR 2.0.0: an R package facilitating
#'      landscape discretisation for hillslope-based hydrological models.
#'      \emph{Geosci. Model Dev.}, 10, 3001-3023, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3001-2017
#'      Theory of LUMP:\cr
#'      Francke, T.; Guentner, A.; Mamede, G.; Mueller, E. N. and Bronstert, A (2008):
#'      Automated catena-based discretization of landscapes for the derivation of
#'      hydrological modelling units. \emph{International Journal of Geographical
#'      Information Science, Informa UK Limited}, 22(2), 111-132, DOI: 10.1080/13658810701300873
#' @author Tobias Pilz \email{tpilz@@uni-potsdam.de}, Till Francke \email{francke@@uni-potsdam.de}

prof_class <- function(
  ### INPUT ###
  ### OUTPUT ###
  ### PARAMETERS ###
  classify_type=' ',
) {
### PREPROCESSING ###----------------------------------------------------------
  if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
  if(!silent) message("% START prof_class()")
  if(!silent) message("%")
  if(!silent) message("% Initialise function...")

# checks #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # check output directory
  if (!overwrite & ( file.exists(paste(dir_out,luoutfile,sep="/")) | 
                     file.exists(paste(dir_out,tcoutfile,sep="/")) |
                     file.exists(paste(dir_out,lucontainstcoutfile,sep="/")) |
                     file.exists(paste(dir_out,tccontainssvcoutfile,sep="/")) |
                     file.exists(paste(dir_out,terraincomponentsoutfile,sep="/")) |
                     file.exists(paste(dir_out,recl_lu,sep="/")) ) ) 
    stop(paste0("In output directory '", dir_out, "' some or all output file(s) already exist!"))
  if (make_plots) {
    if(length(dir(paste(dir_out, "plots_prof_class", sep="/"))) != 0)
        file.remove(dir(paste(dir_out, "plots_prof_class", sep="/"), full.names = T))
        stop(paste0("Output directory for plots '", dir_out, "/plots_prof_class/' is not empty!"))
    dir.create(paste(dir_out, "plots_prof_class", sep="/"), recursive=T,  showWarnings = F)
  # argument checks
  if(is.null(catena_file) || !file.exists(catena_file))
    stop("'catena_file' has not been specified or does not exist!")
  if(is.null(catena_head_file) || !file.exists(catena_head_file))
    stop("'catena_head_file' has not been specified or does not exist!")
    stop("Resolution of the raster used to produce 'catena_file' and 'catena_head_out' needs to be given (as numeric)!")
  if(is.null(max_com_length) & is.null(com_length))
    stop("Either parameter 'max_com_length' or 'com_length' has to be given!")
    stop("'classify_type' must be ' ' or 'save' ('load' is currently not supported).")
  # supress warnings in silent mode
    tmp_file2 <- file(tempfile(), open="wt")
    sink(tmp_file2, type="message")
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
  if(!silent) message("% OK")

### CALCULATIONS ###-----------------------------------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Load and prepare data...")
# import and prepare data #----------------------------------------------------
    # output dir
    dir.create(dir_out, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
    # horizontal resolution of profiles/spacing of samples
    if (!(is.numeric(resolution) && is.finite(resolution) && (resolution>0)))
      stop("Argument 'resolution must be a positive number.")
    dx <- resolution
    # separator in outfiles
    tab <- "\t"
    # LOAD INPUT #
    # load stats header
    headerdat <- as.matrix(read.table(catena_head_file, header=T))
    # specification of number of columns used by each attribute
    datacolumns <- headerdat[1,]
    # relative weight of each attribute (supplemental data) to be used in classification
    attr_weights_class <-  headerdat[2,]
    # relative weight of each attribute (supplemental data) to be used in partition  (terrain component decomposition)
    attr_weights_partition <- headerdat[3,]
    if (attr_weights_partition[1] < 1) {
      message(paste('% -> WARNING: number of TCs will be set to 2 instead of ', attr_weights_partition[1], ' as specified in catena_head_file', sep=""))
      attr_weights_partition[1] <- 2
    # store the names of the attributes
    attr_names <- colnames(headerdat)
    # determine type of classification from catena_head_file
    if (attr_weights_class[1] < 0) {
      cf_mode <- 'successive' # classification performed to specified number of classes for each attribute (option 2)
      attr_weights_class <- abs(attr_weights_class)
      # only for nice output in loop
      attr_names[1] <- 'shape'
      attr_names[2] <- 'xy-extent'
    } else {
      cf_mode <- 'singlerun' # classification performed in single run for all classes using the specified weighting factors (option 1)
      warning("cf_mode='singlerun' is experimental. Please consider 'successive' by adding a '-' before the first number of line 8 in rstats_head.txt")
    # number of classes to divide the dataset into
    nclasses <- attr_weights_class[1]
    # number of TCs to be created in each LU
    ntc <- attr_weights_partition[1]
    # if supervised classification using saved clusters is to be used
    #   com_length <- -1
    # load standard catena data
    if(grepl(".RData$", catena_file)) {
      stats <- logdata[,1,drop=F]
    } else {
      stats <- scan(catena_file, nlines = 1, what=numeric(), sep = "\t", quiet = TRUE) #read first line only
      stats <- read.table(file = catena_file, colClasses = c("numeric", rep("NULL", length(stats)-1)), sep = "\t") #read first column only
    profpoints <- table(stats[,1])  #count number of points of each catena
    p_id_unique = unique(stats[,1]) #get unique IDs  

    if (!is.null(eha_subset)) 
      if(!silent) message("% -> WARNING: Using only a subset as specified in the argument 'eha_subset'.")
      p_id_unique = intersect(p_id_unique, eha_subset)
      if (length(p_id_unique)==0)
        stop("Specified 'eha_subset' not found.")
    if (!is.null(eha_blacklist)) 
      if(!silent) message("% -> WARNING: Excluding a subset as specified in the argument 'eha_blacklist'.")
      p_id_unique = setdiff(p_id_unique, eha_blacklist)
      if (length(p_id_unique)==0)
        stop("No profiles remaining after exclusion. Check 'eha_blacklist'")
    n_profs = length(p_id_unique)
    # use the median of sampling points as the desired common length of profiles
    if (classify_type != 'load') {  
      if (is.null(com_length)) #set com_length, if not specified from outside
        # common number of points for re-sampled hillslopes
        com_length <- max(ntc, round(median(profpoints))) #use at least as many sampling points as requested TCs
        com_length <- min(com_length, max_com_length)     
    }     # otherwise, the resolution from the saved clusters is used
    n_suppl_attributes = max(0, length(datacolumns) - 3) #number of supplemental attributes
    n_supp_data_columns <- sum(datacolumns[4:length(datacolumns)]) #number of respective columns
    # allocate new matrix for storing resampled profiles (hillslopes)
    # for each profile (rows) com_length elevation points, the profile length, the
    # profile height, and supplemental data is stored in one long vector
    profs_resampled_stored <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_profs, ncol=com_length+2+com_length*n_supp_data_columns)
    # PLOT original profile
    if (make_plots) {
      pdf(paste(dir_out, "plots_prof_class/plots_prof_class.pdf", sep="/"))
      plot(1,1,type="n", xlim=c(0,max(profpoints)*resolution), ylim=c(0,500),
           main="Original catenas", xlab="horizontal length [m]", ylab="elevation [m]")
  #read and resample profiles (done at the same time to avoid duplicates in memory)
    # TODO: This mess needs to be improved!
     if(!grepl(".RData$", catena_file)) testcon <- file(catena_file,open="r")
     if(!silent) #for printing progress indicator
       pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(p_id_unique), style = 3)

     i=0 #counter for valid profiles read
     total_read = 0 #counter for total profiles read
     while (i < length(p_id_unique))
       if (!silent) #next progress message
         setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
       cur_p_id = p_id_unique[i] #id of profile to be loaded
       p_pos = which(names(profpoints)==cur_p_id) #position of current profile in list
       skiplines = sum(profpoints[(total_read+1) : p_pos]) -  profpoints[p_pos] #compute number of lines to skip to reach the next selected profile
       if(grepl(".RData$", catena_file)) {
         tt <- as.matrix(logdata[which(logdata[,1] == cur_p_id),])
       } else {
        tt = readLines(con = testcon, n = skiplines)
        tt = scan(file=testcon, what=numeric(), nlines = profpoints[p_pos], quiet = TRUE) #read single profile
        tt = matrix(tt, nrow = c(profpoints[p_pos]), byrow = TRUE) #reshape matrix
       total_read = p_pos  #we are now just at the desired profile
       if (any(tt[,1]!= cur_p_id)) stop(paste0("Format error in ",catena_file))
       if (make_plots) 
         lines(tt[,2]*resolution, tt[,3])
       if (profpoints[p_pos] < 2) { #catena too short, ignore
         if(!silent) message(paste('% -> WARNING: profile ', paste(cur_p_id, collapse=", "), ' contains only one point. Skipped.', sep=""))
         profs_resampled_stored[i,] = NA
       p_resampled <- apply(tt[,-(1:2)], MARGIN = 2, FUN=function(y) approx(x = tt[,2]-1, y, xout = 0:(com_length-1)/(com_length-1)*(profpoints[p_pos]-1))$y)

       # set foot of profile to zero elevation
       p_resampled[,1] = p_resampled[,1] - p_resampled[1,1]
       # amplitude of profile will be scaled to 1
       d <- max(p_resampled[,1]) 
       if(d==0) {
         if(!silent) message(paste('% -> WARNING: Profile ', cur_p_id, ' has no elevation gain (runs flat)', sep=""))
         p_resampled[,1] <- 0
       } else {
         # normalize profile in elevation (ie. normally, top end at elevation = 1)
         p_resampled[,1] <- p_resampled[,1] / d
       prof_length = (profpoints[p_pos]-1) * resolution #compute original length of catena
       prof_height = max(tt[,3]) - tt[1,3] #compute original elevation gain of catena
       # append the dimension components, unweighted
       profs_resampled_stored[i,1:(com_length+2)] <- c(p_resampled[,1], prof_length, prof_height)
       # treat supp_data if present (resample, weigh and add to profile vector to be included in cluster analysis)
       if (n_suppl_attributes>0) 
         #check supplemental data for this profile
         p_supp <- tt[-(1:3),]
         all_na <- apply(p_supp, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
         if (any(all_na))
           if (make_plots)
             dev.off() #close PDF output
           na_attributes = names(datacolumns[-(1:3)])[unique(sapply (X = which(all_na), function(x) min(which(cumsum(datacolumns[-(1:3)]) >= x))))] #names of attributes with all NAs
           stop(paste0("Error: EHA ", cur_p_id," has only NAs for attribute(s) ", paste0(na_attributes, collapse=", "),". Most likely a result of insufficient map coverage. Fix coverage, remove this attribute or replace NAs manually."))
         profs_resampled_stored[i,(com_length+3):(com_length+2+com_length*n_supp_data_columns)] <- as.vector(p_resampled[,-1])
     if(!silent) # close progress bar
     if(grepl(".RData$", catena_file)) {
     } else {
     # remove not needed objects to save memory
     rm(list = c("p_supp", "p_resampled", "tt"))
     gc(verbose = F);gc(verbose = F)
     #save(file="debug.RData", list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) #for debugging only
    # PREPARE attribute loop and key-generation #

    attr_weights_class_original <- attr_weights_class
    iw <- 1
    # successive weighting vs. single run: set number of times the classification loop has to be run
    if (cf_mode == 'successive') {
      iw_max <- length(attr_weights_class) # successive weighting for each single attribute
    } else {
      iw_max <- 1  # cf_mode ='singlerun'

    # PLOT modified (resampled) profiles
    if (make_plots) {
      plot(1,1,type="n", xlim=c(0,com_length-1), ylim=c(0,1),
           main="catenas, resampled, reduced & normalized", xlab="catena point number", ylab="relative elevation")
      for (i in 1:nrow(profs_resampled_stored)) {
        lines(0:(com_length-1), profs_resampled_stored[i,1:com_length])
    if(!silent) message(paste0("% OK, ",length(p_id_unique)," profiles loaded."))
# classification of ehas (clustering) #----------------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Clustering of EHAs...")
    cidx_save <- list(NULL) # initialise list to store classification results; i.e. a vector assinging each EHA to a cluster class for each attribute
    hc <- 0
    while (iw <= iw_max) {
      # ensure reproducible random numbers for debugging / repeatitions
      # SUCCESSIVE weighting for each single attribute
      if (cf_mode == 'successive') {
        emptymask <- vector("numeric", length=length(attr_weights_class_original))
        # first run > shape is considered
        if (iw==1) {
          maskw <- emptymask
          maskw[1] <- 1
        } else if (iw==2) { # second run > x/y dimension is considered
          maskw <- emptymask
          maskw[2] <- 1  
          maskw[3] <- attr_weights_class_original[3]
        } else if (iw>3) { # next runs > weights of all other parameters are set to zero, consideration of single attribute
          maskw <- emptymask
          maskw[iw] <- 1 
        # modify original weights:
        attr_weights_class <- maskw
        # set nclass to specification in header file
        nclasses <- attr_weights_class_original[iw]
        # in case of erroneous input zero or only 1 class, don't do classification, just append the result of classifying into 1 class
        if (nclasses==0 || nclasses==1) {
          cidx_save[[iw]] <- rep(1, n_profs)
          if(!silent) message(paste("% -> skipped '", attr_names[iw], "' (", iw-(iw>2), "/", length(attr_names)-1, ") because number of classes=1", sep=""))
          if (iw==2) {
            iw <- 4
          } else {
            iw <- iw+1 # alter index for attribute-loop
        if(!silent) message(paste("% -> successive clustering loop, treating attribute '", attr_names[iw], "' (", iw-(iw>2), "/", length(attr_names)-1, ")", sep="")) 
        hc <- hc+1
      } # end cases of cf_mode 'successive'/'singlerun'
      # auxiliary vector for computing required array size for pre-allocation
      t_help <- rep(1,length(datacolumns))*com_length
      t_help[2:3] <- 1 # dimension attributes need only one value
      #ii: isn't this a copy of profs_resampled_stored, which is then weighted? Do we need this duplication, or
      #couldn't weight and "unweigh" (if necessary later) we the same instance to save memory?
      profs_resampled <- matrix(0, nrow=n_profs, ncol=sum(t_help*datacolumns*(attr_weights_class!=0)))
      # do WEIGHTING for all profiles according to current weighting scheme
      for (i in 1:n_profs) {
        dest_column <- 1      # destination column where an attribute is placed
        # weigh shape and the dimension components, weighted with specified weights attr_weights_class(2), attr_weights_class(3) multiplied by com_length to make the weighting independent of any com_length that was computed; TODO: don't understand this
        # put into data matrix only if the weighting factors are not zero
        if (attr_weights_class[1]) {
          profs_resampled[i,dest_column:(dest_column+com_length-1)] <- profs_resampled_stored[i,1:com_length]*attr_weights_class[1]
          dest_column <- dest_column+com_length
        if (attr_weights_class[2]) {
          prof_length = profs_resampled_stored[i,com_length+1] # real length of profile
          profs_resampled[i,dest_column] <- prof_length*com_length*attr_weights_class[2]
          dest_column <- dest_column+1
        if (attr_weights_class[3]) {
          prof_height = profs_resampled_stored[i,com_length+2] # real height of profile
          profs_resampled[i,dest_column] <- prof_height*com_length*attr_weights_class[3]
          dest_column <- dest_column+1
        #ii: isn't this necessary only for cf_mode != 'successive'? Even in successive, wouldn't it be enough to do it once?
        #treat supp_data if present (resample, weigh and add to profile vector to be included in cluster analysis)
        if (n_suppl_attributes) {
          attr_start_column <- 1+com_length+2   #initial value for first loop
          # append all the supplemental components, weighted with specified weights
          for (j in 4:length(datacolumns)) {
            # skip attributes with no data columns
            if(datacolumns[j]==0) next
            new_columns <- datacolumns[j]*com_length-1
            # skip attributes weighted with 0
            if(attr_weights_class[j]==0) {
              attr_start_column <- attr_start_column+new_columns+1
            attr_end_column <- attr_start_column+new_columns
            # Weigh the current supplemental attribute, divide by
            # number of fields (attr_end_column-attr_start_column+1) to
            # prevent multi-field attributes to get more relative weight
            profs_resampled[i,dest_column:(dest_column+new_columns)] <- profs_resampled_stored[i,attr_start_column:attr_end_column] * attr_weights_class[j] / (attr_end_column-attr_start_column+1)
            dest_column <- dest_column+new_columns
            # the next attribute starts one column further in prof_resampled_stored
            attr_start_column <- attr_end_column+1
          } # end weigh and append suppl data
        } else { 
          profs_resampled <- profs_resampled[i,1:com_length]
        } # end treat suppl data   
      } # end weighting
      cidx=array(NA,nrow(profs_resampled)) #cluster membership
      if (classify_type=='load') {
        # classification based on loaded classes, TODO
        stop("not yet implemented")
      } else {
        # unsupervised classification
        dups = duplicated(profs_resampled)
        if (nrow(profs_resampled) - sum(dups) <= nclasses) #not enough distinct profiles for this attribute 
          kmeans_out=NULL #disables later plots
          for(jj in 1:nrow(profs_resampled)) 
            cidx[jj]=which(apply(profs_resampled[!dups,, drop=FALSE], MARGIN=1, FUN=identical, profs_resampled[jj,]))
          cmeans2 <- profs_resampled[dups,, drop=FALSE] # matrix of cluster centers
          sumd <- 0   # within-cluster sum of squares, one per cluster  
        } else
        { #regular case  
          kmeans_out <- kmeans(profs_resampled, centers=nclasses, nstart=10)
          cidx <- kmeans_out$cluster    # cluster number for each point
          cmeans2 <- kmeans_out$centers # matrix of cluster centers
          sumd <- kmeans_out$withinss   # within-cluster sum of squares, one per cluster

      # store classification result of this treated attribute
      cidx_save[[iw]] <- cidx
      if(!silent) message(paste('% -> profile clustering: fitting index_c = ', round(sqrt(sum(sumd^2)),2), sep=""))
      if (length(unique(cidx)) < nclasses) {
        if(!silent) message(paste("% -> WARNING: ", nclasses-length(unique(cidx)), ' empty clusters produced.', sep=""))
      } else if (make_plots) {
        # silhouette plot, doesn't work with empty clusters
        if (!is.null(kmeans_out) & plot_silhouette)
          dists <- daisy(profs_resampled) # compute pairwise distances, TODO: see warnings
          plot(silhouette(kmeans_out$cluster, dists^2), main=attr_names[iw]) # plot silhouette
        }  else
          dists <- matrix(-9999, nrow=n_profs, ncol=nclasses)  #dummy, no distance computed
      # PLOT classified catenas
      # originals
      if (make_plots) {
        plot(1,1,type="n", xlim=c(0,max(profs_resampled_stored[,com_length+1])), ylim=c(0,max(profs_resampled_stored[,com_length+2])),
             main=paste("Original catenas\nclassified according ", attr_names[iw], sep=""), xlab="horizontal length [m]", ylab="elevation [m]")
        for (i in 1:n_profs) {
          lines(   (0:(com_length-1) / (com_length-1)) * profs_resampled_stored[i,com_length+1], 
                profs_resampled_stored[i,1:com_length] * profs_resampled_stored[i,com_length+2], col=cidx[i])
      # modified
      if (make_plots) {
        plot(1,1,type="n", xlim=c(0,com_length-1), ylim=c(0,1), main=paste("catenas, resampled, reduced & normalized\nclassified according ", attr_names[iw], sep=""), 
             xlab="catena point number", ylab="relative elevation")
        for (i in 1:nrow(profs_resampled_stored)) {
          lines(0:(com_length-1), profs_resampled_stored[i,1:com_length], col=cidx[i])
      # alter index for attribute-loop
      if (iw==2) {
        iw <- 4           # because x and y dimension are treated together
      } else {
        iw <- iw+1 
    } # end classification loop through all attributes
    # complete key generation (successive mode only)
    # successive weighting mode: all prior classifications will be merged into one by generating unique key 
    if (cf_mode == 'successive') {
      cidx_save[[iw_max+1]] <- 0 #inititalize overall (composite) classification result
      for (iz in 1:iw_max) {
        # eliminate empty iw=3 (horiz. & vertical extent treated together) by jumping to next entry
        if (iz==3) next
        # generate key from previous classifications
        cidx_save[[iw_max+1]] <- cidx_save[[iw_max+1]]*10 + cidx_save[[iz]] #attention: this will be faulty when more than 10 classes have been chosen for any attribute, fix this
      nclasses <- length(unique(cidx_save[[iw_max+1]]))
      attr_weights_class_original[iw+1] <- nclasses
      # "pretend" this is the actual classification
      cidx <- cidx_save[[iw_max+1]]
      # quick and dirty computation of distance matrix to allow the rest of the script to be run without problems
      dists <- matrix(1, nrow=n_profs, ncol=nclasses) 
      unique_classes <- unique(cidx)
      for (ii in 1:nclasses) {
        # find all profiles belonging to current class
        class_i <- which(cidx==unique_classes[ii])
        # set their distance to the cluster centre to 0
        dists[class_i,ii] <- 0
    } # end key generation
    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
# calculation of mean catena for each cluster #--------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Calculate mean catena for each cluster...")
    unique_classes <- unique(cidx)
    if (length(unique_classes)!=nclasses) {
      if(!silent) message(paste('% -> WARNING: Number of generated classes (', length(unique_classes), ') is not not as expected (', nclasses, '). Too few EHAs, too many classes requested, too few differences in EHAs? Please check what happended.'))
      nclasses <- length(unique_classes)
    mean_prof <- matrix(NA, nrow=nclasses, ncol=ncol(profs_resampled_stored)) # mean shape of every class
    class_repr <- matrix(NA, nrow=nclasses, ncol=2) # min. distance of class i to centroid and resp. ID
    for (i in 1:nclasses) {
      # find all profiles belonging to current class
      class_i <- which(cidx==unique_classes[i])
      # empty cluster
      if (!any(class_i)) {
        if(!silent) message(paste('-> WARNING: cluster ', i, ' is empty.', sep=""))
      # calculate mean catena (average attributes over all profiles belonging to the current class)
      mean_prof[i,] <- apply(profs_resampled_stored[class_i,, drop=F],2,mean)
      # find closest catena (=most representative) to each class centre
      dists_class_i <- dists[class_i,i]        # retrieve distances of catenas of class i to centroid of class i
      class_repr[i,2] <- min(dists_class_i)   # find minimum distance of class i
      j <- min(which(dists_class_i == min(dists_class_i)))
      class_repr[i,1] <- class_i[j]                 # store internal id of closest catena
      # TODO: what is this good for?!
      Y <- sort(dists_class_i)
      ix <- sort(dists_class_i, index.return=T)$ix
      if (cf_mode=='singlerun') {
        if(!silent) message(paste('% -> WARNING: three closest catenas to centre of class ', i, ' (ext id): ', p_id_unique[class_i[ix[1:min(3,length(ix))]]], sep=""))
      # draw a separate figure with the cluster centre (mean toposequence) and the closest catena
      if (make_plots && FALSE) {
        xvec <- c(0:(com_length-1))/(com_length-1)*mean_prof[i,com_length+1]
        yvec <- mean_prof[i,1:com_length] * mean_prof[i,com_length+2]
        plot(xvec, yvec, type="l", main=paste('mean toposequence and closest catena\nclass ', i, sep=""),
             xlab='horizontal length', ylab='relative elevation gain')
        lines(profsx[[class_i[j]]], profs[[class_i[j]]]-min(profs[[class_i[j]]]), col="blue")
        legend("topleft", c("mean toposequence", "closest catena"), col=c("black", "blue"), lty=c(1,1))
      # save reclass files
      write(file=paste(dir_out,recl_lu,sep="/"), append=ifelse(i==1,FALSE,TRUE), x=paste(p_id_unique[class_i], "=",i," ", unique_classes[i], sep=""))
      # TODO: sql class file -> is that needed?
    } # end calc mean catena of each class
    # in reclass files: all other (unclassified) profiles are assigned nodata
    write(file=paste(dir_out,recl_lu,sep="/"), append=T, x="* = NULL")
    #---------prepare file output luoutfile
    # prepare header line for output file
    dumstr <- paste('LU-ID', tab, 'closest_catena', tab, 'closest_dist', tab, 'x_length', tab, 'y_length', sep="")
    # write header fields for calculated TC-limits, minimisation of variance
    if (ntc > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(ntc-1)) {
        dumstr <- paste(dumstr, tab, 'lim_var', i, sep="")
      # write header fields for calculated TC-limits, cluster analysis
      for (i in 1:(ntc-1)) {
        dumstr <- paste(dumstr, tab, 'lim_clu', i, sep="")
    # write header for all attributes
    for (i in 3:length(datacolumns)) {
      # write all fields of this attribute for this catena point
      for (k in 1:datacolumns[i]) {
        # write this attribute for all catena points
        for (j in 1:com_length) {
          dumstr <- paste(dumstr, tab, attr_names[i], '_p', j, sep="")
          # if this is a multi-field attribute...
          if (datacolumns[i]>1) dumstr <- paste(dumstr, '_c', k, sep="")  # denote field numbering in header
    # write header string to output file
    write(file=paste(dir_out,luoutfile,sep="/"), append=F, x=dumstr)
    #---------end prepare file output
    #---------prepare file output tc.dat
    dumstr <- 'TC'
    # write header for all attributes
    for (i in 4:length(datacolumns)) {
      # write all fields of this attribute for this catena point
      for (k in 1:datacolumns[i]) {
        dumstr <- paste(dumstr, tab, attr_names[i], sep="")
        # if this is a multi-field attribute...
        if (datacolumns[i]>1) dumstr <- paste(dumstr, '_c', k, sep="")  # denote field numbering in header
    # write header string to output file tc.dat
    write(file=paste(dir_out,tcoutfile,sep="/"), append=F, x=dumstr)
    #---------end prepare file output tc.dat

    #---------prepare file output r_tc_contains_svc
    svc_col_index <- 0
    # find index of column containing svcs
    for (j in 1:length(attr_names)) {
      if (attr_names[j]==svc_column) {
        svc_col_index <- j
    if (svc_col_index) {
      #write header string to output file r_tc_contains_svc
      write(file=paste(dir_out,tccontainssvcoutfile,sep="/"), append=F, x='tc_id\tsvc_id\tfraction')
      svc_recl_file <- paste('reclass_', attr_names[svc_col_index], '.txt', sep="")
      # check existence of file containing original SVC-IDs
      if (file.exists(svc_recl_file)) {
        svc_recl_dat <- read.table(svc_recl_file, header=T)
        mod_svc_ids <- svc_recl_dat$new_id
        org_svc_ids <- svc_recl_dat$original_id
      } else {
		warning(paste0(svc_recl_file, " not found. SVC-ids may have changed, please check."))
        # no reclass file found - don't change IDs
        mod_svc_ids <- 1:datacolumns[svc_col_index]
        org_svc_ids <- mod_svc_ids
    #---------end prepare file output r_tc_contains_svc
    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
# decomposition into TCs #-----------------------------------------------------
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Decomposition into TCs...")
    cluster_centers <- matrix(NA, nrow=nclasses, ncol=ncol(profs_resampled_stored)) # initialise matrix for cluster centers for each class
    lu_contains_tc <- NULL
    if (attr_weights_partition[1]==1) {
      if(!silent) message('% -> NOTE: only one TC per LU will be produced!')
    # save original mean_prof (for later plotting only)
    mean_prof_orig_t <- mean_prof
    #create labels for LUs
    lu_labels=NULL #labels for LUs consisting of appended class memberships for each attribute  
    for (i in 1:nclasses) {
      class_i <- which(cidx==unique_classes[i])
      curr_lu_key <- unique(cidx[class_i])
      lu_labels=c(lu_labels, curr_lu_key) #ii
    for (i in 1:nclasses) {
      if(!silent) message(paste('% -> partitioning class ', i, ' of ', nclasses, sep=""))
      # find all profiles belonging to current class
      class_i <- which(cidx==unique_classes[i])
      # empty cluster
      if (!any(class_i)) {
        cluster_centers[i,] <- NaN
      # get the ID of the currently treated LU
      curr_lu_key <- unique(cidx[class_i])
      if(length(curr_lu_key) > 1)
        stop("Unexpected error during partitioning of the mean profile for each LU: more than one LU identified in partitioning loop. Contact the package developer!")
      # if supplemental data exists, calculate average
      if (n_suppl_attributes) {
        mean_supp_data_t <- apply(profs_resampled_stored[class_i,(com_length+3):ncol(profs_resampled_stored), drop=F],2, mean)
        mean_supp_data <- matrix(mean_supp_data_t, ncol=com_length, nrow=n_supp_data_columns, byrow=T)
      } else {
        mean_supp_data <- 0      # no supplemental data present
      # compute x-dimension for current mean profile
      xvec <- c(0:(com_length-1))/(com_length-1)*mean_prof[i,(com_length+1)]
      # cluster centers can be saved for future use (supervised classification)
      if (classify_type=='save') {
        # store data for all supplemental attributes
        for (ii in 4:length(datacolumns)) {
          # for retrieval of this attribute
          attr_start_column <- 1+sum(datacolumns[4:(ii-1)])
          attr_end_column <- attr_start_column+datacolumns[ii]-1
          # for all points in profile
          for (jj in 1:com_length) {
            tmp_v <- c(tmp_v, mean_supp_data[attr_start_column:attr_end_column,jj])
        cluster_centers[i,] <- c(mean_prof[i,1:(com_length+2)], tmp_v) 
      } # end if classify_type==save

      # get exact horizontal resolution for exact plotting
      dx <- xvec[com_length]/(com_length-1)
      if (attr_weights_partition[1]==1) {
        # only one TC per LU has to be produced - not much work to be done
      } else {
        # decompose profile into terrain components
        #    [lim_var,lim_clu] = tc_decomp(mean_prof(i,1:com_length), mean_supp_data, datacolumns, attr_weights_partition, xvec,monocrome,plot_approx_ts);
        #    tc_decomp(prof, supp_data, datacolumns, attr_weights_partition, xvec, monocrome, plot_approx_ts)
        # fill hollows/sinks
        for (ii in 2:com_length) {
          mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii] <- max(mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii-1], mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii])
        # compute local slopes of profile
        prof_slopes <- vector("numeric", length=com_length-1)
        # the first and last point are treated differently
        prof_slopes[1] <- (mean_prof[i,1:com_length][2]-mean_prof[i,1:com_length][1])/dx
        for (ii in 2:(com_length-1)) {
          prof_slopes[ii] <- 0.5/dx*((mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii+1]-mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii])+(mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii]-mean_prof[i,1:com_length][ii-1]))
        prof_slopes[com_length] <- (mean_prof[i,1:com_length][com_length]-mean_prof[i,1:com_length][com_length-1])/dx
        # if supplemental data is present
        if (n_suppl_attributes>0 && any(attr_weights_partition[4:length(attr_weights_partition)]>0)) 
          supp_data_weighted <- NULL
          supp_data_weighted <- array(0, dim(mean_supp_data))
          # weigh supplemental information according to weighting factors given
          for (jj in 4:length(datacolumns)) {
            # if an attribute is to be weighted with 0, we can as well skip it
            if (attr_weights_partition[jj]==0) next
            attr_start_column <- sum(datacolumns[4:(jj-1)])+1
            attr_end_column <- attr_start_column+datacolumns[jj]-1
            supp_data_weighted[attr_start_column:attr_end_column,] <- mean_supp_data[attr_start_column:attr_end_column,]*attr_weights_partition[jj]/(attr_end_column-attr_start_column+1) 
          # data that is given to partitioning algorithm
          #remove columns without variability to conserve space and computation time
          to_keep=rep(TRUE, nrow(supp_data_weighted))
          for (jj in 1:nrow(supp_data_weighted)) 
            to_keep[jj] =  any(supp_data_weighted[jj,1] != supp_data_weighted[jj,]) #check if this row contains different values
          supp_data_weighted = supp_data_weighted[to_keep,]  
          pdata <- rbind(prof_slopes, supp_data_weighted)
        } else {
          # only the slope data is given to partitioning algorithm
          supp_data_weighted <- 0
          pdata <- matrix(prof_slopes,nrow = 1)

        # decomposition using min variance
        b_part <- best_partition_new(pdata, attr_weights_partition[1])

        qual <- b_part[1] # partitioning quality
        best_limits <- b_part[-1]  # best limits of partitioning
        if(!silent) message(paste('% -> partition by min variance: ', paste(best_limits, collapse=" "), 
                      '; fitting index_v = ', qual, sep=""))
        #decomposition using cluster analysis - deactivated
        best_limits_c <- NULL
        best_limits_c[1:(attr_weights_partition[1]-1)] <- 0
        if (FALSE){ 
          clusterdata <- pdata # matrix containing data that is fed to cluster analysis
          dummy_dim_appended <- 0 # flag if dummy dimension has already been appended
          # modify classification data by adding "location" dimensions [1..lengths]
          # until the classification produces spatially continuous clusters
          for (j in 1:(length(supp_data_weighted)*10+2)) {
            # cluster analysis
            kmeans_out <- kmeans(clusterdata, centers=attr_weights_partition[1], nstart=5)
            cidxtc <- kmeans_out$cluster    # cluster number for each point
            cmeanstc <- kmeans_out$centers # matrix of cluster centers
            fitc <- kmeans_out$withinss   # within-cluster sum of squares, one per cluster
            best_limits_c <- NULL
            continuous_clusters <- 1
            # check if clusters are continuous or distributed
            for (k in 1:attr_weights_partition[1]){
              xvec <- which(cidxtc==k) # find limits
              if (!any(xvec)) next
              # check if found cluster is connected / undistributed
              if (sqrt(sum((xvec - c(xvec[1]:(xvec[1]+length(xvec)-1)))^2)) != 0) {
                continuous_clusters <- 0
              } else if (xvec[1]!=1) {
                # the beginning of the profile is not an actual cluster limit, so don't store this
                best_limits_c <- c(best_limits_c, xvec[1])

            # continuous clustering achieved?
            if (continuous_clusters) {
            } else {
              if (!dummy_dim_appended) {
                # append another dummy- / location dimension (scaled to match the order of magnitude of the original data) and do another loop
                clusterdata <- c(clusterdata, c(1:length(prof_slopes))/length(prof_slopes)*mean(clusterdata ))
                dummy_dim_appended <- 1
              } else {
                # double the values of the existing dummy dimension to force the creation of continuous clusters
                clusterdata[length(clusterdata)] <- clusterdata[length(clusterdata)]*2
          } # end modify classification data
          # continuous clustering achieved?
          if (!continuous_clusters) {
            if(!silent) message('% -> WARNING: partitioning using cluster analysis failed.')  
            best_limits_c[1:(attr_weights_partition[1]-1)] <- 0
          } else {
            # sort limits to ascending order
            best_limits_c <- sort(best_limits_c)
            if(!silent) message(paste('% -> partition by clustering  : ', paste(best_limits_c, collapse=" "), '; fitting index_c = ', sqrt(sum((fitc)^2)), sep=""))
            # only for drawing - from beginning till end of profile
            best_limits_t <- c(1, best_limits_c, length(mean_prof[i,1:com_length]))
            xvec <- seq(0,(com_length-1)*dx, by=dx)
            # plot
            if (make_plots) {   
              lines(xvec[best_limits_t], mean_prof[i,1:com_length][best_limits_t], col="green")
              # plot limits using vertical lines
              for (m in 1:length(best_limits_c)) {
                lines(c((best_limits_c[m]-1)*dx, (best_limits_c[m]-1)*dx), c(mean_prof[i,1:com_length][best_limits_c[m]], max(mean_prof[i,1:com_length])*1.1), lty=2, col="green")
        # save values
        lim_var <- best_limits
        lim_clu <- best_limits_c
      } # end else attr_weights_partition[1]==1
      # plot orig
      if (make_plots) {
        plot(xvec, mean_prof_orig_t[i,1:com_length], type="l", xlab='horizontal length', ylab='relative elevation gain',
             main=paste("partitioning class ", i, sep=""))
      # plot filled
      if (make_plots) {
        points(xvec, mean_prof[i,1:com_length], pch=1)
      # plot parameterized slope
      if (make_plots) {  
        if(attr_weights_partition[1]==1) {
          lines(c(min(xvec), max(xvec)), mean_prof[i,c(1,com_length)], col="red")
        } else {
          # only for drawing - from beginning till end
          best_limits_t <- c(1, best_limits, length(mean_prof[i,1:com_length]))
          lines(xvec[best_limits_t], mean_prof[i,1:com_length][best_limits_t], col="red")
          # plot limits using vertical lines
          for (ii in 1:length(best_limits)) {       
            lines(c((best_limits[ii]-1)*dx, (best_limits[ii]-1)*dx), c(0, mean_prof[i,1:com_length][best_limits[ii]]), lty=2, col="red")
      # plot legend
      if (make_plots) { 
        #           legend("topleft", c("orig. toposequence", "filled profile", "approx. (min var)", "TC boundary (var)",
        #                               "approx. (cluster anal.)", "TC boundary (cluster anal.)"), lty=c(1,NA,1,2,1,2),
        #                  pch=c(NA,1,NA,NA,NA,NA), col=c("black", "black", "red","red","green","green"))
        # cluster analysis currently not supported and does not need to appear in plots
        legend("topleft", c("orig. toposequence", "filled profile", "approx. (min var)", "TC boundary (var)"), 
               lty=c(1,NA,1,2), pch=c(NA,1,NA,NA), col=c("black", "black", "red","red"))
      #----------file output lu.dat
      # write LU-ID, closest catena and its distance, catena length and relative elevation
      lu_out_dat <- c(i, p_id_unique[class_repr[i,1]], class_repr[i,2], round(mean_prof[i,(com_length+1):(com_length+2)],1))
      # write limits of TC-decomposition
      lu_out_dat <- c(lu_out_dat, lim_var, lim_clu)
      # write elevation data
      lu_out_dat <- c(lu_out_dat, round(mean_prof[i,1:com_length],2))
      # write for all catena points
      for (j in 1:nrow(mean_supp_data)) {
        # write data string to output file
        lu_out_dat <- c(lu_out_dat, round(mean_supp_data[j,],2))
      # write into file
      write(file=paste(dir_out,luoutfile,sep="/"), append=T, ncolumns=length(lu_out_dat), x=lu_out_dat, sep=tab)
      #----------end file output
      #----------file TC-output
      lim_var_t <- c(0.5, lim_var, com_length+0.5)
      # TC fractions
      frac_tc <- vector("numeric", length=ntc)
      for (j in 1:ntc) {
        frac_tc[j] <- (lim_var_t[j+1]-lim_var_t[j])/com_length
      lim_var_t[1] <- 1
      lim_var_t[length(lim_var_t)] <- com_length
      # set start of profile to zero
      mean_prof[i,1:com_length] <- mean_prof[i,1:com_length]-mean_prof[i,1]
      # TC slopes
      ts <- 0
      slope_tc <- NULL
      for (j in 1:ntc) { 
        if (lim_var_t[j+1]==1) {
          # partition at first point reaches halfway to next sampling point
          ydist <- 0.5*mean_prof[i,2]* mean_prof[i,com_length+2]
        } else if (lim_var_t[j]==com_length) {
          # partition at last point start halfway from previous sampling point
          ydist <- 0.5*(mean_prof[i,com_length]-mean_prof[i,com_length-1])* mean_prof[i,com_length+2]
        } else {
          if (lim_var_t[j+1]==com_length && j==(ntc-1)) {
            # if the last TC is one sampling point only, the second-to-last ends halfway before last sampling point
            ydist <- (0.5*(mean_prof[i,com_length]+mean_prof[i,com_length-1])-mean_prof[i,lim_var_t[j]])* mean_prof[i,com_length+2]
          } else {
            # normal case
            ydist <- (mean_prof[i,lim_var_t[j+1]]-mean_prof[i,lim_var_t[j]])* mean_prof[i,com_length+2]
        xdist <- mean_prof[i,com_length+1] * frac_tc[j]
        slope_tc[j] <- 100*ydist/xdist
        ts <- ts+ydist
      # write data fields for all TCs
      lu_id <- i
      for (j in 1:ntc) {
        dumstr <- ''
        treated_attribs <- 0
        tc_id <- (lu_id-1)*ntc+j  # generate a unique number for the TC
        from_point <- lim_var_t[j]
        till_point <- lim_var_t[j+1]
        # write data for all supplemental attributes
        for (ii in 4:length(datacolumns)) {
          # write all fields of this attribute for this catena point
          for (k in 1:datacolumns[ii]) {
            tmp_v <- round(mean(mean_supp_data[treated_attribs+k,from_point:till_point]),5)
            dumstr <- paste(dumstr, paste(tmp_v,collapse=tab),sep=tab)
            #---------output r_tc_contains_svc.dat
            # if this is the svc column...
            if (ii==svc_col_index) {
              # print out svc-fration, if greater than 0
              if (tmp_v) {
                # fraction of svc in current tc to output file r_tc_contains_svc
                write(file=paste(dir_out,tccontainssvcoutfile,sep="/"), append=T, x=paste(tc_id, org_svc_ids[k], tmp_v, sep=tab))
            #---------end output r_tc_contains_svc.dat
          # increase counter for attributes already treated
          treated_attribs <- treated_attribs+k
        # write constitution of this TC (tc.dat)
        write(file=paste(dir_out,tcoutfile,sep="/"), append=T, x=paste(tc_id, paste(dumstr,collapse=tab), sep=""))
      } # end loop over ntc
      tc_ids <- c(1:ntc)+(lu_id-1)*rep(1,ntc)*ntc
      lu_contains_tc <- rbind(lu_contains_tc, cbind(i*rep(1,ntc), tc_ids, round(frac_tc,5), 1:ntc, slope_tc))
      #----------end file TC-output
    } # end loop over nclasses for TC decomposition
  write.table(file=paste(dir_out,"lu_labels.dat",sep="/"), x=data.frame(no=1:nclasses, lu_labels=lu_labels), append=F, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=tab) #label file
    # close plot output device
  if (make_plots)
    # save remaining classification results
    # cluster centers can be saved for future use (supervised classification, single run only)
    if (classify_type=='save'){
      if(!silent) message(paste("% -> NOTE: saved cluster centers to ", dir_out, "/", saved_clusters, sep=""))
    # write LU contains TC files
    colnames(lu_contains_tc) <- c("lu_id", "tc_id", "fraction", "position", "slope")
    lu_contains_out <- matrix(lu_contains_tc[,-5], ncol=4, dimnames=list(NULL, colnames(lu_contains_tc)[-5])) # ensure matrix if even if only one row exists
    write.table(lu_contains_out, file=paste(dir_out,lucontainstcoutfile,sep="/"), quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep=tab)
    tc_dat <- cbind(lu_contains_tc[,2], rep("NA",nrow(lu_contains_tc)), round(lu_contains_tc[,5],2), rep(NA,nrow(lu_contains_tc)), rep(NA,nrow(lu_contains_tc)), rep(NA,nrow(lu_contains_tc)))
    colnames(tc_dat) <- c("pid", "description", "slope", "frac_rocky", "beta_fac", "sdr")
    write.table(tc_dat, file=paste(dir_out,terraincomponentsoutfile,sep="/"), quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep=tab)
    # stop sinking
    # restore original warning mode
      options(warn = oldw)
    if(!silent) message("% OK.")
    if(!silent) message('%')
    if(!silent) message("% DONE!")
    if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")

    # if an error occurs...
    }   , 
   error = function(e) {
     # stop sinking
     if (make_plots) dev.off() #close open devices
     # restore original warning mode
       options(warn = oldw)
} # EOF

### INTERNAL FUNCTIONS USED BY prof_class ###----------------------------------

# delivers partition quality: sum of weighted variances of subdivisions #------
get_part_quality <- function(data_mat, lim, cur_best=Inf) {
  # get number of points contained in this data (sub-)set
  n_points_in_data_mat <- ncol(data_mat) 
  qual <- 0
  lim <- c(1, lim, n_points_in_data_mat+1)
  # function get_part_quality() in original matlab script
  for (iii in 1:(length(lim)-1)) {
    part_start <- lim[iii] # start index of current partition
    part_end <- max(part_start,lim[iii+1]-1) # end index of current partition
    if (part_start==part_end) {
      next       # this CAN be done because the variance in a subsection that contains only one point is zero
      # it MUST be done because the var() function doesn't work as intended with one column matrices
      # if you use an alternative quality formula, remove the continue
    # factor for weighting the variance of this subdivisions in the overall variance
    wf <- (part_end-part_start)
    # sum up weighted variances of subdivisions
    w_var = wf*sum(apply(data_mat[,part_start:part_end, drop=FALSE], MAR=1, FUN = var)) 
    qual = qual + w_var
    if (qual >= cur_best) break #the current best is already reached or exceed, don't look any further
} # EOF

# partitioning of a hillslope into Terrain Components #------------------------
best_partition <- function(data_mat, no_part, cur_best=Inf) {
  n_points_in_data_mat <- ncol(data_mat) 
  # partition the vector in 2 only subdivisions
  if (no_part==2) {
    # initial value for loop
    best_lim_qual <- cur_best
    best_limit = 1
    startat <- 1
    for (jj in startat:n_points_in_data_mat) {
      # get quality of this subdivision
      lim_qual <- get_part_quality(data_mat, jj, best_lim_qual)
      # this subdivision is better than the previous best
      if (lim_qual < best_lim_qual) {
        best_lim_qual <- lim_qual    # set new best subdivision
        best_limit <- jj
    } # end loop over data_mat
    # return the best limitation found and its quality
    return(c(best_lim_qual, best_limit))  
  } else {
    # initial value for loop
    best_lim_qual <- Inf #cur_best
    bl = 1 #default: nothing better found
    for (ii in 1:(n_points_in_data_mat-no_part-2)) {
      # get best partitioning inside the remaining part - the returned quality value is not used
      bp <- best_partition(data_mat[,ii:n_points_in_data_mat, drop=FALSE], no_part-1, best_lim_qual) 
      lim_qual <- bp[1]
      if (lim_qual > best_lim_qual) next #no use searching any further
      best_limits <- bp[2:(no_part-1)]
      # with a limit at ii, the rest is best partitioned as contained in best_limits
      this_i_best_limits <- c(ii, best_limits+ii-1)
      # get the overall quality of this partitioning
      lim_qual <- get_part_quality(data_mat, this_i_best_limits, best_lim_qual)

      # this subdivision is better than the previous best
      if (lim_qual < best_lim_qual) {
        # set new best subdivision
        best_lim_qual <- lim_qual
        bl <- this_i_best_limits
    # return the best limitation found and its quality
    return(c(best_lim_qual, bl))
  } # end if no_part==2
} # EOF

best_partition_new <- function(data_mat, no_parts, start=NULL)
  shift_break = function(breaks, break_no, n_points_in_data_mat)
    if (breaks[break_no] < n_points_in_data_mat - (no_parts-1-break_no) ) #shifting possible?
      breaks[break_no:(no_parts-1)] = breaks[break_no] + (1:(no_parts-break_no)) else
      breaks=NA  #end reached
  variances = array(NA, no_parts)
  n_points_in_data_mat <- ncol(data_mat)
  breaks = 1:(no_parts-1)
  active_break = no_parts-1 #start shifting here
  if (!is.null(start)) breaks=start

  while (TRUE)
    #shift active break
    breaks_new = shift_break(breaks, break_no=active_break, n_points_in_data_mat = n_points_in_data_mat )
    if (is.na(breaks_new[1]))
      if (active_break == 1)  {       
        } else   #no previous break to shift, all done
        active_break=active_break-1 #shift previous break
        turnover=TRUE #remember to change to back next break after next iteration
        variances[active_break:(no_parts-1)]=NA #demark variances that need updating
    } else
    variances[active_break]=NA #from here, new calculation of variance is necessary
    if (turnover) active_break = no_parts-1  #back to shifting last break
    #update highest missing variance until rest
    start_part=min(which(is.na(variances)))  #no need to update all values, some did not change
    qual=sum(variances[1:(start_part-1)], na.rm=TRUE)
    lim <- c(1, breaks, n_points_in_data_mat+1)
    for (iii in start_part:(length(lim)-1)) {
      part_start <- lim[iii] # start index of current partition
      part_end <- max(part_start,lim[iii+1]-1) # end index of current partition
      if (part_start==part_end) {
        next       # this CAN be done because the variance in a subsection that contains only one point is zero
        # it MUST be done because the var() function doesn't work as intended with one column matrices
      # factor for weighting the variance of this subdivisions in the overall variance
      wf <- (part_end-part_start)
      # sum up weighted variances of subdivisions
      variances[iii] = wf*sum(apply(data_mat[,part_start:part_end, drop=FALSE], MAR=1, FUN = var))
      qual = qual + variances[iii]
      if (qual >= best_lim_qual) 
        active_break=min(active_break, iii)
        break #abort, if already worse than current best and modify this break
    if (qual < best_lim_qual) { #new optimun found
      # set new best subdivision
      best_lim_qual <- qual
      bl <- breaks
  return(c(best_lim_qual, bl))


# system.time({ıb2=best_partition(vec, 5)})
# b2
# get_part_quality(vec, b2)
# get_part_quality(vec, a[-1])
tpilz/lumpR documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 1:31 a.m.