
Defines functions buildMultiConfigFile getCellRangerMultiData getSampleMultiplexFiles prepareFastqData ezMethodCellRangerMulti

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

ezMethodCellRangerMulti <- function(input = NA, output = NA, param = NA) {
  sampleName <- input$getNames()
  dirList <- prepareFastqData(input, param)
  sampleDirs <- dirList$sampleDirs

  #3. Create the multi configuration file and command
  conf <- buildMultiConfigFile(input, param, dirList)
  configFileName <- conf$configFileName
  refDir <- conf$refDir
  cellRangerFolder <- str_sub(sampleName, 1, 45) %>% str_c("-cellRanger")
  #3. Build command
  cmd <- paste(
    "cellranger multi", paste0("--id=", cellRangerFolder),
    paste0("--localmem=", param$ram),
    paste0("--localcores=", param$cores),
    paste0("--csv=", configFileName)
  #4. Add additional cellranger options if specified
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$cmdOptions)) {
    cmd <- paste(cmd, param$cmdOptions)
  #5. Execute the command
  #7. Delete temp files and rename the final cellranger output folder
  unlink(basename(sampleDirs), recursive = TRUE)
  if (exists("featureDirs")){
  file.rename(file.path(cellRangerFolder, "outs"), sampleName)
  unlink(cellRangerFolder, recursive = TRUE)
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$controlSeqs) || ezIsSpecified(param$secondRef)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(sprintf("Removing %s", refDir))
    unlink(refDir, recursive = TRUE)
  #8. Optional removal of the bam files
    futile.logger::flog.info(ezSystem('find . -name "*_alignments.bam*" -type f'))
    ezSystem('find . -name "*_alignments.bam*" -type f -delete')
  #9. Generate expanded dataset.tsv:
  ds <- output$meta
  samplePath <- file.path(sampleName, 'per_sample_outs')
  subSampleDirs <- list.dirs(samplePath, recursive = FALSE)
  subSamples <- basename(subSampleDirs)
  expandedDS <- data.frame(Name = subSamples, Species = ds$Species, 
                                                refBuild = ds$refBuild, refFeatureFile = ds$refFeatureFile, 
                                                featureLevel = ds$featureLevel, transcriptTypes = ds$transcriptTypes)
  expandedDS[['ResultDir [File]']] <- file.path(param[['resultDir']], samplePath, subSamples)
  expandedDS[['Report [Link]']] <- file.path(expandedDS[['ResultDir [File]']], 'web_summary.html')
  expandedDS[['CountMatrix [Link]']] <- file.path(expandedDS[['ResultDir [File]']], 'count', 'sample_filtered_feature_bc_matrix')
  expandedDS[['Condition [Factor]']] = c('')
  expandedDS[['Order Id [B-Fabric]']] = ds[['Order Id [B-Fabric]']]
  commonPath <- file.path('/srv/GT/analysis/CM_datasets', basename(param[['resultDir']]))
  dsPath <- file.path(commonPath, 'expanded_dataset.tsv')
    ezWrite.table(expandedDS, dsPath, row.names = FALSE)
  } else {
      ezWrite.table(expandedDS, dsPath, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)  
  ezSystem(paste('/usr/local/ngseq/bin/g-req copynow -f', dsPath, file.path(param$dataRoot, param[['resultDir']])))

prepareFastqData <- function(input, param) {
  sampleName <- input$getNames()

  #1. Prepare GEX data
  sampleDirs <- getFastqDirs(input, "RawDataDir",sampleName)
  #1.1. decompress tar files if they are in tar format
  if (all(grepl("\\.tar$", sampleDirs)))
    sampleDirs <- tarExtract(sampleDirs, )
  #1.2. Subsample if chosen
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$nReads) && param$nReads > 0)
    sampleDirs <- sapply(sampleDirs, subsample, param)
  sampleDirs <- normalizePath(sampleDirs)
  #1.3. Fix FileNames if sampleName in dataset was changed
  fileLevelDirs <- list.files(sampleDirs)
  if(length(fileLevelDirs) == 1L){
    if(fileLevelDirs != sampleName){
        ezSystem(paste('mv', fileLevelDirs, sampleName))
        cmd <- paste('rename', paste0('s/',fileLevelDirs,'/',sampleName, '/'), paste0(sampleName,'/*.gz'))
  } else if(length(fileLevelDirs) > 1L){
      if(all(fileLevelDirs %in% sampleName)){
      } else {
          stop('multiple runs and renaming samples is an unsupported case')
  dirList <- list(sampleName=sampleName, sampleDirs=sampleDirs)
  #2. Check the dataset for the other modalities and get the fastq files
  libraryTypes <- as.vector(str_split(param$TenXLibrary, ",", simplify=TRUE))
  otherModColNames <- c("MultiDataDir", "FeatureDataDir", "VdjTDataDir", "VdjBDataDir")
  #2.1 VDJ-T
  if ("VDJ-T" %in% libraryTypes) {
    dataInfo <- getCellRangerMultiData(input, "VdjTDataDir", sampleName)
    dirList <- c(dirList, list(vdjtName=dataInfo[["multiName"]],
  #2.2 VDJ-B
  if ("VDJ-B" %in% libraryTypes) {
    dataInfo <- getCellRangerMultiData(input, "VdjBDataDir", sampleName)
    dirList <- c(dirList, list(vdjbName=dataInfo[["multiName"]],
  #2.3 Feature Barcoding
  if ("FeatureBarcoding" %in% libraryTypes) {
    dataInfo <- getCellRangerMultiData(input, "FeatureDataDir", sampleName)
    dirList <- c(dirList, list(featureName=dataInfo[["multiName"]],
  #2.4 Multiplexing
  if ("Multiplexing" %in% libraryTypes && !("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes)) {
    dataInfo <- getCellRangerMultiData(input, "MultiDataDir", sampleName)
    dirList <- c(dirList, list(multiplexName=dataInfo[["multiName"]],


getSampleMultiplexFiles <- function(input) {
  sampleName <- rownames(input$meta)
  projectId <- strsplit(dirname(input$meta[['RawDataDir']]),'/')[[1]][1]
  sampleMultiplexFolder <- file.path(input$dataRoot, projectId, paste0('o',input$meta[['Order Id']], '_metaData'))
  sampleMultiplexFiles <- list.files(sampleMultiplexFolder, full.names = TRUE)

getCellRangerMultiData <- function(input, multiColName, sampleName) {
  #2.1. Locate the multiplex sample
  multiDirs <- getFastqDirs(input, multiColName, sampleName)
  multiName <- gsub(".tar", "", basename(multiDirs))
  #2.2. Decompress the sample that contains the antibodies reads if they are in tar format
  if (all(grepl("\\.tar$", multiDirs)))
    multiDirs <- tarExtract(multiDirs)
  multiDirs <- normalizePath(multiDirs)
  return(list(multiName=multiName, multiDirs=multiDirs))

buildMultiConfigFile <- function(input, param, dirList) {
  configFileName <- tempfile(pattern = "multi_config", tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".csv")
  fileConn <- file(configFileName)
  fileContents <- c()
  refDir <- NULL
  libraryTypes <- as.vector(str_split(param$TenXLibrary, ",", simplify=TRUE))
  # Add 'GEX' to libraryTypes if 'fixedRNA' is in libraryTypes and 'GEX' is not
  libraryTypes <- if("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes && !"GEX" %in% libraryTypes) union(libraryTypes, "GEX") else libraryTypes
  # Write [Gene Expression] section
  if ("GEX" %in% libraryTypes) {
    refDir <- getCellRangerGEXReference(param)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, "[gene-expression]")
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, sprintf("reference,%s", refDir))
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, paste("create-bam,true"))
    if (ezIsSpecified(param$expectedCells)) {
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, 
                             sprintf("expect-cells,%s", param$expectedCells))
    if (!("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes)) {
      # include introns option only available with plain GEX, not fixedRNA
      includeIntronsLine <- 
        ifelse(ezIsSpecified(param$includeIntrons) && param$includeIntrons,
               "include-introns,true", "include-introns,false")
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, includeIntronsLine)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, c(""))
  if ("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes) {
    refDir <- getCellRangerGEXReference(param)
    myProbesetFile <- file.path('/srv/GT/databases/10x_Probesets/Chromium',param$probesetFile)
    outputFile <- sub('.csv','_filtered.csv', basename(myProbesetFile))
    maxHeaderLine <- max(grep('#', readLines(myProbesetFile)))
    headerSection <- readLines(myProbesetFile, n = maxHeaderLine)
    headerSection[grep('reference_genome', headerSection)] = paste0('#reference_genome=',basename(refDir))
    probeInfo <- ezRead.table(myProbesetFile, sep = ',', row.names = NULL, skip = maxHeaderLine)
    if (ezIsSpecified(param$customProbesFile) && param$customProbesFile != '') {
      customProbes <- ezRead.table(file.path(param$dataRoot, param$customProbesFile), sep=',', row.names=NULL) %>%
        mutate(gene_id=ifelse(startsWith(gene_id, "Gene_"), gene_id, paste0("Gene_", gene_id)),
               probe_id=ifelse(startsWith(probe_id, "Gene_"), probe_id, paste0("Gene_", probe_id)))
      probeInfo <- bind_rows(list(probeInfo, customProbes))
    annotation <- ezRead.table(file.path(refDir, 'star', 'geneInfo.tab'), row.names = NULL, skip = 1, header = FALSE)
    intersectionGenes <- intersect(annotation$V1, probeInfo$gene_id)
    probeInfo <- probeInfo[probeInfo$gene_id %in% intersectionGenes, ]
    writeLines(headerSection, outputFile)
    ezWrite.table(probeInfo, outputFile, sep = ',', row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, sprintf("probe-set,%s", file.path(getwd(), outputFile)))
    # add chemistry since it can result in an error otherwise (CellRanger 7.2)
    # TODO: Review down the line if this is necessary. Best case, we can remove
    # it to let CellRanger automatically choose the chemistry
    chemistry <- ifelse("Multiplexing" %in% libraryTypes, "MFRP", "SFRP")
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, sprintf("chemistry,%s", chemistry))
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, c(""))
  if (any(c("VDJ-T", "VDJ-B") %in% libraryTypes)) {
    vdjRefDir <- getCellRangerVDJReference(param)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, "[vdj]")
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, sprintf("reference,%s", vdjRefDir))
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, c(""))
  if ("FeatureBarcoding" %in% libraryTypes) {
    featureRefFile <- file.path(param$dataRoot, param$FeatureBarcodeFile)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, "[feature]")
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, sprintf("reference,%s", featureRefFile))
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, c(""))
  if ("Multiplexing" %in% libraryTypes && !("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes)) {
    multiplexBarcodeFile <- tempfile(pattern = "multi_barcode_set", tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".csv")
    multiplexBarcodeFile <- file.path(getwd(), multiplexBarcodeFile)
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, 
                           sprintf("cmo-set,%s", multiplexBarcodeFile))
    fileContents <- append(fileContents, c(""))
  # Feature barcoding
  # Fastq Files
  fileContents <- append(fileContents, c("[libraries]", "fastq_id,fastqs,feature_types"))
  if (any(c("GEX","fixedRNA") %in% libraryTypes)) {
    fileContents <- append(fileContents,
                           sprintf("%s,%s,%s", dirList$sampleName, dirList$sampleDirs, "Gene Expression"))
  if ("VDJ-T" %in% libraryTypes) {
    fileContents <- append(fileContents,
                           sprintf("%s,%s,%s", dirList$vdjtName, dirList$vdjtDirs, "VDJ-T"))
  if ("VDJ-B" %in% libraryTypes) {
    fileContents <- append(fileContents,
                           sprintf("%s,%s,%s", dirList$vdjbName, dirList$vdjbDirs, "VDJ-B"))
  if ("FeatureBarcoding" %in% libraryTypes) {
    fileContents <- append(fileContents,
                           sprintf("%s,%s,%s", dirList$featureName, dirList$featureDirs, "Antibody Capture"))
  if ("Multiplexing" %in% libraryTypes && !("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes)) {
    fileContents <- append(fileContents,
                           sprintf("%s,%s,%s", dirList$multiplexName, dirList$multiplexDirs, "Multiplexing Capture"))
  fileContents <- append(fileContents, "")
  # sample mapping
  if ("Multiplexing" %in% libraryTypes) {
    sampleName <- rownames(input$meta)
    sampleMultiplexFiles <- getSampleMultiplexFiles(input)
    names(sampleMultiplexFiles) <- paste0('^', sub('_Sample2Barcode.csv', '', basename(sampleMultiplexFiles)), '$')
    sampleMultiplexFile <- sampleMultiplexFiles[which(sapply(names(sampleMultiplexFiles), grepl, sampleName))]
    sampleMultiplexMapping <- read_csv(sampleMultiplexFile, show_col_types = FALSE)
    concatCols <- function(y) {return(paste(as.character(y), collapse=","))}
    if(!("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes)){
      # Load multiplex barcode set and subset
      multiplexBarcodeSet <- read_csv(file.path("/srv/GT/databases/10x/CMO_files", param$MultiplexBarcodeSet), show_col_types = FALSE)
      multiplexBarcodeSet <- multiplexBarcodeSet %>%
      filter(id %in% sampleMultiplexMapping$cmo_ids)
      data.table::fwrite(multiplexBarcodeSet, file=multiplexBarcodeFile, sep=",")
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, c("[samples]", "sample_id,cmo_ids"))
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, 
                           apply(sampleMultiplexMapping, 1, concatCols))
    } else if("fixedRNA" %in% libraryTypes){
      sampleMultiplexMapping$description = sampleMultiplexMapping$sample_id
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, c("[samples]", "sample_id,probe_barcode_ids,description"))
      fileContents <- append(fileContents, apply(sampleMultiplexMapping, 1, concatCols))
  # write outputs  
  writeLines(fileContents, fileConn)
  return(list(configFileName=configFileName, refDir=refDir))

##' @author NoƩ, Falko
##' @template app-template
##' @templateVar method ezMethodCellRanger(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA)
##' @description Use this reference class to run
EzAppCellRangerMulti <-
              contains = "EzApp",
              methods = list(
                initialize = function() {
                  "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                  runMethod <<- ezMethodCellRangerMulti
                  name <<- "EzAppCellRangerMulti"
                  appDefaults <<- rbind(
                    TenXLibrary = ezFrame(
                      Type = "charVector",
                      DefaultValue = "GEX",
                      Description = "Which 10X library?"
                    chemistry = ezFrame(
                      Type = "character",
                      DefaultValue = "auto",
                      Description = "Assay configuration."
                    expectedCells = ezFrame(
                      Type = "numeric",
                      DefaultValue = 10000,
                      Description = "Expected number of cells."
                    includeIntrons = ezFrame(
                      Type = "logical",
                      DefaultValue = TRUE,
                      Description = "Count reads on introns."
                    controlSeqs = ezFrame(
                      Type = "charVector",
                      DefaultValue = "",
                      Description = "control sequences to add"
                    keepBam = ezFrame(
                        Type = "logical",
                        DefaultValue = FALSE,
                        Description = "keep bam file produced by CellRanger"
uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.